Homework 2 14-04-2020

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Homework 2 Transformer 1 (14-02-2020)

1) If the primary winding of a transformer connects to a DC power supply, is there DC EMF

induced at the secondary winding? Why? (2 Remarks)

2) According to Electromagnetic Induction law of Electromotive Force (EMF) of a

transformer, explain why transformer could not change frequency from the primary winding
to secondary winding? (2 Remarks)
3) What are the key components of a transformer? Please explain the function of each
component (2 Remarks)
U 1N 10 kV I 1 N 57 . 7 A
4) A three-phase transformer with its rated voltage = , = , please
U 2 N 3 . 15 kV I 2 N 183 . 3 A
try to find out the rated capacity of the transformer. (2 Remarks)
5) A three-phase transformer with its rated capacity S N =3200 kV ∙ A voltage

U1N 35 kV
= , the primary and secondary winding of the transformer are connected as
U 2 N 10 .5 kV
star and delta respectively. please try to find out
a. The rated line voltage , phase voltage, line current, phase current for the transformer
(4 Remarks)
b. If the load power factor is 0.85 (lagging), then what are the value of the real power
and reactive power of load which the transformer may power (ignore the secondary
voltage varies under load operation condition) (Selective to complete: 2 Remarks)
6) With reference to single-phase transformer diagram in Figure 1, consider that the flux
density inside the center-limb of the transformer core, as a function of time t, is
B ( t )=Bm sin(2 πft ), where Bmis the peak value of the sinusoidal flux density and f is the
operating frequency in Hz. If the flux density is uniformly distributed over the cross-
sectional area Am 2 of the centre limb, determine

Figure 1

a. The instantaneous flux Φ ( t ) ∈terms of B m, f, A and t. (2 Remarks)

b. The instantaneous induced EMF e 1 (t) according to

e 1=−N 1 (2 Remark)
c. Hence, show that the rms value of the induced EMF of the primary is given by
E1= √ 2 πf N 1 BmA (2 Remarks)
d. If A=100 cm 2, f=60 Hz, Bm=1 . 5T ,∧N 1 =1000 turns, Calculate E1 (2 Remarks)

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