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TAG0010.1177/1756283X15592585Therapeutic Advances in GastroenterologyF. Ha and H. Khalil

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology Review

Crohn’s disease: a clinical update

Ther Adv Gastroenterol

2015, Vol. 8(6) 352­–359

DOI: 10.1177/
Francis Ha and Hanan Khalil
© The Author(s), 2015.
Reprints and permissions:
Abstract:  Crohn’s disease is increasing in prevalence worldwide. It arises from a complex journalsPermissions.nav
interplay between both genetic predisposition and environmental influence. A search of
databases and clinical practice guidelines was performed to provide the most up-to-date
evidence-based approach for diagnosing and managing patients with Crohn’s disease. No
single gold standard investigation exists. Whilst full ileocolonoscopy with biopsies remains the
mainstay for diagnosis, other less invasive imaging modalities are being actively considered in
the workup, as well as the use of serological markers. Management should incorporate dietary
and lifestyle modifications where necessary, the use of medications in induction and remission
of disease, and consideration of surgical intervention where medical therapy has failed.

Keywords:  Crohn’s disease, diagnosis, inflammatory bowel disease, investigations, management,

colorectal cancer, risk factors

Introduction MeSH terms used were “Crohn disease”, Correspondence to:

Hanan Khalil, PhD
Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic relapsing “Inflammatory Bowel Diseases” with other search School of Rural Health,
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is charac- terms including “epidemiology”, “risk factors”, Monash University,
Ollerton Rd, Moe, Victoria,
terized by a transmural granulomatous inflamma- “diagnosis”, “investigations”, “management” and Australia
tion which can affect any part of the gastrointestinal “colorectal cancer”.

tract, most commonly the ileum, colon or both Francis Ha, MBBS
[Thia et al. 2010]. Its prevalence has continually Faculty of Medicine,
increased over the past 50 years with the highest Clinical features Nursing and Health
Science, Monash
incidence being reported in northern Europe, the CD is a clinical diagnosis formed by correlation University, Australia
United Kingdom and North America [Cosnes of clinical signs and symptoms, objective data
et  al. 2011]. Despite biological treatment being from imaging including endoscopic with histo-
associated with an improved health-related qual- logic information as well as laboratory studies
ity of life [van der Have et al. 2014], patients still [Baumgart and Sandborn, 2012]. Chronic diar-
report significant impediment on lifestyle and rhoea, defined as a decrease in faecal consistency
daily activities during both flares and remissions for more than 4 weeks [Juckett and Trivedi, 2011],
[Devlen et  al. 2014]. The mortality amongst is the most common presenting symptom [Sands,
patients with CD has been persistently higher 2004]. Abdominal pain (70%), weight loss (60%)
than the general population with a meta-analysis and blood, mucus or both in stools (40–50%) are
showing a pooled estimate for the standardized also common findings in CD [Lennard-Jones and
mortality ratio of 1.52 [Canavan et al. 2007]. No Shivananda, 1997]. Extraintestinal manifesta-
statistically significant change has occurred for tions affect approximately a third of patients with
this estimate over the past 30 years and thus CD IBD [Trost and McDonnell, 2005; Lourenco
remains relevant to a broad spectrum of clinicians et  al. 2010]. The most commonly observed
involved in the multidisciplinary care of affected extraintestinal manifestation is primary periph-
patients. eral arthritis (33%); aphthous stomatitis, uveitis,
erythema nodosum and ankylosing spondylitis
can be seen whilst pyoderma gangrenosum, pso-
Methods riasis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are rela-
This evidence-based review derives from a com- tively uncommon [Bernstein et al. 2001; Vavricka
prehensive search of several databases including: et  al. 2011]. Fistulae, a complication of CD,
Ovid Medline, Cochrane library and PubMed. occurs in up to 35% of patients with CD, with

F Ha and H Khalil

perianal fistula occurring in 20% [Schwartz et al. meta-analysis found that smoking increased the
2002]. These clinical features associated with dis- risk of CD by more than twice [Calkins, 1989].
ease activity were found to contribute to 37% of Previous history of symptomatic mumps [Ng
health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) in a sys- et al. 2012] and a high dietary intake of fats, poly-
tematic review analysing determinants of HRQOL unsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and
in CD [van der Have et al. 2014]. According to a meats have both been associated with an increased
patient-reported qualitative analysis [Devlen et al. risk of CD, whilst a high fibre and fruit diet has
2014], there is impact on lifestyle in regards to been seen to be protective [Hou et al. 2011]. The
taking regular medication, restricting diet and oral contraceptive pill has also been associated
avoiding certain trigger foods, as well as impact with the development of CD; a meta-analysis
on daily activities where patients report absence [Cornish et al. 2008] assessing quantitative risk of
from employment or school during acute flares the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) in the aetiology
due to pain and fatigue. of CD found a pooled relative risk for women
currently exposed to the OCP was 1.51 (95%CI
1.17–1.96, p = 0.002).
Risk factors
CD has a peak age prevalence of 30–39 years old
and gender influence differs in various demograph- Diagnosis and investigations
ics. In a Canadian and New Zealand population, No single definitive diagnostic investigation exists
females are 10–30% more likely to acquire the dis- for the diagnosis of CD [Dignass et al. 2010]. Full
ease than males [Bernstein et al. 2006; Gearry et al. ileocolonoscopy with biopsies is currently the
2006], whereas males with CD are reported as up most widely used diagnostic investigation
to three times more likely in Japan and Korea [Yao [Baumgart and Sandborn, 2012]. This can dem-
et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2015]. Although the exact onstrate noncaseating granulomas, though may
aetiology remains unknown, it is a complex inter- only be detected in up to 60% of resected speci-
action between genetic predisposition, environ- mens and even less so in biopsy samples [Nikolaus
mental risk factors and immune dysregulation to and Schreiber, 2007]. Cross-sectional imaging
intestinal microbiota [Sartor and Muehlbauer, studies have been increasingly involved in the
2007]. A co-twin British cohort study showed con- diagnostic evaluation of CD. This includes ultra-
cordant monozygotic twins with CD had similar sonography (US), computed tomography (CT)
disease location, disease behaviour and a moderate and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A sys-
agreement for age at diagnosis [Ng et  al. 2012]. tematic review [Panes et al. 2011] comparing the
This genetic influence is consistent with previous accuracy of each cross-sectional imaging modality
findings from another co-twin German study in the diagnosis of CD found US had a sensitivity
[Spehlmann et al. 2008]. Familial aggregation has and specificity of 85% (95% CI 83–87%) and
been shown with most children acquiring the dis- 98% (95% CI 95–99%), respectively. This was
ease at an earlier time in life compared with their superior to MRI which had an overall sensitivity
parents [Bengtson et  al. 2009]. High prevalence and specificity of 78% (95% CI 67–84%) and
has also been found amongst Jewish populations 85% (95% CI 76–90%) respectively. Another sys-
although varying prevalence in different geographic tematic review comparing the diagnostic accuracy
locations suggests the influence of environmental of magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and
factors as well [Fireman et al. 1989]. Other inflam- computed tomography (CTE) found MRE had a
matory diseases have been implicated with CD diagnostic yield comparable with CTE, but does
including asthma, psoriasis, pericarditis, ankylos- not carry the same risks of radiation exposure,
ing spondylitis, atopic dermatitis and primary scle- especially to younger patients [Qiu et al. 2014].
rosing cholangitis [Bernstein et al. 2005; Lees et al.
2011]. A normal finding on ileocolonoscopy is not suffi-
cient to exclude the diagnosis of CD as 27% of
Moreover, environmental risk factors have attrib- patients have disease localized to the terminal
uted to the rising incidence of CD worldwide ileum [Cleynen et al. 2013], which can prove dif-
[Thia et al. 2008]. Their impact tends to be most ficult to diagnose [Doherty et al. 2011]. Capsule
influential during childhood [Feeney et al. 2002. endoscopy is a relatively new, simple, noninvasive
Smoking has been confirmed to influence the imaging technique that is gaining recognition for
phenotype of CD [Halfvarson et  al. 2006; small bowel exploration [Munoz-Navas, 2009].
Bengtson et  al. 2009; Ng et  al. 2012] and a The investigation involves consumption of a 353
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 8(6)

disposable, small, wireless camera within a capsule are now available to treat CD [Seow et al. 2008].
which passes through the gastrointestinal tract The conventional approach to managing active
allowing direct visualization of the mucosa disease has been derived from progressive intensi-
[Nakamura and Terano, 2008]. A meta-analysis fication of drug therapy, with the focus on induc-
comparing the diagnostic yield of capsule endos- ing and maintaining clinical remission. However,
copy to other imaging modalities found an there is evidence to suggest the use of aggressive
increased diagnostic rate of 15% over colonoscopy treatment early to improve clinical outcomes in
with ileoscopy [Dionisio et al. 2010]. patients with risk factors predisposing to increased
disease severity [D'haens et  al. 2014]. These
Disease heterogeneity and atypical presentations include smoking [Lees et al. 2011], initial require-
of IBD have highlighted the need for new diag- ment of steroid use, age below 40 years and pres-
nostic tools in addition to ileocolonoscopy with ence of perianal disease [Beaugerie et  al. 2006].
biopsy and other imaging studies. This has led to Usually medications such as corticosteroids,
research of serological markers with the two most budesonide or mesalazine are prescribed initially
intensively studied serological markers being for induction of remission [Dignass et  al. 2010].
atypical perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) immunosup-
antibodies (pANCA) and anti Saccharomyces cer- pressive therapies are also used in patients refrac-
evisiae antibodies (ASCA) [Bossuyt, 2006]. tory to conventional therapy. Medical management
pANCA are antibodies formed against proteins in of CD is reliant upon compliance and patient edu-
the nuclear lamina of neutrophils, whilst ASCA cation is crucial, with patient age and follow up by
are antibodies against mannose epitopes from the a gastroenterologist being independently associ-
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [van Schaik et  al. ated with nonadherence [Zelante et al. 2014].
2013]. The generation of antibodies occurs most
likely from abnormal response of mucosal Corticosteroids are widely prescribed for the
immune system to commensal intestinal flora in induction but not the maintenance of remission
genetically susceptible patients [van Schaik et al. due to increasing resistance over time, patient
2013]. A systematic review of the role of serologi- dependence and adverse side effects with long-
cal antibodies in diagnosing IBD found the most term use [Kuenzig et al. 2014]. Budesonide is an
sensitive and specific test for CD was sera with alternate enteral glucocorticoid used for induction
positive ASCA and negative pANCA, 52–64% with limited systemic bioavailability due to exten-
and 92–94%, respectively [Prideaux et al. 2012]. sive first-pass hepatic metabolism by cytochrome
The identification of these markers can help dif- p-450 enzymes [Kuenzig et al. 2014]. A systematic
ferentiate CD from ulcerative colitis where diag- review evaluating use of budesonide for the induc-
nosis remains ambiguous following clinical, tion of remission in CD showed budesonide to be
histological and endoscopic grounds as well pro- significantly superior to placebo up to 8 weeks with
vide the opportunity for early intervention given a relative risk (RR) of 1.96 (95% CI, 1.19–3.23)
their ability to predict development of CD [van [Seow et  al. 2008]. Although budesonide was
Schaik et al. 2013]. shown to be inferior to conventional steroids for
the induction of remission in active CD (RR 0.85;
95% CI 0.75–0.97), it had significantly fewer cor-
Management ticosteroid-related adverse events compared with
Decisions in the management of CD should those treated with conventional corticosteroids
always be made through discussion between the (RR 0.64; 95% CI 0.54–0.76) [Seow et al. 2008].
multidisciplinary team and patients themselves.
Risk factors such as smoking should be ceased due 5-Aminosalicylates also have a long established
to its harmful impact on the course of disease and use in IBD [Akobeng and Gardener, 2005], ini-
potentially the OCP depending on the patient’s tially as sulfasalazine, a compound consisting of
circumstances. A balanced diet of high fibre and 5-aminosalicylic acid and sulfapyridine. More
fruits have been shown to be protective against recently, 5-aminosalicylic acid has been isolated
CD and should be encouraged [Hou et al. 2011]. as a single agent being the active component
without sulfapyridine, which was responsible for
the majority of adverse side effects [Ford et  al.
Pharmacological management 2011]. However, a systematic review assessing the
Medications are intended to suppress the inflam- efficacy of 5-aminosalicylates in CD found insuf-
matory response and a host of therapeutic agents ficient evidence for their definitive use in either

F Ha and H Khalil

inducing remission or preventing relapse in CD of CD [Sandborn et al. 2012] and these biologic
[Ford et al. 2011]. agents are likely to change the approach to medi-
cal management in the near future.
Purine antimetabolites azathioprine and 6-mer-
captopurine have both been used in patients with
active CD, although evidence has been conflicting Surgical management
and controversial. A Cochrane review found 48% The majority of patients diagnosed with CD will
of patients receiving antimetabolites achieved have a surgical resection within 10 years of their
remission compared with 37% of placebo patients, diagnosis [Bernell et al. 2000]. Surgical treatment
with no statistically significant difference between is required for failed medical therapy, recurrent
the two groups [Chande et  al. 2013]. Evidence intestinal obstruction, malnutrition and for septic
remains sparse in regards to whether purine ana- complications such as perforations and abscesses
logues are superior to placebo for maintenance of [Dasari et al. 2011]. It has a role in limiting other
surgically-induced remission in patients with CD complications including complex perianal disease
[Gordon et al. 2014]. Methotrexate, another anti- and internal fistulas [Baumgart and Sandborn,
metabolite with antagonistic action against folic 2012] as well as improving quality of life [Delaney
acid, was superior to placebo in maintenance of et  al. 2003]. However, the underlying pathology
remission at 40 weeks; 65% of patients receiving still persists resulting in high recurrence of dis-
intramuscular methotrexate maintained remis- ease, ranging from 28 to 45% at 5 years and 36 to
sion compared to 39% in the placebo group (RR 61% at 10 years [Buisson et  al. 2012]. Surgical
1.67 95% CI 1.05–2.67) [Patel et al. 2014]. admissions account for more than half of all hos-
pitalizations and accounts for almost 40% of total
Anti-TNF immunosuppressive therapies, most financial costs to patients [Cohen et al. 2000].
commonly infliximab and adalimumab, are
another group of agents generally reserved for Laparoscopy has been widely accepted in gastroin-
patients refractory to conventional therapies. A testinal surgery over open surgery in CD [Duepree
randomized controlled trial [Colombel et al. 2010] et  al. 2002]. Whilst laparoscopy offers certain
evaluating the efficacy of infliximab monotherapy, advantages of smaller abdominal wounds, lower
azathioprine monotherapy and combination of risk of hernia and decreased rate of small bowel
both found 56.8% of patients receiving combina- obstruction, there are concerns that occult seg-
tion therapy achieved corticosteroid-free clinical ments of disease and severe strictures can be
remission at week 26 compared with 44.4% receiv- missed due to limited tactile ability [Dasari et al.
ing infliximab alone (p = 0.02) and 30.0% receiv- 2011]. However, a meta-analysis on perioperative
ing azathioprine alone (p < 0.001). Superiority of complications and long-term outcomes between
combination therapy compared with monotherapy open surgery and laparoscopic surgery found a
of adalimumab remains unclear. nonsignificant difference in rate of surgical recur-
rence and a decreased risk of perioperative compli-
More recently, the novel agent vedolizumab, a cations in the laparoscopic group compared to the
monoclonal antibody targeting α4β7 [Bryant open surgery group (12% to 18%, RR = 0.71 CI
et al. 2015], has shown efficacy in a randomized = 0.58–0.86, p = 0.001) [Patel et al. 2013]. The
controlled trial for the induction of remission of overall cost including hospital stay costs and costs
CD compared with placebo (14.5% and 6.8%, associated with lost working days between laparo-
respectively, p = 0.02) as well as maintenance of scopic-assisted bowel resection and open surgery
remission [Sandborn et  al. 2013]. Vedolizumab was no different [Scarpa et al. 2009]. Despite the
has also demonstrated similar efficacy to natali- evidence for the advantages of laparoscopic sur-
zumab, another anti-α4 integrin, although it does gery, further randomized controlled trials with
not pose the risk of progressive multifocal leu- adequate follow up are required prior to firm rec-
koencephalopathy as natalizumab does. However, ommendations being made [Patel et al. 2013].
a network meta-analysis found adalimumab to be
superior to vedolizumab in maintenance of remis-
sion and its role in the stepwise management of Malignancy
CD still needs to be defined in further trials The association between CD and malignancy is
[Hazlewood et al. 2015]. Ustekinumab, a mono- well documented, although the risk of colorectal
clonal antibody against interleukin-12, has also cancer is decreasing [Soderlund et  al. 2009]. A
demonstrated a role in maintenance of remission meta-analysis of population-based cohort studies 355
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 8(6)

found a pooled standardized incidence ratio (SIR) Conflict of interest statement

of 1.7 amongst patients with CD in the general The authors declare no conflicts of interest in
population (95% CI 1.01–2.5) and a pooled SIR of preparing this article.
4.4 in referral centres (95% CI 1.5–7.2) [Lutgens
et al. 2013]. For patients with chronic perianal fis-
tula, there is possibility of malignant transformation
and it should not be overlooked by the treating cli- References
nician [Thomas et al. 2010]. There is a lack of con- Akobeng, A. and Gardener, E. (2005) Oral
sensus in regards to the frequency of colonoscopic 5-aminosalicylic acid for maintenance of medically-
surveillance. The American Gastroenterological induced remission in Crohn's disease. Cochrane
Association (AGA) recommends surveillance inter- Database Syst Rev: Cd003715.
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