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Date: 16th of September 2019

Class: 5th A

School: Mihai Eminescu

Level: A1

Subject: Personal Profiles

Type of lesson: lesson interactive, mixed

Time: 50 minutes

Teacher: Ana Popa

General skills

-Listening, speaking, reading, writing

Specific skills

1.1 Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly articulated messages and dialogues;
2.1 Describe or introduce a person or a character in a simple way;
2.2 Establish social contacts based on simple conversational formulas (Hello, Goodbye,
introducing oneself, expressing gratitude, giving instructions.


- To understand the overall meaning of an audio text;

- To practice reading and listening comprehension;
- To ask and answer the questions about the text;
- To describe a picture;
- To know how to greet someone;
- To know how to introduce yourself to someone.

Lesson aims

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- To greet and to describe someone;
- To introduce themselves;
- To develop the productive skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing);


- Conversation, explanation, observation, exercises.

Forms of activity

Collective activities:
- Exercises, conversations, role play.
Individual activities:
- Exercises at the blackboard, exercises in the notebook.

Warm-up Interaction T - S Timing: 3 min


 The teacher greets the students and they greet the teacher back.
 The teacher checks homework orally, encouraging them to self- correct if necessary.

Lead in Interaction T – S/ S –T Timing: 2 min


 The teacher sets the objectives and the subject matter of the lesson, raising the
students’ curiosity this way.
 Then, the teacher reminds the students about to be and to have in the Present

Activity 1 Interaction T-S/ S-S/ S-T Timing: 20 min


 The teacher teaches the students how to greet, how to introduce themselves to
somebody, and how to introduce and to describe someone.
 The teacher reads a text from the textbook ( in order to improve student’s listening
skills), then the students read the same text and after, the teacher explains the
unknown words.
 The students make an exercise based on the text they read.
 The teacher groups the students in pair of two and gives them an oral exercise. The
student A has to introduce himself to the student B. Then the roles are reversed.
 To deepen the information, the teacher gives to the students the following exercise,
to write in their notebooks: Imagine you are Snow White. You meet Harry Potter at
Prince Charming’s birthday party. Introduce yourself, then introduce your friends
Dopey, Grumpy and Doc.

Activity 2 Interaction S-S/ S-T Timing: 20 min


 The teacher reminds the students some adjectives, in order to describe someone.
 The teacher gives to the students a picture with a girl, and each student must to
write in the notebook a short description of the girl.
 The teacher teaches the students the members of the family.
 The teacher gives the students a picture with the members of a family and the
students are asked to write the name next to each other.
 The teacher shows the students how to make a family tree, drawing one on the

Activity 3 Interaction T-S/ S-T Timing: 5 min

 The teacher revises with the students what they did at the class, and checks them
orally trough questions.
 The students answer the questions.
 The teacher gives homework and explains to the students how to solve it.

I. Choose the correct verb: (20 p)

1. Peter is/ has got blonde hair.
2. Ann is/ has got tall.
3. The twins are/ have got tall.
4. She is/ has got many friends.
5. My mother is/ has got beautiful.
6. They are/ have got a new flat.
7. We are/ have got at home.
8. You are/ have got two sisters.
9. My brother is/ has got in the classroom.
10. Superman is/ has got super powers.

II. Complete the sentences with to be or to have: ( 20p)

1. I ……………. in the garden.
2. She ……………. in the office.
3. The giraffe ……………. a long neck.
4. My grandmother …………… an old house.
5. Foxes …………... are wild animals.
6. Zebras …………… stripes.
7. I ………….. a brother.
8. Jane and Jake ……………. a beautiful house.
9. My cats …………….. in the garden.
10. David ………….. is my best friend.

III. Correct the sentences. Use the words in brackets. Write the correct sentence on
your paper. (20 p)
E.g.: I have got a brother. (sister)
No, I haven’t got a brother. I have got a sister.

1. My cousin has got two cats. (dogs)


2. Mary and Tom have got a beautiful daughter. (son)

3. We have got five books. (notebooks)


4. My cat has got black fur. (grey)


IV. Describe a member of your family: (5-7 lines) (30p)

10 p Oficiu

Clasa a V-a


I. 0,2 X 10 = 20p
1. has got; 2. is; 3. are; 4. has got; 5. is; 6. have got; 7. are;

8. have got; 9. is; 10. has got.

II. 0,2 X 10 = 20p

1. am; 2. is; 3. has; 4. has; 5. are; 6. have; 7. have; 8. have;

9. are; 10. is.

III. 0,5 X 4 = 20p

1. No, my cousin hasn’t got two cats. He has got two dogs.
2. No, Mary and Tom haven’t got a beautiful daughter. They have got a
beautiful son.
3. No, we haven’t got five books. We have got five notebooks.
4. No, my cat hasn’t got black fur. My cat has got grey fur.

IV. 30p
Respectarea numărului de rânduri impuse (0,4p)
Conținut corect din punct de vedere gramatical (0,5)
Respectarea cerinței si realizarea unei descrieri coerente (15p)
Utilizarea adjectivelor potrivite descrierii unei persoane (0,5)
Lizibilitatea textului (0,1p)

10p Oficiu
Describe the girl: (4-6 lines)
Name the members of the family:

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