2014 Keenan - Distres y Reclutamiento

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OPINION Lung recruitment in acute respiratory distress
syndrome: what is the best strategy?
Joseph C. Keenan a, Paolo Formenti b, and John J. Marini c

Purpose of review
Supporting patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) using a low tidal volume strategy is a
standard practice in the ICU. Recruitment maneuvers can be used to augment other methods, like positive
end-expiratory pressure and positioning, to improve aerated lung volume. Clinical practice varies widely,
and optimal method and patient selection for recruitment maneuvers have not been determined.
Recent findings
Recent developments include experimental and clinical evidence that a stepwise extended recruitment
maneuver may match the improvement in aerated lung volume seen with sustained inflation traditionally
used, with less adverse effects. Positioning and other chest wall modifications may be useful adjuncts to
recruitment maneuvers. In addition, evidence from clinical studies in the operating room suggests that
recruitment maneuvers, as a component of an open lung strategy, may be helpful for mechanically
ventilated patients with normal lungs.
As a component of ventilation strategy for patients with ARDS, the use of recruitment maneuvers, especially
a stepwise maneuver, in addition to adequate positive end-expiratory pressure and appropriate
positioning, is suggested by currently available data. Until their effect on clinical outcomes is further
defined, the use of recruitment maneuvers in ARDS and other settings will continue to be guided by
individual clinician experience and patient factors.
acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, positive end-expiratory pressure titration,
recruitment maneuver

INTRODUCTION system have been shown to improve for brief periods

Ventilatory management for the injured lung is with a variety of recruitment maneuvers. Recent
continuously evolving, but is still characterized by meta-analyses have not found lasting improvement
pressure/volume-limited lung protection strategies in clinical outcomes [3,4] possibly due to method-
that lead to a potential risk of derecruitment, especi- ology and population heterogeneity.
ally if sufficient positive end-expiratory pressure The aim of this study is to summarize the
(PEEP) is not applied. Thus, recruitment maneuvers physiologic rationale of recruitment maneuvers,
have become a component of some ventilatory different methodologies, and the recent findings
strategies. They are generally defined as a dynamic,
intentional, transient process of opening previously a
Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Section, Depart-
collapsed lung unit by increasing transpulmonary ment of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,
pressure (Ptp) [1] occurring along the entire inspir- Unità Operativa di Anestesia e Rianimazione, Azienda Ospedaliera San
Paolo – Polo Universitario, Milan, Italy and cPulmonary and Critical Care,
atory pressure–volume curve [2]. Although
Regions Hospital, Saint Paul, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
traditionally considered a method using airway Minnesota, USA
pressure, it may also be accomplished by altering Correspondence to Joseph C. Keenan, Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care
chest wall elastance, spontaneous breathing and Sleep Medicine Section, Department of Medicine, University of
activity, or body position changes. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Tel: +1 612 624 0999;
In the setting of acute respiratory distress syn- e-mail: keen0061@umn.edu
drome (ARDS), oxygenation, functional residual Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:63–68
capacity (FRC), and elastance of the respiratory DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000054

1070-5295 ß 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins www.co-criticalcare.com

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Respiratory system

required to avoid re-collapse and maintain aeration

KEY POINTS once opened. The magnitude of Ptp is an important
 Recruitment maneuvers are helpful in increasing factor in determining both the likelihood of success
aerated lung volume, which decreases strain and tidal and adverse effects [5].
recruitment/derecruitment. The length of time that a given distending pres-
sure is applied has less importance in determining
 Patients with early, severe ARDS with diffuse changes
recruiting success [6]. In an effort to quantify the
on chest radiograph and low lung compliance are
good candidates for recruitment maneuver. relationship between magnitude of Ptp and the
duration of inflation, and to allow comparison
 A stepwise recruitment maneuver with increasing PEEP between different methods, the term ‘pressure–time
and a stable driving pressure (Fig. 1) that gradually product’ is used. However, these are not equivalent
approaches maximum tidal pressures will achieve the
variables; at commonly applied pressures, most
majority of attainable recruitment while minimizing
hemodynamic compromise and production of humoral recruitment occurs in the first few seconds of a
markers of lung damage. sustained inflation [7]. Time does play an important
role in hemodynamic alterations, which generally
 Postrecruitment application of adequate PEEP, occur with a longer duration of inflation.
appropriate positioning, and vigilant management of
Although most studies have evaluated recruit-
fluid balance are all critical to maintain recruitment
maneuver-generated gains in aeration. ment maneuvers in the context of ARDS, this inter-
vention may be of value in patients with atelectasis
related to general anesthesia, during postoperative
ventilation, following suctioning, after endotra-
in clinical and experimental studies that suggest cheal intubation, or in other conditions producing
possible risks and benefits of this procedure and hypoxemia, including heart failure [8,9].
its role in ventilator strategies. Both compressive and absorptive atelectasis can
occur in ARDS and all the above-mentioned con-
ditions. Often, the airway pressure required to re-
PHYSIOLOGY OF RECRUITMENT open and recruit distal lung units collapsed due to
Ptp, the difference between airway pressure (Paw) compressive atelectasis is relatively moderate and
and pleural pressure (Ppl), is the lung’s distending may be accomplished by positioning. Most lung
pressure. A successful recruitment maneuver needs units re-open at airway pressures below 35 cmH2O,
to overcome chest wall elastance and impart a Ptp of but considerably higher pressures may be required
a magnitude that opens collapsed alveoli. At a given for absorptive atelectasis, especially if the chest wall
Ptp, the lung volume is usually higher on the expir- is stiff [10,11].
atory limb than the inspiratory limb of the pressure– Reversal of atelectasis may decrease potentially
volume curve, suggesting that a lower pressure is damaging tidal opening/closing cycles, as well as

Airway 50

Decremental PEEP titration



Stable driving pressure, increasing PEEP

10–15 minutes

FIGURE 1. Schematic of a stepwise recruitment maneuver followed by decremental PEEP titration. PEEP, positive end-
expiratory pressure.

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Best strategy for lung recruitment in ARDS Keenan et al.

reduce the shear forces associated with ventilating Chest wall modification
heterogeneous lungs. In addition, increasing lung Alteration of the pleural compartment that
volume at a given tidal volume decreases the venti- surrounds the lung may increase and sustain the
lator-induced lung injury (VILI) associated strain Ptp. Because Ppl, and therefore Ptp, vary site to site
ratio of tidal volume to FRC [12]. Thus, identifying within the thorax, regional recruitment or com-
patients who will respond to a recruitment maneu- pression may occur even when the overall FRC does
ver is important, and several studies have identified not change.
characteristics that may predict this positive The least invasive method is to allow spon-
response such as measured oxygenation, lung ela- taneous breathing activity. Active expansion of
stance, and amount of dead space – all factors that the chest wall decreases Ppl and will contribute to
indicate higher severity of lung injury [13]. Ptp. In addition, gentle spontaneous breathing leads
to more physiologic distribution of aeration in
dependent lung fields [18 ]. Caution is called for,
TYPES OF RECRUITMENT MANEUVERS however, as during pressure controlled modes
Recruitment maneuvers, broadly defined, can be vigorous efforts may cause Ptp to be markedly
separated into categories based on the method underestimated by airway pressure. There is also risk
of intervention. of tidal derecruitment if, as a result of active exha-
lation, lung volume drops below the FRC associated
with passive exhalation.
Airway pressure-based maneuvers Other chest wall modifications include decom-
Airway pressure-based recruitment maneuvers are pression of the abdomen, drainage of pleural effu-
the most frequently used technique in clinical set- sion, relaxation of the thoracic and abdominal
tings, and sustained inflation to high Paw is the muscles, cessation of expiratory muscle activity,
most commonly used method. A continuous initiation of diaphragmatic activity, and using
positive airway pressure mode with Paw of 35– upright or prone positioning. These changes of pos-
45 cmH2O applied for 30–40 s has become the most ition and muscle activity tend to be applied for
commonly reported method [4]. An early method lengthy periods, so that the boost in Ptp that results
used in conjunction with monotonous tidal from them is sustained, producing a PEEP-like effect.
volumes was to interpose large breaths at regular A recent experimental study demonstrated that the
intervals to mimic ‘sighs’ observed during normal application of negative pressure ( 5 cmH2O) to the
breathing in healthy individuals. It can be set as a abdominal wall might aid recruitment and increase
number of independent or consecutive sighs to PaO2 [19 ]. However, sustained use was associated
reach high inspiratory pressure in either the pressure with hemodynamic depression and lactic acidosis.
or volume-control mode or a periodic increase in
PEEP for a few breaths [14]. Diverse methods that
continue ventilation using stepwise increases in Positioning
peak pressure and/or PEEP have been employed, The prone position acts as a regional recruitment
with a goal of mitigating the prolonged high Ptp maneuver, increasing Ptp in dorsal regions and
used in sustained inflation. Examples include incre- causing a shift in heart weight from the lung
mental increase in PEEP with a stable peak end- beneath it onto the ventral chest wall [20]. More-
inspiratory pressure [15], or in others a stepped, over, this redistribution of Ptp is maintained, pro-
prolonged recruitment maneuver [11] using a fixed ducing a regional ‘PEEP-like’ effect that consolidates
driving pressure or tidal volume and a stepwise the dorsal recruitment associated with the position
increase in PEEP (Fig. 1). change [21]. In addition to increasing aerated
volume, prone position improves ventilation–
perfusion matching and may aid in clearance of
Ventilation mode secretions. A recent prospective study in patients
Certain nontraditional modes of ventilation, such with early ARDS demonstrated that a recruitment
as airway pressure release ventilation and high- maneuver (45 cmH2O extended sigh) combined
frequency oscillatory ventilation, maintain inher- with prone positioning led to a significant and
ently higher mean airway pressures during tidal durable improvement in oxygenation, as compared
breathing, thereby promoting recruitment [16]. to the same recruitment maneuver in the supine
Both strategies have been shown to improve position [20].
oxygenation, but there is no evidence that these Despite optimistic findings regarding prone
methods reduce mortality or improve clinical out- position, many patients with ARDS are managed
comes [17]. in the supine position. Semi-Fowler’s and further

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Respiratory system

movements in the sagittal plane towards sitting More detailed, location-specific and precise
upright shift the heart and abdominal contents evaluations can be attained in the research setting
caudally, increasing the effective Ptp, especially in through the use of quantitative computed tomogra-
peri-diaphragmatic regions. Such changes tend to phy (CT) [30]. Bedside impedance tomography also
relieve compressive forces that otherwise may cause allows visualization of distribution and dynamics of
small airway compression with airflow obstruction aeration, but lacks the precision of CT [31]. Measures
and tissue collapse [22 ]. of exhaled CO2 and dead-space are influenced by the
enormous and changeable contributions of body-
stored CO2 and do not reliably reflect the effects of
recruitment [32 ].
Sighs imposed on a ventilation pattern with
unchanged PEEP have been found to have a rela-
tively short duration of effectiveness [23]. Methods CLINICAL USE
using frequencies of up to 180/h were associated Sustained recruitment is understood to be of value in
with elevated serum levels of inflammatory markers ARDS, but indications as well as methods for achiev-
in experimental models [24]. Decreasing frequency ing it differ significantly among centers. In some
decreased markers of inflammation. The lack of practices, recruitment maneuvers are considered
maintained post-recruitment maneuver improve- innately hazardous and therefore shunned or used
ment in aeration, a key to decreasing VILI, helps only as a rescue attempt in the setting of refractory
explain the current lack of enthusiasm for periodic hypoxemia or to reduce postsuctioning atelectasis. In
sighs. others, recruitment maneuvers are routine prerequi-
Stepwise or extended sigh maneuvers improve sites for setting PEEP decrementally.
lung aeration as effectively as sustained inflation with Some patients without primary lung disease
lower mean airway pressures and consequently, less may benefit from recruitment as well. Atelectasis
risk of hemodynamic compromise and hyperinfla- is often present in patients with abnormally high
tion [11,25]. Recent experimental models of pulmon- chest wall elastance, including those with massive
ary and extrapulmonary ARDS compared different obesity and ascites. On the basis of data during
recruitment maneuver strategies [26 ,27,28]. All laparoscopic surgery, recruitment can improve
methods improved respiratory system elastance, FRC, elastance, and oxygenation [33 ]. Patients with
but sustained inflation produced more severe epi- normal surfactant activity would be expected to
thelial and messenger RNA markers of alveolar dam- tolerate some degree of atelectasis well – as exem-
age, and less surfactant protein in the pulmonary plified by normal obese patients and those with
ARDS model. In the extrapulmonary model, both congestive heart failure who do not develop VILI.
sustained inflation and the stepwise increase to sus- However, a recent clinical study found improved
tained inflation caused endothelial injury and outcomes using a low tidal volume strategy during
increased vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. abdominal surgery, suggesting that an open lung
Although sustained inflation and periodic sighs strategy, including recruitment, could improve out-
appear to increase the release of inflammatory comes in mechanically ventilated patients without
markers, the practical significance of such differ- ARDS [34 ].
ences, if any, remains to be clarified.

MONITORING RECRUITMENT MANEUVER Recruitment maneuver is not without risks and
RESPONSE predicting its response could decrease the number
Changes of oxygenation and tidal respiratory sys- of patients exposed unnecessarily. The earlier or
tem elastance are frequently used to evaluate ‘exudative’ phase of ARDS has a better chance of
recruitment maneuver responses. However, neither successful recruitment than the late or ‘fibrotic’
precisely reflects lung status. Judgment regarding phase [10]. Patient-specific characteristics include
recruitment success or failure should be withheld the primary pathology driving ARDS: in general,
until the recruitment maneuver is completed or extrapulmonary ARDS is more recruitable [35].
terminated. As a value subject to hemodynamic as Patients with diffuse changes on imaging have
well as airspace dynamics, arterial oxygenation is better chance of successful recruitment than those
influenced by maneuver-related transient factors. with markedly focal changes. A higher baseline PEEP
Pulse oximetry is relatively insensitive to improve- level is associated with decreased effectiveness of
ments in arterial oxygen tension, but better in recruitment maneuvers [36]. Severe ARDS is more
detecting maneuver-related desaturation [29]. recruitable than mild or moderate ARDS, and high

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Best strategy for lung recruitment in ARDS Keenan et al.

respiratory system elastance was associated with meaningful clinical outcomes will be helpful in
increased recruitability in clinical studies [13]. In achieving consensus regarding their appropriate
contrast, patients with low chest wall elastance are place in medical practice. In the meantime, appli-
less likely to successfully recruit [10], and a meta- cation to selected patients will be determined by
analysis suggested that high respiratory system ela- clinicians at the bedside based on their own
stance predicted less improvement in oxygenation interpretation of available data.
with recruitment [4].
EFFECTS Conflicts of interest
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