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Homework 1

1. Please illustrate the definition, unit and relationship of Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Flux Density,
Magnetic Intensity, and Magnetic Permeability. (2 Remarks)

Magnetic Flux Density:

Also called a magnetic field it is created by a charge or current in the surrounding space (in addition
to its electric field), it also exerts a force on any other charge or current in motion present in the field.
Units are Tesla (T) = 1 N/A .m
N= Newton, A=Ampere, M =meter

Magnetic Flux:

It’s a measure of the total magnetic field (B) that passes through a certain area (A). Represented by
the symbolФ , units are Weber (Wb)

Formula: Ф¿ B× A ×cos θ

Magnetic Intensity

Magnetic fields generated by currents and calculated by Ampere's law or Biot-Savart's law are
characterized by the magnetic field B measured in Teslas. But when the generated fields pass
through magnetic materials that by themselves with their internal magnetic fields, ambiguities arise
about the part of the field of external currents, and that part is provided by the material itself. As a
common practice, another amount of magnetic field has been defined, usually called "magnetic field
strength", designated by the letter H. It is defined by the relationship:

Units: Ampere / meter

µ: magnetic permeability Formula: H=

Magnetic Permeability

It is the ability of materials to affect and be affected by external magnetic fields, as well as the ability
to become sources of these, that is, the ability to create them without the need for external currents.
In the void his value is 4 × π ×10−7 T . m , A−1


2. How do the initial magnetization curve, Hysteresis loop, and basic magnetization curve form?
What are those differences between them? (2

Initial magnetization curve

To illustrate the behavior of magnetic permeability in a ferromagnetic material, a current is paled,

starting with zero amperes, slowly increasing it to the maximum possible current. When the flux
produced in the nucleus is plotted against the magnetomotive force it produces, the following is

At the beginning, a small increase in the magnetomotive force produces a large increase in the
resulting flux. After a certain point, even if the magnetomotive force is greatly increased, the flux
increases will become smaller and smaller. Finally, the increase in the magnetomotive force produces
almost no changes in the flux. The region of this figure in which the curve flattens is called the
saturation region, and the nucleus is said to be saturated. The region in which the nucleus changes
rapidly is called the unsaturated region of the curve, and the nucleus is not saturated. The transition
region between the unsaturated and saturated regions is sometimes called the knee of the curve. Note
that the flux produced in the nucleus varies linearly with the applied magnetomotive force in the
unsaturated region and approaches a constant value, independent of the magnetomotive force in the
saturated region.
Hysteresis loop

For many ferromagnetic materials, the relationship between magnetization and the external magnetic
field is different when the external field increases than when it decreases. When the material is
magnetized to saturation and then the external field is reduced to zero, some magnetization remains.
This behavior is characteristic of permanent magnets, which retain most of their saturation
magnetization when the magnetic field is removed. To reduce magnetization to zero requires a
magnetic field in the reverse direction. This behavior is called hysteresis. The magnetization and
demagnetization of a material that has hysteresis implies the dissipation of energy, so the temperature
of the material increases during this process.

Basic magnetization curve form

According to their BH behavior, engineering materials are classified into soft and hard magnetic
materials. Its typical BH hysteresis curves are shown in the figure below. Soft magnetic materials are
easy to magnetize and demagnetize, and therefore often relatively low magnetic field strengths. Put
another way, their BH loops are tight. The hysteresis circuit has a small area, so the hysteresis power
loss per cycle is small.

The difference between the magnetization curve and the hysteresis is that, in the first case, only an
excitation is performed with an external magnetic field on the material until reaching a saturation
point for first time and nothing else, but in the hysteresis when changing value and In the direction of
the current generated by the excitation field, the material field will have different behaviors on the
BG graph.
3. What are the causes of Hysteresis loss and eddy current loss? What factors determine the value
of them? (2 Remarks)

Hysteresis losses in the iron core correspond to the energy needed to reorient the domains during
each cycle of alternative current applied to the core. It can be shown that the area within the
hysteresis curve, which is formed by applying alternating current, is directly proportional to the
energy lost in a given alternating current cycle. The smaller the variations in the magnetomotive
force applied to the nucleus, the area of the curve will be smaller and the resulting losses will be
These losses can be calculated by the Steinmetz equation.

Ph=Kh ×f × Bmax n

Ph=Hysteresis losses(W /kg)

Kh=coefficient of each materia
f =frecuency ( Hertz)
Bmax=maximum induction( Gaus)
n=takes the value of 1.6 for inductionsless than1 Tesla∧2 for highers

Eddy current loss are caused by the currents induced on the ferromagnetic material as a consequence
of being subjected to a variable magnetic field with time. These currents are also called eddy or eddy
currents. If the magnetic material is insulating, as is the case with ferrites, these losses are nil.

Pf =Kh× f 2 × Bmax 2

Pf =E ddy current loss(W / kg)

Kf =coefficient of each materia
f =frecuency ( Hertz)
Bmax=maximum induction( Gaus)

4. What is Kirchhoff's law for magnetic circuit? What is ohm’s law for magnetic circuit? What
factors determine magnetic resistance and magnetic conductance (Permeance)? (2

Kirchhoff’s law:
1. The algebraic sum of the magnetic fluxes in a node of the circuit is equal to zero.

∑ Φ=0
2. The algebraic sum of the magnetomotive forces in a mesh of a circuit is equal to the algebraic
sum of the magnetic falls in said mesh.

∑ fmm=∑ H x l
l :It is thelength of the magnetic median line (average line of all existing induction lines)
H :magnetic intensity
Ohm’s law:

1. The magnetic flux inside an elemental magnetic circuit is directly proportional to the
magnetomotive force and inversely proportional to its reluctance (R).

Magnetic resistance (Reluctance):

It’s the resistance that it possesses to the passage of a magnetic flux when it is influenced by a
magnetic field.

µ× A
R :reluctance , measured ∈ampere (also called turn ampere)by weber ( A v /Weber )
l :longitud del circuito
A :Circuit section area(magnetic core section)
µ: magnetic permeability of the material .
The inverse of Reluctance is the magnetic permeance (Ƥ):
Measured in henrios H.


5. There is a coil with turns of N and linked (coupled) with magnetic flux ϕ as shown in the figure
above. If the reference direction for Induced electromotive force (e.m.f .or EMF) and ϕ is
illustrated in the figure in different way as (a) and (b). Try to write the formula relationship of
e and .
(2 Remarks)

(a) (b)
For case a:
The magnetic field is up, this will create an induced current in the coil to counteract the incoming
magnetic field, which will circulate from top to bottom, by right-hand rule. Then, the positive pole of
the induced fem will be the point above since the induced current starts from there and the negative
pole will be the point below.
For case b:

The incoming magnetic field will create an induced current in the coil to counteract it, which will
circulate from the bottom to the top. Then, the positive pole of the induced fem will be the point
below since the induced current and the negative pole start from there. It will be the point above, as
observed case b will have a different polarity than case a.

The relationship for both cases between the induced fem (e) and the magnetic field is :

e ind =−N

e ind : coil induced voltage , N :number of turns of wire∈the coil

dФ /dt :rate of change of the masgnetic

6. There are two core coils. They are made of the same material and number of the turns. If the
average lengths of the cores are equal and cross-section areas are different, which core has
higher value of magnetic flux and magnetic flux density with the same magnitude of the dc
current? If the cross-section areas are the same, however, the lengths are different, which coil
has higher dc current with the same magnetic flux? (2 Remarks)

The magnetic field in a coil is:

If both nuclei are of the same material, they will have the same magnetic permeability (u), also if
they have the same current, same length and the same number of turns, the magnetic field of both
nuclei will be the same.
Ф=BxA= xA
For the magnetic flux, the nucleus with the largest area (A) will be the one with the highest magnetic
Ф=BxA= xA
But, if the length increases, then the current should increase (red), but if the length decreases, the
current should also decrease (blue). In conclusion, the coil with the longest length will have the
highest DC current.

7. As shown in Figure 1, a ring core has its average radius of r =100 mm, and cross section area
of A=200mm2 , the turns of the winding is N=350. The material of the ring is made from cast
steel, its magnetization curve is shown in the following table 0-1, and the leakage flux is
Table1 Magnetization curve values of cast steel

(1) When the magnetic density B in the ring is 0.8T and 1.6T respectively, try to calculate their
magnetic flux. How many times differences of permeance and exciting current respectively
have for the above mentioned two cases? (4 Remark
- Ф1=B1 × Area=0.8 T × 0.0002m 2=0.16 x 10−3 Wb
- Ф2=B2 × Area=1.6 T × 0.0002m2=0.32 x 10−3 Wb

We have the next graph:

For 0.8 T, we are in the linear zone, so to calculate H1, we will only perform a simple linear
interpolation between the first two points:

B (T)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Calculating H :

10−5 A A
H 1=5+ × ( 0.8−0.65 )=6.8 =680
1.06−0.65 cm m
Then, calculating µ1:
B1 0.8T 10−3 T . m
µ= = =1.18 x
H1 A A

Now, calculating the reluctance R1:

l :lenght of the circuit (2 xπxratio)
S: area
l 2 xπx 0.1
R 1= = =2662 366.656 , 6 A
µ1 xS 1.18 x 10−3 x 0.0002

Finally, the inverse of reluctance is the permeance (units are Henrios), so:

Ƥ 1= =0.38 x 1 0−6 H
For the current 1:

N . I 1 . Area . µ 1
Ф 1=
2. π . ratio

2. π .ratiox Ф1 2 πx 0.1 x 0.16 x 10−3

I 1= = =1.22 A
N . Area. µ 1 350 x 0.0002 x 1.18 x 10−3

For B2=1.6 T , H 2=50 =5000 :
cm m
Then, calculating µ2:

B2 1.6 T 10−3 T . m
µ2= = =0.32 x
H2 A A

Now, calculating the reluctance R2:

l :lenght of the circuit (2 xπxratio)
S: area
l 2 xπx 0.1
R 2= = =9 817 477 , 5 A
µ2 xS 0.32 x 10−3 x 0.0002

Finally, the inverse of reluctance is the permeance (units are Henrios), so:

Ƥ 2= =0.1 x 1 0−6 H
For the current 2:
N . I 2 . Area . µ 2
Ф 2=
2. π . ratio

2. π .ratiox Ф2 2 πx 0.1 x 0.32 x 10−3

I 2= = =8.98 A ≈ 9 A
N . Area. µ2 350 x 0.0002 x 0.32 x 10−3

It is noted that the second permeance is three times less than the first, and the current (i2) is
eight times more than current 1.
It is observed that,
The higher the reluctance, the more energy will be required to establish a magnetic flux
through it.

(2) If the requirement of magnetic flux is 0.2×10−3Wb, exciting current I is no more than 1.5A,
then how many turns of the winding should be there? (4 Remarks)

Ф=0.2 x 10−3 Wb , I ≤ 1.5

The magnetic field in a coil is:

Ф 0.2 x 10−3 Wb
B= = =1 T
Area 0.2 x 10−3 m 2

Calculating µ:

First, According to the magnetization curve of the problem, 1 T is between 0.65 and 1.05 T (linear
zone), so a simple interpolation will be performed.

*A =ampere (units)

10−5 A A
H=5+ ( 1−0.65 )=9.27 =927
1.06−0.65 cm m


B 1 T .m
µ= = =1.08 x 10−3
H 927 A

Finally :

N . I . Area . µ
2. π .ratio
Clearing the variable N:

Ф .2 . π . ratio
I . Area. µ


0.2 x 10−3 .2. π .(0.1)

N= ≈ 387.8 ≈ 388 turns
1.5 x 0.2 x 10−3 x 1.08 x 10−3

There should be a minimum of 388 number of turns.

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