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Gibson School Systems

Gibson Youth Academy

Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: ______________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: _

Full Date: ________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject: English Literature
Page Range: 162 - 177

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

1) An epic is a short narrative poem about a larger–than–life hero who embodies the values of his or
her people.
2) All myths involve the exploitation of gods and heroes.
Page Range:
3) Motivation is the reason behind a character's actions.
4) Tone is the attitude that a speaker takes towards a subject.
5) An author‘s purpose is the reason or reasons for creating a literary work.
6) Griots have been called ―living libraries‖ because they store history, stories, songs, and traditions
of their people in their minds.
II. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow it. Neatness
The Joy of a Singer

A wonderful occupation
Making songs!
But all too often they
Are failures.

A wonderful fate
Getting wishes fulfilled!
But all too often they
Slip past.

A wonderful occupation
Hunting caribou!
But all too rarely we
Excel at it
So that we stand
Like a bright flame
Over the plain.
By Piuvkaq, Netsilik Eskimo

1) What is the poem above talking about? (2 points)

2) State two stylistic devices used in the poem above. (2 points)
II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.

1) Blandly A) to corrupt

2) Odoriferous B) religious sacrifice

3) Debauch C) language that appeals to the senses

4) Oblation D) having or giving forth a scent

5) Imagery E) quietly; without concern

Page 2 of 2
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy
Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: ______________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: _

Full Date: ________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject: Public Speaking
Page Range: 77 - 89

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

1) If you want to leave your audience in a particular mood, you might conclude in an emotional appeal.
2) In an ending with logical appeal, you stress how reasonable your case is.
Page Range:
3) The introduction and conclusion do not have much in common.
4) Good transitions help the audience to anticipate and remember.
5) Through repetition, you help the audience to forget your points.

II. B) There are many kinds of visual aids that a speaker can use. List down
5 types of such visual aids. Spelling and neatness count.
1) _____________________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________________________________

4) _____________________________________________________________________________

5) _____________________________________________________________________________

III. C) Assume you are celebrating your birthday party next weekend. You
have invited ten of your best friends who are your agemates. Write
a short speech you would give thanking them for turning up and
bringing you some gifts. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization
and neatness count.










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Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College
Fasten this into your exercise book
before you start to complete it!!

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: ______

Full Date: Worksheet 2 Subject: Civics and Ethical Education
Page Range: 135 - 144

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

________1) Reasoning is a process of thought that helps to make objective judgment.

________2) Knowledge is a figure obtained from observation or survey.

________3) The basis of myth is scientific method of investigation.

________4) Humans' desire for knowledge is expressed through an interest to know more about their


________5) Relevant data gives rise to irrelevant conclusion.

II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.

______1) Data A) A belief related to tradition that is not based on empirical evidence

______2) Information B) The outcome of analysis of relevant data and information

______3) Myth C) Knowledge acquired about specific subject as a result of collected data

______4) Knowledge D) Corner stone of formal and informal learning

______5) Reading E) Facts or figures obtained from experience or survey

F) Truthfulness

III. Fill in the blank spaces. Neatness counts.

1) _______________ involves the gathering of information and data that has been perceived and discovered.

2) _______________and ______________ serve as basis for making calculations and drawing conclusion.

3) _______________, _______________ and ____________________ are tools to a good life.

4) ______________ is the actual fact or information about something, rather than what people thinks, or accepts.

5) _______________ creates the force that changes society.

Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy
Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: ______________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: _

Full Date: ________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject: Chemistry
Page Range: 315 – 330

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

1) All carboxylic acids are soluble in organic solvents.
2) Carboxylic acids have no higher boiling points than alcohols of the similar size.
3) In the presence of water, the carboxylic acids do not dimerize.
4) The lower aliphatic acids containing up 9 carbon atoms are solids.
5) Aromatic carboxylic acids are named as benzene carboxylic acids.
6) In IUPAC system, dicarboxylic acids are named as alkanedioic acids.
II. Choose the correct answers. Neatness counts.
1) Which aliphatic carboxylic acid is most soluble in water?
A) Heptanoic acid B) Hexanoic acid C) Ethanoic acid D) Pentanoic acid
2) Which aliphatic carboxylic acid has the lowest boiling point?
A) Pentanoic acid B) Methanoic acid C) Hexanoic acid D) Propanoic acid
3) Carboxylic acids of low molecular mass are soluble in water due to:
A) hydrogen bonding C) dissociation into ions
B) dimer formation D) hydrolysis
4) Which one of the following organic molecules has the highest water solubility?
5) Which of the following is highly volatile?
6) What is the common name of the following structure of carboxylic acid?

A) o-nitrobenzoic acid C) p-nitrobenzoic acid

B) m-nitrobenzoic acid D) -nitrobenzoic acid
III. Fill the blank spaces. Neatness and spelling count.
1) The acid found in insects is known as _________________________.

2) Carboxylic acids that contain three carboxyl groups in their structures are called ________________.

3) The correct molecular structure for acetic acid is _______________________.

4) The correct IUPAC name for CH3-COOH is __________________________.

Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: ______

Full Date: Worksheet 2 Subject: ICT
Page Range: 96 - 112

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

1) Photoshop is a popular image proccessing software.

2) Tool panels help you monitor and modify your work.

3) Application bar displays at the top of the screen.

4) Adobe Photoshop was developed in 1909.

5) Horizontal Type Tool is used for free hand drawing and is available in the toolbar.

II. Choose the correct answers. Neatness counts.

1) For softening an image, Click Filter from Menu bar==> sharpen.

Which of the following option is not available after the above steps?

A) Sharpen Edge B) Gaussian Blur C) Lens Blur D) Shape Blur

2) _________ is the password access of adjusting proper intensity, contrast range and color balance.

A) Sharpening B) Cropping C) Resizing D) Correcting

3) ______ is this process of removing portions of an image to create focus or strengthen the composition.

A) Cropping B) Resizing C) Correcting D) Sharpening

4) ______________ displays options for the currently selected tool.

A) Application bar B) Option bar C) Main menu D) Panels

5) The main screen displays on the top of a menu and option bar, a toolbox at ______________.

A) bottom B) right C) left D) center

III. Fill in the blank space. Neatness counts.

1) Press_________________ to zoom in and press ________________ to zoom out.

2) Write down at least 3 basic image editing techniques.

a) ___________________________

b) ___________________________

c) ___________________________

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Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section: ______

Full Date: Worksheet 2 Subject: Mathematics (Science)
Page Range: 335 – 355

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

1) If the angle , then the rotation is in the counter clockwise direction.

2) The image of point A(1, 0) when it is rotated through 30o about the origin is (0, 1).

3) The value of . / is 1.

4) The range of ( ) is ( - , ).

5) The sine function is invertible in the interval (– ).

II. Choose the correct answers. Neatness counts.

1) What is the value of ( √ )?
A) B) C) √ D)
√ √

2) What is the image of the line y = x, when the plane is rotated 45o about the point (1, -3)?

A) (1+√ , √ ) B) (1- 2√ , √ ) C) (1-2√ , √ ) D) (1+√ , √ )

3) What is the image of the circle ( ) ( ) if it is rotated 90o about (0, 0)?

A) ( ) ( ) C) ( ) ( )
B) ( ) ( ) D) ( ) ( )

4) What is the image of (1, 0) after it has been rotated −60o about (3, 2)?

A) (2, 3) B) (-3, -2) C) (2-√ , 1- √ ) D) (2+√ , -1+ √ )

5) The range of y = −3secx is _______________.

A) ( ) ( ) B) ( - , ) C) D) *, -+

III. Work out the following problems. Show all the necessary steps.
Neatness counts.
1) Simplify each of the following expressions.
a) Secx.sinx b) tanx.cscx

2) Evaluate if (for a first quadrant angle and ).

Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: _______________________________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section:

Full Date: ____________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject :SAT/TOEFL
Page Range: Pages 118-126; Wordlist 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow .Neatness
The following passage is adapted from Leo Tolstoy's 1873 novel, Anna Karenina (translated from the
original Russian by Constance Garnett). Prior to this excerpt, one of the major characters, Levin, has
realized that he is in love with his long time friend Kitty Shtcherbatsky.
At four o'clock, conscious of his throbbing heart, Levin stepped out of a hired sledge at the Zoological
Gardens, and turned along the path to the frozen mounds and the skating ground, knowing that he
would certainly find her there, as he had seen the Shtcherbatskys' carriage at the entrance. It was a
bright, frosty day. Rows of carriages, sledges, drivers, and policemen were standing in the approach.
Crowds of well-dressed people, with hats bright in the sun, swarmed about the entrance and along the
well-swept little paths between the little houses adorned with carving in the Russian style. The old curly
birches of the gardens, all their twigs laden with snow, looked as though freshly decked in
sacred vestments. He walked along the path towards the skating ground, and kept saying to himself—"You
mustn't be excited, you must be calm. What's the matter with you? What do you want? Be quiet, stupid,"
he conjured his heart. And the more he tried to compose himself, the more breathless he found himself.
An acquaintance met him and called him by his name, but Levin did not even recognize him. He went
towards the mounds, whence came the clank of the chains of sledges as they slipped down or were dragged
up, the rumble of the sliding sledges, and the sounds of merry voices. He walked on a few steps, and the
skating-ground lay open before his eyes, and at once, amidst all the skaters, he knew her. He knew she was
there by the rapture and the terror that seized on his heart. She was standing talking to a lady at the
opposite end of the ground. There was apparently nothing striking either in her dress
or her attitude. But for Levin she was as easy to find in that crowd as a rose among nettles. Everything
was made bright by her. She was the smile that shed light on all round her. "Is it possible I can go over
there on the ice, go up to her?" he thought. The place where she stood seemed to him a holy shrine,
unapproachable, and there was one moment when he was almost retreating, so overwhelmed was he with
terror. He had to make an effort to master himself, and to remind himself that people of all sorts were
moving about her, and that he too might come there to skate. He walked down, for a long while avoiding
looking at her as at the sun, but seeing her, as one does the sun, without looking. On that day of the week
and at that time of day people of one set, all acquainted with one another,
used to meet on the ice. There were crack skaters there, showing off their skill, and learners clinging to
chairs with timid, awkward movements, boys, and elderly people skating with hygienic motives. They
seemed to Levin an elect band of blissful beings because they were here, near her. All the skaters, it
seemed, with perfect self-possession, skated towards her, skated by her, even spoke to her, and were
happy, quite apart from her, enjoying the capital ice and the fine weather. Nikolay Shtcherbatsky, Kitty's
cousin, in a short jacket and tight trousers, was sitting on a garden seat with his skates on. Seeing Levin,
he shouted to him: "Ah, the first skater in Russia! Been here long? First-rate ice—do put your skates on."

Page 1 of 2
_______1) According to the passage, how did Levin first know that Kitty was at the Zoological Gardens?
A) Kitty's carriage was parked near the entrance.

B) Nikolay said he had been skating with Kitty earlier.

C) He saw her talking with another woman near the pond.

D) Kitty invited him to meet her there at a certain time.

_______2) As used in the passage "swarmed" most nearly means ___________________________

A) invaded B) gathered C) flew D) obstructed

_______3) The passage most strongly suggests that which of the following is true of Levin?

A) He worries about his appearance. C) He is an extremely passionate person.

B) He wishes he were more impressive. D) He is wary of his surroundings.

_______4) What theme does the passage communicate through the experiences of Levin?
A) Love is a powerful emotion. C) Life should be filled with joy.

B) People long to have company. D) People are meant to work hard.

_______5) As used in the passage, "conjured" most nearly means ________________________

A) begged B) created C) summoned D) tricked

II. Complete the following sentences. Neatness counts. (1 point each)

______1) Some of Nahom's colleagues say that he (Nahom) is a loud and __________ boss.
A) amorous B) alleviate C) obnoxious D) novice
______2) The finance department was accused of____________ accounting malpractices.
A) culmination B) prestige C) exude D) dubious
______3) As the presidents _______ began to fall, they are clearly beginning to consider him a liability.
A) atrocious B) concession C) prestige D) procurement
______4) Many foreigners___________ easily into our way of life since it is very interesting.
A) assimilate B) hamper C) inclement D) acquit
______5) Now, in the ______ of the night, with his bullies and angry words and fists absent, I liked it.
A) solace B) dexterity C) reprisal D) obnoxious
______6) The nuclear______ has maintained an uneasy peace to the society known for its tranquillity.
A) faction B) ultimatum C) deterrent D) solace

III. Construct meaningful sentences using each of the following words.

Neatness, grammar and spelling count.
1) Novice: ___________________________________________________________________

2) Acquit: ___________________________________________________________________

3) Atrocious: _________________________________________________________________

4) Amorous:__________________________________________________________________

Page 2 of 2
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

Name: _______________________________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section:

Full Date: ____________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject: Technical Drawing
Page Range: 134-152

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.

___________1) In oblique projection, the lines of sight are at an angle different from 90 0 the picture plane.

___________2) Perspective projection is the same with central projection.

___________3) In an axonometric projection, the lines of sights are assumed to be at a right angle to the picture


___________4) In oblique projection, the common angle between the lines of sight make with the picture plane is


___________5) Cabinet oblique drawing is a type of drawing in which the same full scale is used along the three


II. Draw an oblique drawing of the objects whose views are given below.
Use an appropriate scale.

Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

Name: 2019/2020 3rd Quarter Grade: 11 Section : ________

Full Date: Worksheet 2 Subject: English Grammar and Composition
Page Range: 116 – 121

I. True or false. Neatness counts.

1) Bad and badly are examples of adverbs.

2) Good is an adjective while well is an adverb.

3) A negative sentence states the opposite.

4) When two negative words are used in the same sentence, it‘s called double negative.

5) We won‘t go nowhere without you. This is an example of a negative sentence.

II. Write the correct words given in the brackets that complete the
sentences below. Neatness, handwriting, and spelling count.
1) Don‘t _______________ the library books out of the building. ( bring, take)

2) Susan __________________ cupcakes on her birthday. (bring, brought)

3) Yesterday, we ______________ blankets and towels to the animal shelter.(take, took)

4) It was a _________________ recipe; I will make that again. (good, well)

5) We threw out the ___________________ bruised oranges. (bad, badly)

III. Write 2 negative sentences and 3 double negatives. Neatness,

handwriting, spelling, grammar, and punctuation count.






Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

Name: 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section : ___

Full Date: Worksheet 2 Subject: Physics

Page Range: 162 – 170

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.
1) Elastic limit is a point where a material can stretch elastically.
2) Hooke‘s law states that force and www.
P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
extension are directly proportional. Phones: 011-6638312 or 011-661-01-50

3) Tensile strain is a point where there is a sudden increase in extension.

4) A Archimedes‘s principle states that the weight of the body equals to the buoyant force.
5) The energy stored in a stretched wire is given by .

II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.

1) Tensile stress A)
2) Shear stress B)
3) Shear strain C) of the fluid
4) Young‘s modulus D)
5) Shear modulus E)
G) for the wire

III. Work out the following questions. Show all the steps clearly.
Neatness counts.
1) F(N) Find:
a) the average spring constant.


20 b) the total work done or strain energy.

10 x(cm)
20 40 60 80 100

2) The cross sectional area of the pedal and the break drum are 0.08m 2 and 0.002m2 respectively. If the force
produced on the break drum is 1.6N, what amount of force must be exerted on the brake pedal?

3) A steel wire of length 4m has a cross sectional are of 4.8mm 2. It hangs to a block of mass ‗m‘ and extended
by 2 x 10-2mm. If the young‘s modulus for steel is 2 x 10 11 Pa, what is the mass of the block?

Page 1 of 1
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 0 11-6638312 or 011-661-0150

ስም፡ የ2012 ዓ.ም የ4ኛው ሩብ ዓመት ክፍል 11ኛ ሴክሽን _

ቀን፡ ወርክሽት 2 የትምህርት ዓይነት፡አማርኛ
የገፅ ገደብ፡ 180-199

1. የሚከተለት ጥያቄዎች ትክክሌ ከሆኑ “እውነት” ካሌሆኑ “ሀሰት” በማሇት መሌሱ፡፡

ንጽህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
__________1) ድራማ ከሚይዛቸው አሊማዎች አንፃር ከኪነ ፅሁፍ ውስጥ ይመደባሌ፡፡
__________2) ትዕይንት የመጋረጃ መዘጋት የሚያስፈሌገው አንድ የተውኔት ንዑስ ክፍሌ ነው፡፡
__________3) በመድረክ የሚቀርብና የሚተረጎም የኪነ-ጥበብ ውጤት ድራማ ይባሊሌ፡፡
__________4) ቃሇ ተውኔት ቁጥብ መሆን የሇበትም፡፡
2. ከዚህ በታች ሇቀረቡ ጥያቄዎች ትክክሇኛውን መሌስ የያዘውን ሆሄ ምረጡ፡፡ንፅህና ዋጋ
1) “አቶ ወርቁ፣ የሀሰን አባት ቤታቸውን በውድ ዋጋ ሸጡት፡፡” የተሰመረበት ሀረግ ሙያ ነው፡፡
ሀ) የዓረፍተነገሩ ባሇቤት ሇ) የማሰሪያ አንቀፅ መሙያ ሐ) ማሰሪያ አንቀፅ መ) የባሇቤት ተጣማሪ
2) “ዝም ባሇ አፍ ዝምብ አይገባም፡፡” የሚሇውን ምሳላያዊ አነጋገር የሚቃረነው የትኛው አባባሌ ነው
ሀ) ካሇመናገር ደጃዝችነት ይቀራሌ፡፡ ሐ) ዝም አይነቅዝም፡፡
ሇ) በአፍ ይጠፉ በሇፈሇፉ፡፡ መ) የነገር ወጡ ማሊመጡ፡፡
3) ድራማው ከተፃፈ በኋሊ የገፀ ባህሪያቱን ማንነት፣ስብእናና አስተሳሰብ የራሳቸው አድርገው በመድረክ የሚቀርቡ ሰዎች
ሀ) ፀሀፊ ተውኔት ሇ) ቃሇ ተውኔት ሐ) ገቢር መ) ተዋንያን
4) “እሌፍ ሲለ እሌፍ ይገኛሌ፡፡” ከሚሇው ምሳላያዊ አነጋገር ጋር በፍቺ የሚመሳሰሇው የትኛው ነው
ሀ) ያሌተገሊበጠ ያራሌ፡፡ ሐ) ሺሌ ቢታሇብ ያው በገላ አሇች፡፡
ሇ) ሁለ አማረሽን ገበያ አታውጧት፡፡ መ) የቆጡን አወርድ ብሊ የብብቷን ጣሇች፡፡
5) ሇየት ያሇ ሀሳብ (መሌእክት) ያሇው ምሳላያዊ አነጋገር የቱ ነው
ሀ) የቆጡን አወርድ ብሊ የብብቷን ጣሇች፡፡ ሐ) ባጎረኩ እጄን ተነከስኩ፡፡
ሇ) ሲሮጡ የታጠቁት ሲሮጡ ይፈታሌ፡፡ መ) የነቶል ቶል ቤት ግድግዳው ሰንበላጥ፡፡
6) የገፀ ባህሪያት ስውር ህሉናዊ መሌክ ላልች ገፀባህሪያት በላለበት ሇራሱና ሇተደራሲያን የሚያነበንበው የግሌ ንግግር ምን
ሀ) ጎንታ ሇ) መነባንብ ሐ) ትዕይንት መ) ፀሀፊ ተውኔት

3. በ “ሀ” ረድፍ የተቀመጡትን ፈሉጣዊ አነጋገሮች በ “ሇ” ረድፍ ካለት ተመሳሳይ ፍቻቸው
ጋር አዛምዱ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
ሀ ሇ
________1) እጢው ዱብ አሇ ሀ) ሊዛ ቢስ
________2) ሆዱ ሻከረ ሇ) ድንጋይ ራስ
________3) ሆደ ቡቡ ሐ) ውቃቢ ራቀው
________4) እንባ አድርቅ መ) እግረ እርጥብ
________5) ሌበ ድፍን ሠ) ሆዱ ጎሽ
ረ) እናት አንጀት
ሠ) አንገተ ሰባራ
ሸ) ሆዱን ሰጠ
ቀ) አይን በሊው

ከገፅ 1 1ኛው
Gibson School Systems
Gibson Youth Academy Gibson Preparatory College

P.O. Box 15564 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phones: 011-6638312 or 011-661-01-50

Name: __________________________________ 2019/2020 4th Quarter Grade: 11 Section:

Full Date: ________________________________ Worksheet 2 Subject: Biology

Page Range: 157-163

I. Write true or false. Neatness counts.
___________1) The reaction of glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm.

___________2) Glycolysis cannot takes place in absence of oxygen.

___________3) The end product of glycolysis is two net gain of ATP.

___________4) Oxaloacetate is an ester of citric acid.

___________5) Glycolysis does not evolve any CO 2.

II. Fill in the blank spaces. Neatness and spelling count.

1) is fluid in the mitochondrion in which reactions of the Kreb‘s cycle takes place.

2) ___________________is a series of molecules along which elections travel.

3) ___________________ is oxygen dependent production of ATP.

4) Removing hydrogen from a molecule is called_____________________.

5) Removing carbon from a molecule is called_______________________.

6) The oxidation of one molecule of reduced NAD results in six protones and this leads to the

synthesis of molecules of ATP.

III. Give short answer. Spelling and neatness count.

1) Write the overall summary equation for aerobic respiration.


2) Define citrate.


3) Define coenzyme A.


4) What are the molecules that act as electron carriers in the electron transport chain.


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