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It is considered one of the main methods used in the chemical industries to concentrate
dilute solutions (aqueous solution). These solutions are usually from non-volatile solute and
volatile solvents.

- In most evaporation processes, the evaporated solvent is water.

- In evaporation the thickener solution is the desired solution, while the vapor is drawn
from the device.
- In the process of evaporation, heat can be supply by exposing the solution directly to
the energy source, or it can be supply indirectly by transferring heat through an
appropriate medium.

1. Heat is transferred from the heating supply to the solution.
2. The substance and heat transfer simultaneously from the solution to the vapor phase.
3. Condensation of evaporated material away from solution.
.‫ بصىرة عامت ٌتكىن جهاز انتبخٍر مه مبادل حراري نغهٍان انمحهىل وجهاز نفصم انمحهىل عه انبخار انمتكىن‬
‫ حٍث ٌعتبر سطح انمسخه‬,‫وابسط صىرة نجهاز انتبخٍر عبارة عه وعاء ممهىء بانمحهىل مىضىع عهى مسخه‬
.‫بمثابت مبادل حراري‬
‫ فً انصناعاث انكٍمٍاوٌت تصمم االجهسة عادة نهعمهٍاث انصناعٍت حٍث ٌكىن سطح انتبادل انحراري كبٍرا‬
.‫وعمهٍت انتبخٍر تكىن اكثر شذة وعمهٍت تحرٌر انبخار سرٌعت‬

1. Foaming.
2. Temperature sensitivity.
3. Scale formation.
4. Corrosion.
5. Concentration.
6. High product viscosity.


1. properties of liquor:
a) Cp.
b) Toxicity.
c) Dangerous.
d) Radiation.
e) freezing
2. Capacity.
3. Capital and running costs.
4. Resident time.

1. Natural circulation evaporators:-
It is one of the oldest types and it's still used a lot in industrial units; these
evaporators take advantage of the difference in density for the circulation of liquid
and its passage to the heating surface.
a) Horizontal-tube evaporators:
This type is suitable for treating liquids that are not crystals during the
evaporation process. They can be operated either in the batch method or
continuous method.

b) Vertical-tube evaporators:
This type designed by tube bundle placed vertically. The fluid to be concentrated
will enter through the tubes, and then descend to the bottom and then to outside.

c) Long vertical-tube evaporators:

This type of evaporator is used in the case of liquids that form foams during
vaporization, because the liquid rushes too quickly into the tubes prevents these
foams from forming and is also used for some materials that are affected by heat.
2. Forced circulation evaporators:-
Evaporators in which the solution is forced to rotate are suitable in most different
applications and are expensive, usually consisting of a shell and tubes heat exchanger
and a pump to circulate the solution from the body of the evaporator to the (H.E) and
return it to the evaporator again. This type is suitable for crystalline solutions, viscous
solutions, and solutions that cause corrosion. One of his problems is tubes blockage
and corrosion.
a) Forced circulation evaporators with external heat surface:
Of the most used types, the heating surface is located outside the body of the
evaporator, and the pump pulls the liquid from the evaporator and pushes it to the
heat exchanger and then exits it to the evaporator again.

b) Forced circulation evaporators with internal heat surface:

In this type, the heat exchanger is inside the body of the evaporator, so its
maintenance process is more complicated.

3. Film-type evaporators:-
In all the previous types of evaporators, the liquid to be vaporized remains for a
period of time inside the evaporator, and this condition may be harmful to a number
of fluids that are sensitive to heat and can be degraded if a long period of time
remains at a temperature close to its boiling point such as orange juice, blood plasma,
vitamins and others. Evaporators with a short life time should be used to avoid
a) Falling-film evaporators:
In this type of evaporator, the tube diameters are large compared to the previous
types, the feed solution enters from the top of the tubes and runs to the bottom
Beside of the inner walls of the tubes, the main problem in operation is the
method of distributing the liquid regularly as a layer on the inner walls of the tube
by placing a perforated metal plate on top Tube or place an atomizer on top of the
b) Agitated-film evaporators:
This evaporator consists of one tube inside which a rotary flunk is placed inside
to increase the velocity of movement of the fluid, the feeding solution enters from
the top of the tube, and the steam used for heating surrounds the tube in the form
of a jacket.
Used in the evaporation of sensitive viscous materials, expensive and needs
continuously maintenance.

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