Near or Close To But Not Necessarily Touching

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Adjacent: Adjective

Near or close to but not necessarily touching

“New York and adjacent cities”
Synonyms: Conterminous
Similar: Near

Accumulate: Verb
Collect in one place
“Journals are accumulating in my office”
Synonyms: Collect

Adapt: Verb
Adapt to new or different conditions
“We must adapt to the bad economic situation”
Synonyms: Adjust

Adequate: Adjective
Sufficient for the purpose
“Her training was adequate”
Synonyms: Enough
Antonyms: Inadequate
Similar: Satisfactory

Analyze: Verb
Watch in detail
“I was analyzed in Russia by a famous psychiatrist”
Synonyms: Examine
Antonyms: Synthesize
Similar: Study

Anticipate: Verb
Regard something as likely to happen
“The meteorologists are anticipating rain for tomorrow”
Synonyms: Predict
Similar: Prognosticate

Appropriate: Adjective
Suitable for a particular person or place
“Is a tractor appropriate for heavy duty”
Synonyms: Suitable
Antonyms: Inappropriate
Similar: Proper
Artifact: Noun
A man-made object taken as a whole
“The phone does not have an artifact so it fails a lot”
Synonyms: Artefact
Antonyms: Natural object
Similar: Machine

Benefit: Noun/Verb
Something that aids or promotes well-being
“She benefitted from his vast experience”
Synonyms: Gain
Antonyms: Lose
Similar: Do good

Calculate: Verb
Make a mathematical calculation
“You can calculate the area of a square if you know the length of its sides”
Synonyms: Account
Similar: Estimate

Catastrophe: Noun
An event resulting in great loss and misfortune
“Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system”
Synonyms: Calamity
Similar: Tragedy

Chronological: Adjective
Relating to or arranged according to temporal  order
“The chronological age of dinosaurs is very old”
Synonyms: In sequence
Similar: Consecutive

Citizen: Noun
A native or naturalized member of a state or other political community
“She is a prominent citizen”
Synonyms: Habitant
Antonyms: Noncitizen
Similar: Resident

Civilization: Noun
The social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization
“He is remembered for his generosity and civilization”
Synonyms: Culture
Similar: Society
Compose: Verb
Produce a literary work
“She composed a poem”
Synonyms: Write
Similar: Create

Conclusion: Noun
An intuitive assumption
“His death marked the conclusion of an era”
Synonyms: Decision
Similar: Termination

Congruent: Adjective
Corresponding in character or kind
“Your actions and thoughts are not congruent”
Synonyms: Congruous
Antonyms: Incongruent
Similar: Appropriate

Consequence: Noun
The outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual
“His decision had bad consequences for business”
Synonyms: Result
Antonyms: Inconsequence
Similar: Effect

Construct: Verb
Make by combining materials and parts
“They construct small toys”
Synonyms: Build
Antonyms: Destroy
Similar: Manufacture

Continuous: Adjective
Continuing in time or space without interruption
“The woman live in continuous fear”
Synonyms: Uninterrupted
Antonyms: Discontinuous
Similar: Constant

Contrast: Noun
The opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared
“There is a narrow contrast between sanity and insanity”
Synonyms: Counterpoint
Similar: Demarcation
Contribute: Verb
Provide a particular quality or character
“Her presence contributes a certain cachet to the company”
Synonyms: Add
Similar: Lend

Declare: Verb
State emphatically and authoritatively
“The President declared war”
Synonyms: Announce
Similar: Hold

Democracy: Noun
A political system ruled by the people
“The democracy defends the rights of the people”
Synonyms: Majority rule
Similar: Doctrine

Democracy: Noun
A political system ruled by the people
“The democracy defends the rights of the people”
Synonyms: Majority rule
Similar: Doctrine

Similar: Adjective
Having the same or nearly the same characteristics
“All politicians are similar in the countries”
Synonyms: Standardized
Antonyms: Dissimilar
Similar: Synonymous

Dimension: Noun
The magnitude of something in a particular direction
“Velocity has dimensions of length/time”
Synonyms: Proportion
Similar: Measurement

Drastic: Adjective
Forceful and extreme situation
“They felt their salary issues would never get solved unless drastic action was taken”
Synonyms: Extreme
Similar: Forceful
Elaborate: Adjective
Produce from basic elements or sources
“The bee elaborates honey”
Synonyms: Process
Similar: Fancy

Encourage: Verb
Contribute to the progress or growth
“I am encouraging the use of computers in the classroom”
Synonyms: Recommend
Similar: Urge

Equation: Noun
A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
“Juan solved the equations wrong”
Synonyms: Equality
Similar: Par

Evaluate: Verb
Estimate or determine the nature of something
“I will have the family jewels evaluated by a professional”
Synonyms: Value
Similar: Assess

Exaggerate: Verb
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
“He exaggerated it last night when he did 100 pushups”
Synonyms: Amplify
Similar: Magnify

Exhaust: Verb
Wear out completely
“This kind of work exhausts me”
Synonyms: Consume
Antonyms: Energetic
Similar: Deplete

Expression: Noun
A way of showing something
“Tears are an expression of grief”
Synonyms: Emotion
Similar: Saying
Extend: Verb
Increase in scope, range or area
“The law was extended to all citizens”
Synonyms: Continue
Antonyms: Shrink
Similar: Broaden

Extensive: Adjective
Broad in scope or content
“Producing wheat under extensive conditions”
Synonyms: Continue
Antonyms: Intensive
Similar: Big

Factor: Noun
Anything that contributes causally to a result
“A number of factors determined the outcome”
Synonyms: Component
Similar: Element

Ferocious: Adjective
Marked by extreme and violent energy
“Pedro gave Carlos a ferocious beating”
Synonyms: Furious
Similar: Violent

Frequent: Adjective
Coming at short intervals or habitually
“She frequents the ballet”
Synonyms: Regular
Antonyms: Infrequent
Similar: Common

Genuine: Adjective
Being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
“The children have a genuine emotion”
Synonyms: Literal
Antonyms: Counterfeit
Similar: Authentic

Government: Noun
He act of governing, exercising authority
“The government reduced taxes”
Synonyms: Regime
Similar: Authorities
History: Noun
A record or narrative description of past events
“This is a critical time in the school's history”
Synonyms: Account
Similar: Chronicle

Hypothesis: Noun
A proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
“Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanism of tube of venturi”
Synonyms: Speculation
Similar: Theory

Insists: Verb
Beg persistently and urgently
“The constitution insists on a free society”
Synonyms: Importunes
Similar: Endeavor

Irrigate: Verb
Supply with water, as with channels, ditches or streams
“Pedro irrigate the fields of baseball”
Synonyms: Water
Similar: Spray

Lofty: Adjective
Of high moral or intellectual value
“The word love is a noble and lofty concept”
Synonyms: Elevated
Similar: Increased

Manipulate: Verb
Influence or control shrewdly or deviously
“He manipulated public opinion in his convenience”
Synonyms: Control
Similar: Falsify

Massive: Adjective
Imposing in size, bulk or solidity
“A massive increase in oil prices in recent weeks”
Synonyms: Monumental
Similar: Big
Narrate: Verb
Provide commentary for a film
“Carlos narrate what happened in the school”
Synonyms: Tell
Similar: Recount

Viewpoint: Noun
A mental position from which things are viewed
“From that viewpoint he could survey the whole valley”
Synonyms: Outlook
Similar: Vantage point

Obedient: Adjective
Complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority
“I'm a man obedient to his wife”
Synonyms: Conformable
Antonyms: Disobedient
Similar: Duteous

Oblivious: Adjective
Failing to keep in mind
“His eyes were closed and he was completely  oblivious  to what was happening around him”
Synonyms: Forgetful
Antonyms: Attentive
Similar: Inattentive

Origin: Noun
The place where something begins, where it springs into being
“Jupiter was the origin of the radiation”
Synonyms: Ancestry
Similar: Beginning

Peculiar: Adjective
Markedly different from the usual
“The peculiar character of the Government of the U.S.”
Synonyms: Odd
Similar: Unusual

Persuade: Verb
Cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course  of action
“You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!”
Synonyms: Sway
Antonyms: Dissuade
Prediction: Noun
A statement made about the future
“This is a prediction that economic growth would resume”
Synonyms: Anticipation
Similar: Prognostication

Priority: Noun
Status established in order of importance or urgency
“National independence takes priority over class struggle”
Synonyms: Precedence
Antonyms: Posteriority
Similar: Prime concern

Quote: Verb
Repeat a passage from...
“Peter quoted the Bible in reflection”
Synonyms: Cite
Similar: Citation

Realistic: Adjective
Representing what is real; not abstract or ideal
“There is also a  realistic  chance of progressing to compete on the big stage”
Synonyms: Naturalistic
Antonyms: Unrealistic
Similar: Real

Recount: Verb
Narrate or give a detailed account of something
“We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made”
Synonyms: Narrate
Similar: Recite

Reinforce: Verb
Strengthen and support with rewards
“He reinforced the concrete”
Synonyms: Reenforce
Similar: Fortify

Repetition: Noun
Something that is repeated
“The events today were a repetition of yesterdays”
Synonyms: Repeat
Similar: Repeating
Retrieve: Verb
Go for and bring back
“She retrieved her voice and replied quickly”
Synonyms: Recover
Similar: Recall

Frequency: Noun
The number of occurrences within a given time  period
“The frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second”
Synonyms: Oftenness
Similar: Frequence

Solution: Noun
A statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
“They were trying to find a peaceful solution”
Synonyms: Result
Similar: Resolution

Strategy: Noun
An elaborate and systematic plan of action
“In the current war, virtual warfare has become an explicit part of military strategy”
Similar: Scheme

Substitute: Verb
Put in the place of another
“Substitute regular milk for fat-free milk”
Synonyms: Replace
Similar: Secondary

Suspense: Noun
Excited anticipation of an approaching climax
“The matter remained in suspense for several years”
Synonyms: On tenterhooks

Tentative: Adjective
Under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
“Darla drew a few tentative conclusions”
Synonyms: Probationary
Similar: Conditional
Thesis: Noun
An unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument
“They write their thesis to graduate”
Synonyms: Dissertation
Similar: Theory

Transfer: Verb
Move somebody to a different position or location of work
“Transfer the patient to another hospital”
Synonyms: Transport
Similar: Change

Unanimous: Adjective
In complete agreement
“This group debated the pros and cons of each piece resulting in a unanimous vote”
Synonyms: Whole
Similar: Accordant

Unique: Adjective
Radically distinctive and without equal
“The secret recordings have a unique insight into Barrett's domestic affairs”
Synonyms: Singular
Similar: Incomparable

Variable: Adjective
Liable to or capable of change
“Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable”
Synonyms: Varying
Antonyms: Invariable
Similar: Inconsistent

Violate: Verb
Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
“Violate the basic laws or human civilization”
Synonyms: Breach
Antonyms: Conform to
Similar: Infract

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