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姝 Academy of Management Executive, 2005, Vol. 19, No.


Leadership group coaching in

action: The Zen of creating high
performance teams
Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Executive Overview
Although one-on-one coaching can be very effective, this article advocates the benefits
of leadership coaching in a group setting, because durable changes in leadership
behavior are more likely to occur. Discussion is offered to show that leadership group
coaching establishes a foundation of trust, makes for constructive conflict resolution,
leads to greater commitment, and contributes to accountability, all factors that translate
into better results for the organization. The article suggests that a change methodology
centered on leadership group coaching creates high-performance teams, is an antidote to
organizational silo formation, helps put into place boundaryless organizations, and
makes for true knowledge management. A strong plea is made for aspiring leadership
coaches to undergo clinical training to prepare them for the kind of deep-seated
psychological problems that can derail the leadership coaching process. Commentary
about the clinical approach to organizational intervention is included. The article also
explores the similarities between leadership coaching and psychotherapy. Finally, the
article includes a discussion of a number of general concerns about leadership coaching.

Consult your friend on all things, especially teach you anything unless you first empty your
on those with respect to yourself. His counsel cup?”
may then be useful where your own self-love As this anecdote illustrates, Zen Buddhism has
might impair your judgment. as its fundamental purpose the awakening of the
mind and the individual attainment of spiritual
—Seneca enlightenment. A Zen teacher is concerned with
self-help and helping others with wisdom and
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes compassion. Given this mindset, Zen teachers can
give another good counsel, and no man so be seen as forerunners of leadership coaches. Like
wise that he may not easily err if he takes no Zen teachers, such coaches provide learning op-
other counsel than his own. He that is taught portunities by giving constructive and balanced
only by himself has a fool for a master. feedback. They serve as sparring partners. They
help their clients reflect on their own actions. As a
—Ben Johnson way of clarifying and enhancing consciousness,
coaching has become the Zen for executives. With
A Japanese Zen master during the Meiji era re- executives finally realizing the value of coaching,
ceived a visitor who came to inquire about Zen. the coaching market—now a multi-billion-dollar
The Zen master served his guest tea. He poured his enterprise—is ballooning. Originally carried out
visitor’s cup full, but then kept on pouring. His by “one-person bands,” leadership coaching has
visitor watched the overflow with alarm until he become a major activity for many large consulting
could no longer control himself. “The cup is over- firms.
full. No more can go in it!” he cried out. “Like this Why this staggering interest in coaching? Why
cup,” the Zen master replied, “you are full of your does every self-respecting executive now demand
own opinions, beliefs, and assumptions. How can I a coach? Various answers can be given to these
62 Academy of Management Executive February

questions. Perhaps the biggest reason for the remain effective in the workplace, has become one
coaching trend is the pace of change in our of the most powerful strategic and tactical weap-
present-day global world. In many businesses and ons in the executive repertoire.
circumstances, what was an effective way of run-
ning a business five years ago is no longer valid
Leadership Group Coaching: A Case Study
today. Competencies that proved to be highly ef-
fective in the past have become outdated, and the It was obvious from the strained small talk and the
new competencies threaten to be mothballed even jokes that the eight people in the room—seven men
more quickly. There is relentless pressure on exec- and one woman who were members of the execu-
utives to transform their way of thinking to accom- tive committee of an information technology firm—
modate present-day realities while achieving stel- were more than a little anxious. This was unusual,
lar bottom-line results. because these board members were typically self-
With these changes, coaching and commitment confident and in control, and had a well-rehearsed
cultures have replaced the command, control, and script for meetings that they happily enacted as if
compartmentalization orientations of the past. It on automatic pilot. This time things were different,
has not been an easy transition, because organi- however. Today’s gathering was clearly not going
zations that are flat, boundaryless, or virtual, and to be business as usual. Their new CEO had asked
organizations that rely on networking structures, them to participate in a high-performance team-
put much higher demands on the “emotional intel- building workshop facilitated by an external lead-
ligence quotient” (EQ) of executives. The emphasis ership coach. They had no idea what to expect.
on managing interpersonal relationships has Worse yet (from their perspective) they had been
grown as organizational leaders have come to re- asked to complete a number of 360-degree feed-
alize that talent and human capital are what dif- back instruments. Sitting together now—their
ferentiates mediocre from high-performing organi- faces revealing a mixture of curiosity and anxi-
zations. The war for talent is a never-ending ety—they were wondering what their colleagues,
reality. Furthermore, people are being promoted to subordinates, friends, and family members had to
senior executive positions at an ever-younger age. say about them.
Whatever the age, joining an executive team en- They had reason to worry. For over half a year,
tails an enormous amount of stress. Top execu- clouds had been hanging over their organization.
tives’ legal and corporate governance responsibil- The company, a well-established firm in its indus-
ities are growing as well, adding to the pressure. try, was not as nimble as it should have been,
As a result, being invited to take on such a role making a takeover threat from a much smaller
often creates enormous feelings of insecurity and competitor a truly frightening prospect. Future job
loneliness. The overused complaint of “having no- security was at stake for many employees. Only a
body to talk to” is not just an empty statement for few months ago, the non-executive board members
most fast-track executives, who learn that the had finally realized that the CEO couldn’t turn the
higher they are in the organization, the more diffi- company around, and they asked him to resign.
cult it is to talk to others about their issues and Realizing that new blood was required to shake
concerns. the company out of its complacency—to make it
Because the traditional psychological contract less bureaucratic, more entrepreneurial, and more
between employer and employee has been broken results-oriented—they had hired a new CEO with a
through endless downsizing and reengineering, different profile. The non-executive board had
other more creative ways of retaining and inspir- made it clear that it was up to him to bring corpo-
ing talented people need to be found. Likewise, rate returns to a level that matched, or bettered, the
new ways are needed to help reinvent and revital- standards of the industry.
ize highly stressed executives and prevent burn- After his initial appraisal of the situation, the
out. Recognizing the pressures placed upon them, new CEO decided one of his main priorities was to
high-achieving executives are eager to accommo- form a stronger and more effective top executive
date competencies, skills, and experiences to team. It was clear to him that the present team
present-day realities. They know that without con- wasn’t an exemplary decision-making body. From
tinuous learning and development they will be left his first encounter with the group, he observed that
behind in our ever-changing global environment. meetings tended to drift, priorities changed almost
Thus the opportunity to continue to learn and to on a whim, accountability and follow-up were
renew oneself has become a great motivator. No lacking, and the various executive board members
wonder coaching, with its potential to establish, had trouble arriving at closure. The new CEO
fine-tune, or rebuild the competencies needed to sensed the presence of a considerable amount of
2005 Kets de Vries 63

unspoken conflict among the executive team. Par- future leaders of their organization should have,
ticipation during meetings was extremely uneven, and what selection, development, and reward pro-
which the CEO gradually realized was a result of cesses were needed to hire and retain this type of
the fact that several fiefdoms had been estab- leader.
lished, leading to block voting. It also became After a break, the leadership coach explained
clear to him that the various members of the exec- the common difficulties associated with giving
utive group didn’t feel accountable to each other. and receiving feedback. He pointed out that most
As a result of all this, there had long been a lack of executives tend to be “over-estimators” with an
focus under the former CEO, a problem that was exaggerated sense of their effectiveness at work.
widely noticed at lower levels in the organization (He jokingly added, “Present company excepted, of
(as had been clearly indicated in company-wide course.”) He explained the theory behind the kind
satisfaction surveys). Not surprisingly, many of the of 360-degree feedback instruments they had com-
complaints centered on the fact that the board pleted prior to the workshop, and how these instru-
members appeared to be giving conflicting sig- ments help executives to understand their own
nals. competencies and weaknesses. In this case they
The executive board members were aware of had used The Global Executive Leadership Inven-
this and therefore were somewhat anxious, not tory, an instrument that measures leadership in
only about the prospective teambuilding exercise twelve dimensions, including: visioning, empow-
but also about the new CEO’s plans for the future. ering, energizing, designing and aligning, reward-
They knew that things had to change, but how ing and feedback, teambuilding, outside orienta-
would pending changes affect their positions in tion, tenacity, global mind-set, and emotional
the firm? These concerns made a teambuilding intelligence. This instrument also includes dimen-
exercise — with its associated feedback and self- sions that evaluate resilience to stress and life
disclosure — a much more risky and anxiety-rid- balance.2
den exercise for this particular group than it would The members of the executive board had com-
have been for people at lower levels of the organi- pleted the questionnaire themselves, and each
zation. had asked seven to ten work colleagues to be his or
The new CEO had experienced similar interac- her or personal “observers.” The observers had
tions in his previous position, and he knew that answered the same questions about the target par-
mutual accountability was often more difficult to ticipant, and in addition, they were asked to write
establish at the top level of an organization. There answers to three questions: What behavior should
was always potential for conflict between corpo- the executive continue doing? What behavior
rate and line-of-business goals. He also realized should he or she develop further? What behavior
that the stakes tended to be much higher for people should he or she eliminate? Answering these ques-
at the board level, given the executives’ personal tions gave observers the opportunity to make spe-
goals. He was confident, however, that the leader- cific recommendations about how the person being
ship group exercise in which his team was about to rated could be more effective. Their responses to
participate would provide results and lead to im- these questions would make the feedback session
provement. even more relevant for each participant.
The responses to all the questionnaires had
been summarized in a report that compared the
Breaking the Ice
results of self-reporting with the aggregated re-
The leadership coach started the process by en- sults of their observers’ questionnaires. To help the
gaging the group in conversation centered on ef- test-takers further analyze the results, the observ-
fective and dysfunctional leadership. He led the ers’ ranking of the leader in each dimension were
group into a discussion about the characteristics of also separated into categories: superior(s), co-
high-performance teams and organizations, a workers, subordinates, direct reports, and others,
topic to which they devoted considerable amount with no names attached. The leadership coach
of time. He asked the executives to contribute ex- showed the group a sample graph to explain the
amples of what they viewed as good and bad different categories that each person would see
leadership. Building on these examples, he asked when they received their own personalized feed-
individuals to talk about a personal “Everest expe- back material. (See Figure 1 for an example of the
rience,” or feeling of “flow”1—situations when summary report cover page.)
they’d felt at their best as a leader. This led to an In addition, to complement the behavioral di-
interesting exchange among group members con- mensions measured by The Global Executive Life
cerning their views about the competencies the Inventory, each board member had been asked to
64 Academy of Management Executive February

John Smith Summary Page: Global Executive Leadership Inventory

complete The Personality Audit.3 This 360-degree ticipant had been told to ask a number of good
instrument differs from the Global Executive Lead- friends and family members to respond in writing
ership Inventory in that it measures personality to questions such as, “What’s the first thing that
dimensions (presented in the form of polarities) comes to mind when you think about this person?”
such as sense of self-esteem, conscientiousness, and “What should this person change about him-
trust, assertiveness, extroversion, mood state, and or herself?” Finally, the executives had been asked
adventurousness. For this questionnaire, the lead- to complete a short biographical sketch to help the
ership coach had specified that the observers leadership coach better understand the general
should be a significant other or spouse, and two background of each person.
colleagues at the office who were both well ac- At the end of the first day of the leadership team-
quainted with the participant (for example, one building workshop (the first phase of a three-day
superior and one subordinate). The summarized leadership group coaching process), after the sam-
results of this questionnaire, which were not anon- ple feedback graphs had been presented and all
ymous, offered the executives the opportunity to questions about the process had been answered,
see the way their observers—work colleagues or each member of the executive team was given an
personal contacts— differed in their evaluation of envelope containing the feedback information that
the leader’s personality traits. This feedback had been assembled for him or her. The leadership
would help the executives understand how they coach suggested that they study this feedback
managed their public and private selves, and carefully on their own and sleep on the results in
would illustrate the level of consistency of their order to be prepared for next day’s program. He
presentation of self. In addition, the responses counseled them, tongue-in-cheek, not to go on a
would reveal differences in how people managed witch-hunt to identify or retaliate against the peo-
upward versus downward. Once again, the lead- ple who may have given them a low rating on a
ership coach carefully explained the presentation dimension. “Killing the bastards who gave you
of the Personality Feedback page to the partici- unpleasant feedback,” he said, “is not a productive
pants. (See Figure 2 for an example of The Person- exercise, although it might feel good!” His advice
ality Audit report.) was to calmly thank everyone who had worked
To encourage more personal feedback, each par- hard and had the courage, to give each of them
2005 Kets de Vries 65

Summary: The Personality Audit

feedback. As a caveat, he reminded them that in- about the feedback found in the envelopes. The
dividuals—this time, “present company includ- leadership coach understood the reason for this; he
ed!”—are highly complex, and far too complicated knew that a main precondition for an effective
to sum up via a simple questionnaire. Question- intervention is a relationship of mutual trust and
naire results, he said, weren’t an end in them- respect between coach and client. Trust and re-
selves; rather, they offered a jumping-off point for a spect are the foundation of what clinical psychol-
constructive discussion about future career ogists call the working alliance. Research has
choices and decisions. As a final quip, he men- shown that, as in the case of psychotherapy, the
tioned that his experience with people had taught most important factor in making leadership coach-
him that everyone seems normal until you get to ing successful is the quality of the coach-client
know them better—and then everyone is revealed working alliance.4 An important task for the coach
to be positively abnormal, flawed by interesting in this session would be to help the executives
quirks. relax so they could reflect honestly on their observ-
Not all members of the executive team had a ers’ comments.
restful night after opening their envelopes, given The leadership coach explained the next phase:
the feedback they had received. Although much of each of the executive board members in turn would
the feedback concerning their leadership of the be asked to share with the group the feedback he
company came as no great surprise to them, it was or she had received, and the other group members
nonetheless disturbing to see it so clearly summa- would give their reactions to that feedback—a two-
rized in a report. (At their level in the organization, step process that would help the individual partic-
honest feedback wasn’t usually part of the deal; ipants formulate a personal leadership develop-
subordinates often said what they thought execu- ment plan. He mentioned that they needed to
tives wanted to hear.) During the course of a late manage the time carefully, so that each of them
evening, while reading a mixture of praise and would have approximately ninety minutes “in the
condemnation, the executives began to spin out limelight.” After this short introduction, he asked
rationalizations to explain any low ratings they who would like to start the process. After a moment
had received. of distinct unease, one of the executives, John, in-
dicated his willingness to volunteer. The leader-
ship coach asked John whether he was prepared to
Group Coaching Dynamics
share the information he had received with the
As the morning session began on the second day, other members of his team. After receiving a some-
some of the executives seemed quite defensive what hesitant affirmative, the leadership coach
66 Academy of Management Executive February

used an overhead projector to display the sum- duce defensive reactions. The coach knew that this
mary data of The Global Executive Leadership In- kind of reframing was a very effective way to re-
ventory and The Personality Audit for John on the inforce self-esteem and make the participant more
screen. willing to make and effort to change. He also knew
After the other participants had had time to read that timing was critical. Hard experience had
and absorb the material, the leadership coach taught him that when the timing is not right, it is
asked them how they would interpret the informa- better to stay silent. Contrary to the advice in the
tion summarized from The Global Executive Lead- old adage, he believed it was better to “strike when
ership Inventory. After a lengthy pause, one com- the iron is cold.” When the issue is “too hot,” peo-
mented that John seemed to be an over-estimator, ple don’t hear what is being said.5 In addition, he
rating himself higher than his observers in the went to great lengths to present observations in
organization had rated him. Soon other people the context of the experiences of others. He knew
joined in the discussion, offering comments about that such an approach took the sharp edges off
other variances between John’s self-assessment some of the more critical behavioral observations.
and the assessment of others. To complement and After the first phase of the feedback review, the
focus the presentation of the data, the leadership leadership coach asked John if he could mention a
coach read out some of the written comments that few things about his background as a way of help-
John had received from his observers. The most ing the others understand his way of looking at the
telling dealt with John’s need for details, his prob- world. The leadership coach helped him structure
lems in delegation, his inclination to take over his narrative by asking him a number of questions.
work from weak subordinates, his occasional Among the questions included were: Can you say
moodiness, and his tendency to work too hard and a few things about your personal background?
get stressed out. Can you describe events/situations (personal, or-
When the discussion turned to The Personality ganizational, or both) that affected your career in a
Audit, the leadership coach pointed out that the significant way? Can you say something about the
assertiveness dimension indicated that John was best/worst times in your life? What kind of people
something of a “tiger” in the office but a “pussycat” do you admire? What do you see as your greatest
at home, an observation that resulted in a certain accomplishments? What was your greatest failure/
degree of hilarity. Although John perceived himself disappointment? What makes you angry, happy,
as quite extroverted, at home—at least according mad, or sad? What regrets do you have as you look
to his wife— he was rather withdrawn; her ratings back on your life? If you could change three things
also indicated that he should be more adventurous in your life, what would they be? How do you look
in his dealings with her. The Personality Audit also at the future? The other participants found the re-
showed a fairly high rating on the conscientious- sponses to this information extremely helpful, be-
ness dimension, confirming John’s tendency to- cause it gave them a different view of a person
ward micro-management. The supplemental per- who had been their colleague for many years.
sonal feedback pages were revealing as well. The Following this part of the session, John was
leadership coach asked John to read aloud some of asked to be silent and just listen to what the others
the observations made by family and friends. had to say. The leadership coach asked the others
Many expressed concern that he seemed to be un- what thoughts had come to mind when they heard
der too much stress and that he should learn how John talk. What kind of feelings did they have
to delegate more effectively — advice which sur- while listening to his narrative? What were their
prised John, since he had not been aware that “fantasies” or associations while listening to John?
people considered him a micro-manager. Other To stimulate the group’s creative thinking, he
comments indicated that he should be more care- asked, “If John were an animal, what animal did
ful about his health, and that he should set clearer they think he would be?” This particular question
boundaries between his private and business life. evoked many responses. Some mentioned a watch-
Some commented that he was sometimes moody or dog, like a German shepherd; others referred to a
hypersensitive. There were positive comments as rat in a cage. Another person strayed from the
well. For example, some observers mentioned the animal motif and compared him to the mythologi-
creative way John tackled and solved problems cal figure Sisyphus, endlessly pushing his rock up
that other people had given up on. a hill. What stood out in the discussion were John’s
During this discussion of the various forms of strong work ethic, his driven nature, his need for
feedback, the leadership coach made sure that control and, once again, his tendency toward
John’s observed strengths were emphasized and micro-management.
his weaknesses reframed in a positive way to re- Next, each member of the team was asked, “as a
2005 Kets de Vries 67

friend,” what advice he or she would give John to of how to design their own personal development
help him become even more effective. This ques- plans.
tion prompted an intense discussion. Two of the This same rather intensive feedback exercise
participants made disparaging remarks about cer- took place for each member of the executive team
tain members of John’s management team and in turn, with each participant identifying issues to
suggested that he should stop protecting those “in- be included in their personal leadership develop-
competents” and avoid doing their work in addi- ment plan. Although the exercise was the same,
tion to his own. He had enough work to do as it the atmosphere was not: people were tense and
was. These respondents felt that he should take hesitant to contribute at the outset, but they grad-
the tough step of letting some of the subordinates ually became more comfortable and spontaneous.
go. One team member suggested that he should The group leadership coaching exercise created
reorganize and simplify his department’s structure for the members of the executive team a “transi-
rather than having 12 people reporting to him. Still tional space” or holding environment aimed at un-
another participant complained about how diffi- derstanding and resolution, a place where they
cult it was to approach John and the people who were able to play and experiment safely.6
reported to him. This participant said that al- As a result of the group dynamics of these dis-
though the company claimed to aspire to be a cussions, the different roles played by the mem-
networking, boundaryless organization, John, bers of the executive team were clarified and the
through his territorialism and his anger when peo- effects of the various leadership styles on the
ple approached his team without his consent, had group as a whole became clearer. They recognized
created what the participant referred to as a how they could complement each other, how they
“silo”—that is, a part of the organization that was could build on each other’s strengths to become
extremely hard to enter. This latter comment took more effective as a team. At that point, one board
John by surprise. He had never realized that his member remarked to another, “We’ve worked to-
behavior gave this impression. gether now for 28 years. It’s sad that I learned more
During this process the leadership coach was about you in the past two days than I had in all the
actively listening and trying to comprehend the previous years. But now I have a better sense of
key issues that John faced. He also offered tenta- your strengths and weaknesses, and I understand
tive suggestions of other ways that John could act what you stand for. I think we’ll be able to work
in certain situations, should they come up again. together more effectively now.”
By reframing some of the colleagues’ suggestions, Before closing the workshop, the leadership
he helped John to become more aware of conscious coach discussed the importance of the personal
and unconscious influences on his behavior. He development plan. He asked each member of the
helped John see connections between critical life executive team to state out loud what he or she had
situations he had mentioned in his description of learned during the past two days, and which one
himself and the problems he was having in the or two areas each of them planned to work on. (The
workplace. Why did he have such a great need for leadership coach had learned that setting too
control? What was behind his reluctance to dele- many goals was unwise. Trying to do too many
gate more? Why did he get so moody? Why did he things at the same time carried the strong risk that
protect incompetents? During this exchange, the nothing would get done.) He also asked them how
leadership coach used humor as a highly effective they were going to deal with the people who had
means of clarifying certain points and defusing provided them with feedback. How would they in-
tension. volve those friends and colleagues in bringing
When the discussion had reached closure after about changes in behavior? He mentioned that
some time, John was asked how he felt, what he involving the persons that gave them feedback
had distilled from everyone’s feedback, and what would make changes in behavior more likely.7 In
had been most important to him during the discus- addition, he asked them to put down in writing a
sion. He now had the opportunity to reply to the realistic, measurable action plan (with a timeline)
various observations. When he had said his piece, that would be circulated among the other members
the leadership coach summarized the major points of the group. Stressing the importance of having an
of the discussion (which had been jotted onto a flip internal leadership coach to monitor progress, he
chart as they came up) and these were presented suggested that they ask one or two people in the
as part of John’s personal leadership development executive group to help them monitor and assist
plan. The leadership coach explained that when them to implement the desired changes. Finally,
all members of the group had discussed their feed- the leadership coach set a date (approximately two
back, they would end the session with a discussion months later) when they would have a follow-up
68 Academy of Management Executive February

meeting to discuss what they had done and how strayed and resorted to behavior that the team now
well they had met their set objectives. The leader- recognized as dysfunctional, the others stepped in
ship coach knew from experience that a follow-up to remind the person of the promises made during
process was essential for successful change. the “infamous” teambuilding session. They were
no longer willing to let such behavior slip by. In
addition to having better relationships with the
Creating High EQ Teams
other team members, board members were able to
The benefits that came out of the leadership group use their newly acquired coaching skills to im-
coaching exercise far exceeded the expectations of prove relationships with direct reports.
the CEO who had initiated it. Over time, they be- Communication within the executive team be-
came more of a high EQ team.8 The members of the came more focused, less conflicting, and therefore
team became also more aware of the interpersonal less energy-draining. As the executive board mem-
role in which they consciously or unconsciously bers concentrated on what was really important to
had cast themselves.9 They recognized that, just as the organization, endless discussions lacking res-
they had taken on a particular role in their own olution and commitment became a thing of the
family while growing up, they now frequently oc- past. Whereas before there had been some “silent
cupied a parallel role in the workplace. They iden- types”— executives who rarely spoke—all mem-
tified such roles as martyr, scapegoat, cheerleader, bers of the executive team now participated. And
peacemaker, hero, and clown. They also began they did so frankly, openly, and honestly, engag-
figuring out the complementary roles that others ing in constructive conflict resolution and eschew-
had been placed in, and thus saw how other mem- ing politics. As a result, the members of the exec-
bers of the executive team could be used more utive team felt more accountable to each other and
effectively.10 They also acquired insight into mal- to the organization. They took ownership and re-
adaptive interpersonal patterns that weakened the sponsibility for their decisions and behaviors and
team, discovering how such patterns, and the col- followed up on their actions. Conflict between the
lusive relationships that underlay them, contrib- members of the team and other members of the
uted to the team’s lack of effective conflict resolu- organization was reduced as speaking and listen-
tion, lack of focus, and reduced productivity. After ing took place at a deeper level.
the workshop, one of the members of the team Keeping in mind the feedback they had received,
half-jokingly said, “In the past our meetings were the executives attempted to unlearn specific be-
get-togethers where some of us said what we havior patterns that had proved to be ineffective.
really didn’t think, while others didn’t say what we With the new climate of collegiality, they now
really did think! I hope we will be able to change found it acceptable to ask each other for help when
this pattern.” in a difficult situation. Likewise, talking about per-
By participating in the intensive group coaching sonal matters was no longer taboo, which made
process, the members of the team learned what it the executives more willing to express concerns
meant to coach others; the group exercise helped about their life-work balance. Becoming, in effect,
them acquire a new interpersonal tool in their rep- a mutual support group, they experienced more
ertoire. In particular, they learned how to become satisfaction and fulfillment in their work and per-
better listeners. They saw that listening is a pre- sonal life. What this group exercise did for them
condition for any meaningful relationship, be- was help them become a true high-performance,
cause it fosters understanding. And better relation- high-EQ team: they shared common goals and val-
ships mean better business, because people who ues; they respected (and built on) each other’s dif-
feel heard and understood are easier to motivate ferences; and they learned to use the complemen-
and influence. tarities in their leadership styles to create an
There were many other benefits that came out of effective executive role constellation.
the group leadership coaching exercise. The exec- In addition to changes that each board member
utive board members felt that they had become initiated after the workshop, there were changes
much more of a team. As a result of the team- imposed from above. Encouraged by the exercise,
building session their common goals and values the CEO reassigned the roles of some members of
had become much more explicit. There was a the executive group so that their duties were more
higher level of trust and mutual respect among in line with their real talents. For example, to help
them. They also noticed during subsequent meet- one executive come to grips with his conflict-
ings that team objectives were no longer being avoidant behavior, the CEO asked him to turn
affected by an undercurrent of personal objec- around a very messy situation at a foreign subsid-
tives.11 Turf fights were rare. When someone iary. Another executive (John, the one who favored
2005 Kets de Vries 69

silo formation) was given a very different portfolio To summarize, the group leadership coaching
in the executive team— one that was less people- exercise allowed the executive team to reflect on
intensive and more future planning oriented. This each member’s leadership style. It enabled them to
reassignment, the CEO felt, would prevent depart- deal with personal issues that had been lying dor-
mental isolation. Another executive, after reflect- mant for a long time and to develop strong rela-
ing for several weeks on the feedback he had re- tionships based on trust and mutual respect. That
ceived at the workshop, decided that he didn’t foundation of trust fostered a genuine exchange of
really fit in the team. Feeling that he would be more information, broke down barriers, exposed the “un-
effective in another organization, he resigned. discussables,” and promoted true conflict resolu-
Looking back on the leadership group coaching tion. The discussions the executive board members
process, the CEO was quite satisfied. The leader- had during the workshop, and the more open com-
ship coach had quickly created a safe transitional munication they practiced afterward, helped them
space for the executives in which they felt at ease rethink priorities, and reshape the future of their
while narrating their story. Throughout the pro- organization and improve the financial results.
cess, the person who was being discussed en- Since they were no longer “playing the violin while
gaged in a journey of self-discovery, while the Rome was burning,” they developed a specific
other members of the group vicariously learned strategy that enabled them to ward off the takeover
from his or her story and validated the experience. threat. A follow-up session three months later con-
Thus, all of the participants not only engaged in a firmed the robustness of the leadership group
problem solving exercise (in the form of making coaching intervention, as did a subsequent fol-
action recommendations) but also learned how to low-up a year later.
practice their leadership coaching skills. Going
through this process of mutual exploration also
Making Executive Team Coaching Work
implicated the group in supporting the action plan
of the person who was in the limelight, making I have learned from hard experience that if you
behavioral change more likely. (For a summary of want to change people, merely dealing with cog-
the process of the leadership group exercise see nition is not enough. Changing behavior necessi-
Figure 3.) tates a double-pronged approach: dealing with

Figure 3
The Leadership Group Coaching Process
70 Academy of Management Executive February

cognition and affect.12 As the case study example The Role of Storytelling
above illustrates, such a strategy really pays off
The support and acceptance given by the group
when leadership coaching takes place in groups,
also facilitate change, because they instill in each
especially “natural” working groups. That is not to participant a sense of hope about the future. The
say that individual leadership coaching doesn’t powerful emotional experiences that come out of
work. On the contrary, successful leadership group leadership coaching are also change facili-
coaching is often the outcome of a one-on-one pro- tators. As people reveal something about them-
cess. However, private coaching sessions rarely selves by telling their life stories, talking about the
have a lasting impact, in part because they are too experiences that shaped them, and sharing the
infrequent. All too often, when the coached indi- feedback they received through assessments, they
vidual is back in his or her working environment, undergo a journey of self-understanding. Telling
“automatic pilot” takes over and wipes out lessons personal stories is a powerful way of exploring the
learned. In addition, the business and private en- self.14 It creates a readiness for interpersonal
vironment often act as a “rubber fence,” bouncing learning and insight, lays the foundation for work-
the client right back to the starting point despite ing through internal conflicts and crises, and helps
the person’s best efforts to change aspects of his or a person arrive at meaningful, personal life inte-
her behavior. Thus the question whether people gration. In other words, by telling personal stories,
can change must be answered in the affirmative, people rediscover themselves, obtaining a better
but whether people will change has to be an- understanding of their own life. Listening to stories
swered with a maybe!13 is a powerful learning experience as well: it allows
for the vicarious instruction of role modeling and
gives an empathic understanding of the questions
the speaker is struggling with.
The Role of Commitment
We have also discovered that too many people in
search of change have a “dream.” The “dream” The Role of Trust
goes something like this: “I will start exercising.” “I Growth can come out of the telling and hearing of
will start dieting.” “I will stop smoking.” But in stories only if trust binds all the participants in the
reality nothing happens. Unfortunately, having group. Unfortunately, trust building isn’t easy for
good intentions isn’t good enough. External pres- highly competitive people. In many organizations,
sure is needed. When a smoker says in public, “I’m trust is an extremely rare commodity. After all,
going to stop smoking,” that person involves oth- relationships of trust depend on our willingness to
ers, giving them a stake in the process. After hear- look not only to our own interests, but also to the
ing such an announcement, they are not likely to interests of others. For trust to exist, we need to
offer the person a cigarette or even to give one deal with such complicated issues as openness,
when asked. This public process changes the “rub- honesty, active listening, communication, consis-
ber fence” into a much more robust foundation of tency, competence, fairness, and mutual respect.15
support. What makes group leadership coaching Trust is a delicate flower: it doesn’t take much to
so effective is that participants become committed crush it, and once destroyed, it takes a very long
time to nurture it back into bloom. But if trust is
to helping each other change. The leadership
honored and protected, it flourishes and bears
coach who sets the process in motion is eventually
good fruit. Trust makes for constructive conflict
assisted by a number of volunteer “assistant
resolution; constructive conflict resolution makes
coaches” who help each other stay on the right
for genuine commitment; and commitment makes
track. for accountability—all factors that have an enor-
The members of the group set boundaries that mous impact on the bottom line of an organization.
become an important force in behavior change; The case example given earlier illustrates what
they help each person live up to his or her prom- can happen when leadership coaching takes place
ises. Because shame, guilt, and hope are powerful in groups. When people get to know each other
motivating forces (as I am somewhat reluctant to better, when they understand each other’s leader-
point out), when an individual is tempted to fall ship styles, when they have a good sense of each
back on old behavior patterns, the visualization of other’s competencies, and when they understand
the group’s disapproval often acts as an effective the nature of each other’s work, there is a greater
deterrent. It’s as if the group becomes internalized likelihood that they will trust each other. In the
within each member. “transitional space” of the coaching workshop,
2005 Kets de Vries 71

people open up and begin to share information,

talking about the issues that really preoccupy A Clinical Orientation
them. They stop beating about the bush, they stop Many organizations offer leadership
playing politics, and they start to support each coaching programs, but in many instances
other. their training of coaches can be seen as
In the cyber society of today — in the virtual
questionable. There are exceptions,
teams that are becoming ever more common in the
global marketplace — the building of trust is even however. For example, the Center for
more important, and even more of an uphill battle. Creative Leadership (CCL), with offices in
To make virtual teams effective, an enormous in- Asia, North America, and Asia, has a long
vestment in relationship-building needs to be and successful history in the leadership
made up front. It’s impossible to e-mail a smile or coaching training business. INSEAD’s
a handshake. Personal relationships and face-to-
Global Leadership Center, located in
face communication, not electronic communica-
tion, build trust. And yet only when a significant Europe and Asia, is also very active in the
degree of trust exists between various parties can leadership coaching domain. Presently,
one expect effective interaction between individu- leadership coaching modules are found in
als and groups located in different parts of the most of INSEAD’s executive programs. In
world. Without the glue of trust, teams don’t work particular, follow-up of senior executive
well and virtual teams don’t work at all.
groups who attended an INSEAD
Knowledge management can’t take place in the
absence of trust. If knowledge is power, why share leadership group coaching seminar has
it? Who would share information with someone he shown that the process proved to be
or she doesn’t trust? When people trust each other, extremely valuable in creating high-
they have an incentive to share; once they open up performance teams. INSEAD also offers an
to each other, they know what to share and how intensive ‘Coaching and Consulting for
and why to do so. Thus only when there is a solid
Change‘ program designed for consultants,
degree of trust between executives can there be
true knowledge management.16 Unfortunately, HR professionals, and senior executives.
many people who are in the knowledge manage- The program has a strong short-term
ment business don’t seem to have figured that out! dynamic psychotherapy orientation to give
In spite of all the hoopla, knowledge management participants an in-depth understanding of
has in many instances been a less than successful psychological processes when coaching,
concept. That’s because its advocates focus their
preparing them to deal with complex
attention on the building of data banks and don’t
deal with the human factor. Setting up an exten- human situations in organizations.
sive, state-of-the-art data bank isn’t knowledge To summarize, in selecting a leadership
management; investing heavily in electronic man- coach for an organizational group
agement systems isn’t knowledge management. intervention, it is important to ensure that
Vehicles for storing and categorizing knowledge the individual has completed a highly
do exist; but they are only tools. It’s people that in
selective program like one of those
the end acquire, manipulate, and manage knowl-
edge. Thus true knowledge management means described above. Furthermore, it is strongly
creating teams and organizations in which the par- recommended that the person has some
ticipants trust each other and realize the benefits kind of clinical perspective toward
of knowledge sharing for everybody involved. True coaching to be able to identify possible
knowledge management means the creation of so- danger signals in the bipersonal and
cial networks, of communities. True knowledge
group domain.
management implies paying attention to the un-
conscious life of organizations.
individual, can be extremely effective both for ex-
ecutives and for their organization. Unfortunately,
the often impressive results obtained through this
Beyond Traditional Organizational Intervention
kind of intervention have attracted the attention of
As the case study above illustrates clearly, lead- many unqualified consultants who take advantage
ership group coaching, led by an experienced of the leadership coaching trend to hang out their
72 Academy of Management Executive February

own shingle. As in the early days of psychother- bipersonal field (and a natural occurrence in any
apy, leadership or executive coaching can pres- meaningful interpersonal relationship).18 Because
ently be offered by anyone. Effective and construc- the leadership coaching process often awakens
tive leadership coaching, however, is built on a deep-seated psychological problems of a charac-
solid base of psychological understanding and terological nature, raising issues that need much
practice. Particularly in the case of group interven- more than a simple coaching intervention, leader-
tions, it is essential that the leadership coach has ship coaches who do not have solid psychological
had a modicum of clinical training; otherwise he or training are woefully unequipped. They may ig-
she will not be able to decipher dysfunctional nore the problem, assuming that it has nothing to
group dynamics and individual pathology. do with the workplace. Personality problems don’t
Most traditional intervention techniques focus simply go away, however. A leadership coach’s
primarily on the rational side of human behavior, inability to recognize such problems, or the ten-
neglecting the non-rational patterns that are part dency to downplay them, can have detrimental
and parcel of the human condition.17 Many incom- results for individual and organization. Along with
prehensible activities in organizations (“incompre- failing to get the best out of an individual or exec-
hensible” from a rational point of view, that is) are utive team—in the process harming the company
in fact indicators of what is really going on in the and even potentially destroying careers—poorly
intrapsychic and interpersonal world of the key trained leadership coaches may fail to recognize
players, below the surface of their day-to-day rou- mental disorders, an omission that can be even
tines. This underlying mental activity needs to be more devastating for all concerned.
understood in terms of how it resurfaces as fanta- A clinical orientation to leadership analysis and
sies, conflicts, defensive behaviors, and anxieties. intervention— used in conjunction with more tradi-
Thus, to be effective in leadership group coaching, tional organizational development methods—is
one must accept the notion that there is more to therefore essential in the organizational context.
behavior in organizations than meets the eye, a The clinical orientation is solidly grounded in con-
realization that can be anathema to far too many cepts of psychoanalytic psychology (specifically,
traditional organizational development practitio- object relations theory), short-term dynamic psy-
ners. People who deny the reality of unconscious chotherapy, cognitive theory, human development,
phenomena—who refuse to take them into consid- and family systems theory. It can be extremely
eration—increase the gap between organizational powerful in deciphering knotty leadership and or-
rhetoric and reality. Only those leadership ganizational issues. In the case of many incompre-
coaches who have had some training in psycho- hensible organizational situations, a clinical ori-
logical techniques and methods, in combination entation to leadership coaching can go a long way
with intensive experience of life in organizations, toward bringing clarity and providing solutions.
are equipped to be most effective in this domain.
Those “coaches” who are lacking training and
Short-Term Psychotherapy versus Leadership
experience in these two fundamental areas are
likely to do more harm than good. It is often hard to
predict how a coaching arrangement will evolve. My emphasis on the importance of familiarity with
What starts as a simple attempt to bring about the clinical orientation brings up an important
desired changes in specific cognitive skills may question: Are psychotherapists and leadership
turn into something far more complicated. Too of- coaches interchangeable in the organizational
ten, issues that executives present require more context? A few observations about the specific
than simple, surface interventions. Thus leader- skills of the two may help to clarify their differ-
ship coaches are not trainers. By definition, a sim- ences. As suggested, the most effective leader-
ple training perspective is far removed from any ship coaches draw heavily on psychotherapeutic
form of reflection and introspection. Most trainers frameworks and skills. After all, both leadership
don’t have the expertise to recognize the often coaching and psychotherapy deal with behavior,
deeply rooted nature of specific problems. To illus- emotion, and cognition. Depending on the psycho-
trate, a leadership coach who has not been ex- logical background and orientation of the coach,
posed to the basics of dynamic psychotherapy leadership coaching can take on many different
would most likely not recognize the presence of a forms, many of which look very much like short-
psychological problem underlying a complaint term psychotherapy. In leadership coaching, as in
about leadership style. Furthermore, a mere psychotherapy, there may be a discussion (de-
trainer would probably not recognize transferen- pending on how deep the leadership coach and
tial issues (see sidebar), a critical dimension of the the client are willing to go) of blind spots, defen-
2005 Kets de Vries 73

Regarding the differences between the two, in

Transference refers to a situation in general leadership coaches have a broader per-
which the client becomes confused as spective than do psychotherapists. Most psycho-
about time and place, as revealed in the therapists have not supplemented their clinical ex-
way he or she interacts with the perience with the training necessary to diagnose
problems of executive leadership, dysfunctional
leadership coach, perhaps thinking of
team behavior, social defenses, corporate culture,
him as a father figure, for example. neurotic organizations, and organizational deci-
(Counter transference results when the sion-making. Effective leadership coaches, on the
leadership coach becomes similarly other hand, are expected to know not only the es-
confused.) The psychological imprints of sentials of psychotherapy, but also the require-
crucial early caregivers (particularly our ments of organizational management. Given the
importance of the context in which the client oper-
parents) cause transferential confusion in
ates, a deep understanding of the specific organi-
time and place for all of us, in many zational context, and of organizations in general,
situations, making us act toward others are important factors in helping coached clients.20
in the present as if we were acting Because the organizational context is so important,
toward significant people from the past. leadership coaches take a holistic, not a reduction-
All of us act out transferential (or ist, approach to framing problems. They must take
a systemic, not a piecemeal approach. While in
‘historical‘) reactions on a daily basis,
most forms of therapy information is principally
regardless of what we do. For example, taken from the client, leadership coaches gather
though we are generally unaware of information not only from the client but also from
experiencing confusion in time and other people who have dealings with the client.
place, the mismatch between the reality Furthermore, psychotherapy—particularly its
of our work situation and our more psychodynamic orientations—tends to be
past, present, and future oriented, while coaching
subconscious scenario— colleagues are
has a more present and future orientation.21 (Psy-
not parents or siblings, after all—may chodynamically informed therapies emphasize the
lead to bewilderment, anxiety, importance of early development, unconscious as-
depression, anger, and even aggression. pects of behavior, the therapeutic relationship be-
Unfortunately, people who have little tween therapist and client, defensive reactions,
clinical training may not recognize such and the presence of repetitive behavior.) As a re-
sult, in leadership coaching we find a more active
interaction patterns, and thus cannot
goal-and-action orientation, while in psychother-
effectively change them. Moreover, apy the interaction is more passive and reflective.
leadership coaches unfamiliar with the Finally, in leadership coaching the focus is on per-
power of transference may put the client sonal growth and skill development, while in ther-
in a dependency situation or otherwise apy the question of symptom reduction and char-
unethically overstep the boundaries of acter problems is the primary area of interest.
In the case of psychotherapy, help to the client
the coaching relationship.
stands central, and there is no question about who
the client is. In the case of leadership coaching, on
sive reactions, distorted thinking, and irrational the other hand, the identity of the client is not as
thoughts. Not surprisingly, then, there are— or can self-evident. When successful, leadership coach-
be—rather fuzzy boundaries between short-term ing helps both client and organization. So is the
psychotherapy and leadership coaching. What- client the person the leadership coach works with,
ever the depth to which the leadership coach is or is it the executive in the human resources de-
willing to go, it is important to be prepared for partment who organized the coach’s intervention?
emergencies in the coaching process (a point that Is it the CEO? Or is it perhaps even an abstract
has been emphasized before), so that the coach “ideal,” such as contributing to the good of the
recognizes in time the danger signs that can derail organization? In the case of therapy, confidential-
the coaching process.19 Therefore, as mentioned ity is absolute. That rule doesn’t always apply to
above, some psychotherapeutic (clinical) under- leadership coaching, however. In many cases, con-
standing should be a sine qua non for any effective fidentiality is much less definite, given the poten-
leadership coach. tial confusion about who the leadership coach is
74 Academy of Management Executive February

working for. In spite of this confusion, it is advis- assessing carefully the training and experience
able for leadership coaches to be, like psychother- all the candidates possess. If a leadership coach
apists, quite rigorous about client confidentiality. doesn’t truly appreciate the problems of the client
The setting is much more flexible in leadership or the business, this can prove to be extremely
coaching than in psychotherapy. While leadership costly for individual and organization alike. Self-
coaching can take place in many different environ- styled leadership “coaches” may have good inten-
ments—face-to-face meetings, e-mail, telephone tions, but real leadership coaching is built on a
conversations, or group meetings—psychothera- solid base of psychological understanding and
peutic boundaries in most instances restrict inter- practice. Effective leadership coaches are attuned
actions to the therapist’s office. The duration is to the unconscious life of organizations. They real-
likewise defined in therapy, which usually takes ize that there is more to human behavior that
the form of regular 45- to 50-minute sessions. Lead- meets the eye.
ership coaching sessions, on the other hand, are A related concern—and a troubling one, given
often as long as two or even more hours. Interper- human nature—is that leadership coaches don’t
sonal boundaries differ as well: while therapists always know their limits. Leadership coaches
generally avoid having social relationships with need to realistically appraise their expertise and
their patients, not wanting to “contaminate” future acknowledge which kinds of clients they can work
sessions, coaches may interact with a client at with and which they can’t. “Hungry” (in a financial
various company events outside of coaching ses- sense) leadership coaches are the worst coaches.
sions. These occasions give leadership coaches a Wise leadership coaches know what to take on and
great opportunity to observe the client from an- what to refuse, and they follow the credo, “Do what
other perspective. (For an overview of the differ- is best for the client.” Any leadership coach, even
ences between leadership coaching and psycho- one with a great deal of experience, would do well
therapy see Figure 4.) to have regular supervision and/or an independent
colleague to discuss clients with, so that an expe-
rienced “other” can give his or her opinion on dif-
The Vicissitudes of Leadership Coaching
ficult interventions.
To temper all the hype about leadership coaching Another concern I have—this one multi-
these days, I would like to end this discussion by pronged—relates to the ethical code of conduct for
presenting a number of concerns. Predictably, (as leadership coaches. First, as noted earlier, it isn’t
indicated earlier) my first concern is the proper always clear whether the client is the person being
training of leadership coaches. Companies look- coached or someone else in the organization—per-
ing to hire a leadership coach need to be selective, haps someone higher up the management ladder

Therapy versus Leadership Coaching
2005 Kets de Vries 75

or someone in the human resources department. topic of this article) has to do with the focus of
The hazy, potentially dual role that many leader- leadership coaching. I would like once more to
ship coaches play has the potential to create seri- make a plea for leadership coaching in groups as
ous problems. The person being coached may fear the preferred tool for behavior change. Although
that sensitive information will go back to top man- one-on-one coaching currently has the center stage
agement—a realistic fear, since that’s often what in the coaching field, my experience has shown
happens. Leadership coaches need to be clear up that leadership coaching in a group setting has the
front, with both the person coached and anyone highest payoff: high-performance organizations;
else they have dealings with, about how the infor- results-oriented and accountable people; boun-
mation they receive during sessions will be used. daryless organizations; and true knowledge man-
The issue of confidentiality extends beyond pri- agement.
vate personal data to sensitive organizational in- We have always known that the pressure that
formation regarding issues such as possible acqui- groups can exert in creating behavior change can
sitions or mergers, proprietary information about be formidable. Zen masters have always been well
share price, and illegal activities. Organizations aware of the efficacy of these pressures, as the
that use external leadership coaches should set following story illustrates: When a famous Zen
confidentiality guidelines up front to ensure the master held his regular weeks of meditation, pu-
client’s (and organization’s) privacy. Using that pils from all over Japan came to attend. During one
written agreement about how information will be of these gatherings, one of the pupils was caught
shared, the leadership coach can then balance the stealing. The matter was reported to the Zen mas-
need for privacy with a focus on improved corpo- ter with the request that the pupil be expelled. The
rate results. Zen master ignored the request. Soon after, the
Another troubling ethical issue is the question of pupil was caught in a similar act, and again the
consent. Sometimes clients participate in leader- master disregarded the matter. This lack of action
ship coaching, not because they believe in its angered the other pupils so much that they drew
value, but because senior people in the organiza- up a petition asking for the dismissal of the thief. If
tion have recommended it for career advancement. the master wouldn’t agree, they threatened, they
Declining such a “gift” (a word meaning poison in would all leave the temple.
the Dutch and German language) isn’t an option When the Zen master had read the petition, he
for anyone who wants to be promoted within the called everyone before him. “You’re right, pupils,”
organization. But talk about questionable motiva- he told them. “You know what is right and what is
tion! It’s like the convict who enters therapy be- not right. You may go somewhere else to study if
cause a judge mandated it as one of the conditions you wish, but this poor brother of ours doesn’t even
of a reduced sentence. I have learned from hard know right from wrong. Who will teach him if we
experience that such scenarios do not augur well. don’t? How can we change his dysfunctional be-
Leadership coaches who find themselves working havior? I’m going to keep him here even if all the
with clients who are under duress must exercise rest of you leave.”
great vigilance in dealing quickly with resis- The Zen master’s expectations had been framed
tances. in a positive way, and the values of the other
There are ethical issues around the question of students had been praised. Surrounded by a group
money as well. If the organization finances lead- on the watch for further infractions, the pupil found
ership coaching, it should provide clear guidelines that his desire to steal had vanished. It is easy to
about the ways leadership coaches are going to be imagine that this gentle lesson was of lasting ben-
used, and for how long. Because clients, with suc- efit to all concerned. It is a good example of the
cessful leadership coaching, begin to grow and outcome all leadership coaches should strive for.
develop personally, they often want to extend the
work beyond what was originally planned for.
They may, for example, want what was intended to Endnotes
be a performance-improvement intervention to 1
For a discussion of the “Everest feeling” or “flow,” see
blossom into something of a very different nature. Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1990. Flow: The psychology of optimal
As with the work of the sorcerer’s apprentice, the experience. New York: Harper and Row.
process can easily run out of control, becoming For a review of this 360-degree feedback instrument see
Kets de Vries, M. F. R. 2004. The global executive leadership
very expensive. Of course, it is another matter al-
inventory: Facilitator’s guide. San Francisco: Pfeiffer; Kets de
together if the leadership coaching is financed pri- Vries, M. F. R. 2004. The global executive leadership inventory:
vately by the client. Participant’s workbook. San Francisco, Pfeiffer; Kets de Vries,
My final concern (and this has been the main M. F. R., Vrignaud, P., &. Florent-Treacy, E. 2004. The global
76 Academy of Management Executive February

leadership life inventory: Development and psychometric prop- the self. New York: William Morrow and Company; Atkinson, R.
erties of a 360-degree feedback instrument,” The International 1998. The life story interview. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Journal of Human Resource Management, 15 (3): 475– 492. For some insights into trust building see Solomon, R. C., &
Kets de Vries, M. F. R. 2003. The personality audit. INSEAD, Flores, F. 2003. Building trust: In business, politics, relationships,
Fontainebleau, France. and life. New York: Oxford University Press.
4 16
Koss, M. P., & Shiang, J. 1993. Research on brief psychother- For a good overview of studies on knowledge management
apy. Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change. A. E. see Morey, D. (Ed.). 2002. Knowledge management: Classic and
Bergin and S. L. Garfield. (Eds.) New York: Wiley. contemporary works. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Von Krogh, G.,
Kets de Vries, M. F. R. 2004. Organizations on the couch: A Ichijo, K., & Nonaka, I. 2000. Enabling knowledge creation. New
clinical perspective on organizational dynamics. European York: Oxford University Press.
Management Journal, 22 (2): 183–200. In differentiating the more clinical orientation to organiza-
See Winnicott, D. W. 1951. Transitional objects and transi- tional intervention from that of more traditional OD approaches
tional phenomena. In Collected papers: Through paediatrics to see Hirschhorn, L. 1988. The workplace within: Psychodynamics
psycho-analysis. London: Tavistock Publications. of organizational life. Boston: MIT Press; Levinson, H. 2002. Or-
See for example Toegel, G., & Conger, J. (2003). 360-degree ganizational assessment. Washington, DC: American Psycho-
assessment: Time for reinvention. Academy of Management logical Association; Kets de Vries, M. F. R., & Balazs, K. 2005.
Learning & Education 2 (3): 279 –296 Organizations as optical illusions: A clinical perspective to
Gardner, H. 1999. Intelligence reframed. New York: Basic organizational consultation. Organizational Dynamics 34 (1)
Books. See also Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. 1990. Emotional intelli- forthcoming.
gence, Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 9: 185–211; Go- 18
See Freud, S. 1905. Fragment of an analysis of a case of
leman, D. 1998. Working with emotional intelligence. New York: hysteria. The standard edition of the complete psychological
Bantam Books. works of Sigmund Freud. J. Strachey. (Ed.) London: The Hogarth
Kets de Vries, M. F. R. 2000. Struggling with the demon: Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 7; Etchegoyen,
Perspectives in individual and organizational irrationality. R. H. 1991. The fundamentals of psychoanalytic technique. Lon-
Madison, CN: Psychosocial Press. don: Karnac Books.
Kets de Vries, M. F. R. 2001. The leadership mystique. Lon- 19
Berglas, S. 2002. The very real dangers of executive coach-
don: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. ing. Harvard Business Review 80 (6): 86 –92.
For a description of high performance teams see Kets de 20
Levinson, H. 2002. Organizational assessment. Washington,
Vries, M. F. R. 1999. High performance teams: Lessons from the DC: American Psychological Association; Zaleznik, A. (1989).
pygmies. Organizational Dynamics 27 (3): 66 –77. See also Na- The managerial mystique. New York: Harper and Row; Kets de
dler, D. A., & Spencer, J. L. 1998. Executive teams. San Francisco: Vries, M. F. R. and Miller, D. (1984). The neurotic organization.
Jossey-Bass; Levi, D. 2001. Group dynamics for teams. Thousand San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Oaks, CA: Sage; Scott Rutan, J., & Stone, W. N. (1993). Psychody- 21
See for example Rawson, P. 2002. Short-term psychody-
namic group psychotherapy. New York: The Guilford Press. namic psychotherapy: An analysis of the key principals. London:
See for example, Malan, D., & Osimo, F. 1992. Psychody- Karnac; Mander, G. (2001). A psychodynamic approach to brief
namics, training, and outcome in brief psychotherapy. Oxford: therapy. London: Sage Publications.
Butterworth Heinemann and McCullough; Vaillant, L. 1997.
Changing character. New York: Basic Books. Manfred Kets de Vries is the Raoul de Vitry d’Avaucourt Clinical
For informative literature on coaching see the writings of Professor of Leadership Development at INSEAD in France and
Kilburg, R. R. (2000) Executive coaching. Washington, DC: Amer- Singapore. He is the director of INSEAD’s Global Leadership
ican Psychological Association, Goldschmith, M., Freas, A., & Center. Apart from being a management professor, he is also a
Lyons, L. 2000. Coaching for leadership. New York: John Wiley & practicing psychoanalyst and a consultant on organizational
Sons; Hargrove, R. 1995. Masterful coaching. San Francisco: design/transformation and strategic human resource manage-
Jossey-Bass; Peltier, B. 2001. The psychology of executive coach- ment. He is the author, co-author, or editor of 20 books and has
ing. New York: Brunner-Routledge. published over 200 scientific papers. His books and articles
For a discussion on the power of narration see Mc Adams, have been translated into eighteen languages. Contact: man-
D. P. 1993. Stories we live by: Personal myths and the making of fred.kets-de-vries@insead.edu

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