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Multiple choice questions.

Directions. Choose the best answer of the following statements.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. It refers to the first stage of the management cycle and it involves four steps
directed towards the establishment of the goals and objectives for the
company or organization.
a. Goal- setting b. Execution c. Measurement d. sustainability
2. The following statements are true about vision except
a. It is a commonly shared picture of what the organization wants and is
committed to become sometime in the future
b. It is the guiding and motivating compass of the organization
c. It is an enduring statement of purpose of an organization’s existence
that distinguishes itself from others
d. It can be expressed as the state in the future of the organization’s
services, customers, stakeholders, core competencies, processes, and
3. What is a Mission Statement?
 a. It is an enduring statement of purpose of an organization’s existence
that distinguishes itself from others.
b. They are the organization’s moral compass
c. It is a commonly shared picture of what the organization wants and is
committed to become sometime in the future
d. It is the guiding and motivating compass of the organization
4. They answer the question: What is important to us?
a. Mission b. mission Statement c. vision d. values
5. It refers to internal competencies possessed by an organization that will
enable it to achieve its objectives.
a. Strength b. weaknesses c. opportunities d. threats
6. These are economic, cultural, political, technological, demographic and
industrial trends and events that are potentially harmful to an organization’s
present and future competitive position.
a. Strength b. weaknesses c. opportunities d. threats
7. These refer to economic, socio-cultural, political, technological, demographic,
and industrial trends and events that could significantly benefit an
organization in the future.
a. Strength b. weaknesses c. opportunities d. threats
8. These are areas that limit or inhibit an organization’s overall success
a. Strength b. weaknesses c. opportunities d. threats
9. In setting a goal, it should be challenging, but should not demand the
a. Smart b. measurable c. attainable d. time bound
10. It should specify a relatively short time for meeting the goal, from a few
weeks to no more than a year in goal setting
a. Smart b. measurable c. attainable d. time bound
11. It is the carrying out of a plan, order or course of action.
a. Executing b. organizing c. leading d. staffing
12. It is the management function that determines the structure and allocation
of jobs
a. Executing b. organizing c. leading d. staffing
13. It reinforces execution
a. Executing b. organizing c. leading d. staffing
14. It sets the stage for excellent execution and achievement of positive
a. Good communication c. effective leadership
b. Positive behavior d. good leader
15. It promotes understanding, cooperation, harmony and teamwork in the
a. harmonious relationship c. effective communication
b. Positive behavior d. good leader
16. This behavior induce others to act in a desired manner
a. Honesty b. efficient c. motivation d. hardworking
17. These are the 3 C’s of effective leadership except
a. Competence b. cooperation c. character d. commitment
18. is a function that involves the management of people
a. Human Resource c. Human Resource Development
b. Human Resource Management d. Human development
19. Career Development,Performance Management, Employee Relations and Learning
and Development are the functions of
a. Human Resource c. Human Resource Development
b. Human Resource Management d. Human development

20. In employee life cycle, which refers to an individual that is enlisted and
what follows is his/her alignment.
21. The new employee sets in, learns about the organization, its operations and
its people, among others, and acclimatizes himself/herself with the practices
of the organization.
22. A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. As he/she grows in the organization,
there comes a time when the employee will find the job boring and he/she
starts to become complacent
23. The employee is expected to turn in satisfactory, if not best performance,
in return for remuneration commensurate to his/her qualifications and
24. There are even instances when, other just becoming complacent, the employee
becomes disconnected.
25. Why is Modern People Management More Critical at the Present Time
a. Changing mix of the technology
b. Changing names of the workforce
c. Changing demands of employers
d. Changing demands of society
26-28 choices
a. Strategic HR b. learning and development c.talent management
26. It is considered as one of the opportunities and challenges of HR New
Century where it develops leaders who are capable of thinking, inspiring and
acting in the global arena.
27. It is considered as one of the opportunities and challenges of HR New
Century where there is recruiting and retaining talent worldwide.
28. It is considered as one of the opportunities and challenges of HR New
Century where it increase HR’s role as a strategic business partner.
29. Classroom training as a learning source is the least effective because it is
mostly dependent on
a. individual b. teacher c. parents d. state
30. “Learning by doing” provides the opportunity for the trainee to immediately
absorb what he/she learns because of the hands-on experience that ________
a. OCT b. OJT c. OHP d. OA
31. This process compares actual activities with the planned activities, actual
results versus planned results.
a. Measuring result b. Quantitative aspect c. Qualitative aspect
32. It refers to the increase or decrease of shoppers, as well as how fast
products are moving out of the shelves.
a. Measuring result b. Quantitative aspect c. Qualitative aspect
33. It basically refers to customer satisfaction, thus customer service is the
primary interest.
a. Measuring result b. Quantitative aspect c. Qualitative aspect
The following are choices for items 34-37 on questions on balance performance
a. Customer perspective c. Innovation and Learning
b. Internal organization perspective d. Financial Perspective
34. How do customers see us?
35. How do we look to the shareholders (owners)?
36. Can we continue to improve and create value?
37. What must we excel at?
38. The process of measuring results and performance evaluation should be
cascaded down to __________________________.
a. Unit level b. department level c. organization level d.customer level
39. The company’s overall measures must be translated to department/unit
measures and subsequently to
a. employee performance measures c. group performance measures
b. individual performance measures d. managerial performance measures
40. These are the underlying and broad-based characteristics and grouping of
“hard skills” and “soft skills” in individuals that cause or predict superior
a. results b. competencies c. values d. compensation
41-50 Answer box.
41. The object of ________ is improvement. If _______ does not lead to
improvement, it is not desired ________.
42. The type of change involving an immediate action to avoid disruption in

a. Change a. clear vision a. managers

b. Repair/ restoration b. step by step process b. leaders
c. Continuous improvement c. good manager c. employee
d. Breakthrough change d. empowering d. employers

43. Involves a deliberate plan to institute a company policy or program

44. Involves a major or dramatic change such as transferring the entire company
45. Have a _________ of the future (end) state of the change process and
communicate it to all employees concerned
46. Explain the ______________ that will take place; set milestones with
specific goals to be achieved throughout the change process.
47. A ____________ should take direct responsibility to develop subordinates.
48. It refers to manager’s actions that will allow the subordinate to initiate
action, give him/her encouragement and support to implement solution.
49. ___________ do things according to what is provided for in the books,
trainings and the like.
50. _________ follow their intuition, inspire and influence others to go the
extra mile to attain their goal, objective, vision, and mission.

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