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Searchline Excel: Plastic Functional Test Filters - Cross Duct

Dear Colleagues

From January 2004 onwards, a new range of plastic test filters will be available for
performing functional testing on cross-duct versions of Searchline Excel. The benefits
of these filters compared to their predecessors will be as follows:-

1) Specifically designed for obtaining optimum results with Searchline Excel

2) Designed to locate in a consistent position in front of the Searchline Excel
3) Available in kits covering a range sufficiently broad to simulate low and high
alarm conditions for all gas calibrations available for Searchline Excel.
4) Filters are letter coded, requiring the operator to refer to the manual to identify
the right filter for performing a particular test. There are no potentially
misleading LEL.m reading numbers printed on the filters.

The set of filters is lettered from A to H, with the reading a filter produces increasing
in alphabetical order.

Whilst the new filters can be used with all Mod states of Searchline Excel units, they
have been specifically designed to work with cross-duct Excel units of Mod state 3
(or higher).

The part number for this new test filter set is 2104N3000

Testing of Mod state 2 (or lower) cross-duct Excel units should continue to be
performed using the original plastic test filters, with the results to be anticipated
detailed in Issue 8/9 of the Technical Handbook, 2104M0506.

The procedures for using these functional test filters are detailed in the following

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Functional Testing of Cross-Duct Searchline Excel

The correct function of a cross-duct Searchline Excel unit can be verified using
plastic functional test filters. When introduced into the measurement path, plastic test
filters produce infrared absorption which approximates that of hydrocarbon gas.

Note: Because plastic filters have infrared absorption properties that only
approximate those of hydrocarbon gas, they cannot be used for testing the
calibration of cross-duct Searchline Excel units. The only way of testing the
calibration of a cross-duct Searchline Excel unit is by using high %V/V gas in the
gassing cell, which is how cross-duct Searchline Excel units are calibrated in the

The functional test filters supplied for testing cross-duct Searchline Excel units do not
have a specified gas reading range. Instead, they are marked with letters A to H, with
the reading produced by each filter increasing from filter A to filter H.

The procedure for testing a cross-duct Searchline Excel using the functional test
filters is as follows:-

1) Connect the SHC-1 Handheld Interrogator to the unit to be tested.

2) Select DISPLAY from the Calibration menu.

3) Undo the three bolts on the lid of the mounting cell.

4) Lift the lid off of the mounting cell.

5) Insert a suitable functional test filter (see table below) into the slot in the
mounting cell in front of the receiver.

Duct Width Minimum Test Recommended

Filter Test Filter
0.5 - 0.75m A B
0.75 - 1.0m B C
1.0 - 1.5m C D
1.5 - 2.0m D E
2 - 3m E F
3 - 4m F G
4 - 5m F H

6) If this is the first time that the unit has been tested with this particular test
filter, record the gas reading that is produced. This reading should be treated
as correct and should be used to verify correct operation in the future.

7) If this is not the first time that the unit has been tested with this particular filter,
note the gas reading it produces and compare it to the original value recorded
for this unit when tested with this filter. Provided that the reading is within
±15% LEL of the original value, the unit is working correctly. If the unit is
working correctly, proceed to step 17.

8) If the gas reading is not within the expected range it is possible that the unit
needs cleaning or re-zeroing.

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9) Loosen the fixings which secure the retroreflector and remove it from the duct
wall for cleaning.

10) Using a damp, lint-free cloth, clean the surface of the retroreflector.

11) Place the retroreflector back on the duct wall and tighten down the fastenings
that secure it.

12) Using a damp, lint-free cloth, carefully clean the front face of the beamsplitter
and the receiver window. (See Figs 1 and 2)

Fig 1

Fig 2

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13) Remove the test filter from the slot.

14) Using the SHC-1 in CALIBRATE menu, re-zero the unit.

15) Insert the chosen test filter into the slot in the mounting cell in front of the

16) Verify that the reading produced by the test filter is now within
±15%LEL of the reading originally obtained with this filter.

17) Remove the test filter from the slot.

18) Replace the lid on the mounting cell and tighten down the three retaining

19) Release the unit under test from INHIBIT by selecting the MAIN menu option.

20) Disconnect the SHC-1 Handheld from the unit being tested.

-------------------- END ----------------------

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