Frost 1

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Turn Order (p.

• Initiative: Roll for who goes first in each of
the following phases
• Wizard Phase: Each player activates his
wizard plus up to 3 soldiers within 3” Line of Sight
• Apprentice Phase: Each player activates
his apprentice plus up to 3 soldiers within 3” Line of Sight
• Soldier Phase: Each player activates
all his soldiers that have not previously
• Creature Phase: All non-controlled
creatures activate
Activation (p.30)
All figures normally have 2 actions.
• Move (must use one activation)
• 2nd Move (Half distance)

• Fight
• Shoot
• Cast spell
• Pick up / drop treasure
• Special
Group Activation
All figures in a group activation must move as
their first action.

Movement (p.32)
• Climbing or Rough Ground: 2” for every
1” or partial 1”
• Jumping: Figures can jump up to 4”
horizontally, but must have moved the same
distance in a straight line
• Combat: A figure In Combat may not move
• Forcing Combat: A figure not In Combat
may intercept an enemy figure that moves
within 1”
• Falling: Less than 3” – no effect
Greater than 3” – take damage = 1.5 x
distance in inches

Collecting Treasure (p.44)

Treasure cannot be picked up if an enemy is
within 1”.
A figure may only carry one treasure token.
A figure carrying treasure has Move halved
and Fight -1.

Combat (p.35)
• Both players roll a die.
• Both figures add their Fight stat and any other Fight bonuses. (+2 for supporting figure).
• Determine the winner of the combat (in ties, both figures deal damage).
• Add any damage bonuses for two-handed or magic weapons to the winner’s final Fight total.
• Subtract the opponent’s armour from this total.
• Apply any damage multipliers (such as the Ice Toad’s x3 damage).
• If this final total is positive, subtract that many points from the loser’s Health. If it is 0
or negative, no damage is done.
• Winning figure chooses whether to remain In Combat or push back either figure 1”.

Shooting (p.38)
Same as for combat, except shooter uses Shoot stat while the defender uses Fight stat.
In the event of a tie, no damage is done.

Shooting Modifier Table

Circumstance Modifier Notes
Intervening Terrain +1 Every piece of intervening terrain or figure between the shooter
and the target gives a +1. This is cumulative, so three pieces of
intervening terrain would provide a +3 modifier. Note that if the
target is in base contact with a terrain piece, it counts as cover
instead of intervening terrain. If a shooter is in base contact with a
terrain piece, it does not count as intervening terrain, though it may
block line of sight.

Light Cover +2 The target is in contact with cover that obscures up to half of his

body. This includes other figures.

Heavy Cover +4 The target is in contact with cover that almost completely obscures

his body. This includes other figures.

Hasty Shot +1 The shooter previously moved during this activation
Large Target -2 The target is particularly tall or unusually broad. This normally only

applies to creatures who will have the 'Large' trait.

Spell Casting (p.43)

Roll die. -2 if Apprentice. Roll must be equal to or greater than the Casting Number.
Empowering: Increase Casting Roll by 1 for every 1 health spent.
Spell Failure Table
Amount By Which Casting Roll Failed Damage Taken by Spellcaster

1–4 None
5–9 1 Damage
10–19 2 Damage
20+ 5 Damage
Creature Actions:
Creatures never attack another creature and always force combat
Combat – Fight – Move into combat
Figure within 10” LOS – Move – Fight or Move
None of the above – random movement – move or none


Create Wizard.
School of Magic (Chronomancer, Elementalist, Enchanter, Illusionist, Necromancer, Sigilist,
Soothsayer, Summoner, Thaumaturge, Witch)

8 spell points
3 MUST come from main school
1 spell from each aligned school
Final 2 spells must come from two different schools that you are neutral to.
Starting wizard may not choose a spell from opposed school.

• Crumble
• Decay
• Fast Act
• Fleet Feet
• Petrify
• Slow
• Time Store
• Time Walk
Aligned: Necromancy, Soothsayer, Elemental
Neutral: Witch, Summoning, Thaumaturgy, Sigil, Illusion
Opposed: Enchantment

• Call Storm
• Destructive Sphere
• Elemental Ball
• Elemental Bolt
• Elemental Hammer
• Elemental Shield
• Scatter Shot
• Wall
Aligned: Chronomancy, Summoning, Enchantment
Neutral: Witch, Thaumaturgy, Sigil, Necromancy, Soothsayer
Opposed: Illusion

• Animate Construct
• Control Construct
• Embed Enchantment
• Enchant Armour
• Enchant Weapon
• Grenade
• Strength
• Telekinesis
Aligned: Witch, Sigil, Elemental
Neutral: Necromancy, Soothsayer, Summoning, Thaumaturgy, Illusion
Opposed: Chronomancy

• Beauty
• Fools Gold
• Glow
• Illusionary Soldier
• Invisibility
• Monstrous Form
• Teleport
• Transpose
Aligned: Soothsayer, Thaumaturgy, Sigil
Neutral: Necromancy, Enchantment, Witch, Summoning, Chronomancy
Opposed: Elemental

• Bone Dart
• Bones of the Earth
• Control Undead
• Raise Zombie
• Reveal Death
• Spell Eater
• Steal Health
• Strike Dead
Aligned: Chronomancy, Witch, Summoning
Neutral: Enchantment, Sigil, Illusion, Soothsayer, Elemental
Opposed: Thaumaturgy

• Absorb Knowledge
• Create Grimoire
• Draining Word
• Explosive Rune
• Furious Quill
• Power Word
• Push
• Write Scroll
Aligned: Chronomancy, Thaumaturgy, Illusion
Neutral: Witch, Elemental, Soothsayer, Enchantment, Necromancy
Opposed: Summoning

• Awareness
• Combat Awareness
• Forget Spell
• Mind Control
• Reveal Invisible
• Reveal Secret
• Will Power
• Wizard Eye
Aligned: Chronomancy, Thaumaturgy, Illusion
Neutral: Enchantment, Summoning, Sigil, Necromancy, Elemental
Opposed: Witch

• Bind Demon
• Imp
• Leap
• Plague of Insects
• Planar Tear
• Plane Walk
• Possess
• Summon Demon
Aligned: Witch, Necromancy, Elemental
Neutral: Chronomancy, Soothsayer, Thaumaturgy, Enchantment, Illusion
Opposed: Sigil
• Banish
• Blinding Light
• Circle of Protection
• Dispel
• Heal
• Miraculous Cure
• Restore Life
• Shield
Aligned: Soothsayer, Sigil, Illusion
Neutral: Chronomancy, Witch, Summoning, Elemental, Enchantment
Opposed: Necromancy

• Animal Companion
• Brew Potion
• Control Animal
• Curse
• Familiar
• Fog
• Mud
• Poison Dart
Aligned: Necromancy, Enchantment, Summoning
Neutral: Chronomancy, Elemental, Thaumaturgy, Sigil, Illusion
Opposed: Soothsayer

Name M F S A W H Cost Notes

Animal, Cannot
Warhound 8 +1 +0 10 +2 8 10 carry treasure or

Thug 6 +2 +0 10 -1 10 20 Hand Weapon

Thief 7 +1 +0 10 +0 10 20 Dagger

Bow, Dagger,
Archer 6 +2 +2 11 +0 10 50
Leather Armor
Crossbowman 6 +2 +2 11 +0 10 50 Dagger, Leather
Infantryman 6 +3 +0 11 +0 10 50 Weapon,
Leather Armor
Staff, Bow,
Tracker 7 +2 +2 11 +1 12 80
Leather Armor
Hand Weapon,
Man-At-Arms 6 +3 +0 12 +1 12 80 Shield, Leather
Treasure Hunter 7 +4 +0 11 +2 12 80 Hand Weapon,
Dagger, Leather

Hand Weapon,
Knight 5 +4 +0 13 +1 12 100 Shield, Mail
Templar 5 +4 +0 12 +1 12 100 Weapon, Mail
Bow, Hand
Ranger 7 +2 +2 11 +2 12 100 Weapon,
Leather Armor
Barbarian 6 +4 +0 10 +3 14 100
Staff, Starts
each game
Apothecary 6 +0 +0 10 +0 12 100
carrying a
healing potion
Crossbow, Hand
Marksman 5 +2 +3 12 +1 12 100 Weapon, Mail

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