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Test paper Name:

Date: Class:

1. Write “a” or “an” before the following words. Scrie “a”sau “an” înaintea
următoarelor cuvinte: ( 7X2= 14p)

………………..pen …………………….olive

………………schoolbag ………………………doll

……………....egg …………………….baby


1. Write the names of 7 objects from your classroom. Scrie denumirea în limba
engleză a șase obiecte care se găsesc în clasa ta. ( 7X2=14p)

2. Write in letters the following numbers. Scrie cu litere următoarele numere:

5 3
7 8

3. Match the sentences in order to make a dialogue. Potriviți propozițiile pentru a

forma un dialog. (6X2= 12p)
1. What’s your name?
2. ………………………………………………………..

3. Nice to meet you!

4. ………………………………………..

5. ………………………………………….
6. I’m nine years old.

7. How old are you?

8. …………………………………………..

9. Who’s this?
10. ………………………………………….

11. ………………………………………..
12. It’s my schoolbag.

a) What’s this?

b) It’s Kate, my sister.

c) My name is James.

d) How old are you?

e) Nice to meet you, too.

f) I’m eight years old.

4. Fill in the gaps with the missing words. Completați spațiile libere cu cuvintele din
cântec: (5X2=10p)

Hello………………………………….., hello………………………………………..,

………………………….for me and ………………………………..for you

Hello………………………………………., yellow, too,

Red for me and green for you.

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