Understanding The Self

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Argie M.

Bejer Understanding the Self (GEC 101)

BSIT- ELX ( I – J ) Mrs. Millares


Man’s behavior is influenced by two forces: heredity and environment. The biological or
psychological characteristics which are transmitted by the parents to their off-springs are
known by the name of heredity. Heredity is, in other words, a biological process of transmission
of certain traits of behavior of the parents to their children, by means of the fertilized egg.
Heredity traits are innate; they are present at birth.

The human individual is the progeny of two parent cells that come together when a
male sperm fertilizes a female egg. In the nuclei of these parent cells are certain hair like
substances called ‘chromosomes. The chromosomes contain chemical substances called genes.
These basic substances, chromosomes and genes determine characteristics of the individual.
And this is what constitutes heredity.

The essential characteristics inherited by all human beings are physical structure,
reflexes, innate drives, intelligence, and temperament. There are some biologists who claim
that the difference in the traits or qualities of individuals or groups are due to the difference in
their heredity. They are duly supported by some psychologists and sociologists in their
assertion, that like begets like.

But there are others who explain that the variations of human beings and the societies
are due to differences in environment. Thus, a great controversy has been going on since long
about the relative importance of heredity and environment in determining the behavior of
individuals and groups.

Though arguments have been advanced by the supporters of both heredity and
environment, no exact conclusions with regard to the relative importance of the two factors
have been drawn, nor is it possible either to determine the relative values of both.
Modern biology has long insisted that we are what our parents and grandparents have
made us, that heredity counts far more than social opportunity. Not only it is impossible for a
man to change his skin, but he cannot change his outlook, his mode of thinking or behavior
because these too are hereditary. Others, on the other hand, belittle the importance of


It is generally assumed that human beings perceive and understand the world through
the senses, and that that epistemic connection with the world occurs via the transmission of
information from the world through those senses into a mind. The converse perspective on this
same assumption is that the environment influences individuals, both micro genetically and
developmentally, via the information that is generated in that environment and transmitted
into the minds of those individuals

Environmental influences are bidirectional, with the child exerting influence on the

environment as well. Many child characteristics, including genetics, temperament, and health
status, shape the child's response to the environment. These interactions transform
environmental features, for example, by creating stress or affecting parental emotions, family
function, and social support.


The terms “growth” and “development” as used in physical growth studies, refer to processes
common to all living organisms, processes intimately linked in time, but partially independent,
unquestionably genetically determined, yet uniquely susceptible to environmental modification.

GROWTH refers mainly to changes in magnitude, increasements in the size of organs, increase in the
thickness of tissues, or changes in the size of individuals as whole.

DEVELOPMENT activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential,

build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to

the realization of dreams and aspirations. Personal development takes place over the course of
a person's entire life. Not limited to self-help, the concept involves formal and informal
activities for developing others in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, life
coach or mentor. When personal development takes place in the context of institutions, it
refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that
support human development at the individual level in organizations.


Natural family planning is a form of birth control that doesn't involve pills or devices. As
a result, you don't have side effects. With these methods, you track your fertility, which is when
you are most likely to get pregnant.

Usually, a woman releases an egg from her ovaries at about the same time each month.
That’s called ovulation. The egg moves through the fallopian tubes toward the uterus. An
unfertilized egg can live up to 24 hours.

Most women are fertile for about 6 days each month -- 5 before ovulation and the day
of ovulation. Natural family planning uses different methods to pinpoint those fertility days.


Rhythm method. One of the oldest ways of natural family planning, this is based simply on the
calendar. A woman's normal menstrual cycle lasts between 28 and 32 days. Ovulation usually
happens around day 14. So you would avoid unprotected sex on days 8 through 19, since that’s
when you’re most fertile.

Cervical mucus or ovulation method. Here, you track the mucus your cervix makes. When

you're ovulating, your mucus is clear, stretchy, and wet, like raw egg whites. You write down
what your mucus is like each day so you know when you're ovulating.

Basal body temperature (BBT) method. Your temperature can rise between 0.5 and 1 degree
when you ovulate and stay there until your next period. With this method, you take your
temperature before you get out of bed each morning, before you have anything to eat or drink.
BBT by itself isn't a good way to prevent pregnancy because charting your temperature tells
you when ovulation has already happened.

Symptothermal method. With this, you combine several methods, usually BBT and cervical
mucus. Using more than one method can give you a better idea what's going on in your body


Many couples choose to delay or forgo having children. Some couples choose to use
natural methods of family planning, such as the fertility awareness method or abstinence. Many
others choose to use artificial methods of family planning. When choosing a birth control
method, it's important to consider the effectiveness and health risks that may pertain to each
method. Talking to your OB-GYN can help you to make the best decision for your unique

Barrier Methods

Barrier methods of birth control physically stop the sperm from getting to the egg. Condoms,
the sponge, diaphragms and spermicides are all barrier methods. Male and female condoms
can help prevent the transmission of sexually transmissible diseases, including HIV, herpes,
gonorrhea and chlamydia. Male and female condoms and spermicides are available at any
pharmacy and many discount stores and are relatively low in price. Diaphragms are available
only with a prescription.

Hormonal Methods

Some birth control works by altering the woman's hormones to make pregnancy unlikely or
impossible. The birth control pill, the birth control shot (Depo-Provera), the birth control patch,
the vaginal ring and some IUDs are examples of hormonal family planning options. These all
require a doctor's prescription and a medical exam before use. Hormonal birth control is very
effective when used correctly, but some women cannot use them for health reasons.
Permanent Methods

Surgical birth control is considered permanent, and is only for people who do not want any or
any more children. Men can have a vasectomy, which is a procedure that is done on an
outpatient basis in a doctor's office. Women can have a tubal ligation, which is done under
general anesthesia in a hospital. A newer method of non-surgical permanent sterilization for
women is called Essure. This procedure can be done in the doctor's office in many cases (see

Emergency Methods

If you do not use birth control, or if your birth control method fails, you have the option of
utilizing emergency contraception in the days immediately following unprotected sex. This
usually consists of taking a large dose of hormones that are found in many birth controls pills.
Some brands are available over the counter at your pharmacy, and others are available only
with a doctor's prescription.

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