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Homework 4 Transformer 3 (24-04-2020)

1) There is a transformer with the reference directions of its electric and magnetic parameters
labelled as shown in Figure 1. Try to write the primary and secondary winding EMFs Ė1
and Ė2 under no-load operation condition by its relevant flux and the primary winding
voltage balance equation for its electric circuit. (2 Remarks)

Hint: the reference direction is different from the PPT slides. And Kirchhoff’s voltage law
should be used to write the voltage balance equation of the problem.

No load operation:


E˙ 1=− j 4.44 × N 1 × Ф̇ m E˙ 2=− j 4.44 × N 2 × Ф̇ m

EMF by leakage flux:

Ėσ 1=− j 4.44 × N 1 × Ф̇σ 1 m=− j× İ 0 × X σ 1

Balance Equation:

U̇ 1= E˙1+ E˙2−İ 0 R 1=− İ 0 Z m− j İ 0 X σ 1 −İ 0 R 1

2) Please list the EMFs and voltage drop at primary winding and secondary winding under
transformer load condition. And write the voltage equation for both windings. (Do not
forget to draw the transformer schematic figure and label the reference direction firstly.) (2

Load condition:

For the primary: U1

U̇ 1=−E1+ I 1 (R1 + j X 1 )

For the secondary: U2

U̇ 2=E 2−I 2(R 2+ j X 2)

3) Analyse what will happen if the secondary winding of a 380/220V single phase transformer
connects to 380V power supply? (2 Remarks)

As the input voltage increases, the current to produce the magnetic field generated by that
EMF would increase, therefore if the transformer is not designed to handle higher currents,
it could be damaged or even burned.

4) A single phase transformer has its rated capacity of SN=100kV·A, U1N /U2N=3300/220 V,
parameters of the transformer include

Then calculate those equivalent parameters of the transformer to the primary side. (2

k= =15
For the primary:
Z k =( R1 + R' 2 ) + j ( X σ 1+ X ' σ 2 ) =( R1 +k 2 R2 ) + j ( X σ 1+ k 2 X σ 2 )
Z k =( 0.45+225 ×0.0019 )+ j (2.96 +225 ×0.0137 ) =(0.88+ j 6.04) Ω
5) A single phase transformer has ratings of SN=2kV·A,U1N /U2N=1100/110 V,

, , when the load impedance is

, try to calculate:
a. The primary and secondary current I 1 , I 2; (2 Remarks)

k= =1 0
Primary impedance for the secondary:
' R1 Xσ 1
R 1= 2
=0.04 Ω ; X ' σ 1= =0.15 Ω
K k2

Secondary current:
U1 110
I 2=I ' 1= = =9.65 A
Z k +Z L ( 0.04+ J 0.15 ) + ( 0.04 + j 0.15 ) +(10+ j 5)

Primary current:

I ' 1 9.65
I 1= = =0.965 A
k 10

b. The secondary voltage U 2 and find out the value difference from U 2 N

U 2=I 2 ×Z L =9.65 × ( 10+ j5 ) =108V

U 2 N −U 2=110−108=2 V

6) A three-phase transformer, has its primary and secondary windings connected as star,
nominal power S N =100 kVA , nominal voltagesU 1 N /U 2 N =6000V/400V, the leakage
impedance Z1 =( 4.2+ j 9) Ω, the exciting impedance Z m=(514 + j 5526)Ω, please try to
a. Exciting current and its percentage of the nominal current. (2 Remarks)

Z1 + Z m=518.2+ j5535=5559.2< 84.6°

U 1 N / √3
I 0= =0.62 A
Star connection:

I 1 N =I 1 Ф= =9.62 A
√ 3 ×U 1 N

=6.47 %
I 1N

b. The input power under no load operation. (1 Remarks)

θ=84.65 °

S= √3∗U 1 N ∗I 0
S= √3∗6000∗0.623
S=6474.4 VA

Q=S∗sen ⁡(θ)
Q=6474.4∗sen ⁡(84.65)

P=S∗cos ⁡(θ)
P=6474.4∗cos ⁡( 84.65)
c. The phase voltage and phase EMF and voltage drop on the leakage impedance. And
compare their magnitude. (2 Remarks)
Phase voltage :
U 1 Ф ¿U 1 N / √ 3=3464
Phase EMF:
E1=I 0 × Z m=0.62 × ( 514+ j5526 )=3458 V

Almost is the same voltage in both cases, there is a little voltage drop on the
leakage impedance.
7) A Y/Y three-phase transformer has its ratings of SN=2000kV·A,U1N /U2N=1100/400 V,
the impedance of the transformer to the high-voltage side is , the
high-voltage winding is connected to the nominal voltage, the secondary winding is
connected to three-phase symmetric load. The load is connecting as Y connection. The
phase impedance of it is , try to calculate the primary and
secondary current and secondary voltage. (3 Remarks)
The ratio is:
k =2.75

Z ,L =k 2∗Z L

Z ,L =2.752∗0.96 + j 0.4 8
Z ,L =7.26+ j 3.6 3

Primary current:
I 1=I 2, = √ ,
ZK + Z L
I 1=I 2, = √3
0.15+ J 0.35+7.26 + j 3.63
I 1=I 2, =75.5∠−28.2 A

Secondary current:
I 2=k∗I 2,
I 2=2.75∗75.5∠−28.24
I 2=207.63 ∠−25.24 A

Secondary voltage:

U 2=Z L∗I 2
U 2=0.96+ j 0.48∗207.63∠−25.24
U 2=222.85∠1.3 V
√ 3∗222.85∠ 1.3
386 ∠ 1.3 A

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