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Proiect PSI

Proiectarea Sistemelor Informatice (Academia de Studii Economice din București)

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Desc?rcat de Miruna Neacsu (

Information System Design

Coordinating Teacher

Florea Alexandra

Desc?rcat de Miruna Neacsu (


Table of Contents
1. An introduction to the Information System...................................................................................................... 3

1.1 General description of the Information System....................................................................................... 3

1.2. Specifying the requirements.......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.1 Use Case diagrams................................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 1 – General Use Case Diagram............................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 – Menu options diagram..................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 3 – In game diagram.............................................................................................................................. 6

1.2.2 Describing the use case diagrams + more detailed UCs..............................................................................7

Figure 4 – Detailed general UC diagram........................................................................................................... 7

Figure 5 – Detailed in menu diagram................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 6 – Detailed in game diagram................................................................................................................ 8

2. The analysis of the Information System.......................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Activity diagrams................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 7 – Activity diagram for menu.............................................................................................................. 10

Figure 8 – Activity diagram for game.............................................................................................................. 11

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1.An introduction to the Information System

1.1 General description of the Information System

An information system is generally used for collecting, storing, processing and generating the
necessary information, in order to make activity management and decision making easier. Using an
information system makes tasks significantly easier to solve, using less resources and allowing an
organization to choose the activities they want to focus on, since the computer system allows the
automation of obtaining necessary information when it’s needed.

It’s not always about companies, and it is not always used to simplify work. Rather, an
information system can give an insight of how things work, how a user interacts with the
system/computer/an application/a shopping site, maybe to make room for improvement or for our
own knowledge and understanding in this era of technology.

My application is not going to be about problem solving, about organizing projects, lists, solving
Sudoku puzzles, finding plagiarism in documents or anything similar, but rather a game. By working
on this project, I will have a better understanding on how the user connects to the computer, how
the computer responds accordingly in different situations, how the inputs work, how a certain user
request generates a certain response. Moreover, maybe it is going to make me understand
resource managing and how to make use and program with more efficiency, avoiding doing
unnecessary coding.

The game has a rather easy to understand mechanism, as in it is simply consisted in a change of
requests and responses between the user and the application. An input is sent and then an output
is generated based on that input.

The first actor, which is the user, initiates a string of events that trigger a certain computer
reaction or behavior. The second actor, that is the computer, can also trigger a set of events, either
in response to the user’s actions or randomly, linearly, to which the user has to respond.

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1.2. Specifying the requirements

As stated above, this application doesn’t aim to accomplish a certain goal in making things
easier/solving issues, but rather to provide some entertainment. However, for this entertainment
to be provided, some things need to work as intended.

There are some functionality requirements that need to exist/work in order to provide
good synergy between the user and the computer.

1.2.1 Use Case diagrams

The functional requirements needed to develop this game are going to be designed using
Use Case diagrams, in Visual Paradigm, using actors and activities.

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Figure 1 – General Use Case


The following diagram represents the general use case diagram the information system
uses. It shows the player(user) being able to select several options, such as starting a new game,
loading a game, going into the settings menu.

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Figure 2 – Menu options diagram

The diagram above represents the flow of the main menu, available settings and responses.

Figure 3 – In game diagram

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Figure represents a simple display of how the in game system works, with general action and
responses from the computer, as well as available options.

1.2.2 Describing the use case diagrams + more detailed


Figure 4 – Detailed general UC


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The previous picture shows the complete, detailed general UC diagram, including the in
game part and the menu options part. It’s showing the synchronization and connection between
the player and the computer, as well as the actions that happen between them. Furthermore, we
will have a look at the menu diagram and the in game diagram, separately, and explain them.

Figure 5 – Detailed in menu diagram

The diagram is a representation of the menu part of the application. It lets the user select a
few options, such as starting a new game, loading a previous game, accessing the settings menu,
applying the settings (saving the modifications).

When the user selects a certain action, for example, rebinding the keyboard keys, this is
sent to the computer that updates the information, thus making changes according to the user’s
desires. The user can choose to apply the settings and send the modifications they made to the
computer, or cancel the process.

Just like the settings part, the user can select a new game, or load a previous game and
select a level, then send this request to the computer that launches the game according to the
user’s choices ( new game, load game, selected level, etc )

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Figure 6 – Detailed in game


The picture above shows a representation of the system at work while in the game. We can
see that the user has a few options, those being triggering certain events ( moving, doing actions ),
saving the game followed by choosing a certain name for the save game, actions to which the
computer responds accordingly.

The computer generates AI behavior in response to the player’s actions. A level can be
restarted manually or it is going to be restarted when the computer has checked for the win
condition and the win condition has not been met (failure, character died, etc). In case this win
condition is met at the time the computer is doing the check, the user advances to the next level.

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2.The analysis of the Information System

2.1 Activity diagrams

Figure 7 – Activity diagram for menu

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Figure 8 – Activity diagram for game

Desc?rcat de Miruna Neacsu (

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