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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Orbital Abscess during Endodontic Treatment: A Case Report

Eduardo Henrique Pantosso de Medeiros, DDS, Andre Oliveira Pepato, DDS, MSc,
assio Edvard Sverzut, DDS, PhD, and Alexandre Elias Trivellato, DDS, PhD

Introduction: Orbital infections may result in perma-
nent morbidity because of the severity of infection.
Furthermore, delayed diagnosis or treatment of orbital
O rbital cellulitis is usually a complication of paranasal sinus infection (1–4) and may
result in permanent morbidity because of the severity of associated infection (5).
Intraorbital abscess may be formed as a result of a progressive and localized cellu-
infections can lead to intracranial complications and litis. Less common etiologies include periocular trauma and history of surgical inter-
even death. The majority of orbital infections develop vention, skin infections, dental surgery and infection, upper respiratory tract
from paranasal sinus infections, cutaneous infections, infection, varicella, and other systemic infections. Retrograde spread of infection can
and periorbital trauma. Dacryocystitis and odontogenic lead to complications such as cavernous sinus thrombosis, meningitis, cerebritis, brain
infection are also accounted as potential etiologies but abscess, or death (1, 3, 4, 6–8).
are scarcely reported in scientific literature. Methods: In the preantibiotic era many patients with periorbital cellulitis had permanent loss
The patient revealed a history of having endodontic of vision and died of central nervous system complications. Nowadays, despite antimi-
treatment on left maxillary second molar performed crobial and surgical management, a substantial amount of patients with subperiosteal
2 weeks previously. Moreover, she exhibited signs of abscess still develop various visual sequelae (6, 8). Some signs and symptoms related to
facial pain accompanied by sinusitis symptoms, fever, orbital infections are proptosis, chemosis, and extraocular muscle dysfunction. Not
and nasal obstruction the week after this endodontic uncommonly noted is decreased visual acuity (1).
procedure. The patient presented proptosis, impairment In the context of odontogenic infections, spreading of dental infections beyond the
of ocular motility to the right side, facial tenderness, immediate proximity of the alveolar process is common and contributes substantially to
palpebral erythema, and referred decreased visual the epidemiology of patients admitted to surgical maxillofacial units. On the other hand,
acuity. Intraoral exam revealed root fragments of left early involvement of the orbit after infections of dental origin is an extremely rare event
maxillary first molar and an extensive carious lesion (3). Because of the scarcity of reports on this subject, this article reports the successful
on left maxillary second molar. Computed tomography management of a healthy patient presenting with an orbital abscess caused by compli-
enabled the observation of frontal sinus, left-sided cation derived from root canal treatment of a maxillary second molar.
maxillary, opacity of sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses,
and apical lesion of left maxillary first and second Case Report
molars, all suggesting the presence of their apex in The present case took place at the Santa Casa Hospital of Ribeir~ao Preto/SP, Brazil.
the maxillary sinus. In addition, images revealed ocular During the oral and maxillofacial team evaluation the patient revealed a history of having
proptosis and presence of high-density areas suggestive endodontic treatment on left maxillary second molar performed 2 weeks previously.
of pus in the medial orbital wall region. Results: The Furthermore, the patient revealed that 1 week after that endodontic procedure, she
patient was submitted to surgical drainage under exhibited signs of facial pain accompanied by sinusitis symptoms, fever, and nasal
general anesthesia approximately 8 hours after the clin- obstruction. During facial exam, the patient presented proptosis, impairment of ocular
ical evaluation. Conclusions: Early detection of orbital motility to the right side, facial tenderness, palpebral erythema, and referred decreased
infection, proper diagnostic tests, and treatment may visual acuity. Intraoral exam revealed root fragments of left maxillary first molar and an
provide successful outcomes of this rarely occurring extensive carious lesion on left maxillary second molar (Fig. 1A–C).
disease. (J Endod 2012;38:1541–1543) Further diagnosis consisted of helical computed tomography (CT) imaging in axial
scan to evaluate regional anatomic integrity of the face. Image analysis enabled the
Key Words observation of frontal sinus, left-sided maxillary, opacity of sphenoidal and ethmoidal
Dental infection, odontogenic orbital abscess, orbital sinuses, and apical lesion of left maxillary first molar and left maxillary second molar, all
infection suggesting the presence of apex in the maxillary sinus. In addition, images revealed
ocular proptosis and presence of high-density areas suggestive of pus in the medial
orbital wall region (Fig. 1D). Because of the CT results, surgical draining was indicated
and performed under general anesthesia to effectively treat this comorbidity. Amoxi-
From the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and
Periodontology, School of Dentistry of Ribeir~ao Preto, University
cillin 875 mg and clavulanic acid 125 mg were adopted as early empiric antibiotic
of S~ao Paulo, Ribeir~ao Preto, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. therapy and administered intravenously every 6 hours. Ketoprofen 100 mg every 8 hours
Address requests for reprints to Dr Alexandre Elias Trivel- was prescribed as anti-inflammatory and pain control therapy. Additional analgesic
lato, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Peri- medication was prescribed and given intravenously every 6 hours if needed. Complete
odontology, School of Dentistry of Ribeir~ao Preto, University blood cell count and coagulogram exams were solicited. White blood cell count
of S~ao Paulo, Av do Cafe, s/n- Campus USP, 14040-904 Ribeir~ao
Preto, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. E-mail address: eliastrivellato@forp. revealed mild leukocytosis. The patient underwent surgery under general anesthesia approximately 8 hours
0099-2399/$ - see front matter after the clinical evaluation. This interval was required to collect blood sample and
Copyright ª 2012 American Association of Endodontists. accomplish the imaging exams; moreover, this interval was also recommended by
the anesthetists owing to the last food intake of the patient.

JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012 Orbital Abscess during Endodontic Treatment 1541
Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 1. Preoperative clinical aspects. Proptotic left globe, periorbital swelling preventing spontaneous opening of the eye, subconjunctival ecchymosis, and
impairment of ocular motility to the right side (A and B). CT scan in axial view. Maxillary sinus filled with pus. Close relationship between upper molar root apexes
and maxillary sinus (C). Intraoral view of residual root of tooth #26 affected by extensive carious lesion (D).

Before surgery, sampling of purulent material by means of a punc- Discussion

ture incision was performed for culture and antibiogram tests. Surgical Odontogenic orbital infection can rarely occur as a result of a tooth
drainage of pus into the maxillary sinus was accomplished with the Cald- abscess, exacerbated periapical lesions, extraction, or dental surgery
well–Luc technique. Drainage of pus out of the orbital cavity was per- (3, 8).
formed by the superior medial palpebral technique and inferior The orbital septum delineates these infections into preseptal and
palpebral technique. It was noted that a large amount of pus drained postseptal disease, which is important because the latter has the poten-
from the superior medial incision; nevertheless, only serosanguineous tial to cause severe complications. The orbital septum acts as a barrier
fluid could be drained from the inferior palpebral incision. Left maxillary to the spread of infection from the skin to the deeper structures, limiting
second molar, the primary infectious source, and left maxillary first the inflamed orbital subcutaneous tissue to the front of the orbital
molar, a potential source for future infections, were extracted. The extrac- septum and avoiding exophthalmos. Pupillary reflex should be within
tions and treatment of alveolar spaces enabled the visualization of an or- normal limits in this form of infection. Transition to postseptal orbital
oantral communication in the dental alveolus left maxillary second molar, infection can occur through breaching of the orbital septum. CT has
thus confirming the close proximity of the tooth with the maxillary been shown to be very useful in the differential diagnosis of preseptal
antrum. Such communication was closed with the aid of the buccal fat or postseptal cellulitis (5, 6).
pad of the left cheek. After drainage, Penrose drains were placed in sub- Orbital abscess or orbital cellulitis is usually a result of paranasal
ciliary incisions and intraoral approach and were sutured. Penrose sinuses (approximately 84%). Other causes are periorbital trauma,
drains were kept in for 3 days and removed when the clinical state showed orbital reconstruction, ascending thrombophlebitis, infection of the
great improvement. Results from culture and sensitivity were negative. nasal septum, infected penetrating keratoplasty, skin infections, vari-
On the fourth day after surgery, intravenous antibiotic therapy was cella, and upper respiratory tract infection or complication of purulent
switched to oral amoxicillin (875 mg) and clavulanic acid (125 mg) otitis media. Odontogenic orbital infections are less common and
every 6 hours for the duration of 2 weeks. The patient was discharged account for 2%–5% of all orbital cellulitis cases. In a small number
on the fourth day after surgery. of cases systemic disease may be the cause of orbital cellulitis such
Three weeks after surgery, patient had significant improvement of as subacute bacterial endocarditis, influenza, scarlet fever, herpes
clinical symptoms with no sequelae (Fig. 2).

1542 de Medeiros et al. JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
of left maxillary second molar. Tomographic findings suggesting odon-
togenic etiology were apical hypodensity in first and second maxillary
left molars, increased PDL space of the same teeth, and hyperdensity
of the left maxillary and ethmoidal and frontal sinuses.
Treatment of these lesions depends on the location and progres-
sion of the infection. Preseptal cellulitis can be successfully treated
with antibiotic therapy; however, if there is radiographic evidence of
an orbital abscess, poor vision on initial presentation, or worsening
of orbital signs and/or worsening vision while on therapy, drainage of
the orbital abscess and involved sinuses is recommended (4, 5, 8,
10). In the presented case, at the earliest presentation the visual
difficulties were associated to an ocular hypomotility, and further
tomographic display of an abscess in the orbit indicated surgical
treatment as first choice of treatment.
Even with surgery, the appropriate antibiotic therapy is extremely
important for solving the case (6). Culture and sensitivity tests were
negative; however, this it is not uncommon for head and neck sites.
Sterile cultures have been reported in 25% of cases of infectious process
in this region (3).
Odontogenic orbital cellulitis is usually polymicrobial, with prolif-
eration of both aerobic and anaerobic species. Initial treatment consists
Figure 2. Three weeks after surgery, patient exhibits good scar repair and of empiric antibiotic coverage for aerobic gram-positive and anaerobic
absence of facial edema, subconjunctival ecchymosis, and ocular motility organisms but should also cover for typical oral pathogens (8). Thus,
impairment. we used amoxicillin and clavulanate to establish antibiotic coverage
against these types of microorganisms.
simplex, or herpes zoster (1–4, 6, 8). We described a patient who The aim of treatment is to reestablish visual acuity, contain the
underwent a root canal procedure 2 weeks before the onset of spread of orbital infection, and avoid possible fatal complications
symptoms that was the most likely trigger of the orbital abscess. (4). The incidence of visual loss in cases of odontogenic orbital cellu-
Microorganisms involved in odontogenic infections can enter the litis reached up to 46% of severe vision loss (8). Other sequelae
orbit because of the intimate relation of the orbit to the surrounding reported for orbital infections are meningitis, cavernous sinus throm-
sinuses, and its extensive vascular communication with congruent bosis, brain abscess, hemiparesis, seizures, subdural empyema, supe-
structures increases the susceptibility to infection arising from nearby rior orbital fissure syndrome, orbital apex syndrome, and death (1–6,
tissues. Three basic routes of spread of infection have been described 8–10). In this case, no permanent visual or systemic sequelae were
for odontogenic orbital infection (4, 6, 8–10). In the present case, an observed. Therefore, it can be concluded that early detection of
apical abscess of the left maxillary second molar invading the left orbital infection, proper diagnostic tests, and treatment can provide
maxillary sinus could be seen with CT. From the maxillary sinus the successful outcomes of this rarely occurring disease.
infection gained access to the orbit.
Orbital abscesses exhibit common signs and symptoms such as che-
mosis, periorbital edema of the eyelid, reddening, hyperthermia, prop- Acknowledgments
tosis, extraocular muscle dysfunction, and decreased visual acuity The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
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