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DC-Powered Jumping Ring

Cite as: Phys. Teach. 54, 112 (2016);

Published Online: 29 January 2016

Rondo N. Jeffery, and Farhang Amiri


Optimizing Thomson’s jumping ring

American Journal of Physics 79, 353 (2011);

Measurements and mechanisms of Thomson’s jumping ring

American Journal of Physics 68, 238 (2000);

Thomson’s Jumping Ring Over a Long Coil

The Physics Teacher 56, 176 (2018);

Phys. Teach. 54, 112 (2016); 54, 112

© 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers.

DC-Powered Jumping Ring
Rondo N. Jeffery and Farhang Amiri, Weber State University, Ogden, UT

he classroom jumping ring demonstration is nearly done using a Variac to give 130 VAC. When DC is applied, the
always performed using alternating current (AC), in warm ring jumps a short distance (about 5 cm) and then falls
which the ring jumps or flies off the extended iron core back down. When chilled with LN2 the ring jumps to the top
when the switch is closed. The ring jumps higher when cooled of the core (approximately 30 cm), then falls back down. With
with liquid nitrogen (LN2). We have performed experiments AC the ring flies completely off the core. When the switch
using DC to power the solenoid and find similarities and is opened after the DC jumps, a large arc is observed at the
significant differences from the AC case. In particular, the switch contacts. The arc is not seen with AC.
ring does not fly off the core but rises a short distance and The magnetic field within and around the iron core pro-
then falls back. If the ring jumps high enough, the rising and vides the key to understanding the force on the ring. The
the falling motion of the ring does not follow simple vertical magnetic field lines point radially outward from the iron core
motion of a projectile. This indicates that there are additional above the energizing solenoid as shown with iron filings.11
forces on the ring in each part of its motion. Four possible This iron-filing pattern is identical whether the solenoid is
stages of the motion of the ring with DC are identified, which powered with AC or DC. With AC the ring current is phase-
result from the ring current changing directions during the shifted with respect to the induced emf. When averaged over
jump in response to a changing the entire cycle of the AC power,
magnetic flux through the moving this gives an upward force on the
ring. ring that is essentially continu-
ous.5,11 The DC case is different,
Introduction however, and is more readily un-
The mechanism of the AC jump- derstood in terms of Lenz’s law. In
ing ring has been the subject of the following sections we analyze
numerous textbook illustrations,1-2 the MIT video and other DC vid-
papers,3-14 and YouTube videos.15-19 eos we have made using an auto-
The DC case has been studied, but motive battery.
not as extensively as the AC case.
Tanner et al.20 found that an ener- DC mechanism –
gizing voltage of 700 V was required Changing magnetic flux
to get the ring to fly off. Some text- The current induced in the ring
books give an erroneous impression is the result of a changing magnetic
of the DC situation. For example, flux through the ring, in accord
Serway21 and Walker22 show a bat- Fig. 1. Emf measured in a 10-turn coil of wire placed with Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law.
over the extended iron core after closing the switch. y is
tery connected to a switch and the the height of the bottom of the coil above the ring start
This first happens when the switch
jumping ring coil, and assert that position. is closed and the field builds up
when the switch is closed the ring in the solenoid and extended iron
flies off. They then ask the question, core. This build-up is not instan-
“Why does it do that?” When set up taneous, but has a finite time con-
as shown—with a battery—the ring stant, τ = L/R. We have determined
does not fly off. At best it will lift the build-up of the magnetic field
slightly and then fall back down.23 in our Welch apparatus by measur-
The ring cooled with liquid nitrogen ing the emf produced in a coil of
will jump several centimeters but wire placed over the iron core. As
still does not “fly off.” the field increases following clos-
A YouTube video by the MIT ing the switch, an induced voltage
physics demonstration group shows appears in the coil of wire just as it
jumps powered with both DC and does in the jumping ring. The
AC.16 The DC experiments were PASCO ScienceWorkshop 750
done with 120 VDC and used a 10- interface and software, and the
Ω resistor (heater coil) in series with 1-shot digital storage scope fea-
the solenoid to limit the current and ture, were used to capture the brief
Fig. 2. Magnetic field vs time build-up after the switch
match the impedance of the coil was closed. Data obtained from integrating the emf. event. The coil was made of 10
with 60 Hz AC. The AC jumps are turns of 24 AWG wire wound on a

112 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 54, February 2016 DOI: 10.1119/1.4940178
Fig. 3. Steady-state magnetic field within and along the Fig. 4. Setup of Welch jumping ring apparatus with an
length of the iron core. The red points are measured adjustable iron core, 5-mm ring falling. The knife switch
with a Hall-effect magnetometer (F.W. Bell Model 4048 connects the solenoid to a 12-V battery that is out of
Gauss/Tesla meter) along the axis above the core. the picture to the right. This frame is at the moment the
switch was opened, showing the arc.
cardboard tube that slid on the 43-mm diameter iron core
and is about 5 mm in length. Placing the coil at different Four stages of motion
positions along the iron core and switching on the current Frame-by-frame analysis of the MIT YouTube video16 has
resulted in the emf measurements shown in Fig. 1. The emf been made, as well as videos made with the Welch jumping
results from the changing magnetic flux through the coil, fol- ring apparatus powered by an automotive battery. Based on
lowing Faraday’s law: this analysis the motion of the ring can be broken down into
four stages. There is some overlap of these stages, depending
(1) on the time constant, but all four stages are seen in the MIT
videos. One of the striking features of the ring motion with
where AB is the flux in the core; A is the area and B the mag- DC is the terminal velocity as the ring falls from its maximum
netic field inside the core. height. In addition, the maximum height reached is not the
Integrating (summing under) the curves in Fig. 1 gives the same as would be expected if the ring were simply tossed
field from the measured emf: upward by the initial magnetic impulse, and then followed
(2) one-dimensional (1-D) projectile motion under the force of
gravity. Each of these points is discussed below. The present
The resulting B versus time results are shown in Fig. 2. setup is shown in Fig. 4.
These empirical results are almost, though not quite, expo-
nential curves. Taking the half-value of these curves gives a Stage 1 – Transient or impulse
time constant of 80-100 ms. The inductance of our solenoid is When the switch is closed, the magnetic field within the
80 mH with the core out 8 cm, and the resistance is 1  (cur- iron core rapidly increases. This does not happen instanta-
rent 12 A with 12 V), giving a calculated time constant from neously, however, but rises exponentially to its steady-state
L/R of 80 ms, in good agreement with the curve values. value. The large flux change through the ring produces an
The steady-state value of the magnetic field decreases induced emf and current in the ring. The current in the ring
along the length of the iron core, as shown in Fig. 3. These is in such a direction that the magnetic field due to the ring
results are essentially the same as what was found in the AC current opposes the dB⁄dt through the ring, in accord with
case.11 Measurements of e were made every 1.0 cm along the Lenz’s law.
core. Only four positions are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 for clarity, The mechanism for the force on the ring is said to be either
but all are shown in Fig. 3. opposing dipole fields—“north pole facing north pole”1,17
The time constant for the MIT video can be estimated —or as the Lorentz force of the ring current crossed into the
from information given in Ref. 16. A 10- heater coil was radial magnetic field of the iron core:
used to limit the current with DC to what it was with AC,
about 12 A. This indicates that their solenoid resistance was FLorentz = I l x Br , (3)
about 1 , similar to our Welch coil, and inductance of about
70 mH. This gives a time constant of roughly t = L/R = where Br is the radial field at that point, I is the current in
70 mH/11 V = 6.4 ms. This is about 10 times faster magnetic the ring, and l is the circumference of the ring. Evidence that
field build-up compared with our Welch setup. the force is the Lorentz force is seen in the movies,23 which

The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 54, February 2016 113

this stage, as is seen by careful analysis of movies of the DC
If the magnetic field reaches its steady-state value before
the ring reaches its greatest height, there is still a changing
flux through the ring. This is due to the fact that the magnetic
field within the iron core decreases along the length of the
core. (This is shown in some YouTube videos19 and is readily
demonstrated with a coil and light bulb, where the bulb glows
brighter when lower on the core.) The emf versus height
shown in Fig. 3 of Ref. 11 shows how the field within the core
decreases toward the top of the core for the AC case. With DC
it is exactly the same, as shown in Fig. 3. As the ring moves
upward (designated as the +y direction) it thus experiences a
decreasing flux because dB⁄dy is negative. The velocity of the
ring, dy ⁄dt, is positive upward in this stage. The combination
gives a dB⁄dt felt by the ring that is negative, or downward.
This negative flux change felt by the ring results in the current
Fig. 5. Two frames of movie showing the ring lifting in the ring reversing direction from what it was in Stage 1, so
on the side closest to the iron core. Note the blurring that now the Lorentz force is downward. In other words, if
of the part of the ring that is lifting up.
the current direction was clockwise (CW) in Stage 1, it is now
show that the side of the ring closest to the iron core lifts first. counterclockwise (CCW) in Stage 2. This downward Lorentz
The cylindrically symmetrical radial field strength decreases force causes the ring to slow down at a rate greater than if
roughly as 1/r out from the iron core, as measured with a gravity alone were acting and reaches a maximum height that
magnetometer. This makes the Lorentz force greater on the is less than the expected maximum height as a projectile if
side of the ring closest to the core, resulting in the lift on that gravity were the only force acting.
side of the ring. This effect is shown in Fig. 5.
The direction of the ring current depends on the direction Stage 3 – Downward velocity, steady field
of the changing magnetic field in the core and will oppose that After the ring has reached its greatest jump height and
change according to Lenz’s law. For instance, if the field direc- begins to fall, conditions change again. Initially the only force
tion is up, then dB⁄dt is also upward in Stage 1. The current on the ring is gravity, but that changes as soon as the ring be-
direction in the ring then must be clockwise (CW) looking gins to move. Now, because of the fact that the magnetic field
down on the ring to oppose that change (right-hand rule). within the core increases towards the bottom of the core, and
With an upward field within the core, the radial component the direction of the velocity of the ring is down, the ring feels
of the field around the core is directed outward. The CW cur- an increasing flux as it moves downward. The current induced
rent and the radially outward magnetic field give a Lorentz in the ring now reverses again from Stage 2 (back to CW, for
force on the ring that is upward. This provides the upward example), resulting in a Lorentz force that is upward. As the
impulse on the ring in Stage 1. speed of the falling ring increases, this upward force also in-
creases until it balances the downward gravitational force on
Stage 2 – Upward velocity, steady or declining field the ring. When the two forces are equal, the ring’s downward
The second stage is if the current has reached or nearly speed becomes constant, or terminal velocity. The three MIT
reached its steady-state value while the ring is still moving videos of the chilled ring show a terminal velocity of around
upward. That upward motion of the ring continues until it –80 cm/s to –90 cm/s. In our videos made with a battery, the
reaches its maximum height before falling back. This maxi- terminal velocity is smaller, around –12 cm/s with the core
mum jump height over the iron core is one of the significant out 8.4 cm.
differences between the AC and DC cases. With AC the Stage 3 can be simulated by dropping the ring over the
force is upward and essentially continuous when integrated core with power on. An interesting variation is to extend the
over the complete cycle, though the magnitude of the force drop path with a cardboard tube placed over the core. The
decreases as the ring goes higher on the core where the core ring falls with acceleration a = –g until it reaches the core, at
field becomes weaker. The result is that the ring acceler- which point there is magnetic braking that suddenly slows
ates upward continuously and flies off the core. With DC, the ring to terminal velocity.
it is tempting to treat the ring in this stage, where dB⁄dt ≈ 0,
as simply being a projectile that has been tossed up by the Stage 4 – Collapsing field, or “Snap”
impulse in Stage 1. Under the influence of gravity, it should If the ring is allowed to fall to the platform at the bottom
reach a maximum height and then fall back with acceleration of the core, it hits and may bounce slightly. However, if the
a = –g. However, gravity is not the only force acting during switch is opened before the ring hits the platform, it shows a

114 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 54, February 2016

a very large ring current that is in the opposite direction from
the current in Stage 3 (now CCW). This large downward
force on the ring produces the “snap.”
In one of our videos, shown in Fig. 6, the ring bounced
after the snap higher than it had jumped in Stages 1 and 2.
In this jump there is overlap between Stage 1 and Stage 2
because of the finite time constant of the field build-up. The
slope of the velocity-time graph from roughly 80 to 160 ms
is about –0.6g. This shows that there is still some residual
upward force on the ring due to the field having not quite
reached its steady-state value. The 1-D projectile motion fol-
lowing the bounce (after 0.42 s) is noticeably different from
that seen in the powered portion of the motion. The accelera-
tion, or slope of the velocity-time graph from 0.45 to 0.65 s,
is –g.

Fig. 6. Motion of chilled ring, solenoid powered with 12-V MIT videos
battery. The switch was closed at t = 0. Blue points are The MIT DC electrical conditions were discussed earlier.
the average position of the ring (LH scale); red points Because their time constant is about one-tenth what we have
are instantaneous velocities (RH scale). The switch
with the Welch coil, the steady-state field is reached much
was opened at about 0.42 s after the start, while the
ring was still moving downward at terminal velocity of faster. The result is that the four stages of motion are more
–12 cm/s (see Fig. 4). The acceleration of the ring from clearly separated. Figure 7 shows the analysis of one of the
0.45 s to 0.65 s during the bounce behaves like 1-D pro- three MIT DC jumps with the chilled ring. After the initial
jectile motion with a = –g. At 0.65 s one edge of the ring
impulse (Stage 1) ending at roughly 0.05 s, the slowdown be-
struck the base and the downward motion changed. The
dotted lines mark the approximate divisions between fore it reaches the maximum height has a slope of about –4g.
the four stages of motion as described in the text. This shows Stage 2 more clearly than seen in our Fig. 6. Stage
3, as the ring falls from its maximum height, shows the termi-
nal velocity of about –80 cm/s to –90 cm/s in all three videos.
Two of the three MIT chilled-ring videos show the snap
in Stage 4. In the first of the three cold jumps, the switch was
opened just as the ring hit the bottom so no snap occurred.
In the second and third jumps, the switch was opened when
the ring was still falling at terminal velocity, with roughly
one-third of the height yet to fall. The increase of downward
velocity is clearly seen in frame-by-frame analysis.
The approximate accelerations in the two jumps shown in
Figs. 6 and 7 are summarized in Table I. These are rough esti-
mates from the velocity graphs and not accurate second dif-
ferences from the position values. In the case of the MIT data
(Fig. 7), the fact that the movie was only shot at 30 frames per
second limits the accuracy because there are so few points,
particularly in Stages 1 and 4. Nevertheless, it is interesting to
Fig. 7. Second MIT jump of the cold ring with DC. The see the correlation between the two sets of data displayed in
vertical dashed lines mark the approximate separation this manner.
of the four stages of motion described in the text. The
switch was opened at about 0.50 s when the arc occurs, Table I. Approximate acceleration (∆v/∆t) by stage, relative to
followed by the sudden downturn of the position and the the gravitational acceleration, g.
velocity becoming more negative.
Stage Fig. 6 Fig. 7
sudden “snap” downward and hits the platform hard. The 1 +1.0 to +1.7 +12
reason for this is again related to dB⁄dt. When the switch is 2 –0.6 to –1.0 –4.4
opened, the solenoid current is cut off and the magnetic field
3 0 0
in the solenoid collapses. The inductance of the coil prevents
the collapse from being instantaneous, however, and produc- 4 –12 –1.2
es a very large back emf at the switch contacts. This is seen by Hit (after 4) +20 +20
arcing at the switch contacts, as seen in the MIT videos and in bounce –1.0 xxx
Fig. 4. The large downward dB⁄dt through the ring results in

The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 54, February 2016 115

Conclusion analysis,” Phys. Educ. 43, 265–269 (2008).
11. Rondo N. Jeffery and Farhang Amiri, “The phase shift in the
The jumping ring experiment using DC power shows jumping ring,” Phys. Teach. 46, 350–357 (Sept. 2008).
many interesting features that should be accessible to physics 12. P. J. H. Tjossem and E. C. Brost, “Optimizing Thomson’s jump-
students from high school to college. The behavior of the DC ing ring,” Am. J. Phys. 79, 353–358 (April 2011).
ring jump is similar in some ways yet different enough from 13. F. Waschke, A. Strunz, and J-P. Meyn, “A safe and effective
the AC case to merit careful study. For one thing, the analysis modification of Thomson’s jumping ring experiment,” Eur. J.
Phys. 33, 1625–1634 (2012).
is simpler in terms of Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law, which ex-
14. C. L. Ladera and G. Donoso, “Unveiling the physics of the
plain, for example, the terminal velocity of the falling ring in
Thomson jumping ring,” Am. J. Phys. 83, 341–348 (April 2015).
terms of the spatial variation of the magnetic field within the
15. University of Manchester Virtual Laboratory video, “Jump-
iron core. ing Rings Demonstrations,”
Movies of the jump have shown that the motion can be watch?v=T9PflsLZqY8 (accessed April 17, 2015).
divided into four stages. The first, transient stage overlaps the 16. MIT physics demonstration video, “Jumping Ring,” http://
second stage somewhat in time due to the finite time it takes . Also,
the magnetic field to reach its steady-state value and the elec- (both ac-
trical characteristics of the setup. Reaching a maximum jump cessed April 17, 2015); also electrical details on Technical Ser-
height and falling with a terminal velocity are features unique vices Group website (dated Sept. 3, 1987) — http://tsgphysics.
to the DC case, as is the snap if the switch is opened while the
ring is still falling. (accessed June 28, 2015).
A final comment is in order on the conclusion that the 17. Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario) Physics Lab Demo11:
Jumping Ring,
force on the ring is the Lorentz force. The force is due to the
argU (accessed April 17, 2015).
interaction of the induced current in the ring crossed into the
18. Dan Russell (Penn. State Univ.), “Jumping Ring Induced
radial component of the magnetic field around the iron core. Current Demonstration,”
This is the same mechanism whether the apparatus is pow- watch?v=V690VphqTwg (accessed April 17, 2015).
ered with AC or DC. The lift on the side closest to the core, 19. James Lincoln AAPT/Films, Video demonstrating
shown in Fig. 5, is explained by the fact that the radial mag- the Pasco Ring Launcher,
netic field strength decreases as 1/r out from the core, so that watch?v=G0sTOcyhcFM (accessed April 17, 2015). Shows iron
the Lorentz force is greater on that side of the ring. filing magnetic field pattern and different combinations of
rings—separately, stacked, etc., and with light bulb.
Acknowledgments 20. P. Tanner, J. Loebach, J. Cook, and H. D. Hallen, “A pulsed
The authors acknowledge the many helpful comments and jumping ring apparatus for demonstration of Lenz’s law,” Am. J.
suggestions made by the referees. Phys. 69, 911–916 (Aug. 2001).
21. Raymond A. Serway, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 3rd ed.
(Saunders, Philadelphia, 1990), p. 893; Raymond A. Serway,
Robert J. Beichner, and John W. Jewett, Jr., Physics for Scientists
1. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman
and Engineers, 5th ed. (Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000), p. 1002.
Lectures on Physics (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964),
II:16-5. Available on line at: http://www.feynmanlectures. 22. James S. Walker, Physics, 3rd ed. (Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper (accessed April 17, 2015). Saddle River, NJ, 2007), p. 795.
2. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th ed. (Pear- 23. Rondo N. Jeffery and Farhang Amiri, http://www.jumpingring.
son, Boston, 2014), p. 316. com/research. Video 2 shows repeated jumps of 5-mm ring
with the Welch apparatus, powered by a 12-V battery (accessed
3. E. J. Churchill and J. D. Noble, “A demonstration of Lenz’ law?”
August 24, 2015).
Am. J. Phys. 39, 285–287 (March 1971).
4. D. J. Sumner and A. K. Thakkrar, “Experiments with a ‘jump- Rondo N. Jeffery is an emeritus professor of physics at Weber State
ing ring’ apparatus (undergraduate exercise),” Phys. Educ. 7 (4), University. He received BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University
238–242 (May 1972). and the PhD from the University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign in con-
5. A. R. Quinton, “The ac repulsion demonstration of Elihu densed matter physics. In addition to teaching, he has worked in industry,
Thomson,” Phys. Teach. 17, 40–42 (Jan. 1979). including a geophysics company that traces ground water using magnetic
6. S. Y. Mak and K. Young, “Floating metal ring in an alternating fields. He and his co-author, Farhang Amiri, partnered in integrating com-
puters into the physics labs at Weber State.
magnetic field,” Am. J. Phys. 54, 808–811 (Sept. 1986).
7. J. Hall, “Forces on the jumping ring,” Phys. Teach. 35, 80–83
(Feb. 1997). Farhang Amiri is an emeritus professor of physics at Weber State
8. C. S. Schneider and J. P. Ertel, “A classroom jumping ring,” Am. University. He received his PhD from Florida State University in elementary
J. Phys. 66, 686–692 (Aug. 1998). particle physics. His research interests are in undergraduate physics. He
9. P. J. H. Tjossem and V. Cornejo, “Measurements and mecha- has developed computer animations and videos of physics demonstra-
nisms of Thomson’s jumping ring,” Am. J. Phys. 68, 238–244 tions in collaboration with other colleagues. He continues his research
by publishing papers related to topics of interest in the undergraduate
(March 2000).
10. J. M. Bostock-Smith, “The jumping ring and Lenz’s law – An

116 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 54, February 2016

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