Malvar CSDS FinalsAct7

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Ralph Ian S.

Malvar Computer System and Data Security May 10, 2020

BSI/T-3CommonB Mr. Carmelo Alojado

Activity no. 7

Kindly interpret the meaning of the picture based on the digital forensics topic.

First Scenario:
“You caught a virus from your computer and we had to erase your brain. I hope you’ve got a back-up

The digital evidence is fragile and can be altered, damaged, or destroyed by improper handling or

 The digital evidence here is the patient’s brain/memory that is fragile and can be altered,
damaged or destroyed by improper handling or examination which is in this scenario the doctor
had to erase his brain/memory.

Digital evidence is information and digital data of investigative value that is recorded or preserved on
electronic devices.

 Digital evidence here is the patient’s memory that is just like the digital data is should be
recorded or preserved on electronic devices which is in this case is the patient’s brain. So that is
why the doctor hope the patient have a back-up copy of his memory.

Second Scenario:
“Maybe you could get someone to steal just the parts of your identity that annoy me.”

The digital evidence should be thoroughly assessed with respect to the scope of the case to determine
the course of action.

 The digital evidence here is the brain/memory of the man/husband.

 The scope of the case here is the parts of the woman/wife that annoys the man/husband.

 The course of action here is to get/hire someone to steal the digital evidence in this case is the
parts of the identity.

Transfer fragile data to a non-volatile medium/device without disrupting any other component of the

 The fragile data here is the memory of the man/husband that he wanted to get rid of.

 The other component of the computer here pertains to the man/husband’s good memory about
his wife.

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