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True Origin of Life in the Universe

Now, we all became aware that Universe is vast teeming with Life Everywhere.

Life is both Physical such as Plants, Animals, Human beings, etc., and Non-Physical
beings such as Spirits (Energy Entities).

There are different Creators or Spirit (Soul) Masters just as Administrators or Managers
in a Company operating at different levels (Densities / Dimensions) and different
locations (Planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies and Universes).

All originate from a single Source though Thoughts / Imagination called Infinity or self-
aware God. This Infinity God doesn’t have any gender (him /her) that was created “Out
of Nothingness (Void)”. But all creation symbolized as Mother’s Womb as to be born from
feminine power.

Spirit has no gender category.

Further, God (Infinity) created disciples – Angels, Masters, Guides, Fathers, Caretakers,
Watchers, Keepers, Guardians, etc. These disciples are responsible for co-creation of
dimensions, densities, bubbles and physical worlds.

The exact time for Creation process (Big Bang) is unknown) because Structure of
Universes is not linear. Time is not same. In Our Earth itself, we have different time zones
as per different longitudes. One gets out boundaries of time around the 7th Dimension
because at this point there is no need for time, only Experience.

Yes, there are so many Universes. Our Universe Nebadon is one of so many within one of
Seven Super-Universes (Universes within Universes).
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There are 11 Dimensions (One Spiritual Entity mentioned traveled through 33rd
Dimension which is beyond our mind’s eye) in the Space-time continuum filled with Light,
Dark matter and Dark Energy. There are 8 Densities in each Dimension. A Spiritual entity
must pass through each density to reach higher dimensions. This process is called

We, Human beings on Earth are in third density level of Physical world in First dimension.
Some Spirit Channelors through Remote viewing or other Contactees say that Earth
enters into Fourth Density level in December 2012. And this impact only on 3% of
Population and also some of those born (reincarnated) after 2012.

An idea with ancient roots, according to which life arrives ready-made on the surface of
Planets from Space.

According to the conventional hypothesis, the earliest living cells emerged as a result
of chemical evolution on our planet billions of years ago in a process called abiogenesis.
The alternative possibility--that living cells or their precursors arrived from space--strikes
many people as science fiction. Developments over the past decade, however, have given
new credibility to the idea that Earth's biosphere could have arisen from an
extraterrestrial seed.

For almost two centuries, scientists have theorized that life may be distributed
throughout the Universe by meteoroids, asteroids, planetoids, and other astronomical
objects. Anaxagoras, a Greek philosopher who lived 2,500 years ago, proposed a
hypothesis called "Panspermia" (Greek for "all seeds"), which posited that all life, and
indeed all things, originated from the combination of tiny seeds pervading the
cosmos. This theory is based on the idea that microorganisms and the chemical
precursors of life are able to survive being transported from one star system to the next.

In the early stages of life's evolution, all the enzymes may have been RNAs, not proteins.
Because RNA enzymes could have manufactured the first proteins without the need for
preexisting protein enzymes to initiate the process, abiogenesis is not the chicken-and-
egg problem that it was once thought to be. A prebiotic system of RNAs and proteins
could have gradually developed the ability to replicate its molecular parts, crudely at first
but then ever more efficiently.

In present-day cells, specialized RNA molecules help to build proteins. Some RNAs act as
messengers between the genes, which are made of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and the
Ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell.

We all are Spirits (everlasting Souls) born from single Infinite Source. We have been
attached to physical bodies to experience Pleasure and Pain and also to work as Slaves
to High Order Spirits. Each Incarnation initiates a learning experience and sharing of
knowledge which are / will be stored in Consciousness. Our memories get wiped
(deliberately deleted by bringing Souls to Electronic Force Screens through Amnesia,
Hypnotism, Electric Shock and False Memory Implantation) after every Re-birth (Re-

We are Immortal at Soul level. But who are these Spirits (Entities) confining to us in
Physical attachment in lower densities? What do they get from this? To answer this
question, we have to ask ourselves. While we are in Physical bodies, are we happy and
content with our available need? We as individual needs power, fame, position especially
dominion over others. We want to rule. Same thought in Spirit World. All wants to rule
and enjoy.

As Above, So Below.

Spirits in Ascension learns love, respect towards others.

Confucius (Chinese Philosopher) Quoted:

Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you.

There are powerful Soul Energy entities working on at different levels in manipulating
Worlds and all living matter.

In Dr. Stone's book The Complete Ascension Manual , there is reference to a Creator
level of 51 universes - our universe inclusive. Each has a different theme; our universe
has the theme 'courage'.

This Creator has 51 cosmic days and each universe lasts a cosmic day of 4.3 billion years;
each breath lasts 10 million years (expansion and contraction). Sometimes a universe
plan is not working out and it will be withdrawn (wound down). Fortunately ours is
apparently doing well and has over a billion years to go.

The Urantia Book (book of Earth) authored by 196 spiritual beings is abundant in
information on creator and universal entities. There are gigantic entities that have been
created for specific purposes. They have little or no evolution but could communicate
intelligently on their expertise function - somewhat reminiscent of The Devas (as per
Hinduism) on Earth.

The status of physical realms can be made to undergo a transformation under their
skillful manipulations; they can change the form and potential of energies. Unfortunately
examples are beyond our scientific understanding and even in most case our mental

Some entities such as the Energy Transmitters, are skilful dispatchers of energy for the
individual worlds. They can link in chains to direct energy appropriately and they are
living superconductors. They can manifest energy in different forms making distant
scenes 'visible' or distant sounds 'audible'. They are particularly valuable to planets
having an impoverished atmosphere.

The Primary Associators (Spirit Entities) are masterly energy conservators and
custodians. They work on a gigantic scale converting energies of space and also store
energy during excesses. They manipulate universal codes like we utilize the alphabet to
create different meanings. They are an order of life beyond human imagination.

The Secondary Dissociators are alchemists of space and wonder-workers of time. They
are concerned with the evolution of a form of energy unknown to us, and the
administration of endless supplies of physical energies.

Another entity in this class is the Frandalanks, whose numbers are beyond imagination.
They are also referred to as intelligent machines. They function as living automatic
pressure and velocity gauges registering the status of all forms of energy. These entities
are subordinate to the supreme power centers; beings of greater intelligence and
positions of control.

There are group of beings who coordinate and synchronize time (some places in the
galaxy utilize time, such as planet Earth). Such one of Creator being name called 'Kazant
- A Timekeeper'. There are only five of these personalities but they have cloned about
1400 to maintain their planet's technology. Their race is referred to as Chefah and they
are not in a solar system or galaxy; nor does their planet spin. They would appear as balls
of light, and the translation of their name is given as speaks with light or way-shows of

Their world is located about 600 thousand light years from Sirius in our universe (this
would be a linear interpretation and their world would be in other dimensions). They say
our universe is not circular but more like a stretched out oval. Their planet is about three
times ours in size and a great distance from our galaxy - though no doubt in a different
frequency spectrum since Kazant refers to eleven dimensions. Nevertheless they use
bodies of humanoid appearance since they work with humans frequently but don't walk
about, only float, and they do not eat or sleep, etc.

They live in their planet at the Centre of which is a crystal of 675 facets and is three miles
in diameter. It enables them to study locations and civilizations. The faceted crystal gives
the total past and future potentials of any given place. The crystal is regulated to bend
light to the appropriate time sequence and also light sequence. He apologizes for
defining the word 'light' by itself (in the last sentence). The crystal then picks the most
benevolent future, except when the race is intended to pick its own future, and attention
is then given to light focus.

They regulate time in the third, fourth, fifth dimensions, and sixth to some degree (and
sometimes the second dimension). They know everything about these places by looking
through the right facet where they regulate time but do not interfere. They are fully
occupied dealing with time throughout many galaxies.

In our years and linear time he refers to 3.25 trillion years ago when subtle types of life
forms began. Records were kept by advanced machine-crystal technology before Kazant
and team took over to provide better record keeping.

Kazant states that all work is play to them. They are beings who appear to specialize in
constructing humanoid forms. They state they are the founders of the Sirius system and
they create forms to fit the need of beings in the various worlds.
The Explorer Race books cover a variety of creator beings. The avatar of sea creatures
is a wisdom keeper to work with and instruct these creatures. This being arrived on our
planet a million years ago, and came as a 'warm current'. In this way the being could pass
through sea creatures that did not readily absorb thoughts but could absorb feelings.

The messenger goes by the name Quatsika (Dimension Maker) and briefly explains
the difficulties with our dimensions (third). He states it had to be 'thick' to slow us down;
the planet had to hold an atmosphere of many gases. It had to have doorways to other
dimensions - it is riddled with them compared with other planetary dimensions. He says
it’s amazing how it holds together. The messenger explains that the concept for creation
comes first then the creation of the dimension. Many of these portals come and go. They
enable spirits to come in to view our dimension - which is referred to as an 'odd place'.
(Note that a spiritual doorway has a similar geometry to black holes.)

Quaksika's job is to bring messages from dimensional overlords to Creators. He has no

specific form but states he is a consciousness 'spread' everywhere he's been, and is part
of our consciousness - he doesn't travel; messages pass along him. He explains the
nature of the 'veil of forgetfulness' which we pass through when we incarnate on Earth. It
does not have polarity but a 'null charge', otherwise we could pass through, which only
occurs at death. Nevertheless at this time holes in the veil are becoming frequent as we
near ascension and have to be kept regulated.

The next Spiritual Entity is a 'shape-maker of portals'. Its primary job is to coordinate
the right color, vibration and harmonics for portal and doorway entrances. The purpose
is to enable specific individuals from certain times to access the portal - and to prevent
others. For example, round portals must be perfectly circular. The slightest flaw would
enable other consciousness to enter - even portions of planets, such as atmospheres to
leak through to the other side. The second dimension is used to make the portal move
discreetly. However, viewed from the front it has depth, color, motion and what looks
like bar codes with a not dissimilar function. The being explains that if you see one of
these portals, and others don't, it means it is for you to use, but if you approach and it
moves back it may not be for you. Don't rush it; it is alive.

Portals can be used for people who become stuck, such as Earth-bound spirits having
died unexpectedly or traumatically. The diamond portal is the best of these examples. It
allows very quick access and the transit distance is short in order to free the stuck

Another portal is spiral shaped. This is for beings who are going from many to become
one, or vice versa, for example when an individual is forming several chains of lives -
different incarnations of the individual. It can also be used for mass purposes.


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