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Unit of inquiry planner

(Early years)

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2019

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Grade/Year level: BLOSSOMS Collaborative teaching team: Mrs. Shikha Srivastava, Mrs. Upasana Parihar, Ms. Kirtika Mehta, Ms. Shivani Bhati, Ms. Alka Parihar, Mr.
Jayant, Mr. Moksh Rathore, Ms. Charu Jain

Date: Mid January- Timeline: (continued investigation, revisiting once, or numerous times, 5 weeks
discrete beginning and ending, investigating in parallel with others)
February, 2020

Transdisciplinary theme
(Type Transdisciplinary theme here.)
How the World works- An inquiry into the natural world and its laws, the interaction between natural world and human societies; how humans use their understandings of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on
societies and on the environment.

Central idea
Patterns help us to understand, explore and create

Lines of inquiry

 What are patterns

 Patterns around us

 How patterns are created and expressed

Key concepts Related concepts Learner profile attributes

Form, Connection, perspective Patterns Open Minded

Risk Taker

Approaches to learning

Thinking skills

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Learners will be making their own patterns.

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Prompts: Overview

Transdisciplinary theme Central idea Lines of inquiry Key concepts

Which parts of the transdisciplinary theme will Does the central idea invite inquiry and support What teacher questions and provocations will Do the key concepts focus the direction of the
the unit of inquiry focus on? students’ conceptual understandings of the inform the lines of inquiry? inquiry and provide opportunities to make
transdisciplinary theme? connections across, between and beyond subjects?
Do the lines of inquiry:
 clarify and develop understanding of the
central idea?
 define the scope of the inquiry and help to
focus learning and teaching?

Related concepts Learner profile attributes Approaches to learning Action

Do the related concepts provide a lens for What opportunities will there be to develop, What authentic opportunities are there for students What opportunities are there for building on prior
conceptual understandings within a specific demonstrate and reinforce the learner profile? to develop and demonstrate approaches to learning to support potential student-initiated
subject? learning? action?

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Initial reflections

Observe if something is repaeting again and again

Prior learning
Mind mapping, discussions.

Connections: Transdisciplinary and past

English- rhyming words

Math- understanding/ making patterns of 2D, 3D shapes, odd/ even numbers, skip counting.

Music- rhymes

Dance- repetition of movements.

Art and craft- use of lines (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved) in making patterns.

Learning goals and success criteria

Learners will make their own patterns using things from nature or reusing waste items.

Teacher questions
Can anyone tell what is getting repeated?
Can anyone tell what is happening again and again?
Can anyone tell what will come next?

Student questions What is repetition. How can you say something is repeating.

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International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Prompts: Reflecting and planning
Initial reflections Prior learning Connections: Transdisciplinary
How can our initial reflections inform all learning and teaching in this How are we assessing students’ prior knowledge, conceptual and past
unit of inquiry? understandings and skills?
Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the
How are we using data and evidence of prior learning to inform programme of inquiry
What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of
How does our planning embrace student language profiles? inquiry?

What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual

understandings to support the transfer of learning across, between and
beyond subjects?

How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local

and global challenges and opportunities?

Learning goals and Teacher questions Student questions

success criteria What teacher questions and provocations will inform the lines of What student questions, prior knowledge, existing theories,
What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do? inquiry? experiences and interests will inform the lines of inquiry?
How are learning goals and success criteria co-constructed between
teachers and students?

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International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Early years

Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea: How the world works- Patterns help us to understand, explore and create

Collaborative teaching team: Mrs. Shikha Srivastava, Mrs. Upasana Parihar, Ms. Kirtika Mehta, Ms. Shivani Bhati, Ms. Alka Parihar, Grade/Year level: Blossoms Date: 5 weeks
Mr. Jayant, Mr. Moksh Rathore, Ms. Charu Jain

Designing engaging learning experiences

Play, symbolic exploration and expression, learning spaces

Tuning in- understanding the meaning of patterns, what is repetition.

Finding out- various pattrens, AB, ABC, AABB, AAB, ABB
Sorting out- sorting by numbers, by shapes, by colours, by objects, rhymes.
Going further- looking for patterns in nature (buildings, clothings, tiles, animals skin etc.)
Making connections- pattren can be found everywhere.
Taking Action- Making their own patterns

Supporting student agency


# various colours (crayons, sketch pens, poster colours for making patterns).

# different shape cutouts, or paper/ scissor where in they can make their own patterns.

#stamps to make patterns.

#coins to make patterns.

#classroom manipulative (pencils, erasers, sharpeners, clay, straw, feathers, scissors, rulers, pencil bags, ice cream sticks etc. ) for making patterns.

# going on a nature walk, bringing various leaves, twigs, stones and making their own patterns.

# Use of musical instruments to make a sound pattern.

# playing musical beats where children with their hand taps and foot taps can make patterns.

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Teacher and student questions
Can you make your own patterns, using classroom things.

Can you make a different pattern from the given things.

What pattern can you seen in leaves, animals.

Ongoing assessment
Question and answers, Students telling what will come next, students making their own patterns, students speaking about patterns in any random situation.

Making flexible use of resources

Clay, crayons, feathers, stamps, buttons, pom-poms, scissors, straws, paper cutting, coloured icecream sticks, coins, bottles, books, chairs, things from nature (flowers, twigs, leaves, stones)etc…

Student self-assessment and peer feedback

During discussions when children were reflecting on the patterns that they see around, it would be more like peer learning happening.

Ongoing reflections With every passing day, students were getting more interested in looking for patterns everywhere.

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Prompts: Designing and implementing (Early years)
Designing engaging learning experiences Supporting student agency
How do we recognize and support student agency
in learning and teaching?
Play Symbolic exploration Learning spaces
For all learning this means:
What opportunities are there for uninterrupted play, and expression How will flexible learning spaces promote  involving students as active participants in,
indoors and outdoors? What opportunities are there to support the exploration, wonder, creativity, risk-taking and and as co-constructors of, their learning
development of language and mathematical learning through play?
What opportunities are there for student-initiated  developing students’ capacity to plan,
experiences? understandings? How are resources and materials organised to reflect and assess, in order to self-regulate
How can we create authentic opportunities for How will students express their ideas, make support student choice and agency? and self-adjust learning
students to develop and demonstrate approaches to connections and consolidate their understandings in What opportunities are there to involve students in  supporting student-initiated inquiry and
learning and attributes of the learner profile? different contexts? the co-design and co-construction of learning action.
How are we integrating languages to support spaces?

Questions Ongoing assessment Making flexible use Ongoing reflections

Teacher questions What evidence will we gather about students’ For all teachers
emerging knowledge, conceptual understandings
of resources How are we responding to students’ emerging
What additional teacher questions and provocations
are emerging from students’ evolving theories? and skills? How will resources add value and purpose to questions, theories, inquiries and interests
learning? throughout the inquiry?
How are we monitoring and documenting learning
Student questions
against learning goals and developmental For all learning this means: How are we supporting opportunities for student-
What student questions are emerging from students’ milestones?  the thoughtful use of resources, both in and initiated action throughout the inquiry?
evolving theories? beyond the learning community to enhance How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and
How are we using ongoing assessment to inform
and extend learning. This might include authentic and/or connects to real-life challenges and
planning, and the grouping and regrouping of
time, people, places, technologies, learning opportunities?
spaces and physical materials.
Student self-assessment and How are we nurturing positive relationships
between home, family and school as a basis for
peer feedback learning, health and well-being?
What opportunities are there for students to receive
teacher and peer feedback?

How do students engage with this feedback to

develop as self-regulated learners?

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International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea: How the World works- Patterns help us to understand, explore and create

Collaborative teaching team: Mrs. Shikha Srivastava, Mrs. Upasana Parihar, Ms. Kirtika Mehta, Ms. Shivani Bhati, Ms. Alka Parihar, Grade/Year level: Blossoms Date: 5 weeks
Mr. Jayant, Mr. Moksh Rathore, Ms. Charu Jain

Teacher reflections-
Less time was given to this inquiry, it would have been more fruitful if we had started on time.
It was real fun when children started looking for patterns in rainbow, ear rings, icecream cone, clouds, ma’am saree, bag/ purse, and other various living/ non
living things. Overall the inquiry was very good, basically an interesting one.

Student reflections
Students were very interested in this inquiry, easily they understood the term pattern, and every time they were speaking about patterns, whenever, wherever

Assessment reflections
As per the learning, assessments were done well. Next time we can focus more on patterns which are not symmetrical in nature, and can go to more depth.

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Prompts: Reflecting
Teacher reflections Student reflections
How did the strategies we used throughout the unit help to develop and evidence students’ understanding of the What student-initiated inquiries arose and how did they inform the process of inquiry? What adjustments were
central idea? made, and how did this enrich learning? 

What learning experiences best supported students’ development and demonstration of the attributes of the How are students supported in having voice, choice and ownership in the unit of inquiry? (For example, through:
learner profile and approaches to learning? co-constructing learning goals and success criteria, being engaged in student-initiated inquiries and action, being
involved in self-assessing and self-regulating, co-designing learning spaces and so on).
What evidence do we have that students are developing knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to
support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects? How have these experiences impacted on how students feel about their learning? (For example, through:
developing and demonstrating attributes of learner profile and approaches to learning, developing understanding
To what extent have we strengthened transdisciplinary connections through collaboration among members of the of the central idea, achieving learning goals, taking action and so on).
teaching team? 
What did we discover about the process of learning that will inform future learning and teaching?

Assessment reflections
How effective was our monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning informing our understanding of student learning?

What evidence did we gather about students’ knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills?

How will we share this learning with the learning community?


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