History Letter

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History Letter-2nd Draft

30 Rue Frontenac
Montreal, Canada West

September 5th, 1866

Dear Father,

How do you do? I am doing fine. How is mother? I

hope she is taking care of herself. How is life back home
at Fredericton? Formidable, I suppose. Father, why do
you force stubbornness to fight the governor? You
understand full well that our colonies are going to unite
whether you agree or not. I understand that once we
become independent, our leaders are to build the
Intercolonial Railway, which would harm your ship
building company. I am aware of that; however it is for
the better of our land. Father, being the chief editor of
The Gazette here in Montreal, I have had the chance to
go to both the Charlottetown and the Quebec Conference.
What our leaders say can only benefit us. Their plan to
build that railway to connect all of the colonies part of
the mainland is so that we can stay independent and safe.
Them Americans have ended the Reciprocity Treaty that
allowed us free trade of any natural resources. They just
want to cut off all ties with us, and perhaps only to take
over our land. The British have now almost abandoned
us. Entering their new policy of free trade with all
nations, they no longer have interest in what we trade
with. Also, they do not desire to provide us with their
goods along with services such as protection. Apparently,
we are too expensive to manage. And so, thy country is
being left about, unaided, just waiting until raider attack
our land. So tell me father, what are we to do but unite?
Coming together as one country would give us the
strength to defend ourselves and give us the option to
obtain all necessities by trading among ourselves. And
with the new railway, our soldiers could get around very
quickly. Also, the Intercolonial Railway could be used to
transport the goods of our colonies across the country. I
understand you do not want to give up on the life you
built with your own two hands but father it is okay now. I
have a very good job in a very well known company. I am
able to support and provide for more than just myself.
You have worked hard all your life, now rest a little.
Please consider my feelings and join me here in Montreal
with mother. I will be looking forward to hearing from

Your dear son,


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