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Duration : 3 Hrs
Sub Code : CS8492
Branch : CSE
Sub Name : Data Base Management System Year/Sem : II/IV
Answer all Questions
PART - A (10x 2 = 20)
Sl.n Questions Blooms
CO Level
1 List any four applications of DBMS. CO1 B1
2 Mention the disadvantages of file processing system. CO1 B1
3 Define data abstraction. CO1 B1
4 Mention the various types of end users in database CO1 B2
management system.
5 What are the problems caused by redundancy? CO2 B3
6 Give the limitation of ER model? How do you overcome CO2 B2
7 What are total and partial participation in a relationship? CO2 B1
8 Why it is necessary to decompose a database relation? CO2 B3
9 State the atomicity property of a transaction. CO3 B1
10 What are the five transaction states? CO3 B1

PART- B (5x 13= 65) Blooms
Questions CO

11.a Consider the relational table given below and assess about CO1 B4
the following SQL queries.
Employee (Empno, Name, Department, Salary). (3)
(i) List all the employees whose name starts with
the letter 'L'. (2)
(ii) Find the maximum salary given to employees
in each department. (2)
(iii) Find the number of employees working in
'accounts' department. (2)
(iv) Find the second maximum salary from the
table. (2)
(v) Find the employee who is getting the
Salary. (2)
11.b With the help of the block diagram, describe the basic CO1 B1
architecture of a database management system.
12.a CO1 B1
List out the operations of the relational algebra with
suitable example.
12.b Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity CO1
constraints. Why are they important? Explain them with B1
suitable examples.
13.a What is Normalization and discuss First normal form. CO2 B2
Second normal form and third normal with an example.
13.b For the following relation R and set of functional CO2 B4
dependencies F : R(A,B,C,D,E),
F = {AC -> E, B->D, E-> A) }. Show all candidate keys.
14.a A University contains many Faculties. The Faculties in CO2 B4
turn are divided into several Schools. Each School offers
numerous programs and each program contains many
courses. Lecturers can teach many different courses and
even the same course numerous times. Courses can also be
taught by many lecturers. A student is enrolled in only one
program but a program can contain many students.
Students Design an ER schema can be enrolled in many
courses at the same time and the courses have many
students enrolled. ER diagram for this application, stating
any assumptions you make.
14.b Show the steps involved in the ER – to Relational CO2 B2
mapping in the process of relational database design.

15.a Explain the ACID properties of transaction. CO3 B1

15.b Consider the following schedules. The actions are listed
in the order they are scheduled and prefixed with the
transaction name.
S1 : T1:R(X), T2:R(X), T1:W(Y), T1:R(Y), T2:R(Y)
S2: T3:W(X), T1:R(X), T1:W(Y), T2:W(Z), T3:R(Z)
For each schedule,
i)What is the precedence graph for the schedule? (2)
ii)Is the schedule conflicit - serializable? If so what are all
the conflict equivalent serial schedules? (6)
iii) Is the view-serializable? If so what are all the view
equivalent serial schedules? (5)

Part-C (1x 15= 15) Blooms
Questions CO

16.a Illustrate the various aggregation and set operations in


16.b A database is being constructed to keep track of the teams CO2 B3
and games of a sports league. A team has a number of
players, not all of whom participate in each game. It is
desired to keep track of the players participating in each
game for each team, the positions they played in that
game, and the result of the game. Design an ER schema
diagram for this application, stating any assumptions you
make. Choose your favorite team sport (e.g., baseball,
curling, kabbadi, ...). Be sure your design is described in a
way understandable by someone not familiar with that

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