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What is the importance of supervision about public work in Colombia?

Supervision process in very important in every civil engineering project because

it’s responsible for protecting interests of the owner or employer. Then, it makes
sure that every item follows the procedures previously stated by the national
government and including the different specification that were set out in the
contract, original design and plans which were created by designers and

In Colombia for the first time there is talk of auditing in decree 1050 of the 55, in
article 273 and is restructured in decree 150 of 76, where it is marked a before
and after of the functions of an intervener until reaching the actuality where in
law 1150 of 2007 stipulates that efficiency and transparency must prevail in
public procurement and the choice of contractor, within this law 4 contracting
modalities are established :which are Public Tender, Short Selection, Merit
Contest, Direct contracting and in the aforementioned law the relevance has
also been included control and parallel surveillance of the contractor together
with the financial controller. It is highlight that in a state contract the audit is
carried out by a person external to the contracted entity, which will be in charge
of verifying the object contractual “the work” so that it can be in charge of
verifying and enforcing the quality, cost and schedule stipulated in the contract
is greed is supported by law 80 of 1993. The main objective of been when hiring
an auditor for their public works primarily is compliance with laws and
regulations, having a guarantee of the educated investment of resources.

The state has sought various ways to have optimal control over the execution
and proper management of contracts public hours for this reason is has seen
the need to implement regulations and laws such as those mentioned
previously which are aimed at regulating the work of audit, through these the
responsibilities that have been established incur if their work is not carried out.

It is important to know that the State Entities in the previous corresponding to

any contract, must take into account the factors concerning the contract to be
signed, as is the case of the

surveillance and control of the contract, determining how it should be done, for
which it must be determined whether the designation of the hiring an audit.
Likewise, it should be determined if it is required the assignment of one or more
people depending on the contractual stage for supervise and supervise, taking
into account the complexity of the matter and the knowledge required in each of
the stages of the construction of the required work.

Finally, remember that all construction contracts must have a controller when
the Procurement Process used the public tender as a modality of selection
(Numeral 1 of article 32 of law 80 of 1993). Likewise, in case that a different
modality than the one used in the construction contract public tender, the State
Entity must rule on the mandatory to have or not an audit, when the work
contract exceeds the smallest amount of the Entity (Paragraph 1 of article 83 of
law 1474

from 2011)

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