Lesson Plan Founders

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TOPIC: Humility in Service (Father Francesco Piccone and Mother Teresa Vallerga)

PHASE ONE: Human Experience

u Activity:
Name of the Activity: Guess the Topic
Materials: Just enough room upfront for two teams of two
This is a timed trivia game. You will need an even number of students that will
become two teams with equal numbers of members. In each team, you will have the clue
giver and the rest of the member will try to guess the answer. The clue giver will be
given a set of “phrases” that are related to the word “Humility” or “Humble” that they
must get their teammates to guess. They may not say any word in this phrase while
giving the clues. If they use a word in the phrase, that phrase must be skipped and may
not be counted in their final total. Each team will have 30 seconds to correctly guess as
many of their phrases as they can. Either person on the team may pass at any time, or if
time allows at the end, they may come back to that question. If both teams complete all
of their phrases, the team to do it in the shortest amount of time, wins.


In my humble opinion Mother Teresa Vallerga Fumble

Humble Pie Father Francesco Piccone Jumble

Humble Abode Jesus Christ Tumble

Humble Beginnings Dali Lama Rumble

Abraham Lincoln


u Question and Answer (Ask question and let the students volunteer for an answer)

Questions Answers
1. What do you think is the topic of today’s *Availability
catechism? *Humility (Right answer)
2. Among the people you tried to guess, who * Any answer will be accepted
strikes you most or relate yourself most to? Why? (sharing)
3. Do you know Mother Teresa Vallerga and * Any answer will be accepted
Father Francesco Piccone? (If the majority said (sharing)
yes, give one knowledge about them. If the
majority said no, start to discuss a brief story
about them, emphasizing their humility)
4. What do you think makes Mother Teresa *They founded the DVMI
Vallerga and Father Francesco Piccone Humble? congregation
*They sacrificed their life to teach
*They always acted and serve
accompanied by prayers and do
only what pleases the Lord. (Best
5. Why do you think people often forget to be * Any answer will be accepted
humble? Did you ever become boastful? Why? (sharing)

PHASE TWO: Value Development

u Value Identification
Name of the Activity: What are your values?
Divide the group into two. Simply ask the members from both groups what
values do the DVMI Founders have. Among these values, make the members of the first
group choose one value that they consistently have (it is fine if they have other values
that are not mentioned). After this, ask the second group about their suggestions or
opinions on how the first group will be able to maintain or practice the values that they
have said. Do this process also on the second group vice versa.

u Value Clarification
Questions Answers
1. Do you know what are the good outcomes of *Answer may vary
having good/ethical values? If yes, please state.
2. On what circumstances do you often used or *Answer may vary
display your own value?
3. Do you think we should continuously maintain * I don’t think we should be consistent in these
these values like the DVMI founders did? values.
* Yes because it is what God wants us to do and
we should therefore imitate the founders and
most especially God. (Right answer)
*I don’t think so because it’s hard to be
4. What are the bad/unethical values that you Answers may vary
should eliminate or stop doing?
5. Would you like to develop more ethical *No, because it is only a burden.
values? *Yes, because it will not only help myself but
also others. (Right answer)
*No, because I am too weak to develop ore

u Value Growth
Name of the Activity: Work it!
Materials: Bond paper, ruler and pen.
Make the students create a one month calendar or table. They must put a check
at the box with the corresponding day in this calendar if they have done their value
within the day or a cross if not. This calendar will help them track or monitor if they are
really maintaining or developing their value. If the calendar is full, the students can
create another one.

Month 1

Days in a Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Lessons Signature

Week learned
PHASE THREE: Christian Message
u Gospel Reading:
Catechist: A reading from the Book of Romans
Students: Glory to you oh Lord
Catechist: For I say, through the grace given to me, to every man that is among you, not
to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as
God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Students: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

u Question and Answer:

Questions Answers
1. What passage from the reading strikes you *Any answer will be accepted
2. Relate the gospel to the life of the founders. *Any answer will be accepted
What situation do you think Father Francesco
Piccone and Mother Teresa Vallerga
displayed humility?
3. What do you think is the reason why the *Because they were forced to do so.
founders chose to be humble? *Out of guilt.
*Because they want to do the will of the Lord
and nothing more. (Right answer)
4. What other ways can humility be *Any answer will be accepted
5. Finally, what do you think is the lesson *Be sober at all times.
behind the gospel? *Be selfless and humble with your actions
because too much pride can only destroy us
and worsen every situations. (Best answer)
*Always sacrifice what we have.

PHASE FOUR: Faith Response

u Conviction:
Name of the Activity: Picture Perfect
After all the activities done during the catechism, the students will then be
divided into three to four groups. The catechist will give situation at every round on how
the founders displayed humility during their time. At each round, the groups must create
a scene using their selves in order to best represent the situations. The group with the
best representation of the scenario will earn points and the group with the highest
number of score will be the winner.

u Commitment:
Name of the Activity: Be Committed!
Each student will be given a sheet of paper and a pen. For 10 minutes, they must
write at the paper the lessons that they have learned for the day. It can be in a form of
inspirational quote, experience or promise. After this, they must put their signature on
the bottom left of the paper. Collect the paper and shuffle it and again give it to the
students. Make sure that the paper will not be given to the owner but to the other
students. This paper will serve as remembrance of what they have learned during the
catechism and will help them be committed on their promise to live out the lessons.

u Celebration:
Catechist: Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of the Lord. In the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Song: Lead me Lord
Catechist: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
Students: As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Catechist: Mother Teresa Vallerga and Father Francesco Piccone
All: Intercede for us
Catechist: Mary, mother of the church
All: Pray for us.

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