Management of A Perforating Internal Resorptive Defect With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Case Report

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Management of a Perforating Internal Resorptive

Defect with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Case Report
Emre Altundasar, DDS, PhD,* and Becen Demir, DDS, PhD†

Introduction: A radicular perforation caused by an
inflammatory internal root resorption was present in
a maxillary lateral incisor. Methods: The root canal
I nternal root resorption has been described as a resorptive defect of the internal aspect
of the root following necrosis of odontoblasts as a result of chronic inflammation and
bacterial invasion of the pulp tissue. Resorption has been associated with multinucleated
preparation was completed with hand files and thor- giant cells adjacent to a pulpal granulation tissue (1). Clinically, internal root resorption
ough irrigation. Calcium hydroxide was placed as is usually asymptomatic and is detected coincidentally through routine radiographs.
a temporary dressing for 10 days. At the second visit, Pain or discomfort may be the chief complaint if the granulation tissue has been exposed
the root canal with resorption lacuna was filled with to oral fluids. The granulation tissue can clinically manifest itself as a ‘‘pink spot’’ in
warm vertical compaction of gutta-percha. The coronal cases in which crown dentin destruction is severe (2). Radiographic examination
access was restored with composite resin. A surgical usually reveals a fairly uniform radiolucent area with disrupted outline of the root canal.
flap was elevated to repair the resorption defect with The progression of internal resorption depends on vital tissues (3). Therefore, root
gray mineral trioxide aggregate. The bony defect adja- canal treatment should be initiated as soon as possible once an inflammatory resorptive
cent to the perforated lesion was filled with Unigraft lesion is detected to prevent further hard tissue loss and eventually root perforation (2).
(Unicare Biomedical, Laguna Hills, CA). Results: The In cases without a perforation, the removal of the granulation tissue and the blood
tooth was in function with satisfactory clinical and radio- supply to the resorbing cells by root canal treatment should be sufficient. However, in
graphic results after 48 months. Conclusions: Accord- cases in which a pathway between the pulp canal space and the periodontal tissues is
ing to the long term results of this case, successful present, root canal treatment should be followed by repair of the perforation site with
sealing of a perforating defect is possible with mineral a suitable sealing material (4).
trioxide aggregate. (J Endod 2009;35:1441–1444) Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been proposed as a favorable perforation
repair material with its superior sealing ability (5), biocompatibility (6, 7), fibroblastic
Key Words stimulation (8), and antimicrobial activity (9). MTA can create an environment condu-
Inflammatory internal resorption, mineral trioxide cive to periodontal healing, allowing new cement growth on its surface (10). The mate-
aggregate, root perforation rial has been used in several applications including pulpotomy, pulp capping, and
perforation repair (11–13). This case report describes the 48-month follow-up of
a perforating internal root resorption in a maxillary lateral incisor in which gray
MTA was used to seal the perforation area after endodontic therapy.
From the *Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey; and †Private Practice,
Istanbul, Turkey. Case Report
Address requests for reprints to Dr Emre Altundasar, Hacet- A 42-year-old male patient presented with a localized mild swelling on the attached
tepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodon- gingiva between the central and the lateral incisor teeth. There was no history of pain or
tics, Sihhiye 06100, Ankara, Turkey. E-mail address:
discomfort. The patient was aware of the swelling for almost 2 months. As reported by
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter the patient, the color and size of the swelling were stable because it was recognized. The
Copyright ª 2009 American Association of Endodontists. swelling had a radius of approximately 5 mm with regular borders. The patient’s
doi:10.1016/j.joen.2009.06.017 medical status was noncontributory, and he mentioned that he had no trauma to the
related area. An old composite resin restoration was noted on the distal aspect of
the maxillary lateral incisor tooth. The tooth responded positively to electric pulp vitality
test, and no discomfort was noted on percussion. On the mesiobuccal aspect of the
crown, the probing depth measured 4 mm, whereas the mobility of the tooth was within
normal limits. Radiographic examination revealed a uniform radiolucent lesion in the
middle third of the root canal (Fig. 1). The centrally localized image of the lesion did not
shift when additional radiographs were taken from different angulations.
An access cavity was prepared, and the working length was determined by x-ray
images. The root canal was instrumented with stainless steel hand files until an apical
stop of ISO #50 could be created. The persistent seeping of blood through the root canal
diminished gradually with instrumentation. The root canal was frequently irrigated with
1.3% NaOCl followed by a final rinse with 5 mL of sterile saline. Subsequently, calcium
hydroxide (Ultracal XS; Ultradent Products Inc, South Jordan, UT) was placed as
a temporary dressing to control bleeding. The access cavity was temporarily sealed
with Cavit G (3 M ESPE, St Paul, MN). After 10 days, the root canal was reentered
and irrigated alternately with 1.3% NaOCl and sterile saline to remove the temporary

JOE — Volume 35, Number 10, October 2009 Perforating Internal Resorptive Defect with MTA 1441
Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 1. (A) Preoperative radiograph showing internal resorption lesion of the maxillary lateral incisor tooth with irregular borders. An unfavorable coronal
restoration is evident. (B) Swelling as clinical manifestation of the perforating resorption. (C) Postoperative radiograph after 48 months. (D) Healthy appearance of
gingiva after 48 months.

dressing; 17% EDTA solution was left flooded in the cavity for 5 minutes, them from each other. It has been suggested that diagnosis should
which was later rinsed with 5 mL of sterile saline. The root canal was always be confirmed while the treatment is proceeding (13). Because
filled with warm vertical compaction of gutta-percha combined with resorptive defects are often asymptomatic, they are usually recognized
AH-26 sealer (Dentsply De Trey, Konstanz, Germany). After radio- by routine radiographs. However, in this case, the patient recognized the
graphic confirmation of a satisfactory obturation, the access cavity swollen gingiva between central and lateral incisors, which prompted
was restored with composite resin. him to seek treatment.
A flap that exposed the granulation tissue and the bone destruction According to the study of Wedenberg et al (14), internal root
was elevated at the same appointment. The granulation tissue (Fig. 2) resorption lesions can be either transient or progressive. The progres-
was removed, and the irregular borders of the perforation site were sive nature of this type of root resorption has been associated with an
smoothed with a bur attached to a straight surgical handpiece. MTA ongoing inflammation from a source of infection. In this case, an old
powder was mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and composite filling was present, which could be regarded as a pathway
placed with an MTA carrier. MTA was firmly condensed by using a for entrance of oral microorganisms to pulp cavity.
plugger and wet cotton pellets (Fig. 2). Bone graft material (Unigraft; The granulation tissue responsible for internal resorptive defect is
Unicare Biomedical, Laguna Hills, CA) was placed over MTA to fill often confined to the inner aspect of the root canal. However, in this
the cavity of the bony defect (Fig. 2). The flap was sutured, and the case, having perforated the root wall, the granulation tissue migrated
patient was recalled 1 week later for suture removal. At the next visit, to the external root surface and consequently caused breakdown of
the patient reported no postoperative pain or discomfort. The first adjacent bone structure. The bone destruction was hard to detect on
follow-up was planned at the postoperative sixth month. Subsequent radiographs because the localization of the defect was superposed by
controls were planned as 12-month intervals. However, the patient intact bone structure.
moved to another city and could not be controlled for 48 months In majority of the previous studies (12, 15, 16), the root canal
because of this relocation. When he returned after 48 months, he filling has been placed after repair of the perforation defect. On the
reported that he experienced no pain or swelling during this period. other hand, Yıldırım et al (17) has repaired an iatrogenic root perfo-
Clinical examinations and radiographic findings revealed satisfactory ration with MTA after root canal filling has been completed. In this case,
results at the postoperative 48 months (Fig. 1). we also preferred sealing the root canal before placement of MTA.
Otherwise, special precautions would have to be taken to prevent
Discussion MTA from blocking the root canal space. Previously placed gutta-percha
Internal and external root resorptions are considered as inflam- acting as a barrier material allowed successful condensation of MTA.
matory type of root resorptions and it is often challenging to distinguish Moreover, filling the root canal after placement of MTA involves the

1442 Altundasar and Demir JOE — Volume 35, Number 10, October 2009
Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 2. (A) Flap elevation and removal of the granulation tissue (inset). (B) Appearance of the perforation defect after removal of the granulation tissue. Gutta-
percha can be seen through the defect. (C) Mineral trioxide aggregate sealing the perforation defect. (D) Filling of the bone cavity with Unigraft.

risk of displacing MTA from the perforation site during condensation of the cases presented, the time elapsed from the creation of the perfora-
gutta-percha. In this case, MTA was firmly condensed against the root tion to repair of the defect did not exceed 6 months. They reported
dentin and the gutta-percha. Subsequently, the bone cavity was filled successful results after 5 years.
with Unigraft, which also covered and protected MTA until set. Failure Sealing ability of different formulations of MTA (MTA Bio and
to take special care while handling MTA may result in wash-out or MTA-Angelus [both items Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil]) has been
displacement of the material. Vanderweele et al (18) used MTA to compared with various materials including IRM (Caulk, Dentsply,
seal furcal perforations in molar teeth and evaluated the resistance of Milford, DE) and Portland cement (Irajazinho TYPO II; Votorantim
the material to displacement at 24 hours, 76 hours, and 7 days. Accord- Cimentos, Rio Branco, SP, Brazil) (23, 24). It has been suggested
ing to the findings of that study, significantly greater force was required that the use of IRM to seal large perforations should be limited, whereas
to displace all samples at 7 days than was required at 24 hours and all other formulations of MTA and Portland cement had somewhat
72 hours, which implied that MTA continued setting at the seventh similar ability to seal perforations.
day after placement in the presence of moisture. Same study reported The treatment of this case involved removal of the granulation
inferior resistance to displacement when MTA was placed to blood tissue followed by the repair of the perforation site and the adjacent
contaminated perforation defects. bone defect. The patient returned after 48 months with no signs or
One of the disadvantages of MTA is related to its color. Discoloration symptoms. The tooth was in function with no discomfort or pain during
of marginal gingiva after perforation repair with gray MTA has been re- that time. The gingiva appeared healthy with normal color and texture.
ported (19). In that case, changing gray MTA with recently introduced There was no mobility or bleeding upon probing. There was no increase
white MTA allowed complete resolution of discoloration. In our case, in probing depth. Finally, treatment of the defect with MTA was consid-
no gingival discoloration was observed after 48 months. The potential ered successful as evidenced by clinical and radiographic findings after
of gingival discoloration should be considered in perforations located 48 months.
proximal to the marginal area. White MTA can be the material of choice
to repair defects in which direct contact with gingival tissues is expected. Acknowledgment
Previous animal studies have evaluated the repair of noncontami- The authors wish to thank Dr. Zafer Cehreli for his valuable
nated and contaminated lateral root perforations sealed with MTA and help with the composite figures.
the effect of temporary filling of the contaminated perforations with
a calcium-hydroxide based dressing before MTA placement (20, 21). Ac-
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