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Ngữ âm 2

Ngữ âm
1. What is phonetics?
Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. it deals with the physical aspects of
sounds. There are three main areas of phonetics
Articulatory phonetics deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.
Sound are usually classified according to the position of the lips and the tongue,
how far open the mouth is, whether or not the vocal cords are vibrating.
Acoustic phonetics deals with the transmission of speech sounds through the air.
When a speech sound is produced it causes a minor air disturbance (SOUND
WAVE). Various instruments are used to measure the characteristic of the sound
Auditory phonetics deals with how speech sounds are perceived by the listener .
phonetic transcription with allophones is used in this field of study
2. What is phonology or phonemics?
Phonology or phonemics is the study or description of the distinctive sound units
(PHONEMES) of a language and their relationship to one another. It deals with
functional or practical aspect of sounds.
Phonology is also concerned with :
The study of word-to-word relation in sentences; that is , how sound patterns are
affected by the combination of words. E.g /giv/ give and /him/ him may combine
to /givim/ give him.
The investigation of INTONATION PATTERNS.
Phonemic transcription without allophones is used in this field of study
Ex : /i/ /e/ /l/ not /l/ /t/
3. What is a phoneme? How many phonemes does English have? What are they?
A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two
Ex: in English, the words PAN and BAN differ only in their initial sound: PAN begin
with /p/ and BAN with /b/
BAN and BIN differ only in their vowels: / æ/ and /i/
The establishment and description of the distinctive sound units of a language
(PHONEMES) are done by means of distinctive features. Each phoneme is
considered as consisting of a group of these features and differing in at least one
feature from the other phonemes
English is often considered to have 44 phonemes which are classified into 24
consonants, 20 vowels.
Consonants Vowels
/p/ pen, copy / ɪ/ kit, bid
/b/ back, baby /e/ bed, many
/t/ tea, tight / æ / Trap, bad
/d/ day, odd / ɒ / Lot, odd
/k/ key, clock / ʌ / Mud, love
/g/ get, ghost / ʊ / Foot, put
/ tʃ/ match, nature / i:/ Sea, machine
/dʒ/ age, judge / eɪ / Face, day
/f/ fat, photo / aɪ / High, try
/v/ view, move / ɔɪ / Choice, boy
/ θ/ thing, path / u: / two, blue
/ ð/ this, other / əʊ / no, show
/s/ soon, sister / aʊ / now, mouth
/z/ zero, music / ɪə / near, here
/ ʃ/ ship, sure /eə/ fair
/ ʒ/ vision /ɑ:/ father
/h/ hot, whole /ɔ:/ law, war
/m/ more, sum /ʊə/ poor, cure
/n/ nice, know /ɜ:/ learn
/ŋ/ ring, sung /ə/ about
/l/ light, feel
/r/ sorry, wrong
/j/ yet, few
/w/ wet, one

4. What are the movable parts of the speech organs?

The movable parts to modify the air stream to produce different sounds are called
articulators. The articulators are:
 Vocal cords: the folds of tough, flexible tissue in the larynx extending from back
to front. The spaces between the vocal cords is the glottis. When the vocal cords
are pressed together, the air from the lungs is completely sealed off. During
speech, the vocal cords open and close the air passage from the lung to the
 Pharynx: the part of the throat which extends from above the vocal cords up to
the soft palate ( velum) at the back of the mouth. The epiglottis in the pharynx
can be raised or lowered to open or close the way the windpipe.
 Tongue: the most important articulator because it is flexible and can move to
different places in the mouth.
 Uvula: the extreme back of the roof of the mouth. It can be raised or lowered to
open or close the passage to the nose.
 Lower teeth: behind the lower lip.
 Lower Lip: faces the upper lip. It is flexible and can be pressed against the upper
lip or can be rounded or spread.
5. What are the fixed parts of the speech organs?
The fixed parts on the roof of the mouth towards which the articulators move to
produce sounds. Points of articulators are:
 Upper lip: opposite the lower lip.
 Upper teeth: opposite the lower teeth.
 Alveolar Ridge/ tooth ridge/gum: is between the upper teeth and the hard
 Soft Palate / Velum: the soft part of the roof of the mouth.
6. What is a vowel? What is the difference between a vowel and a consonant?
- A vowels is a speech sound in which the airstreams from the lungs is not
blocked in any way in the mouth or throat- and which is usually
pronounced with vibration of the vocal cords.
Ex : /i:/ in /si:/ see
/u:/ in /tu:/ too
- The difference between a vowel and a consonant is in 2 aspects:
 A vowel is produced without any stoppage of the airstreams in the oral
cavity meanwhile there is obstruction in the production of a consonant
 A vowel is syllabic, i.e., it forms the center or nucleus of a syllable
meanwhile a consonant is not except some syllabic consonant.
7. How are vowels classified?
Vowels are classified according to these 5 standards:
- Tongue height
Tongue height is the vertical distance between the upper surface of the
tongue and the palate
The tongue may be raised high, mid or low.
Correspondingly, the position of the jaw may be close, mid or close.
- Tongue position: this mean the front, central or back of the tongue is raised
or lowered.
- Lip rounding: different shapes and position of the lips. The may be rounded,
unrounded or neutral.
- Muscle tension: tenseness in the muscle of the jaw and throat. The muscle
may be lax or tense. Short vowels are often lax vowels meanwhile tense
vowels are often long vowels.
- Vowel length: there are 5 long vowels : i: u: ɜ: ɔ: a: and 7 short vowels : ə I
8. Describe 12 vowels in detail and give examples
1) The English vowel: /i:/ and /i /
/ i:/ may be defined as front high- có thể được định nghĩa là phía trước cao
narrow unrounded long and tense. hẹp hẹp không có căn cứ dài và căng thẳng.
 The front of the tongue is
Mặt trước của lưỡi được nâng lên cao theo
raised high in the direction of
hướng của vòm miệng cứng, nhưng không
the hard palate, but not so
quá cao để làm cho luồng không khí tạo ra
high as to cause the air stream ma sát âm thanh
to produce audible friction
Miệng gần như bị đóng
 The mouth is nearly closed
 The lips are spread or neutral Môi lan rộng hoặc trung tính
 The opening between the jaws Khe hở giữa hai hàm khá hẹp.
is rather narrow.

/ i / may be defined as front – / i / có thể được định nghĩa là trước ngắn

retracted high-broad unrounded gọn và rộng rãi không bị che khuất
short and lax
Mặt trước của lưỡi được nâng lên theo
 The front of the tongue is hướng của vòm miệng cứng, nhưng không
raised in the direction of the quá cao như đối với / i: /
hard palate, but not so high as
Miệng gần một nửa
for /i:/
 The mouth is half close Môi lan rộng hoặc trung tính
 The lips are spread or neutral Khe hở giữa hai hàm hẹp.
 The opening between the jaws
is narrow.
Ex: /i:/ : seen, leave, seat
/i/: sin, rich, sit
2) The English vowel /e/
/e/ may be defined as front mid-narrow / e / có thể được định nghĩa là phía
unrounded short and lax trước hẹp giữa không hẹp và lỏng
 The front of the tongue is raised
Mặt trước của lưỡi được nâng lên
 The mouth is between half -
close and half - open Miệng nằm giữa nửa kín và nửa mở
 The lips are spread Đôi môi lan rộng.
 The opening between the jaws is Độ mở giữa các hàm là trung bình.

Ex: /e/ head, ten, set
3) The English vowel / æ/
/ æ/ may be defined as front low-
broad unrounded short and lax
có thể được định nghĩa là phía trước ngắn
 The front of the tongue is slightly và rộng không bị che khuất
raised but not so high as for /e/
Mặt trước của lưỡi hơi nhô lên nhưng
 The mouth is between half - open không quá cao như đối với / e /
and half - open
Miệng nằm giữa nửa mở và nửa mở
 The lips position is neutral
Position Vị trí môi là trung tính
 The jaw opening is medium to
Hàm mở từ trung bình đến rộng
Ex: /ae/ bad, sad, man
4) The English vowel /a:/
/a:/ may be defined as back- có thể được định nghĩa là dài và không căng
advanced low-broad unrounded thẳng kéo dài
long and tense
Mặt sau của lưỡi hơi nhô lên
 The back of the tongue is slightly
Miệng mở hoàn toàn
Lips Môi là trung tính
 The mouth is fully open
Hàm khá rộng.
 The lips are neutral
 The jaw are fairly wide apart.
Ex: harm, cart, part
5) The English vowel / ɒ/
/ ɒ/ may be defined as back low-broad có thể được định nghĩa là lưng thấp
slightly rounded short and lax rộng hơi ngắn tròn và lỏng lẻo
 The back of the tongue is raised a Mặt sau của lưỡi được nâng lên
little more than that of /a:/ nhiều hơn một chút so với / a: /
 The mouth is half- open Miệng mở một nửa
 The lips are slightly rounded but not Đôi môi hơi tròn nhưng không được
pushed forward đẩy về phía trước
 The jaw are wide apart. Hàm rộng cách nhau.
Ex : hot, cost, lost
6) The English vowel / ɔ:/

/ ɔ:/ may be defined as fully back mid-broad có thể được định nghĩa là hoàn toàn
slightly rounded long and tense trở lại giữa rộng hơi tròn và căng
 The back of the tongue is raised in the Mặt sau của lưỡi được nâng lên
direction of the soft palate , higher than for theo hướng của vòm miệng mềm,
/ ɒ/ cao hơn so với / ɒ /
 The mouth is between half - open and half Miệng nằm giữa nửa mở và nửa mở
- open
Đôi môi tròn hơn so với / ɒ /
 The lips are more rounded than for / ɒ/
Độ mở giữa các hàm là trung bình.
 The opening between the jaws is medium.
Ex : cord, dawn, port
7) The English vowel / ʊ /
/ ʊ / may be defined as back –advanced có thể được định nghĩa là backadadvified cao
high-broad slightly rounded short and lax rộng hơi ngắn tròn và lỏng lẻo
 The back of the tongue is raised in the Mặt sau của lưỡi được nâng lên theo hướng
direction of the front part of the soft của phần trước của vòm miệng mềm, cao
palate, higher than for / ɒ/ hơn so với / /
 The tongue is raised to a position a little Lưỡi được nâng lên một vị trí cao hơn một
above half - close nửa - đóng
 The mouth is between half - open and Miệng nằm giữa nửa mở và nửa mở
half - open
Đôi môi khá tròn nhưng hơi nhô ra
 The lips are fairly rounded but slightly
Độ mở giữa các hàm là trung bình.
 The opening between the jaws is
Ex : could, cook, put
8) The English vowel / u:/
/ u:/ may be defined as back high-narrow có thể được định nghĩa là lưng
diphthongized rounded long and tense. lưỡng cực hẹp hẹp tròn và căng
The back of the tongue is raised in the thẳng. Mặt sau của lưỡi được
direction of the soft palate, higher than nâng lên theo hướng của vòm
for / u/, but not so high as to cause the air miệng mềm, cao hơn so với / u /,
stream to produce audible friction nhưng không quá cao để tạo ra
luồng không khí ma sát âm thanh
 The lips are rounded and protruded
Đôi môi căng tròn và nhô ra
 The opening between the jaws is
narrower than the phoneme. Khe hở giữa hai hàm hẹp hơn âm

Ex : fool, shoed, Luke

9) The English vowel / ʌ/

/ ʌ / may be defined as central / có thể được định nghĩa là ngắn hẹp

low-narrow unrounded short and trung tâm hẹp và lỏng lẻo
Phần giữa của lưỡi được nâng lên theo
 The middle part of the tongue is hướng nối của vòm miệng cứng và mềm
raised in the direction of the cao hơn một chút so với / a /
juncture of the hard and soft
Đôi môi lan rộng.
palate a little higher than for / a/
Hàm mở không quá rộng như đối với / a: /
 The lips are spread
 The jaw opening is not so wide as
for /a:/
Ex : luck, cud, cut
10) The English vowel / ə/
/ ə/ may be defined as central
mid-broad unrounded short and
có thể được định nghĩa là trung tâm ngắn và
rộng không có trung tâm
 The central part of the
tongue is raised a little but Phần trung tâm của lưỡi được nâng lên một
less than for / ə :/ chút nhưng ít hơn so với / ə: /
 The lips are neutral Lips Môi là trung tính
 The opening between the
jaws is narrow Khe hở giữa hai hàm hẹp

Ex : again, level, season

11) The English vowel / ɜ: /

/ ʌ / may be defined as central có thể được định nghĩa là trung tâm hẹp
mid-narrow unrounded long and giữa không dài và căng thẳng
Phần giữa của lưỡi được nâng lên gần như
 The middle of the cao cho / e /
tongue is raised almost
Không có môi - làm tròn
as high as for / e/
Khe hở giữa hai hàm hẹp
 There is no lip -
 The opening between
the jaws is narrow
Ex : bird, hurt, fern
9. Do exercises in page 15 in your book.
Clear /i:/ : prefer, visa, piece, me, free
Bird / ɜ/ : early, Thursday, word
Car /a:/ : heart, laugh, banana, half
Four / ɔ:/ : law, water, aboard,
Food / u:/ : improve, fruit, June, blue
/ʌ/ /ʊ/ /u:/
e.g. sun e.g. would e.g. two
Customer, gun, number, Fulfill, push, put, full, Include, July, flu, ruler,
Sunday, pull, should June

Unit 5: diphthongs
A diphthong is a speech sound which is usually considered as one
distinctive vowel of a particular language but really involves two vowels,
with one vowel gliding to the other. in terms of length, diphthongs are like
ong vowels.
1. centering diphthongs ending in //: the centering diphthongs glide
towards the
2. closing diphthongs : the closing diphthongs have the characteristic
that hey all end with a glide towards a closer vowel. because the secnd
part of the diphthong is weak, they often do not reach a position that
could be called close. the important thing is that a glide from a
relatively more open towards a relatively more close vowel is produced.
một diphthong là một âm thanh lời nói thường được coi là một nguyên âm đặc biệt
của một ngôn ngữ cụ thể nhưng thực sự liên quan đến hai nguyên âm, với một
nguyên âm lướt qua nhau. về chiều dài, diphthong giống như nguyên âm ong.
Phân loại
1. diphthongs định tâm kết thúc bằng //: các diphthong định tâm lướt về phía
2. Diphthong đóng: các diphthong đóng có đặc điểm là tất cả đều kết thúc bằng một
cú lướt về phía một nguyên âm gần hơn. bởi vì phần thứ hai của diphthong yếu,
chúng thường không đạt đến vị trí có thể được gọi là gần. điều quan trọng là một sự
lướt qua từ một nguyên âm tương đối cởi mở hơn đối với một nguyên âm tương đối
gần hơn được tạo ra.
1. /ei/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as front mid- giữa không hẹp phía trước. Lưỡi di
narrow unrounded diphthong. chuyển từ / e / sang nguyên âm trước /
The tongue moves from/e/ to the i/
front vowel /i/
2. /ai/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as front- thấp không có mặt trước rút lại. Lưỡi di
retracted low-broad unrounded chuyển từ / a / sang nguyên âm trước /
diphthong. The tongue moves i/
from/a/ to the front vowel /i/
3. /oi/ Có thể được định nghĩa là lưng thấp hẹp
May be defined as back low- hơi tròn. Lưỡi di chuyển từ / o / đến
narrow slightly rounded nguyên âm trước / i /
diphthong. The tongue moves
from/o/ to the front vowel /i/
4. /əʊ/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as central mid- giữa không hẹp trung tâm. Lưỡi di
narrow unrounded diphthong. chuyển từ / ə / sang nguyên âm
The tongue moves from/ə/ to trước / /
the front vowel /ʊ/
5. /au/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as front-retracted thấp không có mặt trước rút lại. Lưỡi di
low-broad unrounded diphthong. chuyển từ / a / sang nguyên âm sau /
The tongue moves from/a/ to the u /
back vowel /u/
6. /iə/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
không có dải rộng phía trước rút lại.
May be defined as front- Lưỡi di chuyển từ / i / đến nguyên âm
retracted high-broad trung tâm / /
unrounded diphthong. The
tongue moves from/i/ to the
central vowel /ə/
7. /eə/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as front mid- giữa không rộng phía trước. Lưỡi di
broad unrounded diphthong. chuyển từ / a / đến nguyên âm trung
The tongue moves from/a/ to tâm / i /
the central vowel /i/
8. /ʊə/ Có thể được định nghĩa là diphthong
May be defined as back- hơi tròn cao tiên tiến. Lưỡi di chuyển từ
advanced high-broad slightly / ʊ / sang nguyên âm sau / /
rounded diphthong. The tongue
moves from/ʊ/ to the back
vowel /ə/
1. What is the difference between a consonant and a vowel?
The difference between a vowel and a consonant is in 2 aspects:
 A vowel is produced without any stoppage of the airstreams in the oral
cavity meanwhile there is obstruction in the production of a consonant
 A vowel is syllabic, i.e., it forms the center or nucleus of a syllable
meanwhile a consonant is not except some syllabic consonant.
2. How are consonants classified? What is the difference between a voiced
consonant and a voiceless consonant?
-Consonants are classified according to these 4 standards:
Places of articulation: there are many parts of the mouth and throat (the oral
cavity) that are used in the production of speech sounds.
Manner of articulation: the way in which a speech sound is produced by the
organs of speech. There are different ways of producing a speech sound.
Voicing: there is presence or absence of the vibration of the vocal cords.
Syllabic consonants: are the ones which can form syllables without vowels. The
small vertical mark is used to show that a consonant is syllabic.
- the difference between a voiced consonant and a voiceless consonant
Voiced: speech sounds which are produced with the vocal cords vibrating are
called ‘voiced’. Such vibration can be felt by touching the neck in the region of the
Ex the /d/ in /den/ den is a voiced stop
Voiceless: speech sounds which are produced without vibration of the vocal cords
are called ‘Voiceless’.
Ex: the /t/ in /tin/ tin is a Voiceless stop.

Voiceless P t k f s θ ʃ tʃ h
Voiced B d g v z ð ʒ dʒ l m n ŋ r w j

3. What is the difference between an aspirated sound and an unaspirated

The difference between an aspirated sound and an unaspirated sound is
Aspirated : a sound is aspirated when it is at the beginning of a word or in a
stressed syllable
Ex: /p/ is aspirated at the beginning of a word /paen/
Paper, pen, people
Unaspirated: a sound is unaspirated when it is before an unstressed syllable,
before another stop sound or after /s-/
Ex: paper, happy, spy
4. What are bi-labials? How are they produced?
Bi-labials: are the sounds made with the 2 lips pressed together
Ex: /b/, /p/, /m/, /w/.
5. How are labio-dental sounds made?
Labio-dental: the upper teeth and the lower lip come close together.
Ex: /f/, /v/
6. How are dental or interdental sounds produced?
Dental or interdental: the tip of the tongue is between the upper and lower teeth
Ex: /θ/ , /ð/
7. How are alveolar consonants articulated?
Alveolar: the tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge
Ex: /t/, /d/ ,/n/ ,/s/ ,/z/ ,/r/ ,/l/
8. How are alveolar palatal sounds made?
Alveolar – palatal: the front of the tongue touches the part between the alveolar
ridge and hard palate
Ex: /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/
9. What are velar consonants? How are they made
Velar: are the sounds which are produced with the back of the tongue touches
the soft palate or velum.
Ex: / ŋ/, /k/, /g/
10.How are palatal and glottal sounds produced?
Palatal: the front of the tongue touches the hard palate
Glottal: the sound is produced with a friction noise in the glottis between the
vocal cords. The glottis opens wide and the sound is voiceless
11.How are consonants classified according to manner of articulation?
Describe each type in details
According to manner of articulation, consonants in English are classified as
Plosive stop: the air is stopped and then released with an explosive sound
Ex: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/.
Fricatives: the air is constricted, causing friction when passing through the organs
of speech
Ex: / f/, /v/, /Ɵ/, /ð/, /h/, /z/, /s/, /ʒ/, /ʃ/
Affricate: it is the combination of the plosive and fricative. The air stream is
stopped and then released slowly with friction
Ex: /tʃ/ ,/dʒ/
Nasal: the air passes through the nose when the uvula is lowered
Ex:/m/, /n/, / ŋ/
Lateral: a speech sound which is produced by partially blocking the air stream
from the lungs, usually by the tongue, but letting it escape at one or both sides of
the tongue
Gliding or Semi -vowels consonants or approximants: there is a gliding from one
to another with little or no obstruction of the air stream. The tip of the tongue
approaches the alveolar ridge.
Ex: /w/, /r/, /j/.
12.Do exercises 2, 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 (pages 24-25) in your course book.
Exercises 2. Circle the words that end with
b. a nasal: rain, rang, dumb, eat
c. a stop: lip, lit, group, crab, dog, hide, back affricate: much, back, edge, coze
Exercises 3
-The first sound :
Thought /θɔːt/ Thomas / ˈtɒm.əs/
Contact /ˈkɒn.tækt/ Physics /ˈfɪz.ɪks/
Pneumonia /njuːˈməʊ.ni.ə/ Civic /ˈsɪv.ɪk/
Thought /θɔːt/ Usually /ˈjuː.ʒu.əl/
Judge /dʒʌdʒ/
-The last sound:
Fleece /fliːs/ Cheese /tʃiːz/
Long /lɒŋ/ Bleached /bliːtʃ/
Rough /rʌf / Rags /ræɡ/

Exercises 4
- Voiced bi-labials stop  / b/ : Baby
- Velar nasal  /Ƞ/ : Sing
- Voiced affricate  /dʒ/ : Joke
- Voiced inter- dental fricative  /ð/ : This
- Voiceless bi-labials stop  /p/ : Pig
- Voiceless alveolar stop  /t/: Two
- Voiceless alveolar fricative  /s/ : Sink
- Palatal glide  /j/ : Year
- Voiceless labio - dental fricative  /f/: Fine
- Glottal fricative  /h/ : Heat
Exercises 5. Circle the words that begin with
A bi-labials consonant: mat, gnat, sat, bat ,rat, pat
A Velar consonant: knot, got, lot, hot, pot
A Alveolar consonant: zip, nip, lip, tip, dip
A labio – dental consonant: fat, cat, that, mat, chat, vat
An alveo- palatal consonant: sigh, shy , tie, thigh, thy, he
Exercises 6
Syllabic consonants: are the ones which can form syllables without vowels. The
small vertical mark is used to show that a consonant is syllabic.
The occur in the following cases
1. t+ le: cattle 2. t+ al: petal
3.t+on: button 4. d+ le; muddle
5. d+ al: pedal 6. d+ el: model
7. d+ en: sudden 8. s+ el: wrestle
9. s+ el: parcel 10. z+ le: nozzle
11.z+al: nasal 12. n+ el: kernel
13. p+ le: couple 14.p+ al: papal
15. p+ en: happen 16. b+ le: trouble
17. b+ el: babel 18. b+ on : ribbon
19.k+el: pickle 20. k+ al: mechanical
21. k+ en: thicken 22.g+ le: giggle
23. g+ al: frugal 24.g+ on: wagon
25. g+ an: toboggans 26.f+ en: often
27. v+ en: seven history
29. dr: wanderer
Exercises 7
1. A. butter
2. C. threw
3. D. pretty
4. C. lose
5. C. hour
6. B. city
7. D. medicine
8. D. children
9. D. this
10.A. promise
Exercises 8
1,glorious: /'glɔ:riəs/
2, Easter: /'i:stə/
3, suggest: /sə'dʤest/
4, disapprove: /'disə'pru:v/
5, humid: /'hju:mid/
6, lunchtime: /ˈlʌntʃ.taɪm/
7, affect: /ə'fekt/
8, event: /i'vent/
9, excite: /ik'sait/
10, depression: /di'preʃn/
Unit 7
1./p/, /b/ / p / nó có thể được định nghĩa ngắn gọn là phụ
/p/ it may be shortly defined as a voiceless âm bật môi môi vô thanh
bilabial stop nó được hình thành bằng cách đóng môi
it is formed by closing the lips dây thanh âm không được tạo ra để rung
the vocal cords are not made to vibrate / b / nó có thể được định nghĩa ngắn gọn phụ
/b/ it may be shortly defined as a voiceless âm bật môi môi hữu thanh
bilabial stop phụ âm tiếng Anh / b / được hình thành giống
the english consonant /b/ is formed like the như phụ âm tiếng Anh / p / ngoại trừ việc các
english consonant /p/ except that the vocal dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
cords are made to vibrate
2./t/, /d/ / t / một âm bật vòm miệng vô thanh
/t/ a voiceless apico alveolar stop nó được hình thành bằng cách nâng đầu lưỡi
it is formed by raising the tip of the tongue to chạm vào rìa răng( cầu lợi)
touch the teeth ridge dây thanh âm không được tạo ra để rung
the vocal cords are not made to vibrate / d một âm bật vòm miệng hữu thanh
/d/ voiced apico alveolar stop nó được hình thành giống như / t /
it is formed the same as /t/ dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
the vocal cords are made to vibrate
3./k/, /g/ / k / một âm vòm mềm điểm dừng vô thanh
/k/ a voiceless velar stop Nó được hình thành bằng cách nâng cao lưỡi
It is formed by raising the back of the tongue to để chạm vào vòm miệng mềm
touch the soft palate Các dây thanh âm không được tạo ra để rung
The vocal cords are not made to vibrate / g / một âm vòm mềm điểm dừng hữu thanh
/g/ a voiced velar stop Nó được hình thành giống như / k /
It is formed the same as /k/ Các dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
The vocal cords are made to vibrate
4/f/, /v/ / f / nó có thể là một âm môi răng xát vô thanh.
/f/ it may be shortly as a voiceless labio dental Âm thanh được hình thành bằng cách ấn môi
fricative. dưới vào răng trên
The sounds is formed by pressing the lower lip Vòm miệng mềm được nâng lên, dây thanh âm
against the upper teeth không được tạo ra để rung
The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are not / v / là một âm môi răng xát hữu thanh
made to vibrate Nó được hình thành theo cách chính xác như / f
/v/ a voiced labio dental fricative / nhưng dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
It is formed at exactly manner as /f/ but the
vocal cords are made to vibrate
5./ θ /, /ð/ / / một khe răng (âm) xát vô thanh
/ θ/ a voiceess interdental fricative Các âm thanh được hình thành bằng cách đặt
The sounds is formed by putting the lip of the môi lưỡi giữa răng trên và răng dưới
tongue between the upper teeth and the lower Vòm miệng mềm được nâng lên, dây thanh âm
teeth không được tạo ra để rung
The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are not / ð / một khe răng (âm) xát hữu thanh
made to vibrate / ð / là một bộ phận tương ứng hữu thanh của /
/ð/ a voiced interdental fricative θ /, nhưng dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
/ð/ is a voiced counterpart of / θ/, but the vocal
cords are made to vibrate
6. /s/, /z/ / s / một ma sát vô thanh cầu lợi
/s/ a voiceless apico- alveolar fricative Âm thanh được khớp nối giữa lưỡi lưỡi và sườn
The sound is articulated between the blade of răng
the tongue and the teeth ridge Vòm miệng mềm được nâng lên, dây thanh âm
The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are not không được tạo ra để rung
made to vibrate Răng gần nhau, môi lan rộng.
The teeth are close together, the lips are / z / một ma sát hữu thanh cầu lợi
spread Nó được hình thành theo cách chính xác như /
/z/ a voiced apico- alveolar fricative s / nhưng dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung để
It is formed at exactly manner as /s/ but the giọng nói được tạo ra
vocal cords are made to vibrate so that the
voice is produced
7. /ʃ/, /3/ / / một âm xát cầu lợi vô thanh
/ʃ/ a voiceless alveolar-palatal fricative Âm thanh được phát ra giữa lưỡi lưỡi và phần
The sound is articulated between the blade of sau của sườn răng, và cơ thể chính lưỡi được
the tongue and the back part of the teeth ridge, nâng lên cùng lúc theo hướng của vòm miệng
and the main body of the tongue is raised at cứng
the same time in the direction of the hard Vòm miệng mềm được nâng lên, dây thanh âm
palate không được tạo ra để rung
The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are not Răng khá gần nhau, môi nhô ra
made to vibrate / 3 // một ma sát phế nang hữu thanh
The teeth are fairly close together, the lips are Nó giống như / ʃ / nhưng có thêm giọng nói
/3// a voiced alveolar-palatal fricative
It is like / ʃ/ but with addition of voice
8. /tʃ/, /d3/ / tʃ / một vòm miệng cầu lợi vô thanh
/tʃ/ a voiceless alveolar-palatal affricate Đường dẫn khí bị chặn hoàn toàn bằng cách
The air passage is completely blocked by raising nâng vòm miệng mềm và nâng đầu lưỡi chạm
the soft palate and raising the tip of the tongue vào prt phía sau của sườn răng, phần chính của
to touch the back prt of the teeth ridge, the lưỡi nằm ở vị trí cho / /
main part of the tongue is approximately in the Khi việc giải phóng dừng được thực hiện, tiếng
position for/ ʃ/ rít / / được nghe
When the release of stop is made, the Môi thường hơi nhô ra và dây thanh âm không
fricative / ʃ/ is heard được tạo ra để rung
The lips are usually somewhat protruded and / d3 / một vòm miệng cầu lợi hữu thanh
the vocal cords are not made to vibrate Liên kết / d3 / được hình thành chính xác như /
/d3/ a voiced alveolar-palatal affricate tʃ / ngoại trừ việc các dây thanh âm được tạo ra
The affricate /d3/ is formed at exactly like/tʃ/ để rung
except that the vocal cords are made to vibrate
9./h/ Một âm xát thanh hầu vô thanh. Trong lời nói,
A voiceless glottal fricative. In speech,a đôi khi có tiếng / h / xảy ra giữa 2 âm thanh,
voiced /h/ is sometimes occurs between 2 như trong tuân thủ / əd'hiə /, có lẽ / pə'hæps /
voiced sounds, as in adhere /əd'hiə/, perhaps Nó được hình thành với khoang miệng hoàn
/pə'hæps/ toàn không bị cản trở và với âm thanh ma sát
It is formed with the oral cavity totally rất nhẹ được tạo ra bởi các dây thanh âm thoải
unobstructed and with a very light fricative mái
sound produced by the relaxed vocal cords Các dây thanh âm thường không được thực
The vocal cords are not normally made to hiện để rung
10. /l/ một - cầu lợi âm bên hữu thanh
a voiced apico- alveolar lateral đối với cả rõ ràng / l / và tối / l /, đầu lưỡi chạm
for both clear /l/ and dark /l/ , the tip of the vào sườn răng theo cách có một sự đóng kín
tongue touches the teeth ridge in such a way hoàn toàn ở giữa miệng, nhưng một lối đi cho
that there is a complete closure in the middle không khí được để lại trên một hoặc trên cả hai
of the mouth, but a passage for the air is left on bên lưỡi
one or on both sides of the tongue vòm miệng mềm được nâng lên, dây thanh âm
the soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are được tạo ra để rung
made to vibrate
11,/m/ Một âm môi mũi hữu thanh
A voiced bilabial nasal Nó được hình thành bằng cách đóng môi (giống
It is formed by closing the lips ( the same way như cách cho / p / và / b / nhưng vòm miệng
as for /p/ and /b/ but the soft palate I lowered mềm tôi hạ xuống để không khí có thể đi qua
so that the air can pass through the nose) mũi)
The vocal cords are made to vibrate Các dây thanh âm được tạo ra để rung
12./n/, /ŋ/ / n / A giọng nói âm mũi cầu lợi hữu thanh
/n/ A voiced apico- alveolar nasal Nó được hình thành bằng cách nâng đầu lưỡi
It is formed by raising the tip of the tongue to chạm vào sườn răng (như đối với tiếng Anh /
touch the teeth ridge (as for English /t/, /d/), t /, / d /), nhưng vòm miệng mềm được hạ
but the soft palate is lowered so that the air xuống để không khí có thể đi qua mũi
can pass through the nose Dây thanh âm rung lên.
The vocal cords vibrate / / 1 âm mũi vòm mềm hữu thanh
/ŋ/ A voiced velar nasal Nó được hình thành bằng cách nâng mặt sau
It is formed by raising the back of the tongue to của lưỡi chạm vào vòm miệng mềm (như đối
touch the soft palate (as for English /k/, /g/), với tiếng Anh / k /, / g /), nhưng vòm miệng
but the soft palate is lowered so that the air mềm được hạ xuống để không khí có thể đi qua
can pass through the nose mũi
The vocal cords vibrate Dây thanh âm rung lên.
13./r/ Một bán nguyên âm cầu lợi
A voiced apical- alveolar semi-vowel / r / được tạo ra với đôi môi tròn, đầu lưỡi cong
/r/ is produced with the lips rounded, the nhẹ lên trên
tongue tip is curled slightly upward Dây thanh âm rung lên
The vocal cords vibrate
14./j/ Một bán nguyên âm cầu lợi ngạc hữu thanh
A voiced alveo- alveolar semi-vowel Lưỡi lướt từ vị trí của âm thanh / i / đến âm
The tongue glides from the position for the nguyên âm theo sau, dây thanh âm rung lên
sound /i/ to that of the vowel that follows, the
vocal cords vibrate
15/w/ Một bán nguyên âm của âm môi
A voiced bilabial semi-vowel Nó được hình thành bằng cách làm tròn đôi
It is formed by rounding the lips slightly while môi một chút trong khi nâng gốc của lưỡi về
raising the dorsum of the tongue toward the phía âm sắc sau đó di chuyển nhanh chóng vào
velum then moving it rapidly into the position vị trí cho nguyên âm tiếp theo
for the next vowel Dây thanh rung lên.
The vocal cords vibrate
3. consonant custeres cụm phụ âm
Is a sequence of 2 or more consonants. consonant custeres may occur at the
beginning of a word ( an initial cluster), at the end of a word ( a final cluster), or
within a word ( a medial cluster)
Unit 9
when we combine vowels, diphthongs and consonants, we have different
the number of syllables in a word depends on the number of vowels. in other
words, a syllable must contain at least a vowel.
a syllable is a unit in speech longer than one sound and smaller than a whole
speech sounds which can be in the nucleus of a syllable are sometimes called
syllabic or (+syllabic ).speech sounds which cannot be in the nucleus of a syllable
are called asyllabic or (-syllabic )
a syllable usually consists of
- a peak
( with or without) onset and coda consonants
the maximum phonological structure of the E syllable may be as follows
unit 12
2 adjacent consonants within a word or at word boundaries often influence each
other in such a way that the articulation of one sound becomes similar to or even
identical with the articulation of the other. this phenomenon is called
assimilation. in other words, assimilation is the influence of one phoneme upon
another neighboring phonemes so that they become more like.
assimilation is more likely to be found is rapid, casual speech and less likely in
slow, careful speech :
assimilation affects consonant only
assimilation may occur
across word boundaries or between words; light blue
across morpheme boundaries
within a morpheme (assimilation of place)or word
- in term of the direction of change
regressive assimilation
progressive assimilation
-in term of the ways in which phonemes change
assimilation of place
assimilation of manner
assimilation of voice
progressive assimilation: when the latter is affected to become the former in
some ways
regressive assimilation: when the former is affected to become the latter in some
unit 13
1 Definition
Elision The complete disappearance of a sound
Typical of rapid, casual speech
02 Elision inside English words
1 elision inside E words has taken place in the past resulting in the following
normal forms
In other case, there are 2 possibilities and you can use whichever you find
03 Rules of elision
- Stop fortis /p t k/ aspirated + weak vowel / i or ə / disappears
- Weak vowel /i or ə/ disappears + syllabic consonants /n L r /
- Stop+ stop+ stop (disappears) or stop+ stop (disappears)+ fricative
Example: Acts /æks/ Scripts /skrips/
- st+ stop or nasal or fricative > s : last time, last man
ft+ stop or nasal or fricative > f
- nd + nasal or stop lenis> n : kind nurse, canned bacon
md+ nasal or stop lenis> m : skimmed milk
- loss of final /v/ OF + consonant
Example: lots of them /lɒts ə ðəm/
2. Linking
Linking happens when we link words together, usually for ease of
Learners of e must be made aware of the problems that they will meet in
listening to colloquial, connected speech.
02 Cases of linking

-Vowel- to- vowel

-Stop- to- stop consonants
-Consonant- to- vowel
-Linking /r/. Final r + initial vowel. it occurs in the word's spelling
-Intrusive /r/. final r + vowel. it doesn't occur in the word's spelling
-Intrusive /j/
-Intrusive /w/
unit 14
stress in the pronunciation of a word or syllable with more force than the
surrounding words or syllables. a stressed word or syllable is produced by using
more air from lungs
a listener often hears a stressed word or syllable as being louder than the
surrounding word or syllables. a stressed word or syllable is often on a higher
pitch and/or it has a longer duration, the vowel appears to be longer. in writing or
printing, stress may be shown by a small raised line in front of the stressed
in a word, the basic difference is between stressed and unstressed syllables. a
distinction used to be made in long words between stressed syllables of varying
degree, it was said that the syllable with the greast prominent had the primary
stress and the next stressed syllable the secondary stress. now it is felt that such
distinctions are ofte only relevant when words are used in isolation. in an
utterance, the overall intonation tends to neutralize the degree of stress within
the individual word.
stress has two main semantic functions
a. it may distinguish between two words which are alike
b. the speaker wishes to emphasize the syllable or word
a simple word is a word which consists of a single free base/ root; house,
all words of more than one syllable are stressed
1- Two-syllable words
1.1 Two-syllable verbs
If the second syllable of the verb contains a long vowel or diphthong or if it
ends with more than one consonant, that second syllable is stressed
If the second syllable contains a short vowel and one or no final consonant, the
first syllable is stressed
If the second syllable contains/eu/, it is also unstressed
1.2 Two-syllable adj
They are stressed the same as 2 syllable verbs
The first syllable is stressed though they end with 2 consonants
1.3 Two-syllable nouns
If the second syllable contains a short vowel, the stress will usually come on
the first syllable
If the second syllable contains a long vowel, the stress will usually come on the
second syllable
Other Two-syllable words such as seem to behave
2. there-syllable words
If the last syllable contains a short vowel and end with not more than one
consonant, that syllable will be unstressed, and stress will be placed on the
preceding syllable
If the last syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong and end with more than one
consonant, the final syllable will be stressed
If the last syllable contains a short vowel or /eu/, it is unstressed and if the
syllable preceding final syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or if it ends
with more than one consonant, the middle syllable will be stressed
If the last syllable contains a short vowel and the middle syllable contains a short
vowel and end with not more than one consonant, both final and middle syllables
are unstressed and The first syllable is stressed
If the last syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong and stressed. the last
syllable is usually quite prominent so that in some cases it could be said to have
secondary stress.
They are stressed the same as there-syllable nouns
The above rules do not, of course, cover all E words. They apply only to major
categories of lexical words, not to grammatical of functional words as articles and
3. stress in complex

Complex word are of 2 major types: word made from a basic stem word
with the addition of an affix, and compound words, which are made of
2 ( or occasionally more) independent E words
1, prefixes and stress
Stress in word with prefixes is governed by the same rules as those of
words without prefixes
2, suffixes and stress
2.1 suffixes carrying primary stress themselves
2.2 suffixes that do not affect stress
2.3 suffixes that influence stress in the base
A, primary stress on the last syllable of the base
B, the suffixes
The stress is on the first syllable
Ex a 2 syllable base: the stress is on the second syllable of the base if
this syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or if it ends with more
than one consonant
Otherwise, the first syllable of the base receives the stress.
4. stress in word-class pairs
There are pairs of 2 syllable word with the same spelling which have
stress on the first syllable when they are nouns or adjectives and on the
second syllable when they are verbs.
5. stress in compound word
A compound word is a word which consists of 2 free bases
Different ways of writing compound words
With words separated by a hyphen
With 2 words separated by a space.
6. stress in word groups
Picture words ( content words) are usually stressed
Grammatical words (function words) are usually not stressed
Unit 15
1, to mark word stress, we use only one degree of stress, the primary show the stress of a phrase or sentence, four degree of stress
2, four degree of stress
3, the general rule phrase and sentence stress
Content words often receive the major stress meanwhile pronouns
usually, carry the minor stress.
The primary stress is put on the most important word in a phrase or
sentence. And there is only one primary stress in each phrase or
Unit 16
The strong form of a word is used when it is stressed or when it is at the
end of a sentence or when it is said in isolation.
The weak form of a word is used when it is unstressed and not final
The content words like have no weak forms. Only the function words
like auxiliary conjunctions may have the weak forms
Unit 17
1. Rhythm may be defined as regular succession of stressed syllables
and unstressed ones
2, Rhythm often coincides with secondary and primary stress
3, there are different ways to mark the Rhythm
Primary accent mark
Stress-timed Rhythm is a speech Rhythm in which the stressed syllables
are said to occur at equal intervals of time. E has often been called
Each of the three segments would take the same time to utter,
although each segment has a different number of syllables. The effect is
that the stressed syllables occur at equal intervals. However, recorded
speech of British E shows that, although E has a tendency to stress-
timed Rhythm, it is not strictly stress-timed
1, mark the stress over it according the 4 degrees of stress
2, omit the minor stress. Change the secondary stress into the primary
one. Keep the regular succession of the stressed and unstressed syllable
Notes: 2 stresses syllables cannot go close to each other in a rhythm
Unit 18
1. approach to intonation
1, when speaking, people generally raise and lower the pitch of their
voice, forming pitch patterns. They also give some syllables in their
utterances a greater degree of loudness and change their speech
rhythm. These phenomena are called intonation.
Intonation is the changing pitch of voice. Intonation does not happen ar
random but has definite patterns which can be analyzed according to
their structure and functions. Intonation is used to carry information
over and above that which is expressed by the words in the sentence.
2, in e, linguists have distinguished 4 or 5 different tones
Fall in pitch
Rise in pitch
A slight rise in pitch
Fall in pitch followed by rise
rise in pitch followed by Fall
3, simple British intonation marking and graphic transcriptions
4, the structure of a tone unit
-in a unit of intonation the syllable on which pitch movement begins is
often called the tonic or the tonic syllable. The tonic syllable is often the
last prominent syllable in the unit.
-a tone unit is divided into several parts. The most important part
contains the syllable on which a change of pitch begins: The tonic
syllable. A tone unit consists of pre-head
+pre-head: all unstressed syllables before the 1st stress syllable
+head: extends from the 1 st stressed syllable up to the tonic syllable
+tonic syllable: main stressed syllable on which the pitch movement
+ tail: all stressed and unstressed syllables after tonic syllable
2. falling intonation
Uses of falling intonation
How to
Intonation markings; identifying the tonic syllable by using the
Intonation markings
Graphic description
-the voice descends step-wise on each stressed syllable. unstressed
syllables are on the same level as the preceding stressed syllable
-to avoid monotony because of a continuous descent, you can make
your voice rise at any convenient stressed syllable (optional rising mark)
but not as high as the first stressed syllable
-for longer statements, break them into different tunes.( this vertical
stoke shows the completion of one tune)
3.rising intonation
Intonation markings; identifying the tone unit by using the Intonation
Graphic transcription the voice descends step-wise on each stressed
syllable and the rise.

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