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Version 1 – 23/5/2020


COVID-19 Management Plan

Phase 2

Author N Oldfield 20/5/2020

Reviewed T Lester 21/5/2020
Approved C Vallipuram 23/5/2020

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:

This COVID-19 Management Plan outlines North Coast Raiders hockey club’s approach to the
resumption of training activities during Phase 2, as to ensure compliance with the State government
requirements. These are subject to change with time, as conditions are ever-changing.

Under the State Government’s recently announced roadmap, the Phase 2 conditions will be applied
to all sports on Monday, May 18, 2020. This permits groups of up to 20 individuals to return to non-
contact training.

It is important that everyone from North Coast Raiders HC clearly understands:

o The requirements for a safe return to non-contact training;

o That the playing of contact sports remains a prohibited activity; and
o That the State Government is responsible for guiding all sport as to when it is safe to take
the next step towards full training and then competition.

We must all remain vigilant and work hard to prevent another outbreak of COVID-19 in WA and
protect our strong position within Australia which affords us with relaxed social distancing before
other states.

North Coast Raiders recommends all players, officials and spectators download and use the
COVIDSafe App.

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:
North Coast Raiders Responsibilities
North Coast Raiders will:

● Nominate a designated contact person to HWA, and must include name, contact number,
email address for the purpose of COVID related communication.
● Implement a COVID safety plan, to be signed and returned to HWA.
● Provide training to Venue staff and volunteers on the COVID safety plan.
● Promote good hygiene practices and display relevant information about COVID-19.
● Schedule training sessions to stagger bookings for arrival and exit. Each group training
simultaneously should have a staggered starting time.
● Ensure entry exits and accessways to be free-flowing at all times. Entry and exit points clear
of any physical or procedural barriers stopping participants from free- flowing movement.
Accessways to fields and facilities should always be kept clear.
● Designate waiting and personal equipment storage areas prior to taking to pitch
o Waiting area should be away from entry/exit
o Waiting area should be away from all access routes to and from the field, facilities,
and designated isolation area
o Adequate space to store personal equipment a minimum of 1.5m apart
o Adequate space for participants to maintain 1.5m from other
o No more than 1 person per 4m2
● Maintain good cleaning standards
o Increased frequency in high traffic areas and surfaces frequently touched such as
interchange and technical benches, goal posts, tech equipment, safety rails and door
o Use an appropriate disinfectant that kills viruses
o Use in accordance with manufacturer instructions
o Display checklist of cleaning times
o Blood spill kit available and accessible always
● Provide bins for disposal of tissues. Foot pedal bins to be procured. Empty regularly
● Decommission or close amenities
o Water cooler and fountains
o Communal seating
o Common use surfaces
● Dispose of any forgotten water bottles. Staff to wear gloves when handling items
● Doors allowing access to essential use areas should be kept open where possible
● No training or shared bibs will be made available
● Lost equipment should be stored in an area where it does not come into contact or can be
touch by venue users:

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:
o Lost equipment, clothing and other personal items should be handled with gloves at
all times
o No contact claim process must be utilised for identifying owners of lost equipment
o Representative of NCR Board (or allocated person) to assist retrieval of lost items by
owner they must not be allowed to ‘rummage’ through the lost property
● Designate an appropriate isolation area for participants who become unwell during activity
with flu or COVID like symptoms
o Use signage to clearly identify the designated isolation area
o Area should have access to hand washing facilities and hand sanitiser
o Area will require immediate cleaning after use
o Provide map of isolation area to all venue hirers

Key North Coast Raiders Contacts – Board members

Refer to the table below regarding key contacts from NCR Board.

Craig Vallipuram President 0410 811 561

Nathan Oldfield Mens Director 0472 782 708

Debbie Campbell Womens Director 0413 353 660

Faye Brinch Admin Director 0414 362 445

Simon Rose Junior Director 0428 944 983

Pam Birnie Junior Director 0414 368 175

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:
Members Responsibilities

● Club Officials, Team Officials, Players, Staff, Volunteers are to stay home under the following
o Contact with a known case of COVID in the last 14 days.
o Have flu/COVID like symptoms
o Have travelled internationally or have been in direct contact with a known case of
COVID in the previous 14 days.
● All members/users must undertake good hygiene practices such as
o Regular and thorough hand washing for at least 20 seconds.
o Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
o Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
o Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
o Stay home and seek medical advice if you are unwell, or if you have been in contact
with someone who has been unwell.
● All members must maintain physical separation from all other users, considering the 1.5m
minimum guidance.

Hygiene Protocols

● Alcohol based hand sanitisers must be available for all teams training sessions. Sanitise your
hands before, during and following training.
● Sanitise your hands before you start, again during and following training as you depart the
● Strictly no sharing of water bottles or towels, and it is important to disinfect these items
following each training session. Disinfect mouthguards after each session.
● Players and coaches should avoid spitting or clearing nasal passages at training.
● Avoid handshakes, high fives, or other physical contact.
● No access to changerooms, wet areas, and club rooms can occur i.e. players arrive at the
venue ready to train.
● While hockey equipment such as hockey sticks, masks, bibs, and goalkeeper gear must not
be shared, hockey balls and cones/markers can be used if cleaned and disinfected following
use and prior to being used again.

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:
Hockey Training Protocols
Prior to Training

● Training at Charles Riley will only be allowed during designated times as approved.
● There will be 30 minutes between any session so that all participants have time to leave
before the next set of participants attend. There will be no mixing of groups before, during
or after training under any circumstances.
● Players should dress for their training session at home prior to arrival.
● Players are only permitted to bring the equipment they require for their session e.g. stick,
mouthguard, shin pads and water bottle. Sunscreen etc. is to be applied at home.
● Parents and friends are always asked to remain within or near their cars and practice social
distancing if they plan to attend training sessions. Designated parking areas are allotted for
each training zone to allow for visibility from parking areas if required.
● Parents of players under 18 years of age can contact the coach directly at any stage if there
are any concerns or queries.
● Players must adhere to their predetermined (clearly marked) areas for training.
● Goals should be moved and located in their required positions prior to training by an
approved Club representative. This should be arranged prior to the training session with an
approved Club representative. Goals should not be moved by players.

During Training

● Scheduled training sessions are to be used for skills and hockey training drills. Fitness
sessions must be conducted at alternative locations.
● There will be no access to internal facilities within the Charles Riley Clubhouse. Restrooms
shall be opened at the clubhouse for emergency use only.
● Players should enter and exit within 15 minutes for their allotted training session. All players
must depart immediately after their training slot and not loiter afterwards.
● No contact should be allowed during training.
● If required, young participants may be accompanied by one (1) parent/guardian.
Parents/Guardians must maintain social distancing and density requirements at all times by
maintaining a minimum of 1.5m distance from others and no more than one person per
4m^2. Parents/Guardians may not approach team officials or group participants at any time.
Should a minor require Parent/Guardian assistance they are to approach the
Parent/Guardian away from the group.
● A maximum of one (1) small group of 20 or less can train on one (1) half of a grass field or
turf at any one time, with another one (1) small group of 20 or less training on the other
half; OR
● A maximum one (1) small group of 20 or less on one (1) full grass field or turf.
● Participants must remain in the same group and designated area for the duration of the

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:

COVID-19 Incident Response

The ability to respond quickly is important to minimise further risk to the community and assist
in managing the public health response if someone with possible COVID-19 infection enters the
grounds. All public health advice and instructions must be followed in the event of a confirmed

The maintenance of accurate attendance records of patrons underpins the response as it will
assist Public Health with contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID-19 case on the premises.

Response Procedures
● Should anyone become aware that someone with a case of COVID-19 has attended an NCR Club
training event, a representative of the NCR Board must be notified ASAP. Ring the COVID-19 Public
Hotline 24/7 on 1800 020 080 and follow the advice of health officials.
● If someone is confirmed as having COVID-19 or is getting tested for COVID-19, they should already be at
home. However, there may be circumstances where a person on site is displaying COVID-like symptoms
or shares information (e.g. they have been in close contact with someone that has the virus) that causes
you to have reasonable concerns about their health and the health of others.
● Should the person on site be a staff member, or other visitor:
o Keep others away from the person - If the person has serious symptoms such as difficulty
breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help. Otherwise, you must take steps to prevent the
person from potentially spreading the virus by keeping others away from the person. The
measures taken must be reasonable.
o Seek advice and assess the risks - To determine if it is reasonable to suspect the person may
have COVID-19, talk to the person about your concerns and seek government health advice
where necessary.
o Isolate the affected person - Any person who appears unwell should be requested to leave or
to isolate away from the group or class as appropriate. People under 18 should not be left
alone. Return to the group should only occur following medical advice.
o Transport - Ensure the person has safe transport home, to a location they can isolate, or to a
medical facility if necessary.
o Clean and disinfect - Close off the affected areas and do not let others use or enter them until
they have been cleaned and disinfected. Open outside doors and windows, if possible, to
increase air flow.
o Assisting public health to identity close contacts - Notify the state public health unit by
contacting the COVID-19 Public Hotline 24/7 on 1800 020 080. The state public health unit may
ask for attendance records to identify close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case so that they
can contact them and provide them with instructions, for example, in relation to quarantine

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:
Appendix A
Charles Riley
Parking and field layout requirements

Members must park and meet prior to training sessions at the locations as dictated by your field
allocation. You must also take the paths as highlighted with the related coloured arrows on the
image below.

For example, if you are required to train on Field G2-A (Ground 2, side A), you must park at location
(3), follow the red arrow, and congregate at Meeting Point (3) adjacent to the field, also while
following the social distancing requirements as detailed in this document.

If you have any queries, first reach out to your coach and manager, thereafter NCR Board if your
issue cannot be resolved.

Wendling Road, North Beach P.O. Box 14, North Beach, 6020
Telephone 0430 204 338 E-mail:

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