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Score ____________

Name Historical events and situations are excellent backgrounder to contextualize

something for better and appropriate understanding. In the historical sense, justice is born as a
clamour where it was not given a chance to flourish even when the opportunities were there.

The French Revolution has led to the three great ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity. Later
reason was the center piece of the period of enlightenment and the period of Romanticism gave
rise to the importance of the idea of being able to contribute. Throughout the different periods, a
number of important ideals developed - independence, reason, respect and tolerance, but
1. Place approximately 50 to 60 milligrams of stool (i.e., approximately the size of two
mongo beans) at the center of a glass slide and cover it with a square piece of pre-
treated cellophane;
2. With the aid of a rubber stopper about ¾ in diameter, press the cellophane gently in
order to spread the stool specimen evenly, taking care that the specimen does not
spread beyond the cellophane cover. The cellophane thus serves as a cover glass;
3. Leave the prepared slide at room temperature for 10 to 20 minutes. During this time,
the microscopic field becomes clear due to the action of glycerin on the fecal
4. The slide should be examined after 10 to 20 minutes or within one hour after


1. Explain the reason a Kato-Thick or cellophane thick fecal smear is to be microscopically

examined immediately.

2. Discuss the significance/s of immersing the cellophane squares in a glycerin-malachite green

solution in the Kato-Thick or cellophane thick method.


3. Tabulate the components of the glycerin-malachite green solution and the volume required of

Component Volume (TV = 1,000mL)
4. Give the alternative material to be used in the above-mentioned method should glycerin-
malachite green solution is not readily available.

5. Give the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned method for the microscopic
identification of parasites.

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.

Source –

Belizario, Vicente Jr., Y., et. al., STUDY GUIDE IN MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY, Department of
Parasitology, College of Public Health, UP Manila, 1997

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