Case Study

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Fareast International University

Case Study
Course Code: (BUS- 3312)

Submitted To
Farhanaz Luna
Assistant Professor
Fareast International University

Submitted By
Md. Mamun Hossain : 16201026

Date of Submission:
Case Study: 01

Keshav recently got a job of First Division Assistant in Tehsil (Taluk) office. He is smart and
hardworking. Because of which Tehsildar has become fond of him and though he is Keshav’s
superior, he has made Keshav his good friend.

Keshav is married to Ramya who is  educated and recently got posted as Panchayat Secretary,
incidentally to the Panchayat office located in Keshav’s village itself. Ramya’s mother-in-law
is not supportive of her and her job. She frequently taunts Ramya and demands all of
Ramya’s salary to be given to her. Though Keshav supports Ramya, he seldom objects to her
mother’s remarks to his wife.

A young, male Panchayat member of same Panchayat where Ramya works ,and who wields
considerable clout in the village and Tehsil, comes to know that she had ‘illegally’ signed a
property assessment certificate and claims that he has documents to prove his claim. The
certificate  was obtained by a relative of this Panchayat member who was not in good terms
with him. In the past serious fights were taken place between them over this property.

Ramya insists that she signed it only after Panchayat’s bill collector surveyed the property
and gave his verbal assurance about the legality of the property in question.  As he was born
and brought up in the village and knew matters of the village very well, Ramya had trusted
him. Now the Panchayat member is threatening her to take the matter to District Panchayat
and get her suspended.

Ramya seeks her husband’s help who is close to tehsildar and who in turn is a close friend of
Block Development Officer. Ramya’s mother-in-law is forcing her to quit the job and stay at
home, but Ramya wants to be financially independent and pleads her innocence. Keshav is in
moral dilemma over the entire episode.

What should be Keshav’s course of action so that he doesn’t compromise his ethics in

personal and professional relationships? 

The given case has the following issues about which Keshav has to take a decision:


On Personal front, it is Keshav’s responsibility to help his wife Ramya in this situation.
Keshav respects his mother but never confronts her when she humiliates his wife. Ethics
requires one to evaluate his personal value and identify the long term consequences of one’s
actions. His persistent silence can develop a negative feeling between him and Ramya and
jeopardize their relationship as well. Ramya is going through a tough time it is right time for
the family to stand by her side and win her trust.

Proposed Solution

Keshav can honestly share all the case details with his senior (Tehsildar) and seek his advice
to tackle this situation as a friend. If his seniors offers to talk to BDO then that’s favorable
outcome but he should not desperately try to pull his senior in to his personal issues. Ramya
signed the property assessment certificate based on verbal assurance of her colleague. Her
mistake is that she did not follow the prescribed rules & procedures to assess the property.
Keshav should convince Ramya that to err is human and she should honestly admit to BDO
about her shortcoming & promise to be careful in future. Taking responsibilities of your
actions is important dimension of professional ethics and abiding to it will leave a good
impression on BDO mind.


In all this Keshav should support his wife as a husband and not as a First Division Assistant
of Tehsil office. He should also explain to her mother the advantages of working women in
the family, as it raises the family’s stature and income in the society. He should also request
her to be more supportive of her daughter-in-law in this time of crisis.

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