MISA - Solving Ethical Dilemmas Using The RESOLVEDD Strategy

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Section D

Assignment: Solving Ethical Dilemmas Using the RESOLVEDD Strategy


Who: Marvin

What: He slipped and twisted his ankle at a basketball. His employer thought that he slipped
on the job when the employer saw him limping

When: During his break that extended beyond what his company allows


Due to the accident and the established expectation and proposed solution of Marvin’s
employer, Marvin is now in a dilemma whether or not to take responsibility for his mistake
which might cause him to be reprimanded , or even fired.

SOLV MATRIX (Solution, Outcomes, Likely Impact, and Values Matrix):

Solutions Outcomes Likely Impact (upheld and
A. Keep quiet and Marvin would just This would impact This solution
take the time off be able to get off the finances of the violates the value of
with medical the hook whilst at company and could honesty and thus
benefits. The the same time enjoy possibly incentivize compromising your
company can the medical benefits Marvin and even integrity as a person
afford it. Who’s of the company. other employees, if
going to rat him This would also they become aware
out? impact the of the situation, to
operations of the take advantage of
company because this mechanism for
of decreased their own benefit
B. Quit his job Marvin will lose his Marvin would have This solution does
because he job and might still to find another not necessarily
doesn’t want to end up lying to his source of livelihood uphold honesty
be dishonest and employer because which could because even if he
if he tells the his employer will possibly be difficult did not lie, he still
truth he might be wondering why because he is insisted on not
be fired. Marvin would just injured. telling the truth.
quit his job, or he This solution also
would have to just displays lack of
completely blow off foresight because he


BS Accountancy-III
Section D

his work for him to would not consider

completely avoid how would this
explaining himself. impact him later on
after quitting his
C. Tell his boss he Marvin might Marvin’s employer Marvin was able to
was playing receive reprimand would now be uphold honesty,
basketball when from his employer keeping a close eye keeping his
he should have but certainly his on him making sure integrity intact.
been working employer will that his breaks does
and twisted his understand him not extend beyond
ankle then. and would what the company
Apologize and probably even offer allows. This means
him first aid so that that there would
pay for his own
he won’t have a also be lesser
medical care.
difficult time basketball time for
Tell his boss he
continuing work. Marvin.
can still work. This further means
that Marvin’s
finances could also
be compromised.


Among all the solutions proposed, Solution A has the most favorable outcome because it
allows Marvin to take a break from work to allow his ankle to rest without compromising
his livelihood and his finances. On the other I think Solution B has the worst outcome
because aside Marvin losing job, he would still have to lie to his employer to explain why
he is quitting which in the first place his reason for quitting. So, this solution is completely
counter-intuitive to Marvin’s intentions.

When it comes to impact to Marvin, Solution A still takes the win because the solution
does not harm Marvin’s welfare at all it simply incentivizes Marvin to possibly take
advantage of similar mechanisms in the company. Company-wise, however, Solution A
also has the most harmful impact because what Marvin did and the employer’s over
sympathy could compromise company culture, aside from compromising its finances to
pay for Marvin’s medication and salary while he’s resting.

When it comes to values, Solution A violates the most Marvin’s integrity as an employee
in the company. This is because Marvin would be lying about what actually happened for
his benefit, which is selfish. On the other hand, Solution C upholds Marvin’s integrity as
an employee of the company and as a person because he would be taking responsibility
for his mistakes.


BS Accountancy-III
Section D


Solution C. Tell his boss he was playing basketball when he should have been working
and twisted his ankle then. Apologize and pay for his own medical care. Tell his boss he
can still work.


Ethically, Solution A and Solution B should never be chosen as the solution because,
again, it does not only compromise Marvin’s integrity but also the culture and finances of
the company he is working in. However, given Marvin’s situation ethics cannot be the
only main consideration in choosing the decision. We also need to take into consideration
Marvin’s priorities, is it longevity in the company he is currently working in or is
immediate gratification? If we choose Solution A, Marvin will certainly have immediate
gratification but acts of similar nature are bound to be found out and would not only cost
Marvin’s job but also his freedom and future if the company chooses to pursue him
legally. In Solution C, gratification may take some time, but it could possibly bring him
longevity in the company he is working in because of his honesty, if his employer would
not fire him. Which I think is also less likely because it was just a minor offense that can be
easily corrected. In this case, I fervently believe that Solution C should be the chosen
alternative. I rest my case.


BS Accountancy-III

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