Special Issue of CEP

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Special Issue on

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Industrial Artificial Intelligence

and Their Applications

Call for Papers

Special Issue Description

As an integration of computing, communication and control, Cyber-Physical Systems
(CPS) has been coming into our view and widely applied in daily life, such as
transportation systems, automation, security, smart buildings, smart cities, medical
systems, energy generation and distribution, water distribution, agriculture, military
systems, process control, asset management, and robotics. With the development of
Industry 4.0, it is expected to build Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), in
which the methods and models are not only combined, but also as a system constitutes
a new engineering discipline related to Artificial Intelligence that promotes the
development of industry itself.

ICPS has received sufficiently technical supports from communication infrastructure,

computing facilities and sensing techniques. While considering the emerging
requirements on intelligent capability, the existing ICPS still needs to be combined
with Artificial Intelligence (AI) so as to provide smart and automatic solutions to real-
world industrial applications. Besides, it is also interesting and significant to union the
cyber and the physical in an AI-driven framework for applying to the industrial
systems. The related research may address the following issues: industrial time series
prediction, AI-driven industrial planning and scheduling, deep reinforcement learning,
data-based industrial optimization and other AI technologies for industrial application,

The purpose of this SI is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to

exchange ideas and progress in related areas. It aims at highlighting ICPS, Industrial
AI (IAI) and applications, so as to make the concepts more visible and practical in AI
community. Original contributions, including novel ICPS framework, industrial data
preprocessing, AI-driven time series prediction, industrial scheduling and
optimization, and real-world case studies on industrial applications, are cordially
welcome. Based on this special issue, some fundamental concepts and associated
techniques for ICPS and IAI will be further focused and promoted.

About the issue

The topics of this special issue include, but are not limited to:
 New and powerful innovations that will satisfy the future challenging
requirements of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems.
 Architectural framework for distributed Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
 Design, implementation and operation of intelligent Industrial Cyber-Physical
 The Internet of Things (IoT) in industry, including edge computing, smart
gateways, etc.
 Safety, privacy and security for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems.
 Data abnormality detection, imputation and fault analysis for Industrial Cyber-
Physical Systems
 Time-series prediction, and prediction intervals construction for industrial data
 AI-driven industrial scheduling, operational optimization and decision-making
 AI-driven approaches, e.g., Deep reinforcement learning, fuzzy modeling, etc.,
for industrial applications
 Industrial case studies of AI technology, e.g., chemical engineering,
pharmaceutical engineering, aviation industry, industrial energy systems,
agriculture, industrial robotics, transportation engineering, intelligent software
engineering, etc.

Submission format
Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation, relevance and
contribution to the development of industrial artificial intelligence, as well as their
suitability and the quality in terms of both technical contribution and writing. The
submitted papers must be written in excellent English and describe original research
which has not been published nor currently under review by other journals or
conferences. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified by
the authors (at the submission stage) and an explanation should be provided how such
papers have been extended to be considered for this special issue. Editorial board will
make an initial judgement of the suitability of submissions to this special issue. Papers
that lack originality, lack clarity in presentation, or fall outside the scope of the special
issue or the scope of CEP will not be sent for review and the authors will be promptly
informed in such cases.
Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at

Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Elsevier
Editorial System (EES). The authors must select as “VSI:Industrial Cyber-Physical
Systems” when they identify the “Article Type” step in the submission process.

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