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Orientation for UPSC

Topics to be covered

1. What is UPSC and how the idea of UPSC evolved.

2. Stages of examination and its pattern.
3. Exam Syllabus for each stage, different services or posts present.
4. List of optional subjects and a small description on them.
5. Different sources to study (for GS) and toppers book list.
6. How to cover syllabus comprehensively.
7. Pulse of UPSC exam and questions in the recent trend.
8. How to relate static to dynamic.
9. Newspaper reading and Notes making.
10. Importance of test series and how to utilize them to the fullest.
11. How to deal with Current Affairs-Monthly magazines, PT365s etc.
12. Importance of knowing what to study and what not to study.
13. A short description on syllabus of each subject.
14. External sources and other useful websites to be followed while preparation, both for
prelims and mains focus.
15. Importance of guidance and student-teacher relationship in preparation.
16. Is coaching compulsory? If yes, Online or offline coaching?

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