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1. Cash Withdrawal - Withdrawing of cash from the ATM machine.
2. Balance Enquiry - Enquiring about the current amount of money an
account has.
3. PIN Change - Changing the PIN Number of the account.
4. PIN Generation - Generation of the PIN for the newly allotted
Credit/Debit card.
5. Phone Number Change - Changing the phone number to get the further
updates on new number.
6. Mini Statement - Getting a printed record of past few transactions.
7. Cash Deposit - Depositing money in account.
8. Money Filling - Filling of money in the ATM machine by the money

1. Customer - An individual who has his bank account opened in the
bank. He seeks a variety of services from the bank.
2. Money Filler - A person from the bank who is responsible for
refilling up the ATM machine.
3. Bank - A bank itself seeks some services from the available ones to
carry out the other activities.

1. Customer

 A customer can withdraw cash from the ATM machine that will be
deducted from his account.
 He can check current balance in his account.
 An individual can change his pin according to his will as or when
he requires.
 He can change the phone number with the new one.
 Mini statement can be generated by the user which will show
around 5-6 past transactions.
 A user can deposit the cash into the ATM machine which will be
added up into his account.

2. Money Filler

 A money filler is a bank employee who will refill the ATM with
the cash so that people can withdraw more money.

3. Bank

 A bank is responsible for a large number of services like cash

deposition, money filling, mini statement, & balance enquiry.


Fig 1
A customer seeks a lot of services from the bank which includes:

 Cash Withdrawal
 Balance Enquiry
 PIN Change
 PIN Generation
 Phone Number Change
 Mini Statement
 Cash Deposit
 Money Filling

By all these services a customer is associated to the bank. A customer can

request for these services whenever he requires or unless that ATM is not

Then there is a money filler who is a bank employee who has the job of refilling
the ATM machine when its balance gets low. He can only fill the ATM machine
and cannot access the other services unless he opens an account in that bank and
acts as a customer.

And then finally comes the bank which conducts and provides all the services to
the users/customers. It is also involved in some of the activities like balance
enquiry, mini statement, cash deposit, and money filling.

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