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Problem 1

Differential Vaporization at T = 229 oF

Relative Oil Gas/Oil Gas Oil
Pressure Volume Ratio Deviation Density
(psig) (bbl/STB) scf/STB Factor (z) (g/cc)
4140 1.859 1404 0.616
3900 1.790 1280 0.912 0.627
3600 1.718 1144 0.890 0.639
3200 1.640 992 0.872 0.653
2800 1.571 855 0.863 0.667
2400 1.511 733 0.866 0.679
2000 1.456 621 0.875 0.962
1600 1.405 516 0.889 0.704
1200 1.356 414 0.910 0.717
800 1.308 318 0.938 0.730
400 1.251 213 0.968 0.746
170 1.210 142 0.986 0.757
0 1.079 0 0.791

0 Gravity residual oil 34.100 oAPI (@ 60oF)

Separator Tests

Separator Separator Stock Stok Tank Volume
Pressure Temperature GOR Tank GOR Gravity Factor
(psig) o
F (scf/STB) (scf/STB) (oAPI) (BoSb)
50 70 1144 36 37.9 1.694
100 70 1079 69 38.5 1.667
200 70 1007 135 38.5 1.666
200 70 911 262 38 1.687

(a) P 0 psig
T 60 oF
API 34.1
Bo 1
Rs 0
ro 0.857 g/cc 53.48108 lb/ft3

log( log μ oD +1)=1. 8653−0 . 025086 API −0 . 5644 log(T )

log( log μ oD +1)=1. 8653−0 . 025086 API −0 . 5644 log(T )
moD 1.034100067 cp (at 60)
moD 0.299505593 cp (at 229)

(b) P 2400 psig

T 229 oF

B o = BoD 1.511*1.666/1.859
Bo 1.354129 bbl/STB

R sSb 733*(1007+135)/1404
Rs = R sD
R sDb
Rs 596.2151 SCF/STB
ro 0.6793 g/cc 42.36794 lb/ft3
A= 0.368111 (Eq. B-55)
B= 0.581528 (Eq. B-56)
mo 0.182597 cp (Eq. B-54)

(c) Pb= 4154.7 psia

B o = BoDb = BoSb
b B oDb
Bob 1.666 bbl/STB
Rsb 1172 SCF/STB
rob 0.616 g/cc 38.4384 lb/ft3
A= 0.269887 (Eq. B-55)
B= 0.479317 (Eq. B-56)
mob 0.151431 cp (Eq. B-54)

(d) P 4600 psia

B o=
( )
Vb F
B oSb

Bo 1.649173 bbl/STB
Rs 1172 SCF/STB
ro 0.622285 g/cc 38.83059 lb/ft3
B 0.382528 (Eq. B-57)

mo 0.157637 cp (Eq. B-58)

Expansion Test at T =
229 oF
Presssure (psig) Relative Volume

5000 0.9825
4800 0.9861
4600 0.9899
4500 0.9920
4400 0.9941
4300 0.9962
4200 0.9985
4140 1.0000
4110 1.0021
4081 1.0040
4007 1.0093
3861 1.0208
3648 1.0399
3377 1.0687
3097 1.1075
2770 1.1659
2458 1.2441
2118 1.3621

1825 1.5098
1550 1.7070
1216 2.0917
920 2.6855
667 3.6652
Problem 2
Pb 3580 psia P 2500 psia
Rsb 1120 SCF/STB
gs 0.84
T 156 F
API 39

Ao 9.73E-07 Bo 0.022339 Co 0.725167
A1 1.672608 B1 -1.00475 C1 -1.48548
A2 0.92987 B2 0.337711 C2 -0.164741
A3 0.247235 B3 0.132795 C3 -0.09133
A4 1.056052 B4 0.302065 C4 0.047094

a1 4.33E-01
a2 2.12E+00
a3 4.76E-01

Pr 0.698324
Rsr 6.80E-01
Rs 7.61E+02 SCF/STB
Problem 3
Pb 3580 psia P 4500 psia
Rsb 1300 SCF/STB T 210 oF
gs 0.87
API 41 gSTO 0.823864

Constants for ra Constants for guess rpo

Ao -49.89300 Co 52.8
A1 85.01490 C1 -0.01
A2 -3.70373
A3 0.04798
A4 2.98914
A5 -0.03569

rpo 39.8
rpo 41.207988 lbm/ft

ra 24.746733 lbm/ft

rpo 41.208014 lbm/ft


Target 2.696E-05

Drp = 1.86 lbm/ft3

DrT = -5.13 lbm/ft3
ror = 37.94 lbm/ft3
Problem 4
Pb 3600 psia P 3200 psia
Rs 1500 SCF/STB T 210 oF
gg 0.87
API 43 gSTO 0.814607
ror 36.50 lbm/ft 3

rSTO 50.807022 lbm/ft


Bo 1.87715 (Eq. 11-5)

Plus derivation of the equation

Problem 5
Trial Bubble Point Pressures
1500 1400 1300

Comp mj (lbm) Mj nj=mj/Mj zj zjKj zjKj zjKj

C1 1 16.043 0.062332 0.3748 0.858703 0.907601 0.963834
nC4 4 58.123 0.06882 0.4138 0.074427 0.071294 0.068607
C10 5 142.285 0.035141 0.2113 0.001143 0.000944 0.000784
0.166293 1.0000 0.934273 0.979839 1.199096

pb is between 1400 and 1300 psia pb 1390.805 psia

-0.219257 100
-0.020161 D 9.19509

VLE at P= 500 psia

T= 100 oF ng 0.295091

Comp zj Kj yj - x j xj yj
C1 0.3748357 5.909 0.7515 0.1531 0.9045
nC4 0.4138458 0.174 -0.4522 0.5473 0.0951
C10 0.2113185 0.00115 -0.2993 0.2996 0.0003
1 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
(psia) KC1 KnC4 KnC10
1500 2.291 0.180 0.00541
1400 2.421 0.172 0.00447
1300 2.571 0.166 0.00371
1200 2.746 0.160 0.00309
1100 2.952 0.156 0.00259
1000 3.199 0.153 0.00218
900 3.500 0.152 0.00185
800 3.877 0.153 0.00161
700 4.361 0.156 0.00141
600 5.006 0.162 0.00124
500 5.909 0.174 0.00115
400 7.263 0.194 0.00111
300 9.519 0.231 0.00113
200 14.029 0.309 0.00131
100 27.530 0.552 0.00200
14.7 185.576 3.359 0.01037
Problem 6
Calculation of Stock Tank Gas-Liquid Equilibrium
pST = 0 psig TST = 60 oF 1500
Trial ng = 0.7119191 SzjKj = 62.21 Szj/Kj = 83.94 1300
Comp zj Kj yj - x j xj yj Mj 1100
C1 0.3748357 164.021 0.5220 0.0032 0.5252 16.043 1000
nC4 0.4138458 1.766 0.2051 0.2678 0.4729 58.123 900
C10 0.2113185 0.00252 -0.7271 0.7290 0.0018 142.285 800
1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 700
gg = 1.249 500
Calculation of Stock Tank Liquid Density 200
Comp zj Mj Mass rLj Volume 14.7
C1 0.0032 16.043 0.051 14.7 & 60oF
nC4 0.2678 58.123 15.565 36.425 0.427
C10 0.7290 142.285 103.724 45.023 2.304
1.0000 119.341 2.731

Density of C3+ = 43.68 lbm/ft


W1 = 4.3E-04
W2 = 0.0E+00
43.66 lbm/ft
Density of STO =
Gravity of STO = 70.6 o
Molar mass of STO = 119.3 lbm/lbm.mole
KC1 KnC4 KnC10
2.291 0.180 0.00541
2.421 0.172 0.00447
2.571 0.166 0.00371
2.746 0.160 0.00309
2.952 0.156 0.00259
3.199 0.153 0.00218
3.500 0.152 0.00185
3.877 0.153 0.00161
4.361 0.156 0.00141
5.006 0.162 0.00124
5.909 0.174 0.00115
7.263 0.194 0.00111
9.519 0.231 0.00113
14.029 0.309 0.00131
27.530 0.552 0.00200
185.576 3.359 0.01037
164.021 1.766 0.00252
pR = 1400 psia TR = 100 oF

Step 1: Calculation of Separator Gas-Liquid Equilibrium

Maria Barrufet
These are either given to
pSEP = 105 psig TSEP = 80 oF you or you must evaluate
them from correlations...

Trial ng = 0.4465 SzjKj = 8.58 Szj/Kj = 399.91

mj (lbm) Mj zj Kj y j - xj xj yj Maria Barrufet

Comp nj=mj/Mj
target to be zero, b
C1 1 16.043 0.0623325 0.3748 22.5 0.7604 0.0354 0.7957 changing ng (cell b
nC4 4 58.123 0.0688196 0.4138 0.35 -0.3790 0.5830 0.2041
C10 5 142.285 0.0351407 0.2113 0.00053 -0.3814 0.3816 0.0002
0.1662928 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Next ng = 0.4465 gg = 0.851

Step 2: Calculation of Stock Tank Gas-Liquid Equilibrium

pST = 0 psig TST = 60 oF

Maria Barru
Trial ng = 0.2345 SzjKj = 7.00 Szj/Kj = 319.33 These are ei
you or you m
them from c
Comp zj Kj yj - xj xj yj Mj
C1 0.0354 170 0.1471 0.0009 0.1480 16.043
nC4 0.5830 1.7 0.3506 0.5008 0.8514 58.123
C10 0.3816 0.0012 -0.4977 0.4983 0.0006 142.285
1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 1.0000

Next ng = 0.2345 gg = 1.794

Step 3: Calculation of Stock Tank Liquid Density

Comp zj Mj Mass rLj Volume

C1 0.0009 16.043 0.014
nC4 0.5008 58.123 29.111 36.425 0.799
C10 0.4983 142.285 70.896 45.023 1.575
1.0000 100.021 2.374

Density of C3+ = 42.13 lbm/ft3

W1 = 1.4E-04
W2 = 0.0E+00
Density of STO = 42.12 lbm/ft3
Gravity of STO = 78.0 o
Molar mass of STO = 100.021 lbm/lbm.mole

Step 4: Calculation of Gas-Oil Ratio

2138 { n̄gl ρ sto
RSEP = 948.4 Scf/STB RSP= ¿
RST = 275.7 Scf/STB n̄ L1 n̄ L2 M STO 2138 { n̄g2 ρsto
R= 1224.1 Scf/STB RST = ¿
n̄ L2 M STO
2138 { n̄g2 ρsto
RST = ¿
n̄ L2 M STO
Step 5: Calculation of Reservoir Liquid Density

Comp zj Mj Mass rLj Volume

C1 0.3748 16.043 6.013
nC4 0.4138 58.123 24.054 36.425 0.660
C10 0.2113 142.285 30.067 45.023 0.668
1.0000 60.135 1.328

Density of C3+ = 40.75 lbm/ft3

W1 = 1.0E-01
W2 = 0.0E+00
rpo = 34.86 lbm/ft3
Drp = 0.94 lbm/ft3
DrT = -1.78 lbm/ft3
ror = 34.02 lbm/ft3
Molar mass of STO = 60.1 lbm/lbm.mole

Step 6: Calculation of Formation Volume Factor

Bo = 1.757 RB/STB M oR ρSTO

B ob=
M STO ρoR n̄L1 n̄L2
Maria Barrufet
Study questions are hidden in coment cells.
Make sure you study al for the test

Maria Barrufet
These are either given to
you or you must evaluate
them from correlations...

Maria Barrufet
target to be zero, by
changing ng (cell b9)

Maria Barrufet
These are either given to
you or you must evaluate
them from correlations...
2138 { n̄g2 ρsto
RST = ¿
n̄ L2 M STO
2138 { n̄g2 ρsto
RST = ¿
n̄ L2 M STO

R n̄L1 n̄L2

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