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Feedback can be submitted to Council by filling out an online submission form at:

For more information, or assistance you can contact the Council Traffic Engineers by email
at (we assume you can email submissions to this address also).

Please note if you are giving feedback the consultation period finishes 5.00pm Thursday 28
May 2020.

RE: Traffic Resolution Plan TR99-20 Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn – pop-up uphill bike lane

To whom it may concern,

{Some possible comments below to get you started or to pick and choose from to
compose a submission:}

● I am a regular user of the road - as a car driver, cyclist and walker. I believe this proposal
achieves a better balance for all road users
● As a regular driver on the road - I rarely see trucks going significantly less than 50km/hr. If I am
stuck behind a slower truck because of no passing lane, this would only delay me 30 seconds. I
am prepared to live with that
● If vehicles are forced to slow down, it will make it safer for those walkers (mainly school children
heading to colleges) crossing at Bidwill St intersection as currently they are crossing three lanes
of traffic, some often going 65 km/hr attempting to overtake trucks.
● As a car driver, I’m looking forward to having a protected cycle lane on Brooklyn Rd so I don’t
feel so nervous driving past people on their bikes. The lack of safe cycling infrastructure
passes a lot of the responsibility of their safety onto me as a driver and I’m not comfortable
with that
● I am very pleased to see this proposal for a pop-up temporary bike lane on Brooklyn Rd.
● I’ve been cycling during lockdown when there were almost no cars on the streets and I’m keen to
do more of it, but mixing with the traffic, especially the trucks, is really scary and off-putting for
● A shame this can’t be implemented faster, before everyone reverts back to driving again and the
city is full of congestion.
● I’d love for there to be a protected lane in place for my kids and their friends to ride on.
● I find it really scary riding up Brooklyn Rd at present, with all of the heavy vehicles hurtling past on
their way to the three landfill sites.
● This will provide a great alternative to buses which are running at 30% capacity!
● Leveraging 9:1 government funding seems like a no brainer.
● I’ve heard from many who have started cycling during lockdown when roads were quiet and want
to continue now, but don’t feel safe.
● As someone who bikes up here on my daily commute, this looks really, really great.
● The CBD will soon mostly be 30km/hr and so is Brooklyn village, so a stretch of 1200m of cycle
lane between these two slow vehicle zones makes a lot of sense, especially as bikes are mixing
with heavy vehicles heading to the three landfill sites along this route.
● Maybe if Island Bay had an opportunity for a cheap trial they would have arrived at a better
solution before spending big $?
● On my eBike, overtaking other cyclists is a scary endeavour.
● Being overtaken by eBikes is very nerve wracking as they have to squeeze between me trucks.
● Trying to ascertain if there is someone in a parked car about to swing their door open and force
me into the path of a vehicle (which is often a big truck heading to one of the three landfill sites) is
the worst part of the current situation.
● If I’m transporting my kids by bike I’ll always find an alternative route clear of all the trucks.
● Personally I like the idea of cars being (occasionally) forced to slow down behind a truck, even as
a regular driver myself, as so often at the moment cars will overtake 50km/hr trucks at 60-
70km/hr (I know that from driving in the slow lane at 50km/hr).
● Brooklyn Rd is an arterial route and so the movement of people, bikes, buses, cars and trucks
should take priority over nearby residents storing their cars.
● If people have chosen to live on an arterial route right on the edge of the CBD they really need to
consider that they may have to walk slightly further to and/or pay more for the parking of their
car(s) as the city develops its transport planning.
● Perhaps Brooklyn Rd should all be 30km/hr? Cars and trucks might be more likely to stay at
30km/hr through Brooklyn Village then, as they are supposed to but often don’t.
● Hopefully this will be superseded by a permanent lane in the short-medium timeframe.
● I get that Council have to state the number of car parks removed, as it is a traffic resolution
process, but it really exaggerates the change in the situation, as I suspect that they are mostly
empty a lot of the time and there are lots remaining on the downhill side of the road.
● This is a great idea to do a temporary lane to test out options so that we don’t want to repeat
Island Bay and go straight to a permanent solution which is expensive to change.
● It would be great if Council let the community work with their external consultants who will,
presumably, be designing this from the 12th of June.
● I’ve never seen anything like 139 cars parked on the uphill side of Brooklyn Rd - hard to imagine
there are nearly that many to lose.
● It would be great if this temporary lane can stay in place until there is a permanent solution. If it is
removed and someone is injured, or worse killed, it would be a tragedy that could have likely
been avoided by leaving it in place for longer.
● I wonder if there is enough road width at any point to allow a slow vehicle pull in bay for the
occasional very slow vehicle? Most trucks seem to go 50km/hr, or faster.
● I hope the Council can tap into our local knowledge and make this the best lane for cyclists with
the least imposition for other road users.


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