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Foro 1 – English I

(Forum, in English)

See “Tips para usar SAIA” (“Información General”), there is a procedure to participate in any Foro in SAIA

Please, do not send any file, just write directly in the Foro:

To participate in this “Foro”, each student should complete (in ENGLISH), the following.
Say your name, last name and the name of your school, in a presentation way (Example: My
name is Peter Perez, I am an Industrial Engineering student, or My name is Peter Perez, I study
in the Industrial Engineering School). If you are not living in Venezuela, say the city and country
where you are living. (1%)
1) Say, in your opinion, ¿What is the SIMPLE PRESENT TIME? (1%)
2) Write six (6) sentences in SIMPLE PRESENT TIME using one REGULAR VERB and one
IRREGULAR VERB, from the list below. Each of the verbs that you are going to use, is
according to the last number of your ID (Cedula de Identidad), for example: if the last
number of your ID is 3, them, You only can use the verbs in the list with the number 3
(Regular and Irregular). The six (6) sentences will have the following form:
a) One sentence in simple present time affirmative form, using a regular verb (1%)
b) One sentence in simple present time negative form, using a regular verb (1%)
c) One sentence in simple present time interrogative form, using a regular verb (1%)
d) One sentence in simple present time affirmative form, using an irregular verb (1%)
e) One sentence in simple present time negative form, using an irregular verb (1%)
f) One sentence in simple present time interrogative form, using an irregular verb (1%)
NOTE: if you use a regular or irregular verb not according to your ID, the answer will be incorrect.

3) Explain, using the Simple Present Time, ¿Why do you want to be an engineer or architect?
Value of the Foro: 10%
Initial date: May 17, 2020
Due delivery date (last day to deliver the Foro): June 07, 2020 at 23:55 (01 more week than the
initial plan, due to delay of the student’s inscription process)

Regular Verbs Simple Form List

(Understanding and Using English Grammar - Schrampfer Azar, Betty (Textbook) - Chapter 2)

Last # of your Simple Last # of your Simple

ID Form ID Form
0 clap 0 need
1 clean 1 play
2 decide 2 rob
3 finish 3 save
4 hope 4 smell
5 invite 5 start
6 laugh 6 stop
7 listen 7 study
8 look 8 want
9 miss 9 watch
Irregular Verbs Simple Form List
(Understanding and Using English Grammar - Schrampfer Azar, Betty (Textbook) p27 (43/548))

Last # of your Simple Last # of your Simple

ID Form ID Form
0 awake 5 freeze
1 begin 6 get
2 bring 7 give
3 built 8 go
4 burn 9 hear
5 buy 0 hide
6 catch 1 hit
7 choose 2 hold
8 come 3 hurt
9 cost 4 keep
0 cut 5 know
1 dig 6 learn
2 draw 7 leave
3 dream 8 let
4 drink 9 lie
5 drive 0 light
6 eat 1 lose
7 fall 2 make
8 feed 3 mean
9 feel 4 meet
0 fight 5 pay
1 find 6 prove
2 fly 7 put
3 forget 8 read
4 forgive 9 ride

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