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Synopsis for project smart city and

aspects of smart city

Name - Sankalp Patel Submitted to -

Class - XII D
Subject - Physics
Topic - Smart city
A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of
electronic data collection sensors to supply information used to
manage assets and resources efficiently.[1] This includes data
collected from citizens, devices, and assets that is processed and
analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transportation
systems, power plants, water supply networks, waste management,
law enforcement, information systems, schools, libraries,
hospitals, and other community services.[2][3][page needed]

The smart city concept integrates information and communication

technology (ICT), and various physical devices connected to the
network (the Internet of things or IoT) to optimize the efficiency of
city operations and services and connect to
citizens.[4][5][6][page needed] Smart city technology allows city officials
to interact directly with both community and city infrastructure
and to monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is

A smart city is considered to be modern day metropolitican city

which specifies safety, modernization also has all basic amenities
of human aspect and has all modern techniques to make human life
in city better.
A smart city may therefore be more prepared to respond to
challenges than one with a simple "transactional" relationship with
its citizens.[9] Yet, the term itself remains unclear to its specifics
and therefore, opens to many interpretations

Major technological, economic and environmental changes have

generated interest in smart cities, including climate
change, economic restructuring, the move to online retail and
entertainment, ageing populations, urban population growth and
pressures on public finances.[11] The European Union (EU) has
devoted constant efforts to devising a strategy for achieving
'smart' urban growth for its metropolitan city-regions.[12][13] The EU
has developed a range of programmes under 'Europe's Digital
Agenda".[14] In 2010, it highlighted its focus on strengthening
innovation and investment in ICT services for the purpose of
improving public services and quality of life.[13] Arup estimates that
the global market for smart urban services will be $400 billion per
annum by 2020.[15] Examples of Smart City technologies and
programs have been implemented in Dubai,[16] Milton
Keynes,[17]Southampton,[18] Amsterdam,[19] Barcelona,[20] Madrid,[21]
Stockholm[22],China and New York.[23]

Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program

by the Government of India with a mission to develop 100 cities all
over the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable
Physics and smart city
Physics is an aspect of of science which deals with mechanics of
anything how any thing is done because of physics and science in
increasing technology smart city can bemade smarter and more
technological which will help human race for better life and fight
natural disasters common in many places.

University research labs developed prototypes for intelligent cities.

IGLUS is an action research project led by EPFL focused on
developing governance systems for urban infrastructures. IGLUS
announced a MOOC through Coursera.[63] MIT Smart Cities
Lab[64] focuses upon intelligent, sustainable buildings, mobility
systems (GreenWheel Electric Bicycle, Mobility-on-
Demand, CityCar, Wheel Robots); the IntelCities[65] research
consortium for electronic government, planning systems and
citizen participation; URENIOdeveloped intelligent city platforms for
the innovation economy[66] focusing on strategic
intelligence, technology transfer, collaborative innovation, and
incubation, while it promotes intelligent cities research and
planning;[67] the Smart Cities Academic Network[68] is working on e-
governance and e-services in the North Sea region. The MK:Smart
project[17] is focusing on issues of sustainable energy use, water
use and transport infrastructure alongside exploring how to
promote citizen engagement[69] alongside educating citizens about
smart cities.[70][71].

Large IT, telecommunication and energy management companies

such as Cisco, Schneider Electric, IBM and Microsoft market
initiatives for intelligent cities. Cisco, launched the Global Intelligent
Urbanization initiative[72] to help cities using the network as the
fourth utility for integrated city management, better quality of
life for citizens, and economic development. IBM announced
its SmarterCities[73] to stimulate economic growth and quality of
life in cities and metropolitan areas with the activation of new
approaches of thinking and acting in the urban ecosystem. Sensor
developers and startup companies are continually developing new
smart city applications.
Smart city technological companies exist in Israel, with Tel
Aviv getting an award in 2014.[74][75][76][77]
Kingsun Optoelectronic is the major supplier for smart street light
in China.
This project is also tending for betterment of human life based on 3
main aspects of smart city light renewable of energy and from
physics fighting from natural disasters. And making of energy from
wind energy from wind mills.
Aspects of project smart city
in our project

-Protection of buildings from


-Energy formation through wind mill

-Energy conservation through moving

Protection of building from
Protection in today mordern smart city from earth quake and other
climatic disaster can be possible from making earthquake resistant

Earthquake-resistant structures are structures designed to

withstand earthquakes. While no structure can be entirely immune to
damage from earthquakes, the goal of earthquake-resistant
construction is to erect structures that fare better during seismic
activity than their conventional counterparts.

According to building codes, earthquake-resistant structures are

intended to withstand the largest earthquake of a certain probability that
is likely to occur at their location. This means the loss of life should be
minimized by preventing collapse of the buildings for rare earthquakes
while the loss of the functionality should be limited for more frequent
To combat earthquake destruction, the only method available to ancient
architects was to build their landmark structures to last, often by making
them excessively stiff and strong.
Currently, there are several design philosophies in earthquake
engineering, making use of experimental results, computer simulations
and observations from past earthquakes to offer the required
performance for the seismic threat at the site of interest. These range
from appropriately sizing the structure to be strong and ductile enough to
survive the shaking with an acceptable damage, to equipping it with base
isolation or using structural vibration control technologies to minimize
any forces and deformations. While the former is the method typically
applied in most earthquake-resistant structures, important facilities,
landmarks and cultural heritage buildings use the more advanced (and
expensive) techniques of isolation or control to survive strong shaking
with minimal damage. Examples of such applications are the Cathedral of
Our Lady of the Angels and the Acropolis Museum.[citation needed]

The proposed system is composed of core walls, hat beams incorporated

into the top level, outer columns and viscous dampers vertically installed
between the tips of the hat beams and the outer columns. During an
earthquake,the hat beams and outer columns act as outriggers and
reduce the overturning moment in the core, and the installed dampers
also reduce the moment and the lateral deflection of the structure. This
innovative system can eliminate inner beams and inner columns on each
floor, and thereby provide buildings with column-free floor space even in
highly seismic regions.
Physics in this aspect
Simple physics can be applied in this case for making building
resistant from earthquake and other natural calamities building
designing can be done is such a way by making building shapes for
minimum damage against earthquake.

Buildings are basically designed to support a vertical load in order

to support the walls, roof and all the stuff inside to keep them
standing. Earthquakes present a lateral, or sideways, load to the
building structure that is a bit more complicated to account for.
One way to to make a simple structure more resistant to these
lateral forces is to tie the walls, floor, roof, and foundations into a
rigid box that holds together when shaken by a quake.

The most dangerous building construction, from an earthquake

point of view, is unreinforced brick or concrete block. Generally,
this type of construction has walls that are made of bricks stacked
on top of each other and held together with mortar. The roof is
laid across the top. The weight of the roof is carried straight down
through the wall to the foundation. When this type of construction
is subject to a lateral force from an earthquake the walls tip over
or crumble and the roof falls in like a house of cards.

As the buildings get bigger and taller other techniques are

employed such as “base isolation.” During the past 30 years,
engineers have constructed skyscrapers that float on systems of
ball bearings, springs and padded cylinders. Acting like shock
absorbers in a car, these systems allow the building to be
decoupled from the shaking of the ground.
Energy From Sustainable
Wind power is the use of air flow through wind
turbines to mechanically power generators for electric power.
Wind power, as an alternative to burning fossil fuels, is
plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces
no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, consumes no
water, and uses little land.[2] The net effects on the
environment are far less problematic than those of nonrenewable
power sources.

One of the most important sources of energy used is wind energy.

Wind energy is the important most sustainable form of energy as it
is widely available in nature and also easy to harness through wind
mills. This form of energy is always available and also easily
stored. The most important point in wind energy is it is cheaper
than all forms of energy
Physics in wind energy

The purpose of a wind turbine is to convert kinetic energy (energy

of a moving mass) of the wind into electrical energy.
Energy conversion is common to all machines because they must
obey the law of energy conservation—energy cannot be created or
destroyed, but only changed from one form to another. For
example, your car converts the chemical energy stored in fuel (if
it’s an electric car, batteries) to kinetic energy, moving it down the
road. A wind turbine also obeys this law when it extracts the kinetic
energy in the wind and converts it to electrical energy.

The designs and infrastructure have evolved, but the motivation for
using windmills is still about the same. Early windmills were
primarily used to automate pumping water and grinding grain.
Today, people use the electricity produced by windmills (or wind
turbines) to power hot water heaters and coffee grinders.
Wind energy is attractive because it is renewable—putting up a
farm of windmills doesn’t use up a limited supply of wind like mining
does to coal.

The mechanical energy from the spinning drive shaft powers a

generator, which turns the mechanical energy into electrical
energy. The electricity is then run out through power lines and into
to the electrical grid.In 2008, wind turbines generated 1.26% of all
of the electricity generated in the United States, and about 1.5% of
all of the electricity generated in the world.

Many people would like to see wind energy play a larger role in
energy production, because it is a renewable and clean source of
energy. However, wind turbines are still only about 20-35%
efficient. Continue reading to find out how scientists are trying to
increase the efficiency of turbines so they can play a larger role in
increase in energy formation.
The Smart City is and will definitely be one of the most important
challenges over the next few decades. From now until 2050, it is
estimated that more than six billion people will be living in urban
environments, i.e., nearly 75% of the Earth’s population. The mass
concentration of individuals in cities creates many opportunities,
but also carries with it its share of urban management problems:
pollution, poverty, security, cost of living, mobility, etc.

Although the smart city is a trend for some and a necessity for
others, it is obvious that, with the demographic explosion of our
cities, we have to rethink our way of life and how we use our
resources, consume and move about.

For example, did you ever want to automatically and precisely know
the closest street parking place to save time, gas, CO2 emissions in
the city and to foster traffic flow?

The transition to the smart city involves optimizing information

technology to better understand our infrastructures and the
behaviours of people and to be able to make informed decisions
that meet the needs of citizens, institutions and companies with a
view to community and sustainable development.

Cities especially need information and the means to use it

efficiently. In fact, just like roads represented the basis of past
traditional urbanism, since the 19th century, electricity,
information technology and communications now represent the
nervous system of the modern city. Information systems determine
urban and urbanism development policies, while helping citizens
and companies make decisions to improve their quality of life in the
urban space.

However, it is imperative to understand that most “urban events”

that require decision-making are characterized by a geographical
place. The city indeed is above all a place, a geographic
environment in all its complexity. The urban issues are local and
there are just as many solutions. Therefore, there is always a
“location” aspect behind all “urban events”. WHERE the traffic jams
are and when they take place; WHERE road work is; WHERE parking
is available; WHERE the needs for collecting and managing urban
waste are and how much; WHERE the heat islands are; WHERE
sunny areas are that are good for urban agriculture or for solar
energy; WHERE and at what distance citizen services are; WHERE
aqueduct network leaks are; WHERE public WI-FI is available; WHERE
and when the bus comes; WHERE electric car chargers are located,
just to name a few examples.

Geospatial technologies, such as modern geographic information

systems (GIS) and data capturing technologies, are at the heart of
the smart city, because understanding the “WHERE” component is
critical for making an informed decision. Geospatial technologies
largely meet these communication needs, while emphasizing the
geographical aspect, which plays a fundamental role in optimizing
the understanding and management of the urban space.

Moreover, the possibility of viewing information related to a

geographical point, often in real time, from Web platforms and
interactive mobile applications, allows citizens and stakeholders in
the different urban services to interact and contribute to
information exchanges at all times and to monitor changes in the

GIS are normally designed to provide a wide range of options to

foster decision-making with their immense capacity to store
information and descriptions, to handle and analyze information,
and to simulate and forecast events.

Since GIS are made up of local information, such as the assets of a

city, and used to represent it, they are increasingly becoming the
tool for determining the level of intelligence of the city. Certain
cities will set up GIS integrating assets that are useful to several
departments and agencies, whereas others will reserve GIS to
certain areas (infrastructures, transportation, security, public
services). GIS can therefore be adapted to the different
informational needs.

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