EME2 Pavement and Mix Design

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EME2 pavement and mix design

Article  in  Road and Transport Research · December 2016


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4 authors, including:

Laszlo Petho Erik Denneman

Fulton Hogan Industries Australian Asphalt Pavement Association


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EME2 pavement and mix Abstract

Enrobés à Module Élevé (EME), which means high
design modulus asphalt, was developed in France over 30
years ago. It is primarily intended to reduce the
Laszlo Petho, Peter Bryant, Jason Jones thickness of full depth asphalt pavements whilst still
and Erik Denneman providing sound pavement performance through a
combination of high modulus, and superior fatigue,
deformation and moisture resistance. EME2 is the
highest class of EME in the French standards and
is being introduced into Queensland through
a collaborative effort involving Transport and
Main Roads (TMR), ARRB Group, the Australian
Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) and its
members, and Brisbane City Council. In addition,
the implementation into Queensland leverages off
related projects by Austroads and other Australian
road agencies.
In regard to mechanistic pavement design, an
extensive research program was carried out
under a TMR-ARRB NACoE project for the
development of structural design procedures for
pavements containing EME2. A Technical Note was
published, which is intended to facilitate the timely
implementation of EME2 on TMR projects.
The nationally agreed performance-based mix
design procedure for EME2, which is based on
Australian test methods and test conditions, was
implemented by TMR using a supplementary
specification called Project Specific Technical
Specification (PSTS) 107, High Modulus Asphalt
(EME2). This document provides specification limits
for workability, wheel tracking, flexural stiffness,
fatigue, and moisture sensitivity. The requirements
for manufacturing, paving and compliance are also
provided. The execution of a manufacturing and
Peer reviewed paper paving trial in February 2014 in Brisbane, followed
This hitherto unpublished paper was originally by other EME2 projects nationwide, provided vital
prepared for presentation at the 27th ARRB input into the technology transfer.
Conference, Melbourne, November 2016. It has been
accepted for publication, with revisions, after being This paper summarises the technical basis of the
critically reviewed by at least two recognised experts implementation process, including procedures
in the relevant field. to characterise the modulus of EME2 at different

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

temperatures and loading conditions, and the 13 (Austroads 2013), which concluded that for a
development and validation of transfer functions for successful technology transfer it is important to
pavement structures containing EME2. The paper select corresponding Australian standardised test
also discusses the performance-based mix design methods. This also provided the basis for setting
philosophy and its implementation. Laboratory correct performance limits in specifications. Test
and field data collected to date indicates that EME2 methods for the binder were readily available;
pavement performs as expected. however, test methods for fillers, aggregates and
development of EME2 mix performance criteria
INTRODUCTION required substantial work in subsequent projects.
Enrobés à Module Élevé (EME) technology was As part of the Australian Level 2 mix design system
developed in France in the early 1990s and is (Austroads 2014a) performance-based test methods
now used extensively on main roads and airports were readily available. These test methods were
internationally. EME is primarily intended to reduce similar to those required by the French approach
the thickness of asphalt pavements whilst still as outlined by Delorme, Roche and Wendling
providing sound pavement performance through a (2007) and in the European Norm (EN) (CEN 2007);
combination of high modulus, and superior fatigue, however, they were not identical. In order to develop
deformation and moisture resistance. a nationally agreed specification framework based
on Australian test methods, Austroads launched
Australian road agencies, the asphalt industry and a three-year program. The outcomes of this work,
ARRB together embarked on a program to transfer including the development of the Australian mix
EME technology to Australia. This has included design specification framework, were recorded
development of a mix design framework, pavement in Austroads publication AP-T283-14 (Austroads
design procedure and local mix designs. This paper 2014b).
focuses on the development of the mix design
framework and pavement design procedure as Building on the Austroads research work, technical
outcomes of the following research projects: specification PSTS107 High Modulus Asphalt (EME2)
(DTMR 2015a) was developed in Queensland to
•• Queensland Department of Transport and Main capture the requirements for EME2 mix design and
Roads (TMR) – ARRB National Asset Centre of construction into a ready-to-use contract document
Excellence (NACoE) project P9 – Development for use on pilot projects.
of structural design procedures for pavements
containing EME2 Mix design principles
•• TMR-ARRB NACoE project P10 – Characterisation The design of EME2 differs from conventional
of asphalt fatigue at Queensland pavement volumetric-type asphalt mix design in that it
temperatures is strictly performance-based. The volumetric
•• Austroads project – High modulus high fatigue properties of the design mix, such as air voids (AV),
asphalt (EME) technology transfer voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) and voids
•• Austroads project – Improved design methods filled with binder (VFB), are still important in the
for asphalt pavements. mix design optimisation phase; however, they do
There are several classes of EME available in France. not form specification requirements.
However, road agencies and the asphalt industry As part of the research work, a specification
agreed early in the technology transfer to Australia framework was drafted based on the French
that the focus would be on EME Class 2 (EME2), methodology, which subsequently went through an
which is the highest class of EME in the French extensive development process. The early version
standards. Additionally, only the 14 mm nominal of the technical basis of the EME2 mix specification
(19 mm maximum) aggregate size mix has been in Australia was used for the first Australian EME2
transferred. demonstration trial placed in February 2014 in
Eagle Farm (Brisbane), Queensland. Findings
EME2 MIX DESIGN from this trial were incorporated into the updated
specification framework and extensively reviewed
Scope of the research work by the Austroads Asphalt Research Working Group
The EME2 technology transfer in Australia was (ARWG).
launched in 2013 when Austroads funded an
explorative study, which provided an insight into The mix design methodology for EME2 comprises
the complexity of the design of EME2 mixes. The the following main steps:
outcomes of the study were reported in AP-T249-

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

1. Particle size (100% by mass passing the used. There are no particle size distribution (PSD)
19.0 mm sieve for a 14 mm nominal size mix). requirements specified other than 100% of aggregate
particles must pass the 19.0 mm sieve; however,
2. Richness modulus (conceptually similar to
the asphalt manufacturer must nominate the design
binder film thickness, and ensures a minimum
PSD as this is used for quality assessments during
binder content in the design mix).
3. Workability using gyratory compaction
(maximum air void content after the specified Minimum binder content
number of gyrations). For EME2 mixes, a minimum richness modulus
4. Moisture resistance (stripping potential). (K value) of 3.4 is used for establishing the
minimum binder content. The richness modulus is
5. Permanent deformation resistance (wheel- conceptually similar to the binder film index, which
tracking). has been commonly used in Australia in volumetric
6. Flexural modulus (four-point bending, mix design as a guide to the incorporation of
although the indirect tensile modulus may sufficient binder. The K value is calculated as per
also be tested as a design aid). Equation 1:
7. Fatigue resistance (four-point bending).
A number of EME2 mixes were tested using both
Australian and French test methodologies, which
provided the basis for benchmarking of the mixes
and developing tentative specification limits where:
using Australian test methods. The performance B = binder content (% by mass of the
requirements of the mix according to the French total asphalt mix)
methodology were not altered.
α = 2.65/ρa
Mix constituents ρa = particle density of the combined
mineral aggregate using AS/NZS
Binder 2891.8 (t/m3)
Australian bitumen suppliers are now able to
Σ = (0.25G + 2.3S + 12s + 150f)100
produce and supply hard penetration grade 15/25
binder, which is one of the grades used in France to where:
produce EME2. As there were no existing Australian
G = percentage of aggregate particles
specification requirements for this type of binder,
greater than 6.30 mm
it was suggested that the EN framework EN
13924–2006 (CEN 2006) should be applied, tested S = percentage of aggregate particles
according to the Australian Standard test methods. between 6.30 mm and 0.250 mm
Table 1 summarises the final requirements agreed s = percentage of aggregate particles
by the Austroads working group which includes between 0.250 mm and 0.075 mm
asphalt and binder suppliers, state road agency
representatives and ARRB. f = percentage of aggregate particles
less than 0.075 mm.
Aggregates and filler G, S and s may be interpolated using a linear
The requirements in Queensland for coarse and relationship from the grading curve using
fine aggregate are similar to conventional asphalt Australian standard sieves, which differ from
in terms of strength and durability, with additional the EN sieves.
requirements as per the French standards being
100% crushed coarse aggregate, more stringent
coarse aggregate flakiness index, minimum and
maximum voids in the dry compacted filler (Rigden Workability
voids) and delta ring and ball test EN 13179–1–2000
The workability of the mix is an important part of
(CEN 2000) which assesses the stiffening effect of
the mix design; it is to ensure that low in situ air
the filler on the binder.
voids content can be achieved in the field, which
There are no extra requirements for the fine provides a long-lasting and high performance
aggregate other than natural sand shall not be

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

Table 1
Australian and Queensland specification requirements for 15/25 pen bitumen
Property Test method Unit Limit
Penetration at 25°C AS 2341.12 pu(1) Minimum 15
(100 g, 5 s) Maximum 25
Softening point AS 2341.18 °C Minimum 56
Maximum 72
Viscosity at 60°C(2) AS 2341.2 Pa.s Minimum 900
Mass change AS/NZS 2341.10 % Maximum 0.5
Retained penetration(3) AS/NZS 2341.10 and % Minimum 55
AS 2341.12
Increase in softening point after rolling AS/NZS 2341.10 and °C Maximum 8
thin film oven (RTFO) treatment(4) AS 2341.18
Viscosity at 135°C AS/NZS 2341.2, Pa.s Minimum 0.6
AS 2341.3,
AS/NZS 2341.4 or
Matter insoluble in toluene AS 2341.8 % mass Maximum 1.0
Penetration index(5) N/A N/A N/A Report
Viscosity at 60°C after RTFO(2) AS/NZS 2341.10 and Pa.s N/A Report
AS/NZS 2341.2
Viscosity at 60°C, percentage of original AS/NZ 2341.10 and % N/A Report
after RTFO treatment AS/NZS 2341.2
1 One pu equals 0.1 mm.
2 Test shall be performed using an Asphalt Institute viscosity tube.
3 Retained penetration shall be calculated using the equation: (penetration at 25°C after RTFO × 100) / (penetration at 25°C before
4 Increase in softening point after RTFO treatment shall be calculated using the equation: Softening point after RTFO – softening
point before RTFO.
5 The penetration index (PI) is calculated in accordance with Annex A of EN 13924 (EN 13924–2006).

pavement. For EME2 mixes, the air voids have to be Wheel-tracking

less than 6% (mensuration) at 100 gyratory cycles. Rut resistance of asphalt in Australia is usually
The parameters in the Australian gyratory assessed using the wheel-tracking test in accordance
compaction test method AS 2891.2.2 relate to a with Austroads test method AGPT-T231, instead
significantly lower contact pressure of 240  kPa of the large wheel-tracking device as required for
compared to European methods. It was decided to EME2 in France. The Queensland specification
use the European settings for gyratory compaction includes limits for testing using either method.
– a vertical loading stress of 600±18 kPa, gyratory The EME2 working group preferred to retain
angle of 0.82±0.02, and a rate of gyration of 30±0.5 the current Australian approach of setting the
revolutions per minute. In Australia, there are two specification limit by using absolute rut depth in
gyratory compactors available, the Gyropac and millimetres instead of the proportional rut depth in
the Servopac, and these settings can be achieved percentage, as specified by the French standards.
only by the latter. The French standards were therefore converted
into absolute values. The French specification
requirement of 7.5% proportional rut depth at

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

30 000 cycles was determined to equate to a 7.5 mm proposed to change the loading mode in the test
rut depth in a 100 mm thick slab. The Australian method from haversine to sinusoidal; works started
test method requires a 50 mm thick slab for 14 mm under the EME2 project confirmed the need for
mixes and, based on regression analysis, the French this change in the test method. Findings collected
requirements were converted to 6 mm rut depth from sinusoidal fatigue testing as part of the EME2
when using the Australian test method at 30 000 project provided input into the development of the
cycles. This is significantly more loading than updated test method AGPT/T274.
typically used with the Australian test method,
The fatigue criteria for EME2 using the four-point
which only requires 10 000 passes (5000 cycles)
bending test method at 20 °C, 10 Hz to 50% stiffness
at 60°C.
reduction requires a minimum of 150 microstrain at
one million cycles. The utilisation of six specimens
Moisture sensitivity
at three strain levels and the interpolation of the
The moisture sensitivity of EME2 is assessed in strain value at one million cycles is specified.
France using the Duriez test according to European
Norm EN 12697-12, while in Australia the modified Mix design criteria
Lottman test (AGPT-T232) is generally used for this
The mix design criteria using the Australian
purpose. The Queensland specification includes
test methods are summarised in Table 2. The
limits for both test procedures, with a minimum
Queensland specification includes options for using
tensile strength ratio (TSR) requirement of 80%
either European or Australian test methods; the
(with freeze-thaw conditioning) where the
French specification requirements according to
Australian method is used.
the European specifications can be found in NF
EN 13108–1 (CEN 2007). The background and
Flexural stiffness
development of Table 2 is discussed in detail in
The French specifications require flexural stiffness Austroads report AP-T283-14 (Austroads 2014b). In
testing to be performed according to EN 12697-26, Australia, the bulk density of the asphalt specimen
using the two-point bending test on trapezoidal is determined using the saturated surface dry
specimens. Due to the lack of two-point bending (SSD) method and therefore it was decided that
equipment in Australia, flexural stiffness testing specimens prepared for wheel-tracking, flexural
was performed using the four-point bending test stiffness and fatigue should be tested by using the
according to AGPT-T274, using the sinusoidal SSD method. Based on a statistically large number
loading. of samples (more than 70) prepared and tested for
Beams were prepared according to AGPT-T220 and this project, it was found that there is a difference of
were tested for a temperature-frequency sweep 1.5% between the SSD and mensuration air voids.
using a wide range of loading frequencies and Therefore, specimens prepared for wheel-tracking,
temperatures of 5, 15, 25 and 30°C. The rationale flexural stiffness and fatigue should have SSD air
behind this was that at the early stage of the works void contents of 1.5 to 4.5% compared with the
it was unclear which temperature should be used for French requirements of 3 to 6%.
specification limits. As more data was collected, it
was decided to retain the temperature and frequency Mix design registration
value set in the French specifications, therefore a In Queensland, TMR registers asphalt mixes for
minimum of 14 000 MPa at 15°C and 10 Hz using use on TMR projects. At the time of writing this
the four-point bending equipment was required. paper, at least one EME2 mix had been registered,
and it is known that other asphalt manufacturers
Flexural fatigue are actively developing EME2 mixes.
The French specifications require fatigue testing
to be performed at 10°C, 25 Hz using sinusoidal EME2 PAVEMENT DESIGN
loading according to EN 12697-24, by using the Research was carried out under the TMR-ARRB
two-point bending test on trapezoidal specimens. National Asset Centre of Excellence (NACoE)
At the time work was undertaken, fatigue testing in project P9 for the development of structural design
Australia was in transition after it was confirmed that procedures for pavements containing EME2. This
haversine displacement control testing using the included the positioning and function of EME2
AGPT/T233 protocol in effect produces a sinusoidal layers in typical Queensland pavement designs,
strain response of half the intended amplitude procedures to characterise the modulus of EME2 at
(Pronk, Poot, Jacobs & Gelpke 2010; Denneman different temperatures and loading conditions, and
2013). As part of a comprehensive study it was the development and validation of transfer functions

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

Table 2
Mix design criteria for EME2 in Australia and Queensland
Property Test method Unit Limit Value
Air voids in specimens compacted EN 12697-31
by gyratory compactor at 100 cycles % Maximum 6
AS/NZS 2891.2.2
Water sensitivity EN 12697-12 % Minimum 70
AG:PT/T232 % Minimum 80
Wheel- 30 000 cycles
EN 12697-22 % Maximum 7.5
tracking at (60 000 passes)
30 000 cycles
(60 000 passes)
AG:PT/T231 mm Maximum
5000 cycles
(10 000 passes)
Flexural stiffness
at 50 ± 3 µε, EN 12697-26 method A MPa Minimum 14 000
15°C and 10 Hz AG:PT/T274 MPa Minimum 14 000
Fatigue resistance
at 10°C, 25 Hz, 106 cycles EN-12697-24 method A µε Minimum 130
at 20°C, 10 Hz, 106 cycles AG:PT/T274 µε Minimum 150

for pavement structures containing EME2. While However, for typical pavement design configurations,
the French design system for flexible pavements the mechanistic pavement design approach has
directly applies inputs from performance-based been used to develop a catalogue of pavement
mix design, immediate implementation of such structures (LCPC-Setra 1998) which provides an
a system in Queensland was inhibited by the alternative comprehensive and straightforward
existing Austroads pavement design methodology thickness design option for relatively standard
which does not make such links. The Queensland situations. It provides the same outcomes as the
research project investigated the technical solutions mechanistic pavement design; however, it saves
to overcome these issues; the following sections the multi-step process.
of this paper summarise the technical basis of the
Estimated strains under design loading within
implementation process, and recommends an
the pavement are evaluated using the following
interim pavement design procedure to facilitate
implementation of the technology in Queensland.
•• Fatigue failure of the base of bituminous
French pavement design layers: the calculated strain εt at the base of the
bituminous layers must remain lower than the
Overview allowable value εt,allow calculated according to
In the French context, the design of pavement Equation 2.
structures should be conducted according to •• The permanent deformation of the unbound
the French Technical Guide (LCPC 1997) which layer (subgrade or improved subgrade, referred
has recently been updated and published in the to as the foundation): the calculated reversible
French standard NF P 98-086. Both documents vertical strain εz on the surface of the unbound
provide the background and general principles of layers must remain lower than the limit value
the mechanistic pavement design. They cover the εz,allow.
different aspects affecting pavement performance
Only asphalt fatigue is discussed further in this
and the design; these are the traffic loading,
paper. The allowable strain in the asphalt base layer
environment, climatic conditions, underlying
bearing capacity, pavement materials and the work
εt,allow is calculated according to Equation 2.
quality considerations.

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

ε6(θ) = fatigue resistance of the
(2) asphalt mix, determined at 106
loading cycles at the equivalent
temperature θ
E(θ) = stiffness of the asphalt material at
ε6(10°C; 25 Hz) = fatigue resistance of the the equivalent temperature θ
asphalt mix, determined at 106 loading
cycles; in France the test is carried out n = material constant.
according to EN 12697-24, Annex A at
10°C and 25 Hz. In the absence of results of fatigue tests for a given
material at different temperatures, a mean value of
b = slope of the fatigue line (-1 < b < 0) 0.5 can be selected for n and the equation can be
E(10°C; 10 Hz) = stiffness of the asphalt re-organised as in Equation 4.
material at 10°C and 10 Hz, tested according
to EN 12697-26, Annex A (4)

E(θeq; 10 Hz) = stiffness of the asphalt
material at the equivalent temperature θeq By using Equation 4, the fatigue properties at any
and 10 Hz, tested according to EN 12697-26, given equivalent temperature can be calculated,
Annex A given that the standardised fatigue test at 10°C,
NE = traffic loading in equivalent standard 25  Hz and a temperature-frequency sweep
axles for flexural stiffness has been completed. The
equivalent temperature is such that the cumulative
kc, kr, ks = coefficients to account for
damage to the pavement over a year, for a given
differences in laboratory to field
temperature distribution, is equal to the damage
performance, scatter in fatigue test results,
that the pavement would undergo with the same
and variability in foundation (subgrade)
traffic but for a constant equivalent temperature
(LCPC 1997).

Material characterisation in the design Pavement support, categories of the subgrade

procedure (formation)
EME2 mixes are characterised according to the According to the French design manual for
performance-based mix design methodology pavement structures (LCPC 1997) (the Manual),
previously outlined. The mix-specific stiffness the pavement foundation is built up from two parts:
and fatigue values (which must meet the French
1. subgrade, usually the top 1 m of the natural
requirements in Table 2) are established and may
ground, cut or imported material, and
be used in the pavement design according to
Equation 2. Default values may be used to carry out 2. an overlying capping layer.
a pre-pavement design before obtaining the results For the pavement structural design, the formation
of tests carried out in a laboratory on the material is characterised by its expected long-term
in question. Mix-specific design is also constrained performance:
by maximum allowable design values for modulus
and fatigue as per NF P 98-086. •• the material properties of the subgrade over the
depth of the top part of the earthworks (1 m)
In the French method, both the modulus and fatigue
•• the type of materials chosen for the capping layer
properties are adjusted to suit the temperature
and its thickness.
environment for the project being designed. The
method can be used over a fairly broad range of The design method is adjusted by taking the
positive temperatures, based on the calculation that mechanical characteristics that correspond to the
the approximate value for the dependency of the most unfavourable moisture conditions for the
modulus E and the strain can be obtained from pavement; seasonal variations are ignored. The
Equation 3 (LCPC 1997). Manual provides examples of how to increase
the bearing capacity of the subgrade by applying
ε6(θ) × E(θ)n = constant (3) different material properties and thicknesses
for the capping layer; by using this method in
where the pavement design, the subgrade and capping

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

layer are treated together as the semi-infinite represents a possible future direction, it was not
layer. Typical treatments in the French Manual for considered mature enough for immediate adoption
common subgrades include 500 to 800 mm selected for implementation of EME2 in Queensland.
unbound fill, or 300 to 500 mm in situ or plant-
Option 2: The French method (in full) – The
mixed stabilised soil. Such treatments are required
second option considered was to use the French
to provide a semi-infinite design bearing capacity
method as outlined previously. While this option
of at least 120 MPa under EME2 pavements.
would be possible, it differs significantly from the
current Austroads procedures and would not be
Typical pavement structures
straightforward for immediate implementation.
The French catalogue (LCPC-Setra 1998) can Differences are not only in asphalt fatigue modelling,
be used to compare heavy duty (GB3) and high but in other areas including traffic modelling and
modulus (EME2) pavement structures. For example, calculations, material characterisation, temperature
for traffic category TC730 (30-year design life) and modelling, and foundation materials and design.
foundation class PF3 (120  MPa), a total asphalt On this basis, it was concluded that immediate
thickness of 410 mm is required when conventional implementation would more practically be achieved
GB3 heavy duty asphalt is used in the base. For the by using the existing Austroads procedure and
same situation, using EME2 in the base, the total benchmarking designs with those using the French
asphalt thickness is reduced to 330 mm, equating methodology. This option is discussed in Option 3
to a reduction of approximately 20% in total asphalt below.
thickness. The base asphalt thickness is reduced
by approximately 25%, from 310 mm to 230 mm. Option 3: Current Austroads method (benchmarked
against the French method) – Option 3 uses the
Transferring the French design procedures to current pavement design method as outlined in
Queensland Austroads (2012) and the TMR Pavement Design
Supplement (Department of Transport and Main
Successful EME2 technology transfer requires the
Roads 2013). By application of the current Austroads
development of an applicable and reliable pavement
(2012) methodology as an interim measure, the
design methodology in Queensland so that the full
utilisation of EME2, within the existing pavement
benefits of the EME2 technology can be realised.
design framework, is facilitated. Unlike Options 1
There were three options considered for pavement and 2, immediate implementation is possible. The
design using EME2. While developing the strategy trade-off with this approach, however, is that the
for implementation, it should be emphasised that full benefits of EME2 may not be realised as this
the introduction of a new technology always methodology only uses the volumetric properties
requires a period of transition. The three options and one performance parameter, i.e. the stiffness
are summarised as Options 1, 2 and 3. of the EME2 mix. Therefore, the designer may not
be prompted to develop the most cost-effective
Option 1: Improved Austroads method – Option 1
mix and pavement design. This is not considered
recommends utilising the pavement design method
to be a significant deterrent for interim use.
described in the Austroads Guide (Austroads 2012)
Benchmarking of the Option 3 procedure with the
with an updated transfer function for asphalt
French procedure has demonstrated that it results
fatigue. The first step in coupling the asphalt mix
in realistic outcomes relative to existing heavy duty
design and pavement design is that the default
asphalt pavements. As the method can be readily
general laboratory fatigue life model should be
applied within the current Austroads pavement
replaced with a mix-specific model (Denneman
design framework, it allows direct comparison
& Moffatt 2014). A possible utilisation of this
with conventional pavement options. To adopt this
methodology is provided in Equation 2. However,
method, presumptive stiffness and binder volumes
the laboratory-to-field shift factors, as indicated
needed to be determined. The recommended values
in Equation 2, have to be validated for Australian
(Table 3) were determined from an analysis of data
conditions. Also, Equation 2 has to be simplified
for currently available Australian EME2 mixes,
and re-arranged to be compatible with CIRCLY
and a French EME2 mix that was produced in
calculations. Additionally, in the current Austroads
France and tested in Australia. The determination
method, the design reliability is incorporated in
of presumptive stiffness and binder volumes is
the reliability factor (RF), which represents a
discussed in more detail in Petho and Bryant (2015).
combination of a laboratory-to-field shift factor
and a material safety factor (Denneman & Moffatt By using the presumptive parameters, an extensive
2014). These two measures are clearly separated sensitivity analysis was undertaken, which
in the French design method. While this option determined total asphalt thickness reductions of

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

Table 3
Presumptive values for elastic characterisation of EME2 at a WMAPT of 32°C
Asphalt modulus at heavy vehicle
operating speed (MPa)
Asphalt Volume of
mix type Binder type binder (%) 10 km/h 30 km/h 50 km/h 80 km/h
EME2 EME binder (15/25 pen) 13.5 2000 3000 3600 4200

Figure 1
Base asphalt thickness

around 20% (and base thickness reductions of 20– parameters of stiffness and fatigue, and which
30%) for a wide range of design traffic (volumes, is compatible with the existing Austroads and
loadings and speeds), subgrade conditions and TMR pavement design guidelines. The research
pavement temperatures. The reductions in thickness is aiming to utilise mix-specific flexural modulus
are similar to those outlined in the French system. master curves and temperature dependent flexural
An example of the sensitivity analysis for a range of fatigue relationships. Such a methodology would
traffic loadings is provided in Figure 1, which shows not need to be confined to EME2 mixes, and could
EME2 thicknesses compared with conventional be used more broadly with all asphalt mix types.
20 mm dense graded asphalt (with both Class 320
As an example, results from laboratory tests on
and Class 600 bitumen) for typical roads in south
two mixes are presented below; an EME2 mix
east Queensland.
and a conventional DG20HM mix with Class
600 bitumen. Both materials were sourced from
Interim pavement design procedure and future
the EME2 demonstration project constructed in
Brisbane in February 2014.
The recommended procedure to enable immediate
implementation of EME2 is Option 3. A practical Flexural modulus tests were performed at 5, 15,
guide to the design of EME2 pavements using the 25 and 30°C and at a wide range of frequencies
recommended method was developed as part of between 0.1 and 20 Hz. These test results were
the research project and is published in Technical used for the construction of the flexural modulus
Note 142 High Modulus Asphalt (EME2) Pavement master curves of the two mixes (Figure 2). The
Design (DTMR 2015b), available for free download EME2 mix shows different characteristics to the
from the TMR website. DG20HM mix; it has very high flexural modulus at
the high temperature or low frequency range, which
Research efforts in Queensland are now focussed is desirable in the sub-tropical climatic conditions
on developing a pavement design procedure in Queensland.
which links with the performance-based mix

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design


Figure 2
Flexural stiffness master
curves of DG20HM control
mix and the EME2 trial mix

Figure 3
Flexural fatigue of DG20HM
control mix and the EME2
trial mix

The flexural fatigue test was carried out at 20°C and Australian test equipment and test methods, the
10 Hz using the four-point bending test method performance-based EME2 mix design has been
for the DG20HM and the EME2 mix. The fatigue implemented in Australia.
lines, based on testing of 15 beams for the DG20HM
The paper describes the development of the
mix and 18 beams for the EME2 were constructed
specification framework and provides further insight
(Figure 3) based on non-linear regression analysis.
into the research methodology for developing
Although the calculated allowable strains at one
specification limits. The outcomes are based on
million cycles are similar for both mixes, there is
performance-based laboratory testing which is
a significant difference in the slope of the fatigue
discussed in the paper. A technical specification
curves, resulting in a much higher load repetition
(PSTS107) for use on pilot projects has been
at low strain levels for the EME2 mix.
developed in Queensland.
SUMMARY The research program has successfully developed an
The paper summarises the successful EME2 interim pavement design procedure to facilitate the
technology transfer to Australia. Based on the immediate implementation of EME2 in Queensland.
delivery of a nationally agreed specification The recommended pavement design method aligns
framework, which utilises readily available with the current Austroads procedure, and includes

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

presumptive design inputs for stiffness and binder EN 12697-24 Resistance to fatigue (2012)
volume. EN 12697-26 Stiffness (2012)
EN 12697-31 Specimen preparation by gyratory
It has been demonstrated that thickness reductions
compactor (2007).
using the interim procedure, relative to conventional
asphalt mixes, are in line with the expected Delorme, J, Roche, C & Wendling, L, 2007, LPC Bituminous
reductions based on the full French methodology. Mixtures Design Guide, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et
Chaussées, Paris, France.
It is anticipated that future improvements in
Denneman, E, 2013, ‘Review of AG/PT-233 fatigue test
Australian pavement design procedures for asphalt protocol and its link to structural pavement design’, 15th
pavements will lead to pavement designs being AAPA International Flexible Pavements Conference, Brisbane,
linked directly to mix-specific performance-based Queensland, Australia, Australian Asphalt Pavement
testing undertaken during the mix design stage, Association (AAPA), Toowong, Qld.
which would be in line with the French pavement Denneman, E & Moffatt, M, 2014 ‘Position paper: improved
design system. Further research is required before design procedures for asphalt pavements’, unpublished,
such a development can be implemented into ARRB Group, Vermont South, Vic.
routine pavement design.
DTMR 2013, Pavement Design Supplement: Supplement to
‘Part 2: Pavement Structural Design’ of the Austroads Guide to
REFERENCES Pavement Technology, Department of Transport and Main
Austroads 2012, Guide to Pavement Technology – Part 2: Roads, Brisbane, Qld.
Pavement Structural Design, 3rd edn, AGPT02-12, Austroads,
DTMR 2015a, High Modulus Asphalt (EME2) 2015, Project
Sydney, NSW.
Specific Technical Specification PSTS107, Transport and
Austroads 2013, EME Technology Transfer to Australia: An Main Roads Specifications, Department of Transport and
Explorative Study, AP-T249-13, Austroads, Sydney, NSW. Main Roads, Brisbane, Qld.
Austroads 2014a, Guide to Pavement Technology: Part 4b: DTMR 2015b, High Modulus Asphalt (EME2) Pavement
Asphalt, AGPT04B-14, Austroads, Sydney, NSW. Design, Technical Note 142 Department of Transport and
Main Roads, Brisbane, Qld.
Austroads 2014b, High Modulus High Fatigue Resistance
Asphalt (EME) Technology Transfer, AP-T283-14, Austroads, LCPC 1997, French Design Manual for Pavement Structures,
Sydney, NSW. Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France.
CEN 2000, Tests for Filler Aggregate used in Bituminous LCPC-Setra 1998, Réseau Routier National – Catalogue des
Mixtures: Part 1: Delta Ring and Ball Test, EN 13179–1–2000, Structures Types de Chaussées Neuves (National Highway
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. System – Catalogue of typical new pavement structures),
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées-Setra, Paris,
CEN 2006, Bitumen and bituminous Binders, Specifications
for Hard Paving Grade Bitumens, EN 13924–2006, European
Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. Petho, L and Bryant, P 2015, High modulus asphalt (EME2)
pavement design in Queensland, 16th AAPA International
CEN 2007, Bituminous Mixtures: Material Specifications:
Flexible Pavements Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland,
Part 1: Asphalt Concrete, NF EN 13108–1–2007, European
Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels.
Pronk, AC, Poot, MR, Jacobs, MMJ & Gelpke, RF 2010,
CEN 2007-2012, Bituminous Mixtures: Test Methods for Hot
‘Haversine fatigue testing in controlled deflection mode: is
Mix Asphalt, EN 12697 series, European Committee for
it really possible?’, Proceedings of the Transportation Research
Standardization (CEN), Brussels.
Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, US.
EN 12697-12 Water sensitivity of bituminous
specimens (2008) Standards Australia (various dates), Methods of Testing
Bitumen and Related Roadmaking Products, AS 2341 series,
EN 12697-22 Wheel tracking test (2007)
Standards Australia, Sydney.

Laszlo Petho
Laszlo is a registered professional engineer with over 15 years’ experience in
quality control, material characterisation, pavement performance assessment and
implementation of innovative technologies. Laszlo holds an MSc degree in civil
engineering and a PhD degree in asphalt mix design and pavement technology.
At the time of writing this paper, he was a principal engineer working in ARRB`s
Brisbane office where he was the technical leader for various Austroads, TMR
and MRWA research projects. He is now Pavements Manager at Fulton Hogan

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

EME2 pavement and mix design

Peter Bryant
Peter is a registered professional engineer with almost 20 years’ experience in private
and public sectors both in Australia and abroad. Peter is currently the Principal
Pavement Design Engineer for the Queensland Department of Transport and Main
Roads and is responsible for departmental pavement design procedures. As well as
a degree in civil engineering, Peter holds a Master of Technology (Pavements) and
a Graduate Certificate (Business).

Jason Jones
Jason is a registered professional engineer with over 15 years’ experience in design,
construction and maintenance of road pavements in Queensland and currently holds
the position of Principal Engineer (Asphalt and Surfacings) with the Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads. Jason has been instrumental in the
introduction and implementation of a number of asphalt technologies (such as
warm mix asphalt) into Queensland and represents TMR on a number of Austroads
working groups relating to asphalt and sprayed seal technology.

Eric Denneman
As Director of Technology and Leadership with the Australian Asphalt Pavement
Association, Erik Denneman (PhD, CPEng, RPEQ) supports industry in the
implementation of innovative pavement solutions. Before joining AAPA in July 2016,
Erik led the ARRB Pavement Technology and Asset Management team in Brisbane.
He specialises in performance based design and specification of bituminous materials,
and the development of design models for these materials. Erik has worked in the
Netherlands, South Africa, the USA and, since 2012, Australia.

Dr Laszlo Petho
Pavements Manager, Fulton Hogan
Stapylton, Queensland
Tel: +61 3827 7922
Email: Laszlo.Petho@fultonhogan.com.au

Vol 25  No 4  December 2016  Road & Transport Research

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