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Reflection on the Movie "The Emperor's Club"

The story of the Emperor’s Club is about a professor named William Hundert who was a next
promising headmaster in the school for St. Benedict for boys. The teachings of Mr. Hundert is quite
good for being a classical one. Also, there was a competition in the school named “Mr. Julius Caesar”
wherein the competitor will have a question and answer about the history. After several classes, Mr.
Sedgewick Bell – a child of a senator and who has intelligence but had a bad study habits. The time
came that Mr. Hundert influenced Sedgewick to study and eventually got higher grades. Mr. Hundert
decided to change the grade of Sedgewick in order to participate the “Mr. Julius Caesar” contest
instead in the place of Mr. Martin Blythe. In the contest, Mr. Hundert noticed that Sedgewick was
cheating while answering his questions. Mr. Hundert had regret of what he did in changing the grade
in order for Sedgewick to join the contest. After several years, the batch of Sedgewick graduated.
After 25 years wherein Mr. Hundert was already retired, Sedgewick invites him to have a rematch and
Mr. Hundert will be the host as well. Mr. Hundert saw again that Sedgewick cheats again and that
makes him disappointed. After that, he told Martin that he should have been the participant of that
event 25 years ago. After he left the place of Sedgewick, Mr. Hundert went again to St. Benedict to
teach and eventually, the son of Mr. Blythe enrolled in his class.

From what I had saw from the movie, I was in a quiet disappointed in Sedgewick wherein he had
given the chance to showcase his talent on the competition. He did not noticed what will
consequences he had to face when he would win in that event and also that will make the “Mr. Julius
Caesar” competition had a bad image. Being also a future teacher, I would not do what Mr. William
Hundert did to change the grade of Sedgewick in order to make it in the competition. I would rather to
play fare for them with my students because when the time comes of knowing the truth, you will be
also one of the cheaters of your own class. The intention of Mr. Hundert is good but in the place of
Mr. Blythe was unfair enough not to qualify in the competition and have a chance to be the list
together with his father if he could have won.

As far as the moral lesson I learned in that movie, in class, there are so many ways of being a
successful person, not by only being academically high grades, but also being a true you as you want
to be. Some cheats but they tend to do that in order to have a good life. Some said that cheating with
knowing does truly hurt your ego but cheating without knowing makes you more dumb enough to face
the real life values. Being a good teacher in the near future must also acquire the good quality
assessment and also being a good teacher is being fair to his/her students. Being fair to his/her
students can give you more credit of being a good professional teacher. It will also give you not just
respect of your students but also respect to yourself and whenever you will meet them years and
years went by, the students you handled before will recognize what you did to them in their schooling

“The worth of life is not determined by a single failure or solitary success.” – In this quotation, this
was the one I liked the most because it really applies on each of us wherever and whenever. Many of
us has struggles in life before we proceed to success. Even though we faced many problems each
day, we chose different choices, some of this may lead us to success and some of it are failures, we
should not quit, because when you stop believing in yourself, you will not get what your aiming for.
Just learn how to manage your failures and eventually learn from it because failure is also a never
ending process until you will get that right. After you obtain your success, remember to look backward
where you came from, because with your foundation, you will not get on that on the top of success.
There are no shortcuts in life, you should face all the struggles in order to obtain a gold of success,
just be a better man always.

One assessment that was related in the issue embedded in the movie for me is the
communication. Communication is the part of interaction between students and teachers that involved
solving what are their problems in getting to school, also had low grades. You must communicate with
them like Mr. Hundert did to Sedgewick. Mr Hundert noticed that time that Sedgewick was too lazy to
study and to learn new things from the past. He confronted him and told him encouraging words to let
Sedgewick study hard. He also value the being playful and cheerful of Sedgewick that make
Sedgewick proud of. Having a good communication to student lets you know what are their problems
in going to school and after that, you can have what method you will do to encourage the student do
their best in their studies.

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