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VI SEMESTER B Tech (ME)/ Dual Degree

Course No Course Name L T P C
MEC 16102 Advanced Drilling and Blasting 3 0 0 9
Instructor : Prof A K Mishra
Distribution of Marks :
[Mid Semester (40)+end semester(60)]*0.8+[Attendance (50)+quizzes, assignments(50)]*0.2=100
Topic No.of Classes
1. Introduction 1
Rock drilling methods: Introduction; Types of drilling operations used in rock breakage; Applicability and 3
limitations of different drilling methods vis-à-vis rock types and hole diameter.
Percussive & Rotary percussive drilling: Introduction; Fundamentals of percussive & rotary percussive 3
drilling; Top hammer drilling; Down the hole hammer drilling; Advance systems; Drilling parameters and
their estimation.
Rotary drilling: Introduction; Fundamentals of rotary drilling; Drilling parameters 2
and their estimation
Special drilling methods: Introduction; Jet piercing; Water-jet drilling, 2
Automation in drilling technology: MWD technology 2
Explosives: Overview of properties and classification of explosives; Special types of explosives; Recent 4
advances in explosives; Manufacturing and handling of bulk explosives; Specific problems related to the use
of bulk explosives; Safety in handling of bulk explosives
Explosive initiating devices/systems: Overview of conventional systems; Electronic delay detonators; 4
Recent advances in Non-electric delay detonators.
Rock breakage by explosives: Theory of blasting; laws of comminution; methods for prediction and 2
assessment of fragmentation;
Special blasting techniques: Advanced theory and application of explosives in excavation; Controlled 6
blasting techniques; Throw/cast blasting; Blasting in mixed rock types.
Designing blasting in surface mines: Design objectives; Fragmentation; Bench geometry; Blasthole 4
diameter; Blasthole inclination; Burden; Spacing; Sub-grade drilling; Stemming; Powder factor/specific
charge; Energy factor.

Designing blasting in underground mines: Introduction; Explosives and methods for underground blasting 4
in coal and hard rock mines.

Blast Instrumentation: Blast instrumentation for blast performance assessment and modification. 2

Total 39
Books for Reference:
1. Peter Darling
SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 3rd Edition
2. Sushil Bhandari,
AA Balkema Publisher, Rotterdam
3. Blaster’s Handbook, ISEE
4. Per Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg and Jaimin Lee
Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, CRC Press
5. Agne Rustan
Rock Blasting Terms & Symbols
6. C L Jimeno, F A Carcelo & E L Jimeno
Drilling & Blasting of Rocks
7. Konya, C.K. & Walter, E. J,
Surface Blast Design
8. Berta, G.
Explosives-an engineering tool
9. Hustrulid W.,
Blasting Principles for open pit mining Vol. I & II
Dr A. K. Mishra
Professor /ME

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