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Air born infection control commite

President MS.

Secretary MO for BMW.


MO Pathology & MO ICU


Engineer from civil, AC,




On Mon day April 8 Dr.Daiyal vvisited Rajawadi Hospital at 2:00 PM

High risk area shown to him

List of high risk area for air born infecrion point of view

OPD : Registration,Dispensary,Medeical OPD, ANC opd,Ped opd.Ortho opd.

Caasualty,MICU, Medical ward

On Saturday meeting of all MO conducted by me for sensetizatrion for AIC

1. Importance Un suspected TB case contribute to TB transmission,diagnosis is delaye, may take

day’s or need to visit to opd lab, visit multiple health care facility and addmited to

2. Threat of globel spread of Influenza A ,H1N1 etc

All such situation increases HCW and patient to risk of Air born Infection.

Air born infection : Droplet nuclie < 5 micron in size suspended in air for log time. Coughing
,sneezing,talking,singing creat aresol Sneezing creat maximum concentration of drplet nuclie with in 3
feet teritory.

Use of hanker chief,tissue paper,Sugical mask will reduce source of infection act as a barier.

Tran mission and pathogenisis of Tuberculosis.

Infection ocured by droplet nuclie which has to setlled in alviolie.No role of fomoties in transmission of
TB. Standred pricourtion of Incection contole

1. Hand Hygine.

2. Respiratory hygine and cough etiqutie.

3. Prventing injury fromm sharp i.e. needle stick injury.

4. Cleaning patient care environment.

5. Linen and wast management iby following BMW protocol.

6. Cleanig and disinection of patient care equipment.

7. Use of PPE based on assement of risk

1. Componant of reduction of Air Born infection

2. Administarive control



Fast trackingteaching cough etiqutie

Provide tissue paper or surgical mask to chest symptomatic or respiratory suspect.

3. Environmental control.

Dilution of infection: Ventilation


Mechanical Positive pressue or nigative pressure

Use of mechanical filter, HEPA filter,UVGI.

4. PPE ( personal Protectve Equipment)

Use fo N95 mask only after fit test in high risk situation.

FFP2 in DMC where DST liquied culture are done.

ICU.Bronchoscopy unit.

Aqctive resucitation unit.

List of high risk area and messure to control Air Born infection.
OPD : opening all windows and door of OPD

 Making waiting area in front of OPD complex.

 Starting token system in medicine OPD

 Reshuffling of Ortho OPD and Psy OPD.

 Special stamp on case paper of chest symptomatic patient.

 Daily TB OPD and rotation of MO & HCW will reduce risk.

 Shiting ofTb OPD on 2’nd floor.

 IEC for cough etiqutie

 Tissue paper will be provide for chest symptomatic pt.

 5% phenol bin for disposale of tissue paper.

 All doors of OPD main building.


 Crowed controller ,no more than one relative with pt.enter in casualty.

 Allowing un obstructed (Free)air flow .Sliding windows in cmo room must be open replaced.

 All poly trauma pt. admitted trauma immediately without wasting time in investigation.

 All critically ill patient admiited in ICU or medical ward. Directional Air flow and proper
exhaust fan in nursing station and dresser room.


Medical ward and ICU.

 Segregation : all chest symptomatic pt keep near windowsin sucha way that air flow from
this pt will not travel to S/N or other Pt.

 Minimizing stay of patient i.e. Early discharge &seriously ill TB patient admitted pt

 Surgical mask will be given to chest symptomatic.

 Sputen given to cough symptomatic pt. and there proper disinfection.

 HCW will take brak fast before start of duty.

 Nigative pressure cabin in ICU for chest /cough symptomatic patient.

 Use of N95 mask for HCW in Cought symptomatic patient.

 Open windows and ventilator completally.

 User directional air flow and HEPA filter in ICU and Bronchoscopy room in Main OT.

 Control of relative in ICU and OPD Refrances.

Pathology LAB.

 Remove all obstruction of Free Air flow.

 Sputam collection booth with Nigative pressure

 Use of N95 mask for HCW in DMC.

 Dirctonal Air flow and proper Exhoust fan.


Rajawadi hospital

Ghatkopar,Mumbai 77



Air Born Infection control commitie is establishe in this hospital as per traing workshope conducted
by Shivri TB hospital for saftaey of HCW and Patient.We hve to verified wht is ACH ( Air Changed per
Hour) ,direction of air flow in MICU ,Casualty ,Trauma Ward,Medica WARD

Opd building ,Pathology Lab.BMC consultant Dr Dyson Misquita(Airborne Infection Control)for AIC
required lay out of these strictur so give us this lay out and other necessary iformation for better
planning and implementation of AIC in This Hospital

Medical Superidentant

Rajawadi Hospital


 All ChMO &MS,

      As per the guidelines received from Dr Dyson Misquita(Airborne Infection Control) at present kindly
focus on below mentioned points 1 and 2 and report in details about the steps taken in your hospital to
ChMS office by18th May.
      Training on Airborne Infection Control among your hospital staff should be undertaken  only after
further guidelines  from  Dr Dyson Misquita.

1. Strengthen infection control committee / biomedical waste

management committee with component of AIC
2. Develop a plan for infection control (where there is no plan) with
AIC component (please refer your copy of the Guidelines) - Preferable
to prepare a draft and discuss with your colleagues and MS/Dean for

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