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Sesión 2. Listening comprehension. Sharing personal experiences.

(Student’s Book Yes We Can 2 page 60)

1. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. (Observa las imagines y discute las siguientes preguntas)

2. Listen to the phone conversation and explain how Alan’s celebration is different from or
similar to the way we celebrate. (Escucha la conversación Telefónica y explica como la celebración de Alan es
diferente o similar de la forma en que celebramos) Track 13.
3. Listen again and analyze Sara’s and Alan’s reactions.

a) What is Alan’s reaction when Sara says “Happy Birthday”?

b) How does Sara feel about forgetting Alan’s birthday?
c) How does Alan feel about his party?

There are important differences between a phone conversations and a face to face conversation.
Mark () the characteristics of each one.

4. How much do I know? Answer the following questions with your own answers.
a) Do you usually share anecdotes?
b) What kind of situations do you share?
c) Who do you share them with?
d) What other ways do you use to share anecdotes?

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