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Common Injuries Related to Weightlifting:

MR Imaging Perspective
Joseph S. Yu, M.D.1 and Paula A. Habib, B.A.1


Weightlifting has evolved to become a ubiquitous form of exercise. Resistance

training has been shown to have beneficial effects on both muscle and osseous maintenance
and development. Competitive weightlifting sports continue to enjoy tremendous popular-
ity, with participants striving to establish new standards in performance and more

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demanding personal goals. Thus, it is not surprising that we have also seen an increase
in injuries related to weightlifting. Many of these injuries are radiographically occult and
are best suited for evaluation by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging because many involve
the soft tissues. In this article, we discuss some of the factors that contribute to these
injuries and address the mechanisms of injury and the MR imaging manifestations of
the more common injuries.

KEYWORDS: Injury, weightlifting, magnetic resonance imaging

Strength training has been an essential ingre- weight by a factor of five times.7 However, weightlifting
dient for the success of athletes since the 1970s. Knowl- is not without risk, and indulgence without supervision
edge and a heightened awareness of health have or proper attention to technique can lead to several
contributed to the promotion of this type of training in injuries.8 About 25 to 30% of weightlifters report an
the general population. Weightlifting, in particular, has injury sufficiently severe to seek medical attention.1,7
become a standard fitness regimen in the arsenal of The purpose of this study is to review some of the
training in many sports, from professional football to common injuries associated with weightlifting, their
recreational golf. It is estimated that 21% of the pop- causes, and their appearance on magnetic resonance
ulation of the United States participate in weight-related (MR) imaging. In this article, we categorize injuries
activities, including nearly one third of males.1 Advances according to anatomy, with attention to specific exercises
in exercise physiology and research related to the aging and competitive disciplines that can render a specific
process have also contributed literature proposing the body part susceptible to injury. We attempt to identify
advantages of weight training for the preservation of risk factors that can increase the likelihood of sustaining
bone and muscle integrity throughout life.2–6 Compet- an injury and discuss how different tissues are at risk
itive weightlifting and powerlifting are sports that con- with different types of motion.
tinue to gain in popularity, and recruitment into
organized federations created to enhance competition
between their members allows lifters to pursue records MECHANISMS OF INJURY
that push the envelope of what is physically possible. Injuries related to weightlifting can affect any tissue.
Some world records in powerlifting exceed the body There are many important factors that contribute to

Sports Specific Injuries; Editors in Chief, David Karasick, M.D., Mark E. Schweitzer, M.D.; Guest Editor, Lawrence M. White, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, Volume 9, Number 4, 2005. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Joseph S. Yu, M.D., Professor
of Radiology, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, 633 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210.
Department of Radiology, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio. Copyright # 2005 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333
Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 1089-7860,p;2005,09,04,289,301,ftx,en;smr00370x.

major weightlifting injuries, including inadequate con- face and this folding increases the junctional surface
ditioning, poor technique, lack of strength or endurance, area by 10 to 20 times, which decreases the stress per
improperly selected resistance, lack of sufficient warm- unit area.17 But because the capacity for energy absorp-
up and stretching, loss of balance, and fatigue.9–12 tion is less than that of either muscle or tendon, it
Weightlifting injuries that affect the musculoskeletal is more susceptible to strains. A normal tendon does
system are primarily categorized as injuries that involve not rupture when subjected to extreme loading, but
the myotendinous unit or osseous skeleton. Injuries muscles subjected to forceful stretching consistently
affecting the ligaments are uncommon and are usually disrupt near the muscle-tendon junction or near the
associated with dislocations. bone-tendon junction.13,21 For a tendon to fail in its
midsubstance, an underlying abnormality must exist
within it.22–24
Myotendinous Unit
A tear in the myotendinous unit occurs when the tension
in the unit exceeds the strength of the weakest structural Types of Strains
element.13 The point of failure is dependent on several The myotendinal junction is the site of most strains;
factors including preexisting conditions such as tendi- however, the muscle alone can occasionally be injured.
nosis, the position of overload, and the velocity of Pathologically, a strained muscle demonstrates a combi-
injury.14 Myotendinous injuries constitute about two nation of torn fibers, inflammation, edema, and hemor-
thirds of all injuries and can affect both the highly rhage with protein degradation and regeneration.25

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trained athlete and the novice lifter. The severity of an acute strain depends on the
The myotendinous unit is composed of muscle, rate, magnitude, and duration of stress loading.19,26,27
the myotendinal junction, and tendon.15 The basic A strain is graded according to loss of function and
function of muscles is to produce joint motion by strength and the area of tissue involved. A first-degree
creating tensile forces that are transmitted through the strain of the myotendinal junction is considered a
myotendinal junction to the origin and insertion of stretching injury without tearing and is characterized
tendons. There are two types of muscle contraction, by edema and hemorrhage surrounding the myotendinal
eccentric and concentric contraction.16 In eccentric con- junction and edema tracking along the muscle fascicles
traction, the muscle fibers lengthen when the resisting and interstitial connective tissue.19,28 This type of injury
force is greater than the force generated by the muscle.17 typically heals without sequelae and the imaging findings
Concentric contraction occurs when the resisting load is tend to resolve completely. A first-degree strain of the
less than the force generated by the muscle, shortening muscle produces minimal disruption of the tissue and is
the muscle. Eccentric muscle activation increases the associated with less than 5% loss of function. A diffuse,
potential for injury, particularly when it is acting to infiltrative pattern of edema and hemorrhage character-
absorb kinetic energy, because it creates greater tensile izes the injury, appearing similar to a muscle contusion
forces within the muscle than can be produced during (Fig. 1).25
concentric contraction.17,18 Muscles that extend across A second-degree strain of the myotendinal junc-
two joints are at most risk for strains because their tion represents a partial tear and is characterized by
primary function is eccentric contraction. Muscles that irregular thinning and laxity of the tendon owing to
are particularly susceptible to injury include the biceps partial disruption of the fibers. Edema and hemorrhage
brachii, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, semimembrano- are more pronounced, becoming interspersed within the
sus, semitendinosus, adductor, vastus medialis, soleus, fascial planes between the muscle fascicles and muscle
and medial gastrocnemius muscles.19,20 groups (Fig. 2).26,29 This injury is often associated with
The composition of the muscle can also increase the formation of a hematoma. Restoration of function
its risk for injury. Differences in muscle fiber types reflect is largely dependent on the magnitude of fiber disrup-
the speed of contraction and the endurance of the tion, but conservative treatment is often sufficient in
muscle.13 A type 1 fiber, considered slow twitch, has reestablishing normal strength and range of motion. A
slow contraction and relaxation times but is resistant to second-degree strain of the muscle is associated with
fatigue. A type 2 fiber, considered fast twitch, has fast more pronounced loss of muscle strength, which is
contraction and relaxation times and is well suited for dependent on the volume of fiber separation. Imaging
intense activities of short duration. Muscles with a high findings remain abnormal for a much longer period of
proportion of type 2 fibers are capable of generating time.26
more force but are also more susceptible to fatigue. Third-degree strains occur at the myotendinal
Fatigued muscles absorb less energy and are more likely junction and represent a complete rupture of the
to sustain an injury. tendon, enthesis, or osseous avulsion of the tendinous
The myotendinal junction is a specialized region attachment. A complete rupture is often accompanied
of highly folded membranes at the muscle-tendon inter- by tendon retraction, which becomes more pronounced

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Figure 1 Grade 1 strain of the gastrocnemius muscle. Axial T2-weighted (A) and coronal short inversion time inversion recovery (STIR)
(B) images of the calf show focal, feathery high signal intensity within the medial gastrocnemius muscle (arrows) consistent with
interstitial edema and hemorrhage.

with delayed diagnosis (Fig. 3).14 Edema may be suffi-

ciently severe in the acute phase of the injury to obscure
visualization of the anatomic structures, rendering it
difficult to differentiate a complete tear from a large
partial tear. Clinically, muscle paresis is evident. Resto-
ration of function requires surgery. Otherwise, the
muscle atrophies and becomes infiltrated with lipoid

Osseous Injuries
Weightlifting injuries can result in several osseous in-
juries, depending on the mechanism of injury. Injuries
caused by a cumulative load can produce overuse syn-
dromes and stress fractures, whereas injuries related
to acute overloading can produce avulsion fractures,
macrofractures, and joint dislocations.30,31 Adolescent
lifters have a higher incidence of osseous injuries than
their adult counterparts, particularly in the spine and
A common overuse disorder caused by chronic,
cumulative overloading of the shoulder is atraumatic
clavicular osteolysis. This disorder is the result of re-
peated episodes of minor trauma to the acromioclavic-
ular joint, which produces osteolysis of the distal
Figure 2 Grade 2 strain of the popliteus muscle. Sagittal T2-
clavicle.33,34 This painful condition is characterized by
weighted image of the knee shows localized high signal intensity widening of the interval between the clavicle and the
in the popliteus muscle (arrow) indicating muscle fiber disruption. acromion process owing to bone lysis of the distal

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Figure 3 Grade 3 strain of the Achilles tendon. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted image of the ankle shows marked thickening of the Achilles
tendon (arrows) as well as loss of the surface contour both anteriorly and posteriorly. (B) Sagittal STIR image shows intense high signal
intensity between the tendon proper and the musculotendinous junction of the Achilles tendon (curved arrow) indicative of complete
fiber disruption, edema, and hemorrhage.

clavicle, which usually begins  6 to 8 weeks after the drift back behind the head so that the wrists become
initial insult. The process is self-limiting if the lifter hyperextended.
ceases to perform exercises that target the upper extrem- Loss of balance and overloading have also been
ity and upper torso until the symptoms resolve. Occa- identified as strong contributing factors in the develop-
sionally, however, the disorder becomes recalcitrant to ment of acute-onset low back pain. Sudden loss of
conservative treatment and does require surgical resec- balance triggers corrective neuromuscular responses
tion of the distal clavicle.35–37 The distal clavicular with forceful muscle contractions that can overload and
abnormality is clearly depicted on MR imaging, consist- injure spinal tissues.44 Avulsion fractures frequently
ing of edema in the distal clavicle, widening of involve the extensor mechanism of the knee, the biceps
the acromioclavicular joint, and articular erosions and triceps tendons, and the tendinous attachments of
(Fig. 4).34,38 the pelvis.14,32,42 They are usually the result of maximal
Repeated trauma can also lead to periostitis and loading during a particular exercise, which prevents the
stress fractures (Fig. 5).39 Heavy forearm exercises, for completion of the motion. Ultimately, failure occurs at
instance, may cause periostitis of the ulna, referred to as the enthesis.45 A squat is an exercise performed with a
forearm splints analogous to shin splints.40 Development barbell rested squarely on the upper back and the trunk
of a stress fracture of the ulna has been reported lowered against resistance by simultaneous flexion of the
with heavy biceps preacher curls using a straight hip and knee. Descent stops when the top of the leg is
barbell, an exercise performed with the upper arm resting parallel with the floor, and then active contraction of the
on an inclined bench and the elbow flexed against gluteal and hamstring muscles of the posterior thigh and
resistance.41 Intense acceleration in weight training the quadriceps muscles of the anterior thigh reverse the
has been associated with stress fractures of the clavicle movement. This motion exerts tremendous stress on
and ribs as well.42 Fractures of the distal radius and the ischial insertion of the hamstring muscles and the
ulna have been described in adolescent weightlifters quadriceps tendon insertion on either the superior
who have performed exercises requiring a barbell to be pole of the patella or tibial tubercle. Cases of complete
lifted above the head.43 The two contributing factors rupture are rare but have been reported when there
identified when fractures occur are maximal weight is underlying tendinosis, prior surgery, or antecedent
and a loss of balance that causes the barbell to injury.14,46

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Figure 4 Osteolysis of the distal clavicle. Oblique coronal T1-weighted (A) and fast spin-echo fat-saturated T2-weighted (B) images of
the shoulder show edema in the distal clavicle, widening of the acromioclavicular joint, and erosive changes in the articular surface of the
distal clavicle (curved arrows). Periosteal reactive changes are not uncommon (straight arrow in B).

Figure 5 Tibial stress fracture from repetitive jump squats. (A) Axial proton density image of the knee shows reactive bone changes in
the tibial tubercle manifested by a band of low signal intensity (black arrows) that is separated from the periosteum by fluid. (B) Sagittal
STIR image shows marrow edema manifested by high signal intensity surrounding the stress fracture (arrow) in the anterior aspect of
the tibia.

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Figure 6 Pectoralis major muscle tear. Fat-saturated fast spin-echo axial (A) and coronal (B) images of the chest show a complete
avulsion of the pectoralis major muscle at the musculotendinous junction (arrows). The muscle is partially retracted, resulting in a gap
between the muscle and its insertion.

SPECIFIC INJURIES (Fig. 6).50–54 The location of a tear dictates whether

surgery should be performed. Tendon avulsion from the
The Chest humerus is generally surgically repaired, whereas muscle
A common core exercise utilized by athletes is the bench or myotendinous injuries are treated conservatively.55
press. In this exercise, a person lying supine brings a The majority of tears are partial tears at the myotendi-
weighted barbell from a position of full arm extension nous junction, whereas complete tears involve the in-
down to the chest by passive flexion of the elbows and sertion, occurring in  20% of cases.50 In acute tendon
then reverses the motion by pushing the bar against avulsions, there are variable degrees of tendon retraction,
gravity to a position of full arm extension. The bench ranging from 0 to 13 cm.50
press motion involves movement in the sagittal (flexion/ An unusual disorder associated with weightlifting
extension), coronal (abduction/adduction), and trans- is development of a stress fracture of the manubrium
verse (horizontal adduction) planes.47 It is an efficient sterni.56,57 It occurs when there is a discrepancy between
method of increasing upper body strength and rapid development of the anterior chest musculature and
power and developing the triceps brachii muscles and the strength of the bones.
chest musculature. The bench press presents a challenge
to the lifter because the shoulder girdle is the principal
support for the motion of the barbell to and from the The Shoulder
chest. Weightlifting exercises that target the shoulder muscles
A rupture of the pectoralis major muscle is a well- can place considerable stress across the shoulder, effec-
known injury among weightlifters.48,49 The pectoralis tively converting this non–weight-bearing joint into one
major muscle is a fan-shaped muscle with two origins. that is weight bearing. Shoulder injuries constitute 6 to
The clavicular head arises from the anterior surface of 28% of weightlifting injuries according to one study.7
the medial two thirds of the clavicle, and the sternal head Heavy bench presses, squats, and military presses can
arises from the anterior surface of the manubrium and strain the trapezius and paracervical musculature as well
sternal body.50 The muscle fibers converge just proximal as the rotator cuff and biceps tendon. In the bench press,
to its insertion on the lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the shoulder muscles have to alternate between maximal
the humerus. The main function of this muscle is concentric and eccentric contraction when stabilizing,
adduction, flexion, and internal rotation of the humerus; lifting, or lowering the barbell. A weightlifter who
thus, an injury can occur during the bench press motion pushes to achieve higher limits of performance and the
when it is associated with forced abduction of the upper inherent unfavorable position of the rotator cuff during
arm, a point of maximal eccentric contraction. lifting are two factors that contribute to rotator cuff
MR imaging is particularly useful in determining tears.58 Repeated trauma to the glenohumeral joint can
the extent of the tear when surgery is contemplated contribute to labral tears, labrocapsular dysfunction, and

increases stress in the arm, leading to rupture of the

biceps or occasionally triceps muscle and, less frequently,
fracture of the radius and ulna and dislocation of the
elbow. Chronic overloading may cause several overuse
syndromes including medial and lateral epicondylitis,
ulnar neuropathy, tendinosis of the triceps and biceps
tendons, and exercise-induced compartment syndrome.
Excessive repetitive, high-resistance arm or wrist
curls can elicit development of intersection syndrome,
characterized by pain and swelling along the volar radial
aspect of the wrist. It is a friction syndrome that occurs
where the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis
brevis cross over the radial wrist extensors.65 Medial
epicondylitis is a common disorder caused by repetitive
dumbbell curls performed with supination or straight-
bar barbell curls.39 It is characterized by chronic pain in
the insertion of the common tendon of the forearm
flexors on the medial epicondyle. Conversely, bar curls
utilizing an EZ curl bar, curved so that the wrist may be

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Figure 7 Posterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion (POLPSA) pronated, exaggerate the stress on the common tendon
lesion. Axial gradient fast gradient recalled echo (GRE) image of
of the forearm extensor muscles.
the shoulder shows a typical appearance of the POLPSA lesion
on MR imaging. The periosteal sleeve formed by the avulsed Injuries to the biceps brachii muscle can occur
periosteum tends to remain attached to the posterior glenoid proximally or distally. The biceps muscle is composed of
(arrow), creating a redundant recess that communicates with the two heads.66 The short head inserts on the coracoid
joint. Note the posterior displacement of the posterior labrum.
process along with the coracobrachialis muscle as a
conjoined tendon. The long head courses within the
bicipital groove, where it is invested by a double layer of
resultant shoulder instability, which may also precipitate synovium and becomes an intracapsular structure. Dis-
rotator cuff disease.58,59 tally, the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle inserts on
The biomechanics involved in repeatedly moving the radial tuberosity of the proximal radius. The majority
from a horizontally adducted to a horizontally abducted of injuries of the biceps muscle occur in the distal
position frequently produces compression of the distal tendinous insertion (Fig. 8).67–69 It is most susceptible
clavicle.47 The prevalence of atraumatic osteolysis of the to injury during maximal eccentric contraction while
distal clavicle has been reported to be  28% in elite attempting to lift a heavy weight or when resisting
weightlifters.36 Bilateral glenohumeral joint dislocations downwardly directed kinetic energy with partial con-
have been reported in lifters using wide benches, which traction of the biceps muscle.70 Anabolic steroid use has
causes the glenohumeral joint to act as the fulcrum of the been implicated as a contributing factor in this injury.71
bench press motion.60–62 In most cases of dislocation, Distal biceps tendinosis has also been shown to precede
fatigue is a major contributing factor.39 spontaneous tendon rupture.23,24 MR imaging is partic-
Labrocapsular dysfunction may lead to shoulder ularly useful in distinguishing complete tears from par-
instability. Although the forces that act on the shoulder tial tears as well as complications of rupture including
during a maximal bench press are not sufficient to cause a hematoma formation, retraction, and associated brachia-
dislocation, they are sufficient to cause subluxation over lis muscle tear.68,69
time. The subluxation can contribute to the avulsion of Triceps tendon tears are rare.45,72–75 This injury
the posterior scapular periosteum or may be its end result differs from other tendon rupture because it may occur
(Fig. 7).59,63 Conservative measures may be insufficient through healthy tissue.72 There is a strong association
in relieving symptoms, and surgical débridement and with prior anabolic steroid use or a history of antecedent
posterior labral repair are often required to reestablish corticosteroid injection into the triceps tendon.76–79
pain-free participation in weightlifting.63 The muscle comprises three heads, all inserting on the
olecranon process. The long head arises from the in-
fraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, the lateral head arises
The Arm from the lateral and posterior aspect of the humerus, and
Injuries of the arm are relatively common, accounting for the medial head arises further distally from the medial
about one fourth of all injuries incurred while weightlift- and posterior aspect of the humerus.80 Complete tears
ing.64 The elbow and wrist are particularly susceptible are more common than partial tears. The mechanism of
to acute injuries when resistance training significantly injury for triceps tendon tears is forced flexion of

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Figure 8 Rupture of the biceps brachii tendon. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image of the elbow shows the free end of a completely
ruptured biceps brachii tendon (arrow). Note that retraction is common in this injury, resulting in a contracted ‘‘ball’’ of muscle high in the
humerus. This is a common injury during the deadlift, where there is maximal eccentric contraction of the biceps muscle. (B) Axial T2-
weighted image proximal to the level of the radial tuberosity shows significant interstitial edema where the biceps tendon usually exists

the elbow against the resistance of a contracting triceps the maximum trunk extensor moment and maximum
muscle.80 During weightlifting, the tendon ruptures lumbar compressive and shear force depending on the
during sustained extreme concentric contraction as inclination of the trunk, which has a direct bearing on
would occur with the bench press motion.81,82 MR injury risk.84
imaging is useful because it clearly distinguishes a com- Hamstring injuries are relatively common in
plete tear, which requires surgical repair, from a partial weightlifters. Competitive lifters exerting maximum
tear, which generally heals well with conservative treat- effort during the squat or deadlift, in which a barbell
ment (Fig. 9).83 loaded with weights is picked up from the floor, are at
high risk for developing either avulsion of the hamstring
tendon insertion on the ischium (Fig. 10) or a tear of the
The Pelvis and Thigh myotendinous junction.85–87 During the pushoff or
Weightlifting injuries of the lower extremity occur most ascending phase of the squat, hamstring contraction is
frequently because the lifter is unable to compensate for considerable and tendons affected by tendinosis are at
the level of resistance or fails to maintain the appropriate most risk for rupture. MR imaging is useful in identify-
balance required to complete an exercise owing to either ing the site, extent, and character of the tear.88,89 It is
improper technique or fatigue.12 also useful in predicting the length of the recovery
The squat is a lift commonly employed to develop period.90 When a complete rupture, greater than 50%
the lower back and the leg musculature and requires cross-sectional muscle involvement, peritendinous fluid
utilization of both upper and lower extremities. During collections, hemorrhage, distal myotendinous tears, or
this exercise, the extensor muscles of the spine, hip, knee, deep muscular tears are present, it is likely that the
and ankle all participate in preventing the body from recovery period will be a minimum of 6 weeks.90
collapsing under the load. The upper extremity supports A complete gluteus medius and minimus avulsion
the bar on the upper trunk, and the lift is performed as a from the greater trochanter is an unusual injury in
knee bend. Whether performed as a front squat or back weightlifters, and we have seen two cases in our institu-
squat, the maximum knee extensor moment is similar for tion. The vast majority of patients with this injury are
both exercises; however, there is a sizable difference in elderly women.91,92 The larger the tear of the tendon,

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Figure 9 Rupture of the triceps tendon. (A) Lateral radiograph of the elbow shows posterior soft tissue swelling and a displaced
osseous fragment that has avulsed from the olecranon process (arrow). (B) Sagittal STIR image shows a complete rupture of the triceps
tendon associated with interstitial edema in the muscle as well as distention of both the deep and superficial olecranon bursae (curved
arrows). Injuries involving the triceps are less common than pectoralis muscle injuries, although bench-pressing athletes are at risk for
both injuries.

the more likely it is to be associated with muscle

atrophy.92 Adolescent lifters are more likely to have
osseous avulsion in the pelvis.93

The Leg
Tendinosis of the quadriceps and patellar tendons is a
common disorder. Squats performed with maximal re-
sistance exert a tremendous load on the knee, particularly
when flexion exceeds 90 degrees.7 As with other tendons
in the body, it is difficult to rupture the extensor
mechanism unless it is associated with a preexisting
degenerative process.14 A common mechanism for rup-
ture is sudden loss of balance overloading the enthesis of
either the quadriceps tendon or patellar tendon during
active contraction of the quadriceps musculature.94
The most common appearance of the quadriceps
tendon is a smooth trilaminar tendon with an average
thickness of 6 to 10 mm in the anteroposterior dimen-
sion and an average width of 28 to 42 mm.95 Disconti-
nuity of any of the tendinous layers is consistent with a
Figure 10 Hamstring avulsion. Coronal STIR image of the pelvis partial tear, whereas transection of all layers is diagnostic
shows an avulsion of the hamstring tendon with hemorrhage in of a complete rupture.14,94 The patellar tendon is a
between the free end of the tendon and the ischium, associated
with edema in the posterior musculature of the pelvis. This injury
tapered structure, thin proximally and slightly thicker
is common during the pushing phase of the leg squat, particularly distally, but does not exceed 7 mm in thickness, and
with deep squats. its width varies from 10 to 15 mm.96,97 As with the

proportionately. MR imaging remains an important

piece of the imaging armamentarium and should be
relied upon liberally for evaluation of injuries, particu-
larly in high-caliber athletes, because early diagnosis
often has an impact on treatment and return to a high
level of performance. The characteristic MR appearance
of a specific injury, the physical evaluation, and the
short- and long-term goals are factors that are essential
in restoring function and establishing appropriate ex-
pectations for the lifter’s ability to return to weight


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