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UNIT 1-5
1 Greet your partner and introduce yourself to him/her. Talk about how you
communicate with your friends (e.g. cell phones, e-mail)
Look at the list of modes of communication below, with your partner talk about the
pros and cons of each of the modes of communication listed. Give reasons.
Facebook, e-mail, twitter, mobile phone call, face-to-face conversation, formal written letters

A: Hi Maria Rene, How are you?

B: Hi Edgar, I'm fine thanks for asking. Do you want to do the English homework with me?
A: Yes no problem
B: Ok The first question is How do you communicate with your friends?

A: Well I generally use the internet to communicate with my friends with social
applications, for example WhatsApp, Messenger and Skype. For my job, I use g-mail,
mobile phone calls and face-to-face conversations and how do you communicate in your
every day life?
B: I often chat with my best friend and family on whatsapp but I don’t talk with people in
public. Do you know anybody who communicates with his or her body?
A: Yes, I have a cousin who doesn’t talk and hear, since she was born. She can
cammunicate with her hands and body.
B: Wow… and that situation is difficult for you?
A: No, It isn’t. I can undertand her because I learnt it when I was a child. And Do you
know anybody who communicates with his or her body?
B: No, I don’t. but I have seen some people on the street at traffic lights who work dancing
and making body gesture.
A: I think that is great.
B: Well… thank you for doing the English homework with me, bye Edgar.
A: bye, see you in our next conversation in Zoom.
2 Talk about:
 What do you like reading?
MR: I like to read about the universe and nutrition. I think that the universe is
fasinating and we don’t know much about it. and nutricion is very important for me
because I am studing food engineering and I am also vegetarian.

E: I like to read about the technological advances in the oil industry and I generally
follow websites in which they publish magazines and books or manual tool

 Do you have a favorite novel. Newspaper. Magazine or blog?

Mr: I don’t have many novels but the types of genres that I prefer to read are: horror
or fiction novels. When I read these books I got surprised or scared.

E: I don't have a favorite novel, I don't really like reading novel or story books. I
read magazines published by a blog about my profession, it is called “Blog of oil”.

 When do you like reading?

MR: I prefer to read in a quiet place because I cannot understand or concentrate
anything with a lot of noise.

E. I prefer to read in places where I can focus and be calm. for example my house or
in my town, far from the noise of the city.
Look at the photo. Describe the photo to your partner. Say if you think your photo
shows a good way and place to read, and explain your reasons. Then listen to your
partner describe his/her photo to you.
MR: Edgar I saw this photo in a blog when I scrolls down my cellphone. In this photo you
see a man reading a book in a library. I think that the library is a good place for reading
because you can find different kinds of books or types of genres and you can also read in
silence. What do you think about it?
E: I think that man is studying for a test in that library but I think it is not a good place to
study because I couldn’t understand or concentrate in that place
MR: Why? This place is perfect
E: I prefer to study in my house because I like to study alone on my computer.
UNIT 3-4
3 Look at the photo. Describe it to your partner. Then listen to your partner describe
his/her photo to you. Then talk about the differences and similarities between the
Student A

Student B
The painting or photo "b" you can see a very colorful
landscape where there are two cows and people
working in the field, I think that the painting shows
the ranch of a family that lives on agriculture.
MR: Edgar, do you think that the painting “a” is as beautiful as the painting “b”?
E: In my opinion the painting “b” is not much strange than the painting “a” because this
painting has strange figures, I've never seen.
MR: But the painting “a” is definitely the funniest and by far the most colorful. Because
their strange figures look like a carnival
E: I think that the painting “b” is much more interesting than painting “a” because I think
painting A was painted quickly while painting B was painted with love and very carefully.
MR: In my opinion the painting “a” is much more expensive than painting “b” because it is
a southern painting of 19th century
E: But I will never have the painting “a” in my house because this painting is little
MR: I don’t think the same because the painting “a” is by far elegant that the painting “b”
and I am sure that the painting “b” is very little known. Wow, we have different opinions.
1. Talk about either a man-made or a natural disaster that has affected an area in the
MR: Edgar, I want to talk about a specific man-made disaster that occurred in my country.
Every year in Bolivia, farmers have illegally cut down thousands of trees and they have
provoked forest fire to clear land for crops.
Also, dry weather and a change in wind direction cause fire to get out of control causing
many environmental disasters. For example, the last year, forest fires have affected much
the department of Santa Cruz especially Chiquitania.
The fire started in the tropical regions of Chiquitano forest because to illegal fires caused
by people from other departments who have appropriated territories without authorization.
The fires to consume more than 450,000 hectares of forest. Do you know other similar
E: Yes, I know of a similar natural disaster that has occurred in Australia between last year
and the beginning of this year, according to reports it was one of the largest fires in the last
20 years. that left a total of 11 million hectares of land and more than 3,000 houses burned
to ashes and approximately 1.25 billion animals, for example animals such as kangaroos
and koalas that were destroyed by the fires that started in the South Australia in September
2. Look at the photos. Describe them to your partner and tell him/her what dangers
you think the photos are warning of and suggest which countries you think are
particularly prone these problems. Then listen to your partner, talk about the
differences and similarities between all the photos.
The differences between all the photos is a warning of danger that man could cause but the
similarities are that they want to warn of a danger.
Student A
The first photo wants to warm us the danger the swimming in this area by shark attack. This
danger is common in countries that have beaches or sea near. For example, this sign is on
the northeast coast of Brazil.
The second photo wants to warm us the danger of driving in this road because in this area is
very prone to flash flood which cause that you can't identify the way and you can sink. This
danger is common in countries that have roads or bridges near the river, beach or lake.
Student B

The first photo wants to warm us not to set fire in this area because the soil is dry and a
small spark of fire can cause forest fires. This danger is common in countries that have
drought or cut down thousands of trees to clear land for crops.
The second photo wants to warm us that in this area there are tsunamis and you must
evacuate this site and you need to go the higher ground when there aren’t tsunamis. This
danger is common in countries that have beaches or sea near.
UNIT 1-5
1. Talk about social networking sites.
• Do you use social networking sites? Why or Why not?

MR: Yes, I do. For example, I often use YouTube or Facebook because I can
watch different type of video or Memes

E: Yes, I usually use WhatsApp and Messenger to chat with my friends and
family, I also use Facebook and YouTube to see news and some tutorials on
cooking recipes and study material.

• What kind of information do you share on these sites?

MR: For example, in Facebook I share Memes or music videos. In YouTube I

cannot share in these sites but I can send or share videos of YouTube to
WhatsApp, Facebook or another social network.

E: The social network that I use the most is WhatsApp because you do not need
much information to use it and for me it is one of the safest social networks that
exists today in which you can share videos, photos, files, links and the
information that I want to share with someone specific.

 Do you think social networking can be dangerous?

MR: Yes, nowadays peoples share their all life in social network for example
they share your cellphone number, home address or they upload inappropriate
videos or photos of them but in internet there are bad people when use that
information to steal you or threaten you.

E: Yes, for example Facebook, twitter or Instagram are more dangerous because
many people can see the information you publish. On Facebook some people
create fake profiles to steal or kidnap people. I think that in about 3 more years
the use of social networks will be even more dangerous.
2. Imagine you are planning to create a profile page for CAI on a social networking
website. With your partner, discuss and agree on the following points:
-which social networking site to use.
- the information and links you want to show.
- information you are not going to include in the profile.
MR: Edgar, I was thinking that you and I can create a new profile of CAI on social
networking. what do you think about my idea?
E: I think that is perfect.
MR: I am going to create a profile on YouTube where teachers or manager of CAI can
upload tutorial videos teaching some common doubts in the students but in this profile
don’t upload videos sending homework
E: Your idea is great but my idea is much better because I am going to create a new App
where only CAI students enter with their student codes. On this website teachers and
student can share homework, links, advanced topics the book.
MR: You're right. This application is more interesting and appropriate for the teacher and
student. And also, teachers can share their videos of YouTube in this App. If this App have
the option to give exams, it would be perfect.
1.Talk about religious holidays in your country.
MR: I only know some religious’ holidays in Bolivia for example: carnival in Oruro, Good
Friday or Day of the Dead.
 Carnival in Oruro: is a blending of Catholic and Indian rituals. Where people
dancing with costume in a procession.
 Good Friday: is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his
death at Calvary. In this day Bolivian don’t eat red meat.
 All Saints’ Day: is a combination of indigenous tradition and Catholic beliefs, when
Bolivian families celebrate, commemorate and farewell the visiting dead.
E: And also, in my country there are other religious festivals for example: The religious
festival of the Virgin of Urkupiña, Socavon, Cotoca.
 The religious festival of the Virgin of Urkupiña is celebrated in Cochabamba in
which many believers kneel down to the temple to ask for their wishes and there are
also folkloric dances.
 The religious festival of the Virgin of Cotoca is In Santa Cruz where people walk
from the city of Santa Cruz to Cotoca approximately 40 kilometers from the City
Do you celebrate one or more religious holiday? Why or Why not?
MR: I only celebrate good Friday an All Sant’s’ Day because my family and I are catholic
but I don celebrate carnival because I don’t like it, I think that's from the devil.
E: No, because I am working in this date but I like to go to the religious festival of the
Virgin of Urkupiña next year.
If you do, how do you celebrate?
MR: In Good Friday my family and I do a fast then for lunch we thank God for all that he
has done for us then we have a cup of chocolate and eat carbonada.
All Saints’ Day my family and I go to the cemetery to visit and pray to our loved ones who
have died. We put the things he liked to eat on a table
2.Look at the photos. Describe them to your partner and suggest what celebration you
think each photo is showing. Then listen to your partner describe his/her photos and
suggest what celebration they show.
 Do any of these celebrations take place in your country?
 How are the celebrations in your country similar/different to those in the
Student A

I think the first photo shows the Thanksgiving Day where all the family gets together to
give thank for the harvest and they eat the turkey in This day. That dinner is not celebrated
in Bolivia because is a foreign celebration. This celebration is the fourth Thursday of
The second photo shows the celebration of a Catholic marriage. In my country couples
marry according to the norms of the church or religion in which they are but the act is the
same “the union of two people of a woman and a man”. And also, in Bolivia the marriage
party is celebrated for three days. In first day, the husband pays the party, the second day
the wife pays and finally the last day the godparents pay the party.
Student B

The first photo shows the

celebration of a children's birthday party. That is very common in Bolivia because children
love to celebrate their birthday in which they play, they dance with the animation of a
clown and there is also piñata, to eat a delicious cake.
In the second photo we can see a carnival party. Specifically, it is the Brazilian carnival. Is
a celebration where people dancing with costume, masks and big float. The Bolivian
carnival is similar to Brazilian carnival but in Bolivia use different costume and it is more
traditional. The most famous carnivals are the Oruro carnival for their folk dances and the
Santa Cruz carnival for their floats and their beautiful queen. In Santa Cruz play with water
and painting.
2.Discuss with your partner whether people should buy local or global produce. Make
a conversation about the advantages and disadvantages buying local or global
E: My point of view is that people should buy more local products because this helps the
growth of this country. And what do you think? What is your opinion Maria Rene?
MR: In my opinion about technology, many Bolivian people prefer to buy global products
because in other countries there is a great variety and better products about technology, a
great example is China or USA. Do you agree?
E: My country "Bolivia" is not very developed in technology but a few years ago, Bolivia
tried to manufacture its own computers called Quipus.
MR: But Bolivian people didn't like them because they say that these computers are not
advanced. And another thing, do you prefer to buy national clothes or international clothes?
E: You are right and about your question Bolivians prefer to buy American clothes than
national clothes because American clothes have a better quality and durability. For
example, the best known are Nike, Adidas, Lacoste, Calvin Klein, Levi’s, Sawary,
Hollister, Pitbull and Aeropostale.
MR: Yes, but some international clothes are more expense and I think that each person
buys according to their need and their economic situation.
E: You are right but I can affirm that we all have local and international products in our

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