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2017 International Conference on Networks & Advances in Computational Technologies (NetACT) |20-22 July 2017| Trivandrum


Athira Menon M S Renjith R J
Mtech student Assistant Professor
Department of ECE Department of ECE
Sree Chitra Thirunal college of Engineering Sree Chitra Thirunal college of Engineering
Trivandrum, Kerala Trivandrum, Kerala
Email: m Email:

representation in frequency domain and vice versa. Fast

Abstract — The computational complexity of vari ous data
Fourier Transform [FFT] algorith m efficiently co mputes the
processing applications is vastly reduced when signals are
DFT by factorizing the DFT matrix into a product of zero
represented in the frequency domain. In l aunch vehicle
factors, and thereby reducing the computational comp lexity to
systems, FFT is required for telemetry data processing
0[n logn]. Fast Fourier transforms are globally used for
applicati ons. Since the systems work in real time, a fast
various application fields in engineering, co mmun ication, and
and efficient computation of the FFT is called for. FFT
mul ti pl i cati on de al s wi th Fl o ati ng poi nt nu mbers .
Nowadays, every process should be rapid and
Vedic mathematics is an ancient multi plication procedure
efficient. Fast Fourier transform is an effect ive algorith m to
which is wi del y used in every fiel d that requires
calculate the ‘n’ point DFT. Even though this algorith m has
computations. The Urdhva Tiryakbhyam sutra is used
large range of applicat ions in commun ication, signal and
because it will reduce computati on ti me than conventional
image processing, its Imp lementation needs great number of
multi pliers. Digital Signal Processing applicati ons
complex mu ltiplication steps. So for our convenience and
essentially require the multi plication of bi nary
make the whole method simple and delay free, we need an
floating point numbers. For IEEE754 fl oating poi nt
efficient mult iplier. To overcome this p roblem Urdhva
multi plier i mplementati on, Vedic Multi plication Method is
Tirvagbhyam sutra (UT Sutra) is considered as an efficient
used. The ease of multi plication of Mantissa part is done
method of multiplication [1].
by Urdhva Tiryak bhyam method. This paper deals with The most widely used standard for Binary float ing
the 24 bi t fl oating poi nt i mplementation using IEEE754 point computation is the Binary Floating Point IEEE754
multi plicati on based on vedic mathematics and compare Standard. Floating-point fixes a number of representation
the result wi th conventional multi plier. Design and HDL problems. Fixed point is restricted to a fixed limit which
coding was carried out using Verilog using the Li bero restricts it fro m representing very large or small nu mbers.
IdeV9.1 pr oject environment, nati vely used for the Actel Also when two large numbers are divided, a fixed point is
Pro-Asic devices. The code synthesis was done using exposed to loss of precision.
Synplify and simulation stage was done using Modelsim. Vedic mathematics mentioned on ancestral Indian
Vedas gives a different mult ip licat ion algorith m to carry out
Keywords–Fast Fourier Transform, Urdhava-Tiryakbhyam, fast multip lication. The Sutras Urdhava-Tiryakbhyam and
Vedic mathematics Nikilam Sutras give easiest way of mental calculation when
performing mult iplication. Among these 2 sutras, Urdhava-
I. INTRODUCTION Tiryakbhyam employs parallel mu ltiplication and exhib its
high degree of parallelism co mpared to other parallel
Nowadays the computational comp lexity of various multipliers.
data processing applications is vastly reduced when signals are This paper deals with the imp lementation of 24bit
represented in the frequency domain. Fourier Transform High speed floating point Vedic mult iplier based on Urdhva
analysis transforms a signal from its original domain to a Tiryakabhya sutra. The advantages of Ved ic Multip licat ion
over the conventional multiplication techniques are discussed.

978-1-5090-6590-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 453


A. Vedic mathematics[2] is the name given to the old

system of mathemat ics which was find out fro m the “Vedas”.
Because of the easiness of vedic multip licat ion over
conventional method, it can be easily adopted to practical
situations. Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj (1884-
1960), re-introduced the concept of ancient system of Ved ic
mathematics. The wo rd 'Ved ic' is derived fro m the word
'Veda' wh ich means the storing house of all knowledge. The
Sutrams Urdhava- Tiryakbhyam and Nikilam Sutrams give
easiest way of mental calculation when performing
mu ltiplicat ion. Vedic Mathemat ics is a do main wh ich g ives
various effect ive algorith ms which can be applicable to
various branches of Engineering such as digital signal
processing and computing. The number of logic levels and
logic delay is being reduced using the Urdhva- Tiryakbhyam
sutra.Vedic mathematics is a mental calculat ion method
that provides worldwide acceptance because of its easiness
and advantages.
B. The word “ Urdhva-Tiryak bhyam” means
“Vertically- crosswise” in Sanskrit. This mult iplication
method can be applied to all cases of algorith m for N b it
numbers. Urdhava-Tiryakbhyam [UT Sutra] emp loys parallel
mu ltip licat ion and exhibits high degree of parallelism
compared to other parallel mu ltipliers. In conventional parallel
mu ltip licat ion method partial products get summed up after
the generation of all part ial p roducts. In the case of Urdhava-
Tiryakbhyam, mu ltip licat ion vertically and crosswise means Fig 2 Vedic Multiplier Flowchart
summation will takes place just after partial products for a
This Sutram shows how to multiply a large bit
column gets generated. This high degree parallelism g ives
better speed compared to other parallel multiplication. [N x N, of N bits] by breaking it into smaller nu mbers of size
(N/ 2 = n, say) and these smaller numbers can again be broken into
smaller numbers (n/2 each) till we reach mu ltip licand size of (2 x
2) Thus, the entire mult iplication process is simp lified [3] and is
shown in figure 2.

C. Floating point multi plication: For DSP applications, IEEE 754

floating point standard is widely used today. The IEEE
[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] defines a
Standard for floating-point representation and arithmetic. This
IEEE754 standard is the widely accepted representation for
floating numbers even though there are many other
representations[5].Consider a floating po int number - 2.42 * 103.
The ‘-‘ symbol indicates the sign component of the number, the
‘242’ indicates the significant digits of the number and atlast the
‘3’ indicates the scalar factor co mponent of the number. The
signifiand dig its is termed as the mantissa of the nu mber and scalar
factor is called as exponent of the number.
The general representation format is of the fo llowing and
is shown in figure 3: (-1) S* M * 2E (1)

Where, S - Sign bit.

M - Mantissa bit
Fig 1 Line diagram of UT Sutra E - Exponent bit
Implementation of fast vedic mu ltip lier will imp rove the
performance of the current processors. Figure 1 shows the line
diagram of UT sutra.

as first stage imp lementation is 3*3 block which is shown in figure
5. Here we needs 24b it vedic mu ltiplier for the multip lication of
mantissa part.

The 3*3 b lock consists of two half adders, one full adder
and three 2 bit adders as shown in figure 5. Fro m this 3*3 block,
6*6 mu ltip lier block is designed. From this 6* 6 mu ltiplier block,
Fig 3 IEEE-754 Single Precision Floating Point Pattern. 12* 12 mu ltip lier block is designed and similarly fro m this 12*12
mu ltip lier block, 24*24 mu ltip lier block is designed and
III DESIGN STEPS OF SINGLE PRECISION FLOATING implemented. These blocks require vedic mu ltipliers and ripple
POINT MULTIPLIER carry adders for getting the final output.

In this paper a Single precision floating point

mu ltip lier which can handle over flow, under flow and
rounding of the result are designed. Fig 4 shows the mult iplier
structure that includes the addition of exponents, multip licat ion
of mantissa, and sign calculation.

A. Floating Point Multiplication Algorithm

Multiplication of two floating point binary digits represented in

IEEE 754 format is interpreted as:

V = (-1) ^Sign * 2^ (exponent - bias) * 1.fraction

Fig 5 Hardware implementation of 3*3 block

Fig 4 Floating point multiplier diagram

The steps for multip lying two float ing point number is
given below:
1. Multiply 2 significand bits; i.e. (1.M1*1.M2).
2. Place a decimal point in the result.
3. Add the exponent bits; i.e. (E1 + E2 – Bias).
4.For obtain the sign bits, do XOR of 2 bits; i.e. s1 xor s2.
5.Do Normalization of the result; i.e. obtaining 1 at the MSB
of the result.
6.Truncating the results to fit in the available bits.
7. Checking the underflow and overflow cases


The proposed design uses vedic mathematics based on
Urdhva Tiryakabhyam sutra for the mu ltip licat ion of the
mantissa part in IEEE 754 single precision floating point
multiplication. In this proposed multiplier the base block used Fig 6 Proposed 6*6 bit VM

Fig 7 Proposed 12*12 bit VM

Fig 9 Synthesis result of 24bit ieee754 mu ltiplication using

conventional multiplier

Fig 8 Proposed 24*24 bit VM


The implementation of IEEE754 mu lt iplication using

conventional mu ltip licat ion method and vedic mu ltip licat ion
using Urdhva-Tiryakabhyam method is performed and
different parameters like CPU speed, memo ry utilization, area,
estimated frequency is co mpared and analyzed. Fro m the
results shown below, we can find that the parameters like area,
memo ry, CPU speed consumed by vedic multip licat ion
technique is less than the conventional technique.

Fig 10 Synthesis result of 24bit ieee754 multiplication using UT

Sl Parameters of Conventional Vedic [3] Ashish Raman, Anvesh Kumar, R.K.Sarin, “High Speed
No: comparison Multiplier Multiplier Reconfigurable FFT Design by Ved ic Mathematics”, journal o f
Computer Science and vol.1, pp 59-63 May 2010.
1 CPU time 1m:15s 0m:24s
[4] A Debasish Subudhi, Kanhu Charan Gauda, Abinash Ku mar
2 Memory Usage 214 MB 198 MB Pala, Jagamohan Das, “Design and Implementation of High Speed
4x4 Vedic Multiplier” Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014

3 Cell Usage 3240 2316 [5] Behrooz Parhami, Co mputer Arithmet ic, Algorithms and
Hardware Design Oxford University Press.2000
4 Timing -35.388 -15.881
Summary [6] Heideman, M. T. Johnson, D. H. Burrus, C. S. ”Gauss and the
history of the fast Fourier t ransform”. IEEE ASSP Magazine. 1 (4):

Fig 11 Comparison between conventional & vedic [7] Strang, Gilbert (May–June 1994). ”Wavelets” A merican
multiplier Scientist. 82 (3): 253. JSTOR 29775194.


This paper deals with the implementation of

24b it High speed floating point Vedic mult iplier for FFT
computation. The advantages of Vedic Mu ltiplication over
the conventional mu ltiplication techniques are discussed.
The comparison between both techniques is shown in the
result. Fro m the result we can find that the parameters like
area, memory, CPU speed consumed by vedic
mu ltip licat ion technique is less than the conventional
technique. The performance is imp roved by using carry
save adder or ripple carry adder at the addit ion part. This
will be done as future work.
The proposed vedic multip lication method is
entirely different fro m conventional mult iplication design.
Here larger b locks are designed from the smaller b locks.
The design and imp lementation difficu lties for inputs of
large nu mber is decreased and modularity is increased.
This will help in designing FFT structure. An FFT circuit
has been described that provides the high performance
with Small area wh ich has wide range of applications in
commun ication, signal and image processing. Urdhva
Tiryakbhyam fro m Ved ic Mathematics is a general
mu ltip licat ion formu la that can be equally applied to all
cases of mult iplication. The conventional mult iplication
method needs more time & area on hardware than Ved ic
mu ltip licat ion techniques. The most important matter is
that performance speed is increased by increase in length
of bit.


[1] M .E.Paramasivam, Dr.R.S.Sabeenian, ‘‘An Efficient Bit

Reduction Binary Multip lication Algorith m using Vedic
Methods”, IEEE pp 25-28, 2010

[2] A mrita Nanda, Sh reetam Behera, “Design and

Implementation of Urdhva-Tiryakbhyam Based Fast 8×8 Vedic
Binary Multiplier,”International Journal of Engineering
Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181J. Vo l. 3
Issue 3, March - 2014.


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