Detail Magazine English Edition March - April 2015 (Kalinel - DU)

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ISSN 1614-4600 - MAR - APR e125 50 + €18 English Edition DE TAIL Review of Architecture and Construction Details - Glass Construction - Vol, 2015 «2 DETAIL Review of Architecture Vol. 2, 2016 - lass Construction Emel oda a. Tol =4i (20.8 1020 Chistian Sohtes feorn-chie Frank Katniach, la Lae, Thomas Macener Ema Morgana Pate Fone, Mata Ramer, Eo alr: Sophie Kare Cvs Schicker (rosarce assist Deja Orla Biterer, Maron Gis, meso M. Kesreg, Simon Kramer (range) Preauct oto Moke Regia Weber xterin-hieh Kea Pech iidegard Wanger, ‘Tm Weatohal, Jaen Clay ce Folrenge a 112-1745 Mare Sowa (up. 176-205 Advertsing mat ancolasnadtal Us Ropresonatve Adrarsng Ta 48 05 Distitson and marketing Eat lial de Tots A010 9036 Subscription contact and customer sence Yertsscnion Moynen Gowers 10 mat Tat nda (61-2502 35-211 Init fr ntemateriale Achtoktr Dlemertaion mes Heckeroicke © sa35 Mines To. +49 10) 8098 16 van detail dofengh " oan an be dounload as POF ls: nye detai.dentransiation Discussion 114 Bult Transparency ~ Nineteenth Century Greenhouses Gvstian Senition Reports 122 University of Greenwich Mar Jus Garcia 126 Exhibitions, Books Documentation 128 Residonce in Mele Elding Osearson Arlektor, Stockholen 182 Gily Hell leturbisnment in Heinkenszencs ‘elor Kernpe Thi, Rotterdam 137 Administration Bulging in G \Witfomt Arontekton, Stutgan 142 Renovation ofa Baroque Ensemble in Ljubliane ie Aritekt, Lubna AT Archive Building in Bilbao AGXT, Biba 462. Museum Extension in Fort Werth Renzo Plane Building Workshop, nua with Kendalleaton Associates, Houston 159. Museum in Katowice Fogler Rowe Architekten, Graz Technology 168 Glasain Arehtectxe ~ New Developments Jutta Albus, Stefan Robanus Products 176 _Property:Product 180 Cladding and surfaces 188_ Windows, Ooors and Entrances 196 Access, Secury and San Controls 198 Fire Protection "200 Insulation (2040 tne Spot ‘214 _Progranme « Photo eredis « Edionial and publisng data SIO Discuss e( KEL. SAUNT ry QQ KZ NZ Leos Tg) YY wT Yh \\ WUT) \\ \S yy) x TN ww a LK UN aH Bult Tonsparerey- Nt fragile ma const ecu ie a demateria re the seen against the eky, seems lo be nothing more than a delicate mesh. This network is made up of extraordinarily thin iron mulions that suppor the class deme's ure compraseion k al glass to etifen the overal he transparent skin smi lapping scales ~ their in with ~ that make it possible to achieve a regular curve empiaying te But the hanc-mado gla smooth. T acters is that their thickness increases toward the ‘edges to keep water away trom the iron mponents lazing bate, which ato vulnerable to corr ian, There is no formal record of te date of construction, nor of the designer af the minimal structure ~ a structure that proba- bly came into being without the involvement Exper Idiosyncratic greenhouse after 1820, and evidence point on's involvement in the design. Inlight of ts integrated thermal storage well to the north and its spherical geometry 10 the south, the laciness and transparency, ths greenhouse is clearly a prototype of the ‘greenhouse that is perhaps the world's most renownecs the Palm House 502 DETAR Kaw Garden London, Stop, Ss Royal Botanic Gardone at Kaw, @ publ park situated west of Lens in the river Thames, ht iron structure y the Dublin-based en. Fichard Turner and the London: + Decimus Burton (according research, the innovative Tumar un doubtedly extended greater influence on bboth the load-bearing structure andthe jomm) is 110 meires in length. Contemporar lewing completion: “its graceful ines and adtrira- ble proportions made it as pleasing to tne DETAIL eye as its pot sible for a etucture of glass and iron to be."! in this a ime tha raviaw was writen, to interor frome: had boon give ne, Not unt in the 1980: Is 80 smal tha uote be referting to the deli rticulation and traneparency we en Palm House today? At the the cessive sunlight, the glass on a slong green'sh-brown lowsiron glass was installed of the complete overhaul dil sunlight pour in - and by, ction of the structural members nner and the outer lass surfaces appear Therefore, seen from the inside and out the overall forme are also uninterrupted. But the Pain House also impressively demon- ssrates how alabarate the era's heating eon. is wore: the criginal system, with twelve smoke was carried away b a 170-meire-long network of passages to the distant chimney - was situated below central space, The undergrauna netwerk at so facilitated the delivery of coal. The were ty-metre-high contral space for palm wees has a circumferential baleony situated at Imide-height thats access sais, The lacslke perapets ofthe balco- les, the handrails of he stair, and the cap: BT gps tale ofthe columne are petitive cast i othenyise clr charm, Wt its pure gaom House at Kew Garda ‘elements; th most unattainably high for later goners: tions. Ths 's also evident in Dacimus Bur ramperate House, alsa in Kew Ge dens (but without the invo'vement of Tuner the ren expert and engineer, and but only about ion years after the Pain House, takos its formal vocabulary ‘clsm typical of the age. lis eurface area, nearly double that of the Palm House, is died a LN ml \, > ve dt wit! 201902 DETAM DETAM 20:50 Repors 125 University of Greenwich Mark Julius Garcia Architects Honoghan Peng architaots, Dublin Late last yoar the University of Groarmch ‘opened is new 16,000 Acaclemnic and Lr brary building in Stockwell Steet, Green wich. It holds the only school of architecture ‘on @ UNESCO Wortd Hartage ste and is io ‘cated just a stono’s throw from the National Martime Museum, St Alphege’s Church and the monumental Old Royal Naval Collogo ‘complex by Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawicsmecr. Consequently, he contextual ‘and conservation iesuss ints design wore compiex The resulting ciplomatic design uses a stra tegic system of architectural details with hich to negotiate euch a constrained brief ‘and 8 budget of £76 millon. Maintained as & single volume of stepped, parallel but con- nected masses over four storeys, the build- ing accommedates the Depariment af Archi tecture & Landscape, as well as the univer- sty library, gallery, wo lecture theatres, seminar rcoms, studios, offices and fourteen landscaped root garciens. Though cistinctly ‘wonty-first century in ts use of BIM and in some of ts materials, is precedents include the mocernist architecture faculty bullaings a Harvard by JL. Seti and at Yale by Paul uaoiph, Aside fram other architectural consaquenc- fs, the townscape dimensions of the lme- stone-clad Stockwal| Stree facade match the proportions of adjacent Georglan, Victo ‘lan and Edwardian buildings. This is much deeper, more detailed and articulated! facade punctusted with bands of se- ‘quenced setbacks. This narrow banding in plan generates a series of paalil trios roughout the site. Separating "serviced" land "servicing’ spaces in this manner moans largo open-plan studios, offices and ‘seminar rooms are visible to each other ‘through thelr citcuation, encouraging inno- vation and sharing through the ad hoo, ‘change and random mix of staf, stucents and ideas. Both the library and the academ- Ic wing have a grand, black-stee! starcase that provides a lang, circuitous route through the heart of both sections of the building. Like the grand staircasos of tho cigtgenth and nineteenth centures, this antral architacturalelarnoat holps to ganer ats the eocial exchange and meme trans- ‘mission that are 0 key to organisational and ‘educational innovation in teaching, learning and research, Tha academic building contains two leo: ‘ure theatres and & TV studio inthe base- ‘mont, a8 wellae galleries, shops, cafes land workshops on the more active, public= focusses ground ficer. Ths mere parous ssegmigntatian of programme becomes more studentfocused inthe fistlcor, open- plan design studios, computor labs and the haat of the School af Architecture & Landscape: the so-called "erp. The ert pit (macie famous by its predacessors at Harvard and Yale) 8 where students pre- sent and perform their work. AS a two- storey, column-ree space vieweble from the secondeoor galleries itis the theatr- ‘ca and functional centre ofthe sohaat anc is where students’ projects willreach 2 pedagogic intensity andl climax during the ‘acadomic yoar. There ara aleo socond. floor seminar rooms used fora varity of historical, theoretical and speculative muli- media practices and modes of team-based Jeaming, The largely open-flecr academic offices on the thitd floor enhanoa staff re search and facilitate group work, as well as ‘@ more participative and inclusive form of collegiaity. ‘Grou too on Loney Unnersty cate Exnbiion soace cel workshop ‘Smal eure theo Wats Foyer Bxhiotion space Large lectins eae Ubrary entrance LUbeeyanoleng ane workepace king tia alk 2 Stckul Set “Tho ft impraseion that most people have cf the building is the stkkng comer where the north-facing facade (slong the now pedestrian King Willam Walk that connects ‘the Building to he exsting carpus) macs the Stockwell Steet facade, Thie elevation expresses the main, library block ana ts long eootion. Its gecmnetry metamorphose and reassembles elements cf the signi- cant proportions and divisions cf the archi- feciural compositions on the adiacent Church Sree, St Aiphege’s Church, Stack ‘oll Seat and a terraced residential block fon King Wiliam Walk, The fist Wo of the front eix bays are clad in glass-reinforced Concrete (GAC), while the next six are Ccempletely glazod and framed in blaok finished exposed stoe! at the commer. This system of differentiated detalling of the canting, indented fop three floors clearly Cemarcates the prow-ike front entrance of the bulging’s cantlevering atrium and main reception The 60% solid pana! allway facade ts sealed to maclate acoustic, ight, temper- ature, visual noise end other external dis- tracions and extremes. The serrated-fold ‘gecmany of tha facade panels is directly ‘generated to riontate the building towards the best views out to the mannerist magnit- ‘cence of Si Aiohiege’s Church. The main felements of this facacde are the 85 bespoke fe lili 9.25-melre-high precast and very smooth, uira-thin GRC projecting fins. Mace with 1,0-1.2 mm Dolomite aggregate, the GRC used three types of pigment to colourmatch the imestana cizacing of ta Stock ‘Streot facade, ‘The whole facade is stucturally meciated through a series of round and aliptical to ‘maintain the consistent tin-blace geamexy (of the whole facade in the narrower bays) black, steel, concrete-flled columns whose ‘most stnking feeture is ther almond ‘shaped casings, On the ground fico, the facade is atts most open, being a continu: ‘ous (nearly) double-height, foorto-celing ‘envelope, edged externally with vertical 201902 DETAR of the alarm font and visible: the building em: ight, activating anc form. The facade! dynamic interface between town end publicly exposing, blurring and visually both, Jencks drew a siylotio and seen Heneghan plexty P correct. though bulding 's mostly modernist wth hints, at mos of tho minimal, Indusval, corpor tural exp le is hidden. This rost elaling creates vod, modest pe builcing operation. Mor. var, the details give the design, lands and architecture departments the chance » furthor eol-cetil their own building, Tho facildy is popular and filed to capacity most days and has played a role in tha improved Guardian University UK Schools of architect so than any other arcit London, the Unversity of Greer aduvation and medern, top-note Under one root Edition DETAIL Materials, sensuality, aesthetics — the emotional facets of an exterior hed wth i ing other bulding elements. The design of an inspen eteriorhas become a complexchalenge. We alke, this new exon in the second en referance book on bu Building Skins agit fhe 2nd narod etn fob 2008 Citin Seti ages wih numerous Cais and pts, 23 2.7 om, IsBN 0709-7602 7640.6 Hardooar:€ 7495/60." USS 105 + pstogpactng +A if apleabie In DETAIL series Mata! cabo vi ow 126 Exnbitone, Books David Adjaye: Form, Gowicht, Material “This is perhaps the most imporiant project cf my entire career," says David Adjaye at pening at Munioh’s Haus der ‘archtectural models being tof the th lage exhibition inal Museum of African American Histo ry and Culture in Washington DO, which is roe ulling ~ in sculpture of a Yoruba artist — as three inverted py one other. The sar sof the hie space cone ef the men; shown i the The ington Mall moti din the head ‘wo racitional Namibian woe form a gatoway ‘and which make reference to Adiaye's Afr= ‘can hertage ~ he was for in Gha hhas headed Adjays Assoviates in Li ‘see 2000; the architect received tion early in his caroer for his designs introverted minimalist residences, His Idea Siores—lir London = brought him international acclaim cto). Ths largest and mest camnare hensive exhibition to date presents forty-five cf the architect's designs for stes around 1 include cast brass tables os in underserved areas in aslark factory preserve erticanal silk production in India, the prismatic Ghana National Musourn on Slavory, anc mas plans and studies for major African cites. The combination of facace mock-ups made ct bas relief concrete, printed glass orf aluminium grating and a pavilion of black \wood laths cont snd period black-anc-nhite photogrephs cf the Buileing um-gosrs can arrive ata better understand ing of Agjaye's natorogeneous oowvre, IK From 80 Januety Unt 31 May Haus der Kunst, Munich fom 19 Septomber 2015 10 3 ‘Art Intute of Chicago, Cataloguo Yalo Univerity Press, Now Hav fen/ London ISBN 9) Architecture of Independence African Modernism ind Sub ‘Arica gained therr independ In tre 19608, experimental and futurists chitacture became a prina! which the young nations expr rational idantties, This exh bition one of s remarkable pe- recent architect! histor J and curated by architect and .nuel Hore, with @ eubetantial con author W tribution by photographer Iwan Baan, the fexhibtion documents more than 60 build ings in counias such as Kenya, @'hore, Zambia, Ghana anc From 20 February to 31 May 2015 Vitra Design Museum Galery, Weil am Fhoin, www.cesign-muceum de Making Africa A Continent of Contemporary Design v9 on fom talk ofthe “dark continent’. A major exhibrton by the Vira Museum sheds new light oa contem: ‘gn in Africa, On the basi of a ‘examples, Making At jus hovr design is accompanying ~ and leven promoting ~ econcmic and poitical Ite time to mi chan inent and engaging in a close dialogue with reletec disciplines, such as the fing at 3, ilustration fim, pnotogr luren planning, From 14 Warch to 13 September 2015 Vitra Design Museum, Weil am hela Hélane Binet: Fragments of Light For twenty-five years, she has photographed the work of leading contemporary end hi torical architects, notably Zaha Hadid, Dan- Her work netic qualies of archi jphasizes the interaction be- ind natural light, Hor phot ver fleeting mi manifested in tightly details. “The sense of the light, the ‘sense of coming out of the dark, it som: thing that sta tograph,” say y much inthe way | pho- Binat. Fragments of Light prevents work that spans her career, includ Ing now-conic. photographs of Zumtnor's Therme Vale and Hacie’s Phaene Scien in Los An- lous uso of Ce ictographs on ‘gelos emphasion Binot’s m analogue photographic processes. “Bins! an advocate cf using film aver digital mat ods, developing exal prints that rfl fa deep concentration on the production of ‘each image,” cays co-curator Emily B From 28 February to 29 March 2015 WUHO Gallory, Lo» Inipsis\ arc HOT To COLD: ‘an odyssey of architectural adaptation ‘The international design frm BIG-Bjerke In gels Group returne tothe National Build ‘Museum with a behind-the-scenes look at Is creative process. The exhibition takes visi tors from the hottest to the coldest parts et bur planet anc explores how BIG's dasign olutions are shaped by their cultural and climatic contexts, Tel projecte are current y taking shape fram Copentiagen to Mane hattan, from Shenzhen to Paris. end soon in Calgary and Vancouver. He SOLD pre- ‘meres 20 ofthe studio's latest projects, in orpreted through Iwan Baan’s photography fms by lla B Louise Lemoine, anc move than 60 mode's From 24 January to 30 Augus Natal Building Museum, W ne hing! Bost of DETAIL Single-Family Homes Inetiut fr ntormationale Architektur Dokumentation, Munich, February 2015, 200 pp., paperback, GermarvEnglsh ISBN 978-3-8553-235-2, €49, £40; USSOS Despite 2 growing trend towards sharing, and an increasing number af single person individual singlefamiiy home remains an extremely popular choice ming bulking gui In adtton to fo ino private single-family hemes are also exnect: od tofu high standards when ft comes te ‘nergy and cost efficiency. "Beet of DETAIL Single-Family Heres” brings taget {relevant highlights from th alone on a greenlield ste to indvicua solutions for gan site tations ofthis topic mn urbe ‘The publication is made up of theoretical ar cles and a comprehensive section contain- ing examples of projects that provide unique insights info the various applications of passive houses, bungalows, double ols, from the simple to the luxurious ‘and exciting interpo: rroundings. 128 201902 DETAR DETAM 20:5 Documentation 120 Residence in Malle Architects Eiding Oscarscn Arkitekter, Stacktiim Jonas Elding, Johan Oscarson Team: ‘Yuko Maki, Gustaf Karlsson Structural engineer: Konkrat Rag vane Inganjarer, Stockholm Others involved in the project see page 212 Qrmmdsisice Mla, locatad on a penineula about 20 kin Porth of Helsingborg, Sweden, was the frst ‘soasice resort inthis Scandinavian country to allow men and women to bathe together ~ ‘and curing the early twartieth cerury this ‘social prograss was also registered in tha region's expermental architecture, With this know/adgo in tha back of thor minds tho ar- chitects came up with an unusual residence {er young family. The lofty, free-trr built ing on an idyllic stoping site wth a view of the ecean ig der ved trom interior functions and external points of reference. ‘The Y-shaped floor plan ivides the garden in tree seperate outdoor spaces: an er= trance area with a parking space, a protect: - ‘ed terrace toward the tising sion, and lan - which doubles as a seatng area ~ {acing the expance of water. The wrap ‘around glazing on the ground floor - con= sting of units up ta 6.70 min length — al lows the living spaces to merge with the garden. Large-tormat siding components 2 ‘reais a eoamiess vaneiion betwen inside ‘and cutsi¢e. The upper level, which holds the three badrcom suites and a generously ‘mersioned hall space, is supported by slender colurnns. On this fear the cannes- tion tothe cutdoors is achioved by means of Caretully placed apertures of diffrent sizes. The glazing's smooth surfacas contr the thick rough-sewn cladcing on the upper level curd oot Frat toot ‘Ste pen seale 15000 ‘Secon + Layout plans feale 725 Lung te 5 Sur Entonce § Klcbon/ ing Boorocm 5 Vie cl 15 Buna servces BD easement 12 les ool ext) Residence Male 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 Documentation 13 City Hall Refurbishment in Hoinkenszand Atelier Kempe Thil, Rotterdam André Kempe, Olver Thi Fuud Smeelen, Jan Siuctural engivoors ‘Grontmij Nederlan Others invovied in the project see page 212 Qrnenceratee I 1970 moro than a dozen villages in the Dutch coastal province Zeeland consoldat- 4, The community hey ferred ie cal Borsele. Since then the town Heinkenszand has served as the acminssvative contre for is. Mtr some thirty years hall was in urgent cf use, the ex eed of rofurbishmont However, dua to the Imited budget, the building's awkward geometry would remain intact. Therefore the adaplation - with re- ‘spect to the required rooms and energy off cioncy ~ had to be achieved through tochni cal anc eesthetic renovation of the existing 3. The desire to signal ye more dialogue withthe pub lic realm lad to the decision to partially open spaces and curt the facade ofthe entrance hall as woll ee of the volumes at the ends of the star-shaped building's three. id to incomporate lazing in ther, These glazed surfaces allow “large-format glimpses into the buding and anchor the latter ints surroundings. 7 face treatment of al ofthe faca ‘components has @ calming effect on the heterogeneous bullding massing, The crig nal brick facade received nev outer skin: the building has been equipped wih & ven: tlated-cavily facade (including additional in- ulation}, and covered in mosaic tes. This new sheathing even continues up beyond the cornice tina. In this manner the archi cts have managed to unite the bull 201902 DETAR disparate parte ~ and the design corre: spondiagly underscores its oficial charac- tr. To make the building seem more com pact, the architects specified green-biack fanamaiiad glass les ~ tne es ware pt: duced in China especialy for this projoct The dark tone also makes reference to the black bams typical of Zooland. The siendo profilas of tie structurally adhered awning Windows (formet: 1.8 x 1.6m), which ere lush withthe facade, play arole in ar ving rene, almost “hermetic” bulling en: lope. To this end, nearly all ofthe techni- cal installations were remaved from the fa- cade. The combination of reflective glase and alumin\um-coated interior binds pro te lan 1 Man entrance sale 14000 Foye 5 Of DETAIL Page ae lam ae Documentation Documentation DETAM 201502 201902 DETAR rd 134 Cy Hal Rotutibhmere a Hehkonsza Cy Hal Reurlehment mn Henkenszand 201902 DETAR Documentation architects: 1 Bisirg van surtger 2 lee Jens Wot Teem 5 Thomas Kindevater (Project arcitot) Leonardo Sartor, fame Vol, Flonan Hott 4 mann, Julia Beierbach, Lindsay Kamp, 1 " 2 I Fleran Keisch, Andreas Rahm P Sinotiral engineer: > Schleich Bergemann und Parner, Suttgart Others inalved inthe project: 890 page vert aectn 4 gweing widow atrium “The World Trade Organization has its head wth tho par To veualyraduco the build- sary botwoon it and the office lave: thos er suarigere Cuaron parks grounds onthe coset’ ingmessng, the erchtects avanged tin’ riseee Srect the lads to fe two rows of arm euR ar Emvmaugcod Boes Cf Loke Geneva in buicing complex hat two para eneperent onhogonal block central cols end the lac boarng SoMMEPS femal rion a Sitmeney + 5 ughored gas has been extended a number of tes. This appear to fost above a plinth zone that's _ The subtle design ofthe double-shell fax "196 mn wood beam en most recent addition, lacatad on the ste of a nestled In the sloping site. The letter holds cade underscores the latty Impression the rine ea edaon bene former parking ol, defines tho southern two parking-garage loves, a& wal as the building maka; te outer skin employs 7o2| Boum (osstea 3 edge of the grounds. The design takes cues garden level, where caletera, kitchen, print-_rored glass at the cornice ar See eS see xi Seca trom tho height and balanced proportions of ing offca an foyer ao located. Abridgo_conooal ho assomblce, wc Simonse gsm our eben the existing bulcings. ts glazed anveione leads fm this foyer tothe existing bulcing, here than elseunere. At the samme time, the cat Simei engages n an anmetes © Therext storey, noun asthe ferrana level facades merge wit he surrouncinga. kone ram Pu Pata Palon cjacent punctuated facade and conveye is abutled by an exmensive wood-covered | pater of whe dots further blurs the edges myer mower Pisano mason exe) sense oflofiness an openness Depens- deck; here the Busing is rartoner*han on ofthe caling decks. To double-eha f 20mm EFS femal iain 2 an bbe sineco ing onthe quality and incidence ef ambient the cther teers and mediates btneer ‘he cade shiolds te intros rom noise and tho sotbeane "mere py, pad light, he buiing neery“seettough", pith anche feu offce eves above. The slements the opaque sashes inthe nner stovheg lestng) 9 Smmeune an when the glazing reflec the surcund- later cantilever as much as 8m beyond the skin fiat natal vndlaten. The bright, barman ventafon, 2¥-cing ed tar ea (20st) Ing stock ot wees, becomes enmeshed _terrace level, making deep trusses neces-_free-planottices overlook Lake Geneva 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 Renovation of a Baroque Ensemble in Uubljana Architects: fis Arhitekti, Lioblan Fook Omen, Spela Videcrik ‘Structural enginaars: Elea IG, Ljublana there involved in he project: see page The oliont’sbriaf calla for the renovation ‘and refurbishment of this barcaue ensemble located at the fact ofthe Castle Hil in Lu bana, Stovenia. The ensemble consiets of three ullings surrounding a courtyara The architecis have succeeded in tying the ‘ensemble together with a new all-glass t2- ‘cade — with utra-thn profiles that sheaths three sides of the courtyerd. The unusual ‘solution ensures thatthe interiors receive ample daylight, but also acts as a fol that Underscores the distinctve quali of the ‘oxisting structures. Allthree buildings belong to @ publishing house that had used some ofthe paces ‘above @ groundl-flocr bookshop a is offle= 201902 DETA 08. Following a 1980e renovation the cour yare housed, emang other things, building- services installations, This mest recent intr vention connects the interiors ofthe three buildings: the upper lavels contain weve aparimnts surounding the courtyard. The baroque facades along the street - which are on the historic regisry — wore returned to ther criginal stata. The architects ncor- porated one of the old entrances andi an ex- isting stair n the new circulation concept The existing roat structure has now bosn re placed by one that employe stool members. The project enhances the role atthe central courtyard 2s new communication space; thanks to the internal garcien its possibie to D both vontlate the apartments and maintain a pleasant temperature in them during the ‘summer months without reliance en me: chanical systems. “Toa courtyard’ continuously glazed! post and-ral facade ~ the profiles are posttioned (on the side facing the interiors - reveals the poriod elements within. Sion archos and ‘columns that came ta light during the retur- biehment became key components ofthe in- terior they are reproduced in the rellec- tons ofthe glazed envelope. The varying donsity of the siNar-loned fiting on the ‘lass alowed for a fine-tuned calibration of the relationship between transparency and rellacton. Documentation 143 DETAM 201502 Fist oor 1 Thi oe Ste pln 1 Entanes scale 1000 2 Storage ng oor ‘secton srt Chyout pans Kine scale 100 Bresaing roar 7 Susy 8 Upson Ground feer 2 DeTAW DETAM 201502 Archive Building in Bilbao ion Zubiaurre, Javier Manjén, Oscar Ferrira da Structural engingors Migue! Angel G Bilbao Romini lez, Maca Others invalved in the project: see page 213, Thi ru ull od facade adoring a now er the Boulevard Gran Via in Bik 1che cistrit - a late-nineteentn ccenlury addition tothe historic cenite - is an attention gtatioee. Thanks to this sirking ‘outward gesture, the Historical Archive of the Basque Country stands out rounding apartment buildings. This light skin ‘cloaks the glazed facade that serves actual building envelope. The angular foi vary from storey to storey; correspondingly the way thay reflect light changes, 2s wel The result ring, shimmering sur face. ‘Quotes taken from items in the archive's © tensive collection embalish the glass. T ccllaction ig housed in thrae of the four sub ferranean levels that each stretch metres — ot ontira length ofthe sits. In contras n storeys above them, which ccntain the exhibito es and the administration daparim: are aligned wih the neighbouring buleing ‘and therofore measure only twonty-tive mo ‘nes from front to back, Ine conscious at- temp to open the institution to the citizenry and underscore its presence inthe city, the Ccesign stipulated that the massing be fully glazed to give a glimpse of the building's inner workings. Traneparency and views trough are aleo the dstinguishing features of the archive's interiors, From the entrance one reosives & view to the garden, the site of some of the ‘A generously dimensioned stair in the dou- ble-height voi leacis to the upp: Fully glazed partion walls ink the exhibition space and fester ‘above have a flexible atrangement: anole arent glass wall x 9 metre opening in surface that tapers down to allous ight © enter the parang and archive al. This large light wall also provid Ccaylight tothe entrances tothe erchival are- €5, while the historic documents are eter in mobile shelving systems. Docunentston 147 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 =) am wm TPOeaad 150 Ache Bure lo Bilbao 201502 DETAR DeTAN 201502 Documentation 181 ° Henry: lariat safety glass 2 8m rear seenghanse glass (TVG), Siesta rating laminated safety glass ot 2c 81nm ugha glass Som screed 1omm retocive layer tear ‘iurnews seal ‘80mm (mn) Eanaelght concrete ‘orl 0mm ral cam femliauston admmecnciet epg 520 nmPoiow core Sonipretareatod sao 160 mn tel carne, galarsea emmstet at alan Str stee shoot lacquered back suspended celing {Sm plaseooard Grvckral gan Simm tsughenes glass + iemmeaeiy 2x Grim briotes ately goss postond-al consucon, Sumi Teequted ns Sm sec! grating Iaequered bck ‘sommannyotto uous eponyresh costed Fommreatng sereed 420 mm sel eharesl, gokances suspended cating 0:40 mm lumirim ours on ‘0mm stea suppcring srctre feotto-sing gaa I soiatismrm® 50100'5 mate! chore laminated wat lace ot Beta NO insulated aiszing 2x Blamed sacl glass + ‘Gmmcavty + 2x rn ominted cate gas. nares coat sutueal gazing ‘Simm wughonad use 1 iemmeavty » 2 Grim ainatad stoy ass Museum Extension in Fort Worth onzo Piano Building Werkshop, Genua Kandal/Heaton Associates, Houston ructural engineer ‘Guy Nordanson & Associates, Now York Brockette/Dav's Drake, Dallas Others involved in the project see page 212 With hie design for a new pavilion at the Kimball Art Museum in Fortn Worth, Flenz. ‘ence foward Lou's Kahn's masterpiece anc acelt chitactural statement cs tinguished by a the urban mirrors the t-perite structure of Kahn's building: two exhibition flank a foyer, which, to mark the en s lightly recessed. To the Wm Ucation rooms, an auditorium (situated pe ound), and adaltional exhib ‘ara tucked away in a second fe structure. A central, park-like zone isthe spatial centrepiece of the en- semble and provides access fo both the ea with integrated photovoltaic calls. Togother fe a painstakingly arranges original building an # the building's Innor The spaces of the new pavilion’s Bracing members run between 1. Elecivic channals fer the Interiors. They extend tire langt ofthe wing and can be ir bly is cleery visi inthe foyer, but in th ie mounted between th mpanents and fiters vaults: both eystams beams rest on a colon the daylight, creating Just boyond the transparent skin. Tho root's, one below i, creatin arched, sik-screened glazing uni : an elagantrootine that gives litte inal nd solar control louvers 54 Museum Exersan in Fr wrth 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 2x Brimteughened glass, carrie laminate sarety glass, curve, tng amr acres! owe, GPa 10 mmbeatsten heres ‘nih grated proxovetae module Tomtcn lac, corame i 7 A Centleverg beam ct weld soe ite Bn taghened gas + 16mm eauty + 5 2 rim siod ros Iomiratog eat glass of 2x 6am 4 90170 mm tel charnel heat snenciheres ten glaze 5 tee craing etame perme 62 5% 5 gutor 1mm alummum anet 1s. Senne: poo Pre-coates 18. brachg/beam suspended cling TO mm EPS tharal mulation os (comeeston memoer Brim suirarahect, equated Smmstou Cs 7 OBinm wide arg sae beam (NEA 100) 18. beach Hansen members pay & SS2t/Bittmm prmay ears 2 enmmsteo rod fue laminated Doug, 17 Suapendee coling ‘ate eure povedtor abe m aummken tame 8. cormecton steven aluminum, wells, 18 250mm need carers 10 {mm alumnae penal mm thrmareuaon {2 mm praca conoteo unt Simm aummam set Sea ste bs mem gazng 250 nm rvoreed corerse 156 Museum Extrain in Fort Werth 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 Documentation 187 201902 DETAR DETAIL Museum in Katowice Architects Fiegior Plows Architekten, Graz Florian Rover Riss Tear Paulina Kostyta-Dzior2oga, Nikola Szubert-Tecl, Anna Zbieranek, Markus Probet, Nicole Lam, Lavinia Force Mineru Suzuki, Bettina Téth, Bartlomia) Greanka, Tomasz Kabelie Szcstakowsk, Doreta Zurek, Pawel kere Structural enginoor: Firma inzynieeska Staty, Katowice (Others involved in the project: see page 212 Like many ofthe cities of Upper Silesia, the history of Katowice ~ a city wth a population of about 310,000 - is clos vith the haré-coal mining industry. This as pect ofthe region's technological and ci tual haritago is manifest in distinctive ari: cial anciscapes, industial instellations and builainge, many of which aro at proeent dor elict. What makes the stuation in Katowice special isthe coal mine's close proximity the ety centre. The new intervention at te Silesian Musaum, which vis establishes bbaok in 1824, offred the opportunity to rein igerate this large, neglected ste — the coal mine was abandoned n 1904 in the heart ofthe ety Conscious ofthe significance of the grounds ofthe former mine, the architects based ihe concept on tho idea thatthe spaces sipulate in the architectural brief be situa ed 10 a great extent below grcund. In acci- ion fo rooms for permanent an temporary exhibitions on topics in art, archasolo ethnography and history, space was ‘quired for conforence and seminar facilis The complex’s outward appea termined exclusive'y by the ert glazed structures of varying sizes that are harmonically integrated in the ensemble of ‘existing historic buildings. At night tho va ‘quence, make the muceum's presence known, The lume ~ @ four-storey rect ‘ooatains the muse: um administration; in adition, it provides ‘access 10 the canference roams beiaw The enitance to tha mu the neighbouring low-slung volume; from the foyer, stars and a eystem of grand ramps. link the two main museum lovels on the sec: ‘ond and fourth subterranean levels. Tho fve ‘lass boxes, which appear to penetrate the Ceilings, bring daylight o the underground spaces, bul also give them distinctive ac ‘cents. In the conference zene, on she cther speak, of the glass boxes - supply ight to the subtetranoan spaces Docunentaton ‘mic the museum's thoroughly orthogonal ceptual system consisting of glass box- the ramps ~ as the only oblique ele ls ~ ake on special significance. & square space on he frst uncerground level ~ which can be reached via one of tho ramps ~ accommecietes temporary exhibi- tions, Two apecific design decisions contrib (othe space's forceful eftact: smal square openings perforate the massive cor- crete walle enclosing the space, an an lle minated, coffered celing serves as upper spatial dofntion. The red brick buildings pre-ceting this pr in the new museur n Center now cee. ject are incorporat Stage £ locker room, anc there isa restaurant inthe former machine hel. The addition of a new structure, which holds an elevator and tc the existing ‘magnificent views ~not only of the grounds of the former coal mine, but algo of the entire city 160 _ Museum natutce 201502 DETAR DeTAN 201502 Documentation 161 sectors tayo pare Qrewusietaice Sea so » oa 7 Pate ‘aim st 2 Viewing over 8 Temporsey exibition now = (former shaft tower). Buiding services L—— fs - 3 Resturant femme 10 Undergaine garage —— —~ rmactina hal 1 hos - ty | 4 Moseum enance 12. Gass ox = TH “ 5 Conereo and 13. Pormanant embiton Smiter 1S Seminar Confrence evvanea, 15. Foyer (Confrence) 8 Cartoon fr 18 Audion Semineraten 17 Sorege Festuncerground level Fourth undeterourd level 201902 DETAR DETAM 201502 Ei ar rth ys Glass in Architecture ~ New Developments, \lutta Albus, Stefan Robenus Gontomporary architecture ~ both for itor crs and exteriors ~ is inconceivable without the use of glass. The continued develop- ment of the production and processing technologies of glass ana tha continual in provement of “application-ready" products play a decisive role in mastering increasing ‘Gamands regarding functional requit- iments anc the quest fer new aesthetic forms af expression ‘Arnumber of spectacular architecture pro- Jects and navel aasign conoepte have trig: {gored the developments in this field. im- provements in planning and simulation tools ease realizations, or even make ther possible at all. The transterral of cevelop- ‘meni from othor technical disciplines to the construction sector has also paves the way for innovative glass product. In ada tion, other time-honoured manufacturing and processing methods have been im- proved upon end refined in recent years, thereby significantly enhancing qualty and avallablily, as well as varlty and cimen- sions, of tho glass produced. The improved availabilty of certain types of glass ~ for ‘example, low-iron glass or technical glass developed for special applications - in Combination with new pre-stressing, lam nation and coating techniques, makes it possiole to decisively improve the pertor- mance of many glass products. Last but not least, these new methods of processing ‘lass and treating its eurface open up new options for remarkable design golutions. Large-format glass Inrecent years the developments in glass processing have pushed back in some ‘cases significantly ~ the mits of technical ability, availabilty and size restrictions. So far, the dimensions of the largest available float glass panes in Europe @.21 x 8.00 metres) have baen the determining factor in the maximum format in glass processing, While the 18-metre-long,iniple-glazing units (utlizing float glass) that were presented at Glasetac 2010 set now standards, the cor- 201902 DETAM responding production tachnique was not Immediately available for application. in the ‘meantime, howaver, itis possible to ther- rmaly pre-stress over-sized panel formats With a iengta af up to 18.00 metres (tough: ‘oned lass), to laminate them (aminatad glass, laminated safety glass), and to equip thern with functional coatings for thermal land solar protection, or apply ceramic fit i. 1), Gorrespendingly, insulates glazing Units measuring 3.21 x 15.00 metres can be manufactured ae 3-glase-ply or &-glass. ply panels that ful rigorous thermal and safety standarcs, as well as the structural reauirements, More and more, however, the \Weight, installation techniques and logis: al roquiremnts associated with such large formats have become problematic, Glass lamination plays a decisive role in functional and safety-related aspects of glazing and facade construction. A wide Verity of interlayers are available; they are typleally synthetic tims such as PVE (polyvinyl butyra), TPU (thermoplastic, polyurethane), SG (safety glass interayer/ lonoplaet/SentryGlas) or EVA (ethylone Viny| aostate) ‘The glass and the interlayers are boncied in ‘a pressure chamber (autoclavel. Particular- ly in comparison to conventional PVB, the safety glass interlayer (SG) has considera bby higher shear strength and facilitates production of very large olges laminates, The advantage is @ significantly higher load-bearing capacity and the potontial t reduce - forthe same load = thicknass and Weight. The high strength of the larminate also facilitates improved edge stabilly, as Well as weather. and temperatureresist: ‘ance, making it possible to employ it for large loads or for larger spans, Moreover, ‘motalic connecting pieces can be in posi- Loned between the sheets of glass or lami- ated to the surface, These metal fitings ‘enable optically minimizes forcetocking ‘connections af glass elements mat can, in contrast to pure glass-adhesive connec: tions, be taken apert again if necessary Tho progress that has been made in tha lamination technique for larger formats ang BETA % Iminimisod connection points bacomos par- ‘icularly clear inthe redesignes entrance to the Apple Store on New York's Fifth Ave- rue. The glass cube with panels 10 metres In length dasigned by Bohlin Cywinsk! Jackson Architacts and the engineering tirm Eckersley O'Callaghan fist cpened in 2006. The glass load-bearing structure criginaly consisted of 24 vertical and ten horizontal glass fine of &x 12 mm hest- strengthened, prestressed gles (German sronym: TVG), wth a maximum glass pan- cl longi of 8.90 motres. Therefore it was necessary 10 buttoin the laminated glass (0 arrive at the required length of 10 me- "res. In the newer design (2011), Sglaes- ply laminated safety glass panels measur: ing 10.80 > 8.90 metres were employed, making t possible ta roduce the number of Units from 72 (inthe inal design) to 12 (in ‘the more recent one}. At the same time, the number of components in the flexural rig Id selt-suppocting root structure was re- \duoad from 86 to [ust thraa. In the realization of ths project, titanium connecting pieces have been incorporated in the laminate aesembiy for the fret me. ‘These connectors nearly invisibly fasten the verice! seams of the outer panes to the glass tins. By employing state-of-the-art (laes technology wit far fewer connaction points, 2 greater degree of transparency va attained (ills, 2-4) Shaping glass In the meantime, curved and free-torm glass surfaces have become part of the established architectural repertoire. In the production of euch glass, one must aistin ‘Quish between hot-forming and so-callad lamination bending (also known as cold- bonding). In not forming the pane is heated 2nd formed with the help of a mould or ‘gravity. When the pene cools, it retains ts form. Asia trem curved float glass, with this pro. ‘cass, thermally pro-stvossad glass, laminal- £60 glass and insulsted glazing unts can al- 20 ba shaped. In the meantime, automated processes are available for single curvature « = 1 Largetormat ncuctod lass un, “lass teh otogy te" 2014, ado ‘om Date 2-4 pple Store on Fh Avera Ne Yer (dazig: Soca cylindrical panels that facilitate the produe- tion of pre-stessed glass with dimensions Up to 3.21 x 6.00 metres and radi of curva- ture of atleast about 1.00 metre, depend- Ing on the thickness cf the glass. Lamination bending (col6-banding), on the other hand, is based en the principle of {aes lamination with eynthetic interlayer In ferm-supporting lamination, the glass is laminated using interlayers (PVB) that have low shear strength, and itis then given the esited geameny by applying pressure uring installation. In form-giving lamina: tion, in contrast, prior to the lamination pro- ccess the stack of panes is mechanically fixed in the desired shape in the autoclave, Tectnoloay 168 ‘The use of an interlayer (8G fim) with high ‘shear strength enables the pane!to retain its final form and does not require form- giving supporting structures. The signifi ‘cant acvantage of lamination bencing tho high optical quality of the glass, bo- ‘cause, in contrast to hot-forming, these are proceseed below tha eoftening point of lass andl as a result have very smcath surfaces. On account of ts high shear strength, the resuitant structural behaviour of the laminate approaches that of its mon lithic countorpart.Itis possible to standlardized toughened glass es well at imprinted and coated glazing Manufacturing panes with complex, double- 170 Glass in Wehtcture New Deveooments ‘curvature geometry or vary tight radi, on the ctner hand, has thus far only bean fea- sible by mene of hotforming. A look at variely of current developments and archi- tectural reaizetions vill make clear he spe- cific advantagas of the respective process 8 and what these glasses are capable of By combining maximum transparoncy and high tunctionalty or complex geometries they open up new possibiltes fer architec tural designs. “The glase roct above an avium at Aria Ho- {ol in Budapest has the largest inevaled glazing unts employing leminetion bent glass ever to be installed. Each of the five ‘elements Is 3.20 metres wide ana spans 8.18 mairos. Tho highly transparent root ‘supported by four laminated glass beams along the edge of the roof impreesivaly ‘demonstrates the present state of the art in the application of overhead ineulated glaz- ing units il 8). ‘Tho design of tho 15-metr-all glass etruc tures of the Bombay Sapphire Headquar- tere, which was prepared by Heatherwick Sludio (2074, ils. 6, 7), is an example of ‘the cembinad use of different amination bending processes to produce compiexly formed glazing, The pleated building enve- lopes of the central, publicly acosssibie ‘greenhouses consists of curved stainless stool beams, tension cables of stainless size! and glass panes shaped in & two- stage progess. Tha vertical loads are cis tributed via stainless stool beams, while the glass panes are utiized for lateral bracing, By employing tension cables at the glass seams the wicth of the beams could be hold fo a minimum, Laminated safoty glas Units of 2x 6 mm lowsiron,ultrwhite Toughened glass with an 8G interlayer wera employed 10 attain the greatest possible light permeabiity ana waneparency The facades’ inner surfaces were given a 201902 DETAM hydrephobio coating. in the first step, the single curvature cylindrical panels with a raclus measuring less than 16,00 metres, were hot-formed in the workshop. Panes with 2 radius greater than 16,00 metres Wore shaped by means of form-supporting lamination. For Gouble-curvature glass sec ‘gate tho final form was attainad on ete by fastening the olass in the desired shape. This overall approach madi it possible to produce all of the building envelope's radii ff curvature - dawn 0 the smallest radius, Which measured 2.08 metres, Thus, the desired effect was attained in optimal pro- cass, The increased stability of slighty curved glass s advantageous 10 a recently presented davalopment: large format vort cal triple glazing Gonorally speaking, panels in formats up to.2 metres wide and § to 8 metres high (lengths of up t0 12 metres are in prepare: ion) are only supported on their upper and lower edges (i. 10). Owing to ther lens- shaped gaometry they can be used in froa spans wthout vertical supporting structur By cambering the outer panas the glaes thicknesees required for euch spans can be reduced by 20 to 60% and, correspond: ingly, the weight of te unit kept low. In such cases the outer panes - currently still of toughened glass - are “ool” pre: formed. A patented spacer system, opt= mized with respect to the ar'sing eheer forces, is employed to ciose the panels long edges. The contre pans of partially pre-stressed glass provides additional sta bility and residual stabilty in case of a total failure of the remaining system, ‘The assembly possesses a Ug-value at about 0.7 WtneK and is quite olorant to im precision in the flatness of the respective Weight and the high dagree of ransparen- ‘y due tothe thinness of the panes, Laminated glass employing thin glass is expected to facilRate furhar impravernent of tho distances that can bo spannod. ‘The geomeity of ths glass presents new opportunities in the design of raneperent facades, DETAM 20:50 5 Glass oot Aria Hotel, Bude (gazing: Soca 6,7 Bombay Sapp Headquarters, Laversiche, rg! Bstaoat Tectnolosy 171 Thin glass ‘The trend towerd large glass formats and triple glazing goes hand in hand with hot: ‘each individual glazing unit presents chal= lenges with regard ta load-bearing system hanaling and logistics. One approach to solving this problem is to employ thin glass, Its lower weight, in conjunction with high resistance to mechanical and chemical loads, as well ee exceptional vieual proper ties and reduced consumption of resoure- ‘98, makes thin glass attractive tothe con struction sector Ties of glass ‘As a rule, thin glass designates panes with a thicknass of up to 2 mm. Depending on the application, manufacturing and pro- cessing mathods, there can be significant variation in glass composition, as well as in respective properties and the available for- ‘mats and thicknesses. Typical glass types used for thin glass betoslicalo glass, aluinosiicate glase land the well4nown fiat glass (also re- ferred to as basic glass). In perticuler boro- silicate glaes, which withstands mechan cal, chemical and thermal oad equally wal, and aluminas licate glass, which pos- sesses unusually acvantageous resistance to mochanical influances, havo thus far pri- ‘marly been used in tech ample, as cover glass in the electronics in dustry or a6 glase substrates in laboratories and bio-technology Manufacturing Depending on the manufacturer and the desired tinal product, the glasses are pro duced using different processes: the float pracess, the cawn-draw process, or the overflow fusion process. Eepacialy for the fabrication of cover glass wih a thickness of lass then 1.5 mm, the procass hes been reviead by different manufacturers io such {an extent that in the meantime glass thick nosses stating at 0.6 mm with dimensions, up to 3.00 x 2.00 metres are possible, wih deviations in thickness of under 60 pm. Through a drawing process [classified as, retin glass (Goatng chareet sverouugr sh ar auras gaverten Glass in Wchitctue— New Deveboments 2 Manufacturing in glass, douncraw process _f Monsoon a in glass, oriow kr process fom: ole War ° for example, the down-draw process and the overtiowsfusion process) it's possible to obtein even thinner glasses, with a thick: ness of as lite a¢ 0.5 mm. In the down craw procass the maitan glass is pulled ‘down out of the furnace through an orifice (ll 8), The process places the highest ce- ‘mands on the hhomagonalty of the molten ‘lass and temperature, particularly in the Vioinity of the arifce. In the overtow-fusion process, the molten glass is poured into a ‘wough and mace 10 overfiaw along iis ‘ang sides. The molten glass pouring over the outer eages comes together below the trough to form one homogeneous glass ribbon (ll 9}. Extremely thin glass with &x- traordinarlly homogenocus and smooth surfaces can be produced wih this pro- cass. In contrast to the float process, these classes are not subjected to any mechani- cal loads whatsoever, Pre-stressing thin ges Gonoraly spoaking, there Ie a ditinction between thermal and chemical pre-stress- ing. Although on account of the Iengthy and tulle elaborate process it entails, chemical pre-strossing is expensive, t does offer the possibiliy 1 pre-ctress and siifen exireme- ly thin glasses and panes possessing com- plox geomet. In this process, strossos between the cuter andl inner layers of glass are introduced by placing the panes in a hot salt bath inthis manner, ions on the glass surface are replaced by other ions with a larger radius and the pre-svessing is achioved. The duration of the prosass (7 lasts in the range of several hours) deter- mines the depth of tne ioa exchange an with i, the faxural rigidity So fer the process hes been used primarily for ultrathin, emal-format cover glaes. In additen, tis used in aeronautical and aer- fospace engineering, as well es in nautical engineering and railway technology for panes witn complex forms and demancing requiromants for resistance to scratching {anc breaking, The maximum cimensions are limited by the size ofthe tubs halding the salt bath, 201902 DETAM In comparicon, thermal pre-ctrossing makes substanbally larger glass formats ppossipe with minimum thicknesses of 2-3 mm, originating from common float {lass. On accountaf its efficiency, thermal: ly pro-siressed glass has become predomi- rant in the automobile industry te Construction sector. Ths development of a spacial thermal sessing process employ Ing 8 flatbed furnace with @ high convection air system is far enough advanced 0 that it | now possible to efficiently process glase with a thickness of <1 mm without creating optical distortions. During the entire pro- case nothing touches the glass surfaces: therelore there are no distortions (so-called rollor waves) of tho glass surface. And the ‘optical quality of the extreme thin assis orreepandingly high. The flatbed furnace provides the basis for highly eficent, flexi ble processing of different glass format= and thicknesses, The largest poselble format it can accom rmodate is 1.70 x 6.00 mares, DETAM 20:50 1-19 Operant ex conatuction, fem SAL Tectonics Applications of thin glass Thin glass, whether thermally or chemically pre-siressed, is also used in the solar ener ‘gy industry as cover glass for photovoltaic modules and solar heat collectors, Asiae from the reduced weight such modules are ‘also distinguishes by longer Ife span of the (laes as compared fo conventional laminat- £0 glass, Thin glass also possesses better light permeability, which has @ pasiive et fect on solar gains. Thanks to the higher mechanical stabilty of thn glass, it does not require aluminium frames ~ making it substantially simpler to incorporate it in a building's facade, Thermally pre-strossod thi glassos (On account of Germany's curent energy codes, espacialy in residential buildings and office buildings, tripe glazing has be- ‘come the new standard. The manufacturing technology has matured, and the added ‘coet in comparison to deuble glazing is substantially lose than it wae just afew ‘years ago. But he weight of he glazing Units place increased demande an har ‘are, 26 well as on frame profes, and only silow med sizes in eashas that are t0 6 ‘operated manually. Thin glass holds great potential in the further optimization of ther- mal glazing and will play a role in enabling more slender window and facade profiles, eepecially for operable components, From 2010 to 2012, an institute specialising In window tochnology (inetitul for Feneter: ‘technik Rosenhaim) and Germany's federal fiat glass association (Bundesverbana Flachglas) teamed up to research diferent foptions to reduce the weight of mut pe ppang insulated glass units. To this end they exemined diferent glass assemblies, for example, employing thin glass, membranes or transparent synthetics. Last but not least, fon account of its load-bearing capacity, thin glase offers significant advantages over hybrid assemblies. ‘Tho minimal thickness of conventionally menutactured glass is 4 mm; wth pre streseed thin glass, 2 mm can be attained Particularly in situations that require lami- nated safety glass panes, by employing thin ojass the weight can be reduced sio~ hiflcantly. The formets ere ited by the pre-siressing process, but there is reason to balieve that these limtations will be aver: ‘come as development continues. A furthor ‘advantage of optimized glass thicknesses is tho higher dagroe of light transmiseion; for this reason thin glass wil play @ key role inthe development of quacruple glazing, AA few manufacturers are now able to ther- mally pre-stress thin glass. Particularly woight-soneitve and serially manufactured Units such as root windows are ecuipped with such insulated glazing. An insulated ‘lazing unit for quadruple glazing employ ing ulla-thin glass membranes was devel oped within the framework of the EUunc- (0 rasearch project Membranes for Win- cows (MEMAWIN) = taking the form of a frameless, operable window for use in fa- cades. With this technology, U-values of 0.3 Wink can be attained, the weight can bbe roducod by 50%, and cost by 20%. Tho Tectnoloay 173 ‘concept also foresees the integration of further functons (solar contrl, daylight contro, organic photovoltaic cals} (Ghemicaty pre-stressed thn glass ‘On account ofthe stillelaberate process ing, limtation of the sizes available, and ret atively high production costs, thece glasees have not yet been widely employed. But laminsted chemically pre-siressed thin glass holds greet potential for special ap~ plications subjected to extreme loads. Such laminatas ~ which contain glase pans with fa thickness of as ite as 0.5 mm - exhibt the same propertiss of laminated safety glass, but weigh significant lees. ‘An interlayer attuned to the type of applica tion is selected for the lamination. ‘The glass — whose structure approaches the qualities of a membrane ~ is advanta- sgeous in weight-senettve spplisations such as tensile sructure facades or over- head glazing, and can be employed for ‘mombrane-lke structures wit demanding 15 Knnam) «miro acu ‘geomotrias, However, on account ofthe elaborate bending and p ‘0d, ite use is only justified in epecia For tne »xperimental construction of a fold ing glase roof, because the construction is mobile, @ materel had tobe ‘aside trom having extremely iow woigl could withstanc significant deformation, ‘and, st the samo tima, retain its inherent didiy. For an operable roof construction, amen (0.70 x 1.20 mera) w cuter radius of 2.80 metres were jained in ‘arch thet can be slid und that, nated safely glass units consisting of 2x 0.7 mm Cemning Gorilla Glass ~ possess Unusually high strength ang ~ at a weight of lees than 5 kg/m? ~ are classified as ulra- lightweight glass. When the ‘pened, tho laminatod glass (first produced fs a flat sheet) takes cn it sel-stabiizing form. Ulra-ight laminate possiole to build “averhe structures (ils. 11-13). Chemically pre-siressed thin glaes was al- used inthe roofs abave the player benches ai Brazil's WM 2014 ec lms. The new developmer glass now make it possible to produc: large panes. Here, laminated glass of ne iding root is glasses make 0" ultralight 201902 DETAR 2x 0.7 mim Dragontrall X was used tie di ‘nguished by unusually high resistance to breakage and by the chemical hardening process, and hae 8 times as much com- pression tension ints surface as normal soda-timo-silicato glass. In aduition lo be: ing extremely lightweight, thin glass is high flexibly led Kusanam’ illustrates Bending radi on the lower 8 of lass than 2.2 om were glass can stand upright on its own; the position ofthe edge of the glass ‘a “play” of S em ane more. Thus, the sculpture improselvely domonetrates the exblity of chemically pre-siresses thin glase (lie, 14, 18) Otook demonstrate the potential of gles builsing components: with low weight and innovative solutions fc flexible glass structures, The increased oe- ‘mands on energy-officionay, etn pacity and design require technologically ‘advanced! development of materals ft for he future, With respect to innovative dou: bile glazing this development has ready bbogun: the frst products are available on the market Despite ts outstanding properties present thn glass on a borosilicate oF aluminosilicate baie is only concewvable to a limted extent in building constuction However, the manufac ing methods have now been optimised to ‘point that sizes andl costs wil soon be suited to use in the construction sector Further mprovements, for example, in ‘economical manufac properties, ad risk of breakage, could allow glass to almost completely break down the boundaries between structure and function, aie aren ard rooren aes nein tr Baked hrs Property+Product Loft houses in Kolbenmoor In Kolbenmoor, & km wost of Rosenheim, Germany, a cotton mill closed in 1993, provided the community with opportunity {for an enviable urban development. Along the canal, spaces were created for indus- trial, offic, gastronomic and residential Use with an intriguing mix of redeveloped bbulldings in historical brick architocturo ‘and selective new buildings in modern architectural language. These include the ‘so-called ‘oft houses’ by Behnisch Archi- tekten. he loft houses are twelve terrace houses whose clever terraced arrangement opened Up many opportunties for an indivicual ana floxiblo layout dosign. In tarms ofthe urban lanoscape, the ensemble extends the de- vyolopment axis alang the Mangfal Canal and merges into a nearby patk. The width {and height ofthe la is based en that ofthe existing buildings east ofthe Rosengarten event site. This reterence to the surrounding area represented a kay 201902 DETAR pect vathin the planning for the architects, Thus, the residential units were allocated a econ tothe south, & ln ferivance area tothe north, and differing root terraces. Duo to the staggered heigat and altornating building edgos, the ensemble ‘appears varied and enlivened For the layout design, flexibility was the c ‘consideration. The developer's aim was to be able to optimally respond to the differing wishes of buyers. Four ifferent sypes af three: and four-storey buildings were de signed to provide the appropriate space for individual fe slages and concepts. A classic cross-wal constuction ensures that the floor plan ig as free as possible, De. pending on requirements, space can be d= Vidlod and edaptad using light partition wals. In addition, non-standard elements sgh as an addtional bathycem era if for ‘senior-tienaly ving were included. The ‘openness of the floorplans also continues vertically. An alagant staircase, a gallery in the living room, and a patio that is contrally located and extends up tothe fst floor are the main festures that characterize the brightly interior. Caylight enters through a circular skylight ana ceiling open ing above the patio, penetrating as far down fa the ground tloer The 2.3 x 2.9¢rlarge patio teats a ploasant relaxation Epo within the open fcer pian. The skylight sup- piles ttnot only wit ight but also with tres air. It hus acts as @ buffer space that enliv- fens and divides the dapth of the narrow 00" plan. In addition, in winter it allows the Use of passive solar cains, and in sumer ensures good vention KR 1 Layout plon cate 1 2000, ne tered Srucrcs rlsteck th he surcurd ingeand ereute wideranghg vans snd igh 4 Daylight entrs the pate ard penwates aso as pe gourd food hein cal nv oak ho engemisciadcasd DETAIL Property Product . con Sal 128 Shoat veux GU Tames 0 i Song “Dest sealng remtxano E ieulton - EFS expanded polystyrene I nto + { ‘al 3 Twinpane insulating gazing ie “Sfoarutve tomminagnacestod 5 Sunvewn— gawanlzed ‘hed poe 4 ‘pou ditt ras boon cteates.on Pe oot he mar ooton mi Hic fk bakings anc talking win a 178 Property Pred Project participants Developer: Quast Projekt Kolberrmoar GmbH & Co. KG, D-Kelbetrocr Architect Behniscn Architekten, D-Munich Respons ble partner: Robert Hisie Project manager: Christian Glancet Collaboration. Magdalona Czolnowska Implemertetion planning and ste superv- sion: Quast Architekton, D-Rosenhoim ‘Siructure: Guggenbichler & Wagenstaler, D-Resenhoi Heating, ventilation and plumbing: Saniplan, D-Bad Feilnbach “Au Energy and environmental technology: ‘Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, D-Stuttgar CGonstructional physics: Steger & Partner GmbH, D-Minetian Flood pratecton: Dring. Marinko Nui, Rosenheim; AquaSali Ingeniourbiiro fir Wasserbau und Hydrodynamik D-Traunstain Products and manutacturers Skylights: Volux Deutschland GmbH, D-Hamburg, wavnvelux ce \Waterpreefing membrane: Sarnafl, Ske Schweiz AG, CH-Zirich, ‘Gompound heat insulation system: Alsecco GmbH, D-Wikieck, on.alsecco de Coating of wood:-frame windows: ‘Skkkens, Akzo Nabe! Deco GmbH, D-KEin ssrusiskene.ce_ Faceds drainage: Aco Hochbau Verriab GmbH, D-Fendsburg, Santeryware: Duravt AG, D-Hornberg, waow.curauil.ce .: 201902 DETAR Second oor ee 8 o Bethroom figs: Hanagrohe Deutschland Fer pantype' Scale 1:200 Vertiobs GmbH, D-Sohiliach 1 & wokonea ‘wun.nansarche ce 2 © Pato Bathroom accessories: Keuco GmbH & C 8 12 alow KG, D-Hemer, uwwckeuca de 3 12 Bathroom 8 Gringinarcom 30. ran Te fing carers ae party to-strey wh a (alery a create eoing cf open soace (6 Thecose-walleonsmucton allows fr 9 Reale ‘oor plan On request, enclosed spsces too can Yesrol ony aoa relpatin ono. bu leo died the space and igh ond apenas no the dopt o's bukdng a Edition DETAIL Atravel guide to unique places and accommodation throughout the Alps Fascinated by the Abs, the authors spend most of thelr fee te In tho mountah. Always searching for naw and special plaoas ranging ‘fom stop-cffs on a tp, through to ‘ial destnatons tora pascet stay, hey have raw compiled @ wide variety cf derent kinds of accammecsation, Bling i 100k range from houses that have been owned by one family for generax tions and been shaped by its vious charac tars through to chalets renovated to the most aden standards and colar huts, The au thors have chosen projects buit using mate 1 and austaineble constuction methods In ecing with the Aldine envionment that also roprasent succosetul spatial and atmosphale concepts. But this book Ie not anly about architecture the authors also tel storia othe houses’ owners andl the buleings* develop: ment and management over the years, Well a tales of Alpine fe and peopl. Background information on constuction and tins on travating inthe Alps, quneral maps, a range of deren projects presented in bret portalts, and a let of addrossos make this book an outstanding travel guido fr readers frosted in architecture and for anyone who loves the Nps Alpendrte /AlpineRetreats Ne Novena 2014 Hams Bua, Claua Mier 182 pages ith ners trang ad hots. Format 25323 5em, BnqulGarmanEngieh IsEN 07.3 95852-3812 Horo: € 48-1 40.-/USS60— + postag/pocng +VA, fappleabe Beso acitectre bot 2nd bond oust pots aye on ing. avg and outa (ek correo revatio nt aps (nie tacit on os aly tise and actos wow detail de/alpine Smooth finish Versatiliy, ease of working end a quality fr ish are some of the claimed benefits fo Meaite Promiar MOF by Collte Panel Pros: ucts. Iis smooth face properties are sald to ‘make it sutable not only for painted fishes but also for the application af even the thin nest veneers, laminates and surtace coat ings to achieve the desired recut. The range of uses includes shelving, cladding {and contemporary and reproduction fui ture for residantal and rela projacts. Richard Beker Furniture is @ professionel Joinery company that provides bespoke tur niture and rogulary us interior design projects, Said Rachel Beker, “This is tho pertect material fr ou signed pieces. We usually hanc-paint all our furniture products, anc the emocth surfec cf Medite Pramier panels makes it ideal for @ high-quality, professional finish.” C Coilte Panel Frosucts United @ +4 (O}t wa Fichard Baker Furniture 201902 DETAR Time and cost benefits of precast concrete package Thorp Procast was selected to deliver the external envelope cladding package for the Wales-based insurance company Aaimvat’s now headquariers in Carciffcn a full design, manufacture, supply and erect basis. The > provide white Portland architec- ladaing win a high: turing slightly ex- ‘qualty surface fish fee posed natural imeston The 246,000 f° 1 1-storey building was do- veloped by Stotord and designed by arch tects Glenn Howalls and 3DReid, with Sir Robert Mcalpine as the lead contractor and Arup as project onginoar. Endorsed by the Design Commission for Wales, meets the BREEAM Excolent’ standard of env ton ‘mental sustainably and energy efficiency. A series of pale recone storey height, vertical splayed mulion stituted stone, double wth slander horizontal spandrel units, and la expanses af glass allow maximum natur daylight infitration ta every floor. Stee moulds were deployed by Therp for manu: facturing individual unts to help maintain clarity and high definition with a good co sistency of quelty anc finish throughout way down the wost side hous level, @ tal, colonnaded walk: 1g cafes and taurants is formed by a series of white ar chitectural concrete columns and long-span spandtel units, The roat level sees a lay rinth of steoiwork with sophisticated geome- try and connection celalls cad in architec Ural precast concrete ‘The installation of more than 600 precast component requred high levels of skill and precision to meat sinct health and safaty tr {gols. Using Building Information Modeling (GIM) sofware, the company was able to ‘moat the tight constuction programme, and 30 modeling played a vital part to encure all works wera incorporated into the primary Structural frame to accommadate the sate {and efficient ineialtation of the precast con- crete units, particularly when it came to se ‘quencing specific se activities All the precest cladding work wa but without the need for extornal and without the use of wet rades, provicing significant conetruction ime savings and ‘major benefits as regards health and safety, pany 1 Thorp Precast Lie Unites Kingdom (0)1782 561 155 uk yon House, Netingham Archit: Church Lukas Cantrctor Vinet Construction Specialist Ce When you specify a Schueco system, you're getting more than just unrivalled and the engineering excellence needed to reduce CO, You're getting the in-depth system knowledge and technical expertise that can deliver great design and unbeatable thermal and acoustic performani at an economic price. We call it value engineering; you may call it simply the best system solution on the market. choice missions. 182 _Cladang ane Sutaces Malmé Live Cultural Centre - A city within the city Maimé has a new feature giving it now mo- mentum ~ the new mega complex, *Maimé lve". its located in the city centre, clase to the university, atthe juncture between the harbour and the city. The bullding, which et le highost point i 25 storoye high, coneiets cf a composition of cifferen'-height cubic at are twisted toward each other in response to the orientation and height of the surrounding bulidings. The facades con. voy a homogeneous appearance and are meent to highlight the interaction between the incividual building pars a8 an architec tural sculpture. In 2010, the Swedish based project developer and constru pany Skenska together with ‘mer lesson architocte won the tendoe for the {54,000-m?-arge concert, congress and ho- tel complex on Unversitetshalman in Malmé's new and v brant urban district. The tender also encompassed the development ‘of an addtional 26,000-m?-large area for residential and commercial uso, Tho inton- tion ofthe architects was to create a “city house" that incorporates Malmé's archito tural forme of expression ~ a building that ‘would enhance urban life inthe city, sale Kim Holst Janeen, sonior partner at schmic hammer lassen. “The reference to the cty inspired our choice of materia’, colours and the cifferent bulking sizes. But the bulcing Cesign itself refers 0 the future." The entice ensemble clearly stands out rom the surrounding environment on account of Ing height. To avoia being perceved as a foreign body among tho otherwise smal scale bullings, schmict hammer lassen er- Chitacts maticulauely determined the city’s colour scheme and translated i into three preciominant colaure, The result i that white, yelow and red will daminate the col four scheme fo future development. In crcer tozachiova high qualty and also to keep ‘cow the ownership costs for facade clean ing, the plannere designed & moder, glazed ceramic facade, which on closer in- section is revealed to have differentiated tonas that underiine the desired artisanal character. The varous buleings are clad with a special vorsion of Moading’s Alphaton ceramic facade, At the architects’ request, Moading developed new pane! sizes with two “toofs", 140 mm wide, approximately igheet poin 6 em thick, vertically. Elabor search and development proce ceded manufacture to ensure thatthe de- ‘red colour, one anc taxure of the ceramic was achieved. The very active support of the sampiing by Moding evolved into a parinor-ship withthe architecte and the pro- [ect developers. The tallst buiding, which wile occupied by hotel chain Clarion, con sists of a prefabricated steel and concrete SPUCIUFe, Which also supports the curtain wal facada, The construction company, Skanska, had to pretabricate the floar-height facade elements wih windows and the van tiated ceramic facace at thet plant n 1 mlong and ai which were mounta Prague. The complete elements were then transported to Malm and assembled on ste within approximately one yer usin ‘The hota tower, which rises up to @ hoight of around 85 mevres ang has @ publicly-ac sible ground floor, is a strking eye: catcher in the neighboutood. The main en- ‘vance In the northern part af the building has a classic loggia motif and overlooks tho ‘square in Font, Inthe south the building is entered directly from the promenade that runs along the canal. The ensemble, cording tothe planners’ ideas, should func: ‘a a small town, They have arranged tho aifforent functions in the building as & arate elements. The lobby becomes a steel ‘hatruns through the entre groune floor an cconnacts everything, As with medieval cit is, which have curved, narrow streets ar ranged around squares, the lobby, wt is ‘meatng points and interuptons, has been dosigned to make it poesibie to stop, sit end enjoy the views of the canal and the park Inside, the three volumes that contain the large symphony hall, the tlexble hall and the Cconfarones hall, predominate ae claarly-ce fined elements, The building shapes apoear {a three-cimensional compositions in lam nated wood with warm, red colours. The two Concert halls offer world-class acoustics, designed by the Gothenburg-bases plan- ning office Akussken, The new cultural cen- re is an open, expressive and dynamic building that is manifold in both ns activities and architecture. Tho starting point for the design ofthe build: ing was the modem Scandinavian architec ‘ural racition, wth clear, functional organ! zation and an accessble, open layout for the ground floor 1 Mozsing Keremkfassaden Gmot @ +49 (0)8732 24600 www Edition DETAIL The standard work on a spectacular building material The Glass Construction Manu wide range of applications for glass in archi tectu, It provides the basi technical prin ls fr bullcing withthe moder and innova ‘We material and presents a series of excallnt Getaed examples = trom spe windows to nto glass buldings hows the Glass Construction Manual Cn Seimoh, Gerad Sta Deter Bon Matias Sula, Wernar Sabu, 2d raged and ewpundod eon 2007 352 pages with numerous crangs and aos Fema 252.7 em Hardcover ton BAUGH TaKeN22 € 17895) £104 088 182— + postagelpecking UA apa Pape etn ‘SON 76-9-759-2700-2 +€ 7290/ £6850/ US 106— + postge/ecking AT apt DETAIL consuctontarwais reg savin whos: Tp te all oll of bun mae Pot tings and rasta: Al aoa tons ptaratsd ona, a ied pro: Yinon peanent torch neat ‘ochology and asta: We stow das combining bath ‘Staal ad gates tates ea tug pre, mariage www.detail. de/cm-glass 24 Cladding and Surtzces DETAIL Timber treatment for conversion project looks good and sounds better Colour panels help create a caterpillar construction, and frame the picture American tulpweed has been used to ref ance. The underside ofthe naw mete ‘Ariaw block et Lsterdele Primary Schoo! in sy, Some 3,750m* of high-gloss whte __along withthe complexity and shape of bish a Viclrian warehouse, provicing igh deck od! is exposed, and glazing around Rotherham, South Yorkshire has been cled panels picture frame the Upper elevations of Block A. The sheer volume of warks that cus cee facies whist retaining the permeter st the |uncton wth ta exist vin Steni UK's ftraglassenforced poly tee blocks of accemmmadtion ef varcus _nearle 9 be completed n the ms frame the original character facade The reception ing buildings brings ight in, The Nooris of American tuipwood has a creamy wh Imer composite Colour panei, Rotherham storeys forming anew landmark complex al was ilense both rom a procurement poi the ulloing iniensing- polished concrete s2pW003, which may be sreekes, an Metropolitan Borough Counc spect thenerinern gatowey % Dtview and delivering on ste, but the London i ola wit the tener heartwood varies fom pale yellowish brow lightwsight blac, white and beige panels panels were easy 10 work wh in terms o which looks Gecaratve But algo serves a As there was not encugh money tore tban alive green shad; ths green colou forthe 1.5-storey,tuo-lessroom Black, pro- The Byro tng on ste and Lending othe bespoke functional purpose. Architects Sif» Trevil the ‘uly 19 tends to darken on exposure to UV Hight an iding en ulne-modemn contest othe exis- cue bedrooms, wh picture tame cubstructure lon designed the paneled etuciure to dis- the space, architect Andrew Trevilion de- tum brown, thas a meciumccine texture ing faditonal red brick and plan te school building offers « 2.400-canacity venue guise an ugly stairease thatthe Budget dd) elded to anstorm fia timber enclosure ands sight grained. although a bulloing het hes seen small modifcztons space, ness centre ana sper's hall The Steps taken curing the constuction phase Tol allow to be replaced. And, ina space that fofows the twists and ums ofthe sti, Svely ight in weight and sot, the waa! bret was to ceale a unique and exciting __toreduce the environmental impact in Ccominetes by hard sirtaces, taiso itis made up cf feur nonzort! layers, each mechanical properies anc high tenth envionment with exceptonel eccommada- cluded the prefabricated stucturelreming an important acoustic purpose setatan angle to the one below, with un- weight rato make itideal fr laminated ‘The ony element of the new building Hats fon: was intended system fr al the residential accommo: ligating and ownl gang on the hoezoatal and structres, says The american load-bearing masonry Ike ts slter structure torelnvgorate the sreetccape ofthe eur~ ton, uch reduced the programe on The building had altady boen tuned inc faces gonerated botwaan the layers. The Export Counc (AHECY, which the brick enrance poren, which features rounding area and become a postive stalo- and cfices, but the clent wanted to make further fed Govin to an apron @fullrange of free technical publi gs by the chilren inthe theme atthe ment of stucert life anc activiy wthin the ass; with buit-up solutions, as well as Improvements, and 20 a new reception alg height io accommodate the reception cations on US hardwoods boulloing — a ceterpilar. Said eenior architect ily, as par of the universiy’s ambitious a8-_pre-nished bathroom pods, space was created by roofing over an exist- desk with, inthis case, the horizontal ele Howard Buckley, “This was a conecious tale regeneration programme, ing courryerd. Tas gives amere mposing ment fring he surtace of the desk 19° away fram the Steni panels in or 1D Steni UK enirance, and provides an area that can be ‘o contrast with the main classroom. The ‘The project, delivered to BREEAM Excel United Kingdamn Used for informal meetings. The design ig The tulpwood battens each measure 200 x 2 is that children go through a dark room lent’ standard from a light gauge steal tame am +24 (01978 812111 simplo industrial aosthtic, with a glazed on-—300,mn, at ofthe battens have yyw amerioanhardwood. ora that crpatos a sence of anticipation.” sna reinforced conerete-trama podlum, Was bbeen cut tangles with three or four vare~ chitacts Church Lukas anc tions to give a ively, regular, almost rp To create an environment that wee stimulat- snes were installed for main contractor pling effect, Trevilion found this tmnber ideal ing and appropriate for young people, the Vinci Construction by rainscreen sub-con- for his purposes. If ight coloured, wrth few frchect tock his inspiration for the shape acter Herbury Building Systemes, fxing the markings and lakoe a stain well ~ here it has from the Monarch buttery caterpillar. The system to an aluminium eub-frama using been coloured a nch mig-brown, with & fin flexible space offers areas that support sbuctural adhesive leh that algo gives ita Clase 0’ fro rating rma groupe within the largor, open-plan Another atraction was that tuipwood is one classraom. The new building has a stee (Church Lukas director John Freeman sai ofthe mote etordable harcwood specie frame with preseed metal framework walle "Wo speaified Steni Colour because the do- as it grows in abundance sustainably in the and a standing seam roof. The panels sign ofthe building required that alight- United States fecrew-ixad on to timber battens by specie weight, glossy product be used wih prc ist sub-cont fan Construction Ser- jected a visual qualty nct present in other 19 that" takes ices for main contractor Hohscn & Porter. prodlcts It provides a visusl highlight to all ge. You can get a sharp artis on the upperfloor elevations. It forms part of fas vital since the edges play an We specified the Steni product for the rep- the overall alnscreen cladding system but important role in the euccoss of the soulp~ tiation, and the particular colour range as tho picture frame isa stancalone detail tural form, The angling of the battens pro- complemented the design ambition,” sald the intertace junctions could be kept simole vids a range of surfaces on which sounds Howard Buckley. "provides a rhythm of and eriep, which reinforced the quality of the can be absorbed, softening what would oth. enwice be a very feverberent acoustic in the space, The acoustic design in this recaption area did not call for complex calculations as important smpiy thatthe sound rience should be pieesant and allow people to tak with a degrae of intimacy, but the ar chitect knew the tember form would improve fe to vitally the whole bulé> architect wll as forming tt acrylio el vihore the external docr use of so) 8 smooth surface of 100 % ron-beam cured without the Steni Colow pane's wore also specified for Commented Horbun fe censicerabiy larger education project, in ager: “The time frame fer the build was @ the form of £60 milion student aecemmo- significant driver ~four blocks with mutiplo dation complex at Nottingham Trent Univer- _rainscreen systems in a nine-month period 186 _Claduing ans Sutaces Past and present Corrugated Nordic Brown copper has been Used to define the character of anew sec~ fendary schoa! in Stramman, Norway, and Is tominigcont ofthe town’s industrial heritage. ‘The design by White Arktekter is conceived ag a hiltop platoau, and the entrance level is open in character with extensive tul- height glazing accemmodating areas in ‘clucing « librery, workshops an stucios, ‘Searing to float above ic the copper box housing all the classrooms and related spaces. The copper, frm Aurubis Architec- tural, satisfied the olen’s requirement for a {00-year lifespan school and its sustainabl ity credertials play a key partin this low-en- ‘ergy building, but it was the vieual charac- teristics that proved central tothe design, both as a contemporary material whase op pezrancs changes over time and as a mem- ‘ry ofthe rvetsice sawmills ane later heavy industie in tho town, ‘The copper ie pro-oxidisod at the factory to ‘ove an cxidised brown surface from the Ccuiset that would ofmerwise develop over {ime in the environment. The thickness of the ‘oxide layer determines the colour - ether Nordie Brown Light or the darker Nore Brown ~ and the chemical process then ‘continues in the natural erwironment, Other eurtaces availabla include Nordic ‘Standard mil finish, as well as Nordic Green and Nordic Blue factory-appiied patinas, hich are developed with properties and ‘colours besed an tne seme brocnantts (copper sulphate) mineral found in natural petines worldwide, Copper alloys include the new Nordic Bronze, Noroic Brass, which is now also available pre-weathered, and Nordic Royal alloy, which displays a long- lasting golden colour. Cl Aurubie Architoctural United kinggom sm +46 (0)1875 812144 wu aurub s.confinland/architectural Shades of light ‘Anew collection of tes fram VirA is in tended to refiect the full spectrum of nature Unger marning light, daylight anc swiight, which alter avery surface and change the Took rom exciting to relaxing, warmer to ‘cooler or elactifying to inspiring, says the ‘company. The textures of Eesic building ele- ments such as metal, cement and wood are represented, combined with the tones of light at diffrent times of day. Shown are ex: amples trom the Serenity category of ties, ‘here colours are seen to change from sharp to soft in the twilight ‘The Experi-Metal colectio of porcolan tiles (top) is said fo ove bath a modem and a wart fooling, wih ts blusiet metal look anc welding/ht working effects blending warm brewn-yellaw tones wth blus. Tre company ‘suggests thase would be a good choice for residential and retal spaces. Terra Nova is ‘a modem interprotation ofa traciional colo lock, with natural shaces rem light vanila to ‘ark brown hues, in 60 x 60 and BO x 80 em formats, with complementary decors in geo- meticiramante sve 1D Vira UK United Kingeom sm +66 (0)1235 750900 wn vie. 0 ue 201902 DETAM Cover versions Brett Martin's portfolio ef high-performance plastic sheets includes products for use in Industral and carmmarcial slacaing ana roofing applications, and the company is currently aiming to demonstrate the versati- ly of fle expansive range with a number of new additions. The polycarbonate, PVC and GAP solutions are designed to meet the ex act specifications of a wide and varied range of archtecturally innovative projects ‘207088 the globo ~ from airports 1 stadia {and shopping malls to schools, es wel as residential projects, Tha Marlon polycarbonate rango of roofight and glazing sheets s available in mul, corrugated and flat sheet variants, allwith co-extruded, long-life UV protection against the long-term effects of weathering inthe ‘most challenging of enviranmants. There is ‘a choice of tints, colours, costings anc tn shes to satisfy a range of requirements and Intended to appeal to architects end specif fore seoking 10 balance light transmission, soar control and thermal performance as Well as design appea New procusts include Marion OS Diamond, ‘a tough, strong and rosiiont comugatod polycarbonate sheet with a diamond e- 'bassed pattern, and Merion ST Blue, which is an innovative transparent sheet contain- Ing Goo! Light Technology designed to block the heatsransmitting nearintta red so lar energy where temperature control is 2 key requirement ‘Six vibrant new ooleur shades have bean Introduced into the Marion Ciickfpe1 040 range, a polycarbonate panol glazing eye- tom which simply clicks and fies into place for completely seamiess facades, rootlghts sand canopies. 1 Brot Martin United Kingcom 8 +44 (0)28 9084 9909 wm bret DETAN 201502 Distinctive zinc ‘VM Zinc states that, in response to feed- back from over 400 intemational architects, thas pioneered & new development wit Azongar®, claimed to be the fist rolled zinc tacade and rooting material tobe engraved The eubilo yal distinct surface has a matt appearance, unaffected by fingerprints and designed to eneure a flawless fnich, The product is pigmentites end made in 0.7, (0.8 ana 1.0 mm thicknesses using whet Is dosctibed as an entirely new process. Com plying wth EN 968, was developed using fn eco-design approach ai all sages, ener bing a reduction in acids, eluents anc wa- for consumption, as woll as inthe number of manutacturing stages. Its the lightest shade of zinc available anc, nike uniform, pre-weathered shades such 26 the company’s Quartz-Zino, Anthra-Zine ‘and Pigmento products, ts engraving ‘causes ielicato variations in light retraction Said to be easy to form, bend end wela, the new product possesses all the natural properties of zinc, alowing for quick and egy installation, ‘The product was specitied by several arch ioc for experimental projacts in Franca {nd other European countries six months prior to the inital introduction of @ compact range (Sheets and cols for reefing anc flashing applications last autumn, with the facade and rainwater systems launching ‘this year. One such project was the renova~ ion of the Jules Verne Schoo! Group in the Pars suburb of Chatenay-Malabry. Zinc was chosen to craate an original, elegant cla ing and in order 10 give light and rhythm to ihe facade the architocts specified a combi- naton of Azengar, the standard mid-arey ‘Quarz-Zine and Pigmento Blue, es can be een above. 1D WMZine United Kingdom @ +44 (0)1992 822288 vwvetvmzine. White still shines out as a favourite for interiors The Mascar Institute of Science end Tech- nnolagy in Abu Dhabi focuses on advanced ‘energy ana sustainabie technalegies, anc the university campus is eaid tobe the frst ofits kind powered entirely by renewable solar energy. GolorGore” by Formica Group in Polar White and Lime has been used throughout, including the male and female prayer halls as well as the student accom modistion, to clas walls, cabinets, ktchen Units and doors, as shown, top. The colours bering @ madem feel whist atthe same time helping fo maximise natural light The through-colour malarial is dasoribad as Ideal for creating inlay effects and sharp ‘edging dota with its hard-woaring charac teristics, impact resistance and ease of maintenance eais to be sulted 10 high-wrafic environments in bath vertical and horizontal application. tan be sandblasted, carved ‘and routerad and can also be ueed to build layered &D surfaces, The range has been extended fo include five new decors and eight surtace textures. (€C0849 white, a brightor, cleaner whit, is Intended to reflect the "rend of the decade’ Eva Hoarnisch, design manager of Formica Group Europe, said, "The colour white per- focily roprecerie cur technology-based ‘modern life anc cur desire for simplicty and purity. Minimalistic in expression, t shines brighter in combination wih agidic colour accents; natural and light reflecting, it com bines well with naturel materals such as tm- boar, 10 create & more traditional look." now textures give an addtional eense of dlepih io help unity a theme or provide & stand-out feature for a strong, indiidual look, Plax has @ textile foal inepired by crisp sikweaves, and its reflectve quality and dry touch add a further dimension to Color Gore in Wate, Polar White and Black. AR Plus® high-gloss texture is designed to do: liver twice the periormance of standare lose leminate, meking it highly resistant to scuffs and abrasions. “Tho othr six now textures are MicroDel, Sculpted, Figato, Linewood, Satin NOF anc Matto 58. Tho updated range aims to offor ‘more versatile and mixed choice especially ‘ultable forthe retail sector, for inte wal cladding, counters, doors, point-of-sale unis and also furnture 1D Formica Group United Kingaom 466 (0)191 259.9512 sw Formica, com 201902 DETAM Windows, Doors and Entrances A window into history: conversion offers luxury living in the heart of London Rogont Steet is one of the mest wel-known shopping streets in London; from footfal fig- ues, concedes nething tothe atner highly ‘requantod shopping miles in Europe. AL the beginning of the 19th century, the architect ‘John Nast ineerted tho straat he dsignod {or the pomp ane splendour of ceremonies {or the Prince Regent, later George WV, into the then congested city layout, which dated back a he Micala Ages. ‘Today mest of Regent Steet s stl owned by the Crow, although almost all the build= Ings from Nash's tme were replaces in the 1920e by neo-Baroque structures. Most of these facades are Grade I! lsted, but the challenge of building within an existing building hes many interesting aspects, as ‘can be seen with 27 Regent Sreet, which has undergone a change of use from offices toresicential accommecenicn. tthe seope ‘of the hortage requirements as ie the case here — ces net include a faithul recon- sbuction of the exsiing fenestration, but al lows the davelepment of 2 sustainable building envolope fit for a contemporary new use, then the task becomes one of adapting the historical window conetruction 2s close to the onginal style as possibe The narrow design scope forthe adaptation of histarical bulaings to meat today’s bull ing requirements ~ especialy for sound and ‘thermal insulation ~ is a particular challenge, with the primary objective being to retain the harmony of the aesthetic appearance. In the finaly proportioned facades ofthis building, the cetail ofthe existing facade openings ‘was doterminantin ensuring compatibility between the facade architecture and the re- placement windows. The architect aesided touse a size profile system forthe renewel ofthe large winsows in sympathy with the crigial style. The same systom had prove ously been used by Jansen AG for the refur- bishment ofits own industrial buildings. Us- ing the extremely slender Janisol Are profile system (thas profile face widths of only 25 to 40 mm combined with an installation dopih of 60 mm), converting exiting bull ings to meet housing use requirements for heat insulation is largely preblen‘tee. If, as inthis project, some windows nave more stingent sound insulation require iments, then these can be met wih # double- window solution: for those facing towards Picoadlily Circus Janisel Are was combines with Janiso| Primo for the 2.2 mhigh Franch windows to satsty structural engineering re- quirements. Gombining them is eimplo as both profiles have the same installation depth. A spacial rie is played by the slim Janicol Ata steel profies, which form a fine {Fc in front of he large window openings ‘and thus connect indoor and outdoor spaces agreeabiy. ‘Modern standards in rlation to eound and thermal insulation cannet be ignored. When ‘a project also eucceeds in avoiding the dis ‘sonance that ineutably occurs with histor cally uneuitablo windows ~ the window com: [ponents being decisive for the overall aas- thotic effect ofthe architecture — the way fe clear for the sustainable use of existing structures. In modern housing, too, there are many examples of thicksframed windows where architecture has gained from the dive sion of ge window surfaces with slencer ‘sash bars, which is possibie to achieve with Janisel Ata, Tha steel profile systom Janson Offers architects and urban planners is net only an attractive allerative for building in existing fabric buta discreet profile system Which also provides contemporary solutions in new bulcings, 1 daneon AS ‘Switzerland @ +41 (0)71 76391 11 wv Edition DETAIL Innovative use of glass in architecture Glase in buldings provides dosignors with fascinating creative options. has long boon sed es a transparent room partion, but it cn ofcourse he so much mora: Glass sate (uetds against crashes, prctects against explosions, repels armed atiacks, creates accessible areas on roofs, in stakwells and galleries, and even carries the system load within a structure. in combination with humerous fishing methods and coatings, lass also fue high structural requiromonts ‘This volums provides a compact, clear ‘and descriptive overview of the bale Principles governing the enpropriae struc tural se of this ambivalent bulling mater ‘The kms. to as design uses are set by physics and the law: This book therefore ‘also addresses the characteristic values of the base and fishing products as wall as the bulking regulalions. The theoretical sec tions complotad with a selection of superbly ‘oxecutod projet Glass in Building Prof De-lng. Bora Wller ‘and oto TY Drstan 2008, ‘12 pegs nt arerus ravings and shots. Format 21 207 an. Ise 7e-3-0246-0122.0 Paperback: 42.98 35 USS + postagepacng “HUAI feppleable DETAIL Pactee sores SSeS es pts aro wo gas ssa aban tte et et retin bes ings aston tou Slo rc amos wow detail de/p-alass Windows, Boot High-spec homes with a focus on sustainability atnia iniels have been used by Gountry & ‘Coast Homes for ts Beaumont development ‘fbx uxury contemporary houses in High ‘raft, Exetar in Devon (geen top and below, lef). The lintels eupport the sharp, unusual ‘shape of the architact-dosigned bullings: ‘and were chasen for herr stength,reliabilty ‘and thermal capabiities, Special corner ir tele suppor the external over-eaves, vii large window openings elegantly contour the shape of each house. The brick-znd-block construction i finished th a white K-vender to all external eleva~ lions, The developer states that it focuses con exceptional attention to detal, using the moet reliable and durable producte, and prides teelfon a high love of sustainabilty in each cevelopmert, The intels curpassedt the energy targets in this development by helping deliver the eicieney requires hiovo a B 6 rating. Energy officiency was algo key to their spec: ification by Maris Properties for an executive new build of residentia dwelings In Thurstenfeld, Cavlste, Cumbria, The devel ‘opment comprises 19 four-bedroom de- tached properties, each of which contains 14 lintels supporting the large lass win ows, Sandstone heads ere an added de ‘ign feature, An extra benef is thatthe no: paint spec makes the lintels suitable for use svaight away, wth ne need for an exira amp course. Tho company says it is the frst sto! lintel manufacturer inthe UK to acquire the BRE responsible sourcing standard BES 6001 for its construction products. The new standard published in response to the gavarn- mont’sincroasing focus on sustainable de- velopment, and this indepencemty cert assessment has verified the responsiblity Catnic's own operations and that of ts raw materials suppliars back to the point of min eral extractions, many aspects of lonviroamontal and social performance, ‘The certification, acquired by parent com: pany Tala Steel, means the range of lintels, bulaing cemponents and stee werk proc: ucts aro classified as ‘Very Good’ undar the Erish standard, and enables develapers to secure maximum crecits under the reepon sible sourcing of materials’ sections of other standards, such as BREEAM and the Goae for Sustainable Hornas, 1D Calnie, United Kingdom ‘m= +466 (0)2920 337200 wun catnio.c Maintaining tradition Timber casement and sash windows anc French doorsets from Lomax + Wood were Sspacifie in the restoration of Daver Hous a Victorian five-storey brick building in Lon {don's Wateroo, which has been converted io provide a ground-floor real facility and rine luxury aparonents, & key reouirement Was that fenestration and materials should recreate the traditional sightlines of the property whilst delivering high standards of sharmal and acoustic performance, ‘Around 85 timber casement windows, French coorsets anc traditional box cords ‘and woights sash windows from the Kane: ington & Chelsea collection fermed the com- plox window schodula. Dus tothe roadside location and proximty to Waterloo station, the double-glazed pane's were upgraded to acoustic quality using 4/16/8.8 Pikingion (OpsphonT lam nated glass, which achieves ‘2 38.dB eound reduction rating. All products feature an evalo moulding and the sash win cows were designed with a 20 mm wo ‘volo glazing bar internally. “It ie unusual for properties of this period ta be intemaliy {glazed but this is ideal for our standard sec tons," said Lomax + Weod ma Chris Wood ‘Bespoke o round the glass ‘othe standard putty line pr provide pposed fle, which was. ‘ specific requirement of the developers." The company's made-to-order products are ‘ld to be the first to achiove market-leading Usvalues tested by the Briish Woodworking Faderation in accorcance with the new t= ih Board of Agrément software moasure ‘ment too for timber windows end doors this Ccompligs with BS EN ISO 10077-1:2008 and gets the requirements of Prt L of the Building Reguistons relating to energy ef ciency of buildings. 1 Lomax + Wood Unites Kingdom @ +44 (9)1277 353857 vo oman a DETAIL Windows, Doct en Modern steel systems designed to marry style with high performance The Stee! Window Association (SWA) has ‘commented that, a6 n architecture wt design tends 10 ba with every ele ‘meni boing revisited over the years, ftom Tudor beams to vertical te hanging, steel vind ‘are subject to trends In styles nd application, Recently there has been a resurgence in the popularity of stee4ramec enirance screens and partitions, Said Datron Lloyd of SWA member Govetio ‘Windows: "Both ourselves and @ number of cther association members have been asked to quote on these types of ecreens, for intarior and extorir use, over the last couple af yeers, and it seems they are realy elaring to make a comeback, This hae ap- plied to both now-buid and refurbishment projects. The Belgium dorset, as some people term i typically contains a pair of side-hung opening dcors together with side: lights forming a larger run; and the design style is to have two sets of horizontal bars running right the way ecroes end producing Thece are said to be proving popular with Customers who might previously have pur- chased timbar or alursniue b-flding Fs, However, with the availabilty of mod systems and enhancer i d glazing options, alain steel doorsets can offer greater security and tenhanced light tranemission, & recent instal lation by Govette Windows, shown bottom, right, i fished in a black polyester pai Coating to make a strong visual statement within elevations that otierwige featured tm- ber fenestra The simmest steel window currently on the market is the \Wa0 system, above, which for omestic applications achioves @ Brith Fenestration Rating Council C-rating an whore necessary, can achieve & Buaiing The C-rates window incorporates an 18 mm ouble-glazed unit comprising a 4 mm sof coat, lowe glass and 4 ram clear float sandwiching a 19 mim krypton gas-filed cavity with a warmedge spacer bar ‘large range of RAL colours and compre- hensive range of handies and stays is aval able in a numberof finghes, wih or without locking function, Multlocking functions. can be added if required, Clear, leaded and hettage glazing units are offered, together with & special back-to-pack system ta repli cale eriginal emal pane designs, and 9 and 12mm applied leading is available to simu- lato traditional loadod lights in a double. glazed window. ‘Atways seeking to ensure steel windows ‘meet or exceed the latest Building Regul tions, the SWA has undertaken extensive thermal performance smulstions of beth the W480 and W40 ranges, and states the recults show bot window types ate fully compliant ind achieve 2018 Part L requirements, The W40 eystom for windowe and doors ie suitable for new build and refurbishment in residential unts, offices, hetels, hospitals ‘and echools, The range includes doorseis| land screens and the profile accommodates 28 mi thick IG units. This means triple glaz- ing becomes an option, athough warm- ‘ecge spacer hare, gee filing and other en: hhancements enable Part Lto be complied wth in nev build, for mest applications, wien specifying double-glazed unis, Aesthetic, conservation and planning re ‘qutements can make the intocuction of glazing into bam conversions difficult, bu 1801 windows supplied and installed by aseocietion member West Leigh have pr vided the answer for one Surrey barn, left, below. To retain is cheracter whit allowing the maximum amount of dayiight inside meant using as much glass @s possible but koaping the structural elements as unobin sive as practicable, and W20 steel screen. ing and doors offered the sim glazing bar ‘mulions and transoms required, The double-glazed units were fited within the original cart coor entranges on either sido of tho ban, g¥ving a clear view through the bulaing, A standard RAL black was cchgean to blond wih the barn's aosthotice To prevent flexing wthn the glazed struc lure, which stands around 4 m high, stools were incorporated full height at either side fof the dece 1D Stee! Window Association United Kingaom 406 (0)844 240 192 Windows, Doors and Enances Muttiple choice Technel’s Soloal window eystem can be ‘specified in mulple configurations to mest project-spectic requirements with a number cf visually consistent window types on a sin gle bulcing. A 65 rm deep profile nd ‘cornmon components give an extensive choice of eptons: composite or ribbon glaz- ing with fixed, transom or side lights; curtain valiing inser; inward or ouivard opening baleony doors: top, side and bottom-hung windows, either projecting or on but hinges; titlige and tisAtrn windows; paralle! open- ing windows for optimum ventiation; anc ‘single and double leaves for both windows ‘and balcony doors. itis available ae a vielble' opening tramo vith an inl up to $2 mm for a contempocary finish ora patentes ‘minimalist’ opening ‘ame with slim cightines that reduce the lelble aluminium ane! a glezing inl ot up to 42 min. A 24 mm double-glazed unit with typical window size of 1.25 x 1.48 m can achiove Uw valuss ae lov as 1.3. Wik, hilt the system can facilitate sizes of up to 2.x 1.4m and weighing up to 160 kg, 1 Technal Unitod kingdom mm +44 (0)1924 292923 201902 DETAM New hardware with an industrial edge “Tumstyle Designs recently launched its new range of Industral Chic finishes, described fag motalwerk with understated glamour Vintage Mat! Patina, top, contre and Vintage Matt Nickel can be seen exclusiey in the ‘company’s London showroom at Design Centre East, Chelsea Harbour, Avaliable on the majority of products, the hand-applied paalinas go through a process that reaures patinating nicke) or prase and then the metal is hand-brushed forthe final texture, MO Steve Roberts commented, “Launching the new finishes in our Lendion ehowwcem gives clients the opportunity to realy eae the finer details of the frishes and in arange of ‘combinations. We havo aon a key trond this year for more industrial, vintage-stvle metals...The twa fnisnes si extremely wel betwoen our Fine Antique brass and our Dark Bronze finishes.” ‘The Chelsea Harbour showraom, the com- ppany’s iret, opaned inthe spring of last yoar and the entire collection of designs ancl pradusts can be seen here, which means now products are able to ba viewed as they ‘come out rether than waiting until the next cxhibition. It features interactive display boards so hardware for each part at a ‘scheme can be planned by choosing the style and fini tallored to project needs, from more than 2,000 combinations Said Stove Roberts, “As a dosign-led com pany we combine materials, textures and finishes to produce beautifully made han- dls that can sitwel in @ broad church ot design styles. The showroom really gives & perspective of the bespoke service we sup- ply." As weil 2s inforrenien and guicane oa the entre range, offers product ang Vice introductions and adcitional events, The company has been designing and man: facturing architectural hardware for over 20 years, for windows, intemal anc external doors and for use on kitchen cupboards and bathroom fumiture, for example. Any of its door levers can be selected in conjun son with the fand-urn window handlos, fora complete suite of harcware. Granked window handles are offerad to match most lof te door levers and these are saic to be Ccompatio with mast multipoint casoment systems fied with a 7 mm spindle. All come In lacking and non-iocking versions. 1D Tumstyle Designs United Kingdom a +44 (0)1271 S05a25 www tumstyledesigns.cem DETAN 201502 Heritage details Pivot and tittand-turn windows and a new double door have been added to the Aith- erm Hertage range fem Smart Architectural Aluminium, With thet distinctive slim profies ‘the windows are designed to tt tracitional ‘openings euch ae those with an archad- head format ~ a design commonly found in bouloings with steel windows - wile he double door is said to be the fist designed spectieally to replicate steel balcony coors Horitage thermally broken windows aro suit ble for sensitive planning areas and for renovation and refurbishment projects; with 2B Window Energy Rating, they combine aostheties with high thermal performance. Both door and window ranges are available in single or Cul polyester povider-coated finishes, and the windows are weather rested in accordance with BS 6375: Part 1 (Other range adcitions includ the Greenstar ‘window for commercial applications gald to cer the utimate in eneray efficiency’ with a U-value of 0.9 Wim?k, achiaved with the Use of trple glazing and foam-fling the Cevties of the thermally broken profile. 1D. Smart Architectural Aluminium: United Kingdom a +44 (0)1934 878100 woe smarteystoms,c0 uk Windows, Doce end Entrances 160 Aluminium external and garage door options (On beth nev build and refurbishment pro- Jecls there is increasing pressure lo reduce 2 property's carbon emissions. Externe! doors and evan garage doors need to be Carefully selected to encure the best insula tion values ara achieved without ccmpro- rising on style, securty or ease ct use, ssaye Hermann, which manufactures an ex: tensive range of aluminium doors. The ThermnaCarbon door provides what is claimed to be the best avalable UD value for an entrance door, as low as 0.47 Wimek, ‘and is theretore suitable for epecielis ow ‘anergy properties. A polyursthans-filed 100 mer-inick coor leat with a carorefibre {ass profilo and thermal break maxinisas its overall neulation properties, whilst stand ard tnple- oF quedruple-glazed pane's are ecigned to ensure lowest possible UD val- Les for alternate styles. Other features i clude nino-point locking as standar, and for glazed styles the & mm laminated safety ‘glass on tho interior and exterior of the insu- lated olazing provides added securty. ‘Also part ofthe aluminiuan entrance door range is the ThermoSate, which is designec to sult mare standard opanings, whilst til offering UD values cov to 0.8 Wim?K. The double eealing on the frame ofthis 78 mm thiok insulated door reduces heat losses fur- ther, and it features S-pornt locking. Bath are available a range of colours, niches anc ‘siyles, as woll as glazed options. Textured surfaces can be spectiad for an inctustrial look: 2 more contemporary siylo can be ‘chosen from the ‘almost imitless’ RAL cok cour pelette, And, as with most of the er- trance doors, these are available with tran- som lights ana matching sia slaments For properties with integral garages, where heat losses need to be considered, the insu- lated sectional garage door offers & wide rango of design choices to meet practica land aesthetic considerations, The door has double-ekinnad 42 m-thick insulated pan ‘ls, and seals on all four sides. tis available by recuest wen the manufacturer's Therme- Frame, which provides a thermal break be- ‘ween the door freme and the building, and is claimed to provide up to 18% bettor insu lation. When specified with the ProMatic or ‘SupreMatic operator, the inulatod or timber sectional door also comes with Secured by Design accreditation 1D Hermann (UK) Ltd United Kingaom +06 (0)1590 516888 \wvav hormenn, 194 Windows, Doors and Enances Folding and sliding door fixings ranges Brio Woathertold 4e fixings have beon do veloped for residential and commercial top= ung exterer folding doors where weatner- proofing of the opening is required. The 4s 50, 75 and 100 harchware ranges are offered a6 a complote hardware solution that in cludes pivot sets, hanger sets, nnge sets, top track, bottom channel, se, locking ~and flush boit options. These are suitable for on-morice tmber applications, and where ‘extras corrasion resistance is required can be supplied with precision stainless-steel bearings. The hardware will accommodate ‘eight panels folding n ether cirecion, ‘Westherfold 50 will take @ maximum pane! «120 of 3,000 rm high x 1,000 mm wide > 85-68 mm thick and weighing up to 50 kg, ‘hit the 75 and 100 ranges can accormmo- date panels of up to 3.300mm high Their Clean lines, smooth operation and flexibie {functionally aro sai to sult many applica tions with wide range of configurations ‘and they cerry PAS24 and Secured By De- sign accreditations, Floor-io-colling sling doors and shutters ‘are increasingly popular inthe resicertial, ‘cornmercial and reall fi-out markets dus to their inbuilt flexibility for how a space can be used, end the Brio Single Fun Zero Clear ance option for siding timber doors cates {er nase raquiromonts by allowing minimal {gaps between the door panel anc hard \ware, offering @ pleasing aesthetic finish to floor-to-ceiling installations. Available across ite Single Pun product portolo, this aption means hardware is ciscreally hidden trom view, with na hanger piates or screws pro- ‘nuding above the top edge of the door Itis designed to achieve clearances of 2.5 mm between the ttack and the top of the doar, and the new spring-loaded guide ‘and bottom ral can also be concealed thin the bottom edge of the door, thereby ‘extoncing zero clearance to foo level. The harciware was specified fora recent con- tract undertaken by architetural and con- sbuction service company CT Werks. A |wovbectaom apartment ina Georgian ter race in London's Ear's Court has bean con verted into a mere texible ling space, 8s shown above, contro and below. This i volves knocking down the wal between the Iving room and the second ieedroar to ‘pen up the space and let in more light, The ownor sill wantod the option of closing itoftwhen desired, so the decision was made to instal custom 3.4 x 8 m panel ‘core = ttvee sliding anc one pivoting. The timber doors were made by a local jlner ang installed using the top-hanging hard ‘aro eyetem. The doors weigh 100 kg por panel and, according to CGT Works director and project manager Enrico Trolese, his, ‘was the only manufacturer which provided ket that uted the requirements for such hhaavy doors. “You can 899 the tracks but they are very discreet, set into the ceiling and the floor. Ihe been 0 euccesetul we are now using the system on another project in tre same building.” 1D Brio UK Lid United Kingcom 2 +46 (0)191 229 1204 201902 DETAM wea Finger-joint feature The energy-etficient Termescuce window system benefits from sleek aesthetic design etals 2s part ofthe uni_one® ranga, fom Uniform Architgotural, wih addtional tect- ology said to greatly improve its thermal ulation capabiitos for carification to Pas: sivhaus standards by achieving a U-value of, 0.79 Wim?k.. Accustic insulation is alsa i proved, giving the window system a value of Lup to 4244 (2B) ‘The 44 ma-thick tiple glazing acts to limit haat loss through the window, whist the UWieth of the sesh anc! frame are minimal to ‘enablo windows to harmeniso with the archi tactural design of a building. The Techno~ (ak frames are produced by using a aye tam of finger joints creating a parauet effect ‘hat, in tum, stablises windows, pariculry larger frames, 26 it helps to avoid the natural tension present in sola wood. ‘As withthe rest of the uni_one range, wood ie sourced from sustainably controled for- ‘ts and produced using timber enginger- Ing and veneer technology that allows opt ‘mal use of tha trea. An agad offact can be applied to ive the frame an ‘olde wortde’ Charm, achiovad by using spodial abrasive brushes which remove the softer wed be- tween the hard grain cf cek, giving more depth and character. Extornally, the window system is of recycled aluminium, wich can easly be recycled again and, due tothe high-quality protection from the factery-appiied, powder-coating finish, the windows require minimal mainte Nance and are saic to provide excellent re- sietance to wator and ai-borne pollutants, ‘The final coat is applied after welding to en sure perfectly sealed comers, further im- proving both eesthelics and curab ity. 1 Uniform Architectural Lid United Kingelom +44 (9)1278 217207 wu unitormvarch. Edition DETAIL Architectural highlights from DETAIL Despite 2 growing trend towards sharing, and an increasing rumber of slngle family households combined with a growing noed {or exit, the indNadul ingle tamly home remains en extremely popular choice. In ec dition to folowing busing guidelines, private single famty homes ae also expected to uti igh standards when i comes to anergy and lle cost efficiency. Nevertheless, they con- tinue to provide considerable scope for archi: tects end dosigners, “Bost of DETAL: Single Family Horas" brings togethor a collection ot relevant highilahts rem DETAIL, The publication is mado up of theortical articles and a comprehensive section con- taining exemples of projects which provide unique nights into the various applications of wood, concrete or masonry ine range ct pas- sive houses, bungelows, duble- and semi detaches houses, and vilas wih svimring ocks fom the simple to the ksurous. What these prcfocts have in commen is an amblious aasthetic quality, which can besummodupas goodarchitecture, proving readers with a groat deal of inspiration and ‘constructve solitons for thei avn practoe best of DETAIL: Single-Family Homes NEW February 2015 Chistian Seiten a. 20 pogs, with aumerous ravings and pcos. Format 21» 207 om ‘nga Gurman/Engfsch ISBN 978 3-0559-236-2 Paparboc:€ 4.-/£40.~/ USS 60 + postagfpackng + Wi appieaie bast ot DETAIL sas Pein gue an orc patn Sateen ovens — Inte cyan ine county ‘Sify Heres etree Access, Security and Smart Controls Light programme Light Control from Nimbus alowe al te LED luminaire to be controlled from one location In the home and, zagethar wth a trae app for ‘smariphones and tablots, ctoatas a conven lent virtual control centre. Incvicul ig ‘scenarios can be programmed by estab ish. ing @ protectad network vie Blustoath 4.0 ‘that includes al the luminaires, The cont) ‘app is available for 10S (Phone and Pad) ‘a8 walla for Anatole and other aperesing ‘eystoms, Individual lights can be atrangod In freely detinea switching groups or they can be controled separately, and the inte- frated control unit's easy 16 Insta he German y was founced in 1988 and cays It wee the fret To place Is faith in LED technology and has realised around £000 projects trom residentia! ta heath care, schools and company headquarter, he Innovative ranges include recessed, surface-mountad and suspended iuminaires ‘8s wel es flor-standing models, with a ‘choice of metal or powcier-coated finishes cfering task and indirect lighting fo uit any situation and design scheme. Nimbus Group Gm! Gormary @ +49 (0)7 11.63.90 14-0 yaw Barriers lifted for easy parking at airport Cardiff Aiport is benetting trom a ‘pay on foot car parking system from car park man= agement cortais manufacturer Oesigna, part ofa raluvenation project ofthe airport facilties. The system wes specied because ofits establiehed Abacus sofware, which has been combined with the macetn, sleek ‘esign of the Blue Eultion parking equip ‘ment that is said to offer the lowest power consumption of is The software integrates the barriers, ANPR ‘(Automatic Number Prato Recognition) cam- eras, ket terminals and automatic pay sta tions to create a tow-maintenance, reliable system wth tremendous tunctenalty’ th ‘abla to cope with large volumes of traffic whilst providing high levels of monitoring Since 2013, when ownership transferred over to the Welsh Governenent, the aor hae been uncer going major redevelopment to imarave serv pane destina- tions offered, 20 investing in an up-to-date parking system was vita. needed to be sor frenoly and efficient ta cope we the high demand, employing the lateet technol ogy to provid ettectve monitoring for 8 se ‘cure and pleasant experiance The parking eystor, inthe airport's red end rey livery, was installed atthe 10 entrance {and 12 exit terminals, Tho mi-sripe mag netic paper tickets are four-way, which means they can be presented in eny direc: tion. The tickets are issued a the entrances by the Blue Edition ticket terminals, and al 1s have Chip and PIN card facitios for payment The car park operator is NOP and its pro= bocking system and website i interfaced with the new perking system, enabling cus tomers to book and pay on ine in advance of artval, Tho high-torque barriers and ANPR cameras are presemt at all entrances ‘and exils, with the cameras facilitating entry for pre-bockers and season patkers and maximising secunty forall users, They tenable help to be given to customers who have lost ther sckets. The separate bus ext lane and onby into the shor-stay oar parks have heavy-duty barriers, which use the Ccamras to allow automate tree entry int these designated zones, Seven automatic pay siations ete situated a! varus locations including the arevals ha and short-say and pick-up zones, as we as the drop-off and car-hire areas, al of which accept coine, notes and Chio and PIN payments. User experience is maxim- ised with TFT (ih film va lour screens atthe pay stations offering Welsh, English, Spanish and German language ver sione to communicate information ‘Tha hoart of the eystom i the Extended Server located! n the NCP control room along with a workstation, manual cashier and a Designa VolP (Voice over internet Proteccl) intercom, which together enable the car parking system to provide a posite experience for car par users. 10 Designa Uk Unites Kingdom (0)1982 74040 DETAIL Securing the area ‘Aste Abloy has euppliad @ range of security and access products to an environmentally ttienaly motorway service station designed ‘oreflact the local landscape. Gloucestar Services on the M5 borders an Area of O landing Natural Boauty, and care wa ‘aken to minimise the environmental mpac of the development with a View to achieving @ BREEAM Excelent rating. The buildings fand pavol staton have grasa roots and inca lone has been used extencivaly Union emergency exit devices and Code- handle keyless locking enable authorises slatf to offectvoly accose restricted argas. Separate codes can be provided for ditfer- fei eft patterns the administrator can prevent access to a aricular group et eny time. Assa meculsr ‘and ara easily changed locks and PCOO patenied spin cylinders, lea protection against sald t0 offer une bumping and master key sys! vihih is vital where diferent keyholdors need access at all times of day. «teal pul handles, nd lever handles mpiating th orsets with losers and 4200 Scantflex range stainless cylinder rings, signage feature througheut, ane spectication are timber DG3004 rack-ena-pinion snes floor springs. hua Jackson, facilities special pro- jects manager for Westmorland, the com pany which owns and operates the services: “itis @ green project, so it was fundamen that we worked with manufacturors who make sustainabilty pert oftheir busines pphiesophy and ae a company that manu: factures inthe UK with an active CSR pro- gramme, Assa Abloy proved to be one of these companies.” 1D Assa Abloy Sacurity Solutions United Kingdom 8 +44 (0)1902 36601 vow assaabloy Automated approach The By-me home autornation system tram Virvar provides comfort, safety, energy-sav- Ing and communicetien functions in one stom that can be monitorad from a LAN or WI-FI network or vis @ smartphone or tablet The Multimedia Videotouch with 10 in. di play, or any device in the system, can be sed to load 32 temperature, lighting ant ccomferi combinations for each area config- lured to daly needs or intuitively supervise snd manage all funcions in the home. This Includes saund systems, curtains, shutters, lighting and temperature and huricty Home safety features include gas and wate 3k detectors, which send an alarm by text ‘message when an anomaly ie found, and Cevices such 8 presence detectors 10 trig- noorporated 10 surveillance of any whit intornal cameras wit ‘microphones allow v room. Enorgy consumption ie mon real ime, withthe touch screen giving infar- ‘mation beth instantaneoue'y and for time frame and consumption loge enable 1 vimer SpA haly 439 0424 488 600 Integrated system Ironmongery rom Leaderfush Shapland Laidlaw hes played a part in transforming LLondn's Hammarsmth Palais into Pure Hammersmith, a davelopment of 418 sel ntainedlstucent studios, by providing an intograted accaee contal system and Iron. rmongery solutian to meat the camplex new is, The emart-cerd Salto SVN acess system and AElement electric locks are de- s\gned to offer the lexibity necessary in a modern student building, as well as robust security and attractive design. The bullaing tated if as the Hammer smith Palais de Danso, playing host to var (ous kinds of ‘bands; later, as simply the Hammersmith Palais, t becéme e pres: tigious location for pop music. Now, with its very diferent uso, features & contro sys tom with the flexibility o issue access cards that can be reprogrammed - for example, carde can be coded to give people access for a short amcunt cf ime or o certain areas without having to chenge anything on the doors or cut keys. ‘Tho company has provided access conto! for all of te pod bedroom doors as wall as ‘a gohadulo and technical assistance for the est ofthe ste, This meant integrating en- trance harriers and contrlling aniine doors in the communal areas throughout the whole project then get up the eortveare bles the system to operate and secure the building as a whol The integrated onmongery supplied Is trom tho Centurion range, and includes EN 125 compliant stainless-steel emergency ex! ppanic bolts and FD80firo-rated concealed door closers, alongside pull handles, push plates, door stops, signs, kick plates anc escutcheons. 1D Leadorfush Shapland Laie Unites Kingcem | @ +46 (0)1778 690800 wr Fire Protection One-coat system ‘The Glen Ord Distiller in Scotland has re- cently undergone an ambitious redevelop- ‘mers project, and the steelwork forthe naw build elements was given fire protaction with the use ofthe new SO902 system from Null- fire, aTremco-ibruck company. Around '500 se, ofthe hybrid, high-bulldl coating ‘was spplied by specialist eub-contractoe Avesta Scotland, and the speed of applica tion ofthis product meant inat sections of the steelwork received thai full wo hours’ tire protection within a peried of hours The manufacturer expects this one-coat product and the offsto-applied SC90! ver sion to win significant share ofthe larce intumescont coatings markt for stuciural steehvork, dus to its potential for shortening the time taken to achiove requires levels of protection, Director of Avasts Scotland, Steve MeCiure, said the system wae chosen ‘ovor an epoxy inlumescont bocaLse of is ‘corrosion resistance anc application chet- acteristics: "I just 8ems to bo @ mocero- bust product for the UK climate, where wet weather is so often an issue." C1 Tremeco Ibruck Lid Unitod kingdom sm +44 (0)2476 855000 sya remeco-ilruck CO.UK 201902 DETAM Interior design flexibility with flame resistance Wodt-hased panel manufacturer Peiderer offers a wide range of flame-reeistant anc ron flammable pane's cesignes ta accept any dasid finish without compromising ils fre safety or the cesign scheme. "Unti quite recently it wae sll aesumed that thera Ie very litle design freedom in areas thatre- ure structur| fre protection,” said Glaus ‘Seemann, whois reeponsibie for core male- tials proctuct management at Ploiderer. However, he comments, the fre protection properties of these producis are no longer febvious, and wih the vituelly unlined a versity available due to the combination of cores, decers and textures there are many options for architect, speciors and intrior signers who lke to work with wood-based panels, for every type of project For example, er heavy-use areee such shiops with high customer fraquoncy See- mann recommends the seit-supporting com- pact laminate Duropa-HPL Gompact Pyroex = particulary as this product is designed to be not only lame-resistant but also mois urevesistant, With fie safely requirements for special suctures and public bulkings ‘ospocialy evingont, the company offers customised solutions for high-nse buildings, hotels oF shopping centres, primarily in the form of nen tlammaie meteries such as Duropal-lamaprotect Compact er Ouropal Element Vermicuite Pyroex that can red the fre load significantly. Tha newar options aro particularly rolovant in decorative intenar ftongs, for furniture {and fixtures or colings and wellooveringe, Flamevesisiant pane's such ee DecoBoerd Pyroex Span or DeceBoard MDF Pyroex or the corresponding particleboard Pramium- Board Pyroex are Gesigned to be especialy suliable here. The company says the boards ‘contain highly efecive flame retardants 10 reduce the bum-through rato. ‘The Piloidorar OST (design/surface/core technology) system means that across its Complete product range it's possibie to freoly combine 180 decors, 10 surface tex: ‘ures and 16 core materials, including a va- rloty of re protection products. “The good thing about this," said Claus Seemann, “is ‘hat thare are no limits to creativity — even it the firetetardant property requirements are made more stringer.” 10 Pheiderer Industrie Lte United Kingdom +44 (0)1625 600410 wu pfleiderer DETAN 201502 ms Extra performance ‘The new advanced festuroe of the FS-Xtra )=r.\\) Topics 2015 ' 2 a 4 5 5 a. iter ay Jy Sept. tt. ows Gass Construction Concept nus Bung us DETAL green 114 Wate and Fishes Soi Fors of Cantricton| Stoo concruston ius DETAL green 214 (eeptn cae DETAIL subscription DETALEngich ykdtional DETAIL g profeelonals benefit om stiulang,up-o-cto informa for design and planing, Specialy le drawings, supplemented by text and eamprehensive keys, oer a unique ope nity to sty the very bast centernporany arches fers exes hsigt ino the word of sustainable bul published si mes per yser complemented by jn May and November. chioctural ‘materia tw nie DETAL green Substartial savings on te cove roe Delay ret your home You don'ts angle sve aya bona if you hve bee a subscriber for mre than to yrs noma devour wu deta eeu DETAIL inspiration database The new image and roereneo databace vee precioa, rlvant viel inpirtios to suppor sichtecta In ther search for cos ton 3 (000 projects tom the past 30 years, DETAIL inspation tion fer architects: talons, With around highly va 1 ference patos, hetches, technical pout inorratin ‘= Charystucured serch and selec stam 1 Daunieds avatable nt detain com nar DETAIL emagazine DETAL Engi ib avalbl fur tos a yoar oo an omagazho. 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Peres, tao Agu, Lorona Muro “Ucheng Jesigh Aare Guiomar Cato, Miguel Garis, ‘Steseta acin, Eel ‘baer nt Sombra) ‘uate Gistenez Gobet, Lorena Nunes Becca planing Aare Gctmes Cabot, Miguel Gates “etscermuniaions ‘are Gukinos Caboto Arco, Eatbal2 Lekve gras Reazar fatale Gencals Matte, Fcera femande> se Caron, nee Drtrren ve Museum Extension In Fort Worth 3955 Camp Boule Boulevard, Use 76107 rot wer, Texas + caene nt Art Founda, Usk Fer nor Taxes enzo Fiano Building Workshop, Renae Pare, Marc Carl Prlect ot tee Onur Teke, Shun ee Fane ‘spb com Sean ‘Shura lag, Marea Oran, Sara Pout, Dank arnmerman, Fecaico Span mi Moora, Abort Mao Danete Rano, Danie ers, Een Sunlogo, Fauete Capoali Francosco Kencaseaton Associates, teureres © Bums. st Houses, Tas Fobuhio Sroge, Danie Dubus Sanan Drath Meena! Ta dng Ou, Jame A (rez, AiRaveshina “Propet mineaement ter siowore ‘ese parasorap com ‘Stuck ona noar Sy Nerden Ace, Brockete/Davis Draken Usx"Dots. 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