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Facility Management

A Surveyor’s Perspective:
Water Quality for Hemodialysis
Glenda M. Payne

ater is the common risk factor for all patients
receiving hemodialysis. Errors in water
treatment affect all patients on treatment in The most critical
a facility at the same time. Failure to recognize poor qual- component in any
ity water, failure to adequately treat water contaminated water treatment system
with chemicals, bacteria, or toxins, or failure to recognize is the human one. The
that treatment components are not operating effectively individuals operating the system
puts hemodialysis patients at risk of injury and death. must understand the importance of
Other articles in this monograph will detail the various their work and how what they do can
contaminants that can affect patient health and safety; this
affect patient health and safety.
article will discuss Medicare surveys of the water treat-
ment system to ensure the system is safe for use in through that process to update the current Conditions to
hemodialysis. The Basic ESRD Surveyor Training endorse newer AAMI recommendations. The proposed
Course emphasizes the importance of safe water for dialy- changes to the Conditions for Coverage for ESRD (pub-
sis, and teaches surveyors to include a review of the water lished for comment 2/5/05) included reference to cur-
treatment system in every dialysis facility survey. rent AAMI recommendations for water and dialysate,
and included much detail as to treatment components
Keeping Patients Safe:
and monitoring. Until those changes are final, surveyors
The Risks from Water
are tasked with using the “olde” regulations, with the
Because water does present significant patient risks, fail- references to the older AAMI guidelines.
ure to provide safe water may result in findings of non- What do the current regulations require? As men-
compliance with the Medicare Conditions for Coverage. tioned, the primary requirement is the water used for
The current Conditions require that the chemical con- treatment meets the AAMI 1992 recommendations for
taminants in the treatment water meet the standards the levels of chemical and bacteriological contamination.
published by the Association for the Advancement of Other regulations that apply to the survey of the water
Medical Instrumentation in ANSI/AAMI RD5:1992, treatment system include those that require “All mem-
Hemodialysis systems. The Centers for Medicare & bers of the facility’s staff are qualified to perform the
Medicaid (CMS) is not allowed to adopt newer publica- duties and responsibilities assigned to them.…”
tions as regulation without publishing such for com- (405.2135(d)(2)), and that the Physician Director
ment. As a total revision of the Conditions for Coverage responsibilities include “assuring adequate training of
for ESRD is in process, CMS has not chosen to go nurses and technicians in dialysis techniques” (405.2161
(b)(2)) and “assuring adequate monitoring of the…dialy-
Glenda Payne, RN, MS, CNN is the ESRD clinical lead for sis process” (405.2161(b)(3)).
Regions 4 & 6 for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Note that the Medicare regulations are considered
Services, overseeing the ESRD surveys in 13 states, and serves “minimum standards.” Adopting the updated AAMI rec-
as project officer for an ESRD Network. Notice: The opinions ommendations as facility policy would more than meet
and assertions in this article are the private views of the author the minimum standard, and many facilities have adopted
and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views more current recommendations, including ANSI/AAMI
of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. RD52:2004, Dialysate for hemodialysis as the new bench-

Hemodialysis Horizons www.aami.org 51

Facility Management
A Surveyor’s Perspective: Water Quality for Hemodialysis

mark. Surveyors also consider whether facility policy is the manufacturer of at least one of the mixing systems
being followed. Staff members should know and follow requires that quarterly water analysis be performed.
current facility policy. A regulation that applies here is Daily testing related to patient safety includes moni-
“The governing body reviews implementation of poli- toring the function of the system, the quality of the
cies periodically to ensure that the intent of the policies product water, and testing for chlorine and chloramine.
is carried out.” (405.2135(f)). It is important to ensure To ensure that the staff members are monitoring the
your staff members are following your policies, whether function of the system, the surveyor reviews operating
those policies meet or exceed the Medicare minimums. logs to see that these are complete, and that parameters
set for the specific water treatment system in use are met
Expected Monitoring of the Water or, if not met, that corrective action is taken. The water
Treatment System: Chemical, to be used for treatment must be monitored continuous-
Bacteriological, and Daily Testing ly during patient treatment via resistivity or conductivity
Current regulations require either bacteriological or meters (as applicable), alarm set points must be relevant
endotoxin testing of the water and dialysate systems. to the expected quality of the product water, and the
The frequency specified for an established system is at alarms for readings outside of the set targets must be
least monthly. Sites to be tested are not specified, but able to be seen and heard in the patient treatment area.
they are expected to be defined by facility policy to Testing for chlorine and chloramine is expected to be
include at least the start and end of the water distribution done prior to each patient shift. While the current
system, mixing stations for dialysate components, and Medicare regulations do not include this specifically, the
reprocessing stations. For dialysate cultures, facility pol- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued
icy should define how many machines are tested each warnings related to patient injuries with exposure to
month, and a system should exist to ensure that all chlorine/chloramine, and recommends testing prior to
machines are tested at least annually. The cultures can be each patient shift. Facility policies should address the
done on-site with dip samplers, and a quality control expected frequency of testing, the test to be used, and
program to ensure that the results of self-performed should detail the methodology of the selected test. Space
testing are accurate is expected to be in place. The more does not permit detailing all the ways testing for chlorine
current AAMI guidance recommends use of duplicate and chloramine can be done inaccurately! A short list of
samples with one being incubated on-site and the dupli- examples would include using too large or too small a
cate being sent to an outside laboratory for confirmation water sample for the test in use, comparing the test for
at least annually. This recommendation is not regulato- total chlorine against the test for free chlorine rather
ry, but could serve as guidance for developing a quality than against a blank, putting the reagents for both tests
control program. If methods such as membrane filtra- (free and total chlorine) into the same tube, not using the
tion or spread plate are used for on-site testing, AAMI color wheel to determine the absence of any change in
does not recommend for or against duplicate testing. color, and recording the test result for free chlorine as
While most facilities routinely perform both cultures “chloramine” rather than subtracting this result from
and endotoxin testing, endotoxin testing may substitute the test for total chlorine to determine the chloramine
for cultures under the current Medicare regulations. level. It is critical that clearly written directions, proper,
This testing may also be done on-site, using one of the clean, and intact equipment, and supplies appropriate to
testing kits commercially available. the test in use are available and in use for every test.
Chemical analysis must be done annually at a mini- Orientation of staff responsible for this testing, spot
mum, with the sample taken from a point after all the audits of practice, and re-education could prevent many
water treatment components. The laboratories perform- adverse survey findings.
ing hemodialysis water testing report results on the
panel of contaminants specified by current AAMI rec- Basic Knowledge for Staff
ommendations. Thus, facilities are monitoring for the Responsible for the
additional three elements (antimony, beryllium, and Water Treatment System
thallium) added by AAMI in its updated table. Facilities The most critical component in any water treatment sys-
mixing acid from powder on site should be aware that tem is the human one. The individuals operating the sys-

52 www.aami.org Hemodialysis Horizons

Facility Management
Glenda M. Payne

tem must understand the importance of their work and quality of the product water, and not taking action when
how what they do can affect patient health and safety. the data collected are outside the acceptable parameters.
Often, the newest hire is put in charge of “opening up”
the facility, coming in very early and alone, to start up Using Quality Management to
the system and do the testing. Perhaps the trainer’s Assure Compliance
emphasis was on having everything ready to get patients The medical director of the dialysis unit is ultimately
on as soon as possible, rather than the critical nature of responsible for the water treatment system. Issues con-
water treatment system. Surveyors interview the staff cerning the operation of the system and results of moni-
members directly responsible for the water treatment toring should be reported routinely to the medical direc-
system start-up and testing. There can quickly be issues tor. Incorporating these reports as part of a monthly qual-
of non-compliance if those individuals do not demon- ity management meeting is an effective way to achieve and
strate understanding of their assigned tasks and of the document this communication, with the understanding
risks of unsafe water. that some issues would need to be reported immediately.
While the surveys are generally outcome based, CMS Audits of practice, e.g., observation and interview of the
does not expect surveyors to “wait” for an outcome (e.g., persons doing the work on a random, unannounced basis
patient injury) from unsafe water: state surveyor cita- by local or area managers, are another good way to be sure
tions of Condition level non-compliance for unsafe that staff are following facility policy, and can help identify
practices that could result in adverse patient outcomes when changes might need to be considered.
will be supported by CMS. Such findings are most often Safe water for hemodialysis is critical. Thank you for
related to the staff doing the work not being adequately your efforts to ensure that this is a “given” in the renal
trained or supervised, and have included not testing community. „
chlorine/chloramine at least daily, not monitoring the

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