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Dear Sir/Madame,

I am writing to apply for the position of a part-time shop assistent

assistant which was advertised in the newspaper.

I am a 17 - year- old student. I am the first in my class at English and I

would love to practice my English with people in a kind and welcoming
way. Therefore, I would like it if you would consider my application.

I have been working at a flowershop for the past summer and I enjoyed it.
I have experience with clients and with the selling process.

I consider myself organised, punctual, hard-working , patent and a

literature lover.

Since the summerbreak is coming I would be avalible/ available to work

part-time during July/August. I may be contacted at the above address or at
my phone number 0723456783.

I would be greatful if you would consider my application. I look forward to

hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ioana Iuga

Very well this part! There were only some minor spelling mistakes!
Essay (pg 60) Car park, sport center or history museum

I live in an area in which there are a lot of young people but also old
people too, (Young people and old people too/ young people but also old
people) some of them have cars but some of them have never driven once
in their whole life.

I am going to discuss about the facillity that would meet the needs of all
those different kinds of people in the area.

It is true that a car park is needed in some days of the year in which the
streets get a little crowded, but that happens rearly/ rarely and it can not
be considered a problem. Not everybody could benefit from a car park
because not everybody owns a car, therefore it is not a good idea.

In/ On the other hand there is the possibility of a history museum. I think
that this facility is the best one that fits everybody in the area, from the
youngest to the oldest because it’s about knowledge and intellectual

In conclusion, a history museum serves all types of people because there is

never too much knowledge in the world and everybody should know about
their past and their ancestors.

It would be better if you could use more linking words like

Firstly, secondly, on the one hand/ (then you can use On the other hand,
that you have already used), moreover, nevertheless etc. Your ideas are
very good, the grammar is correct; I think you need some more elaborate
Essay pg 74 Sports & Recreation charities, Health Charieties, Human
Rights Charities

The gouvernment should see people’s health as the first and most
important aspect which they must insure. In my opinion, health is the
fundation to a good life, yet we can see nowadays that it is so fragile.

First of all, to mantain the sense off security in a country, the citizens must
now/ Know that at times of crisis, when their lifes/lives are in danger or
they just need some care, the health systems will be there to help, prepared
for any kind of situation.

Not in the least/ Not least, the science and technology are
modifying/changing all the time but so the needs of patients. The
government must make sure that the health system is updated on the latest
technology, for it to operate at its full capacity.

In conclusion, health stays at the base of the human society so it must

receive funding from the government.

I liked this last essay, Ioana! It is ok! You should continue! You are on the
right way! I am waiting for some more essays and letters! It would be great
if you could send me your work every week. Talk to you soon!

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