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Recreated British Light Infantry

[Photo Source: Website of His Majesty's 40th Reg. of Foot., with permission.]

Capt. Eyre Coote’s 37th Light Infantry Company Order Book, 1778 – 1781
Eyre Coote Papers, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
Transcribed and Edited by Paul L. Pace, June 15, 2011
(1778 account tables transcribed by Don Hagist)

Introduction to the Transcription

Light Infantry Organization

Following the successful use of Light Infantry in the French & Indian War, the British War Office revised
the establishments of British regiments to formally add a Light Infantry Company in late 1771. At the
beginning of the American War for Independence the Light Infantry Companies saw heavy service in
operations around Boston. After the evacuation of that city, Gen. Sir William Howe issued orders from
Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 14, 1776 to form two light infantry battalions by temporarily withdrawing
the companies from their regiments and assigning the companies to composite battalions. The 1st Lt.
Infantry Battalion was initially commanded by Maj. Thomas Musgrave, 64th Regt., and the 2nd Lt.
Infantry Battalion by Maj. the Honorable John Maitland, Marines. When the troops who had been with
Maj. Gen. Henry‟s Clinton‟s expedition against Charleston, joined the army, a 3rd Lt. Infantry Battalion
was formed. Although frequently mentioned in AWI histories, no 4th Lt. Infantry Battalion was actually

After Maj. Musgrave was wounded at Throg‟s Neck, New York, Lt. Col. Robert Abercromby, 37th Regt.
was appointed to command the 1st Battalion on Oct. 23, 1776.

Following the successful seizure of Rhode Island in late 1776, the 3rd Battalion returned to New Jersey
and disbanded on Mar. 23, 1777 with the companies assigned to the 1st and 2nd Battalions.

The two battalions served with the army until it returned to the New York area from Philadelphia in July
1778. General Orders issued at Sandy Hook on July 5th directed “The Flank Companies of all the British
Regiments in this division of the Army are to join their respective Corps until further Orders, to settle
their Accounts, &c...” The flank company officers took this order as an affront and new orders were
issued on July 31st for “The Commandg Offrs of the British Grenadrs & Lt Infy are to Assemble their
respective Battns as soon as they conveniently can at Bedford, Long Island.”

When about 10 companies were pulled from the two Lt. Infantry battalions for Maj. Gen. James Grant‟s
expedition to the West Indies, the remaining companies were consolidated into a single Lt. Infantry
battalion. General Orders issued from New York on Nov. 3, 1778 directed “...The British Grenadiers and
Light Infantry are to be immediately formed into one Battalion each, the Light Infantry under the
Command of Lieut Colonel Abercrombie ...”

The single combined battalion remained in place until General Orders were issued from New York on
Dec. 15, 1779, just before the Charleston expedition. The orders directed “The Battalions of Light
Infantry are to consist of the following companies. 1st Battn 7th 22d 33d 37th 42d 54th 63d 70th 74th. 2nd Battn
17th 23d 38th 43d 57th 64th 76th 80th 84th.” This organization with minor changes of individual companies
remained the same until the battalions were surrendered at Yorktown, Va. in Oct 1781.

Organization Orders - Light Infantry Battalions

Head Quarters Halifax 14th May 1776...

The Commander in Chief is pleased to form the Grenadier and Light Infantry Companies into four
1st Battalion of Light Infantry, composed of the following Companies, to be Commanded by
Major [Thomas] Musgrave [64th Regt.] and Major [Thomas] Dundas [65th Regt.], viz.: 4th, 5th, 10th, 17th,
22d, 23d, 27th, 35th, 38th.
2d Battalion of Light Infantry composed of the following Companies, to be Commanded by Major
[Hon. John] Maitland [Marines] and Major [Turner von] Straubenzee [17th Regt.], viz.: 40th, 43d, 44th,
45th, 49th, 52d, 55th, 63d, 64th.

Source: Gen. Sir William Howe‟s Orders, 1776, in “The Kemble Papers, Vol. I, 1773-1789” in Collections of the New-
York Historical Society for the Year 1883, Publication Fund Series, Printed for the Society, New York, 1884, Google
Books, pp. 352-353.

[Head Quarters] Dyker‟s ferry, [Staten Island] 6th Augt 1776…

The Light Company of the 42d Regt to join the 1st Battn Light Infry.

Source: Orderly Book, 4th British Grenadier Battalion, from Peebles’Journals, National Archives of Scotland.

Head Quarters New Rochelle 23d Oct. 1776...

Lieut Col. [Robert] Abercrombie [37th Regt.] is appointed to the Command of the 1st Battalion
Light Infantry in the Room of Lieut Col. [Thomas] Musgrave [40th Regt.], lately wounded.

Source: The Kemble Papers, Vol. I, 1773-1789 in Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1883,
Publication Fund Series, Printed for the Society, New York, 1884.

Head Quarters New York March 23d 1777...

The 3d Battn of Grenadrs and 3d Battn Lt Infantry, are to be incorporated into the 1st and 2nd Battns
as follows...
15th, 28th & 33d Lt Infy Companies to the 1st Battn of Lt Infantry.
37th, 46th & 57th Companies to the 2nd Battn of Lt Infantry.

Source: “Orderly Book of General Sir William Howe, Kept By Major Stephen Kemble, Deputy Adjutant General, 29
January 1777 - 20 June 1777” in New York State Library, Manuscripts and History Library, Accession Number 6744.

Head Quarters Sandy Hook 5th July 1778…

The Flank Companies of all the British Regiments in this division of the Army are to join their respective
Corps until further Orders, to settle their Accounts, &c…

Source: “The Kemble Papers, Vol. I, 1773-1789” in Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1883,
Publication Fund Series, Printed for the Society, New York, 1884, Google Books.

Head Quarters New York July 31st 1778...

The Command Off of the British Grenadrs & Lt Infy are to Assemble their respective Battns as
g rs

soon as they conveniently can at Bedford, Long Island.

Source: “Captured British Army Orderly Book, January 29-August 9, 1778” in the George Washington Papers at the
Library of Congress, 1741-1799: Series 6. Military Papers. 1755-1798.

Head Quarters New York [illegible date – likely Aug. 10, 1778]
... And the 37th Ligt Compy from the 2nd to the 1st Lgt Iy

Source: George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799: Series 6. Military Papers. 1755-1798,
Captured British Army Orderly Book, August 4 – October 13, 1778]

Head Quarters New York 24th Octor 1778...

After Orders
The 4th, 5th, 15th, 27th, 28th, 35th, 40th, 46th, 49th and 55th Regiments are to embark tomorrow. Henceforth
those Regiments will receive their Orders from Maj. Gen. [James] Grant...

Head Quarters New York 3d Novemr 1778...

The British Grenadiers and Light Infantry are to be immediately formed into one Battalion each, the Light
Infantry under the Command of Lieut Colonel [Robert] Abercrombie [37th Regt.]...

Source: “Orders, 1778-1782,” Sir Henry Clinton Papers, William L. Clements Library.

Hd. Qrs. N. Yourk 26th Novr 1778 ...

Majr [William] Danzie of 33d. Regt. is appointed to Do duty with ye. Lt Infy Under the Command of Lt.
Coln. [Robert] Abercromby [37th] Untill farther Orders –

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Head Quarters New York 15th Decr 79

Orders ...
The Battalions of Light Infany are to Consist of the following Compy –
First Battn. 7th.. 22nd.. 33d.. 37th.. 42nd.. 54th.. 63d.. 70th 74th – Second Battn. 17th.. 23d.. 38th.. 43d.. 57th.. 64th..
76th.. 80th.. 84th –

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

hed Qrs March Ye 5 [1780]
Maj: [Thomas] Armstrong of Y 17 Reg: is appointed to the 2d Batt: of Light Infantry
e th

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Philips burgh 28th [June] – 1780...

Maj . Gen . [Alexander] Lessly‟s Orders
r l

The Light Infantry Compy. of the 82d Regt is to Joyn the 1st. Battlion of Light Infantry ...

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Head Quarters New York 10th July 1780 –

Lieut Colln [Thomas] Dundass Desiring to give his Atenchan to the 80th Regt. wich is barked for Amarica
under is Command, as Obtaned the Commander inchifes Parmition to Quit the 2d. Battn. of Light Infantry
– this Battn: together with the 1st will therefour tell forder [ „till further] Orders beunder the Inspection of
Colln: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] ...

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Head Qrs. 24th Ocr 1780

Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17 ] of the 2d Lt Infy Is apointed To the 1st Battn. & Capt [St. Lawrence]

Boyd of the 38th Lt C[off edge of paper] To be Comandant of the 2d Battalion

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Head Qrs New York 27th Octr 1780

...the British Light Infantry British Granadiers and 42d Regt. will form a Corps under the Command of
Major General [William] Phillops –

Source: 37th Lt. Inf. Co. Order Book.

Head Quarters New York 20th January 1783...

The 7th 22d 37th 38th 42d 54th 57th 70th 74th 82d & 84th Regts are in future in all their States & Monthly
Returns to Accot for their Lt Infantry Companies.
Source: Sir Guy Carleton Order Book.

Identified Officers of the Light Infantry Battalions During the

Periods Covered by the 37th Lt. Infantry Company Order Book

(Combined) Light Infantry Battalion

Battalion Commander and Field Officers:

Lt. Col. Robert Abercromby, 37th Regt. (To Commander, 1st Lt. Inf. Bn. Dec 15, 1779)
Maj. William Dancy, 33rd Regt. (From Nov. 26, 1778)

1st Light Infantry Battalion

Battalion Commanders and Field Officers:

Lt. Col. Robert Abercromby, 37th Regt. (From Dec 15, 1779. To Commander, Lt. Inf. Brigade
Oct. 24, 1780)

Maj. Thomas Armstrong, 17th Regt. (To Commander 1st Lt. Inf. Bn. Oct. 24, 1780, from 2nd
Company Officers:

7th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. James William Baillie (To Major of Brigade, Lt. Inf. Brigade, Oct. 16, 1780)
Lt. Robert Walker
Lt. James Rawstorne
Ens. William Hewlett (Attached for duty from 3rd Bn., 60th Regt.)

22nd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. William Raymond
Lt. Hugh Wallace
Ens. Richard Dowling (After Apr. 18, 1781)

33rd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. William Gore
Lt. James Ingram (To Adj. June 14, 1778 – Nov. 4, 1780)
Lt. Thomas Nicoll (To Capt. 70th Regt., Oct. 11, 1780)
Lt. John Wheeler Collington
Lt. Æneas McDonald

37th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Edward Speake (POW Germantown Oct. 4, 1777, exchanged Spring
1778, to Regt.. Oct. 24, 1778)
Capt. Eyre Coote (From Regt. after Oct. 24, 1778)
Lt. Stafford Lightburne (WIA Yorktown)
Lt. William Henry Hamilton (Retired Dec. 1778)
Lt. Henry Pottinger (To Capt. 38th Regt., Oct. 11, 1780)
Lt. Hon. Edward Finch (Attached for duty from the 87th Regt. after Nov. 23,

42nd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. John Smith (Until Dec. 5, 1779, to Regt.)
Capt. George Dalrymple (From Regt. Dec. 5, 1779)
Lt. Robert Potts (Until promoted Feb. 8, 1781)
Lt. James Stewart
Ens. William Frazer (Seconded to Engineers Sept. 7, 1779)

54th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Eyre Power Trench
Lt. John Græme
Ens. Henry Overing

63rd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Bent Ball
Lt. David Robertson
Lt. Christopher Lyster (WIA Yorktown, died of wounds)
Lt. Thomas Dunn (WIA Yorktown, died of wounds)

70th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Robert Irving
Lt. Zachariah Hall
Lt. Thomas Swymmer

74th Lt. Inf. Company (Until Jan. 8 1781, then 2nd Bn.)
Capt. Donald Campbell of Balnabie
Lt. Colin Campbell
Lt. George Dunlap (Adj. 1st Bn., Nov. 4, 1780)
Lt. John Campbell (KIA Yorktown)

82nd Lt. Inf. Company (After June 28, 1780)

Ens. Peter Dumas

2nd Light Infantry Battalion

Battalion Commanders and Field Officers:

Maj. Thomas Dundas, 65th Regt. / Lt. Col. 80th Regt. (Until July 10, 1780)
Maj. Thomas Armstrong, 17th Regt. (From Mar. 5, 1780. To Commander 1st Lt. Inf.
Bn. Oct. 24,1780)
Capt. St. Lawrence Boyd, 38th Regt. (Commander, Oct. 24, 1780)

Company Officers:

17th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. George Seymour
Capt. William Scott (To Major of Brigade)
Lt. John Daniel Frazer (Adj. July 31, 1780)
Lt. Robert Amiel

23rd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Lionel Smythe
Lt. George Worden Baynton
Lt. Francis Erskine

26th Lt. Inf. Company (Joined 2nd Bn. Dec. 15, 1777, drafted Sept. 3,
Capt. Willaim Duff
Lt. William Brough
Lt. Robert Thomas
Lt. George Cuppaidge
Lt. Alexander Walker

38th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. St. Lawrence Boyd (Commander 2nd Bn. Oct.24, 1780)
Lt. John Mackewen
Lt. Lovet Ashe (Assigned to the Mounted Lt. Inf. Troop)

43rd Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Charles McLean
Lt. Winthrop Roche
Lt. Allen Malcolm (To Capt. 33rd Regt. 1780, KIA Camden)

Ens. Arthur Mair (Attached for duty from the 63rd Regt. Apr. 18,
57th Lt. Inf. Company
Capt. James Graham
Lt. Robert Jackson
Lt. James Drury (To Capt. Sept. 5, 1779)

64th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. William Snow
Lt. William Wynyard (Maj. of Brig. Jul. 27, 1780)
Lt. Thomas Freeman
Ens. McLeroth

74th Lt. Inf. Company (After Jan. 8 1781)

Capt. Donald Campbell of Balnabie
Lt. Colin Campbell
Lt. George Dunlap (Adj. 1st Bn., Nov. 4, 1780)
Lt. John Campbell (KIA Yorktown)

76th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. James Fraser
Lt. Charles Alexander Macrea
Lt. Angus Martin
Lt. Colin Lamont

80th Lt. Inf. Company (Arrived New York Aug. 25, 1779)
Capt. William or John Hawthorn,
Lt. Colvin Learmonth,
Lt. Henry Jamieson
Lt.Thomas Armstrong

84th Lt. Inf. Company

Capt. Ronald MacKinnon
Capt. Campbell
Lt. Robert Campbell
Lt. Alexander MacDonald

Excerpts from the April 25, 1779 Strength Report for the Light Infantry Battalion
“Southampton 25th April 1779
Present [Effecive] State of the 15 Companys of Light Infantry Commanded by Lieut. Colonel Robert Abercromby.”
Company Serjeants Corporals Drummers Privates “Wanting to Compleat”
7th 3 3 1 40 1 Drummer, 13 Privates
17th 3 3 2 48 5 Privates.
22nd 2 3 2 44 1 Serjt. 9 Privates.
23 3 3 2 50 3 Privates.
26th 3 3 2 44 9 Privates.
33rd 3 3 1 38 1 Drummer, 15 Privates.
37th 3 3 1 47 1 Drummer, 6 Privates.
38th 3 3 2 53
42nd 5 5 - 73 2 Drummers, 23 Privates.
43rd 3 3 2 53
44th 3 2 2 43 1 Corpl, 10 Privates.

54th 3 3 2 53
57th 3 3 2 53
63rd 3 3 2 45 8 Privates.
64th 3 3 2 49 4 Privates.
Total 46 46 25 733 1 Serjt. 1 Corpl. 5 Drummers
105 Privates.
Source: Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 4, Reel 57, 25 March 1779 – 26 April 1779.

Order for Light Infantry Drill and Discipline for the Irish Establishment, May 15, 1772


Rules and Orders for the Discipline of the Light Infantry Companies in His Majesty’s Army in Ireland.

The Light Infantry Companies are always to be drawn up two Deep with a space of Two Feet
between the Files. Marching in a Wood upon any Service of a Secret Nature, they are to be taught to
lower their arms in two motions and carry them in a diagonal Position, with their hands on the swell of
the firelock; and they are to shoulder in three Motions. They are to perform all Evolutions by Files and
never to wheel any part of the Circle by Platoons or subdivisions much less by a larger Body. When
marching through a Wood or any Strong Country by Files and ordered to form a Front to the Left, the
Right Hand File is to face to the Left and the others to run up briskly and dress by it, If to form a Front to
the Right the Right Hand File is to face to the Right, and the other Files are to form briskly to the Right of
it; and then the Rear Rank of the Detatchment becomes the Front, when a few Files are formed the
Commanding Officer is to order an Irregular Fire to begin, and to Continue untill the signal shall be given
for Ceasing, It is to be particularly observed that each file has an entire dependance upon itself and that
the Firelocks of the front and rear Men, are never to be unloaded at the same time, When the front Rank
Man Fires, the Rear Rank Man is to make Ready and step up briskly before his Comrade, but is by no
means to discharge his Firelock until the other has loaded, and then he is to step briskly before the Rear
Rank Man, and this method to be followed untill a signal shall be given for ceasing to Fire. This Mutual
Defence and Confidence is one of the most Essential Principles of Light Infantry. The Men when in a
Wood are to be taught to Cover themselves with Trees by placing the Right Foot about six inches behind
the left, and presenting to the Right of the Tree, and after firing to step back two paces, and give Room to
the Rear Rank man to come up to the same Tree and to fire alternately, according to the directions before
mentioned. All Officers Commanding Companies, or any body of Light Infantry, are to fix upon signals
for extending their Front to the Right or to the Left, or to both Flanks, or to Close to the Centre, to retire,
or to advance, and these signals must be made by a loud whistle, a posting horn, or some other instrument
capable of conveying a sufficient sound to be heard at a considerable Distance, and the stoutest of the
Drummers is to be taught to sound these Instruments by directions from the Commanding Officer, who is
to give the strictest Orders to the Men to be silent and attentive without which it is scarce possible that
any action in a wood can be successfull.
Tho‟ the posting of guards depends upon the ground yet in general, Officers who command Light
Infantry, must never place their outposts at too great a distance from the Main Body. If it should be
necessary to occupy an height, which Commands the Country, Care must be taken to post other guards
near to the most advanced, which may Aid its retreat.
When a Corps of Light Infantry is composed of Companies from different Regiments they must
do Duty by Companies with their own officers, and as double Centries are always to be posted, the file
must mount together; to be relieved every hour Messes are to consist of a Non-Commissioned officer and
three File and where it is necessary to detach a Corporal‟s Command the Men are to go together.
Houses, or any strong feature which presents itself upon the face of a Country. But they must take
particular Care not to run in Crowds to these objects.

When a Corps of Light Infantry shall be employed in this Kingdom a small Waggon loaded with
Intrenching Tools will be Ordered to attend it, and the officers are therefore to make themselves
acquainted with the usual Method of Constructing Redans, Square Redoubts, and other parts of Field
Fortification, likewise the Manner of felling and Freizing Trees for making abattis D‟Arbres and to turn
their Thoughts upon fortifying Church Yards and making Creneaus in Houses.
When there is appearance of service the Men must be instructed in the Use of the Intrenching
Tools and to make Fascines and Gabeons of different sizes.
The Light Infantry must be Carefull not to fall into Ambuscades when they are marching through
a Wood or any inclosed Country and Care must be taken to Advance a Guard, and to detach flanking
parties The flanking parties to March in front and the Files to move at the distance of ten yards from each
other, when either of these parties shall discover an Enemy, They are not to run into the Main Body, but
to take posts immediately and begin an attack according to the directions before mentioned, and the
Commanding Officer is to form his Detachment to the flank that is Attacked and to support his party by
sending a few Men under the Command of a Subaltern Officer, and to repeat this reinforcement as
frequently as the Exigency of the Case may require. He is also to be very Carefull that the Men do not
Crowd, and that the Enemy do not turn his flank, when there is any likelihood of that being the Case he
must Order a Signal to be Sounded for extending the Front. If he should Command a Considerable Corps
he should keep a small Reserve disengaged as long as possible.
The success of any Engagement in a Wood or Strong Country depends upon the Coolness and
presence of Mind of the Commanding Officer, and the Silence and Obedience of the Men fully as much
as upon their Bravery.
The Light Infantry are to be taught to fire at Marks, and each Soldier is to find out the proper
Measure of Powder for his own Firelock and to make up his Cartridges accordingly.
The Arms of every Soldier should be always kept in good Order, But the Light Infantry Man, in
particular, must not neglect his Arms, his Ammunition or throw away his Fire, as his Existence may
depend upon a Single Shot‟s taking place. The Light Infantry must consider that the Service upon which
they are likely to be Employed, is very different from that of heavy Troops, The former being always to
Engage in open Order and the Attack may frequently become personal between Man and Man, It is
therefore necessary to be particular in selecting Men for this Service not only of Activity and Bodyly
Strength but also of some Experience and approved Spirit.
Each Man must have a sufficient Number of Cartridges made up, But as it may be necessary to
have recourse to the Horn, The Men are to be taught to load from it. Every part of the Accoutrements
must be kept in Constant repair, the Tomahawks Sharp, and fit for Use. The Hatchet Men of the Light
Infantry Companies must be able Active Men and they should know how to Make Use of their Axes.
When a considerable Corps of Light Infantry is to march through a Wood or inclosed Country that can
admit of it, The Commanding Officer may Order it to move from the Right or Left of Companies by Files
the Companies are then to March in parallel Lines, but the flanking Companies must march in Front and
form flanking Parties.
An Officer Commanding a Corps of Light Infantry and marching thro‟ an open Country may
shorten his line of March, or move them in whatever manner he may think best.
Should any of the Enemy‟s Cavalry appear near a Corps of Light Infantry they must endeavour to
retire to a Wood or some Strong Ground, in good Order and with a firm Countenance. But if that cannot
be effected they must disperse by Files, at Considerable distances from one another, fix their Bayonets,
take great Care not to throw away their Fire untill they are shure that a shot shall take place, still
endeavouring to gain a Hedge, Broken House, Ravin, Wood or large Stone, Cavalry, seldom attacks
Infantry in this dispersed situation if Men are resolute and determined not to throw away their Fire, and
the files are attentive to the directions before given. The Light Infantry Companies are to practice
Marching very frequently in quarters.
Besides what is before directed the Light Infantry Companies are to be instructed in the manual
and every other Evolution which the Battalion may be ordered to perform.

And Officers Commanding Regiments may employ the Light Infantry Company in the manner
which shall appear to them most proper, for the safety and protection of the Battalion whether upon a
March or in the Field. And We do hereby direct and require the Commander in Chief of His Majesty‟s
Forces in this Kingdom to cause these Rules and Orders to be duly observed and executed and he is to
direct the Adjutant General to send Copies thereof to the General Officers upon the Staff and to the
Commanding Officer of every Regiment of Foot upon this establishment
Given &c. the 15th Day of May 1772

George Macartney
Source: Historical Records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment, now 1st Battalion The Prince of Wales’s
Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment.) From its Formation, in 1717, to 1893., by Capt. Raymond Henry Smythies,
1st Bn. P.W.V., A.H.Swiss, Devonport, 1894, Google Books, pp. 549-552. The orders are noted to be filed in the
Martial Affairs, Record Office, Dublin.

Order Sets Included in the Manuscript

Besides the orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, the Lt. Infantry Brigade
and the the Light Infantry Battalion, the following order sets issued by Brigade or Area commanders are
included in the order book:

Maj. Gen. William Tryon‟s Orders, Jamaica, Long Island Nov. 19 – Dec. 19, 1779

Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie‟s Orders, Charleston Campaign Feb. 17 – Mar. 24, 1780

Lt. Col. Robert Abercromby‟s Detachment Orders, May 21 – 28, 1780

Goose Creek – Moncks Corner, S.C.

Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie‟s Orders, N. Y. Area June 19 – Aug. 15, 1780

Lt. Gen. Wilhelm von Knyphausen‟s Orders, Phillipsburg, N.Y. June 28 – July 10, 1780

Maj. Gen. Edward Mathew‟s Orders, Whitestone, Long Island July 30 1780

Maj. Gen. William Phillips‟ Orders, Richmond, Long Island Jan. 7 – 11, 1781

Maj. Gen. William Phillips‟ Orders, Virginia Campaign Apr. 3 – May 13, 1781

Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold‟s Orders, Virginia Campaign May 14 – 19, 1781

Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders, Virginia Campaign May 20 – Aug. 6, 1781

Transcription Description

Information in square brackets was added by the transcriber/editor. The spelling is as shown in the
original order books. Many of the words are phonetically spelled. In general, abbreviated words have the
last letter of the word shown in superscript as in the original document. Occasionally line spaces were
inserted to separate battalion and higher organization orders. Tables which continued over multiple pages
were not split to show page breaks. The annotation “ - - -” indicates a page change.

This transcript does not contain portions of the General Orders issued by the British Commander in Chief
which are lengthy lists of officer promotions and which are available through the Army Lists published by
the War Office on an annual basis.

It should also be noted that the original order books did not consistently record the Commander-in-Chief
Orders. There are numerous gaps and omissions. For a complete set of Gen. Clinton‟s orders see “Orders,
1778-1782,” in the Sir Henry Clinton Papers at the William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.


Without the assistance of Don Hagist, who provided the copies of the microfilm and advise along the
way, this transcription would not have been possible. In addition the book British Army Officers Who
Served in the American Revolution 1775 – 1783, by Steven M. Baule with Stephen Gilbert (Heritage
Books, 2004) was essential in the identification of the Lt. Infantry and other officers. The responsibility,
however, for any errors in identification of the officers lies with the editor of this transcript.


This document may be used for private research but may not be published without permission of the
copyright owner.

Copyright © 2011 Paul L. Pace

All rights reserved.

The 37th Light Infantry Company Order Books

Order Book [Cover]

[Clements file No.] 6912/14
Captain [Edward] Speake 37th Light Infantry

[Note: On Nov. 3, 1778, the day before the order book begins, the 1 st and 2nd Lt. Inf. Battalions were ordered to
consolidate into a single Lt. Infantry Bn. due to the loss of light infantry companies assigned to the expedition to the
West Indies under Maj. Gen. James Grant. The Lt. Inf. Battalion, under the command of Lt. Col. Robert Abercromby,
37th Regt., is encamped at Jamaica, Long Island, with the combined Grenadier Bn. completing the construction of sod
huts and making other preparations to go into Winter Quarters. Jamaica was about 12 miles east of the ferry to York
Island (Manhattan).]

Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, by John Smart

[Picture Source: Wikipedia]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders Head Quarters New York Nov. 4, 1778]...

Concurs of the Reckimd of the Court he is pleased to pardon the prisoners and order them to be released
the offrs of the Royal Artillery are to recive forage for their horses at the Same rate as those of the Line
the two Companys of the Garrison Battn at Powless hook are to Embkto morrow morning
Mr Garnil [or Gamil] hospl mat is appointed to do Duty in the above Corps to further orders
the Commander in Chif has been pleased to make the following promos
9 Regt
s n t r
En J Walles from 64 Reg vise Hon George Rodon [Rawdon]
Garrison Battn
Tho Murray y Late L in the 35 Reg to be L 11 Octr
s e t t t

Major Makland [Maj. Hon. John Maitland, Marines] is to be obeyad as E de camp [aide-de-camp] to the
Commander in Chif

Head Qrs 5 Novr 78

the Commander in Chif is plased to make the following promotions
Royal Artillery
Ens Jon hill from 38 Regt to be Second Lt vise Lord [Lloyd] Hill promoted 10 Octr 78
26 Regt Second Lt [William] pemble from the Royal
artillery to be L vise [Donald] M Donald promoted Second Novr 78
t c

37 Regt Lt [Teasdale] Cokle from the Marins to Do Duty as

L vice [Ligonier] Chapman promoted 18 Octr 78

Ens George Campbell vise [Lt. Alexander Munro] Munrow promoted in yorop [Europe]
Ens hugh Frazor promoted vise [Lt. David] Crawford promoted
Volunter Dogal Campbell to be Ens Vise George Campbell promoted 18 Do
Volunter Jon Robison to be Ens Vise Frazor promoted 19 Do
57 Regt
s t
En John Grant to be L vise [Patrick] tytler promoted
in Europe
Ens Campbell from the 71t Regt Vise [John] Grant promoted 18 Octr 78
Surgan Jon hill from the 33 Regt to be Surgan to the Genl hospital 5 Novr 78

when ever 45 & 52 Regt Shall be Drafted in to other Regt here the Corps that to Recive Such men are to
Draw upon the adgts [Agents] of their former Regts for their Several Ballances 24 Octr78 an amount will
be [turned] over to Such Drafts by the No Commissioned offrs Left here on purpose By the 3 Drafted Regts

Head Qrs N. York 6th. Novr. 78 –

Prisoners tried by the Gen . Courtmartial of which Lieut. Coln. [Samuel Birch] Burch [17th Drag.] was

presedint Conet Henry Evatt of the 16th. Light Dragoons: Accused by Lieut Simon Willmot of the Same
Regt. off Disobedience of orders and Misbehavior before the enemy, the Court
is off opinion that their has not appeared any Evidence in the Course of the trial that Lieut. Willmots
orders Were delivered to Cornet Evett & doth therefore Acquit him of Sd. Charge of disobedience of
Orders, the Court is further of Oppinion that Cornet Evett is not Guilty of the Second part of the Charge
exhbeted Against him Viz, that of Misbehaviour before the Enemy and therefore doth honorably Acquit
him of this Charge
The Comander in Chief Conforms the above Sentence –
Lieut. Robert Jackson 57th. Granadiers Accused by Lieut. Coln. [Henry] Hope [44th]
turn over
Commanding ye 2d. Battn – Granadiers of dis Respectful behaviour to him on the publick paraid in the
presence of the other officers & Most of the Soldiers in the battn –, the Court is of Oppinion that both the
time & place Made Choice of by Lieut Jackson to Remonstrate with Lieut. Coln. Hope Were Unproper &
his Manner of Dowing it disrespectfull, the Court Doth therefore Adjudge him to be publickly
reprimanded at the head of the Battn – to which he belongs but in Consideration of his Youth and
Inexperience & the wishes Expressed by Lieut. Coln. Hope

The Court is Induced to Recommend him a Remission of the punishment Adjudged him –
The Comander in Chief approves the Sentence and in Consideration of the Recomendan of ye Court, is
pleased to Remit the punishment adjudged and orders the prisoner Lieut. Jackson to be released
– Captn Christephor Bension of the Independent Compy. of Rangers, & Keeper of the ferry at Brooklin
Accused by Lieut – Lock of the Royl Artelarey of stracking him and giving him Insolent language found
not Guilty and therefore
Acquited, the Comander in Chief Confirms the above Sentence
Lieut. [John W.] Cook of the 37th. Regt is appointed to act as adjutant to the Battn of british Granaders
After orders 5th – Novr. 78 –
Promotions Continued –
Mr. Wm. Cleland hosptl mate to be Surgen vice [John] hill promoted 5th Novr. 78

Portrait of Lt. Col Robert Abercromby, 37th Regt.,

Commander, Lt. Infantry Battalion, by George Romney c. 1788
[Picture Source; Wikipedia]

[Lt. Lnf.] Battn. morning Orders 8th Novr 1778

The men of the different Companies who were formerly mounted are immediately to join the troop.

[Note: “the troop” was a composite unit of mounted light infantry. An Apr. 25, 1779 Lt. Inf. Bn. strength report listed
“2 Corpls 2 Drs. or Trumpeters 35 Privates In the Troop.” The troop was likely commanded by Lt. Thomas Nicols, 33rd
Regt. at this time, however, by Nov. 1779 Lt. Lovet Ashe, 38 th, was likely in command.]

Captns are directed to take the most spidy & Effectual methods for completing the huts of their Companies
Their Ground will be marked out this forenoon
Head Quarters New York 10 Novr 1778
Mr Jon McLeod is appointed Mate in the General Hospital 9th Novr 78 –
Lieut Collonel [Andreas] Emericks Provincial Corps is to be Mustered on Thursday Next at noon on there
A Paquet to Sail for England the End of Next Week all Letters to be Sent to the Town Adjutant H Qrs at
No 64 Maden Lane by Saturday Noon –
Deserted from the Legon When on the Comandar in Cheifs Guard 9th [Or?] 78 [Abraham Fashinton?]
Soldier 5 foot 0 Inches high a Little Pox Mkd had on When he Went away a Green Jacket with a Black
Collar Cuffs, Lither Breaches, and Bootes [illegible] armes & Pistol

Likewise Joon Haze [illegible] Soldier 5 feet 8 Inches High had on When he Went away the same
Described above –
Genl Orders New York 13 Nr 78
The Commander in Chief is pleased to appoint Colo [Charles O‟Hara] OHarow of His Majestys foot
Guards to Do Duty as Bridajer General until His Majestys pleasure is known His Rank Bearing Date
from 28 October – A Bord Consistg of 3 Genl Offrs will meat to Morrow at the Commandents Quarters at
12 OClock to Enquire into the pratentians [pretensions] of Lt Colo [Samuel] Birch of the 17th Dragons to
the troop Vacant in that Regt
Major Genl Daniel Jones
president Briggaders [James] pattison & [Charles] OHarow members – A Court of Inquirey Consisting
of 3 Field offrs will meat at Kings Bridge on Monday Next at 10 OClock in the fore Noon to Enquire into
the Charge Brought Against Lt Colo [Andreas] Emmerick of the Chassuers by Capt Garrison an Paymaster
of the Said Corps
Lt Colo [Robert Donkin, 44th] Duncan president Major [Edward] Fitzgerlard [57th] Lt Colo
[Beverly] Robison [Loyal American Regt.] members
Major [Thomas] Barklay of the Loyal American Regt will take the Command of The Chasseurs until the
above Charge is Cleared up
The Men for England will
Be Closed on Sunday Next
A Genl Courtmartil Consisting of 2 filed offrs 7 Capts and 4 Lts From the British to assemble at the City
haul on Monday Next at 11 O Clock for the trial of Such prisoners as Shall be Brought before them –
Lt Colo [John] York [33rd] prisidant
The Regts are to prepare their Several Quarters as Soon as possible and to take Possoision [possession] of
them without Further Orders the Commanding offrs of Each Corps will make
A Report to the adjt General
American Rangers Captain Richard Armstrong to be Major Vice [Arthur Ross] Roos who abides by his
Commission 35 Regiment
The Commander in Chief is pleased to Supperceed the Revrand Mr Lewes Deputy Chaplin to the 16
Dragoons for having been absent From his Duty 3 months with out Leave November 16 78
The Artificers and Laborers of each Corps Employed in fiting Up their Quarters in huts
will be payed for Every Day they Work Between the 24 Day of Octr Last and 24 December Inclusive
The artificers at the rate of 1s 3d Starling pr Day each and the Labours at the rate of 6d Starling
returns of which to be Given in Sined By the Commanding Offrs of Each Corps on the 25 Decr

Batt orders
The Mounted mens Accounts to be Immidatly Settled and the Balance to be paid to Lt [Thomas] Nicols
Head Qrs. N. Yourk 19th Nov. 78
Captn O.Reiley of the Hessian Granaders is appointed town Majr to thiss Garrison in the Room of Capt
Riuting who Risigns that Office On Account of his Ill State of Health –
Lieut. [Denis] Carlton late of the 112th Regt. is Appointed an Assistant Barrack Master, in future all
applications from officers, or other persons belonging to the Army or Quarter &c are to be Made to him at
his Quarters at No. 22 in brasid [Broad] Street near the Genl. post office

– frequent Complaints having been Made by the different Regts
turn over
British, that they Seldom Receive any Account of the Necessarys Sent with their Sick to the Genl.
Hospital, the Stewarts are therefore to give Receits for all arms, Accoutrements & Nessesarys Sent with
each paitent to the Hosptl and are to be Accountable for each article When Such Men Recover or die, the
purveour of the Hosptl will See that this Order is Complyed with & Give such other directions as he Shall
judge Most effectual for preventing the like Irragularity in future
Head Quarters New Yourk 20th Novr 78
Representation having been made to the Commander in Chief that from the Dificulty off a surtaing
[ascertaining] which are to be paid as artificers and which as Comon Labours ye.Regulations of pay for
the Troops – who build their Own Huts May be Misunderstood & May produce Confusion – His
Excellency is pleased to Cansill that a Regulation & will Order a Cirtian Sum to be Ishued to Each Regt
To Employed, to be Distributed as the Comanding officers shall think proper
Batt Orders Jamacia 22d Novr 78
42 Comp to be Ready to March to Morrow Morning at 7 O Clock to New Utricht –
d y

[Note: New Utrecht is about 14 miles southwest of Jamaica. This assignment may have been in response to rebel
whaleboat raids in the vicinity of New Utrecht.]

Head Qrs N. Yourk 22d Novr 78

Orders –
The Comander in Chief is pleased to Make the following promotions
7th Regt
2 Liu [Henry Brockholst] Phillips from 23 . Regt. to be Liut. Vice [Sir William Lewis] Andre preferred
d t d

5th Novr 78 –
The Commander in Chief is pleased to
[Off page of film- “appoint Quarter Master Hector McLean” – from Clinton Papers]
to Act as Qr Mastr to the 2d Battn of the 42d. Regt. Vice [James] Sterling

Battn Orders 23d. Novr. 78 –

A Court Martil to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at the Presedents Marque – Capt [Charles]
McLean [43rd] Presedent Liuts [George Cuppaidge] Cuppige [26th] [Thomas] Nicol [33rd], [Francis]
Erskine [23rd] and [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] Members, all Evidence to attend

[remainder of page – scribbled notes]

Liut Coln [Robert] Abercrombys Orders
Jamaica 23d. Novr. 1778 –
A garrison Court martil Consisting of 1 Captn & 4 Subs to assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at
ye. Genl, Amhearst tavron

[Note: The Gen. Amherst Tavern was located in Jamaica, Long Island with the sign of Gen. Amherst and was owned
by Stephen Betts.]
Lt Infy the Captn and 2 Subs
Granaders – 2 Subs

for ye. Garrison Court Martil Capt. [Charles] McLean [43rd] Presedent Liuts [George] Cuppaige [26th] &
[Thomas] Nichols [33rd] Members
A Battn Court martil to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at the Presedents Marque
Capt [William] Scott [17th] Presedent –
Liuts [Francis] Erskine [23rd], [William Henry] Hamilton [37th], [William] Winyard [64th] and [James]
Drurrey [57th] members all evidence to attend –
Battn Morning orders 26th. Novr. 78 –
A Court Martil to assemble ay 10 OClock at the pressedents Marque
Captn [William] Scott [17th] pressedent –
Liuts [John Daniel] Frazer [17th] } members { [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] &
[Robert] Walker [7th] } { [Thomas] Freeman [64th ]
all Evidence to attend
Jammica Novr the 26 1778
Prisoners tried by the garrison Court martil of whiuh Captn [James William] Baily [7th] Was president
Three Granaders of the 71 for merading and Bing about Two miles from camp without leave are found
Guilty of the Crime Lead to there Charge & Sentenced to receive 300 Lash Each the Commanding offrs
approves of the above Sentence and orders it to be put in Execution at the head of the Corps
Jas Baglor and Jas
allisck of the 57 Lt. Company Tried by the above Court martil For Marading are aquited for Want of
Sufficient proof
Jon fild and Tom Barl of Said tried for the Said Crime are also aquited Now Evidence having appeared
against them what Ever – the Commanding offr‟s approves of the above Sentences and orders the
Prisoners to be Set at Liberty
The garrison Court martil of Which Capn. Baily was president is Disolved
Gemmica Novr 29 1778
Battn orders
Lt Colo [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Bn.] most Solonely Declairs to the Lt Infantry that he is
Detrmned to proscutite With the utmost Rignor at a Genl Court martil any Solder who Shall be Found
Steling cattle Sheep Hogs &c the property of the Inhabitants he Expects from the Captns every Excertion
Detecting the
perpertstratyors [perpetrators] of Such In famous Crimes – the Difrent Guards are ordered to make
frequent patrols in the Night in order to prevent Iregularitys –
as the finishing of the huts Seems in General to be very Much Neglected no Offrs will bi allowed to gow
to new York Except upon very urgent Busniss until the Soldirs is Settid in their Qurs
Lt Colo Abercromby further orders that when the men Remain in Camp
all the Officers will Remain in their Tents those only Excepted who have Ill health and who have the
Commanding offrs leave to Sleep in houses

Hd. Qrs. N. Yourk 26th Novr 1778 –

Liu Col [John] Yourk [22 ] is appointed to the Command of ye. British Granaders until farther Orders –
t n nd

Majr [William] Danzie of 33d. Regt. is appointed to Do duty with ye. Lt Infy Under the Command of Lt.
Coln. [Robert] Abercromby [37th] Untill farther Orders –

New York 27th. Novr. 78 –

Officers Comanding Corps Quartered in the Contry

must be Responceble that the Regtl waggons are never Sent to New Yourk but upon Nesessary Occasions
of the Corps, an Escort of one Carful Man is always to be Sent with Each Waggen & an Non
Comissoined Officer with the whole where there are More waggens than One, No person to be Suffered
to Ride on those Waggens nor any wood to be Carried in them Excepting for the Emmidate use of ye.
Corps, Non Comissined officers or Solders Disobeying this order are to be Confined
turn over
The Commanding officers of British and proventel [Provincial] Corps & the heads of departments are to
Give in Returns of the names of their officers and Staff Acttually present & who are Intituled to furrage
agreeable to the last Regulation
Those Returns to be sent to the Adjt Genls Office by Mondy next
– The Court of Enquiry of which Liut. Coln. [Robert Donkin, 44th] Duncan is president is Disolved –
Liut Coln [Andreas] Emerick is to take the Command of his proventil Corps again
Head Quarters New York January the 20 Commanding in Chif is
pleased to make the following Promotions Ens George [Froe?] the Regiment John Brow
Jno Colestream

Note: this order page is a poor representation of the actual order shown in the Clinton Papers which reads: “44th
Regiment Ensign George Brabazen to be Lieutenant vice Barnabas Atkinson, deceased } 19 th Janr 1779...” The
Clinton Orders go on to record promotions in the 74th Regt.which are not included in the 37th Lt. Infantry Company
Order Book.]

[Company Accounts? – no year specified and x‟d out ]

[Note: During this period there were 20 Shillings (S) to the British Pound Sterling (£) and 12 pence (d) to the Shilling.]

[£ S d]
Feby. 6 two Bushels potatoes 7. 0
Do 12 To heels 2 7½
Do 13 Do 7 0
Do 16 Do 5 3
Charge = 1 1 10 ½

March 1st To heels 14 dozen a 10 ½ d .. 12 3

To five Bushel & ½ Potatoes a 2/11 .. 16 4½
To nine Do Tarnips a 2/11 1 7 8½
March 5 To Potatoes .. 4 8
To Fish .. 7 5½
10 To Potatoes .. 5 3
13 To Do .. 8 2
Entered 4 2 10
Liut Capt Coote

Soales & heels

Shoe welts
S: Buckles

£ S d
Walton 1 1 4
Bratt 1 1 4
Wood 1 1 4
McMillin 1 1 4
Morton 1 1 2
Mason 1 1 4
Hoult 1 1
Hope 1 1 2
Farral 1 1 2
Hilton 1 1 4
Watson 1 1 4
Shaw 1 1 4
Coppock 1 1 4
Davis 1 1 2
Williams 1 1 2
David Stewart 1 1 2
Swift 1 1 4
Ashinhurst 1 1 2
R. Bell 1 1 2
Hilditch 1 1 4
Jno Bell 1 1 6
Donovan 1 1 6
Hilton 1 1 4
Hodge 1 1 4
Harris 1 1 4½
From 25 December 5 2 31 27 17 28 7 19 3½
Corpl McKilligan 1 6 5
Crowther 1 2 1
Dean 1 4 10 ½
McKilligan 1 4 10 ½
Peary 1 4 10 ½
Hoult 1 4 10 ½
Hilditch 1 4 10 ½
Williams 1 4 10 ½
Sutton 1 4 10 ½
Gave Out 12 3 32 27 17 20 10 1 11
Remains 23 Feby 2 10 25 20 1 4
R. Bell 1 2 ½
Bratt 2 4 1½
Ashinhurst 1 2 ½
Sainsbury 1 2 ½
Jno Bell 1 2 ½
Hilton 1 2 ½

Morton 1 2 ½
Kinder 1 2 ½
Rigby 1 2 ½
Davis 1 2 ½
Articles in the 37th Light Infantry‟s Store 24 October [1778]

Soales & heels

Stock Buckles

Shoe welts

£ S d
Corpl Greenhaultch 2 4 1
Do Do 1 4½
Corpl Buntin 1 1 1
Dr Gray 1 1 1
Armour 2 4 1
Do Do 1 4½
Do Do 1 10 ½
Achinhurst 1 4½
Robt Bell 2 4 1
Jno Bell 1 4½
Do Do 1 1 10 ½
Bratt 2 4 1
Crowther 1 4½
Do Do 1 10 ½
Cox 1 1 2 5
Coppeck 1 1 5 3
Crooks 1 1 1 7 0
Cosmore 1 2 1 10 10 ½
Donovan 1 1 1 6 ½
Farral 2 4 1
Greenwood 1 1 1 6
Hawkins 1 4½
Hilton 1 1 1 3 7
Hilditch 2 1 1 5 4
Hodge 2 4 1
Hoult 1 1 2
Knowles 1 1 6 11
Morton 1 10
Mason 1 1 1 3
Piery 1
Rasco 1 1 1 2 5
Rigby 1 4½
Sutton 1 1 6 1
Swift 1 4½
Williams 1 1 1 3
Kinder 2 4 1
Hope 2 4 1

David Stewart 1 10 ½
Josh Dean 2 1 4 3½
Walton 1 1 5 3
Watters 2 1 4 5½
Davis 1 2 2 5
Hilton 1 1 1 3 7
Robt Stewart 1 2
Wood 1 4½
5 2 31 26 7 4 6 9 3

Soales & heels


Shoe welts
S. Buckles


£ S d
Gray 1 2 ½
By Your Order 2 4 1
Davis 1 6 5
Greenhoultch 1 2 ½
Cosmore 1 2 ½
Hope 1 2 ½
Gray 1 2 ½
Rigby 1 6 5
Do 1 2 ½
Shaw 1 6 5
Hoult 1 6 5
Hodge 1 2 ½
Farral 1 6 5
Cosmore 1 6 5
Rigby 1 6 5
Emberton 1 6 5
Ashinhurst 1 4½
Bratt 1 4½
Rigby 1 4½
Emberton 1 4½
Farral 1 4½
Cosmore 1 4½
2 2 5 14
1 4 2 2 4½
Mess Roll of ye 37th Lt Compy 8 Novr 78 ...
[ Two-column list of names of men in the company, not divided up in any way, followed on the next page
by an alphabetical list with no title or description of why it is there. ]
[Many doodles and scribbles.]...
“Married Men Morrow Leaves
Crossley, Eavans, Greenwood, Harries, Kitchen, Knowles, Mason, Swift McMullen
Not clear if this last name is intended to be part of the list]

[X‟d out list of accounts]
[X‟d out list of accounts]
Necessary Bill of Captain Cootes Company
Cash to Evans by S. Areton 10 10
To Shoes for Morton 9 4
To Cash to Do 5 3
To Shoes Soalg and Heeling For Roses { 1
To Cash for Lloyd 2 11
To Cash for Bases 2 4
To Cash for C. Buntin 2 4
To Cash for Crossley 9 4
Laid out for C. Coote To A Gallon of Shrub 14 6
To 12 Stock Buckles 10 6
To 4 ½ Yds Linen for Collers 9
To making 63 Collers @ 1d 5 3
To making 17 Do @ 2d 2 10
To a Cart for the Company Cloathing 2 7½
Laid out for the Taylors by your Order 2 4
Cash to Lloyd by S. Areton 4 7
Cash to C. Bunter by S. Areton 1 12 7½
To two yds & half Linen for Collers @ 2/3 { 5
To making 40 Collers @ 1d 3 4
Cash to Corpl Greenhault 9 ¼
To Cash to [Ohlatch?] for Breeches 4 8
To Cash to Rosco 1 8
To Candles for the Company 1 3
To Moulds for the Caps 1 2
To Hair for Do 7 8
To Cash for Serjt MacMullin 18 8
To 26 Yds Blanketing @ 2/4 3 .. 8
To 4 Pieces Yellow Binding @ 2/4 9 4
To 1 lb Yellow thread 4 8
To 50 Green Feathers @ 2/4 5 16 6
To 24 lb Pound Tobacco @ [illeg] 1 11 ¼
To A Pair Breeches for Dean 4 8
Tobacco for Armour 1 7
Do for Hilton 1 7
o d o
D for Ashinhurst 1/7 D to Carother 1/7 Crook 1/7 4 9
Do for Morton 1/7 Greenwood 1/7 Williams 1/7 4 9
Do to C Mackilligan 1/7 Hawkins 1/7 Bratt 9d ½ 3 11 ½
Do to Hope 9d ½ Sutton 1/7 Donovan 1/7 3 11 ½
Do to Piecy 1/7d Dr. Stewart 1/7 Hoult 9d ½ 3 11 ½
Do to Mason 9d ½ Hodge 1/7 Cappock 1/7 3 11 ½
Do to Hilditch 1/7 Rigby 9d ½ Shaw 1/7 3 11 ½
24 18 9
£ S d
Cash to Drummer Gray 2 4
Short Chargd in the Tobacco 3 11

To Serjt McMullins Cloathg Alterg 5 6
To Ashenhurst for a Haversack 1 9
To 42d Taylors 1 19 0
To 22d Do 15 0
To Tanniclift 16 7½
To Corpl Greenhault for Pens Ink & Paper { 4 2½
To Watson for working the Hair for the Caps { 7 10
To the Hatter for Dying the Hair 2 4
To four Pounds thread for ye Cloathg 18 8
To Hooks & Eyes for Do 2 11
To An Orderly Book 2 ½
To making the Companys Caps 6 5 5
To Candles for the Taylors 4 7
To Cash to mason 10 10 ½
New Shoes to C. Greehaultch 8 2
Do to Morton 9 4
D to Walker 7 7
Do to Hawkins 7 7
Do to Hilditch 8 2
Cash to Hilditch 2 4
Cash to Walton 4 8
Corpl McKilligan new shoes 7 0
Walton Do 7 0
Rosco Do 7 0
Hilton Do 7 0
Greenwood Do 7 0
David Stewart Do 7 0
Piery Do 7 0
Rigby Do 7 0
Lloyd Do 7 0
Achinhurst Do 7 0
Hoult Do 7 0
Casmore Do 7 0
Serj Campbell Do 7 0
20 1 10
Knowles new shoes 0 7 0
Harris Do 7 0
Serj M Mullin Do
t c
7 0
Hope Do 7 0
Mason Do 7 0
Watson Do 7 0
Swift shoes mending 8
Crooks Do 2 8
Wood Do 2 8
Kinder Do 2 10
Davis Do 2 8
Watters Do 2 8
Emberton Do 2 8
Morton Do 2 6
David Stewart Do 2 8

Robt Stewart Do 2 8
Wood new Shoes 7 0
Do mending 2 8
Cappock Do 6
Hawkins Do 4
Robt Stewart Do 1 0
Piecy Do 2
Kinder Do 9
Emberton Do 6d Knowles do 4d 10
Rigby Do 8d Ashinhurst Do 6d 1 2
Corpl McKilligan 4d Hoult 1/0d 1 4
Corpl Greehaultch 4d R. Bell Do 4d 8
Walton do 8d Jno Bell do 4 1 0
Shaw Do 1/0 Watters Do 10d 1 10
Greenwood Do 4d David Stewart 4d 8
Cappock do 4 Swift 4d McKilligan 1/0d 1 8
4 9 7
20 1 10
24 18 9
49 10 2
55 18 11
Due by me to Capt Coote 24 decr 6 8 9
1 17 4
4 11 5
Bill of Charges of 37 L Infy 24 Decr 1778
£ S d
Inc 24 decr Washing to Corpl Greenhaultch 8
To Mrs. Swift for making a Shirt 1 4
To Do For leggings 3 4
Washing to Jno Peacy 1 4
Do to Davis 1/10 Do to Rt Bell 8d 2 6
Do to Walters 10d Do to Rigby 10d 1 8
Do to Hilditch 1/0d Leggins to Walton 10d 1 10
Leggins to Mason 10d Do to Shaw 10d 1 8
Washing to Corpl McKilligan 2 2
Do to Donovan 2d Do to Emberton 3/2 3 4
Do to Casmore 2/2 Do to Ashinhurst 2/2 4 4
Do to Wood 2/0 Do to Rigby 1/2 3 2
Do to Jno Bell 2/0 to Shaw 2/0 4
Robt Stewart 2/2 Crowther 2/2 4 4
Hodge 4d Farral 2/10 Do Stewart 2/2 5 4
Kinder 1/10 Coppock 6d Cox 8d 3
Hawkins 2/2 Walters 1 /2 3 4
Robt Bell 1/0 Walton 10d 1 10
Crooks 2/10 Morton 2/8 Walton 1/10 Bratt 1/4 8 8
Hope 1/0 Armour 2/4 Hilton 2/8 Hoult 1/10 7 10
Watson 1/4 Williams 1/10 Rosco 2/0 5 2
Loyd 10d Donovan 1/0 Gray 4d 2 2
Peary 4d Shirt making for Welton 1 /4 1 8

Donovan 1 /4 Coppock 1 /4 Sutton 1 /4 4
Leggins making for Crowther 10d Bratt 10d Crosley 10d 2 6
To Hedge for making Leggins Charged 24 Decr 7
Cash to Serjt McMullin 1 6 5
To Rum by your Order 1 8
To Wine by Do 18 5
To leather for Capt. Coote 7
To Mrs Smith for making Eleven pr Leggins 9 2
To Shoeing your Mare 5 10
To Fish & Sundrays for the Company 1 8½
To Potatoes for the Company 3 2
13 15 ½
To Cash to Sansbury for Kitchen 1 1 9
Do to Morton 4 8
Do for paper by your Order 1 10
Expended 4th. Feb 15 3 3½
Recd. from Cap: Coote 25 18 3½
Due by me 6 15 0
Bill of Charges of 37th L: Infy 23 Feb 1779

Cash to Crooks 2 4
Do to Hoult 2 4
Do to Crosley 18 8
Do to Mason 1 2
Do to Farrall 4 8
To Flour by your Order 4 10
To Sugar by your Order 2 4½
23 feby Cash to Casmore 4 8
{ Cash to Captain Coote 2 4
to be Charged { Pd for Wolters Firelock 7 6
{ Cash to Dr. Gray 4 8
{ Cash to Cox 4 8
Cash to Corpl Greenhaultch 4 8
3 4 10 ½
To Vegetables 1 1 10 ½
4 6 9
13 3 11 ½
Settled 23d Feb due Cap. Coote 8 17 2 ½
3 5 3
due me 12 2 5
March [text crossed out]
Advanced 3 5 3
March 5 Due by [LenAirton?] 15 7 8
17 Advanced 2 3 6
21 do 4 5
23d do 1 1 9
Apl 8 do 1 1 9
Do 13 do 1 8 -
15 do .. 14 ..

22 9 4
23 Apl 1 1 2
23 3 4
Bill of Charges of 37th L: Infy

March 5 To Cash to Hoult 2 4

Do To Morton 9 4
Do To Harris 1 1 9
9 To Cosley 14
21 To Swift 4 8
Paid for the Company‟s Stars 14
Cash to Serjt McMullin 9 4
Do to Donovan 4 8
Do to Ashenhurst 2 4
Do to Robt. Bell 2 4
Do to David Stewart 2 4
Do to Shaw 2 4
Do to Gray 2 4
By your Order for Rum 16 4
Cash to Crowther 5 10
Do to Mason 2 4
By your Order to Corpl Greenhoultch 2 4
Breeches to Corpl Greenhoultch 4 8
Shoes to do 7 6
Cash to Cox 4 8
Cash to Hilton 1 2
Cash to Williams 1 2
To Vigatobles 4 2 10
Crooks to washing 4 4
Morton do 4/10 Bratt 3/0 Hope 2/8 10 6
Armore 3 /4 Hilton 4/8 Hoult 3/8 Walton 2/8 14 4
Williams 3/0 Donovan 3/6 Gray 1/6 Piecy 3/0 11
Shaw 4/0 Cox 1/0 5
Donovan Shirts mending 4d: Hope do 4d: 8
Corpl McKilligan 4/4 Emberton 5/2 Cosmore 3/8 13 2
Ashinhurst 3/8 Wood 4/10 Jno Bell 3/10 12 4
Hodge 4/8 D: Stewart 3/10 Kinder 3 /4 11 10
Coppock 3/11 Hawkins 5/1 Walton 6/7 15 7
R. Bell 4/8 Wolters 4/10 Hilditch 3/2 12 8
Crowther 3/10 R: Stewart 2/6 6 4
Corpl Greenhaultch 6/0 farrol 4/0 Davis 3/2 13 2
David Stewart Shoes mending 2 7
Morton 2/8 Jno Bell 2/8 Dean 2/8 8
Hilditch 2/8 C: Greenhaultch 2/8 5 4
R. Bell 2/3 Walters 2/8 Coppock 2/8 Kinder 2/8 10 3
Wolton 2/8 Farral 9d Sainsbury 1/8 5 1
To Book mending for Captain Coote 1 8
To Shoes for do 2 8
Cash to Peacy 4 8

20 3½
Walton Shoes mended 2/4 Bratt 2/4 Wood 2/4 7
Serjt McMullin 2/4 Morton 2/4 Mason 2/4 7
Hoult 2/0 Hope 2/2 Farral 2/2 Hilton 2/4 8 8
Watson 2/4 Shaw 2/4 Cappock 2/4 Davis 2/2 9 2
Williams 2/2 Stewart 2/2 Swift 2/4 6 8
Ashinhurst 2/2 R: Bell 2/2 Hildilch 2/4 6 8
Jno Bell 2/6 Donovan 2/6 5
2 10 2
20 3½
previos to 24th 22 10 5½
Advanced 23 3 8
Due me 24th Apr 0 12 7½
Advanced 24th Aprill 19 12
25 Aprill 3 5 3
29th do [J: Gs?] 7 12 5½
do do 5 5 9½
d do 5 5 9½
May 5 5 5 9½
[text off bottom of page]
Cash to Corpl Greenhoultch 9 4
Cash to Hilton for a pr Leggins 1 2
To washing for Rigby 2/7 to R. Stewart 2/4 4 11
Paid the Shoe makers Bill 11 2 2
Paid for Paint and Oyl for the haversacks 1 8 1
To Breeches for Farral 1 2
To Breeches for Ashenhurst 1 0
To Breeches for Rigby 2 11
To Painting 54 Haversacks @ 6d 1 7 0
To thread 1 3 4
To making 50 Haversacks @ 11d 2 5 10
To Trowser making for Captain Coote 2 4
By your Order for Trowsers making 8
To Moulds 6 8
To fish 2 4
Breeches to Davis 2 11
To your Order for I 9 4
Cash to Gibson 2 4
Charges to 24 Aprill 18 11 6
Recd in Advance to 24th Aprill 35 8 3½
Due Captain Coote 24th Aprill 16 16 9½
To making 40 pr Trowsers 2 6 8
Due Captain Coote 24 Apl 14 10 1½
7 May Cash from C. Coote 1 1 9
16 do do do 10 10 ½
r c
From M . M Aulay 9 4
19 May Cash from Capt. Coote 2 3 6
18 do do 9 4

Breeches for Farral 1 2
Do for Ashinhurst 1 0
Do for Rigby 2 11
To Fish 2 4
Breeches for Davis 2 11
By your Order for F. 9 4
Cash to Gibson 2 4
Cash to Sainsbury 9 4
Cash to Mason 2 4
Cash to Cox 4 8
Cash to Serjt Greenhoultch 4 8
Cash to Harris 4 8
Do to Sainsbury 11 0

Order Book [Cover]

[Clements File No.] 6912/14. 41
New York
[under considerable scribbling]

[Illegible] Coote
Orderly Book
[The order book skips to May 4-5, 1780 during the siege of Charleston, South Carolina by Sir Henry
Clinton. These pages have been relocated to their correct location]
Battn Orders Jamaica 13th November 1779
For Guard to Morrow Lieu [Robert] Potts [42nd] –

no horses belonging the Officers of Light Infantry, Waggan or troop horses to be turned in to Coarnfilds;
officers are Disired to give particular Directions to have Batt men to prevent more Complaints on that
head –
Parole Details Sergts Corpls Privats
Guard Jamaica 3

Battn Orders Jamaica 14th Novr 1779

For Guard tomorrow L [Robert] Campbell 84th Compy –

Serjt [Alexander] Aird of 42d Light Comp”y try‟d for disrespectful behavior to Lt [James] Ingram
[33rd/Adj.] is aquitted for want of sufficient Evidence and is to Joine his Company –
Details S C P
A Court martial to Assemble to [Remainder off bottom of film]
of General Amherst [tavern] Corpl Spens – Capt [James] Graham [57th] President Lieuts Eneas McDonald
[33rd] [Thomas] Armstrong [80th] & [John Daniel] Fraser[17th] members all Evidence to attend –

B. Orders Novr 15th – 79

[illegible sentences]
The Same In Returns to The Commanding Offr Every Morning – – –

Artificers From the following Compys [illegible word] 7th Two Carpintors 17th – 1 & The 23d – 1 to be
Sent to Assist In building The Offr Huts of The Under Mentioned Compys, The 37th – 43d – 54th – & 84
To have one Each & To be Continued Till further Orders
To Visit The Hospl &c To Morrow Capt [James] Frazer [76th], & Lt [John Mackewen] McCewin [38th]
[illegible sentence]
[illegible word] Court Martial To Assemble to Morning at 10 OClock At The Presd Marquee Capt [James]
Frazer [76th] President –
Lts[Stafford] Lightburn [37th], [Thomas] Freeman [64th], [Robert] Walker [7th] & [David Robertson]
Robinson [63rd] Members All Evidence to Attend – – – –

Detail S
1 3
Artificers from the ______________

Batn Orders 16 November 1779

Charles Dortarly & Peter Deve‟s of 57th Light Compy tried for being Consersed [considered?] for robbing
a hous in Charge of a Guard on wich ye: belonged, for want of Sofisend Evedences are Aqueted –
not with Standing wich Lieut. Colonl [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] is Possitively Convinced of
there Gilt & that of others of the Compy he there fore most Erenestly
Recomends to Captn [James] Graham [57th] the Strictist atenchen to the Condoct of Such men, to Visit the
Hospital [H?] to morrow Captn [William] Snow [64th] & Lt [James] Stewart [42nd], for the Quarter Guard
Lieut [Allen Malcolm ] Malcham [33rd]
Batt orders Jamaca [no date – likely Nov. 17, 1779]
To visit the Hospital to Morow Morning Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th] & Lieut McDonall
for the Quarter Guard Lieut [Robert Amiel] Emaull [17th]
Detail S C P
Gd 3

Batn Orders 18th Novr 1779

to Visit the Hospital &c Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] & Lieut [Charles Alexander] McRea [76th]
for the Quarter Guard Lieut. [Robert Amiel] Amuell [17th]
Detail Serjt Corpl Private
Guard 3

Garrison Orders 19th Novr 1779

the Light Infantry & Granadiers
to parade with there Guns this Evening haf an hour before Sun Set in frunt of there Huts to fire fue Dejoy,
the Light Infantry Guns on there right The Batn of Granadiers next to them on their right, the Guns on the
Left hand Batn: on their Left –
The Firing to be Gin With two rounds of Artelary, one Round from right to left with Musketry Cannon,
two rounds Musketry one; Cannon two , Musketry one

[Note: This feu de joie (literally fire of Joy) was in recognition of British victory at Savannah, Georgia.]

Batn Orders
The Light Infantry to Parade half an hour before SunSet

The Officers Servants to attend Battmen Excepted, the Arms to be inspected by an Officer of Each
Compy. The Teen boxces to be Left behind; 3 Light cartriges to remine in the Catuch boxes –
To Visit the Hospital &C: to morrow Captn [St. Lawrence] Boyd [38th] & Lieut. [John Daniel] Freuzer
[17th] –
For the Quarter Guard Lieut [Thomas Armstrong] Harmstrong [80th] –
Detail Serjt Corpl Private
Guard 3

Orders Captn [Nicholas] Wade of Ye 49 Regmentt

B. Orders Jamacia 20 Novr 79
d y
The Part of the 33 Comp Whose Hut Was burnd Last Night are to Encamp Emidatley and Continew In
Tents till there hut is Rebuilt, Application to be Made to Ye Qr Master for a proportion of Such Towls As
Can be Spared –
To Visit The Hospl &c To Morrow Capt [James William] Baile [7th] & Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
For The Qr Guard Lt [Colvin Learmonth] Larennoth [80th] – – –
Detail { S C P
{ 4

Head Qr New York 15th Novr 79

Complaint Having been made to the Comr In Chief, That The Sick from the Differt Corps to the Gl Hospl
Has been in Many Instances In A Very Unclenley State and Not properly supplied with Necessaries
His Excellency Orders a greater Attention To This Point In futtir –
The Offr Visiting The G. Hospital Will Rapt [report] Against What Corps Such Complaint May Be Made
On the Day he Visits The Recovered Men of the Army are To be Sent for By There Regimts on
Wedensday & Saturdays from the Anabaptist Meeting Hospital [House] In Gowld Street –
The Several Corps are Reminded That Whenever any of there Men are Returned for Garrison Duty, they
are Imidatley to be turned over to That Battn With a State of There Accts, Made Up to the End of that
Muster In Which they Sahall be Discharged Comd Offs of Regts Will Likewise be
Pleased to Send With Each Man A Certificate of the Length and Nature of his Past Services, that A
Recommendation to the Chelsea Board May In the End Be Given to Such as Merit That Bounty –
The Extra Hospl. Board Will assemble At the College Hospl. to Morrow Forenoon for the Purpose of
Invaleading Such Men of that Battalion as Shal Appear Incapable of any further Sirvise –
Engn Dun of the Garrison Battn Is to Remain hear in Order to Receive In Charge Such Men as Shall be
returned for that Corps By the Different Hospl Boards

Adjutant Genl 19 Sept 79

d s
Com Off of British Corps, Will Pleas Give For a Return of the Names [of Officers?]
Who are Disposed to Purchase at The Regulated Price of Course.
And When old offrs of Either Rank are Recommended to the Comander In Chief For Promotion Without
Pirchase the Memorials for that Purpoce In there Behalf are to Spacefy there time of Service, the Several
Comitions [commissions] they have allready Purchased and Wheather They have been Promdd from the
half Pay; the Same Rule to be Observed When Old offrs are recommended for Leave to Sell –

The Genl Offrs and Comd offrs of Corps Who have Recomended Vollenteers to The Comd In Chief for
Promotion Will be Pleased to Signify the time They have actualy Served and With What Corps In IOrder
to there Being promoted Accorg to there Servise and Merit
These Returns to be Sent as Soon as Comd to Lt Coll [Stephen] Kemble [60th] D Adjutant Genl for the
Comd In Chiefs Information –

Head Qr New York 18 Novr 79

His Excelency the Comd In Chief anounces To the Army, that the Most Signal Success has Atteanded his
Majestys Army In Georgia the United forces of the French King and the Rebellious Callonials After
Every Affort by Siege & Storm To Posses themselves of the Town of Savanah has been [Dispersed?] &
Defated By the Gallantry and Good Disposition of the British Gl and the Troops under His Comand
His Exelency tho In Possession of Intiligence of the Event [illegible words]
[illegible words] Arms, With a Very Smal Loss of the Georgian Army, Tho With a Very Great Slaughter
on Part of the Enemy –
The Army Will Give in Returns of the Recruits Recd from England In the Year 1779, Each Regt
Specefying the Ages Sise, & former Service and Ifirmities [infirmities] of Those they have Recd, They
Will name Such as May Since there Arrival have been Discharged Or Asioned to Garrison Duty Forms
of returns are Loged With the Majors of Brigade of the Differt Districts –
Many Regts have Not Complyed With The Order of the 19th Sept relative to Recomendations of Offs &
Volenteers Communicated In a Circular Letter Such Ress [responses] are Expd [expected] Imidiatly from
Difft Districts –

Detail of painting believed to be a portrait of Maj. Gen. William Tryon

NC State Archives

Jamaica 19th Novr 79 –

Major G [William] Tryons Orders
Major Brigad [John] Lewis [64th] To Do Duty as Assistant Adjutant Genl on Long Island till further
orders - - -
Govoner [Wentis…?]s Volentiers to Canton In the neighbourhood of Sucess Pond
All orders for the Provincial Corps to be Sent to Major Bregade Walker and All Returns & Repts from
those Corps be Made to Bragd G. [Oliver] Delance At West Berry - - -
The 17 Drags, & Lagon to Send an orderly Dagroon to Jamaica be 11 OClock Every Morning for Orders -

The Barrack Master Genl Will Allow to the Troops for Cutting Wood for His Department Eight Shillings
York Currency for Every Choard Cut
[line unreadable at bottom of page]
To Liberal a Reward to the [illegible word] Man to be Very Laborious, and that The Comanding offr of
the Corps thus Employed Will furnish all the Men They Can Spare from Duty for that necessary Work - -
- Duty duty
Weekly Returns to be Made by Each Corps of the Numbers of Wood Cutters & the Quantity of Chords
Cut During the Week
The Majors of Brigades of the Several Districks Send the States & returns of there Several Districtes to
the Assistant Adjutant General
Battln orders 25th Novr 1779
To Visit the Hospitals &c to morrow Captn [Robert] Irving [70th] & Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]
For the Quarter Guard Lt [Thomas] Freeman [64th] –
Head Qrs New York 23 Nr 79
The Comander In Chief Orders The Army May Receive an Extra alowance of Rum this Day –
Brigade Major [Frederick] McKensey [23rd] Is Attached To the Depy Adjutant Gls Office Untill further
Orders –
Capt [John] Despard of the Royal fussaliers Is Apointed Extra Dy Adjutant General Vic [George]
Huthenson Who Resigns that office
Capt. [Henry] Berry, of the 52d Regt Is Apointed Extra Adjutant Genl
[Illegible] [Whrid?] Is Apointed Assistant Barrack Master Vic McKey Who Resigns that office –
Engn Shrieve of G. Delanceys Bragade Is Apointed to Act As Assistant Barrack Master –
Adjutant Genl Office 18 Novr 79
The L Inf , Granadiers 38 – 57 – & Regts of Landsrave & Huyne To Major of Brigade [John] Lewis
t y th th

[64th] at Jamaica –
22d = 28th = 33d = 37th = 54th = 76th = 80th 82d – 71st – & Regts of DuCorps & Donop To Major of
Brigade [William] Scot [17th] At Genl [Francis] Smiths Qrs –
17th Dragoons 48d [sic] & Regt. of Ditforth To Major of Bregade England at general [John] Leelands Qrs –

Major G. [William] Tryons Orders 22 N 79

Complaint Having been made by the Qr. Master Gl That the Waggons And Horses In Some Corps are
Much Injured and Abused. No Waggons Attatchet to Regts or Corps to be
Employed In future In Carting of Wood Wags May be Contracted for or furnished by the Assistant
Barrack Master for [illegible word] for the Troops Further Then from the Maggazeens or Places of
Delivery, Which Will be Established as near as Posable To the Several Cantoon Ments or Qrs –

Bn: Orders
To Visit The Hospital &c to Morrow Cap [Eyre P.] Trench [54th] Lt [Robert] Jackson [57th] –

For Guard Lt [David Robertson] Robinson [63rd]

Detail { S C P
{ 1 4
Batt order Wanting

Jamaica 22 N 79

The Troops Who receive there orders Through Major Brigade [William] Scott [17th], are to Consider
themselves In the District of Major General [Francis] Smith –
Comanding offrs of Such Troops as are Hutted Will order a Subaltern Offr of a Company at Least to Hutt
Near There Men No offs to be [Poittared?] Out of the Cantoon Ment Assined for The Corps He Belongs
too Unless by Permission of his Comd Offr as Well as the Approbation of the Comanding offr of the
Adjourning District –
All Provincial Seconde offrs, are to be Quarter‟d In Spring field and [Foster?] fields and Emidataly to
Give Up There Other Qrs, Within the Cantoon Ments of the Army,
Batt Orders 23d Novr 79
To Visit The Hos &c To Morrow Cap [William] Gore [33rd] & Lt [John Daniel] Fraser [17th]
ls t

For The Qrs Guard Lt [Alexander] McDonald 84th Cy

Detail { S C P
{ 3
Batt Orders Jamaica November 25th
To Viset the Hospital &c tomorrow Capt [James] Graham [57th] & Lt [Robert Potts] Poots [42nd] –
For the Qr: Guard Lieut [John] Graham [54th]
Batn Orders Jamaica 28 N 79
Different Guards are to turn out &c Present There Arms to Genl [William] Tryon [illegible word] often as
he Passes
To Visit The Hospital, Guard, & Hutts To Morrow, Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd] & Lt [Illegible]
The Qrs Guard Lt Layard
Detail { S C P
{ 4

[Note: The “Hutts” mentioned in this order were normally made by partially cutting into the south side of hillside and
making the hut walls from the removed sod. The huts were then thatched and bunks contructed for the men.]

Head Qrs New York 23d N 79

Mr Henery Robinson Is Appointed
Capt of Guides Attending the [Barrack?] Master General –

All Men invalided By the Board of phisicions and Yet with their Regts are to be Sent to Lt [Edward
Pearce] Willingtonof 71st Regt [Adj. Gen. Office] on or before the 26th Inst There Accs having been
Previously Satled According to former Orders.

Head Quarters New York 24th Novr 79

The Comander In Chief is pleased To Make the followg promotions –
71st Regt...
84 Regt. 2d Battalion...


Unless the Repts, Required Rispecting Volonteers are Made by the Comandg Offrs of Corps, With Which
They Serve Specifying There Time of Sirvice No Promts of Volenteers Can take Place

Major G [William] Tryons Orders On Novr 27th

A List of the Off of each Corps, With The Dates of There Comissions, To be Given In to General Tryon
With the next Monthly States –
Such Corps as are Already Hutted, To To Rept When They Went Into There huts And Such as are Now
Hutting to Rept As Soon as the Men Get Into them

Bn Orders
To Visit the Guards, Hosp , & Hutts to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] & Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]

For the Qr Guard Lt [Ma….m?]

Details { S C P
{ 1 3
Major G [William] Tryons Ords 28th N 79
A General Court Martial Consisting of three field Offrs, & 10 Capts, from the flank Corps to Assemble to
Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at The G Amherst [tavern] for the trial of Such prisoners as Shall be
Brought Befor them –
The Dates of the Offrs Commitions To be In Readiness When Cald for
Lt Col [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] President
Detail Lt Infy 5 Capts
st t d
1 Ba of Gran 3
2d Do 2___
Total 10
Battn Orders
For The G Court Martial to Morrow at 10 OClock Capts [Robert] Irven [70th], [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
[William] Gore [33rd] [George] Seymor[17th] & [James] Graham [57th]
To Visit the Guards Hospt & Hutts To Morrow Capt [William] Rayman [22nd] & Lt More
For the Qr Guard Lt [George Worden] Bayonton [23rd]
The Visiting Offrs to remain in Town Camp Untill They Are Relieved –

Memorandum 28th Nor 79

One Guinea Reward
Lost a Small Double Case Pinch Bick Watch Makers Name Vigone London (Nr forgot) With a Steel
Chain and a hair Ring. Set in Gould Haveing too it, Likewise the Gould Sitting of a Seal A Sterl Hook
and a Pinchback [illegible]
Bring it to Capt [Eyre Power] Trench 54th Lt Compy Shall receive the above Reward
Detail { S C P
{ 1 4

Memorandum Jamaica 28th Novr 1779

Stolen or Streade out of M Dunbars Garding Last Monday night a [Westinga?] She Goot beagg with Kids
belonging to Captn [Eyre Power] Trench of the 54th Lt Infantry had a Collar on her neack with Captn [John]
Moors neame 54th Regt: Ingraved on it – Wo Ever will bring her to Mr Dubars Shall Receve two Dollars
Reward –
Head Qr. New York 28th. Novr 79
the Defferant Regts Will Emmedaitly Give in A Return of the Number

of Women & Children belonging to them; wo are Desires of Going to England or Irland –
Each Woman Shall receve one Guaney [Guinea] & Every Child half a Gunea on Landing in Yourape
[Europe] –
the Commander inchiff is Plesed to make the following promotions
54th Regiment...

John Sinclair Soldier in the 76th Regt and Sophie his wife tryed by the general Court martial of which Lt.
Colonel [John Gunning] Gunner [82nd] was presidant Accised of the murther [murder] of Hugh Frazer
Soldier in said Regiment
on Board the Kingston Transport on the 27 July 79 – are found not Guilty of the murther and therefore
Acquited – The Commander in Chieff aproves of the above Sentance

Bn Orders Jamaica 29th Novr 79

To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Captain [St. Lawrence] Boyd [38th] and Lt John
Campbell [23rd]
For the Qur Guard Lt Alexr McDonald [84th].
Lieutenant Colonel [Robert]Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] will not permit any Soldier belonging to the
troop to be Employed as a Servant
Lt. [Lovet] Ash [38th] will be Answerable that this order is punctually obeyed
Detail S C P
.. .. 4

After the officers have Supplyed themselves with a Sufficiency of Boards the are desired to Send the
remainder of them to the mens Hutts, Hutts

Gl orders
The general Court martial ordered Yesterday to assemble to morrow morning at ten OClock

Battn Orders 30th Novr 1779

A Courtmartial to assemble this forenoon at 11 OClock at the
Presidents Quarters
Captn [St. Lawrence] [Boyd?] [38th] President & Lts [David] Robison [63rd] [Winthrop] Roach [43rd]
[Robert] Campbell 84th and [Zachariah] Hall [70th] members
To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts tomorrow Captn [James W] Bailey [7th] & Lieut [Charles
Alexander] McRea [76th] for the Quarter Guard Lt [George] Dunlap [74th]

Major Gl [William] Tryons orders 29 Nov 79

The Nesserary regulations being fixd for the Inhabitants to Supply the troops on Long Island with [fuily?]
furnishing Waggons required by the publick Departments of the Army at the usual reates The Gl Orders
that no Off. Non Commissioned Offr. or Souldier for the future Shall press any Waggons or Horses from
any of the
Inhabitants, unless by a written order from the Commanding Offr of His Corps which is only to be given
in Cases of Emergency and then to be Directed & left with Captns of militia of the districk which will bi the
Voucher for the Service – Quarter Master Sutherland of the Light Infantry is to assist Captn. Waugh,
assistant Deputy Barrack master Genl –

Head Quarters 29th Novr 79
The Commander in Cheif is pleasd to make the following promotions –
26 Regt...

Lt Peter Purden of 38th Regt is apointed Extra asistant Depuy Quarter master Gl
The Gl Court martial of which Lt. Colll [John Gunning] Gunnen [82nd] is Presidant is disolved – The
Different Regts will on Sending Memorandum for 165 Days forrage money to the Quartermaster Gl. will
receive payment –
Some sailors who were Coming from the eastward exchanged in a Cartel Ship have seased the Boat &
landed themselves on Long Island proably to avoid being preisd [pressed] or to avoid going to ther own
Ships, at the Desire of the Commanding Offr afloat I have to request you will be so good as [Piriuslate?]
orders for all Stragling sailors bing detaind wherever stopt, untill they account for not bing with ther

[Note: A “Cartel Ship” would be used to carry exchanged British prisoners back from captivity with the American
Major General [William] Tryons Orders 1 Decr 79
General officers Commanding in the Several Disstricts, are Requested to order Such Guards, Picquets &
Padroles as yo may find necessery for the Safety of the Cantoonments –
the Corps at jamaica to Draw Poroysions [provisions] at flushin untell [Imagouscen?] at Jamaica Can be
formed –
if aney Deficessance in the Regimental Waggan hoses [horses]; Commanding Officers to Apploy to
Captn. [Henry] Sevage [37th] Deputy Qr: Master General to heve them Emmeditly replesed –

Head Qr: New York 13th Novr 1779

the Commander in chiff is Plesed
to make the folloing Poromotions –
17th: Regiment...
71st Regiment...

Battn Orders Jamaica 1 Decer 79

To Visit the Guard, Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Captn [Bent] Ball [63rd] & Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn
[37th], for the Qr: Guard Lieut [John Daniel] Frezer [17th] – S C P
Jamaica 2d Decembr 1779
Major Genl Tryons Orders
The assistant Barrack master to furnish wood & Candels to the Several Genl Offrs, Guards &c To
Commence the 1st Instant

Head Quarters New York 1st Decembr 79

All Offrs Non Comissiond Offrs & Invaluds orderd to Europe, are to be in readuness to embark by monday
next the Sixth Instant Major [Andrew] Gordon of the 26th Regt is to have the Command of the whole
during the passage –
The two months pay from that day, sent home with the Invalids to be paid into the hands of Major Gordon
Battln Orders 2d Decr 1779

To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] & Lt [Robert] Walker
[7th] For the Quarter Guard Lt [Thomas] Freiman [64th] –
Jamaica 3d Decemr 1779
Major Genl [William] Tryons Orders
The Quartermaster Genl having Complained that the Waggons & Horses attatched to the several Corps
are too frequently sent from the Cantoonment on [privet?] business Commanding Offrs of Corps are
therefor requested not to Suffer any Waggons to go from there Cantonments without a pass from them of
the Waggon Master has order to detain all Waggons attatched to Corps which may be found out of there
Canottments without such a pass
Battln Orders
To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Captn [James] Fraser [76th] & Lieut [Robert] Jackson
[57th] – For the Quarter Guard Lieut [David Robertson] Robinson [63rd]
Details { S C P
{ .. .. 4

Battln Orders Jamaica 4th Decr 79

To Visit the Guards Hospital & Hutts tomorrow Capt [William] Snow [64th] & Lieut [Winthrop] Roach
For the Quarter Guard Lt [Alexander] McDonald 84th Company
Details { S C P
{ .. .. 3

Bn Morning Order 5th Decer 1779

a Return of Ammunition and Flints wanting to be given to the Qr Master Emmediately
Each man to be Completed to 60 Rowns & two Flints –

Head Qr: New York 4th Decer 79

The Comander Inchiff [in-Chief] is plesed
To Make the folloing Pormotions
16th Regt foot...
22d Regt...

Regiments Wich have prisoners in the hands of the rebels – who may be in Want of necessery or Money
Will Give a retern of the Articles yo have to Send to Mr [Joshua] Loring Commassery of Prisoners –
Adjutant Genl: Offices 4th Decr 79
You will be Plesed to Issue the following Orders and Cass [cause] them to be Cercolated with all
Possobal Expodation to all Corps who yo releat –
The Light Infantry –
British Granadiers –
23d. – 33d: Regiment of Huyne –
Caveltry of the Leagon are to Send there Camp acapage [equipage] and Wat Ever Baggage that is not
indespencede not to keep with them
to the Bruery Warff at Browkland were ye Will in Bark it Monday morning on Bord the Ships resspactly
Signed them, an Adgent Will tend there to Direct the Embarkation –

those Corps Will Detain there Stores in New York for there Evest [heaviest] Baggage, and Leve on
Officer and a Serjeants Partey With the charge of them –
The Sick Unhable to Inbark with there Regiments are to be sent to the Genl Hospital
5 Women Per Company will
be allowed to Embark, unless were Companes Consist of one handred men or upords these may Embark 8
Women –

[Embarkation arrangements are being made for Sir Henry Clinton‟s expedition to sieze the key rebel city of Chaleston,
South Carolina.]

Battn Orders 6th Decer 79

the Camp acapage of the Compys who are Hutted, to be sent to morrow morning to the Bruery at
Broakland; the Waggons to Go of by Sevan OClock –
it is Recommended to the Commanding Officers of Companes to send there Evey Baggage to the Store of
there Regts. Such Companes whos Regiments are not here to Send there Baggage to the Light Infantry
Lieut Collonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] Recomends to the Commanding Officers of
Companes not yet Hutted, to youes [use] there utmost in Devers [endeavors] to get there men under Cover
as sune as Possobel – to Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] and Lieut
[William Henry] Hamilton [37th], for the Quarter Guard Lieut [John] Graham [54th
Guard Detail S C P
Lieutenant 1 3
Battn orders 6th Decer 1779
To Visit the Guards Hospital & Hutts to morrow Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] and Lieut [Alexander]
Campbell 84th Company

For the Qr Guard Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd]

Ralph Walton of 7
Ralph Walton of 37th Lt Company is appointed Corpls in the rume of McKiligan Perferd, Willm Wood of
Seade Compane to Do Duty as Corpl until further orders
Detail S C P
Detal for Work 3
Detail Guard S C P
1 1 7
Duty State of Ye 37th L: Company
Present Doing Duty
Sick Present 0 0 0 0
Doto Absent .. .. .. 2
in Ye Troop .. 1 .. 2
Officers Servants .. .. .. 4
Batt horse men 1
Prisoner 1
Head Quarters New York 6th Decr 79
Lieu Chistopher Liester [Lyster] of his Majestyes 63d Regt Tried by the Genl Court Martial of which

Lieut. Colll [Robert] Abercromby 37th Regt [and Lt. Inf. Bn.] is President accused of the Murder of Angus
Anderson, Soldier in the 64th Regt of foot the Night between the 21st and 22d Novr 1779 –

The Court having Considered theEvidence for and against the Prisoner Lieut. Cristopher Liester, together
with what he had to offer in his Defense is off Opinion that he his Not Guilty of the Charge alledged
against him and it doth therefore acquit him – The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentance
and orders Lieut Cristopher Liester to be Released from his arrset.

[Note. Lt. Lyster later served in the 63rd Lt. Inf. Company.]
Memorandum –
If any of the Gemtleman of the Corps going to Embark have any Horses to Disp[ose off that they thionk
may answer for troop Horses Mr. St Clair paymaster to the 17th Light Dragoons wants a few, and may be
heard off at Colll [Samuel] Birch [17th Drag.] Lodgings Princess Street New York

Battalion Orders 7th Decr 1779

To Visit the Guards, Hospitalls and Hutts to morrow Captn [William] Hawthorn [80th] & Lieut [Zachariah]
Hall [70th] – for the Quarter Guard Lieut. [John] McEwen [38th]
Detail S C P

Major Genl [William] Tryons orders 6 Decr 79

The Asistant Barrack Master is Request
[line off bottom of film]
and Candles from the Same day The Garrison of New York Commenced their Winter Allowance Viz 1st
of Nov r. 1779 –
Head Quarters New York 7th. Decr 1779
Orders –
As a Convoy for Georgia may Sail in a few days, Officers belonging to Corps there will give in their
Names at the Adjutant Genl Office that a Passage may be Assigned to them
The Hospital Accounts to Sevaral Regts for Invaleeds going home are as yet unsettled from the 25th Octr
Lieut [Edward Pearce] Willington of 71st [and Adj. Gen. office] will Defray them and is to be Refunded
by the Said Regts –
The Commander in Chief is Pleased to Order A Board of one Genl & two Field Offrs to Assemble
tomorrow at Eleven OClock
to Consider of the Proporiaty of given Redress to Content Lt [Capt. Lt. Peter] Russell of 64th. and the Offrs
promoted in Succession to them in point of Regiml Rank Brigadier [Thomas] Sterling President
Lieut Colll [Thomas] Dundass 80 { Members
Major [Robert] McLeroth [64th] {

His Excellency the Commander in Chief desires the Offrs of the Corps who have Received Intimation that
they are to Embark may be Informed that those Ranks Intitled to Forage but not Permitted to Embark
Horses, or not the Whole Number they are Allowed to Draw Forage for may Receive for them from the
Quarter Master Gen: the Stated Price
Field Offrs have it in thier Obtian [option] to Dispose of theirs or Leave it at New York and Continue to
Receive Forage – The Regts when they Embark have to take on Board with them their Barrack Beding
Leaving with the Barrack Master a Receipt for the Same

Major Genl [William] Tryons Orders 8 Decr 79

Major Genl [Johann von] Hoyne is requested to order three Signal Beacons to be Erected at Flushing, one
Near his own Quarters, one near the Hutts off the Regt of Landgrave & the third in the Visinity of the 57th
Regt so as it may be Seen from the Hills North of the Cantoonment of the Light Infantry Signals
of Alarm on the Enemies Landing in force by Night two Guns fired Quick then the Beacons to be Sett on
fire after which two more Guns as the former in case the Beacon from very wett weather should not take
fire two Rockets at half a Minutes Distance from Each other to be thrown up between the firing off the
two first & two Last Guns – upon Alarm all Regts are to Dress & accouter and to be in Readiness to
March Immeadiately Sending Expresses to the Regts and Corps Neared to them and not by the Quarter
from whence the Alarm was given the Militia are ordered not to assemble by Night an Alarm to Avoid
Accident Excent their Lt Horse
Who have their Sevaral Randesvous Alarms by Day will be Communicated by Expresses and such
Beacons will be erected as Soon a proper Sistiations are fixed for them on the island –

Battalion Orders 8th Decr79

To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts to morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] & Lieut Moir – For the
Quarter Guard Lt [George Worden] Bainton [23rd]
Detail S C P
1 3

Head Qr. New York Decr 8th 79

Return from Each Corps to be Gevin Emmediatly of the Deficancey in Arms and Ammonasion
[ammunition] –
Accounting for Expenditures a Greeable to former Orders on that head –
Brigadier [sic] Major [Frederick] McKinzey [23rd] is Happointed Depuote Adjutant General –
Lieut: Collonell [George] Turnball of the York Vollonteers is to take the Command of all the Officers and
men belonging to the Provencal Corps Under Orders to be In redeness to Embark for Georgia –
the Genll: Court Martal of wich Lieut: Colonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] was Presodant is
Battn Orders 19th [sic] Decr 1779
to Visit the Guards Hospital and Hutts to morrow Captn [George] Saymor [17th] and Lieut Alexr
McDonnal [84th] –
For the Qr. Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd]
For Guard to morrow Detail S C P
Battn: Orders 10th: Decer 1779
to Vissit the Guard Hospitals and Hutts Captn [James] Graham [57th] and Lieut [Charles Alexander]
McRea [76th] –
for the Qr: Guard Lieut John Campbell [74th] –
the Commanding Officers of the folloing Companes
Vizt: 7th – 22d – 33d – 37th – 42d – 54th: 63d – 70th and 74th are Desired to meat Lieut Colonel [Robert]
Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Bn.] to morrow morning at 11 OClock at is Quarters
the Compy as follow Vizt 17th – 23d – 38th – 43d – 57th – 64th – 76th – 80th – and 84th – the Commanding
officers of the above Companes are requested to meet Lieut Coll [Thomas] Dundass [80th] at the Same
hower at the Sine of Genl Amearst –
the horns are to Sound the Retreate at 8 OClock in the

a Court Martal to asembal to Murrow Morning at 12 OClock at the Signe of Genl Amerast Captn [James]
Graham [57th] Presedant – Lieutenants [Robert] Potts [42nd] [Allen Malcolm] Makham [43rd] [George
Worden] Bayanton [23rd] and Moyr Members all Evedances to attend –

Adejutants Genls Offices 9th Decr 79

The Initaion [invitation] Sent with respect to officers about to Embark Desposing of Supafues hores to the
Qr. Mr: Genl. is not under Stood to Extend to Such as are actuley [Unserviceasol?]
the Comander In Chiff in adeation to what was before inted is Plesed to admit of Captns Leving there
horses behind & Contining to Draw forage for them if yo: Chues it –
Officers are Conseved to be Upon honour as to the recept of forage being for Effective horses, and there
passion Previous to this Order;
[Rutas?] will be geven when the horses to be offered for Sale to the Qts General
Detail S C P
Battn Orders Jamaica 11th Decr 1779
As the Ships are allotted for the Several Companeys of the battalion‟s of Lt Infy & a Corpl and Six
Men to be Sent to morrow Morning On board Each Ship, in Order to Remove the camp equipage from on
board the favourite And to Continue on board their different Ships Untill farther orders
the above partey to March at 8 OClock, the whole to be Under the direction of an officer, who will not
Allow any Solger to go on Shore without his leave; the offr to remain on board his own Ship – for the
above duty Lt. Anneas McDonald [33rd]–
the Serjt. & 12 men now on board, to be Sent to Camp
– Commanding offrs; of Compys are desired to take with them their Russia Drilling [more?] over
that the trousers for their men may be made on board
To Visite the Guards, Hospitls and Hutts to Morrow Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd ] & Lt [John Daniel] Frazer
for the Qr Gd. Lieut [Thomas] Armstrong [80th]
to ye board Detail 1 2
Guard 1 .. 6

Head Qrs N. York 10th Decr 79

All officers Gowing to England or Ireland are to Give their Names in to Majr [Andrew] Gordon 26th Regt
at Mr Isack Lorens‟s Dock
Street Specifying Whether Gowing on the Recruiting Service or otherwise and if they Have anney
Partey‟s of Non Commissd Offrs Drumers or private men Under their Command –

Hd Qrs. N. York 11th Decr 79

th t
the 26 . Reg ., Invalids & Widdows, who are to Embark for England are to Go on board thier Respective
Ships, on Monday Next at
ten OClock from the following places
26th. Regt – from white Hall
– British Invalides from the hay warf
Hessian & anspach from the wood warf –

Women for England from the wood warf –
Do. for Irland, at burling Slip –

B: O Jamaica 12th Decr 1779

to Visite the Guard, Hospt and huts to morrow Capt [James] frazer [76th] & Lieut

[Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
For the Qr. Gd. Lt. [Colvin] Learmonth [80th]
the Same purtey as Order‟d to Embark on bourd the transports this day are to march to Morrow
Morning at 8 oClock Under the Command of Lt Annes McDonule [33rd]
Detail .. 5

Hd. Qrs. N. York 12th Decr. 1779

those Regts who have prisoners With the Reabls May Receive for their effective Numbers from the Qr.
Master General
the Nessesarys the Reast of the Armey have Recived and on the Same tearms –
The Commander in Chief has been pleased, to Make the following promotions
16th Regt ... [misplaced note] B: Orders

the fild officers, and Staff who Embark Horses, Will On application to the Commissary Genl; by
Reg . Receive furrage for the Passage
ten Sheep with furrage Will be Given to Each Regt
Corps and Department Will Receive an proportion to their Numbers

Bettn. Orders Jamaica 13th Decr 79

For the Quarter G . L [Thomas] Freeman [64th]
d t

To Visite the Guards, Hospitl and Huts Capt [William] Snow [64th] & Lt [David] Robertson [63rd]
Detail .. 1 4

Battn Orders 14th Decr 1779

For the Q G to morrow L [Winthrop] Roach [43rd]
r d t

To Visite the Guards, Hosptls and Hutts Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd] & Lt [William Henry] Hamilton
Detail .. 5
B. Orders Jamaica 15th Decr 1779
All officers, who have baggage Here Which they don‟t want to carry on bourd Ship, Are to Send it
Emmeadetly to the Qr. master. Such Companeys who have baggage to Send a careful Man to See it put in
Store; the Waggons to go off to Morrow Morning at day break –
For the Qr. Gd. to Morrow Lt [John] Graham [54th]
To Visite the Guards, Hosptal and Hutts, Capt [St. Lawrence] Boyd [38th]
And Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd]
Head Quarters New York 15th Decr 79
Orders –

It having been Represented to the Commander in Chief, that A Great Part of the Necessaries Sent out for
the use of the Army at the Original Prices in England, are ill Fabricated or Damaged; his Excellency,
finding his Majesties Beneficient Intentions to the Soldiers, may have been frustrated by some Negligence
or fraud in Execution of his Orders, apoints a Board of three Fields Officers, to Enquire into the State of
the Articles above Alluded to, that he may be able to Report there of for his Majesties Information.
The above board will be Pleased to Call for the opinion of Such persons as may be able to Give them
assistance in the matter.
Lieut Coll: [Francis] Marsh 43d Regt – President
Major [Robert] McLeroth 64th Regt } Members
Major [Charles] Graham 42 – nd
The Board will meet at the Quarter Master Genl: Office on friday Morning Next at 10 OClock –
The Battalions of Light Infany are to Consist of the following Compy –
First Battn. 7th..22nd..33d..37th..42nd..54th..63d..70th 74th – Second Battn. 7th.. 23d.. 38th.. 43d.. 57th.. 64th..
76th.. 80th.. 84th –
Battn. Orders Jamaica 16th Decr 79
For the Quarters to Morrow Lieu [Robert] Campbell 84
To Visit the Guards Hospitals & Hutts Captn [Robert Irving] Irwin [70th] & Lieut [John] McEwen [38th]
Detail S C P
1 5

Head Qrs 15th Decr 1779

The Reg of Landgrave, Darnop, Du Corps, 37th. and 57th. Are to Hould them Selves in Readness to Move

at an hour‟s Notice
– You Will be Pleas‟d to transmite to them, Severally, the following Information
the Regt Landgrave } are to replace the Hessen
Dunnop } Granrs in N. York & Ocokupey
Du Corps } part of they Barracks
the 37th to Occipuy the Cantoonments of the 64th on the East [hidden in binding]
the 57th are to Ocupay the Hutts of the 7th. Regt on Statten Island
the above Regts Will do Well to Send their Qr Masters with a proper partey, to Waite the departre of the
Corps they are to releive, And take Charge of their barracks, Hutts, or Cantoonments –
and his Excellency the Commander in Cheif Requests, You will Give directions, for the hutts, Vacauted,
And Not Re Occipied, being taken care of when the Corps Quite them.
it is probable the Regt Land Grave Well have to Cross at brooklin the 15th. Donnop at the Same place the
Same day. Du Corps and 37th. at Hell Gate the 19th And the 57th to Embark at brooklin the 20th

B. Orders 17th Decr 79

For the Qr. Gd. to morrow Lt [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
to Visite the Guards Hosptls and Hutts Captn [Eyre P.] Trench [54th] & Lt [Baynton – 23rd?]
Detail S C P

Head Qrs N. York 17th Decr 1779

the wast of ammunation [by?] Many Corps, it So [Numerous?]

Compaired With the frugall Expendature of others the Commander in Chief Cannot help expressing, his
displeasure at thir want of Oecinomey [economy] it is Expected that the Corps Now Compleated, Will not
have any farther demands to Make Without accounting in the Most Satisfactory manner for deficeincy‟s
those officers, to whom it has been Intimated, that they might dispose of their Serviceable horses to the
Qr. Mr. Genl, Will Send them to Morrow Morning to the
following places
Regts in N. York to the Qr. Mr. Genl‟s Waggen Yard, at 10 OClock
– On Long Island, to brooklin at 10 OClock On Statten Island At 10 OClock to Coles ferrey
the Reg who have Give in Return‟s of arms and ammunation to Complate them Will Receive Orders for

the Same by Applying at the ordance Office

on Duty 1 1 13
Sick 4
Servants 4
mounted 2
Artificer 1
Prisner with Rebels 1
Total [orders….?] 1 1 25
Head Quarters NYork 17th Decr 79…
Field and Staff Officers horses allowed to be Embarked are to [sic] taken on Board their own Transports,
Forrafge for them for 30 days will be dilver‟d on Application to the Commissary Genl. The Proportion of
of sheep with Forrage and eight Bushels of Indian corn will be Dilivered on a Simmalar Application

B. Orders 18th Decr 1779

For the Q . Guard to morrow Lieu Moir, to visit the Guards, Hospl and Hutts Captain [George] Saymore
r t

[17th] and Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd]

Detail 5

[Note: Although the General Order of Dec. 15, 1779 split the Lt. Inf. Battalion into two battalions, Lt. Col. Abercromby
continues to issue orders to officers from both battalion. In this order Lt. James Stewart, 42 nd Regt., is in the 1st Bn. and
Capt. George Seymour, 17th Regt. is in the 2nd Bn.]
After Orders 5 OClock
The L Inf to be Rady to March, to morrow Morning at a Moments warning –
t y

Head Qrs New York 19th Decer 79

Officers who Leve there horses According to the intemation in formor orders Will Give in there nemes to
the Commacery General that forrage may be Geven in there Absence –
When the 37th: Leves there Hutts at Newtown, Part of them will be occopide by the Detachment of the
Garrison Battn –
the rest Will Serve as Quarters
for Such Women and Children as are left behind Regiments Inbarking and recomended by the
Commanding Officers – ye Will receve Provissions and fewell [fuel] according to there nomber – for
wich the Officer Commanding the Garrison Detachments Will Sine Returns

[Note: Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s expedition for Charleston, S.C., consisting of 133 ships, sailed on the afternoon of
Dec. 26, 1779.]

Favourite Transport at Sea

Jany 17th 1780
Corpl Robinson 63d Lt Compy Confin‟d by Captain [Bent] Ball [63rd] for neglect of Duty, the Court are of
opinion the Prisoner is Guilty of the Crime laid to
his Charge and therefore Sentence him to be reduced and serve as Private –
Lance Corpl Bell of Said Compy is appointed Corpl Vice Robinson Reduced –

[1st Lt. Inf. Bn. Orders] On Board the Favorite Transport 2nd Feby 1780 –
Orders –
Thos Harvey of the 63d Lt Compy Tried by the Court Martial of which Captn. [Eyre] Coote [37th] was
president for Abusing Corpl. McLaren is found Guilty and sentenced to receive thrice Hundred Lashes, the
Commanding Offr approves of the above Sentence but in Consideration of the Prisoners Long
Confinement is pleased to pardon him.

[Note: This order from on board the Favorite transport originally appeared in the order book after the battalion orders
for Feb. 12, 1780. It has been relocated to its proper sequential location.]

Battn Orders 12th Feby 1780

For Picquet Immediately Captain [Bent] Ball [63rd], Lieutenants John Campbell [74th] and Colin
Campbell [74th] –
For Picquet to morrow morning an hour before day Break Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th], Lieutenats
[George] Dunlap [74th] and [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] – S C P
Detail night 1 1 7
morng 7

[Note:The Light Infantry and Grenadiers landed in the Charleston expedition‟s first debarkation on Feb. 11, 1780 at
Edisto Inlet, about 25 miles southeast of Charleston. The flank battalions were brigaded under the command of Maj.
Gen. Alexander Leslie.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartr Simons‟shouse 12th Febr 1780
Orders –
Tp Prevent a waste which might Deprive the Army of an ample Supply of fresh provisions and to avert
undistinguising oppression from the Inhabitants, the Commander in Cheif Requires the Greatest
Watchfulness from every Offr to restrain Moroding and as his Excellency gives this is most possitive
Prohibition of such Excesses so he Insists he has Removed even the Slightest Plea of Disobedience –
Orders are given to Collect Cattle as Speedily as possible and his Excellency Promises that the Soldiers
shall Receive fresh meat as often as the Country will admit of it and a Large‟er proportion than the
Commissary‟s usual Rations –
To the Commanding Offrs of Brigades and Corps his Excellency Particularly address this order, they with
himself must feel its importance, and he his persuaded will cheirfully Render themselves Responsable to
him for its being Strictly Complyed with –
It will be Impossible as yet to Assign Waggans for the different Corps, Officers Will therefore Reconsile
themselves for a few days to the inconveniency of having very Little Baggage –

The Genl Recommends it to the the Commg offrs of Corps to send orders to their Transports at the landing
place that the officers Baggage immediatey wanted be put in thier Ships of the Least Draft of water these
Ships shall be the first to come to any Place with which the army can
Conveniantly Communicate –

Battn Orders, Feb: 13th 1780

Lieut. Coll: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf. Bn.] is determined to enforce the Genl Orders of the
12th Inst Captns and offrs Commanding Compys are to be responsible to Lieut. Colll Abercromby for the
behaviour of their Companys any Soldier found Guilty of a breach of the above orders will be punished
with the utmost Severity
B: Morning orders Feby 13 – 80
A Court martial to assemble Immediately. Captain [Donald] Campbell [74th] Presidant, Lieuts [George]
Dunlap [74th], [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th] and [Henry] Pottinger [37th] members
After Orders
For Picquet to morrow morng an hour before day breake Captn [George] Dalrymple [42nd] Lieuts [Henry]
Pottinger [37th] and [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] S: C P
Detail 1 8
Battn. Orders Feby 14th. 1780
For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [William] Raymond [22nd], Lieutenants [John] Graham [54th]
and Ens [Henry] Overen [54th]
S: C P
Detail 1 1 10

On board the John Transport, 11th Feby 1780

The first division of the Armey to Land to day in two Debarkations as follows, British Ligt Infy & British
Granaders first Debarkation –
Hessen Granadears, Yagers, 33d Regt 2d Debarkation, the above troops Will take On Shore With them 3
days provisions to the 14th, Inclusive –
The reast of the Armey Will be in Readness to Land on Signal Early to morrow Morning on One
Debarkation With 3 days to
to the 14th Inclusive –
The army Will brigade Untill farther Orders as follows. Brigaded of Ligt Infantry, brig‟d of Granadears,
Majr Genl [Alexander] Leslie, brig‟d of Hession Grs Majr Genl [August Heinrich] Losberg. the Whole
Under the Command of Lord Corn Wallace
The 7th. & 23d. Under the Inspection of Lt. Coln [Alured] Clark [7th]. 33d. 71st & Yagers Under The
Inspection of Lt. Coln [James] Webster [33rd]. 63d 64th & Huyne Under the Command of Majr. Genl.
[Johann Christoph von] Huyne
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Simmons House 13 Feby 1780
The Armey to form in Colom of March by the Right to Morrow Morning at Six OClock Upon the
Charlestown Road in the following Order
Two Companies of B Granadears
British Granadears
Hessian Granadears
7th ) Regiments
23d )

63d ) of Genl Huynes brigade
64 )
The Regt. of Huyne Will Remain at thiss poast Untill farther Orders, And Send One Company to the
landing place At North Edisto
Majr. Genl [Johann von] Huyne Will be pleased to march With the Armey
Orders Will be Sent to the front to Move At Half past 6 OClock
Head Quarters Will be at Willsons Farm Where Orders will be delevered
to Morrow at 2 OClock

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 14th Febuary 1780
P.[Parole] Maitland CS [Countersign] Stono
Capt [Moncrieff] Moninford and Majr [George] Hay [80th] are Appointed Commissary‟s of Captures.
Serjeant Majr Sutherland of the Royal Fuzelers is appointed assistant Commy Of Captured Cattle Under
the above Gentlemen – No Cattle are to be Driven in by Solgers Unless when detachments May be
Orderd for that Service
it Will be the Care of Commessarys of Captures to Procuire Cattle for the Armey And the ration
of fresh Mate Will be One pound and half pr. Man – When Captured provison is Issued the Over plus of
the Stoppage from the Armey beyond the Proportion Which is payed for bread Shall be Ascribed to Some
Charatable fund
in favour of the Solgers at the Close of the Campane
The Artillery and provosion train must be Supplyed with Horses, the Commander in Chief is therefore
Under the Necessity of Requiring from the Officers Commanding Corps, that None Are Kept for private
Convenience Until the Departments are Supplyed,
As soon as a Sufficiency is procured a distribution Shall be Made to the Several Corps And Officers Will
be at liberty to purchase – Negroes Will Also be Wanted, And as the Employing them Will Save the
Ttroops Much Toyle And fatuge [fatigue] the General Orders that Whenever theay May be taken from the
Enemy Or Come in, they May be Sent Emmedatly to One of the Commys of Captures, A Number of them
Will be Sent to Each Corps as Soon as there
Shall be enough Collected for the publick Service
One days pork & 3 days bread and Rum Will be Issued to the armey by the Commy Genls Assistant at the
bridge near the Meeting House And 2 days freash provisions by the Commissary of Captures Cattle Near
Head Quarters at 3 OClock thiss after noon – the Whole being 3 days Provosion to the 17th. Inclusive
A proportion of fresh Mate Will be
[remainer of page torn off]

[top of page torn – remainer of page lists promotions in 60th Regt.]
[officer promotions contined]...
4th Battalion [60th Regt.]...
[Officer promotions continued]...

Lt. Gen. Alexander Leslie, circa 1786
[Picture Source: A Series of Original Portraits and caricature Etchings by
the late John Kay, Vol. II, Edinburgh, 1838, Google Books, after p. 78.]

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Stono Ferry Feby 17th 1780

Major General [Alexander] Lesley orders that all negroes (who may have come to the troops since there
Arrival at Stono) be Immediately Collected and sent to his Quarters in Order to be forwarded to head
Quarters, those Imployed in Roying the Boats, or as Guides Excepted, Commanding Officers are desired
to forbid any negroe (coming in) to be detain‟d by the officers or Soldiers of their Corps, as they are
always to be sent to Head Quarters –
B: O: Stono Feby 17th. 1780
For Picquest to morrow morning Captain [Eyre Power] Trench [54th], Lieuts [George] Dunlap [74th] and
[Stafford] Lightburne [37th]

Detail 1 1 6
Alexr McIntosh of 42d Lt Company is appointed Corpl: in sade Company vice Smith –

[Note: Corp. James Smith “sent to Garrison duty 24th Decr 79” per Muster of 42nd Lt. Inf. Co. at “Camp near East
Chester 17th July 1780” from WO12/5479]

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Stono ferrey 17th Feby 1780
it is Recommended to the Officers inspecting Bragades, to have Dubble Sentres in front of there Picquets

a Captn: from Each Bragade to take the Command of the respective Picquets a filed officer to take the
Command of the whole, and to report to Major Genl Leasley in the morning –
as the Enemys Cavaltry is in front the Comanding officers of Bragades will take ansevy Porcation [every
precaution] to prevent there men Going behind the Picquits –
Fild officer for Picquet this night [none listed]

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Genl: Orders 18th Feby 1780

the Light Infantry gives the Guard at the Ferrey at 9 OClock, one Sergt two Corpls and 15 Privat –

Fild Officer for Picquet this Evening Major Wormb –
Battn: Orders For Picquet to morrow morning Captn [William] Gore [33rd] Lieuts: [Robert] Walker [7th]
and [David Robertson] Robinson [63rd] –
a Court martil to asembel to morrow morning at 8 OClock Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] Pressadent Lieuts
[John] Graham [54th] [Robert] Potts [42nd] [Robert] Walker [7th] and En: [Henry] Overing [54th]
Members all Evedances to attend –
Detail P: 1 7
G 2

Battalion Orders 26th Feby 1780

For picquet this Evening Capt [James William] Baley [7th], Lieuts [David] Robertson [63rd], [Henry]
Pottinger [37th], And [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
John [Cairjins?] private of the 70th Lt Compy
is appointed Serjeant in Said Compy in The Room of Cunningham Reduced by the Sentence of a Court
Brian Kelly of the 63d Lt Compy os Appointed to do duty as Corpl Untill farther Orders
Detail 1 1 10

Batt orders 27 [Pererios?]

for Piq : this Eving Cap [none shown] & [Ens. Henry] Overen [54th]
t t

Detail 7

Majr Genl [Alexander] Lesleys Orders 27th Feby 80

James Island
It is recommended to Commandg officers of Battalions of Light Infy and Granadiers that whatever Poultry
is found in an Inhabitants Houses, that the same is secured and Report it to them, so that it may be
Equaley Devided, all partys sent out for Forrage
and Vigatables to be under the Command of an officer who is to be ansiorable for the regular behaviour
of his men –
B: O: 28th Feby 1780
For Picquet this Evening Captain [Eyre Power] Trench [54th], Lieutenants [John] Graham [54th] &
[Robert] Potts [42nd] –
Detail 1 1 8

B: Orders 29th Feby 1780

For Picquet this Evening Capt [William] Gore [33rd] and Lieutenant [Thomas] Nichol [33rd]
Detail 1 1 7
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hd Quarters James‟s Island 29th Feby 1780
of the Captured horses Yet remaining with Corps.[sic] The Commanding officers of brigades And corps,
Are desired to Allot the beast [best] to fild officers and Majors of Brigade Onbe to each, All other
Captured Horses Are liable to be Collected for by Order from Head Quarters for the Publick Service

Mr Charles Steadman is Appointed to act as assistant Commissary of Captured furrage
The Troops on James‟s island are to receive thiss day, 3 days Rum, 2 days flower & pork from the
Commissary Genls Assistant near Head Quarters And One days Rice and freash provosion from The
Commissary of captures, being 3 days provosion to the 3d, of March Inclusive

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters James‟s Island Feby 29th 1780
After Orders
A Genl Courtmartal Consisting of
3 Fild officers and 10 Captains to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at the Head of the B.
Granidears to Try Such Prisoners as Shall be brought before them
Liut Colo: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ 1st Lt. Inf. Bn.] President
Liu Coln [John] York [22nd/2nd Gren. Bn.]

Majr [Robert] McLearoth [64th]

Light Infantry 5 Captains
Granaders 4 Captains
th t
64 Reg 1 Captain

B.O. March 1st – 1780

For the Gen Court mart this day at 10 OClock Capts [Bent] Ball [63rd], [Donald] Campbell [74th] and
l l

[Eyre] Coote [37th]

All Horses in the possession of officers of the first Battn of Ligt Infantry To be delivered over to the Qr
Master at 8 OClock in the morning
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hd Quarters James‟s Island 1st. March 1780
Maj [Oliver] D Lancey of 17th Ligt Dragoons is Appointed during thiss

turn over
Expedetion to Act in the fild As Supernumery Depty Qr. Master Genl

B. Orders
For picquet this Evening Captn [George] Dalrymple [42nd], Lieuts [Zachariah] Hall [70th] & [James]
Stewart [42nd]
Detail S C P
1 1 7

Battln Orders 2d. March 1780

For Picquet this Evening Captain [William] Raymond [22nd] and Lt John Campbell [74th]
Detail 1 1 8

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters James‟s Island

After Orders 2d. March 1780
At a General Court martial of which Lieut. Colo [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf. Bn.] is presidant,
The prisoners John Lovell, James Reynolds and Richd Kennedy Private Soldiers in the 37th Granadier
Company, were tryed for Quitting their Camp in Disobedience to orders and plundering the house of an
Inhabitant of Farous [various] Articles – The Court are of oppinion that they Prisoners are Guilty of the
Crime laid to their charge being a breach of the Seventhith first Article of the fourteenth Sextion [section]
of the Articles of warr, And do therefor Sentance them to Receive One thousand lashes Each, on there
Bare backs with the catt of nine tails –

The Commander in Chief approves
[line off bottom of film]
it to be put in Execution, at the Discretion of Lt. Co. [Henry] Hope [44th] Commanding Officer of the 1st
Battn of the Brittish Granr
the Above Court Martial is desolod

B: Orders 3d March 1780

For Picquet this Evening C [James William] Baily [7th] Lieuts Collin Campbel [74th] and [George] Dunlap
[74th] –
Corpl Sainsbury of 37th: Lt Compy is appointed to do Duty as Serjt, and Heny Freemantle to do Duty as
Corpl in Said Company Untill further Orders –
Detail 1 1 10
Battn morning Orders 4th March 1780
For the Working Party [ya?] before 8 OClock Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] Lieuts [Hugh]Walace
[22nd] & [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
Detail for Work S C P
___________________ 1 19
For Picquet this Evening Capt [Robert] Ervine [70th], and Lieut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –
Detail 1 1 7

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. James‟s Island 4 March 80
One days fresh provision will be Isued to the troops to morrow by the Commissary of captures near head
Quarters being part of Provision for the Seventh Inst
Detail for work from 1st Battln Light Infantry to morrow at one OClock
B: Orders 5th March 1780
For the working Party at one oclock Captain [George] Dalrymple [42nd], Lieutenants [Robert] Walker
[7th] and [George] Dunlap [74th]
For Picquet this evening Captain [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] & Lieut [David] Robertson [63rd]
Detail For work 1 .. 21
For Picquet .. 1 7

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Qrs March Ye 5 1780

the Commorecys of Captors have Orders to Reseve from the Defrent Corps Sosh [such] Abbell Body
neroid [negroes] hase joind them Sence the arme Landed thay being Wanted for Ye Poblick Partmint

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Qrs. James Island March [no date shown]
3 Days Roums [rum] & 2 Days Bred And 1 Days Pork Will be Ishew to Ye troops to morrow, Liquser
Days Rise [yesterday‟s rice?] & fresh provisons from the Commercsy of Capters being Provisons to Ye
ninth Encluded

Batt Or: March [no date] for Picquet this Evening Capt [William] Gore [33rd] Lt [Henry] Potinger [37th]
Detail S C P
1 1 7

hed Qrs March Ye 5
Maj: [Thomas] Armstrong of Y 17 Reg: is appointed to the 2d Batt: of Light Infantry
e th

[Note: Maj. Armstrong had previously served as Capt. of 64th Lt. Inf. Company.]

B Orders 8th March 1780

For Picquet this Evening Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd] and Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
Detail 1 1 7
Batt Ors: March Ye 19th 1780
For Piquet Cap [Donald] Campbell [74th] & Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd]
Detail 1 7
Batt Ors 10 March 1780
for Piquit this Evning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Lieut [Thomas] Nickel [33rd] & [Zachariah] hall [70th]
for Piquet to morrow morning Captn [George] Dullrompell [42nd] Lieut [James] Stewat [42nd] & John
Campbell [74th] S C P
Detail 4
Detail S C P

B: Orders 11th March 1780

For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [William] Raymond [22nd], Lieutenants Collin Campbell [74th]
and [George] Dunlap [74th] For the working party at Sun Rise Lieutenant [Robert] Potts [42nd]
S. C. P.
Detail 1 1 7

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters 13 March 1780

3 Days Rum, 2 Days bread 1 days Rice & pork to be Isued to the Troops to Morrow by the Commissary
at Head Qrs
2 Days freash Meat Will be Isued by the Commissary of Captures, The Whole being provisions to
the 16 Inclusif

B. Orders
For Picquet to Morrow morning Captn [James William] Baley [7th], Lieuts [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] &
[Robert] Walker [7th]
Detail 1 6

B Orders 15th March 1780

For Picquet to Morrow Morning Cap [Robert] Ervin [70th] & Liut [Robert] Walker [7th] –

For the Working partey at 6 OClock Lieuts [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] & [More?]
And [David] Robertson [63rd] S C P
Detail picket 1 [?] 7
Work .. 1 10

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters James‟s Island 13th March 1780
Promotions received from the warr office –
1st Regt. Foot Guards

Ens Richard St. George to be Lt vice [Hon. Henry Phipps] Fips promoted
The Hon. Lieut Colo Andrew [Henry] Fox of the 38th. Regiment, is appointed to do duty in the first, and
Majr [Thomas] Coore of the 28th Regiment in the 2d. Battalion of Brittish Granadrs
The Different departments are to give in to the Commissary of Captures as Speedily as possible
returns of the negroes they have with them those which landed with the army are not Included –

Brigade Orders
For the Redoubt Guards to morrow [morning at] Six oClock
[remainer of page torn off]
[top of page torn off]

[C?] [S?] S R & File

1st & 2d Lt Infy 2 4 6 150
1st Granadiers 1 1 2 66
2d Do 2 73
7th Regiment .. 1 1 49
23d Do .. 1 1 62
4 8 12 400
Battalion Orders 14th March 1780
For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] and Lt [David] Robertson [63rd]
For the working party at Six oClock Lieutenant [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]
Detail 1 4

Batt Os March Ye 15th

for Y Working party to morrow morning Capts [James William] Bayle [7th] & [William] Gore [33rd] Lts

[Stafford] Lightbiuern [37th] [George] Dunlap [74th] Colling Campbell [74th] & [James] Stewart [42nd]
Detail for Work 1 .. 13

Head Quarters James‟s Island 14th March 1780

For the Redoubt Guard tomorrow Morning at Six OClock –
Detail C S S R&F
1st Granadiers 1 .. 1 26
2nd Do 1 1 30
7th Regt 1 1 19
23d Do 25
Total 1 2 3 100

The Granadiers the Guard at the Wharf this Evening – The first & Second Light Infantry, First & Second
Granadiers 7th. & 23d Regimt will send their Quarter Masters to morrow Morning where they will Receive
one days Pork –
A Forageing Party tomorrow Morning 8 Oclock. For this Duty 2nd Battn Light Infantry – NB No Working
Party as yett Applye‟d for –
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] After Genl Orders 14th March 1780 –
A Working Party of one Field Offr 6 Capts 12 Subs, 18 Serjts & 600 Rank & File
- --

to Parade tomorrow morning at Seven OClock without arms, at the Encampment of the Fuzileers, and to
Proceed to the redoubt at Feanwicks Barn, Field Officer for this Duty Lieut Colll [Henry] Hope [44th/1st
Gr. Bn.]

Detail C S S R&F
1st Light Infantry 2 4 6 163
1st Granadiers 2 3 3 116
2nd Do 2 3 128
7th Regimt 1 2 3 85
23rd Do 1 1 3 108
Total 6 12 18 600

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters James‟s Island 15th March 1780
Ew Fenwick Esqr is Appointed fild Inspector of Refugees

Battn Orders
For picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [William] Gore [33rd] and Liut [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
For the Working partey at 6 OClock Liut [James] Stewart [42nd] S C P
Detail for picquet 1 .. 6
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] After G: O: March Ye 15 1780
for Work to morrow to be at Ye hand of Ye 7th Regiment at 7: OClock
Detail for the Light Infantry
C [Se.?] S R& file
first Batt: 1 [?] 2 79

Batt Os
for the a Bove Duity Capt. [James William] Bayle [7th] Lieut [Zachariah] hall [70th] & [Thomas] nickel
Detail for work 8

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] 16th March 1780

A Working party of one Captain three Subs four Serjeants and 150 Rank and file to parade at half past
one OClock at the Encamps at the Fuzileers the are to Releive
Field Officer working party at Phenix Barn –
C: S. S. R&file
1st Light Infy 1 .. 1 29
2d. Do .. 1 1 32
1 Granadiers .. 1 .. 25
2d. Do .. .. .. 26
7th Regt .. .. 1 21
23d Do .. 1 1 21
Total 1 3 4 150

B: Orders
For the working at one OClock Captain [William] Raymond [22nd] S C P
Detail .. 1 2

For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [James William] Bale [7th], and Lt [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
For the working party at Six oClock Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
Detail { Picquet .. .. 5
{ Work

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarter March 16th 1780
Maj . [Charles] Stewart 63d Regiment is appointed Commissary of Prisoners on the present Expedition –

After Orders
A working party to morrow Consisting of two Captains four Subs Eight Serjeants and 200 rank and file,
to parade to morrow morning at Seven oClock at the Encampment of the Fuzileers from
thence to proceed to the new Redoubt near Phenix Barn –

Detail C: S. S. R&file
1st Light Infantry .. .. 2 39
d o
2.D 1 1 2 41
1st Granddiers .. .. 2 33
2d. Do .. 1 1 34
7th Regiment [page torn]
23d Do [page torn]
For the Working [page torn]
Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] & Lt [page torn]
{ S C P
Detail { 3

for Piquct to morrow morning Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] & Ensine [Henry] ouring [54th]
{ S C P
Detail { 1 1 5

Battn Orders 18th March 1780

For picquet to morrow Morning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Liut [John] Graham [54th]
{ S C P
Detail { .. .. 4
To Parade Imidatly { 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qs James Island 19th March 1780
James Simson Esqr; Edward fenwick Esqr; & The Revorend Mr Jenkins [Jenkinson] are Apointed By his
Excelency the Comd: In Chief To Deside as To the Title of Loyal Inhabitants Having Negroes Which
They May Clame as there Property Upon a certificate therof, from one of These Gentlemen, Counter
Signd By an Aidecamp, Negrows So Clamed Are to be Given Up –
Four Days Pork & Rum & flower Will be Eshewed toThe Army to Morrow Morning, By the Comisary
Generals Assistant, Near Head Qrs, being provisions to the 24th Inclusive, –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Brigade Orders

A Working Party Without Arms to Parade at the Encampment
of the fuzzelears at 4 OClock this After Noon, Consisting of one Capt 2 Subs 4 Serjts, & 150 R & file,
They are to Perceed to the Landing Place Where they Will Receive there Directions From an Artilery offr

Detail {Capt Sub Serjt R&f:
1 L Infy
st t
1 1 29
2d. Do 1 31
1st Granadeers 1 25
2d. Do 1 1 26
7th Regimt 17
23d Do 1 22
Total 1 2 4 150

Battn. Orders
For Picquet to Morrow Cap [George] Dalrymple [42nd] & Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd]

Detail { S C P
1 1 6
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] After Brigade Orders
A Working party without arms to parade To morrow morning at six OClock, Consisting of one Captain
two Subs. four Serjeants and one hundred and fifty rank and file, at the Fuzileers Encampment the are to
proceed to the landing place where they will receive their Directions from an officer of Artillary,
Detail C: S: S: R&file
1st Light Infy .. .. 1 29
2d. Do .. 1 1 31
1st Grandn .. 1 .. 25
d o
2.D .. .. 1 26
7th Regt 1 .. .. 17
23d Do .. .. 1 22
Total 1 2 4 150
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Brigade Orders 20th March 1780
A working party to parade at the Encampment of the Fuzileirs at half past two OClock
Detail for the Light Infy
C: S: S: R&file
1st Lt Infy .. .. 1 29
2d. Do .. .. 1 31
.. .. 2 60
Battalion Orders
For Picquit to morrow morning Captain [William] Raymond [22nd] & Lt. [Thomas] Nichols [33rd]
S. C. P.
Detail .. 1 5

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] After Brigade Orders

A Working Party without Arms to Parade tomorrow morning at 12 OClock, of one Captn 2 Subs. 4 Serjts
& 150
Rank & File, at the Encampmentof the Fuzileers, they are to Proceed to the Landing Place where they
will receive their Directions from an Officer of Artillery –
Detail C: S: S: R&File
1st Light Infantry 1 1 1 29
d o
2.D 1 31
1st Granadiers 25
2nd Do 26
7th Regt 1 17

23d Do .. 1 1 22
Total 1 2 4 150

Battn. Morning Orders 21st March 80

For the Working Party this day at half an hour after Eleven OClock Captn. [Eyre] Coote [37th] & Lieut.
[George] Dunlap [74th]
Detail – S – C – P
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders, James‟ Island, 20th Mar. 1780] After Genl Orders
The Qr. Mastr General having Represented to the Commander in Chief that the Provesion Train is not yet
Completely supply‟d with horses –
His Excellency has directed the Commissary of Captures to Visit those
remaining with the different Corps, and to receive such as are fit for waggones, not Exceeding three pr.
Regiment – From those Horses which may after this remain in the Sereral Corps, The Commanding
Officers of Brigades, will be pleased to Assign One to Each Adjutant & Each Qr.
Master, which will hence forth not be Liable to be taken for the Public Service –

[Note: This order is shown as a regular order, not an after order in the Clinton Papers.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs.[James Island] 21st March 1780
Parole Gilderland C: S. Newberry
When Extra Rum is Isued to the troops, it is to be in the proportion of one Gill pr. man –

[Note: A Gill is ¼ pint or half a cup]

After B. Orders
For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [James William] Bailly [7th] and Lt [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
Lieutenant Colonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf. Bn.] having reason to believe that rum is
brought into Camp by Soldiers wifes, he requests the Attention of the Capts, to [proving?]
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] After Brigade Orders
A working party without arms to parade this Evening at Seven OClock at the 23d Regt
Detailfor the 1st Lt Infantry
C: S: S: R&File
1st Lt Infy .. .. 1 29
Detail 1 6

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Morning Brigade Orders 22d March 1780
A working party without arms to parade this morning at ten OClock at the Engineer‟s Encampt near
General [Alexander] Lesley‟s Quarters where they will receive their duties from Captain [James]
Montcrif [Royal Eng.]
Detail C. S. S. R&File
1st Lt Infy 1 .. 1 14
2d. Do .. .. 1 15
st rs
1 Grend .. .. .. 11
2d. Do .. 1 .. 12
7th Regt .. .. .. 8
23d Do .. .. .. 10

Total 1 1 2 70

Battln Morning Orders

For the working party at ¼ before ten OClock. C: Campbell
After Battalion Orders
For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [Robert] Irvin [70th], and Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs James Island March 22d 1780
Captain Will Raphill of the Royal Welch Fuzilurs and Lt Colonel

[John W. T.] Watson [3rd Guards], are Appointed to Act as Aid De Camps, to his Excellency the
Commander in Chief. – The General Requests that persons having Information , wherte any Negroes are
lying sick in the small pox, will be pleas‟d to give notice of it to Maj [George] Hay [80th] Commissary of
Captures that provisin may be made for them –
Commanding Officers of regiments are requested to give in to the Deputy Adjutant General,
returns of such Officers as are desirous to purchase and also of the Volinteers Attatched to their Several
Corps with their time of Service, and with such Recommendations as they may Desvive [deserve], to the
Commander In
Chiefs Attention

Battalion Orders 23d March 1780

For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [Eyre Power] Trench [54th], Lieutenants Collin Campbell [74th]
and [George] Dunlap [74th] –

Battalion Orders 24th. March 1780

For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [William] Gore [33rd], Lieutt [Robert] Walker [7th] & [David]
Robertson [63rd] –

General [Alexander] Lesley‟s Quarters Dreyton‟s House 24 March 1780 –

The Troops to receive this evening One days fresh provision, Rum and flour will be sent them from the
Commissary Genls Departmt at Head Quarters –
It is strongly Recommended to the Commanding Officers of Battalions, to prevent their men from leving
Camp and the Picquets are on no Account to suffer any person to pass without a written order from Genl
Lesley‟s Quarters

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Genl Orders 24 March 1780

A Gen Court martial to assemble near head Quarters this morning at Eleven OClock, Consisting pf one
Field Officer four Capts and Eight Lieuts, for the tryal of such prisoners as shall be brought before them,
Major [Robert] Mc Leroth 64th Regt Presidant
Detail FO Capts Liuts
63 Regt .. 2 4
64 Do 1 2 4
Total 1 4 8
Lieut [John] Bluck [23rd] Deputy Judge Advocate – The Light Infy 33d Regt and Yagers will receive four
days Bread and rum and one days pork, and the rest of the Army four days pork Rum and flour from the
[torn – Commissary?] Genl Assistants
[remainder of page torn]

[Note: The order book in the Clinton Papers shows this order issued on Mar. 23, 1780.]
[torn] morning what articles Consign‟d to their differt Regimts the wish should be brought in Victulars
from on board the Ceres at Tybee to Stono Inlet –
B.O. 25 March 1780 [Bent] Ball [63rd], Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] and Ens [Henry] Overin [54th] –
Head Quarters James‟ Island 25th March 1780
The Gen Court Martial of which Major [Robert] McLeroth [64th] was presedant is Dissolved –

List of Promotions Recd from the Warr Office –

7th Regtn of Foot...
22nd Regt –
Tho Dunn Gen to be Ensign Vice Ackid prefer‟d Blank Commission 14th Augt 1778
s t

[Note: Thomas Dunn later served in the 22nd Lt. Inf. Company.]

26th Regt...
...37th Regt...
38th Regt...
44th Regt...
...70th Regt...
71st Regt...
Promotions Receivd from the Warr Office Continued –
23d Regt...
33d Regt...
...42nd Regt...
63d Regt...
Coltstream Regt. Foot Guards...
3rd Regt foot Guards...
...Promotions from the Warr Office Continued
16th Regt Foot ...
38th Regt...
Coltstream Regt. Foot Guards...
...Head Quarters James Island 26 March 1780
The Commander in Chief is Pleased to make the following Promotion –
16th Regt Foot...

The Surgeons of Regts when they may be in want of Medicines are to make their Application Emmediatly
to the Genl. Hospital
Battalion Orders 27th March 1780
For Picquet to morrow Cap [George] Dalrymple [42nd], Lieutenants [Zachariah] Hall [70th] and [James]

Stewart [42nd]

Battn Morning Orders 28th March 1780

A Court Martial to Assemble Immediately
Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] President

Lieuts [John] Graham [54th] { Members { [Thomas] Nichol [33rd] &
[Robert] Potts [42nd] { { Ens [Henry] Overin [54th]

Corp: Jno Smith of 70th Compy Tried by the Court Martial of which Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] was
President for Neglect of Duty the Court are of Opinion that the Prisoner is Guilty of the crime Laid to his
Charge being a Breach of the Articles of War and Sentence him to be reduced to Serve as Private in the
Ranks Lieut Colll [Robert] Abercrombie [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] Approves of the above Sentence but on
Account of the good Caracter given of him by his Captain
is Pleased to Pardon him the Prisoner to be Released to do his Duty –
For Picquet to morrow morning Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] Lieut: Jno Campbell [74th] & Colin
Campbell [74th] –

[Note: On Mar. 29, 1780 the 1st Lt. Inf. Bn. and other units crossed the Ashley River from James Island to land on the
Charleston Peninsula]

After Genl Orders 30th March 1780

Guards are to be placed in All Buildings by the Corps Contigious to them that the boards and other
Materials Wanted by the Engineers may not be taken –

[Note: On Mar. 30 Gen. Clinton advanced up the Charleston road. The Light Infantry skirmished with the advanced
pickets of the rebel army. The army encamped that night in three lines extending across the Charleston Neck. The Light
Infantry and Jagers comprised the first line and were about 1600 yards from the rebel defenses.]

Battn Orders 31st March 1780

For a Working Partey Emmadatly Capt [Bent] ball [63rd] & Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd]
For Picquet to morrow morning Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd], Liuts [John] Graham [54th], [Robert] Potts [42nd] &
[Thomas] Nicol [33rd]
Detail 11

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Williams House 31st March 1780
After Orders
A Corps Commanded by Liut Coll [James] Webster [33rd], to Morrow Morning at day break [sic] towards
the Contry, Under Cover of which Forrageing parteys May be Sent out each party Under an officer,
Excepting on Such Occasions no person is to pass the Picquets but by an Especiall Order from Head
Quarters –
The forragers are to parade at 5 OClock in front of the 71st Regt. –
The Several Corps are to Morrow Forenoon to Send thier Soulgers who are Carpanters to Capt [James]
Moncrieff Commanding Enginer at Gibes‟s House Who Will Employ & pay them as Such During the
Siege –
It is Intended that the Camp Equipage Shall be brought to the Armey
As Soon as Stores More Emmedatly wanted Shall have been Conveyed across the River Officers
Commanding Corps Will therefore be pleased to Send the directions Nessasary to the person in Whose
Care it is On board the Several transports, that no Delays may Arise When the Boats go Along Side to
Receive it

B – O For the furrageing party to morrow morning Lt [Zachariah] Hall [70th]

1st Apreal 1780

No trees in frount, or in the line of the Encampment to be Cut Down, Any Firewood Or bushes for
Wigwams, to be Taken from the Rear –

Battn. Orders 3d Aprill 1780

A Court Martial To Assemble Imidatly at the Presidents Wigwam Capt [William] Rayman [22nd]
Lts [Zachariah] Hall [70th], [James] Stewart [42nd], Jo Campbell [74th] & Collin Campbell [74th] Members
After Orders
For Picquet This Evining at ½ Past 5 OClock Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd], Lts [Zachariah] Hall [70th] & [James]
Stewart [42nd] –
For Ye Working party at the Same Time Capt [Robert] Irven [70th] Lts [George] Dunlap [74th] & [blank]
Detail { S C P
{Pt .. .. 7
{ Wk 1 .. 6

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs 1st April 1780
The Trinches Will Open this Evining, The Lt Infy are to form the Covering Party And Will be Conducted
to the Ground they are to Ocqupye By Capt [James] Moncreaf [RE]
A Working Party is Required from the Rest of the Army of 3 field Offrs 15 Capts & 1500 Private With
Subalterns & Non Comd Offrs In Proportion
A Reserve Is also to be Given of 1 Field Offr 5 Capts & 500 private With Subaltrins & Non Comd Offrs In
Proportion –
The Whole are to Parade this Evining As follows –
The Lt Infy at 4 OClock In there Own Camp The Working party With There Arms and reserve at 6
OClock On the CharlesTown Road –
The former With there Right to The Huts of the Lt Infy, and Fronting Coupers River, The Latter On the
Lift of These –
Field Offs For The Working Party Lt Coll: [Otto Christian von] Linsing Hessian Granadeers
Major [Alexander ] McDonald {[2nd Bn.] 71st Regt
Major [Archibald] Mc Carther {
Field Offr for the Reserve Lt Coll: [James] Webster 33d Regimt.
Major of Brigade [John] Lewis [64th]
An Major from Each Bregade to attend
The Commanding Enjiner Will Give Derections to the Working Partys Which Will be Form‟d by the
Major of Bregade Into Such Detachments As May be Required –
On this first and principal Operation of the Siege, His Excellency the Comdr In Chief Trusts that the
troops Will Evince [evidence] there Zeal and good Discipline, by the Strictest Silence The Out Most
Attention to the Directions of the Enginees and the Most Animated Exertion In there Work –
Lt General Earl Cornwallas
Will be Pleased to take the Comd of the Whole –
Detail Caps
British Gr 5
Hessian Do 5
Reserve 5

For the Reserve

British Grand 2
Hessian Do 2
Reserve 1

For Work Emedatly [Bunton?] 1 .. 14

[Note: On the night of Apr. 1 three redoubts were completed about 1000 yards from the rebel defenses, protected by the
Light Infantry who advanced to within 500 yards of the rebel lines.]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 2dApril 1780
A Detachment of two Field Officers Eight Captains and Eight Hundred men from the Brittish and Hessian
Granrs to Relieve the Light Infantry & Occupy the Redoubt, and a Detachment of one Field officer four
Captains and 400 men for work 400 men for work both with Subs and non Commissioned officers in
will parade this Evening at six o‟Clock, at the place the working party marched from Yesterday.
Majr [Colin] Graham‟s [16th] Light Infantry with one Captain and 100 men from the Line will
parade on the right of the whole, these with one Field Officer, and 200 Grandrs from the redoubts will
form the Covering party –
When the work men retire, the Field Offr. and 200 Grandrs are to return to the redoubts, and the
rest of the Covering party into Camp. The Commanding Engeneer will give Directions to the whole as to
the hour in which the move and the posts to be Occupied – Majr. Genl [Alexander] Lesley will be pleas‟d
to Command the troops for the Above duty this night –
Field Officers for the Covering party and Redoubt Lt. Colo. [George Emanuel von] Lingerke and
[Ferdinand von] Schular. For the working party Majr. [William] Dancey [33rd] –
Major of Brigade [William] Scott [17th]
An Adjutant from Each Brigade
The different Corps will apply to the Commissary Generals Store for rum. For the 1500 men who work‟d
with so much spirit last night.
After Orders 2d April 1780
His Majesty has been pleas‟d to grant to Capt [James] Moncrieff [Royal Eng.] a Commission of Major in
the Army.
His Excellency the Commander in Chief having received Intimation of his Majesty‟s pleasure as to the
memorial of Several Field Officers relative to provisional rank and as to Officers in regular troops holding
provincial Commissions, The Genl has order‟d the Secretary‟s of states letter on that Subject in date of the
4th Novr 1779 to be Lodged at the deputy Adjt Genls Office, For the Inspection of Officers, who are
desirous to know its Import –
His Excellency must in Consequence of the Above Letter call upon Officers houlding two Commission‟s
to give in their resignation of one of them.
An Extract of a Letter from [Secretary of State for the American Department] Lord George
Germain bearing date 10th. December instructs
Certain Certain provincial Corps it also left at the Same Office for perusal, or as well as the former to be
transcribed –
Admaral [Marriot] Arbuthnot has notified to the Commander in Chief, that the Vernan Store Ship has
arrived with Several Stores and with various Articles for the Army, Particularly Several Casks with hats
and Accouterments, His Excellency not having Invoices of her Cargo, can give the Army no further
Information on this Subject, but reqquests that Regiments will notify what Articles the Expect in her and
which they desire to be landed at James Island before the Ship Quits this post.

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs Williams House 3d April 1780
The several dutys of this night are to be by Detachment from the whole army, Excepting the 33d Regt.
majr [Colin] Grahams Lt Infantry and Hessian Yegars –

For the redoubts two Field Officers Six Captains & 600 men
For work one Field Officer 5 captains and 500 men both with Subaltirns and Non Commissd Officers in
proportion –
The 33d Regiment, Excepting (at Lt Colonel [James] Websters direction) such men as have been resently
submitted to purculiar Fatigues are to parade for A particular service on the right of the whole –
The 33d Regt. not being Included in the Genl Detail for to night, Majr [William] Dansey is of course to do
duty in the 33d and not on Detachment –
The place of parade is the same as Yesterday According to the directions of the Engineers, the troops are
to be put in motion and disposed of.
Majr. Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Rospoth will be pleasd to Command the whole of the
troops on duty
For the working party Lt Colo [Hon. Henry] Fox [38th/1st Gren.]
Detail for the Redoubts
Captains Privates
Lt Infantry 2 145
B. Grand 1 128
Hession do 2 190
7th& 71st Regts 1 137
6 600
two field officers

For Works
Lt Infy 1 130
B. Grendrs 2 107
H. do 1 159
7thand 71st Regts 1 114
1 field Officer 5 500

The Corps will apply to the Commossary Genls. Store for rum for the 400 men orderd for work, and the
Grandrs who Volluntuely gave their Assistance last night –
Three days provisions and rum to the 6th Inclusive will be Immediatly Isued at Gibb‟s Landing -
Battalion Orders 4th Apl 1780
For Picquett this evening Cap Cambell and [Eyre] Coot [37th] Lieuts Jon Campbell [74th] Collen

Campbell [74th] & [George] Dunlap [74th]

For the Working Party Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th]
The Surgeon of the 1st Battn L: Infy for the Trincers this evening
Detail P W Guard
4 5 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 4th Apl 1780…
the 33 and Yagers are to Give No men for the Duty to Night

the Rest of the Army are to Give a Detachment of 2 field officers 10 Capts 1000 Men for the Trenches and
one field officer
5 Captns and 500 men for Work the Place and time of Preade as Yesterday –
Field officer for the Trinches Lt Colos [Otto Christian von] Linsing and [Alured] Clark [7th]
For Work Majr [Alexander] McDonald [2nd Bn.] 71st
the Working Partey Well Well Return into Camp to Morning [sic] –
Lt Genl Eearl [sic] Corn Wallas Well be Pleased to take Comman of the Troops on Duty –
Working Parteys are Not to be Dismesed Untel they heave been marched Back to Camp by the offsers
Commanding them and the Touls Returned to the Engnr
The Commander in Chif has to Request that No other then Publick officers or Such as are
on Duty Well Veset the Works
On Aplycation to the Commssary th [sic] Rum Well be Isheud for Last Nights working Party
Total for the Trenches
t y
L Inf 3 .. .. .. 230
B. Granados 3 .. .. .. 205
Hessen Grands 3 .. .. .. 304
7th and 71st Regts 1 .. .. .. 218
Majr Graham‟s L: I: .. .. .. .. 43
Total 10 .. .. .. 1000

For Work
Light Infantry 1 .. .. .. 115
Majr Graham‟s L: I: 1 .. .. .. 22
B. Granaders 1 .. .. .. 102
H.Granaders 1 .. .. .. 152
7th and 71st Regments 1 .. .. .. 199
Total 5 .. .. .. 500

[Note: Gen. Clinton‟s troops had completed five redoubts and had strengthed the trenches between them by Apr. 4. A
battery of five 24-pound cannon was emplaced. The first parallel was completed Apr. 5.]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs Williams House 6 April 1780
The Duty to Night are to be from The Same Corps & For the Same Numbers as Yesterday –
Field Offrs for the Trenches
Lt Collonels [Ferdinand von] Schulier & [George Emanuel von Lengerke] Langrick
For Work Major Campbell
major of Brigade [William] Scott [17th]
Lt Infy & Granads A Surgeon Each
The Lt Infy to Take the Provision Guard at Gibes Landing –
Sub Serjt Corp Priv
1 1 1 20
2d Battalion the Surgon –
Battn Orders
For the trenches this Evining Cap Ervin L [John] Graham [54th] & [Thomas] Nichols [33rd] –
t ts

For Work Engs [Henry] Overey [54th]

For the Rovision Guard at Gibes Landing to Morrow Morning at 8 OClock Lt [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
[scribbled note page]

Head Qrs Williams House, 7th April
For the Trenches to Night 2 field Offrs, 10 Capts, and 1000 Men.
For Work 1 field Offr, 5 Capts, & 500 men
Field Offs for the Trenches
Lt Collls [Henry] Hope [44th] & [Thomas] Dundas [80th/2nd Bn. Lt. Inf.]
For Work Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.]
Major of Brigade [John] Lewas [64th]
Lt General Earl Cornwallas Will be Pleased to Command
The Invoice of the Cargo of the Vernon Store ShipTo be Seen to Morrow at 12 OClock at the Adjutant
Gens office by the Qr. Masters of Corps

Battn Orders
For the trenches this Evining Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] & [William] Goar [33rd] Lts [James]

Stewart [42nd] Jo Campbell [74th] & Collin Campbell [74th]

For Work Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd] & Lt [George] Dunlap [74th]
For the Camp Duty Engn [Henry] Overing [54th]
{ Picq 1 11
Detail {Work 5
{Guard 1 1 3
Serj Airton Orderly offer Coll

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams‟s House 8th Apl – 1780
Morning Orders 8 OClock
The Armey are to furnish 500 faciens as Speedely as possable, in the proportion at the foot of the orders –
The facines are to be 20 foot long, With 10 Pickets 6 Foot Long to Each –
For the Trinches to night 2 Fold officers 10 Captains & 1000 Men –
For Work 1 Fild officer, 5 Capts & 500 Men –
For the Trenches Liut Coln [John] York [22nd/2nd Gren. Bn.] and Majr [Thomas] Coree [28th/2nd Gren.

[Note: A ten gun battery was completed during the night.]

Hd.. Quarters Williams‟s House 9th Apl 1780
Fild off for the Trinches this Night Liuts.. Colols [Otto von] Linsing [Hess. Gren.] and [Hon. Henry] Fox

[38th/1st Gren. Bn.] –

Fild officer for Work Liut Coln [Wilhelm] Graff [Hess. Gren.] – Majr of Brigade [William] Scott [17th]
Surgens from the Ligt Infry –
Major Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport Will Command.

Battn. Orders
For Redoubt N . 1 thiss Evening Cap [James William] Baley [7th], Lieuts [John] Graham [54th] & [Henry]
o t

Pottinger [37th]– For Redoubt No. 2 Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd] and Liut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
For Work Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] & Ens [Henry] Overing [54th] – For the Camp Dute Liut
[David] Robertson [63rd]
{Picquet 1 .. 11
Detail {Work .. .. 5

{Gd in ye morg 1 1 3

[Note: A battery was erected with 450 yards of the rebel lines]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qarters Williams House Apl 10th 1780
Six Pence Well Be Payed for Every Cannon Shot fierd by the Enimey Wich Shall Be Browght to the
Arterly Park and one Shillin for Every Dead Shell –
Fild offser for the Trinches Lut Colns [James] Webster [33rd] and [Alured] Clark [7th]
For Work Majr [Alexander] McDonald [2nd Bn., 71st]
Majr of Brigade [John] Lewas [64th]
Lut Genl [Charles, Earl] Cornwalles Well Be Pleased to take the Command
Battn Orders
For Redoubt N one thes Evining Cap [Robert] Erven [70th] Luts [Thomas] Nickel and [Zachariah] Hall
o n

For Redoubt No 2 Lt [James] Stewart [42nd] –
For Work Capt [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th] and Lt John Campbell [74th]
For the Camp Dutys Lut [Robert] Walker [7th] For the Provison Guard to Morrow Morning Lut Collin
Campbell [74th]
{Piuquet 0 0 11
Detal {Work 1 0 5
{Gd in the Morn 1 1 4

[Note: A soldier of the 42nd Lt. Inf. Company was killed by an expoding shell in the trenches. Fourteen 24-pounders
were emplaced that night and another battery completed. The army estimated the rebels had fired 4000 “Shot and
Shells” at the besieging army, causing two deaths and woundeding five men.]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qarters Williams Hous Apl 11th 1780
Fild offsers for the Trinches Lt Conl: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ 1st Lt. Inf.] and Majr [Colin] Graham
[16th/ Graham‟s Lt. Inf.] –
for Work Majr [Archibald] McArthur [2nd Bn., 71st]
Majr Brigade Bows
Surgons from the Line
Majr Genl [Alexander] Lessley Well Commandr [sic] therr [three] Days Porvisons Well be Ishud to the
Armey tomorrow by the Commessary Genl: Assistant at Gibes Landing being Provison to the 15th
Batt orders
for Redoubt No one this Evining at half past 5 oClock Capt [William] Gore [33rd] Luts [George] Dunlap
[74th] and [Stafford] Lighburn [37th]
for Redoubt No tow Capn [Bent] Ball [63rd] and Lut [Robert] Walker [7th]
for the Working Party at 11 oClock Lut [David] Robrtson [63rd]
for the Camp Duty Lut John Campbell [74th]
{Piuqt 0 0 12
Detal {Work 1 1 5
{Gd in ye Morg 0 0 3
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 12th April 1780

Those officers holding Commissiones both Regular and Provincial, & who have not yet made there
Option are Requested by the Commander in Chife Imiadiatly to Send in writing to the Deptuy Adj t Genl
their Ressiagniation of One Rank –
Report of Officers Respecting Captured Provision Aggreobiel to the Directions of the Commander in
Chife we have Consulted on what we Judge the best meathod of Realising the Amount of Stopages for
Captrued Provisions and Placing the fund Arising therefrom and are Unanimously of Oppinion, that the
Pay Master General Should Retain no More from the Subsistance then the Ammount of Stopages from
Crown Provisions and that the Ammount of Stopages for Captrud Rations
Should be Recd. by the Pay Masters of the Sevral Regimts and Paid by them into the Hands of any
Pearson, that his Excelency the Commander in Chife Shall be Pleasd to Appoint to Receive it from them

Wm Dansey Major 33d Regiment
J: Harrison Pay Master Royal Fuzielers
J: Grant Paymaster 1st Battn 71st
T: Frazir Paymaster 2d Battn 71st
Geo. Touensend Assistant Commy Genl

The Commander in Chife Aproves of the Above Oppinon and Requests A Field Officers from Each of the
Following Corps –
Light Infantry, Britis Grandeers
[Hessian Grenadiers] and four Regimts of the 3d Line. Will Assemble at Head Quarters tomorrow
Morning at 11 OClock to Appoint a pearson to Receive the Money and Decide in what manner it Shall be
Disposed of. –
The General has Observed that from a Neglect of burieing the Affauels [offals] of Cattle, Many of the
Camps are Unwholesome, and Offinceve; his Excelency Desires Attention may be Paid in this matter –
Field Officers for the Trenches Lieut Colonells [Ferdinand von] Schuler and [George Emanuel von ]
Lingerkie –
For Work Major Campbell –
Major of Brigade[William]Scott [17th] –
Major Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport Will Command.

Battn orders
for Redoubt No 1 this Evining Capts [Donald] Campbell [74th] and [Eyre] Coote [37th], Liuts [John] Grame
[54th] and [Henry] Pottinger [37th] –
For Redoubt No 2 Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
For work Capt [George] Dalryample [42nd] and Ens [Henry] Overen [54th] –
For the Camp Duty Lieut [James Stewart] Stuart [42nd]
For the provision Guard tomorrow morning at 8 oClock Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
Detail S C P
Picquet - - 11
Work 1 1 5
Guard - - 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs William‟s House 13th Apl 80
Field Officers for ther Trenches Lieuts Coll [Hon. Henry] Hope [44th/1st Gren. Bn.] & [Thomas] Dundas
[80th/2nd Bn. Lt. Inf.] -

For Work Majr [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.] Major of Brigade [John] Lewis [64th] – Surgions
from [Maj. Colin] Grahams Light Infany & Brittish Granadiers
Liut. Genl Earl Cornwallis will please to Command –
One days frish Meat will be Issued to the Troops to morrow Morning
to the 16th Inclusive by the Commissy of Captures [Nar –near?] Head Quarters –

Battn. Orders – For the Trenches this Evening Captn. [James William] Bailie [7th] Lieutt [Thomas] Nichol
[33rd], [Zachariah] Hall [70th] & [James] Stewart [42nd]
For Work Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] & Lieut Jno Campbele [74th] – For the Camp Duty Ens [Henry]
Overin [54th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 - 12
Work 1 - 6
Guard - 1 1
Total 2 1 19

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs William‟s House 14th Apl 1780
Field Officers for the Trenches Lieut Collonels [Nesbitt Balfour] Ballford [23rd] & [John] York [22nd/2nd
Gren. Bn.] –
For Work Majr [Thomas] Coore [28th/2nd Gren. Bn.] –
Major of Brigade [William] Scot [17th] –
Surgeons from the Line –
Major Genl [Alexander] Lessley will Command
Three days Bread & Rum & two days Pork will be Issued to the Army being provisions to the
18th Instant
Battn. Orders
For the Trenches this Evening Capt [Robert] Irwin [70th], Lieus Jno, Campblem [74th] Colin Campble

[74th] & [George] Dunlap [74th]. For Work Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] & Lieut [Stafford]
Lightburne [37th] – For the Camp Duty Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] – For the Provision Guard to morrow
morning at 8 OClock Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet - - 12
Work - 1 5
Guard 1 - 3
Total 1 1 20

[Note: The British Artillery opened fire on the rebel works with twentyfour 24-pounders and a number of mortars,
damaging the rebel works.]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters William‟s House 15th Apr 80
Field Officers for the Trenches Lieus Colll [Hon. Henry] Fox [38th/1st Gren. Bn.] & [Wilhelm] Graff
[Hess. Gren.]
For Work Major [McHann?] –
Major Brigade [John] Lewis [64th] –
Surgeons from the Line –
Major Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Cosport will Command.

Battn. Orders

For Redoubt No. 1 this Evening Captn [William] Gore [33rd], & Lieut [David] Robinson [63rd], for
Redoubt No. 2 Lieut [Henry] Pottinger [37th]–
For Work Captn [Bent] Ball [63rd], Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] & Ens [Henry] Overin [54th] – For the
Camp Duty Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
Detail S C P
Trenches - - 11
Work - - 5
Guard 1 1 2
Total 1 1 18

[Note: the British trenches advanced from left and right of the lines to within 250 yards of the rebel works and a 13-
inch siege mortar arrived in the British lines from St. Augustine]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 16th Apr…

Battn Orders
For Redoubt N . 1 this Evening Captain [Donald] Campbell [74th] & Lt [John] Graham [54th]

For Redoubt No. 2 Capt [Erye] Coote [37th] Lts [Robert] Potts [42nd] and [Thomas ] nickol [33rd]– for work
C: [George] Dalrymple [42nd], & Lt [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
For the Camp duty Lt [George] Dunlap [74th]
For the Trenches Dr. Carr
For the provision Guard to morrow morning Lt [James] Stewart [42nd] –
{P .. .. 9
Detail {W 1 1 5
{G 1 .. 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 17th Apl 1780
Fild off for the Trenches Liut Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ 1st Lt. Inf.] and Majr [Colin] Graham

[16th/Graham‟s Lt. Inf.] – For Work Majr [Archibald] McArthur [2nd Bn., 71st]
Majr. Brigade [John] Lewies [64th] –
Surgents from the Lt Infy and
Majr Genl [Alexander] Lessley Will Command
Three days provisions to The [20th?] Inclusive Will be Isued by the Commassary Genl for the troops to
The Lucretia transport is to Sail Emmedatly for Savanna Letters to go by hereWill be received at the Depy
Adjt Genls office before this day, She is to return Shortly –

B. Orders
For Redoubt No. 1 this Evening Liut John Campbell [74th]
For Redoubt No. 2 Captains
Baley & [William] Raymond [22nd] and Lieut Collin Campbell [74th]
For Work Liut [George] Dunlap [74th]
For the Camp Duty Liut [Zachariah] Hall [70th]

A court martil to assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock At the Presedants Marque Capt [Robert]
Erven [70th] presedant. Liuts [Zachariah] Hall [70th], [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
and [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] Members all Evedances to Attend
{ picquet .. .. 11
[Rneas?] Detail { Work .. 1 4
{ Gd Morning 1 .. 2
Total 1 1 17
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 18 April 80
The Commander in Chief is pleas‟d to make the following promotions
33d Regiment...
42d. Regiment ...
...70th Regiment...
71st Regiment
Maj Alex M Donald to be Lieutenant Colonel[1st Bn.] vice [Hon. John] Maitland Deseased 25 Octr 1779
r r c

Captain Patrick Ferguson from 70th to be Majr [2nd Battn.] vice McDonald Promoted do ...
[71st Regt. promotions continued]...
[71st Regt. promotions continued]...
Field Officers for the trenches Lieu Colonels [Ferdinand von] Schuler and [George Emanuel von]
Lingerker –
For work Majr Campbell –
Surgeons from Granads Lt. Infantry and Line,
Majr General [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport will Command

Battalion Orders
For Redoubt No. 1 this Evening Captain [Robert] Ervin [70th] and Lt. [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]
For Redoubt No. 2 Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] Lieutenants [Robert] Walker [7th] & [David]
Robertson [63rd]
For Work Captain [William] Gore [33rd] and
Lieut [Henry] Pottinger [37th] –
For the camp duty Lt [Thomas] Nickol [33rd]
For the provision Guard to morrow morning at Eight OClock Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]
{ Picquet .. .. 11
Detail { Work .. 1 4
{ Gd Morning 1 .. 3
Total 1 1 18

Battalion morning Orders 19 April 1780

A Court martial to assemble this forenoon at 11 OClock at the presidents marquee Captain Gore president
Lieutenants [John] Graham [54th], [Robert] Potts [42nd], [Thomas] Nickol [33rd] and Ens [Henry] Overin
[54th] members All evediences to Attend –
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarts Williams House 19 Apl 80
Field Officers for the trenches Lieut Colonels [Henry] Hope [44th/1st Gren. Bn.] and [Thomas] Dundas
[80th/2nd Lt. Inf.]

For work Majr [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.]
Majr. Brigade [John] Lewis [64th] –
Surgeans from the Line
Lieut General Earl Cornwallace will please to Command –
The date of Capt [Robertson] Duncanson‟s [71st] Commossion is the 12th. Novr [1778] and not the 30th. of
Decr as put by mistake in Yesterdays orders –
One days fresh provision to the 22d. Instant will be Isued to the Army to morrow by the Commossary of
Captures –

Battalion Orders
For Redoubt No. 1 this evening Lieut Graham
For Redoubt No. 2 Capt [James William] Bale [7th] Lieutenant [Robert] Potts [42nd]. and Ens [Henry]
Overin [54th]
For work Captain [Donald] Campbell [74th]
For the camp duty Lt. [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
{P .. .. 11
Detail { W .. .. 4
{G .. 1 3
Orderly 1

Total { 1 1 18

[Note: On this day a Sap (trench) from the left side reached to within 100 yards of the ditch in front of the rebel works.]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Qurs Williams House 28th [20th] April 1780
officer of artillery Commag ye Batterys Will be Each day in formed by the Commanding
Engineer to what point Fire is to be Directed and what times Guns & Mortars are to be fired –
And the Officers Commanding the Sevral Battaries are in this Respect to Observe the Directions of the
Commanding Engineer In the Trenches; the Genl. desires that the Trees on the Road Side may not be cut
down, or the bark be Stript from them –
Field Officers for the trenches Lieut Colls. [John] York & [Jonns?] -
For Work Majr: Coore Maj: Brigade [William] Scott [17th] Surgeons line –
Maj: Genl [Alexander] Lesley Will Command
3 Days Bread & Rum and 2 Days Pork Will be Issued to the armeyto morrow being provisons to the 24
Batt: Orders
For Redoubt No 1 this Evning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] and Liut [Thomas] Nickoll [33rd]
For Redoubt No 2 Capt [George] Dayrymple [42nd] Lieut [Zachariah] hall [70th] and [James] Stewart
[42nd] – for work Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] and Liut Jo: Campbell [74th]
for the Camp Duty Liut [David] Robitson [63rd]
for the Provison Guard morrow morning At 8 oClock Liut Collin Cample [74th]
Detail S C P
Trenches .. .. 10
Work .. .. 4
Guard [off bottom of film]
[unreadable list of names]

Mate for the 1st and 15 January and 15 Feby 1780 wanting from the [H?] Lt. Infantry
Batt Orders 21 Apl: 1780 –
A Cort Martil to asembell Emeditly At the preseidents Marque –
Capt [Donald] Campble [74th] Presedent – Liut John Campbell [74th] [George] Dunlap [74th] [Stafford]
Lightburne [37th] [David] Robison [63rd] Members
All Evidences to attend –

Head Qrs Williams House Apl 21st 80

Field officers for the [lines?] Lt Colonels [Alrued] Clark [7th] and [Wilhelm] Graff [Hess. Gren.]
For work Lt Colonel [Alexander] McDonald [1st Bn., 71st]
Majr of Brigade [John] Lewis [64th]
Surgeons from the 1st Lt. Infantry and Brittish Grandrs
Majr General [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport will Command

[Note: Rebel Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln sent out a flag of truce proposing terms for surrender and included a
provision for the rebel troops to be able to march away without becoming prisoners of war. Gen. Clinton rejected the
terms as far too generous to the rebel forces. The third and final parallel was begun]
B: Orders
For Redoubt No 1 this Evening Lieut [George] Dunlap [74th] –
For Redoubt No 2 Capt [James W] Baily [7th] Lieutenants [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] & [Robert] Wolkur
For work Captain [Robert] Irvin [70th] and Lieutenant [David] Robertson [63rd]–
For the Camp duty Lieutenant John Campbell [74th] –
P .. .. 11
Detail W .. .. 4
G .. .. 2
Total .. .. 17
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs Williams house 22d Apl 80
Field Officers for the trenches Lt Colonce [Robert] Abercromby [37th /1st Lt. Inf.] and Majr [Colin]
Graham [16th/Graham‟s Lt. Inf.]
For work Majr [Archibald] McArthur [2nd Bn., 71st]
Major Brigade [William] Scott [17th]
Surgions from the Lt infantry and Granadrs
Lieutenant General Earl Cornwallis will please to Command

Battalion Orders
For redoubt No 1 this Evening Lieutenant [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
For redoubt No 2 Captains [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] and [William] Gore [33rd] Lt [Hugh] Wallace
[22nd] and Ens [Henry] Overin [54th] – For the Camp duty Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]
For the provision Guard tomorrow morning at 8 OClock Lt [John] Graham [54th]
P 1 1 11
Detail W .. .. 4
G .. .. 3
Total 1 1 18

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs Williams house 23 Apl 80
Field officers for the trenches, Lieut Colonels [Ferdinand von] Schuler and [George Emanuel von ]
For Work Majr Campbell
Majr Brigade [John] Lewis [64th]
Surgeons from Major [Colin] Graham‟s Lt Infantry and Line –

Battalion Orders
For Redoubt No. 1 this evening

[Note: The 42nd Regt., part of the reinforcements to the siege just arrived from New York, joined the siege forces.]

Captain [Bent] Ball [63rd ] & Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd]
For redoubt No 2 Captain [Donald] Campbell [74th] Lieutenants [Thomas] Nickol [33rd] and [Zachariah]
Hall [70th]
For work Captain [Eyre] Coote [37th] and Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] – For the Camp duty Lieut [David]
Robertson [63rd]
Detail S C P
Trenches 1 1 10
Work .. .. 4
Guard .. .. 2
Total 1 1 16

All Horses in Possession of the Officers of the [1st Batt Ligt Infany?] Field Officers, Adjutant & Quarter
master Excepted to be Sent Immeadlately to the Quarter master for the Inspection of the Quarter Master
Genl Department

[Note: The sap approached within 60 yards of the enemy works]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 24 Apl 1780
Fild officers for the Trenches Liut. Colonels [Duncan] McPherson [42nd] & [Henry] Hope [44th/Gren. Bn.]
For Work Majr [James Wemyss] Whimes [63rd] –
Majr Brigade [William] Scott [17th] Surgens from the 42d & 63d Regts
Majr Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport Will Command –

Note: Although Lt. Col. Duncan McPherson, 42nd or Royal Highland Regt., was a Lt. Colonel in the army, he was
junior in the regiment to Maj. Charles Graham, the commander of the two provisional battalions of the 42nd Regt.]

Battn Orders
For Redoubt N . 2 this Evening Cap [George] Dalrymple [42nd] Liuts John Campbell [74th] & [George]
o tn

Dunlap [74th]. For Work Liut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]

For the Camp Duty Liut [James] Stewart [42nd]
For the provision Guard to morrow morning
Lt [illegible]
Picquet 1 9
Work 1 2
Guard 4
Total 1 1 15


[Note: On the morning of Apr. 24, rebel troops from Charleston conducted a sortie against the left sap and killed and
wounded a number of British and Hessian troops.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters William‟s House 25th Al 1780
Field Officers for trenches Lt Colonel [Thomas] Dundas [80th/2nd Bn. Lt. Inf.] and Majr [Charles] Graham
42d Regiment
For work Majr [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.]
Majr Brigade [George] Benson [44th] –
Surgeons from the 7th and 71st.
Brigadier General [James] Patterson will Command,

Battalion Orders
For 2d Parrullel This Evening
Captains [James William] Baily [7th] and [Robert] Irvin [70th] and Lieut [John] Graham [54th] . For the 3d
Parrullel Lieutents [Henry] Pottinger [37th] and [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
For work Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd] and Ens [Henry] Overin [54th]
Lieutenant [Lolles?] [in different ink]
For the Camp duty [Zachariah Hall] Hale [70th]
P .. .. 11
Detail W .. .. 4
G .. 1 1
Total .. 1 16

[illegible notes]

[Note: on the morning of the 25th the rebels formed behind their abbatis and appeared to be preparing for another sortie.
The British and Hessian working party took cover in the trenches and considerable cannon fire and musketry
commenced. The rebels did not leave their lines, but in the fire a number of soldiers of the 71 st Highlanders were
[duplicate of Apr. 29, Order inserted here – see below]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams House 27th Apl 1780
Field officers for the trenches Lieut Colonels [Wilhelm] Graff & [Alexander] McDonald [1st Bn., 71st].
For Work Majr [Colin] Graham [16th] Ligt Infantry
Majr. Brigade [William] Scott [17th]. Surgeons from the 7th & 71st.
Maj Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Rosport Will Command

Three Days bread and Rum, And One days Pork Will be Isued to the Armey this day being provons to the
30th, Inclusive
The Surgents are to Remain in Redoubt No. 3
Bettlion Orders
For the 2d parallel this evening
[illegible lines]...
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs Williams house 28th April 1780

Field Officers for the trenches Leutenant Colo. [Alured] Clark [7th] and Major [Archibald] McArthur [2nd
Bn., 71st]. For Work Major Campbell, Major Brigade Bensen
Surgeons from the Line
Brigadier [James] Patterson will Command
B. Orders
For the 2d Parralal this evening Captain [George] Dayrymple [42nd] and Lieut [David] Robertson [63rd]
For the 3d Parallel Lieutenant [Henry] Pottinger [37th] and [Hugh] Wallace 2nd]. For the Camp duty Lt
[James] Stewart [42nd]
For work to morrow morning Captain [William] Raymond [22nd] and Ensign [Henry] Overin [54th]
For the Provision Guard Lt [John] Graham [54th]
{ Picquet .. .. 11
Detail {Work to night .. .. 1
{Do in the morg. .. .. 2
{Guard do .. .. 3
Total .. .. 17

Head Quarters 29th April 1780

Morning Orders
4000 Fascines are wanted. With all Possible Expedition they are to be 5 Feet Long and to be thicker
than the Common Proportions, the Corps by Sending to
Major [James Moncrieffe] Montcrief [Royal Eng.] will Receive further directions in this Particular
After Orders
Field Officers for the Trenches Lieut Collonel [Ferdinand von] Schuler and [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st
Lt. Inf.] –
For Work Major [James Wemyss] Waymes [63rd] –
Major Brigade [John] Lewis [64th] –
Surgeons from the first Light Infantry and Grandier
Major Genl. [Alexander] Lessly will Command
The Commander in Cheif is Pleased to make the following Appointments
Surgeon Richd Hudelston of the 7th Regt. to be Apothecary to the Genl Hospital –
Mr. Geo. Haselton acting Surgeon to the 2nd Granadiers to be Surgeon to the 7th. Regt. in Room of
Hudelston promoted –
one days fresh provisions to the 1st of May to be Issued to the army this Afternoon by the Commissary of
Captures –

Battn. Orders –
For the 2nd Parallel this Evening Captn [James William] Bailie [7th] & Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd] for the 3d
Parralel Captn [Robert] Irvin [70th] Lieut [illegible in binding]
For Work Lieut Jno. Campble [74th]
For the Camp Duty Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th]
For Work tomorrow morning Lieut [George] Dunlap [74th] For Fascine making tomorrow morning at
Sun Rise Lieuts [Robert] Walker [7th] & [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 11
Work .. .. 1
Work .. .. 3

Guard .. .. 1
Fascines 1 .. 18
Total 1 1 34
Serjt Arton Orderly ____________________

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Morning orders 30th Apl 1780
3 Days bread & Rum, And 2 Days pork Will be Isued this Morning to the Armey being Provisions to the
3d of May Inclusive
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams‟s House 30 Apl 1780
Fild officers for the Trenches Liut. Colonels [George Emanuel von ] Lingrarke And [Duncan] McPherson
[42nd]. for Work Majr [Charles] Graham 42d Majr Bragade [William] Scott [17th] Surgeons from the
Majr Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport Will Command

Bettlion Orders
For the 2 Parallel this Evening Captains [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] & [William] Gore [33rd] and Liut

[George] Dunlap [74th]. For the 3d parallel Liut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]
For Work Liut [Robert] Walker [7th]
For the Camp Duty Liut John Campbell [74th]
For the provision Guard to Morrow Liut [David] Robertson [63rd]
{P 1 .. 11
{W .. .. 2
Detail {W .. .. 2
{G .. .. 2
Total 1 .. 17

[Note: The third and final parallel was finished on this day.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qurs Williams house 1 May 80
Field Officers for the Lines Lieutenant Colonel [Henry] Hope [44th/1st Gren. Bn.] and Majr [Thomas]
Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.]
For work Majr [Thomas] Core [28th/2nd Gren. Bn.]
Majr Brigade Bereson. Surgeons from the Line
A Picquet Consisting of two Captains and two hundred men with Subs and Non Commissioned
Officers in proportion will parade
this evening with the detachment of the lines
Brigadier General [James] Pattison will Command

For the redoubts this evening Capt [James William] Balei [7th] For 3d parallel Capt [Donald] Campbell
[74th] Lieutenants [Henry] Pottinger [37th] & [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
For the Camp duty Lt [James] Stewart [42nd] –
For Work to morrow morning Captain [Eyre] Coote [37th]
P .. .. 11
W .. .. 2
Detail W .. 1 2

G .. .. 1

[Note: During the night a sap reached the moat-like ditch directly in front of the rebel works allowing the besieging
forces to drained the ditch. This removed the last obstacle to an assault of the rebel works.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs Williams‟s House 2d May 1780
For the Trenches Liut Colonels [Thomas] Dundas [80th] & [John] York [33rd]. for Work Liut Coln.
[Wilhelm] Graff. Majr Brigd [John] Lewis [64th] –
Surgents from the Lt Infy & 42 [Regt?]
Majr. Genl [Alexander] Lessley Will Command
Bettn Orders
For N o 2 Redoubt this evening Liet [John] Graham [54th] for the 3d Parallel Capt [George] Dalrymple
[42nd] & Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
For Work Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] and Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]. for the Camp Duty Lt [David]
Robertson [63rd]. For the provision Guard to morrow morning Liut [Zachariah] Hall [70th],
turn over
P 1 .. 10
W .. .. 2
Detail W .. .. 2
G .. 1 3
Total 1 1 17

Head Quarters 3d. May 1780

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Morning Orders
Head Quarters Williams‟s House 3d May 1780
Three Days Provosion will be Isued to the Armey, by the Commissary Genls Assistant this
morning, being provision to the 6th Instant Inclusive –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Williams‟s House 3d May 1780
Fild Officers for the Lines Liut Colonels [Hon. Henry] Fox [38th/Gren. Bn.] & [Alexander] McDonald [1st
Bn., 71st]. Majr Brigade [William] Scott [17th]. Surgents [surgeons] from the Line
Majr Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport Will Command –
a Fild officer from the British
[Note:The 1779 Order Book recorded orders for May 4-5, 1780. These pages have been relocated to their correct
location here.]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarter Williams House [May 4, 1780]
A Genl Court Martial Consisting of 3 Field Offrs & 10 Captns will Assemble tomorrow morning at 10
OClock at the Encampment of the 7th Regt to Trie Such Prisoners as Shall be brought before them
Lieut. Collo. [Alured] Clark President
Major [Colin] Graham: 16th Regt –
Major [Arthur] McArthur [2nd Bn.,71st]
Light Infantry 2 Captns
Lieut [John] Bluck of 23d Regt Judge Advocate to Whom the dates of Commissions to be Sent this
Evening –
Field Offrs. for the Lines Lieut Collo [Otto von] Linsing & Major [Robert] McLeroth [64th]

Major Campbell to Visit the Hospital
Battn Orders –
For the 3 Parralell this Evening Cap [Eyre P.] Trench [54th] & [William] Gore [33rd] & Lieut [Stafford]
d t

Lightburn [37th]–
For the Camp Duty Lieut [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
For Work tomorrow morning Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] – For the Provision Guard Lieut [David]
Robinson [63rd]–
For the Genl. Court Martial Captain [George] Dalrymple [42nd] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 9
Work 2
Work 2
Guard 2
Total 15

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarts 5th May 1780
Field Offrs. for the Lines Lieu. Colll [Ferdinand von] Schuler & Major Campbell
To Visit the Hospital Lieut Collo [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf. Bn.]. Major Brigade [John] Lewis
Surgeon from the Line –
Major Genl [Alexander] Lesly will Command
One days fresh meat will be Issued to the troops this afternoon, –

Battn Orders –
For the 3 Parrallel this Evening Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd] & [Donald] Campbel[74th] & Lieut [Henry]
d ns

Pottinger [37th]. For Work Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]

For the Camp duty Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
For Work tomorrow Morning Capt: [Eyre] Coote [37th] –
Lieut. Coll: [Robert] Abercrombie [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] Recommends it to the Offrs Commanding Compys
to take care that the Soldiers Continue to wear their cloth Breeches & Legengs as long as Possible; also
that those Compys. whose Trowzers are not yet dyed: that they may be done Immeadately the Same
pattern as the 54th.
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 10
Work 2
Do 2
Guard 1
Total 1 15

His Excellency the Commander in Chief wishes the field Offrs who have Assembled on the Occasion
upon the following Propdtions
[Next page unreadable – notes written over other notes]

[page out of sequence]
Battn Orders 31st May 1780

the Battn to march to Morrow morning at 4 OClock to the Fish Market Warff to Embark, one officer & 20
men With a noncommissioned officer of each Sheep [Ship] to Strick the Tents at 8 OClock, the Waggons
to be Loded at that time
Lieut Jno. Campbell [74th] for the above Duty
Detail S C P
Guard 2
Daly State of 37th Lt Infy 1 [May?]
Present doing duty 2 .. 1 35
Absent by leave .. .. ..
Prisoners with rebels .. 1 .. ..
Sick present .. 1 .. 3
Sick Absent .. .. .. 2
Wounded .. .. .. ..
Lanc Corporals .. .. .. 2
Mounted .. .. 1 2
Artificers .. .. .. 1
Public Employ 1 .. .. ..
Servants .. .. .. 4
Batt men .. .. .. 1
Pioneers .. .. .. 1
n r
Pres in Q Guard .. .. .. 1
Total Effectives 3 3 1 52
Wanting to Complete .. .. 1 1
Total Establishment 3 3 2 53
Signd &C
[missing page(s)]
Capt [James William] Baley [7th] President
Liuts [George] Dunlap [74th] [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th] and [David] Robertson
[63rd] Members. All Evedences to attend –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] After Genl orders 8th May 1780
At a Genl. Court Martial of which Liut Coll. [Alured] Clark [7th] is President –
Captn. Hays St. Ledgar of the 63d Regt was brought prisoner before the Court and Accused of mutinous &
disrepectful behaviour to Major [James Wemyss] Waymes as his Commanding Officer –
The Court having duly Considered Evidence for and against the prisoner Captn. Hays St. Ledgar together
with he had to offer in his defence is of opinion that he his not Guilty of the first part of his Charge
alledg‟d against him viz. mutinous behaviour and [illegible due to worn page edge]
Charge vizt disresptful behaviour to Whymes as his Commanding Officer it is off opinion he his Guilty in
breach of the 3d. Article of the 20th Sexton of the Articles of war and it doth therefore Sentence him to be
Repremanded at the head of the 63d. Regt. of foot by [illegible – John Andre] Andrews Deputy Adjt Genl

The Commander in Cheif approves of the above Sentence and orders it to take place tomorrow morning –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs Williams 9th May 80
Field Officers for the trenches Lieut Coll. [Henry] Hope [44th/1st Gren. Bn.] & Major [Thomas] Core
[28th/2nd Gren. Bn.].

to visit the Hospital Lieut. Collo [Thomas] Dundas [80th/2nd lt. Inf. Bn.]. Major Brigade [William] Scott
[17th] Surgeons Lt. Infantry & 42nd Regt –
Major Genl [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Rosport Will Command –
the Genl. Court Martial of which Lieut. Colll [Alured Clark [7th] was President is Dissolv‟d –
One day fresh Provisions to be deliver‟d
to the Officers immediatly –
Battn Orders
For the 3 Parrellel this Evening Capt [Donald] Campble [74th] & [Eyre] Coote [37th], Lieuts [Stafford]
d ns

Lightburne [37th], and [Robert] Walker [7th] For the Camp duty Lieut [Zachariah] Hall [70th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 10
Guard .. 1 1
Total .. 1 11

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters William‟s House 10th May 1780
Fild officers for the Trinches, Liut. Colonels [Thomas] Dundas [80th/2nd Lt. Inf. Bn.] & [Wilhelm]
Graff. To Visite the Hospitl Lt Coln [John] York [33rd/2nd Gren. Bn.]. Surjents from the Granadrs and 42d.
Regt. Majr. Brigade Binson
Brigr Genl. [James] Patterson Will Command

Bettlion Orders
For Picquet this Evening Lt [David] Robertson [63rd] for the 3d Parallel Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
and Liut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] For Work Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] & Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]
Corpl Johnes of 7th Light Compy Appinted Serjt in Sd Compy in the room of Johnes Reduced by the
[Sentence?] of a Court martil - Robt [Miller?] is Appintid Corpl in the room of Johns promot‟d [illegible
P 1 .. 10
W .. .. 1
Detail W .. .. 2
G .. .. 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarts Williams House May 11th 1780
Field off for the Trenches Lieut Colls [John] York [22nd/2nd Gren. Bn.] & [illegible] to Visit the Hospital

[Lt.] Colln [Alexander] McDonald [1st Bn., 71st], Major Brigade [John] Lewis [64th] Surgians from the
Line –
Major Genl [Alexander] Lessly will Command
Three days provisions to the 15th will
be Isued tomorrow –
The Field Officer Commanding in the Trenches will with the advice of the Commg Offrs of Artillary and
Commanding Offr of Engineers on the Spott give such Orders Relative to the firing of Cannon and Small
Arms as shall Judge necessary and the Offrs Commanding in the Batterys Manned by the Royal Navy are
Requested by his Excellency to Receive in this Particular the Instructions of the Field Offr –

Battn Orders
For Picquet this Evening Lieu . [John] Graham [54th]

For the 3d Parallel Capt [James William] Bailie [7th] & [Robert Irving] Irwen [70th] Lieuts [Robert] Potts
[42nd] & [Thomas] Nocholl [33rd]. For the Camp duty Ens [Henry] Overin [54th], for Work to morrow
morning Lieut [Zachariah] Hall [70th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 10
Work .. .. 2
Work .. .. 1
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] After [General] Orders
The Army is to be under Arms to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock
A Company from the British and From the Hessian Granaders With 2 fild pices from each Service Will
Parade to Morrow morning at 9 OClock On the Charlestown road near Redoubt No. 3 in Order to March
in to the town And take possession of the Horn Work
The Several Departments Will Send proper persons into the town With this detachment to receive from
the officers of the Corresponding Departments of the Enemy, All Artillary Publick Stores, [Funz - funds?]
And provisions; but they are to take Posession of no other
Articles than What Shall be there Delivered Over to thier Charge.
The Heads of departments are to Send in the names of the Persons Who are Employed On this Occasion
& Will be Responsceble for thier Conduct.
The 7th. & 63d. Regts are destined to be a part of the Garrison of Charlestown And are to form to morrow
at 11 OClock Between the 2d. & 3d. Parallel‟s
Majr. Genl. [Alexander] Lesley Will Give all further Orders to the Detachment of Granaders And to these
Regts and Will Ocupuy the Town -
None but Publick officers Or Such as are passe‟d by order of a Fild Officer Are to be permited to Go into
town Untill Otherways order‟d by Majr Genl Lessley – His Majesty has been pleas‟d to appint Coln
William Dalrymple [14th] to be
[illegible – from Clinton Order Book : “..to be Quarr Master General to the Army in North America,
serving in the...”]
...Colonies in North America Novr 12 1779

Notes: The rebel army under Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln defending Charleston surrendered, and this order provides
direction to the army to take possession of Charleston.

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Charlestown neck 13th May 1780
The Commander in Chief Receives the Highest pleasure, in Giving the Armey, by Whose Courage and
toyle he has reduced this Important place The tribute of praise, and of Gratude They so Well deserved
His Excellency presents his Warmest Thanks To Liut.. Genl.. Earl Cornwallace Major‟s General
[Alexander] Lessley, [Johan von] Huyne, And [Henrich Julius von Kospoth] Gosport And Brigdr. Genl
[James] Patterson For thier Annimated Service during the Siege
To the officers & Solgers of the Royal Artillery, Off Every Corp‟s British And Hessen, the Yaggers, And
to Capt [George Keith] Elphenston and the officers And Seamen of the Royal Navey
who have Acted With us on Shore –
Hiss Exellencey also adresses the Assuresences that he houlds him Self Under the Most parmanent
Obligation‟s To them for having So Well Secconded in thier Spirated Efforts all his Operations – Hiss
Exellencey farther expresses his Great Obligation To Liut. Coln [James] Webster [33rd] And The Corps
With Which he broke in Upon the Most Essensual of the reable [reliable] Communication‟s And
particularly to Liut. Colsn [Bannister] Tarleton & the Corps off Cavalrey And to the Infantry of the Legen
for the Solger Like Conduct And Gallantry Which Gave them Such brillent Advantage Over the Enemy

To Majr [Patrick] Ferguson [2nd. Bn., 71st/Ferguson‟s Corps] the Gener. declares himself Much Undeted
for his Great Activity And Good Services, And Particularly
for the useful application made of talents in fild Fortifications –
But to Major [James] Moncreiff [Royal Eng.], who planed and Conducted this Siege With Such Great
Judgment, Such Un Realaxed Assilduety and So Much Intrepidity and Duty –
and to the verry Cappable officers Under him, As Well as to Every other person in his department –
His Excellency Could wish to Convey Impressions of his Gratitude, Greater than he is able to Express –
Fild officers for the lines Majr [Robert] McLearoth [64th]
To Visite the hosptl Majr [Archibald] McArter [71st]
One days freash meate Will be Isued to the Armey to Morrow –

Bettlion Orders 14th May -

As Several non Commissin‟d officers, and Maney Solgers of the Ligt Infantry
have most Shamefully Abused the Indulgence Granted of Gowing to town, A Genl. Order has been
Issued, Recalling that Indulgence. Liut Coln. [Rober] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] is therefore
determined to Make Severe and Emmedate Exemples of any non Commissind officers or Solgers of the
1st Battlion Who Shall be found in Charlestown –
The Rolls to be called at 7 OClock and as Usual in the Evening

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 14th May 1780 –
After Orders –
As Several of the armes takin in Charlestown have been brought into Camp; the Genl Desires the
Commang officers of Corps Will Caus a strict Search to be mad for them –
and Return them unto the Artillery Store in Charles town –
Severall of the Engineers tooles have been taken away Since Induring the Siege, these are Allso to be
Colected and sent to the Engineer Incampment. the Commanding Officers of Corps are to Send a riten
Report to the Genl of there having infosed this order –
is Excealance request that the Commanding Officers of Corps Will in Devor [endeavor] to Prevent
Stregilers and follers of the armey from Firing Small arms near the Incampment and Confine any body
gilty of Such aregularate –

Head Quarters 14th May 1780 –

Dear Sir you Will be Plesed as Sune as Possobal to Send round the Defferant Corps to Klact [collect] all
Negeros and them are to be Sent to the Commanding Ingneer an officer from that Depertment Will
atend from the hour of 9 OClock to Morrow at the lines aon the Charlestown rode to reive [receove] them

[Note: This was not a General Order issued by Sir Henry Clinton, but rather it appears to be a written order to Lt. Col.
Robert Abercromby, 37th Regt and 1st Lt. Inf. Bn.]

Battn Orders 15th May 1780 –

L . Collonell [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] Desires Officers Commanding Companies will make

an emedit Sarch for arms – and Also for any Inganeers tooles that are among there Companes; those that
are found are to be sent to the Quarter Master and a Return to be Sent to Collonall Abercromby Sined by
a Captn of Each Company
A Court Martel to assembal at the Presedants Marquee at 11 OClock Captn [Robert Irving] Erving [70th]

Lieuts [John] Graham [54th] [James] Stewart [42nd] [Robert] Walker [7th] and En [Henry] Overing [54th]
Members All Evedances to attend
Liut Collonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] Desires the Trowsors of those Companes not yet
Completed may be finished as sune as Possoball, and also the Arms and Accuetrements of the Several
Companes be Emeditly put in to Propper repare

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Charlestown Neck 15th May 1780
Field officers for the Lines Lieut Collonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.]…

B. Orders 15th May 1780 –

For the Lines this Evening Lieut: [James] Stewart [42nd] –
For the camp Duty Liut [Robert Walker] Whaller [7th]
Detail S C P
Serjt Sansbury 1 5 Picquet
1 Guard
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 16th May 1780
Fild Officer for the day Liut: Collonall [George Emanuel von ] Lingerke
the Detachment for the Lines to Night will Consist of one Captn four Subs 8 Serjts and 150 Rank & file
Provision Guard to morrow Hission Granadiers –

Battn: Orders –
For the Lines this Evening Capt [Eyre Power] Tench [54th] For the Duty Lieut: [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 2
Serjt Campbell orderly 2 Guard

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs 17th May 1780
Morning Orders
As there will be Captured Effects to be divided amongst the Navy & Army, the Commander in Chief
Request that the field Offrs will Assemble at 12 OClock to day at Lieut Coll. [Alured] Clarks [7th] Quartrs
in Charles town to chuse one or more persons to adjust matters with the Gentlemen whom the navy will
appoint, and to Settle the Distribution to the troops according to their Several Ranks –
Officers who are intitled to Embark Horses and who have lost them on the Passage here are disired to
send Returns of them Immeadiately to the Adjutant Genls Office –
Field Officer for the day Lt. Colll [Henry] Hope [44th/1st Gren. Bn.]
Major Brigade Benson –
Provision Guard tomorrow 2nd Lt. Infy
Three days Provisions to the 23rd will be Issued tomorrow –

Battn Orders –
For the Lines this Evening Lieu
Jno Campble [74th] for the Camp Duty Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1
Guard 1
Total 2

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Charles town Neck 18th May 1780
Fild Officer for the Day Major [Thomas] Coore [28th/2nd Gren. Bn.], Major Bragade [John] lewis [64th] –

Detail Captns: Subs Serjts; R:&file

Light Infty 0 2 2 46
Graham‟s 0 0 1 8
B. Granaiders 0 1 2 41
H: Granads 1 1 3 55
Total 1 4 8 150

Battnn Orders 18th May 1780 –

For the Lines this Evening Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th], for the Camp Duty to morrow Lieut Jno. Campbell
Detail S C P
0 - 3 Picquet
0 1 1 Guard
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Qtrs Charles Town 19th May
Fild Officer for the Day Liut Collol [Wilhelm] Graff Majr Brigade [William] Scott [17th]

Detail C S S R&file
British Granadeirs 1 1 2 42
Heshon Grand: .. 1 3 58
Total 1 2 5 100

[Maj. Colin] Grahams Corps Provision Gaurd – Officers Belonging to Regmts Stationd in the West Indies
are Desierd to Give their nams to the Adjt: Genl: Office and to be Fitted up to Embark –
Capt Agsteen [Augustine Prevost] Provost of the [3rd Bn.] 60 Rement is appinted Depy Inspectoer of
Provincials –
It is the Commander in Chiefs Positive order that no Prisoners ate Inlisted – Batt Orders –
Corpl John Baker of the 22d Lt Company is Apinted Serj In Said Company in the Room of hopson
Reduced And Robert Keer Corpl In Ye: Room of Baker Perfered –

Battn. Orders 20th May 1780 –

Ens [William] Hewlett of the 60th Regiment to Do Duty in the Royall Feuslers until farther Orders –

[Lt. Col. Abercromby‟s Orders] 21th May 1780 Goos Creed

Collonal [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] is Determined that this Detachment on this Excursion
Shall Leve well wen Rebels Provissions are to be Found
But Plundring, Marading and other Aregularitys by nomens [no means] will be Suffered and he relies on
Commanding officers of Corps bringing all a Fenders [offenders] to Emedit [immediate] Punnishment in
order that Cattle or other provisions Can be Collected in aregular manner –
Propper Partes will be Sent out for this Porposs, Quarter Marster Sutherland as Commassary, will Receve
all Provissions and will Issue the Same to the Corps –
Lut. Collonal Abercromby is Confidt the Commanding officers will bring to Immedate Punnashment aney
man that Shall befound gulty of Plundring – Marading, or aney aregularitys –
the 42d Regiment is to join the Light infantry by 10 OClock this Night –

at wich hour the woll [whole] are to march –
the 2d Battn: of Light Infantry give the rear Guard – – –

[Note: Lt. Col. Abercromby was ordered to take a separate command consisting of both battalions of light infantry and
the 42nd Highlanders to Goose Creek, S.C., located about 18 miles north of Charleston]

Battn Orders 22d. May 1780 –

For Picquet this Evening Captn [William] Gore [33rd] Lieuts [Henry] Potingher [37th] & [Hugh] Wallace
[22nd], –
For Picquet tomorrow morning Captn [Donald] Campble [74th], Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] & [Thomas]
Nichol [33rd] –
Detail S C P
Picquet to Night 1 8
Do to Morrow 1 9
for Guard Immd 1 1
Total 1 2 18
Serjt Campbl Orderly

[Lt. Col. Abercromby‟s Orders] Monks Corner 23d May 1780 –

Three Days rum, flower & a proportion of Salt Will be Eshewed [issued] this Evning At the Church –

[Note: Moncks Corner is about 32 miles north of Charleston]

Lt Coll [Robert] Abercromby[37th/1st Lt. Inf.] has [illegible words] Country to bring The Kings troops for
Sale to the Above price, therefor Requests offrs Upon Duty, on the Difft Rhoads Will Send an Non
Commd offr to Conduct them Unmolested to the Market
For Picquet tomorrow morning Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] Lieuts [Zachariah] Hall [70th] & [James]
Stewart [42nd] –
The Morning parade in future will be at 8 O Clock –
Detail S C P
Picquet 6

Battlion Morning Orders 24th May 1780

A Courtmartell to assemble at the presedants Wigwam at 10 OClock
Captain [Donald] Campble [74th] President
Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] { Members { [Henry] Pottingher [37th]
o th
Jn Campble [74 ] { { [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
All Evidence to Attend –
[Lt. Col. Abercromby‟s Orders] 24th May 1780
Morning orders
all the Horses that war tacking Yesterday, to be Emedently Sent to Quarter master Sundrland at the
Church -
A Subalton Serjt Corpl and 20 men to Prade at the Church at 10 oclcok
S S C R&f:
1st Light Infanty .. .. 1 6
2d Do 1 .. .. 6
42d Do [Regt.] .. 1 .. 8
1 1 1 20

NB: the Offals and all filth to be Emedintly Buried
B. orders –
for picquet to Morrow morning Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] Lts John Campbell [74th]
And [Robert] Walker [22nd]
Detail .. 1 6

Battn Orders 25th May 1780

For Picquet tomorrow Morning Cap [William] Raymond [22nd] Lts [David] Robertson [63rd] and [Henry]

Pottongor [37th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 6
Guard .. 1 1
Orderly 1

B.O. 26th May 1780

A Court Martial to Assemble at 9 O Clock at the presidents Wigwam Capt [William] Rayman [22nd]
Presd Lts [Thomas] Nichol [33rd], [Zachariah] Hall [70th] [Robert] Walker [7th] [illegible] Members
For Picquet to Morrow Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th] Lts [Robert] Potts [42nd] & [Hugh] Wallas [22nd]
{S C P
Detail {. . 6

Battn: Orders 27th May 1780

For Picquet to Morrow morning Cap [William] Gore [33rd], Lieuts [Thomas] Nickall [33rd], and

[Zachariah] Hall [70th] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 5

[Lt. Col. Abercromby‟s Orders] Munks Corner May 27th 1780

The Detachment Under the Command of Lt. Coln. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ 1st Lt. Inf.] Will March to
Morrow Evening at Sun Set –
Sconers [schooners] Will be provided for the Sick & Such men as are Unable to March
Turn over
The boats at the bredge Will Convey the officers Sea Stock

[Lt. Col. Abercromby‟s Orders] Monks Corner 28th May 1780

No Niggros Excpeting them who came with the Deferent corps to be permited to Go with the Detachment

Battlion Orders 30th May 1780
The 1 Light Infantry Will Embark on board the following Ships, Viz Favourite, 37th Compy, Staff, a

Serjt.. Corpl, & 28 Men of the 42d.. Companey –

Dianna, 22d.. 33d.. & 54th.. 1 Serjt 1 Corpl & 12 Men From the 22nd [illegible] Do.. from the 33d, to go on
board the Cristian
Minervia 7th.. & 42d Deducting
a Serjt Corpl and 28 to go on the Favourite

Neptuin 70th and 74th.. – a Subs Serjt Corpl and 38 of the 74th Compy to Go on board the Christain
Cristain 63d Compy – With the Several detachments –
Officers Commanding the Different Ships Will Send proper people Earley to Morrow Morning to remove
the Baggage to their own Ships

[Gen. Sir Henry Clintons Orders] Morning [General] Orders 30th May 1780…
The armey is to be Vittuled Up to the 2d. June Inclusive
The Commander in Chief has been Pleas‟d to Make the Following Promotions
17 Ligt Dragoons
[17th Lt. Dragoons continued ]...
33d.. Regt...
38th .. Regt...
42d. Regt...
43d.. Regt...
[43rd Regt. continued]...
44th .. Regt...
60 Regt.. 3d Bettlion...

63d. Regt...
71st. Regt...
[71st Regt. continued]...
the Troops Distined for the expedition are to Embark as follows
The Yaggers to Morrow Morning at 6 OClock from Draytons Warfe
The British and Hessian Granaders at 5 OClock on Wensday Morning [May 31] From Drayton‟s and the
two adjoying Warfes to the Right & Left
The Reamainder of the Troops from the Same places on Thursday Morning [June 1] – The Wounded &
unvalacints [convalescents] are to be Embarked on Thursday at Such places as hall [shall] be Concerted
by Doctor Hayes with Capt. Tomkin
After Battlion ordrs 30 May
1 Man p Comp and a non Commissn‟d officer from Each Ship
r y

turn over
to be Sent to Morrow Morning by 5 OClock to Remove the baggage & barrack bedding;
The Guard to remain on board –
Such Solgers Who have any Demands on the Chief Enginer are to Send Returns of their Names to Liut
Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] to Morrow Morning by 6 OClock

Battn orders 31st May 1780

one Cap of the Batt and one Subalton of each Compy to Reman in Camp
t n

No Sorder will be Permeted to Go into Town but on the Compys Besnes [business] and not then without a
Non Comissoned officer who Will Get a Pass Sined by the Captn of the Day
Order Book [Cover]
[Clements file No.] 691414 42.
[scribbled notes page]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clintons Orders] Genl Orders June 1st 1780
Each Reg . is Allowed to take on Board 10 Negroes as pioneers Attach‟d to the Corps. These Negroes are

to be such whose Masters were not at the Same time of their Joining the Army under the protection of
Government – The Commander in Chief Desires that Officers Commanding on Board the Sevaral
Transports will make them selves Answerable that no Negroes is taken Away without his Consent –
Those Attaach‟d to Regts as Pioniers are to be Deliverd up for the Publick Service when Calld for –
The Horses of the Genl. Officers & Genl Staff are to be Embarked tomorrow Captn Thompkins will give
Informatio when Apply‟d to on Board of what Ship

Battn Orders June. 2d

Commanding Officers of the Sevaral transports are to be responsible to Lieut Colll [Robert] Abercromby
[37th/1st Lt. Inf.] that the Genl Orders of the 1st. Instant is Duly Comply‟d with –

Battn Orders 19th June 1780

The Commanding officers of the Several posts will mount Such Guards As they Shall Judge nesessary for
the Secruring of their Posts, taking Care to Send Frequent patroles –

[Note: Jager Capt. Johan Eward wrote in his journal that the troops from Charleston disembarked at Coles Ferry on
Staten Island at six o‟clock in the morning of the 19th and move into cantonment quarters at Richmond, Rosebank and
Newton. The troops were stationed there to reinforce Hessian Lt. Gen. Knyphasusens 5000-man expedition against
rebel gen. Maxwell between Springfied and Elizabethtown, N. J.]

[Likely Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Bankers hous 19th June 1780
the Right Honourable Lord Cathcart Appointed to Do Duty in the 1 Battn: of British Granadiers –
After Orders 10 OClock at Night
is Exclince [His Excellency] the Commander in chiff has put the troops on Staton Island
under the orders of Lieut General [Wilhelm von] Kniphowsen who will Call for Such Corps as is
Exelence Shall think mecessarey Should join him the General there fore desires this to be under stud by
the Commanding Officers of regiments lest time Should not admit of an aplication being made to meger
Genl [Alexander] Lessley –

General [Alexander] Lessles Quarters Wedo [Widow] Dausons hous 20th June 1780 –
the troops from Carrolina are to Send to Cowles Ferry as Sune as possible for two Days Provissions
where a Commossary Will be redey to Delever it Quarter Masters of the Different Corps are to press
Whaggans for this purpose –
Battn Orders
the Women may land and the officers to Send for Such light baggage as ye may whant –

Battn: Orders 21st June 1780 –

the Noncommissind officers & Sauldiers of the 1 Battn: Light Infantry are not to Go behind the
cantonments of the Light Infantry on the Left, and Deakus Ferry of the Right, and Such persons Who
Shall be found out of those bounders will be sevearly Punished for Dissabedence of Orders –
the officers Commanding at the Sevral Cantoonments will have Roll Call Every Morning, and the Battn:
will asembal Every Evening at 6 OClock for Roll calling at the Cross roads near to Captn:
[Eyre Power] Trenches [54th] Quarters –

Major Genl [Alexander] Lessles Quarters 21th June 1780

three Days Provissions to the 25th Instant Will be Isseued to the troops tomorrow –

the 1 Battn Light Infantry to Send for four Waggans, to the Quarter Master Genls Departmment at
Elizabeth town Pint – the Commanding officers of Corps may alow Officers that have bussiness to Go to
New York –
Detail S C P

[Note: Jager Capt. Ewald wrote in his journal that Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s corps was to embark on their same transports on
the night of the 22nd and the troops sailed up the Hudson River to Phillipsburg causing the rebel army facing Lt. Gen.
Knyphasuen near Elizabethtown to withdraw. Phillipsburg was located about 30 miles north of New York on the east
side of the Hudson River. Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s corps withdrew from New Jersey on the 24 th and sailed up the
Hudson Riiver and disembarked to joined Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s corps at Philipsburg on the 24th. The light infantry
remained in this area until July 23.

Batt: Orders Estchester 25th June

One Capt : 2 Subs & 50 to Mount to Morrow Morning At the Bridge –

Col: [Robert] Abercromby [37th] is determind to Poret the In Habitents and punish Every
England England
Eriglalaraty [irregularity] In the Solders –
NB: the Church Guard this Evning at 5 OClock a Serjant Corpl: and 12 –
For Piquet to Morrow Morning at Half past 2 OClock Capt: [Donald] Campbell [74th] Lieut: [David]
Robison [63rd] and [Henry] Pottinger [37th] –
after Batt: orders 10 OClock 25th June
The transports are to be at New York to Morrow Evning the Commanding officers of Companys are
Desiord to land Such things As they may Emedatly Want of Wich Ye: of wich the Guard at Philips Maner
Will take Charge thay are forther Desierd to Send a non Commissand Officer or thar Servant to new
York thar to Lodge the Remainin part of thar Baggag In thar Respective Store

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s or Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] 25th June 1780 the Army Will Probly Remainon
thir ground for Savrall Days those Regmints Who have not have camp acqupage [equipage] are to Send
for it Emedntly –
the Commanding Officers of Corps to the Quarter master Genl At new York Who Will firnish them With
Sloops andc: to bring up thare Camp acqupge and such Sick as thay wish to have With them

Lt. Gen. Wilhelm von Kniphausen

[Source: Wikipedia]

[Likely Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] off Philips Burge 25th June 1780 –
morning orders –

the troops are to Land at 10 OClock
this morning those on Bord the transports are to Go on Shore With three Days provison and Rum, those
in Small Vesse;s, will Reseve [receive] ther provison thay Want to Compleat them to three Days
Emedatly after Landing
the Whole Will take up such ground As Will be Shown them by a officer of the Quarter masters Gl
Departmint the Camp aqupage is to be Landed and those Sick and Convalation Who Casses Do not
Require that thay Shuld be sent to the Genl: Hospital
are to be houted near thar in Camp Are to oqupie [occupy] the Billdings Wich may be found at thar In
Campments the Rest must Go to new York in Ships wich Will be asieend by Capt tomkans for that
Desine –
[Likely Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Genal orders 26th June 1780
Genaral Officers and Commanding officers of Corps Will order to ocquipide Such Post with thare piquits
in thar own fronts as thay Shall think proper –

Batt orders as Soon flags of troce Are Dis Covard by thare advacedsing [advancing]
thay are to stopt and not to be Permited to Com down near the Bridge
for Piquet to morrow Morning at half past 2 oClock Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] Lieut [Robert] Poots [42nd]
and Ensine [Henry] overing [54th]
Detail S C P
1 1 5

Battn: Orders 27th June 1780 –

for Picquet to Morrow Morning Captn [George] Dellrompoll [42nd] Lieuts [Thomas] Nickall [33rd] &
[Zachariah] Hall [70th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 0 7
Orderly 1 0 0

[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Genl Orders 27th June 1780

The armey Will Receive Provision, & Oats For the Genl Officers, Staff & Cavalery to Morrow Morning
at the landing Place
turn over
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarter N York 26th June 1780
Reg Ordered to Encamp Will Emmeditaly Deliver up their Barrack bedding & utenceles to the Qr Mr

Genl. –
The British Corps to prepare Muster Rolls For 183 Days from 25 Decr 79 to 24th June 1780 –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters N: York 27th: June 1780
Returns of the officers, non Comissind offrs And Men belonging to the Regts. in Georgia and Caralinia to
be Sent Emmedatley to The adjt. Genls. office in N. York

Philips burgh 28th – 1780

Liu Gen [Wilhelm von] Kniphausen‟s Orders
t l

Genl. officers Commanding brigades and


officers Commanding Detached Corps Will Grant Safe Guards and afford Every Possable Portection to
the Inhabitence resideing Within the Picquets – two orderly Vessels Will Sail Daily For N: York till
farther orders. The Fly, and Eagle distined for the above Service To Morrow Morning at 8 oClock –
An orderly Sertjt From the Flank Corps To attend Daly at Majr. Genl Losberg‟s Quarterts at Valintine‟s
Majr. Genl. [Alexander] Lessly‟s Orders
The Light Infantry Comp . of the 82d Regt is to Joyn the 1st. Battlion of Light Infantry And the Granadear

Compy. the 2d. Battlion of Granaders

Genl. Lessley‟s Guard to Morrow 2d. Battlion Granaders. orderely Serjt. at Genl [Friedrich Wilhelm von]
1st.. Ligt. Infantry
Battlion Orders For Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] . Liuts [James] Stewart
[42nd] and John Campbell [74th]
Battlion Morning Orders 29th June 1780
A State of those Companys Whos Regts Are in Georgia & Carolina to be Sent to the adjents Marque by 12
oClock; Sinned by a Capt. of a Compy.
Roll Calling in Future Will be at 8 oClock in the Morning and half an hour before Sun Down in the
Evening –
After Genl: Orders –
the Officers left with the Baggage belonging to Regts. in Georgea and in Cariliana Will Emmeditly Give
in Returns of the numbers of Women and Quantade of
Baggage ye: have to Sheep –

[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Philops burge 29th June 1780 –

Captn Doremborg of the Hasion Granadiers is apointed Edde [aid-de] Camp to is Exclency Lieut. Genl:
[Wilhelm von] Kniphouson –
the 42d: Regt. with two Six pounders is aded to Brigadere Genl [John] Leelands Brigade
Serjt bengamein Bull of the 17th: Dragoons Deputy Provost Martil to the Army; is ordered to Go is
Rowors is Such manners as he Shall judge Necessary and will be respected accordingly in the Excecusion
of is Duty –
the Orderly Vessiles will Sael to New York to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock
a battow Will atend at the landing Please at that hour with a Weit Flag [Jsted?] to Carrey Such persons on
bord as have Passes to go to town –
found a portmonta locked with 2 Blancets it is in the possosion of the Yagors –

Battn: Orders 29th June 1780 –

For Picquet to Morrow Morning Cap [Robert] Irvin [70th] Lieuts [George] Dunlap [74th] & [Stafford]

Lightburn [37th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 0 7
Genls Guard 1 1

30 June 80 –
[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Genl. orders
The Lig . Infantry & Granaders are to Prepare two Setts of Muster Rolls
From the 25 June 1779 to the 24th of December Following 182 Days And from the 25th of Decr 79 to the
24th Jun 1780 Inclusive

[Note: The 1st Lt. Infantry Bn. was mustered at their Camp near East Chester on July 17, 1780.]

[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Philipsburg 28th June 1780

After orders 2 oClock
The Troops arived From Caralonia Will Send thier Respective Qr.. Masters To the Qr. Master Genls..
Waggen Yard N: York at Which Place they Will Receive their Proportion of Waggens & horses
Such Corps Who have Waggens & horses, Not now With them, Will Emmedatly Send For them,
and Whut they Want to Compleat to the allowance Will be Delivred
to them at the Waggen Yard by the Qr. Master Genl.
Battlion Orders 30th June – 1780
For Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [Robert] Irving [70th] Lts [Robert] Walker [7th] & [David]
Robertson [63rd]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Philops burgh 30th June 1780 –
the several Corps are to Send in Returns to the Deputy Agutant [adjutant] Genl: at Head Qrs of the
Number of men ye Can give as mowors, the Will be Imploy‟d and pead by the Commassary Genl: –
no Grass is on any account to be Cutt on any mowing Ground in the reare of the army, Excepting by
persons imploy‟d under the Commassarey General –
Such of the Regts as are Eabel to Bake bread will in futer Receve flower thaose Corps Who have not the
menes of Dowing it will notefy the Seame to the Deputy Commossary Genl –
3 Days Provisions to the 3d of July Inclusive will be Ished to the troops to Morrow Morning –
the Regimental Waggans are not to fatchet [fetch it?], as those of the Provission Trane will atend at
Daybrak at Philips burgh to bring it to the Defferant Corps –
his Excelance the Commander in Cheif as been plas‟d to Make the folloing Pormotions
38th Regt...
Returns will in futur be Expected
Every 3 Months of officers Desiries to purchase and the Vollinteers Serving in the Defferant Corps,
Expressing Date of Commission and time of Serves – With Such Recommandations as the Commanding
officers may think proper to head Returns as above Decribed are to be Gavin for the 1 July –

Battn: Orders 31st [sic] June 1780 –

Returns agreable to the above Gen : Orders to be given in Emmeditly

Battalion Orders 1st July. 1780

For Picquet tomorrow morning Capt . [William] Gore [33rd], Lieuts. [Henry] Pottingher [37th] & [Robert]

Wallace [7th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 5
Battlion orders 2nd.. July 1780
Battalion Orders
For Picquet to Morrow morning Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd] Liuts.. [James] Raworston [7th] and Ensign [Peter]
Dumass [82nd]
Detail .. .. 7
Orderly 1 .. ..

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters Philips Burg 2nd July 80

Liut George Willaimson of the 70th Granaders is appinted to act as adjt. to the 2d.. Bettlion of Bretish
Granaders Vizt [George] Claghorn [22nd] Promoted –
The Sick Which it May be Nessesary to Send to the Genl. Hosptl. are to be brought to Mr. Grant
Fild Inspecter at Philips burg Who Will take Churge of them, None are to be Sent from Camp in any other
Manner –
The Mowers as Return‟d Yesterday are to be assembled to Morrow Morning at East Chester Church,
Regts.. Which Give above Twelve are to Send a Serjt With them, Smaller Partyes are to be Sent With a
Corpl, the non Commissined officers Will Remian With thier Parteys Untill that Service is Preformed
And to Receive thier Directions From the Commissary
of Furrag – it is Expected that Each Regt.. Will order Working parteys of their Pinniers to Clear the
Roads near thier Encampments of the large lose Stones
Four Days Provisions Will be Isued to Troops to Morrow Morning at Day Break by the Depty
Commissary of Provision‟s at Philips burg, being to the 7th.. Inst . Inclusive, Regtl Waggens To be Sent
for this purpos

Genl. [Alexander] Lessley Orders

a Picquet of 1 Cap .. & 2 Subs. 3 Serjts.. 3 Corpls. & 100 private Men

to Parade to Morrow morning at ½ past 4 OClock at Est Cheaster Church to Cover the Mowers, they are
to Return in the Evening When the Mowers Gives over Work For this Duty the 1st & 2d Lt. Infy a party
of 1 Sub 1 Serjt and a partey of dragoons to parade at the Same place & Time

Bettlion Orders, For the above Duty agreable to Genl. Orders Capt [George] Dalrumpyle
[42 ]
The men Return‟d as Mowers to parade at the Same Time & Place as above mentined
Detail 1 6 [30?]
1 4

[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Head Quarters Philips burgh 3d July 1780
The Commander in Cheif Dessirs that the Regtl Waggans may not be Sent out of camp as Evary asistance
possoble will be given in bringing from New York what Ever the Army by Water to Philops burgh ...
a Captn: & 2 Subs from the troops Est of Burnex will have the Command of the Mowors Daly for 24
hours –
Major Genl: [Alexander] Lessly will be Plesed to give Derections to this Effect –
the Cavaltry of the Queens Rengors are to join there Corps and in Camp with them

Battn: Orders 3d July 1780 –

For Picquet to Morrow Morning Captn [Donald] Campbell [74th] Lieuts [John] Graham [54th] and En:
[Henry] Overing [54th] for the Covering Party to Morrow morning at half past 4 OClock Captn [Eyre]
Coote [37th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 7
Covering Party 4

Head Quarters Babcock‟s House 4th July 1780

Majr. Genl. [Alexander] Lessley‟s Orders

Such Corps as have Mowers are to Send Teants for them to Morrow Morning by 9 oClock to East Chester
Church, Where they Will Receive farther orders –
The troops Who find the Covering Partey to Send one days provision With them as no body Will be
Suffred to go out of the Lines but those on Duty
turn over
[Note: “Babcock’s House” was the parsonage of St. Johns Church at Philipsburgh, NY]
Battn Orders
For Picquet to Morrow Capt. [Donald] Campbell [74th] Liuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] & [Thomas] Nical [33rd]
For the provision Store Guard to Morrow Morning at 8 OClock Liut [Zachariah] Hall [70th]

Detail S C P
Batt and Picquet .. .. 6
Guard .. .. 2

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quartrs Babcocks House 6th July 1780
Brigadier Gen . [John] Leelands Brigade the Captn. and 2 Subalterns for the Mowers

The orderly Batteaux will attend tomorrow at two OClock – the day after at half past two to take
Prisoners on board the Orderly
Ship – Battn Orders –
For Picquet tomorrow morning Capt [William] Raymond [22nd], Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd] &

[George] Dunlap [74th]

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 6
hay makers 3
Covering Party 1 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Genl: Orders

Promotions Reced from the War Office 26 June 1780
17th Regt. Lt. Dragoons...
17th Regt of foot...
[17th Regt. continued]...
21st Regt...
22d Regt...
23d Regt...
83d Regt...
87th Regt...
38th Regt...
43d Regt...
54th Regt...
[54th Regt. continued]...
57th Regt...
60 Regt. 4th Battn...

63d Regt...
64th Regt...

Leve of Absence
Lieut. Charls May 43d Regt. Foot..
1st Regt. Foot Guards [promotions]...
[1st Regt. Foot Guards continued]...
3d Regt. Guards...

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 4th July 1780
It is Expected that all the Involeds who are to go to England in the Fleet About to Seel are Sent to Lieut
[Edward Pearce Willington 1/71st] Wininton on or be fore the 7th Instant
Battn Orders 6th July 1780
a hay making Party With Arms Consisting of 50 Men & [8 or 3?] Noncommissinid officers to Parad at 1
OClock at the Curch –
A Commassary of
Forrage Will be there to Direct them 1 Captn 1 Sub 1 Serjt and 20 Men to Cover the Reakrs, the Captn.
taking the wole under is Command –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Babcocks house 6th: July 1780 –

4 Days Porvissions Will be Isued to the Army Erly to Morrow Morning – to the troops Estward of the
Brunks of Est Chester, to the Remander of the Army at the yousal place –
the Brigade of [Lossburg] Lewasburgh will fornish the Officers for the Mowers at the yousal hours –
the hempty Punchins, Oat Sicks, and Bread Bags to be Return‟d to
the Store –
Lost at the Picquet hous of the Granadirs A mettle Watch in a Shagreen Case With Fibb, and G: Key –
Who Ever Brings it to the Adjutant 1 Battn: Granadires Shall be Well Rewarded –
Battn: orders 6th July 1780 –
For Picquet to Morrow Morning Cap [Eyre] Coote [37th] Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] and [David]

Robinson [63rd]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 7
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Babcocks house 7th July 1780 –
the Orderly Batt [batteaux] Will atend at Philops Burgh Landing to Morrow Morning at Six OClock, the 9th
Instant at 7th OClock the 10th Instant at 7th OClock the 11th Inst: at 8 OClock; to Carrey Such Persons as may
be Sent from Camp to go to New York in the orderly Sloops –

Battn: orders 7th. July 80 –

st ttn
aney Soldier in the 1 Ba : of Light Infantry who Shall be found be hind the Bridge on the Left of the
Incampment of the Guards with out a pass Sind by a Fild officer; or officer Commanding for the time, will be
Punish‟d for Disobedience
of Orders –
For Picquet to Morrow Morning Captn: [William] Raymond [22nd] Lieuts [Henry] Pottinger [37th] and
[Hugh]Walles [22nd] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 .. 8
Guard .. 1 1

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Babcocks hous 8th July 1780
1st Light Infantry the Provision Guard to Morrow, 2d Light Infantry Genl: [Alexander] Lessles Guard –
3 Noncommissind officers and 50 men to Make Hay; 1 Captn 1 Sub 1 Serjt 1 Corpl: and 20 Privat to Cover
them the Captn: to take the Command of the Wholl, and to Parad at
Est Chester Curch at half Past 8 OClock in the Morning –

Battn: Orders 8th July 1780 –

For Picquet to Morrow morning Cap [William] Bellie [7th] Lieut [James] Rawstrone [7th] and Ens [Peter]

Dumass [82nd] –
For the provission Guard at 8 OClock Lieut [John] Graham [54th] for the Copvering party Captn: [left
Henry Hount of 33d Light Company to be Corpl: from 24th June 1780
Detail Serjt Corpl Privat
Picquet 6
Guard 1
hay Makers 1 3
Battalion Orders. 9th. July 1780
For Picquet tomorrow Morning Captain [Donald] Campble [74th] Lieuts [Thomas] Nichol [33rd] &
[Zachariah] Hall [70th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 .. 7

Battalion Orders – 10th. July. 1780

For Picquet to Morrow Morning Captn [Donald] Campble [74th], Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd] & Jno
Campble [74th]
Detail Serjts Corpl Privat
Picquet 1 1 5

Head Quarters New York 7th July 1780

His Excellency the Commander in Cheif has been pleased to make the following
Promotions, His Excellency Major Genl [James] Robertson is Appointed Lieut. General untill further
Orders –
22nd Regt...
37th Regt...
43d Regt...
Major [Oliver] Delancey of the 17th. Dragoons his appointed Add. de. Camp to his Excellency the
Commander in Chief –
Serjt [Andrew] Smith of the 42d. Regt. is appointed to Act as Quarter Master to the 1st.. Battalion of
Brittish Granadiers Vice [Sgt. Allan] Stewart [42nd] who Retires [discharged] –
Missrs Lewis Morgon, James Bell, Claudias Clark, Willm. Young, and David Brown, are appointed
Supernumiry Mates to the General Hospital –
The two Firsts 21st June and the Others 4th July 1780 –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 8th July 1780
The Commander in Chief has been Pleased to make the following Promotions
43d Regt –
Serj Kennady to be Quarter Master Vice [James Hessey] Hass who Retires
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Babcocks House 9th July 80
The Commissary of musters will begin to muster the Brittish on tuesday Morning [July 11] Commencing
on the Left of the Line –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Babcocks House 10th July
Four days Provision and Oats will be Issued to the army Early to morrow Morning from the 12th
to the 15th to the British (42d. and Queens Rangers Excepted) and the Brigade of Lewisburgh [Loosburg]
at East Chester Landing to the other Corps at Phillipsburgh as Usual –
The Regiments which draw their Provisions at east Chester Landing are to send 20 Fazines will the Usual
Number of Picquets in their Empty Waggons to morrow morning, Dileviring them to the Serjt of the
Guard at the Landing –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Qrs. Babcocks House 11 July 1780
Orderly boat at Philops burgh Landing The 12th Inst at 8 OClock in the Morning, the 13th At 9 OClock,
the 14th at 7, the 15th at 10
All Disortors to be Imidiatly Repd
Prooision [provision] Guard the 2d Brittish Grandrs
Gen [Alexander] Lessleys Guard the 1st Lt Infy
Battn Orders
For Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Lts [Henry] Lightburn [37th] & [Robert] Walker
Detail {P . . 7
{G 1 . 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarter New York 11th July 1780
the Batt & Forrage Mony will be Isued on aplycation, to Such Corps as not allrede Reced: it, the Corps
that Was under the Command of is Exclincy Lieut. Genl: [Wilhelm von] Kniphowson last winter Will
Receve there Hewtencil [utensil] Money on Aplycation to the Barrake Master Genl:–
His Excelincy the Commander inchiff as been Pleased to apoint Major Wm Crosby [7th] to be Barrack
Genl. of the army under is Command in the Rume [room] of Lieut. Colll. [George Clerk] Clark [43rd],
who retires of is Bad State of health and he is to be Observ‟d as Such –

...Battn Orders 12th July 1780 –

for Picquet to Morrow morning Captn [George Dalrymple] Dillrompal [42nd] Lieuts [David] Robinson
[63rd] and [Henry] Pottinger [37th] –
for a Civring Party to parade at the Church to Morrow morning at 6 OClock Lieut [left blank] for the
provission Guard at 8 OClock [James] Rorstron [7th]
Detail S C P
Picquet . 1 7
Covring Party . . 1

Guard . . 1
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 10th July 1780 –
Lieu Coll Dundass [Thomas] Dundass Desiring to give his Atenchan to the 80th Regt. wich is barked for
t n

Amarica under is Command, as Obtaned the Commander inchifes Parmition to Quit the 2d. Battn. of Light
Infantry –
this Battn: together with the 1st will therefour tell forder Orders beunder the Inspection of Colln: [Robert]
Abercromby [37th/1st Lt. Inf.] –
Mr, David Smith is Apointed Supernumary Mate to the Genl: Hospital –
the Hospital Bord will Seat at 9 OClock Every Monday Morning tell forther Orders at the Collage
Hospital –

[Lt. Gen. Knyphausen‟s Orders] Head Quarters Philops burgh 10th July 1780 –
the Musters of the British & Handspach [Ansbach] Regts will be takan as follows Saturday 15th Instant 42d
Regt at 5 in the Morning –
the two Regts of Andspack at 5 in the Evening Sunday 16th the 80th. Regt. at 3 and the 38th at Six Oclock
in the Morning – the 57th Regt. at 5 and 37th Regt. at Six in the Evening –
Monday 17th British Granadiers at Six in the Morning and Light Infantry at 5 in the Afternoon –
Tusday 18th 17th Light Dragoons –
When Prisoners make there Escape from the Rebells it is Requested the Commanding officers of the
Corps ye. join will note Down from there report
the nams and Pleases of Abode, of the Persons who assisted or Conducted them through the Contry –
2d Light Infantry provission Guard –
1st Granadiers Genl. [Alexander] Lessles –
British Granadiers the Party at the Landing to lode the hay Sloops –
a party of 40 Mowers to parad to Morrow morning at 5 OClock at est Chester Curch were ye: will receve
there Derections from the Commassary of Forrage –
1st and 2d Light Infantry 1 Serjt. and 15 men –
1st and 2d Granadiers 1 Serjt. and 15 men –
Bragade of Guards 1 Corpl. and 10 men –
Battn orders
For picquet to Morrow morning
Captn: [William] Raymond [22nd] Lieuts [John] Grame [54th] and Ensign [Peter] Dumass [82nd] –
Detail Serjts Corpl Privat
Picquet 1 . 6

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Babcocks House 14th July 1780
Four days Provision and Oats from 16th to 19th Inclusive will be Issued to the Army to morrow morning
Agreable to the former Arraingment –
Returns of the army to be given in tomoorow at Orderly –
Lost a great Coat betwixt morris‟ Town and the Camp, whoever will Carry it
to Lieut Genl [Wilhelm von] Kniphousen‟s Quarters sahll Receive three Dollars Reward –
first Granadiers the provision Guard
2d. Granadiers Genl. [Alexander] Lessleys –
Battalion Orders –

For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [James William] Bailie [7th] & Lieut [Thomas] Nichol [33rd]. for
the Guard at east Chester Church Lieut. [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
Detail Serjts Corpl Privat
Picquet .. 1 6

After Battn. Orders

l c
Corp : M farrling of the 74 L: Company Is apinted To Do Duty as Serj: Till Till [sic] Further orders
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 14th July 1780
His Excellency the Commander in Chief Observes in the Returns of Volunters Delivered to him, the
Names of Several persons serving in other Capacitys, the Genl will be happey Through the Commanding
Officers of Corps to learn the Military Merit of Gentlemen of every Respect in the Preferment they are
Thought Deserving of But by Volunters His Excellency Can Only understand young Gentlemen serving
in the Ranks at their own Expense and Expecting Preferment from their good Behavior –
turn over
His Excellency the Commander in Chief has been pleased to Make the following promotions
57th Regt...
2 . Battn. 84th Regt...

Several Stands of arms & Accouterments [illegible line]...
been Delivered over to Some of the Corps Nearest the Landing Place Or Mislac‟d [misplaced] When they
Were Carried into the boats, Whoever are in Posession of them are Requested to Send them to the Regtl.
Store Garden Street N. York – all officers & Men belonging to Corps in Georgia & Carolina Will be
Ordered to Embark to Morrow –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders Head Quarters Babcocks House 15th July 1780
No Fences to be Pulled Down nor Rails Burned on any pretence...
[illegible – likely about the orderly boats]
the 16th at 10 OClock in the Morning, the 17th at 11 the 18th at 11 the 19th at 12 –
2d Granadiers Provision Guard
1st Ligt Infy to Load hay

Battlion Orders
For Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [Robert] Irving [70th] & Liut [George] Dunlap [74th] –
For the Church Guard Liut John Campbell [74th]
For the Partey to Load hay to Morrow morning at half past 4 OClock Liut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
Picquet .. .. 7
Orderly 1 .. ..
Church Gd .. 1 1
1 1 8
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs N York 15 July – 1780
A Genl. Court Martil Consisting of 2 field officers & 11 Captains To assemble at 10 oClock Munday the
17th Inst at The City Hall in N. York, for the Tryal of Such persons as Shall be brought before it
Liut. Coln. [Samuel] Burch 17th Light Dragoons Presedent, Majr Cowley [William] Cowley 22nd. Regt
Royal Artillerey 1 Capt.

1st Ligt Infy 1 Do
2d Do 1 Do
1st Granaders 1 Do
2d Do 1 Do
38 & 76 1 Capt Each 2 Do
Royal Americans 1
turn over
[William] Sutherland of 55 [and Garr. Bn.] 1
[John] Bridgewater of P of W [Prince of Wales Am. Regt.] 1
Cap . [Robert] Gray [King‟s Am. Regt.]
Total 11
Ens [Mathew] Wood of 64th. Regt Judge Advocate to Whome the Dates of Commissions are to Be Given
the Prisoners Names & Crimes To be Sent Emmedatly –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Hd. Qrs. Babcock‟s House 16th July 1780
Strayed from 17th Light Dragoons 15th July a Dark Brown horse about 14 hands high The off 4 foot Spect
up the hoff his feet very much Wore for Want of Showing. his Mane And tail very Thick & long –
For Picquet to Morrow morning Capt [William] goare [3rd] And Liut [Robert] Walker [7th]. For the
Church Guard Liut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th], for the provision Guard at 8 OClock Liut [David]
Robertson [63rd]–
For the Genl Courtmartil to Morrow Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] –
Picquet .. .. 6
Guard 1 .. 2
1 .. 8
As Soon as it is known that any Silder has Deserted, it is to be Emmidatle Reported to the Commanding
offr of the Battt, Whither by night [torn off]
[torn off] Abercrombys Orders
[torn] [July] 16 1780 –
The Picquet Guards and Fatauges of the Light Infany (Camp Guards Excepted) are to be taken by
Detachment from the 2nd Battalion till further Orders –
When anything Extraordinary shall happen by Night or day, it must Immediately be Reported to
Lieut. Colll [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.], or in his absence to the Senior Officer of the Light
Infany. in Camp – The Officers on Duty are Desired to Send frequent Patroles Round their Posts, in order
to prevent Stragling or Other Irregularities –
The Light Infantry are to be Muster‟d to
morrow Evining at 5 OClock –
The Picquets to mount at day break

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarts Babcocks House 17th. July. 1780
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 7

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders –

For the Right hand Picquet to morrow ½ hour before daybreak Captn [Bent] Ball [63rd] and Lieut [Hugh]
Wallace [22nd], for the Left, Captn [Donald] Campble [74th] Lieuts [ John] McEwen [38th] & [James]
Rostrone [7th]
For the Provision Guard at 8 OClock Lieut [George Worden] Baynton [23rd] –
Battn Orders
For the Quarter Guard Ens. [Peter] Dumas [82nd]
Babcocks House 18th July 1780
Four Days Provisions Will be Isued to Morrow Morning from the 20th to the 23d Inclusive –
Taken or Strayed from the Encampment of the Hessian Mounted Yaggers, a Light bay Horse With a Back
mane and Switch Tail, a Small Star on his fore-head About 13 Hands high –
Liquise[likewise] a Small Mane, Sorrel Coller With a Dark Mane, a Short Cut Tail, a Black Stripe Down
his Back, they are both branded J. C. on the off
Hand Thigh – it is requested they May be [Siezed?] & returned to Coln [Ludwig von Wurmb]Woremb.
Should they be Found or offred for Sale –
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
For the Right Hand Picquet to Morrow Mornig, Capt [Etre] Coote [37th], & Liut [Robert] Potts [42nd],
For the Left: Capt. Campbell 84th, Liuts [John] Graham [54th] & Alexr McDonald [84th]

Battlion Orders
For the [Q ?] Guard L [Thomas] Nicol [33 ] –
r t rd

Picquet .. .. 7

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Genl. After Orders, Babcock‟s house 18th July 1780
No Regts. or Corps is to Retain for any
Pretence Whatever, More Bagge, then Can Be Easley transported in their Waggens, as alloted by the Qr.
Master Genl: the overpluseis Emmedatly to be Sent to the Stores in New York And the diffrent
Departments of The Armey Will Regulate thier Baggage Accordingly – The Queens Rangers Whos
Picquets are to furnished this night by the 42d. Regt Will March to Morrow Morning at 6 OClock to
Frogsneck Where they Will Receive farther orders –
The Queens Rangers Will Draw thier provisions And Oats to Morrow Morning at East Chester For 2 days
only, vizt the 20th & 21st Inclusive
19th July 1780 –
½ past 11 fore Noon the Serjents Maj . of the 1 & 2 Lig . Inf (as the Adjts. are absent) Will attend a ½
r st d t y

past 1 OClock this day near Coln. [Henry] Hopes [44th/1st Gren. Bn.] Quarters for orders, they will bring
With them an Exact List of the Captains now Dowing Duty

[Note: Jager Capt. Johan Ewald wrote in his journal of news that a French fleet and 5000 French troops had arrived at
Rhode Island.]

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Babcocks House 19th July 1780

The Superflousis baggage of the following Corps tis to be Embarked at Philips Burg Emmedatly For
Which purpose Batteatex [batteau] are attending at the Landing, the Fly Scooner is Alloted for the Hessin
The Sloop Ranger the Hessin & Anspach Yaggers. the Sloop Darinton for the Brigd

of Anspach. The Sloop Ellie for the 42d. Regt.
A Return to be Given in this Evening of the Number Sick Present With each Corps
Destinguishing Such as are able to Walk
A Genl. Court Martil Consisting of 2 Fild Officers and 11 Captains to assemble at 8 oclock to
Morrow morning at Coln [Robert] Abercromby‟s Quarters in East Cheaster, for the tryal of Such prisoners
as Shall be Be brought Before them
Liut. Coln. Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Presedent
Liu . Coln. [John] York [22nd] –

1st. Ligt. Infantry 4

d o o
2 .D -D 3
Granaders 4
Total 11
Liut. John Melbey Cook 37th Regt Acting Depy Judge Advocate
Light Infantry Genl. [Alexander] Lessley‟s Guard to Morrow
2d. Granaders the provision –

Genl. [Alexander] Lessley‟s Orders

Vessels Will be Ready to Morrow Morning to take the Superflous baggage to N. York
Majr. Genl. Lessley Desiris the Baggage Will Be at the Landing Place at east Chester Before 2 OClock in
the afternoon
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
For the Right hand Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd] and Liut. [James]
Stewart [42nd]. For the Left Capt. [William] Hawthorn [80th] Liuts Moir and John Campbell [74th]
turn over
Battn Orders
r t th
For the Q . Guard Liu [George] Dunlap [74 ]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 7

[Note: Jager Capt. Johan Ewald wrote in his journal of news that the Jagers, Light Infantry, Hessian and British
Grenadiers, 22nd, 37th, 38th and 43r Regiments and Flank companies of the Guards marched on July 23 from
Philipsburg to Throg‟s Neck. On the 24th these troops embarked and were joined by the 42nd Highlanders and the Leib
and Landgraf Hessian regiments who had embarked at Philipsburg. The purpose of the embarkation was to make an
attack on the French army at Rhode Island.]

Battn Order 25th July 1780

The Heavy Baggage of the 1 . Lig . Infantry Including Officers Marquees to be Sent to the Qr. Master
st t

Emmedatly, the Officer Baggage to be Sent to thier Several Store Houses in N. York

Genl. [Alexander] Lessley‟s Orders 20th. July 1780 –

The Ligt. Infy. & Granaders Well Emmedatly Send Thier Supernumery Baggage to the Landing Place the
Qr. Mr. Genl. Will
Appint a Vessel to Receive it & the Sick, Who Must be Sent Down in the Cool of the Evening is the Tide
Answers for the Craft to leave the Warff at 2 OClock to Morrow Morning
a Qr. Master of each Corps Well apply to the Commissary for an empty Rum Puncen Which is to be filled
With Water and put on bord for the benefit of ye. Sick. A Surgens Mate from the Ligt Infy and one from
the Granaders Will attend
[Lt. Inf.] Brigd Orders

For the Right hand Picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [St. Lawrence] Boyd [38th], & Liut: [William Henry]
Hamilton [37th]
For the Left Capt [James William] Baley [7th], Liuts. [Angus] Martin[76th] & [Thomas] Armstrong [80th]
For the Provision Gd at 8 oClock Liut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –
Battn. Orders
For the Qr. Guard Liut. [Robert] Walker [7th]
Picquet .. 1 6
Orderly 1 .. ..
Guard .. .. 2

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Babcocks hous 21st July 1780 –

two Days Provissions and oats to Isued to the Army to Morrow Morning to the 24th July
Commanding officers of Corps will not Purmit aney officer or Soldier to go to town but on urgent
buseness tell forther orders –
Baragede orders – For the right hand Picquet Captn [Robert] Irvin [70th] and Lt. [David] Robinson [63rd]
for the left, Captn: [George] Seymor [17th] , Lieuts[John Danie] Frezer [17th] and [Henry] Pottinger [37th],
for the Provission Guard at 8 OClock Lieut. [Robert] Jackson [57th] –
Battn. Orders
For the Quarter Guard Lieut [Robert] Wallace [7th]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Picquet .. .. 7
Qr: Guard .. 1 ..
Provission Guard .. .. 1

[out of sequence note]

Fortnight States to begevin Emmedatly
Luke Rasco and Joseph Duncin Deserted the 25 August 1780 at Huninton Ferry Island –
Battn Orders
Huntington Hunton
B orders July 22d 1780
The following transports are to receive the 1st. Battalion Lt Infantry Vizt –
Gray Hound, Dianna Peggy, Roberts and Jane
37th Company Gray Hound and one Serjt one Corpl. and 18 Private 42d Company
Jane 74th. 82d. A Surgeon Surgeons
Peggy: Fisher, 33d. 70: Thur
Robert 42d: 54th.
Diana, 7th. 22d. 63d
A Return of Ammunition wanting to Compleate to 60 Round Prman, and two good flints to be Sent to the
Qr. Master Immidiatly –
General [Alexander] Lessles Quarters East Chester 22d July 1780
The Camp Accopage [equipage]of the Army is Immeditly to be removed with in Kings Bridge –
the Waggans to return to there Several Regiments After Desposing it –
the Camp Accopage is to be Packed and to remain in Charge of the Guard –
the Corps will march to it –

an Officer of the Quarter master General Department will atend at Kings bridge this Day to – Tho the
Ground ware is to be pleast –
Tow Days Provissions and Oats will be Imeditly be Isued to the troops from the 24th to the 25th Inclusive
it is Expected that the Waggans of the Defferant Corps Devided So as to Do Both Dutes Serves as this
Streade from the Incampment of the 2d: Battn: of British Granadirs on the 20th July – a Black Mare
Whanthg the hare on both Sids of her Head and on the off hind leag with Cut Tail. Who Ever will Give
notes of her to the hounerable Captn [George Napier] Neper of the 80th Granadiers Shall be ansomlay
[handsomely] rewarded
[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders
For the right hand Picquet to Morrow Morning Captn. [William] Gore [33rd] and Lieut [Colin] Lamond
[76th] – and the Left Captn [James] Frezor [76th] and Lieut. [John] Grame [54th] and Ensign [Peter] Dumass
Battn: Orders
For the Quarter Guard Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]
Detail S C P
1 .. 7

Battn: Orders 24th July 1780

Robt. Budge 63d Company apointed Corpl. in the rume of Jno Bell Deserted 14th July 1780
Patrick Sovalen of Seade Company apointed to act as Corpl. in the rume of Kelly who wishes to return to
his former Duty
Jas. McPherson 42d Company is apointed to Act as Corpl in Seade Company in Room McDonnald Sick

Frogs neck 24th July 1780

General [Alexander] Lessles Orders –
the Corps wich Imbarks
are to leve Each an officer with there Campaccopage and Baggage
the officers horses are to remeane with the baggage Guart, the will Asemble on the Ground of the Light
Infantry and take there Derections from the Dupety Quarter Master General –
Three Women Per Company and Duble that nomber for Compy: one hondred men may be taken on bord,
the others are to return to York Island and be under the Derection of the officer of the Baggage Guard
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] On bord the Grand Duke of Whit Stone 27th July 80 –
The army for the Prest Expedition Is Brigaded as folows
Yeagers1 L: I: & 2 L: I: Inspected by L Coll [Robert] Abercrombie [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.]
st d t l

British Granadiers The Whole by Major Genl [Alexander] Lasley

Heshon Grds Major Genl [Heinrich Von Kospoth] Kosport [Regt. Landgrave]
37th: 38th: 43d Brigdr Genl [John] Lealand [1st Guards Regt.]
22d Du Corps Landgrave Inspected by Coll [Ludwig von] Wurmb 42d Regimt flank Compy
Guards Inspected by L Coll [John] Howard
The three last Brigades Under the Comd of Major Genl [Edward] Mathewes [Guards]
Lt [William] Wyenyeard of the 64th Lt Infantry Is apointed to act as Major of Brigade On this Expidetion
& Is attached to Bragd General [John] Lealands Bregade –

Embarkation Returns are Expected as Speady as Posable –
When the Troops Land they Will Take 2 days Provision Ready Drest With them.

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Genl: Orders Whit Stone 31st July 1780

the troops are to Receive three Days Provissions and to be inredeness to Land as soon as the Camp
Equapge a rives –

[Note: While embarked, Gen. Clinton had learned from the admiral that the rebels had reinforced the French with a
large number of men from the mainland. Clinton had also learned Washington‟s army had been sighted near
Verplanck‟s Point on the afternoon of August 2 nd and was thought to be planning an action against Kingsbridge on the
north end of New York Island. With the rebel threat to his base in New York and the time delay that had allowed the
French time to improve their position, Gen. Clinton had second thoughts about the attack on Rhode Island and
convened a council of war. Clinton and the council came to the conclusion that the French at Rhode Island were too
strong to attempt an attack and that the troops could be better used to counter Washington‟s moves on the North River.
To implement the change of plans a signal was raised to sail to the westward toward Whitestone where the fleet arrived
about noon. The regiments were ordered to send for their camp equipage, which had to be brought from near
Kingsbridge, and to land as soon as the equipment arrived on Long Island. After disembarking on Aug. 3 rd, the 42nd
Highlanders and Guards encamped at Whitestown, Long Island while the Light Infantry and Grenadiers took up
positions about a mile southeast of Flushing. Flushing is located about 12 miles east of the Brooklyn ferry, on the north
side of Long Island.]
Regiments will Emmediatly Send there Qr: Masters to New York to report to the Qr: Master General ware
there CampEquapge and Regimentil Waggans are in order to receve Derections from him the most
Speedy methods of Conveing them to Camp, all the Artillery Engeeneers and Hospitils Stors as well as
horses belonging to the Qr: Master General and other Departments are to remene on Bord until forther
orders Forrage and Water for the Cattle to be keept Compleat
Lieut. [John Daniel] Frezor [17th] of the 2d Lt: Infantry is Apointed as Adjutant to the 2d Lt Infantry
Major General [Edward] Mathews Orders
the Qr: Masters of the Corps who as Camp Equapge is Deporited in the Barrak at kings Bridge will land
as Sune as Possoble and march to Kings Bridge Escorted by a Detachment of Lt: Infantry Major General
[Alexander] Lessle will be plesed to Give the necesssary Directions –
Boston [sic] 2nd August. 1780
The Light Infan , Brittish Granadiers, and Yaugers, will land immeadiatly, and march to flushing were an
Officer of the Qr..M..G department will show them their Ground of Incampment –
Every possible protection to be afforded to the property and persons of the [Inhabitants]
and the Commanding Officers of Corps are particurlarly Requested, to prevent the fences from being
Demolished, or the Corn that may be now cut from being damaged or carried away –
The Corps to encamp immeadiately at flushing are on no account to distroy the Hutts they will find there

Battn. Orders 3d. Augt. 1780
A Cortmartill to assemble Emmidatly at the Presedents Tent, Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] Presedent
Liuts John Campbell [74th], [George] Dunlap [74th], [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] And [Stafford]
Lightburne [37th], Members, all Evedence To attend
Detail .. .. 1
[Likely Maj. Gen. Mathew‟s Orders] [Shouldham?] of [off] White Stone 4th Aug
The troops will receive provissions to morrow morning to the 7th Inclusive

The Lt. Infantry, Brittish Granadiers, & Yaugers will Receive theirs at flushing Landing the Remainder
of troops on Shore at White Stone Landing, proper persons will attend to Issue the provisions from 5
OClock –
The Corps Commanded by Lieut Coll.. [John] Howard [Guards], to furnish a Guard of a Serj t & 12
private, to the Commissary at White Stone landing, to mount at half past 12 this day –

Genl [Alexander] Lessleys Quartrs 4th Augt 1780

the 1 Light Inf will Releif Genl –
st y

Batt Orders 5 August 1780 –
Riving Hambelton of the 22 L Company Confind by order of Capt [William] Raymon of 22d Company

for being Inslent to Lieut [Hugh] Wallas [22nd] tryd by said Corte maitall of wich Captn: [Eyre Power]
Trench [54th] wase Presadent is found Gilty but at the Request of Lieut: Wallis and from the Good
Recomendation has Given the Prisnor, Lieut: Colo [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] is Plesd to
for Give him

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters 5th. August 1780 –

The fortinight States & monthley returns wanted Emedentley from the Light I: and 2: Infantry at
head [Qrs?]
Batt: orders
For Qr Guard to morrow morning Ensine [Henry] Ovring [54th] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 .. 1
Guard .. 1 3
fortauge .. .. 1

Battlion Orders 6th Augst

For the Qr. Guard to Morrow Morning Liut [John] Graham [54th], for the Day, Capt. [William] Gore [33rd]
Detail S C P
.. .. 3
.. .. 5

Genl [Alexander] Lesslies Quarters 6th Augt 80

you will please Immedtly on receipt of this order
as under
Subs Serjts Corpl & privt
1 Batt of L:I: 1 1 .. 10
2d Do .. .. 1 10
Total 1 1 1 20
this party is to march to flushing whear they are to take in Charge 27 prisoners the Officer will Call
Upon Major [John] Andree & take is futher Orders. the Inclosd: Letter for Capt Tonkin is to find a Water
Conveyance for the whole to N York Where the prisoners are to be carried to Lieut Genl [James]
Robertson –
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] head Quarters Flushing 6th Augt 80

A Genl Courtmarteal will Assemble
to morrow Morning at 10 OClock for the trial of Such prisoners as Shall be brought before them, Major
Genl [Alexander] Lesslie Will be pleasd to Announce to the Corps Under his Command the prisidant &
Members who are to Compose it and the place Where it is to meet –
a pacquet will Sail very Shortly for england –
Genl Lesslies Orders –
the Genl Courtmarteal will assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at Lieut Col: [John] Yorks
[22nd/2nd Gren. Bn.] Quarters –
Lieut Col: [John] Yorke prisident – Members Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.] – Captains
1st Light Infy 3
2d do 3
1st Grenadrs 2
2d do 3
Total 11
Lieut [Stephen] Cook 37th Regt D. Judge advocate
1st Batt Light Infantry the Commander in Cheifs Guard to Morrow Morning Cosisting of one Sub 1 Serj t 1
Corpl & 30 private allso 2 Orderly Serjts one from the Light infy & one from the Grenadrs –
1st Battn Grenadrs Genl [Alexander] Lesslies Guard. 2 Grenadrs Genl [William] Dalrymples Guard of a
Corpl & 6 and Commissary of provisions a Corpl & 6 –
After B: Orders for Command Immiedly
Lieut [John] Graham [54th] –
For the Commander in Chiefs Guard to morrow Morning at 8 OClock Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd]
For the Quarter Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –
For the Genl Courtmartial at 10 OClock Capts [Donald] Campbell [74th], [Eyre] Coote [37th] & [George]
Dayrymple [42nd]

Battn Orders 7th Augt. 1780

For the quarter Guard tomorrow morng Lieut. Jno. Campbell [74th] –
To Visit the guards, Captn [Bent] Ball [63rd]
A Court Martial to Assemble at the Presidants tent at ten OClock. Captn Ball president
Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] { Members { [George] Dunlap [74th]
[James] Stewart [42 ] { { Ens [Henry] Overin [54th]
All evidences to Attend
Detail S C P
Guard 1 1 3

Serjt Bowey of the 52d Compy, Confin‟d by order of Liut Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.]
for being Drunk on duty, tryed by the Courtmartil of Which Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] the
prisedent, is found Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge and Sentenced to be Reduced to Serve in the
Ranks a Privat
[Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. [Flushing] 7th Augst
His Excellency the Commander in Chief as been Pleased to Make the following Promotions
17th Dragoons...
[17th Dragoon Regt. promotions continued]...

The Troops are to receive 3 Days provision to Morrow to the 10th Inclusive – 2d Ligt. Infy the
Commander in Chiefs Guard. 2d. Granaders Genl [Alexander] Lessleys 1st Granrs Genl [William]
Dalrymple‟s & the Commissary
2d Ligt. Infy. and 2d Granaders Orderly Serjts at Hd. Quarters.

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Genl Orders 8th Augt 1780

1: Battn.. Light Infany.. Genl.. Lessley‟s, Dalrymple‟s, & Commissary of Provisions Guards tomorrow –
1: Light Infany.. an ordrly Serjt at Head Quarters – Battn. Orders –
For the Quarr: Guard tomorrow morng Lieut [George] Dunlap [74th], to visit the guards Captn [William]
Raymond [22nd] –
Detail S C P
Guard .. 1 5

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushing 9th. Augst 1780 –

nd n l
2 Bett . Granaders, Gen . [Alexander] Lessleys Guard.
2nd Bettn. Ligt. Infy. A Corpl. And Six at the Commander in Chiefs House
Do. at Genl. [William] Dalrymple‟s, Do at the Commissary‟s of Provisions
Bettn. Orders –
For the Qr. Guard to Morrow Morning
turn over
Liut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], to Visite the Guards Capt. [James William] Baley [7th]
Detail 1 . 3

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushing 8th Augst 1780 –

Brigadier Genl [John] Leelands Brigade and the Brigade Commd by Colll [Ludwig von] Worm will
furnish two thousand Six hundred fazines [fascines] at 6 and 9 feet long; the Regts will collect their
different proportions in their respective front –
the Corps of pioneers when not Required for other Service to be constantly Employed in making fazines,
they will also Collect them in their front The Commang Offrs of Brigades will plese to Report when the
Number of
Fazines Required shall be Compleated
Att a Genl. Court Martial held near Flushing of which Lieut. Coll [John] York [22nd/2nd Gren. Bn.]
is president, Wm Bowdinge private Soldier in the 43d. Granadier Company has been tried for making use
of Insolent and mutinous Expressions to Lieut Allen McDonald of 76th Granadiers when in the execution
of his duty –
The Court having duly considered the evidence, is of opinion that the priosner is Guilty of the
first part of the crime laid to his charge and do therefore Sentance him to Receive 500 Lasshes –
The Court is further of Opinion that the prisoner is not Guilty of
the latter part of his crime laid to his Charge and do therefore acquit him of the same –
The Commander in chief confirms the Sentance and orders it to be put in Execution at the
discretion of the Commg Officer – The Court martial is dissolvd –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] off Flusion [Flushing] Camp 10th August 1780 –
the troops will Receve Provissions to morrow morning at Flushin [Flushing] and witstone Landing to the
13th Inclusive –
1 Light Infantry Genl.. [Alexander] Lessles Guard

1 Granadiers the 3 Guards at Flushin
Battn: Orders
For the Q . Guard to Morrow morning Lieu [Robert] Walker [7th]
r t

to Vissit the Guards Captn [Robert] Irving [70th]
Detail S C P
Guard 1 5

Battn: Morning Orders 11th Augus 1780

Court Martial to a Sembil [assemble] at 10 OClock at the Presedants Tent Captn [Robert] Irving [70th]
Presidant, Lieuts [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] [David] Robinson [63rd] and
[Henry] Pottinger [37th] Members all Evedances to atend –

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushing 11th August 1780

2d Lt Infy G: Lesleys Guard
2d Grands. the 3 Corpls Guards –
Battn: O
For the Q Guard to Morrow Morning L [David] Robortion [63rd]. to Visit the Guard Capt [William]
r t

Gore [33rd] –
Detail { S C P
{ . . 2
{ . . . .

Bettn Morning Orders 12th Augst 1780

A Courtmartile to assemble at 10 oClock at the – Pressedent‟s Tent, Capt [William] Gore [33rd] Presedent.
Liuts [John] Graham [54th], [Hugh] Wallas [22nd], [James] Rawstone [7th], and Ens [Peter] Dumass [82nd]

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushing 12th August 1780

Strayed from the Pasture of the Artilery of Linsings Battn
Tow black & gray Geldings Whoever finds them are Desired to bring them to the Adjutant of Col
Linsings Battn the Horses Are Marked G: R:

Head Qrs New York 11 Do

As the Admaral Is in the Intention of Dispatching a frigat to England all Letters are to be Sent to the
Adjutant Gen‟s office & Will be Care taking of –

B Orders –
For the Qr Guard to Morrow Morning Lt [Henry] Potinger [37th] to Visit the Guard Capt [Bent] ball [63rd]
Detail { S C P
{ 1 1 5

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushing 13th Augst 1780

The 42 . to Give the Captain for the Work to Morrow. the troops Will Receive
turn over
Provisions to morrow to the 16th Inclusive

The Passage boat Will Sail for york to Morrow morning at 10 OClock –
2nd Granader Gen. [Alexander] Lessley‟s Guard -
2nd Light Infy the 3 Corpls – Guards
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
The numerless Complaints of the Inhabitents Against the Solgers of the Lt. Infy. Infamous for Maradeing
& Shamefull Depredations of every Sort, Hourly Comitted, Call Loudly for the attention of every offcer
of the Corps particularly the captains; in order to bring back to their Wonted decency of behavior the
Irragular part of thier Companys.
in dowing which they may depend on Effectual Support from the Commanding officer
Liut. Coln. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Desires that all Safe Guards May have orders
to Shoot on the Spoot, Aney person Who Shall be found Stealing, or Destroying the property of the
Inhabitants they are appinted to protect. He farther orders frequent Pattrols to be Sent during the night,
from the diffrent Guards round the Camp
Bettn: Orders
For the Q . G . to Morrow L . [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
r d t

to visite the Guards Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]

Detail S C P
.. 1 3

[gen. Sir henry Clinton‟s Orders] [Head Quarters, New York, 13 Aug. 1780] Orders
Majr. Genl. [James] Pattison, finding his State of helth, Will no longer permit him To attend the Duty‟s of
Commandent of N: York; His Excellency the Commander in Chief Cannot allow him to Retire from them
Without declaring himself oblidged to him, for the zeal and Deligence With Which he has his last
His Excellency Liut. Genl. [James] Robertson Who Commands the District of N: York Will be
Pleased, Untill he Shall
have appinted a Commandent to take upon him the Dutyes Hither to Exercised by Genl. [James] Patteson

Major Genl [Alexander] Lessley‟s Orders

The publick Guards, in future Will be relieved at 6 OClock in the Morning
1st. Ligt. Infy.. Genl. Lessley‟s Guard
1st. Granaders the three Corpls Guards
Bettn. orders 14th Augst 1780
For the Q . Guard to Morrow Morning, Ens [Peter] Dumass [82nd] to Visite the Guards Capt.. [James

William] Baley [7th] –

Detail S C P
Guard { .. .. 1
{ .. 1 3
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Flushin 15th Augt 1780 –
2d Lt Infantry Genl [Alexander] Lessles Guard
2d Granadiers the 3 Corpls Guards
Battn: Orders
For the Qr Guard to Morrow Morning En: [Henry] Overin [54th] – to Viset the Guards Captn. [William]
Gore [33rd]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat

Guard 3
Orderly 1

Battn: Morning Orders 17th Augt. 1780

For the Q Guard this morning at 8 OClock Lieut [John] Graham [54th] –

to Visit the Guards Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] –

Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 1 3

[Note: Capt. Peebles, 42nd Regt., wrote in his journal on Aug. 18th that “...The Light Infantry march’d yesterday Eveng
to the eastard, they got to Smith Town.” Smithtown is about 37 miles east – northeast from Flushing. Peebles wrote on
Aug. 26th that “...the Lt Infy at Smith Town still.”]

Huntington [Lt. Inf.] Bregade Orders Augst 27 - 1780
No Noncomitioned off or Soldier Will be Permited to go beyond hearing the Horn Without a pass
Signed by a field offr. –
Stragling, in this part of the Country, being Very Dangerous, on account of Small Partyes of The Enemy
Which frequently Sculk In the Neibourhood. –
The Inhabitants Complean That the Soldiers Steal & Destroy there Vigatables –
Lt. Coll: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Expects that The offrs Will pay attention To the
behavior of there Men in this as Well as in Other Pirticulars. –

[Note: Huntington is about 25 miles east northeast of Flushing, and 37 miles from the Brooklyn ferry to Manhattan.]
B Orders
A Court Martial to Assemble this Morning at 10 OClock at the Presidants Quarters. Capt [Bent] Ball
[63rd] Presidant Lts. [George] Dunlap [74th], [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th], And
[David] Robertson [63rd] Members –

Battalion Orders 28th [possibly 27th] Augt 1780

To Visit the Guards Lieu [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] –

Thos Landers of the 33d. Lt. Compy. is Appointed Corpl – in the Room of Holligan Reduced
Detail S C P
Baggage Guard 1
Gd. Immeadiatly - - 1
Carys Wood orderly 2

Battn Orders 28th August 1780 –

Court martil to asemble at 9 Oclock at the presidants Quarters Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] Presidant
and Lieutenants [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] [Robert] Walker [7th] [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] and
[James] Rowstren [7th] all Evidances to atend –
Battn. Orders 29 Augas 1780 –
For the day this Evening Captn: [Bent] Ball [63rd]
for Guard Lieutent [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 3
Battn Orders 30th Augt 1780
For the Day Captn [Donald] Campbell [74th] –

for the Quarter Guard Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th]
Detail S C P
Guard - - 5
Battn Orders 31st Augt 1780
For the Day Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
for Guard Lieutenant [David] Robinson [63rd]
[Genrall....?] Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard - 1 5

B. Orders 1st Sept 1780 –

A Court Martial to Assemble this Morning at 9 OClock at the Pred Qrs. Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Presidant
Lts [Thomas] Nichol [33rd], [James] Stewart [42nd], Jno Campbell [74th] & [George] Dunlap [74th]
Members –
For the day Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] –
For Guard Lt [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
Detail { S C P
{ . 1 5
Battn Orders 2 Septr 1780
For the Day Cap [William] Raymond [22nd]

For Guard Lieut [James] Rostrane [7th]

Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 1 5
James Day Driver to the Royal Artillary Tried by a Court Martial of which Captn [Donald] Campbell [74th]
was presidant on Susspictan of having Killed a Pig is found noy Guilty and therefore is Acquitted, the
Prisoner is ordered to be Released
Battn. Orders 3d. Septr. 1780
For the day Capt . [James William] Bailie [7th] –

For Guard Ens. [Peter] Dumass [82nd] –

Detail S C P
0 5
Orderly Cary Wood
Battn. Orders 4th Sepr. 1780
For the day Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th]
Detail 6

Battn: Orders 5th Sepr. 1780 –

For the Day Captn: [Bent] Ball [63rd] –
For Guard Lieutenant [Robert] Potts [42nd] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard .. 1 7

Battn: Orders 6th Sepr: 1780 –

For the Day Captn: [Donald] Campbell [74th] –
For Guard Lieutenant [James] Stewart [42nd] =
Corporal Eithen of 70th Light Company is Apointed Serjeant in the room of Watson Decesed, and Robt:
Farror Corpl in the room of Eithen Purmoted –

Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 1 .. 5
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 3d Sepr 1780
Extract of a Letter from [Secretary of State for the American Department] Lord Gorge Germene to Sir
Henery Clinton, K: B: Dated White hall 4th July 1780
the honorable testemoney you give of the Destinguyshed meret of the officers who Excequeted your orders,
and of the fortetude and alacrity of the troops that Sarved under them, whass particurlarly Plesing to the King;
and it his, his Magustys royall Plesour, that you Do aqueant both officers and Soldiers British, Foreign and
Provinchill that there intreped and gallant behavour is hily aproved of by his Majesty
but althow in this General Praise every officer and Soldier is included, his Majesty Commands me to Dissrire
you will express to Lieutenant Genl. [Charles] Erall Cowrnwalles, Majors Genl: [Alexander] Lessly; [Johann
Christoph von] Huyne and [Henrich Julius von] Kospoth, Brigadier Genl. [James] Paterson, Lieutenant
Collonall [James] Webster [33rd], Lieut. Collonall [Banastre] Taylton [Brit. Leg.], Major [Patrick]
Fergison [2nd Bn., 71st/Am. Vols.] and Major [James] Moncreef [Royal Eng.], his Majosty Particuler
Sattisfaction in there Conduct the Merit of the lattaer officers was hily Destungushed in the Defence and
presavation at Savanna, it as been equly Conspicous
in the atackt and reduction of Charles town
Battn: Orders 7th Sepr: 1780 –
For the Day Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] –
For Guard Lieut: Jno: Campbell [74th]
Detail S C P
Guard - 1 5

B Orders 8th. Septr 1780

For the day, Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th], for Capt [George] Dalrimpyle [42nd] –
For Guard Liut [George] Dunlap [74th] –
Detail S C P
Guard 1 .. 5

Bettlion Morning Orders 9th Septr 1780

A Courtmartil to Assemble at the presidants Quarters at 10 OClock, Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Presidant Liuts
[Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th] [David] Robertson [63rd] , and [Henry] Pottinger [37th]
Members all Evidences to attend – For the Day Capt [William] Raymond [22nd]
turn over
for Guard Liut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –
Detail .. 1 6

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Order 9th Sepr 1780 –

It is Expected that all the officers of the Different Companys of Ligt Infantry Who are healthy; Will Sleep
Every night in Camp
Bettlion Orders 10th. Sepr 1780
For the day Cap [James William] Baley [7th] and Liut [Henry] Pottinger [37th]. For Guard Liut [David]

Robertson [63rd]
Detail .. .. 6

Lance Corpl Fram the 74th Light Compy –Jas: Nash Frs: Griffen, Jos Reid Jas Simons of the 63d Company and
Jno Russel of the 70th Light Company
Confined by Serjt McLean for neglect of Duty and on Sospicion of thift, the Court are of opinion that the
Prisoner Lance Corpl Fram his Gilty of the former Charge Viz: Neglect of Duty and thereby abrich [a
breach] of the Articles of War and Do Sentence him to receve 3 hondred lashes, they Quit him of the later
part Viz: on sospicion of thift, Lance Corpl Fram on account of his youth and inexperence and the vere hie
Caracter Given him by Captn: [Donald] Campbell [74th] Lieut. Coll: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.]
Pleses to parden him –
the prisoners Nash, Reid, Griffen, Sims and Russel are not Gilty
of the Crimes lead to there Charge and Do therefore aqueet them for Whant of Suffisiont Evedance –

Battn: Orders 11th Sepr 1780 –

For the Day Captn: [Robert] Irven [70th] and Lieut [James] Rawstnen [7th] –
For Guard Lieutenant [Hugh] Walles [22nd]
{ S C P
Detail { 1 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs. New York 6th Sept. 1780
Orders –
A Pacquet will Sail for England in a few days – The Commander in cheif has been Pleased to make the
following Promotions
38th Regt...
42nd Regt...
47th Regt...
57th Regt...
60 Regt 3d. Battn...

71st Regt...
76th Regt...
84 . Regt. 2nd Battn...

Genl. Hospital...
[Gen. Hospital promotions continued]...

List of promotions Received fm the Warr Office

16 Regt...
17th Regt...
21st Regt...
22nd Regt...
[illegible] 37th Light [illegible]
Present fit for Duty [data incomplete]
offrs Servants 4
[illegible] man 1
Prisoners 1
[illegible] Guard -
Lance Corporals 2

[illegible] man 1
Publick inploy
Absent by Leave
on Command 1
Prisoners with the Rebels
Sick {Absent 1 2
{Wounded 1 __
Total Effectives 3 3 1 43
Wanting to Compleate 1 10
Total Establishment 3 3 2 53
Battn Orders 17th Sepr 1780
For the Day Cap [William] Raymond [22nd] and Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –

For Guard Lieut [Thomas] Nicle [33rd]

Acourt Martial to Assemble at 9 oClock
Captn: [Eyre] Coote [37th] Presidant Lieuts [Robert] Walker [7th] [Hugh] Walles [22nd] Scott of the Royal
Artlery and Ensign [blank] members all Evedance to atend –
Detail S C P
Guard 4

Battn Orders 18th Sepr 1780 –

For the Day Captn: [James William] Beallie [7th] and Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] – for Guard Lt. John
Campbell [74th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 1 1 5

Battn Orders 19th Sepr 1780

For The day Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th] & Lt [David] Robertson [63rd]
For Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail { S C P
{ 5

Battn: Orders 20th Sepr 1780 –

For the Day Captn. [William] Gore [33rd] and Lieut [James] Rawstrone [7th]–
For Guard Lieutenant [Hugh] Walles [22nd] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Guard 1 - 5

A court Martial to asemble Emmeditaly at the presidants Quarters Captn [Robert] Irven [70th]
Lts Jno Campbell [74th] } Members { [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
[George] Dunlap [74 ] } { and [David] Robinson [63rd]
all Evedances to atend –
Battn: Orders 21st Sepr. 1780 –
For the Day Cap : [Bent] Ball [63 ] and Lt: [Thomas] Nicle [33rd] –
tn rd

for Guard Lt: [Robert] Potts [42nd] –

Detail S C P
Guard - 1 5

[Note: Capt. Peebles, 42nd Gren. Co. noted in his journal on Sept. 22, that “The Light Infantry are order’d to march to

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] New York 13th Sepr. 1780 –
The Commander Incheif as been plesed to make the following Purmotions
42d Regt...
64th Regt...
80th Regt...

when the troops under orders for Embarkation move from there Ground the officers Commanding in the
serval posts will be plesed to take the most Particlar care that the [that the Hutts be preserved.]
For the day Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] & Liut John Campbell [74th] – For Guard Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]
Detail S C P
Guard 1 .. 5

Battn Orders 25th Sepr 1780 –

for Guard this Evening L [Robert] Walker [7th]

Court Martial to assemble at 10 OClock Captn [George] Dillrumple [42nd] Presidant –

Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd], [James] Stewart [42nd], [William Henry] Hamilton [37th] and [Robert] Walker
[7th] members all Evedances to atend, Corpl Donabley of 33d Light Company his apointed Serjt in the
rume of Jones reduced by a Court martial
Detail S C P
Guard 1 - 3

Bettlion Orders 26th. Sepr. 1780 –

For Guard Liu [David] Robertson [63rd]

.. 1 2

Orders Morris House 28th. Sepr. 1780

Paroles – { Nicaraqua
{ Nimiguen
Field Officer for the Lines Lieut Coll _ Schuts –
The Vorgade of Guards will furnish their usual proportion of duty tomorrow morning and Ocupy the
same post
Orders Morriss House 29th Sepr 1780
Paroles {Tenean
Countersine Brazell
Field Officer for to Morrow Lt. Coll [Hon. Henry Edward] Foux [38th/2nd Gren. Bn.]–

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarts New York 28th. Sepr. 1780
A party of the 64th. Regt. will fire at two OClock tomorrow afternoon at Poulas Hook at the funoral of an
Officer –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders Horns Hoock 30th Sepr
t l th
Lieu . Col . Abercromby [37 /Lt. Inf. Brig.] desires a Caref [off page] inspectian will be made of the tin
Boxes of the Light Infantry and that a Return be given to him of a state of the Same Specifiing the good,
Repairable, and fitt for Service. – The Corps will Ocupy the tents this day at one OClock –
The Quarter Master will apply for Stray [straw] & Wood at Marsdon Wharf for the use of the Camp –

[Note: Horn‟s Hook was about 8 miles north of New York, on the East River. Ansbach Lt. Johan Prechtel noted in his
diary that the move of the Light Infantry from Long Island was to support a possible attack on West Point in
association with Rebel Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold‟s plan to give up the post.]

Batt: Orders
The Battn will Assemble [word illegible]
70th & 74th Comps – All Prsoners who are Reported to the Commanding Officer and not in Charge of the
Quarter Guard are to be Sent there as soon as the Battn Arrives in Camp –
For Guard Lt. [Thomas] Nicol [33rd]. For Guard to Morrow Morning at 8 OClock Liut. [James] Stewart
[42nd] – Detail S C P
Gd. to night .. 1 2

Bettlion Morning Orders 1st Octr – 1780

A Court-martile to Assemble at 10 oClock Capt. [James William] Baley [7th] pressedent. Liuts [David]
Robertson [63rd], [Henry] Pottinger [37th], [James] Rawston [7th], and Ensign [Peter] Dumass [82nd]
Members. all Evedances to attend
turn over
A Court martial to Assemble this forenoon at 10 OClock at the Presidents Marque
Captn [William] Gore [33rd] President
Lieuts [Thomas] Nichol [33rd] { Members { Jno Campble [74th]
[James] Stewart [42nd] { { [George] Dunlap [74th]
All Evidences to attend –
Detail S C P
Guard 1 2

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 6th Octr – 1780

For Prince Charle‟s Redoubt this evining at 5 OClock Lt. [Robert] Potts [42nd]
For Cox hill Lt [Thomas] Armstrong [80th] –
For Prince Charles‟s Redoubt to

[Note: Prince Charles Redoubt was located at Marble Hill, at north end of Manhattan Island. The Cock Hill redoubt
was located on the west side of the island overlooking the mouth of Spuyten Duyvil Creek]
Morrow Morning at 6 OClock Lt [Thomas] Nicol [33rd]. For Cox hill Lt [Robert] Jackson [57th]
{ S C P
Detail {E .. 1 3
{M 1 .. 4

Morreses hous 7th October 1780 –

Field officer for to Morrow Lt Coll [Hon. Henry Edward Fox] Fochs [38th/2nd Grens] – Detail as Yousall
[usual] –
the Hissions [Hessians] No: 8 redoubt to Morrow

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders

For Prince Charleses Redoubt Lieut [Thomas] Nicle [33rd], for Cox hill [Robert] Jackson [57th]
Detail { Serjt Corpls Privats
Out Duty { 1 3
{ 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. New York 7th Octr 1780
his Excelance the Commander in Chief is Plesed to order 165 Days forage
Money Shall be Isued to the officers Embarked to the Corps under the Command of Major Genl
[Alexander] Lessley
The yousall [usual] Returns for this Bounty to be geven Emmediately to the Deputy Qr Master Generall –

Orders Morreses haus 8 Octr 1780 –

Fild officer to Morrow Magor [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/2nd Lt. Inf.]
British No. 8 Redoubt tomorrow
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
For Prince Charls Redoubt to morrow Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] – for Cox hill Lieut [Winthrophe]
Roch [43rd] –
Detail S C P
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Quarters new York 8th october
His Exlency the Commander in Cheiff Has been Plesed to apoint Bennedett [Benedict] Arnold Esqr. Coll.
of a Regimt with the Rank of Brigadier Genl 20th Septr 1780 – The Commander in Cheif does with infinit
regret inform the Army of the death of the Adjutant Genl. Majr. [John Andre] Andrew, the unfortunate
fate of this Offr. calls upon the Commander in cheif to declare his Opinion that he ever Considered Maj r.
Andrews as a Gentleman as well as in the Rank of his Military Profession of the Highest Integrity and
Honour, and incapable of any Bass [base] action or unworthy Conduct. Maj r Andrews death is very
Severly felt by the Commander in Cheif as it will be by the Army and must Involve a real loss to his
Country and his majesties Service
The Commissary Genl will Issue to the Regts waggon horses on New york, Long & Staten Islands 14
pound of hay Pr. day to Each Horse Commenceing the 9th Instt
Application to be made at the [illegible off bottom of page] Accordingly
Morris House 9 Oct: 1780 –
Field Officer to morrow Maj: Hutytibn
Hession Redoubt No 8 –

Brigade orders For Prince Charles Redoubt to Morrow Lieut: Jo: Campbell [74th]
For Cox hill En: McLeroth [64th]
Detail Serjs Corpls Privat
1 4
Total 1 6
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hed Quarters 9 oct: 1780 –
All Orders Comming from the Onirball [Honorable] Lord [John Dalrymple] Drynampell 87th Regmint to
be obaid As a Eaedy [Aide-de] Camp –

Orders Morris House 10 Oct: 1780 –

Fill Officer to Morrow Lieut Coll: [Robert Abercromby] ebbercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.]
Britis No 8 Redoubt
Brigade Orders for Prince Charles Redoubt Lieut; [John] Mc:Hewen [38th], for Cox hill Lieut [George]
Dunlap [74th]
Detail S C P
Half Past 5 1 1 4
Brigade Orders 10th Or 1780
The Artificers of the Light Infany
Agreable to the returns this day given in to Lieut. Col. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] are to
march to morrow morning at 6 Oclock, they are to Cross the ferry at New York, and to proceed to the
white house at bedford, were they will Receive their orders from an Offr.. from each of the Battns of Lt
Infy. to take charge of the Artificers, the Offs Commanding the whole will make aplication to Captn Laird
provided there are no Boats for the purpose of Crossing the troops over the Ferry –
The Whole to parade at the main Barrier

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartrs New York 10th Octr.. 1780 –
The Commander in Cheif has been pleased to make the following promotions
23d Regt.
Capt Fredarick M Kinzie to be major vice M:Kann deceased 9th. Augt 1780 -
n c

54th Regt...
Major De Lancey aid de Camp to the Commr in Cheif is to act as Deputy adjutant Genl till further orders

Battn. Orders 11th Octr 1780
A Court Martial to Assemble this Morning at 10 O.Clock, Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] President
Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] { Members { [James] Rostone [7th]
[James] Stewart [42 ] { { Ens [Henry] Overrin [54th]

Morriss House 11th Octr 1780 –

r r
Field Off tomorrow Maj Waldenburgh
Hessians No. 8 –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders for Prince Charles Redoubt tomorrow Lieut Alexander McDonald [84th] – For
Cox hill Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]
Detail S C P
[numbers in seam of book]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hd Qurs N York 11th Octr 1780
The Commander in Cheif has been pleased to make the following Promotions
33rd Regt...
70th. Regt.
Liu Tho Nicol from 33 Reg [Lt. Inf. Co.] to be Capt Liut. vice Ingram Removed Do [17 Augt 80]
t s d t

33rd Regt...
37th Regt...
38th Regt
Liu Henrey Pottinger from 37 Reg [Lt. Inf. Co.] to be Capt. by purchase vice [Hudo?] who Retires 18th
t th t


37th Regt...

The Regtl Waggen horses on York Island are to receive 10 pounds of hay pr day for Each horse till further

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Genl after Orders 11 Octr

Coln [Carl Ernst] De Bischausen of the Regt of Bose is appinted to act as [illegible]
Detail S C P
½ past 5 1 5
Memorandom 12th Octr 80
Lost yesterday afternoon between Twon and the Six mile Stone, a silver Hanger With an Ivory handle, the
scabord tipt With Silver, Whoever has found it and Will deliver the Same to the Adj t. of Marbeks Regt or
to any officer at Morris House, shall be rewarded

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders

For prince Charles‟s Redoubt Lt Alexr M.Donald [84th]
For Cocks hill Liut. [James] Rostrond [7th]

Orders Morris‟s House 13th Octr 1780 –

Fild officer to Morrow Liu . Col . [Thomas] Dundass [80th]
t n

The Hessians no. 8 to Morrow –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
prince Charles‟s Redoubt Lt [Marlain?]
for Cock Hill Ens [Henry] Overing [54th] Detail S C P
½ past 9 1 .. [illegible]
½ past 7 [illegible]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 13th Octr 1780
The Corps Embarked will Emedatly Settle Their acts [accounts] with the G. Hospl for Stopages
The Comander in Chief is Plesed to Order a blank Commition for an Engsine in the 33d Regmt Vice
[Ferdinand Beckwith] Beckworth promoted by purchase 18th Sept, 1780
Capt. Bordot Late of Ye Landgraves Regt Is apointed to the Proventil Rank of Captain and is to be
attached to the Corps Proventil Lt Infantry –

Morris‟s house 14th Ocr 1780

Field Off to Morrow Major [James] Gordon [80th] –
The brittish No 8 Radoubt
[Lt. Inf.] Brig Orders
For Prince Charles Redt Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd]
B Morning Orders 15th Oct 1780
A Court Martial to assemble this Morning at 9 OClock at the presidants Quarters Capt [James William]
Baile [7th] President
Lts [George] Dunlap [74th], [Robert] Walker [7th], [James] Rostron [7th], & Engs [Henry] Overing [54th]
Members –

Morris‟s House 15th Oct 1780

Field Off to Morrow Major [Charles] Brownlow [57th]

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
For Prince Charles‟s Redoubt to Morrow Lt [James] Stewart [42nd] –
For Cox hill Lt [Thomas] Armstrong [80th] –
Detail { S C P
{ 1 . 4
{ . . 1

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 16th. Octr 1780 –

For prince Charles‟s Redoubt to Morrow Morning Liut [George] Dunlap [74th]
[off bottom of film – likely for Cock Hill Redoubt] Lt [Laurmouth? – Colvin Learmonth, 80th]
Detail S C P
½ past 5 1 1 4
½ past 7 .. .. 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarter N. York 16th Octr 1780 –
Capt. James William Baley of the Royal Fuzeler is appinted Majr Of Brigade to the Lt. Infy

Orders Morris House 17th Octr 80

Fild officer to Morrow Maj [Thomas] Armstrong [17th] –

The Hesseans No. 8 Redoubt

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
For prince Charles Redoubt Lt [Robert] Jackson [57th] –
For Cocks Hill Ens McLeareth [64th]
Strayed from the pastrage of the 57th Regt. at Harlam plains, a Dun Collored mare the property of the adjt.
of the Said Regt., the off hind foot white, a long Main cut short Close to the head, Sitch tail, Whoever
brings her to the adjt

[Note: Dun horses have a sandy/yellow to reddish/brown coat]

Handsomely Rewarded Detail S C P
½ past 5 – .. 1 4
½ past 7 .. .. 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qr New York 17th Octr 1780
the 76 Reg . and Reg : of Donnop will march to kings Bridge to the Quarters alotted them this winter –
th t t

the Regt. Ducorps to take up the Cantoonment occupied last Winter by the Regt Bose on the North River
the 42d Regt. to March in to the Barraks of the 76th Regt in new York –
the Regts Prince Hereditry and Prince Charels and Dunnop in new York
Colonal De Voit Will order one of the Regts of Anspach to Go into the Barracks of [Lispeenords?]
Occupied them last Winter
the above Regts will March on the 19 Instant at Daybrake, Except the Regts: Prince Herditreery and Prince
Charls wo will Weat tell they are Releved by the 76th and Donnop –
the Light Infantry to be at the Sheep [Ship] yards at New York at 12 OClock the 19th Instant were Boats
will be redey to Convey them over to Long Island –

the Commanding officers of Such Regts or Corps as Reced aportion of intrenching tools last wenter for
Hutting, will Retorn Such of them as are unservisable when the like nomber of Servisable ones Will be
Isued from the Ingeneers Store at New York –
those Regts. wo Ded not Receve aney Will aplay to the Ingeneers for there aportion ordred to be Isued last
half the Quantedy of Nales Delevrd last yare for Hutting Will be Isued from the Same Store for the
Repare of Hutts –
his Ser Reen Hines [His Serene Highness] the Langrave of hesse as been plesed to apoint Lieu t Colonal
[Friedrich von Porbeck] Porbock to be Coll: of Regt: Knoblock [Knoblauch] –
the Genl: Court Martil of wich Bragade Genl: [John] Leeland is president is Desolvd –

Morreses haus 18th Octr. 1780 –

Fild officer for to morrow Major [William] Mackswell [80th] –
Redoubt No. 8 to morrow the Brit [off edge of film] as usual –
the folloing posts of tythe Light I[off edge]
to be occopied this Evening at Sun Set by the 57th and 80th Regts
Prince Charles Redoubt 1 1 2 1 30
the hous blow - 1 - - 9
Meane Bryer - 1 1 - 12
Cox hill 1 1 1 - 20
Fort Tryon - 1 1 - 12
Total 2 5 5 1 83

the posts of Prince Heredireetay and Prince Charls at Fort Kniphousan and Lorral hill –
Will Remane tell ye. are Releved by the 76th and Dunnops Regt:–

[Note: Capt. Peebles, 42nd Gren. Co., noted in his journal on Oct. 20 that “The Light Infantry cross’d over [from
Manhattan] yesterday & are Encamp’d near Bedford till their Hutts are repaired...” Bedford was about 3 to four miles
southeast of the Brooklyn ferry.]

Battn: Orders 20th Octr

For Guard this morning at 9 OClock [Lt.] [James] Rostron [7th]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
[none shown]
A Court Martil to assembel at 12 OClock at the presedints Marquee Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
Presedint Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] [James] Stewart [42nd] Jno Campbell [74th] and [Stafford]
Lightburne [37th] Members all Evedances to attend
For the Day to Morrow Capt [George] Dalrumpyle [42nd]
For Guard Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]
found yesterday at Brooklin ferrey, A Copper Tea – Cattle [kettle], A Lamp & Cookeing Cattle made of
tin, With other small articles, the whole Contained in two bags for that purpose, the Owner May have
them again by Applying to the Royal Artillery (With the first L. Infantry and Giving ther Marks of Said
Detail .. .. 3

Battlion Orders 21st: Octr. 1780 –
For the Day to Morrow Cap . [William] Raymond [22nd]

for Guard Liut. [Robert] Potts [42nd] –

Detail S C P
Guard 1 1 3

Battn Orders 22d Octr 1780

For the Day to morrow Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th]
For the Guard Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]
Corpl Budge of 63 Lt Infy Compy Confined by Lt [David] Robertson [63rd] for Quiting his Guard
without leave tryed by the Court Martil of Which Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] was Prest Is fond Guilty of the
Crime Laid to his Charge and Sentenced to be Reduced and Serve as Private in the Ranks –
[line of text hidden in binding]
Is apointed Corpl pr budge reduced
Detail C S C P
1 - 1 2

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs N York Octr 1st 1780
The Light infy companeys to be Immediatly Compleated from their Regts to 56 Rank & file, the Capts. of
those Compys Whos Regts. are abst., Will Complet theirs from the Recruits arrived from Europe, for their
Respective Regts. taking those men Most proper for that Service –
Those Companeys whos Establishment is 101, and whos Strength at present is infioror to the Bettlion
Companeys, are to be levelled with those of the Regt. they Belong to –
After Orders
Returns to be Given in Immiadately of officers, Men, Women, & Children [corner of page torn]
to the Corps in Georgia or Carolina

Bettlion Orders 23d October 1780 –

For the Day to Morrow Capt. [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th] –
For Guard Lt. John Campbell [74th]
Detail S C P
Guard .. .. 3

Bettlion Orders 24th Octr 1780

A Courtmartil to assemble this forenoon at 10 OClock At the presedents Marque
Capt Trench presedent – Lts [James] Stewart [42nd], [George] Dunlap [74th], [James] Rastron [7th], And
Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th] Members
For the Day to Morrow Capt. [William] Gore [33rd]
for Guard Lt. [George] Dunlap [74th]
Detail S C P
.. .. 2

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. 24th Ocr 1780
Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th] of the 2d Lt Infy Is apointed To the 1st Battn. & Capt [St. Lawrence]
Boyd of the 38th Lt C[off edge of paper] To be Comandant of the 2d Battalion
Battn orders [illegible]
[illegible – For the Day tomorrow?] Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guard Lt [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]

Detail S C P
.. 1 3
Corpl [illegible – Sansberry?] of the 37th Compy is appinted [illegible – serjeant?] in the Room of Areton
transfered to the Regt. William Wood of Sd, Compy Is appinted Corpl. in the Room of [illegible –
Sansberry?] Prefared
Battn. Orders 26th October 1780 –
For the day to morrow Cap Campbell [74th] –

For Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th] –

All Passes for The Day To be at Major [Thomas] Armstrongs [17th/1st lt. Inf.] Qrs. by 8 OClock in the

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 26th Octr. 1780 –
the Granadeers Companes to be Completed Emmediatly from there Regiments to 56 Rank and file –
if ther are any men amongst the Recruits a Rived [arrived] from Europe, for the Absent Regiments that are fit
for that Service the Captns. of there Respective Companes May take them –
the Companes wos Estaploshment Is 100 are to be leveled with those of there Respective Regiment in the
maner as ordered –
For the Light Infantry
Returns to be Given in by Each Battn of Light Infantry and Granadiers of the Nomber Receved in
Concequence of the above Order –
Dr [William Robert] Roborts is to Act as Chiff Surgant to the Genl. Hospatil tell forther Orders
Battn Orders 27th Octr 1780
For the Day to morrow Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th] –
For Guard Lieut. [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Petter Mc: Phallin of the 22d Li: Compy his apointed Corporal in the Rome of Donovan Redust –
Detail S C P
- 1 2

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 27th Octr 1780
Major Genl [William] Phillops of the Corps of Corvencil [Convention?] as also Major Genl. [Baron Friedrich
Adolph von Reidisel] Commanding the troops, of H: R; H: the Duke of Bronswick in Amaricay there
Respective Famailys are Exchengd and in full acktevaty of Serves
the officers of this Armey and Such of them that belong to the Troops of Corvencil [Convention] of Saratoga,
wo have been on Proll [parole] in New York, are also Exchenged in like maner
the Severall Exchenges whas meade betwin the British and Amarican Commossares of Prisoners Rolling
[Loring] and Skinner on the 25th October 1780 –
the British Light Infantry British Granadiers and 42d Regt. will form a Corps under the Command of Major
General [William] Phillops –
officers of Absent Corps that have Recruits under the Command of Major Coff, are to joyn on Long Island
Emmediatly –
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
if any Soldier of the Light infantry his [is] found [word in binding] Brooklin Church without a pass Signed
[words in binding] the Battn [illegible]

[Illegible – State?] 37th Light Compy 3 July 1780


Present & fitt for Duty 1 2 .. 2 2 1 43
Absent by Leave .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
On Command .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Recruiting .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Prisoners with ye Rebels .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Sick Present .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
Do Absent .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1
Wounded .. .. .. 1 .. .. ..
Total Effectives 1 2 .. 3 3 1 43
Wanting to Compleat .. .. .. .. .. 1 8
Total Establishment 1 2 .. 3 3 2 53
[illegible text]
[scribbled note page]
[scribbled note page]
[scribbled note page]
[scribbled note page]
Order Book [Cover]
[Clements No.] 6912/14 43
New York
[scribbled note page]
[scribbled note page from Charleston]
[scribbled note page from Charleston]
[scribbled note page]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs N: York 30th Octr 1780
All officers not upon duty, belonging to the Corps in South Carolina And Georgia Are to Joyn by the first
opportunity –
Only one officer of each provincial Corps to remain in N. York Upon the Recruiting Service –

Bettlion Orders 31st October 1780 –

For the day to morrow Cap . [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th]

For Guard Lt [James] Stewart [42nd].

Companeys Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. N. York 1st. Novr_ 1780 –
The Recruits & drafts for the Regts. in South Carolina and Georgia, are to Embark at Brooklin Ferry on
Friday Morning
the 3d of Novr at 9 OClock, the boats are to be thear for that purpos –
The Hessian Recruits for the Same place to Embark at 12 the Same day at the Fly Market –
The Stores Guards Baggage & belongings to the Regts theare to be put on board Ship Immediatly – The
distrobution of the Ships is at the Adjt: Genls office
All the Mens belongings to the diffrent Regiments intended to be Sent, Are to be Immediatly puton board

Battlion Orders 2nd.. Novr. 1780 –
For the day to morrow Capt: [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guartd Lt [George] Dunlap [74th]
Companeys Detail S C P
[numbers off bottom of film]
Battlion Orders 4th Novr 1780
A Courtmartil to assemble this Day at 10 OClock at the presedents Marque Capt Campbell [74th]
presidant Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd], [George] Dunlap [74th] [James] Rostron [7th] and Ens [Henry]
Overing [54th] members
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] - For Guard Liut [Robert] Walker [7th]
Jno. Robertson, & Hugh Campbell of 42d Lt. Coy Tryed by the Courtmartil of which Capt.
[William] Raymond [22nd] was presedant are found guilty of the Crime laide to their Charge And
Sentanced to receive 300 lashes each, but at the Request of Capt. [George] Dalrumpyle [42nd] Majr.
[Thomas] Armstrong [17th/1st Lt. Inf] is pleased to pardon them

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Genl. After Orders New York 3d. Novr. 1780 –
The officers belonging to the detachment Under the Command of Majr.. Genl [Alexander] Lessley, are to
hold themselves in Readiness to embark, on the Shortest notice

[Note: Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie was ordered to Virginia with the Brig. of Guards, 82 nd and 84th Regts., part of the
17th Regt., two Hessian Regts., Fanning‟s Loyalists, 100 cavalry of the Queen‟s Rangers, a Company of Jagers, and
Provincial Lt. Infantry; the total consisting of about 2500 men.]

[Lt. Inf. Brig. Orders] Memerandom

Majr. of Brigade [Capt. James William] Baley [7th] Requests that the officers named for Shares of tea, Will
their Servants to his Quarters at 2 OClock this day
Companeys Detail S C P
.. .. 3
[Lt. Inf. Brig. Orders] Bedford 5th Novr 1780 –
as all the officers did not send for thier share of Tea at the hour appointed, it is therefore Requested that
they will direct their Servants to attend this Day prisesly at 1 OClock.

Bettlion Orders 5th. Novr. 1780 –

For the day to morrow Capt. [George] Dalrumpyle [42nd]
For Guard Lt. [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]. – Morning Roll Call Will be at 10 OClock, Untill farther Orders
Compys. Detail S C p
1 1 3

A Courtmartil to assemble to morrow morning at 10 OClock At the officers guard Room. Capt.
Dalrumpyel Pressedant Liuts [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Hugh] Walker [22nd], [James] Rastron [7th],
and Ens [Henry] Overing [54th] Members – all Evidences to Attend –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 4th Novr_ 1780 –
the Troops Embarked for South Carolina
and Georgia will put themselves under the Comand of Majr Genl [Carl von] Bose.
The embarkation Returns to be sent Immediately to the Adjt Genls Office
The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following proportions...
Lieut [George] Dunlap of the 74th Lt Compy is appointed Adjt to the 1st Bettlion Light Infantry vice
... B_ O_ [Brigade Orders] 6th Novr –
As Majr. Genl. [William] Phillips Wishes to see the officers of the Lt Infantry, Coln. [Robert] Abercromby
[37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] Desires that they will be at the Hutts of thier Respective Companeys at 9 OClock to
morrow morning.

Bettlion Orders
For the Day to morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For guard Lt. [James]Rostron [7th] Detail S C P
.. .. 3
Orders B [Battalion] O 7th Novr 1780
For the day to Morrow Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th]
For Guard Ens [Henry] Overing [54th] – { S C P
{ . 1 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs, 6 Novr 1780

The Com In Chief has been pleased to Make the following Promotions
Batalion 23d Regt Batalion...
54th Regt...
84th, 2d Battalion...

[Lt. Inf. Brig.Orders] Bedford 8th Novr 1780

B, O
The Morning Parade of the Lt Infantry Will be att 10 OClock till further Orders
It is Expected that all offrs will attend this Parade When the weather will Permit
The Rolls are to be Called at Sun Sett In the Evining In presence of the Captn of the Day and the Adjutant
At 8 OClock the Horns will Sound the Retreat, If any Man Is absent then Or at any Hour of the Night he
must be Reported to the Comdg Offr. of his Battalion and will be punished Severly for Disobeidence of
Orders –
The Greatest Care Must be taking to prevent fire In the Hutts, the Offrs on duty are to be Responsable for
it –
Sub Serjt Corpl Privt
1 1 1 & 28
To Attend to Morrow Morning at 7 OClock Att he barn Intended for the Lt Infy Hospital In Bedford, 2
carpinteers will attend with This party
Serjt C Privt

1 1 & 12 for Fategues to Morrow
Morning at the Same Hour, 1 Mason & 1 Carpinter to attend this Party –
Battn, Orders
For the day to Morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] –

For Guard Lt [James] Stewart [42nd] –

For Fatigue to Morrow Morning at 7 OClock Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd]
A Court Martial to Assemble at [10?] OClock At the Offrs. Guard Room, Capt Trench Pred
Lts John Campbell [74th], [Stafford] Lightburn [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th] & [James] Rostron [7th],
Members, all Evidences to Attend
Detail { fatgue 2
{ Guard 2

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 7 Novr 1780
All persons whatever coming within our Posts from the Enemy are to be reported Imidatly to Head Qrs. in
writing –
Those Corps who have taking up there Winter Quarters May receive their Barrack bedding
by application to the Barrack Master Genl
The Noncommisiond offrs & drummers of the Northern Army under the Comd of Lt [Edward Pearce]
Willington [71st/Adj. Gen. Office] are to joyn Major [Michael] Cuff and to do Duty with the British
[troops?] on Long Island till farther Orders –
List of Promotions from the War Office
17th Lt Dragoons...
33d Regt...
43d Regt...
[43rd Regt. promotions continued]...

Battalion Orders 9th Novr, 1780

For the Day to Morrow Captain [William] Gore [33rd]
For Guard Lt John Campbell
Detail } S C P
} 1 . 4

Battn. Orders 10th Novr. 1780 –

For the day to morrow Cap . [Bent] Ball [63rd]

For Guard Lt [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]

Companeys Detail S C P
.. .. 2
Bettlion Orders 11th. Novr 1780
For the day to morrow Cap [Donald] Campbell [74th]

For Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]

A Courtmarshal to assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock, at the officers Guard Room Capt.
[Donald] Campbell [74th] presed‟d
Liuts [Robert] Walker [7th], [Hugh] Wallace [22nd], [James] Rastron [7th] And Ens [Henry]
Overing [54th] Members All Evidences to attend Compys Detail S C P
.. 1 4

Batt: Orders 12 November 1780
For Yd to Morrow Capt: [Eyre] Coote [37th] –
For Guard Luit [Hugh] Walles [22nd] –
John farquson of 74th. Company is apinted Act as Lance Corpl tell forther orders
and to be obayd as Such Detail S C P
1 .. 2
The Battallion to owld them Selvs in Redness to March on the Shortst Notes; the Rolls to be Emmedaitly
Called and no man afterwards to leave Camp
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs 11th November 1780
Lieut Colonel [John] York of the 22d Regiment his [is] apointed to the Command of the 1st Battn British
Granadiers in the Room of Lieut Colonel [Henry] Hope [44th] going to Europ –
the Right honorable Major [George] Lord Wynchelsea 87th Regt. his apointed to the 1 Battalion
the honorable Lieut Coll: [Henry Edward] Fox 38th Regiment and the honorable Major [George] Damer
87th Regt: to the 2d Battalion British Granadiers –
Lord Chuton 87th Regt is to be abede [obeyed] as Eddecamp [aide-de-camp] to the Commander in Chiff
tell forther Orders –
[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 13th Novr: 1780 –
Lieu . Col . [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Desires that the orders of the 3d Junary 1779
t l

Relative to Messing and Subsisting the Soldiers

May be observed –
Battn. Orders 13th Novr 1780 –
For the Day to morrow Captain [George] Dillrompal [42nd] – For Guard Lieutenant [James] Rowstren
[7th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
Serj . Campbell Orderly 1 1 4

B. O. 14th Novr 1780

For the Day to Morrow Capt [William] Rayman [22nd]
For Guard Ens, [Henry] Overing [54th] –
A Court Martial to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock at the Offrs Guard Room. Capt [William]
Raymon [22nd], Predd
Lts [John] Graham [54th], [Robert] Potts [42nd]. [James] Stewart [42nd] & Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th]
Members. All Evidences To attend Detail { S C P
{ . . 2
BO 15th Novr 1780
For the day to morrow Cap [Robert] Irvin [70th] –

For Guard Lt [John] Graham [54th]

Detail { S C P
{ . 1 3

Battn: Orders 16th November 1780

For the Day to Morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] –

For Guard Lieut [Robert] Potts [42nd] –

Detail Serjts Corpls Privat

Battn. Orders 17th Novr. 1780

For the day tomorrow Captn. [William] Gore [33rd]
For Guard Lieut. [James] Stewart [42nd] –
A Silver Watch found by a man of the 1st. Battn. Lt. Infany any man who can prove her his property, may
have her from Serjt Gantley 63 Compy
by paying a Reward to the finder
Detail S C P
Guard 1 1 4
Fatauge 1
Total 1 1 5

Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/1st Lt. Inf.] Requests Officers will be more pointed in their Enquiries of
the Crimes prisoners are Confined for, before they are Reported –
A Court martial to Assemble tomorrow moring at ten OClock at the Officers Guard Room –
Capt [William] Gore [33rd] president –
Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd] { Members { [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] &
Jno Campbell [74th] { { [Robert] Walker [7th]
All Evidence to attend
Bettlion Orders 18th Novr 1780
All passes Givan to Soljers Are to be Return‟d to the Serjt. Majr Who is to Report Any Man Who Over stays
his pass
As the Order Continues for the Bettlion to be in Readiness to Move At the shortest notice, it is
expected no Officer layes Out of his Quarters, And that the Non Commission‟d officers May be perfectly
acquanted With the road to them , so as to be Able to find them Out in the night
For the Day to morrow Capt. [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guard Lt Campbell [74th]
Companeus Detail S C P
.. .. 3

Brigade Orders 17th Novr. 1780 –

The Troop to be Immedeatly Compleated to 2 Serjts, 2 Corpls, 1 Horn, 1 Farrier and
44 privates – When men are Sent to the Troop Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] requests
that they be Soulgers of the beast caracter And Low Nature –

Battn. Orders 19th. Novr. 1780 –

For the Day to morrow Cap . [Donald] Campbell [74th] –

For Guard Lt [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –

Companeys Detail S C P
Guard .. 1 4
to go to Work .. 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Hd. Qrs 18th. Novr 1780 –
Such men as come in from the Northern Army After 25 of Octr 1780 Are to be put under the Command of
Capt [George P.] Valancey 62d Regt.
Bettn. Ordrrs 20th Novr 1780
For the Day to morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Guard Liut. [Robert] Walker [7th]
Coys Detail S C P

Guard .. .. 3
Fatuge .. 1 1
Battn Orders 21st Novr 1780
For the Day to Morrow Captn [George] Dilrample [42nd]
For Guard Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail Serjt Corpl Privat
Guard .. 1 4
Work .. .. 1

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs 20th Novr 1780
Compleant eving [having] bene mead by the Deputy Qr: Master Genl that the horses of the Regimental
Waggans having Genrly [illegible word] Abused and neglected, the Commander in Cheff orders the
officers Commanding the Defferant Regts and Corps to be Informed, that unless Greater atenchon
is Pade to there Keeping, and astop put to there being Proprly [sic] imployed – the will be Rendred unfit
for Serves – and the Great Difficqulty of replesing them will put it out of his power to Continues them the
Convenence of Waggons –

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 22d Novr. 1780 –

Lieut Coll: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Will See the Light Infantry on Thorsday the 30
instant when it is Expected ye will aper at lost in there Briches and Geters –

Battn Orders 22d Novr 1780 –

For the Day to Morrow Captn: [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Guard Lieut [James] Rawstren [7th] –

Detail S C P
Head Qrs [illegible] Novr 1780 – Orders
The ratun of Forrage to considt off 12 pounds Hay & 8 pounds Oats till further Orders

B_ O: 23d. Novr 1780 –

With the Approbation of his Execellency the Commander In Chief, the Honourable Lt [Edward] Finch of
the 87th. Regt. is Appinted to do duty With the 37th Lt Infy –

Bettn. Orders 23rd Novr. Batt

For the Day to Morrow Cap [Robert] Irving [70th]

For Guard Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]

Compys Detail S C P
.. 1 4
Bettlion Orders 24th: Novr 1780 –
For the Day to morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th]
For Guard Lt [John] Graham [54th] S C P
Compys Detail .. .. 2
Battn Orders 30th Novr 1780 –
For the day tomorrow Capt [William] Raymond [22nd]

For Guard Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]

Order Detail S C P
.. 1 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qr New York 30th Novr 1780
a General Court Martial Consisting of 3 Fild officers and 10 Captns from the Light Infantry and British
Granadiers, to Assemble to morrow morning at 10 Oclock at Lousles Tavran Browklin –
Honourable Lieut Coll [Henry] Fox [38th] 2d Battn British Granadiers Pressedant –
Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/1st Lt. Inf.] Light Infantry
Major Demond 2d B: Granadiers
5 Captns Light Infantry { Members
5 Captns British Granadiers {

Captn Addy Deputy juge advacet to wome the Nems and deats of Commissions, the Presoners Nams and
Crimes, and Evedances are to be sent to Lowsles Tavran by 8 Oclock in the Morning –

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 30th Novr 1780 –

Major [Thomas] Harmstrong [17th/1st Lt. Inf.] –
3 Captns 1 Battalion, 2d two Captns

Battn: Ordrs 30th Novr 1780 –

For the General Cort Martial to morrow, Captns: [Robert] Irvin [70th], [Eyre Power] Trench [54th], and
[William] Raymond [22nd]
For the Day to morrow Captn [William] Gore [33rd]
For Guard Lieut [Hugh] Walles [22nd] –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qr New York 30 Novr 1780
the Right honourable Earl of Winchelcey [Winchelsea] having the Brevet Rank of Lieut Coll. Dated 17th
Junaye [January] 1780 his to be obed acordingly.

Battn. Orders 1 Decemr 1780 –

the Battn to be in Redeness to Go on Bord a Ship on Sunday morning [Dec. 3]
all Baggaeg, but Such as is Emmediatly Necessare for moving in the Litest maner to Remene be hind
No Woman to Embark – the Saff [safe] Guards to be all Called in to morrow morrow Evening

Battn Orders 1st Decr 1780

For the Day to morrow Cap [Bent] Ball [63rd]

For Guard Lieut [James] Rawstren [7th] –

the Saff Guards are not to be Called in tell 6 Oclock Sunday morning [Dec. 3]

Bellona [Parke?]
33d 42d Artillery
63d 70th 7th
74th 22d

Detail Serjts Corpls Privat

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 1st Decr 1780
Lieut. Coll [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] weshes to see the two Battalions of Light Infantry
Parade to morrow morning at 10 Oclock on the Ground ware ye in Camped last yare –

[illegible paragraph – likely calling for court martial]

Lts [John] Graham [54th] [James] Stewart [42nd] Ens [Henry] Overing [54th] Members
all Evidences to attend
the Safe Guards not to be cal‟d in Until further Orders
Captn [none shown] Detail S C P

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] 2 Decr Head Qr New York – 1780
An addition to the troops allready under Orders. the 80th Rejmt & Loyal American Regt Will be ready to
Embark at a Moments notice –
The Comander In Chief Pleased to Order that the Usual Returns for 165 Days forage Money
Be Givin in Imedately to the Depty Qr Master General. Such Corps As Embark Will be paid this Bounty
when they Go on Board Ship –
B O 3d Decr 1780
Serj Hall Reduced by the Sentance of a Court Martial Is at the Particular Request of Capt [Robert] Irvin

[70th] Reinstated –
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Guard Lt [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Detail { S C P
{ . . 4
[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 3d Decr 1780
a Working Paerty Consisting of 1 Sub 1 Serjeant and 18 Privat from Each Battn. Light Infantry to parad to
Morrow morning at 7 Oclock to march at that hour to Broaklin [Brooklyn] weare the magaseen
[magazine] is forming for the Qr: Master Generals Department were ye will Receve Derections for the
Working party – wich is to Contiund tell forther orders – Releved Daly as above menchened ye are to
return to there Barraks at Sun Seat –
Battn Orders 3d Decer. 1780
For the Working party to morrow
morning Lieutenant [John] Graham [54th]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
the Work 3

Battn: Orders 4th Decemr 1780 –

For the Working party to morrow morning at 7 Oclock Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th]
For the Day to morrow Captn [George] Daillrompil [42nd]
For Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –
Detail S C P
Work 1 1
Guard 1 3
[page illegible]

Bettlion Orders 5th Decr 1780 –
For the Day to morrow Capt [William] Raymond [22nd]
For the Working Partey to morrow morning Lt [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
For Guard Lt [John] Campbell [74th]
Comapneys Detail S C P
.. .. 1
.. .. 5
Adjutant Genls Offices 5th Decemr 1780
Apacquet will Seal for England in aweek –

Battn: Orders 6th Decemr 1780 –

when the Rolls are Called at aney hours in the Night the Noncommisshend Officers will be Ansurable that
the Companes turn out, and Not answer to there nems in there Bedds, the married mens Arms to be Left
in the Hutts were there Companeys
any married man who is found to be out of his hutt after 8 Oclock at Night, his Hutt Will be Emmediately
puled Down and he no more have the in Dulgance to Lay out, Non Commisshend officers to be attentive
in Vicitsiting [visiting] those hutts Every Night –
For the Day to morrow Capt [Robert] Irving [70th] –
For the Working Party in the morning Lieut [James] Rawstren [7th] –
For Guard Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
Guard 3
Work 1 3

Bettn. Orders 7th Decr 1780 –

For the Day to morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th] –
For Guard Lt. [Robert] Walker [7th] S C P
1 1 2
.. .. 6
After Orders
A Courtmartiel to Assemble tomorrow morning at 10 OClock at the officers Guard Room
Capt [Eyre Power] Trinch [54th] pressedant –
Liu Jn Campbell [74th], [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th], and [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
ts o

Members all Evidances to attend

Bettn Orders 8th Decr 1780 –

For the Day to morrow Capt [William] Gore ]33rd]
For Work Liut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
For Guard Lt [James] Stewart [42nd]
Comps Detail S C P
.. .. 2
.. 1 3
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 6th Decr 1780
All Invaleads & discharged men belonging to the Brittish are to be sent to Lieut [Edward Pearce]
Willington 71st Regt. on or before the 15th Instant, their accounts are to be made up to the 24th Decr, their
Ballances, discharges, and 2 months pay from 25th Decr 1780 are to be given with the men, to Lieut

Willington none will be Receivd after that day. the German Invalids are to be Ready to go to Europe at
the Same time –

Battn. Orders 9th Decr 1780

For the day tomorrow Captn [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guard Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
Detail S C P
Work 1 3
Guard 4
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs N York 9th [Decr?]
Alexander McDonald, private Solger in the 42d Regt of foot tryed, by the Genl Court martial of
which Lt Coll: Honourable Henery Fox [38th Regt. and 2nd Grenadiers] was pressedant, for having broke
into the Inclosure of Coronealeus Rapalje, Inhabitant of newton, on the night of the 26th Novr, And
attempting to plunder the property of Sd Cornouleous Rapalje.
The Court having considred the Evidance for & against the Prisoner, together With What he had
to offer in hes defense, is of opinion that he; Alexr McDonald is Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge, in
breach of the 21st Article of War, of the 14th Section, And Do therefore Sentence him to Receive 1000
Lashes on his bare back
With a cat of nine Tails.
The Commander in Chief is pleased to Approve the above Sentence and orders it to be in execution At the
discretion of the Commanding officer –
The above Genl. Courtmartial is desolved
The Women & Children of those Regts that Embark are to Occupy the Hutts of Flushing Fly –

Bettn Orders 10th Decr 1780

For the day to morrow Cap [Donald] Campbell [74th]

For Guard Lt [James] Rostron [7th]

For Work Lt. [Thomas] Swymmer [70th]
A Court martial to assemble tomorrow morning at the officers Guard Room at 10 OClock
Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] Pressedant
Lieuts [Hugh] Wallace [22nd], [James] Rostron [7th], [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th], And Ens [Henry]
Overing [54th] Members all Evidences to [attend]
Companeys Detail S C P
Work .. .. 3
Guard .. .. 3

Battn: Orders 11th Decr 1780

Thos Bingey of the 33d Light Company is apointed to Do Duty as Corporal untel forther Orders in the
Room of Roberts Reduced by the Sentence of a Court Martial 11th Decer 1780
For the Day to morrow Captn [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Work Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] –
For Guard Lieut [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th] –
{ Serjts Corpls Privat
Detail {Work 2
{ Guard 1 5
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 11th Decr 1780

The Commander in Cheif his happy to announce to the Survivers of the brave Seventy Refugees
who definded the post at Bulls ferry, of their intripped Behavour as mett with the approbation of their
Soverign –
Lieut: Col: [Hon. Henry] Johnson of the 17th Regimt having Requested a Court of Enquirey, to Examine
into his conduct Relative to the defense made at Stony point, his Excellency the commander in Cheif, is
pleased to order a Court of Enquirey to meet accordingly at Rublets tavern in New York, on Wednesday
the 13th. Instant, at 10 OClock to Consist of Major Genl. [William] Phillips, President, Brigadier Genl
[John] Leland [1st Guards Regt.], Brigadier Genl [Samuel] Birch [17th Lt. Dragoons]
Lieut Coll: [John] Gunning [82nd Regt.] & Lieut Colo [Robert] Abercrombie [37th /Lt. Inf.Brig.],
Battn Orders 12th Decr 1780 –
For the day tomorrow Capt . [George] Dalrymple [42nd] –

For Guard Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th]

Detail S C P
Work 3
Guard 4

Battn Orders 13th Decr: 1780 –

For the Day to morrow Captain [William] Raymond [22nd] – For Work Lieutenant [Stafford] Lightburn
[37th – For guard Lieut [John] Graham [54th]
A Courtmartail to assemble to morrow morning at 10 OClock at the officers Guard Room, Captn.
Raymond Presedant –
Liuets [John] Graham [54th] [Robert] Potts [42nd], [James] Stewart [42nd] and [John] Campbell [74th]
members all Evidances to Atend –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Work 2
Guard 5

Head Qrs New York 13th Decr 1780

there being Som [order stops – see next page]
Detail S C P
Work 13
Guard 1 1 4
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 13th Decr 1780
there being Som Essanchall Repars Wanting to the Works at Browklin –
the Commander in Chiff Wishes the Light Infantry as the most Contagus troops, may be Employed for
theat purpos he maks no Doubt but ehy will proform this necessary Serves with there yousal alacaraty –
You Will plese to order 200 men with officers in Purportion to parad at 8 OClock to morrow morning at
the Fourt at Browklin, a Ninguneer [engineer] will be there to receve them
this party Will Contune ther tell forther Orders –

Bragad Orders 13th Decr 1780

A Working party Consisting of 2 Captns 4 Subs 5 Serjts: 5 Corpls 2 Horns and 2 hundred Private men to
parade to morrow morning at half past 7 OClock

Battn. Orders 13th Decr 1780

For the Working Party to morrow morning at half past 7 OClock. Captn [Donald] Campbell [74th] Lieuts
[James] Stewart [42nd], [John] Campbell [74th] and [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
For the Court Martial to Morrow Morning Lts [John] Graham [54th] [Robert] Potts [42nd] [Hugh] Walles
And [Thomas] Swimmer [70th] Members
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Work . . 13

Battn: Orders 14th December 1780 –

For the Working party to morrow morning at 2/ past 7 OClock, Captns [William] Gore [33rd] and [Bent]
Ball [63rd] – Lieuts [Robert] Potts [42nd] and Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th] –
For the Day to morrow Captn [Robert] Irven [70th] – For Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Q : Guard 1 1 4
Work 1 15
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 14th Decr 1780 –
the Meale for England will be Closed to morrow Evening –
the Commander in Chiff as been plesed to make the folloing Pormotions –
Captn: Lieut [Patrick Tyler] Tyteler [80th] to be Captn. Vice [James] Mexwill [80th] Desesed –

Battn: Orders 15th Decer: 1780 –

For the Working party tomorrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Lieutenants Rowstren and [Hon. Edward]
Finch [87th/37th] –
For the Day tomorrow Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Lieut [John] Campbell [74th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Work 15
Guard 5
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] HeadQuarters New York 15th Decr 1780
the British Corps will prapare Muster Rolls for 180 Days from the 25th June to the 24th Decer 1780
Inclusive –
In Kase of amovement the 22d: 38th: and 57th Regts are to be Consethered as Composing Bragader Genl
[John] Lealands Bragade, and he there fore Acashanly [occasionaly] Inspect them –

Battn: Orders 16th Decr. 1780 –

For the Working Partey at /2 Past 7 OClock in the morning Captn. [Robert] Irving [70th] and Lieuts
[Thomas] Swimmor [70th] and [Hugh] Walles [22nd] –
For the Day to morrow Captn [William] Gore [33rd] –
For Guard Lieutenant [Stafford] Lighburn [37th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Work 2 1 13
Guard 4
[Batt. Orders 17th Dec. 1780]
For Work tomorrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th]
For the day tomorrow Capt [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guard Lieut [Thomas] Swimmer [70th]

Detail S C P
Work 13
Guard 1 1 4

B O 18th Decr 1780

For work to Morrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Capt [William] Raymon [22nd] Lts Jo Campbell [74th] &
[Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th]
For Guard Lt [Hugh] Wallas [22nd]
Detail { W . : 14
{G : : 3
Batt Orders 19th Decr 1780
For Work to Morrow Morning at ½ Past 7 OClock Capt [William] Raymond [22nd] Lt Campl & [Stafford]
Lightburn [37th] For the Day Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] For Guard Lt [James] Rostron [7th]
Detail { W . 1 14
{G . . 5

Battn: Orders 20th Decr. 1780 –

All Officers, noncommission‟d as well as Commission‟d whatever dutys they are apon, are desire‟d
tomarch their partys to the hutts Regurally and there dismiss them and not to allow them to go thro‟ any
inclosures –
For Work tomorrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock, Captn [George] Dalrymple [42nd] & Lieut. [James]
Stewart [42nd] – For the day tomorrow Captn [William] Raymond [22nd], for Guard
[pages missing in film]
and Lieut Jno Campbell [74th] –
For the Day to morrow Captn. [William] Raymond [22nd] – Foor Guard Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Q . M . Genl
r r
Work 2 1 12
Guard 1 4

Battn. Orders 28th Decemr 1780 –

A Court Martial to Assemble this Morning Immeadiatly after parade Captn [William] Raymond [22nd]
President – Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd], Colin Campbell [74th], [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] & [Robert]
Walker [7th] Members. All Evidence to Attend –
Battlion Orders 28th [sic] Decr 1780 –
For Work to morrow morning at 2 past 7 OClock
Capt. [Robert] Irving [70th] – Liuts. [Robert] Potts [42nd] and [James]
Stewart [42nd]
For the day to Morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
for Guard Lt [Thomas] Swimer [70th]
Thos. Lansers of the 33d Lt Comy is Appinted to do duty As Corpl Untill farther Orders
{ Qr. Mr. Genl. .. .. 1
Detail { Work .. .. 11
{ Guard 1 .. 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 27th. Decr 1780
Orders –
An Order having been given 2nd Decr 1780 that the Officers who had charge of the Recruits that came
over in the last fleet should make up their Accounts. Commang officers of Regimts. are Requested to
inform the Deputy Adjutant Genl. if such orders has been complyed with –
The Gen. Court Martial ordered to Aseemble tomorrow is not to meet till further Orders – Battn. Orders
29th Decr 1780
Has Complaint has been made that the Working party does not march off att the proper hour, it is
Expected that Offrs for that duty will see them marched off at the hour specified in Genl. orders –
For work tomorrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Lieutt Rostrone
Detail S C P
Quartr Mastr Genl
Work 1 1 11
Guard 5
Battn. Orders 30th Decr 1780 –
For work tomorrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd] and Ens
[Henry] Overing [54th] –
For the Day to Morrow Captn. [Bent] Ball [63rd]
For Guard Lt [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Qr Mr Genl .. .. 1
Work .. .. 12
Guard 1 1 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 30th Decer. 1780 –
A Gen . Court Martial to Assemble at Rewblets Tevran in New York on Tuesday 2d Jeny. 1781 at 10

OClock Major Genl [William Phillips] Filops Presedint

Bragader Genl [John] Leland }
Bragader Genl [Samuel] Barch }
Lieut. Coll. [John Gunning] Goonen [82nd] }
t l th
Lieu . Col . [Robert] Abercromby [37 /Lt. Inf. Brig.] }
Lieut. Coll. [John] York [22nd/1st Gren. Bn.] }
Major [Valentine] Gardener 16th Regt } Members
Royall Artelery 1 Captn. }
1 Battn Light Infy 1 Captn. }
2 Do Do 1 Do }
1st Do Granadiers 1 Do }
d o o o
2 D D 1D }
57th Regt 1 Do }
Captn [Stephen P.] Adey [RA] Deputy Juge Advachet [advocate] -
The Nems of the members and Deats of there Commissions to be Sent to the Deputy Juge Advocket on
Monday Morning –
Battn. Orders 30th [sic] Decer 1780 –
For the Geenl: Court martial at Rebulits tavran on Tusday at 10 OClock Captn [William] Gore [33rd] –
For Work to Morrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Lieut [James] Rawstren [7th]
For the Day to morrow Captn [Donald] Campbell [74th] – For Guard En. [Henry] Overen [54th]

Untell forther Orders the morning paradeWill be at 11 OClock – it is Expected that Baragade Orders on
the 8th Novr. Will be atended too
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
r r l
Q.M.G 2
Work 1 11
Guard [1?] 3
Bettlion Orders 1st Jany 1781
For Work to Morrow Morning at ½ past 7 OClock Capt. [George] Dalrympull [42nd], And Lt.
[Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
For the day to Morrow Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th].
For Guard Liut [John] Graham [54th] –
Rob . Budge of 63d. Light Compy. is appinted to do duty as Corpl. till farther Orders in the Room of

Duhurst Reduced 21st Decr 80

A Courtmartial to Assemble to morrow morning at 10 OClock at the officers Guard Room Capt [Donald]
Campbell [74th] Pressedant –
Liuts [John] Graham [54th] [James] Rostron [7th], [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th], & Ens. [Henry]
Overing [54th] Members all Evidances to attend
} Qr. Mr. Genl .. .. 1
Detail } Work .. .. 11
} Guard .. 1 3
The Courtmartial to Sit before parade
[illegible line]
Battalion Orders 2 January 1781
For work to Morrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Capt [Donald] Campbell [74th] & Leiut Seymor
For the Day Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] –
For Guard Lt [Robert] Potts [42nd] S` C P
{ Qr. Master G . . 1
Detail { Work . . 12
{ Guard 1 . 5
Total 1 . 18

Beatlion Orders 3d Jany. 1781

For Work to Morrow morning at ½ past 7 OClock Liuts [Stafford] Lightburn [37th], & [Robert] Walker
For the Day to Morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Guard Liut Leaster S C P
{ Qr. Mr. Gl. .. .. 1
Detail { Work .. .. 11
{ Guard .. .. 4
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarts. New York 3 Jany 1781
The 2 Battns. of Granadiers, 2 Battns of Light Infantry & 42nd Regimt under your Command will
hold themselves in Readiness to march at the Shortest Notice taking with them as Little Bagage as
Possible. the men to carry their Blankets and a very small part of their Necessarys and two days
provisions Ready dressed non but field Officers and the Staff will be allowed to carry Harsses each Corps
may take two Waggons for the Convenance

of the Officers, you will please to give orders that an Officer and a Sufficent Number of men be Left
behind to take care of the Hutts and Cantoonments of each Corps A Field Return of each Corps to be
Sent as Soon as Possible to the Adjutant Genl. Office

[Note: Although the heading of this note is similar to issued Gen. Orders, it is more likely a specific order directed to
Maj. Gen. William Phillips to prepare for the Virginia campaign. This text does not appear in the Sir Henry Clinton
Order Book in the Clinton Papers.]

Battlion Orders 4th Jany 1781

For the day to morrow Cap [Robert] Irving [70th] For Guard Liut. [James] Stewart [42nd]

Detail for Guard .. 1 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qr New York 4th Jany 1781
A packet to Seal for England the 12th Instant
Bettlion Orders 20th [sic] Jany 1781 –
For the day to morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] –
Fopr Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th].
Detail S C P
ditto Clock .. .. 1

Bettlion Orders 7th Jany 1781

A Courtmartial to Assemble Immedeatly at the presidants Quarters, Capt [Robert] Irving[70th] Presadnt
Liuts [Robert] Potts [42nd], [Christopher Lyster] Leaster [63rd], [James Stewart [42nd], And John
Campbell [74th] members –
The Companeys to parade at thier own Quarters Every Evening at Sun Sett, And the Rolls to be
called at 8 OClock in presence of an officer. The Bettlion to parade at 9 OClock in the morning till
forther Orders.
Commanding Officers of Companeys will be pleased to Send frequent Pattroles in the nighd from
their Companeys and any man found Out of his Quarters at [Camp after hours?] they may
Rely on the [illegible] punishment
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 8th Jany 1781 –
The 74 Light Company will Act With The 2d. Bettlion Lt. Infy. Under the Command of Capt. [St.

Lawrence] Boyd [38th] Untill further Orders

Numberless Complaints have already been made by the Inhabitance in whose Houces the Light
Infantry are Quartered, of thier Sheep, Houges, &c being Slain & killed by the Solgers – Lieut. Coln.
[Robert] Abercromby [38th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] deisers the Commanding officers of Bettlions Well take every
proper Stept to dettect And Punish Severelly the guily, And t prevent Such Improper behaviour in future

Maj. Gen. William Phillips
[Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons]

Richmond 7th Jany. 1781 –

l r l
Gen . Orders by Maj Gen [William] Philipps
The Majr of Brigade will take it as a daly Duty to Attend at Maj r. Genl. Philips‟s
Quarters; in of [illegble words] Genl orders Should arive from Head Quarters, the Orderly Majr. of
Brigade Will aper and[Recd] them and give Such directions in Concequence as may cause them to be
obeyed by the Corps.
Majr. Genl. Philips Rely‟s intirely on the Commanding officers; for Moving such picquets and
making such patrolls as may be necessary for the Security of the cantonments independant of such as may
be derected by the Majr. Genl –
In Case of Alarm, the Corps Will Assemble on the Hights above Richmond [near Southampton,
Long Island]. The Light Infantry Forming its Right toward the fortifyed post of the 37th. Regt. The
artellary attach‟d to the Corps under the order of Majr. Genl Philips, Will be Considred as a Brigade of
artillary And is Commanded by Capt. [Edward Fage] Fadge having With him Liuts [James M.] Hadden,
[Henry] Thompson, and [George] Bowater, it is dispurce as follows
Light Infantry { two 3 pounders
{ two Cohorn Howitzers
Granaders {two Six pounders 3 3 53
1 1 22
2 2 31
The artillery will [Ocasorly? – occasionaly] move with thier respective Corps but Will Usually be Used in
Brigade, any Order Respecting it from Majr. Genl Philips, delivered by Capt [Edward] Fadge, the Several
Commanding Officers will be so good as to Direct it to be obeyed.
In ansence of Majr. Genl Philips Capt. Fadge Will Counsult With And take the orders of the
Respective Commanding officers.
Majr. Genl Philips directs Capt. Fadge not to suffer any thing to be put in the Amunition Waggons
or Tumblers – he is to cause frequent exemunation in them, particulary dureing night marches, And
whatever found in them not belonging to the Amunution or Stores is to be Immediatly burned

Battlion Orders 9th. Jany 1781

For Picquet this Evening half an hour before Sun Set Liut [Robert] Walker [7th] –

Richmond [Long Island] 10th. Jany 1781 –

If officers meet with any of the Inhabitance that can give intelligence they are Requested to send them to
Majr Genl [William] Philips –
Taken Out of the Taveren at Richmond Last night a Loose blue Great Coate With a Red Velvet Cape
lined with Red lase, Whoever bringes any Intelligence of Said Great Coate to Capt Campbell A-D-Q-M
Shall be rewarded and no Questions asked.

Bettlion Orders 10th. Jany. 1781 –

For picq1uet this Evening [illegible symbol] an hour before sun set Liut [David] Robertson [63rd] -
Detail S C P
Requet 1 .. 4
Qurs Gd .. .. 1
[entire page blurred]
[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Richmond 11th Jany 1781 –
r l
It is Maj Gen [William] Philips orders [illegible lines]

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Richmond [date unclear] Jany 1781

The Light Infantry will not move this day but are to draw provisions for 3 days to the 14th Inclusive and to
be [Ready?] to march in the morning;
Bettlion Orders 11th Jany 1781
For Picquet this Enening at ½ an hour before Sun Set Liut [Thomas] Swimer [70th]
Detail .. 1 4

Battlion Orders [date unclear] Jany 1781 –

For Picquet this evening Liu [James] Rostrone [7th]

Bettlion Orders [date unclear] Jany 1781 –

For Picquet this evening ½ an hour before Sun Set Liut [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Bettlion Orders 15th Jany 1781 –
For Picquet this evening ½ an hour before Sun Set Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th] –

Bettlion Orders 16th Jany 1781

For Picquet this Evening ½ an hour before Sunset Liut [John] Graham [54th]. the Bettlion to parade at 11
OClock in the forenoon near Majr [Thomas] Armstrongs [17th/1st Lt. Inf.] Quarters Untill farther orders

Bettlion Orders 17th Jany 1781

For Picquet this evening ½ an hour before Sunset Liut. [Robert] Potts [42nd]
After Bettlion Orders
The Bettlion to be Ready to parade to morrow morning at 10 OClock. no man to be absent. it is
Expected they Will Appear as Clean as Possable
Bettlion Orders 18th Jany 1781 –
For picquet this evening ½ an hour before Sun Set Learter
Bettlion Orders 19th Jany 1781 –
For picquet This Evening L [James] Stewart [42nd]

The Bettlion to parade to Morrow morning at ½ past 7 cClock, On the Road in the Rear of the 70th
The Waggons Well take up the officers Canteens at the above place.

Bettlion Orders 20th. Jany. 1781 –
For the Day to Morrow Cap . [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]

Head Quarters 19th Jany. 1781

The Ration of furrage to Consist till farther orders of 8 pounds of hay & 9 pound of Oats. The
Regulations made in to [illegible]
And the orders of the 14th Novr 1779 are to be Strictly Complyed with.
The Commessary Genl. has Coppeys of all the Regulations & Will explain them to the Commanding
Officers of Regts. and Heads of Departments, Who will apply to him, the mode in Which he Can Issue
furrage most Conveniently, And also the nessessity there is, for them to see these Orders punctuly
Bedford 21st Jany. 1781
Bettn. Orders –
For the day to Morrow Capt. [William] Gore [33rd].
For Guard Liut [Thomas] Swimer [70th].
A Courtmartial to Assemble tomorrow Morning at 10 OClock at the officer Guard Room Capt. [Eyre
Power] Trench [54th] Pressedant , Liuts. [Robert] Walker [7th], [Hugh] Wallace [22nd], [James] Rostrone
[7th] & [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th] Members. All Evedances to attend –
Compys Detail S C P
Guard 1 1 5
The courtmartial to Set before Parade –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quaerters New York 21st Jany 1781
The Invalids & Discharged Men, of the British and Ansbach, Will Embark on tuesday Morning the 23d
Inst at 10 OClock at the fly markett – the British on board the Transport [Joseph and the] three friends,
And the Ansbach on board the Minervea. The discharged Mens ballances, And two moonths pay from
the day of Embarkation to be Given into Liut. [Owen] O.Conner of the 37th Regt. Who is appointed to take
Charge of the British Invilades &c
The Genl. Courtmartial of which Majr. Genl [William] Philips is pressedant Will assemble to Morrow
Morning the 22d Inst At 10 OClock at Rubelet‟s Tavron.
The Mail Will be Closed on Tuesday next
Bedford 29th Junery 1781
Battn Orders
For the Day to morrow Cap . [Robert] Irven [70th]

For Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –

the Muster Rolls to be Redey by 10 OClock on Wedensday morning [Jan. 31] –
Detail { Serjts Corpls Privat
Corp Walton { .. N 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartr: New York 29th Jany 1781
The Privates of the Regimts of the Northern Army now under the Command of Capt [William]
Campbell of the 24th Regiment, to be Drafted on Monday the 5th February, into such Regts of British
Infantry as they may make choice off

Capt Campbell will settle their Accounts up to the 24th Decr last from which day they are to be on the
Strength of the Regts they are to go into – The Regts that Receive them will apply for the Usual Bounty of
one Guinea & half pr man and will give the Usual Certificates to the Regimts they are drafted from to
Intitle them to Receive five pounds for each man drafted. – Captn Campbell will give in a return of those
men the 31st instant, to the Deputy Adjutant Genl Expressing their Names the Regimts they now belong to
and the Regimts they make choice off. – Such as do not make an Option will be Drafted to
the weakest Regimts.. –
Bedford 30th Jany 1781 –
Battn Orders
The Batt . to Hold themselves, in Readiness to be Mustered to morrow Morning at ½ past 10 OClock –

For the day tomorrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For Guard Lieut [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] –
A Court Martial to Assemble to morrow after Parade at the Offr Guard Room – Capt. [Eyre
Power] Trench [54th] Presedent
Lieuts [Christopher ]Liester [63rd] { Members { [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] &
[James] Stewart [42 ] { { [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
All Evidences to Attend –
Detail S C P
Guard 1 . 6
Battn. Orders Bedford 31st Juny 1781
For the Day to morrow Cap [Eyre] Coote [37th]

For Guard Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] –

Detail S C P
.. .. 4

Bedford 1 Feby 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Captain [George] Dillrompil [42nd] –
For Guard Liut [Thomas] Swimer [70th] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
Guard 1 N 4

Bettn. Orders 2d feby 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Guard Lt. [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
Comaney‟s [sic] Detail .. .. 5
Battn: Orders 3d Feby 1781
For the day tomorrow Cap . [Robert] Irwin [70th]

For Guard Lieut [James] Rostron [7th] –

Detail S C P
Guard 1 1 5

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 3d. Feby. 1781
t th t
Lieu [George] Beckwith of the 37 . Reg is appointed to act as Supernumary aid. de. Camp to Major Gen.
[Friedrich Adolph Riedesel] Redhasel –
The Commander in cheif informs the army that Brigadier Genl. [Benedict] Arnold with the Troops under
his Command has penetrated into Virginia as far has Richmond the Seat of Government of the province

Where he has taken and Destroyed Large Magazines of Artillary, Military & Naval stores &c: &c: –
His Excellency feels great Satisfaction in adding that important Service has been perform‟d with very
Small Loss –
Beford 4th Feby 1781
Batt. Orders
For the day tomorrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Lieut: [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Detail S C P
Guard .. 1 4
John Burchill & Tho Footthall Tried by the Court Martial of Which Capt Trench is President on

of Marading, are not found Guilty not Sufficient Evidence appearing –
The Prisoners to be Released but Foothall – till farther Orders not to Leave his Barracks Except when on
Batt: Orders 5th feby: 1781 –
For the Day to morrow Captin [Eyre] Coot [37th], for Gaurd Ensine [Henry] Ovring [54th] –
Detail S C P
1 1 7
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quart New York 5th Feb: 1781
The private Men of the 16th Regt of foot Now under the Command of Major Cuff at Brooklyn, to be
Drafted on Wednesday the 7th Instant into the 17th foot – Major Cuff will order their Accounts to be made
up to the 24th Decr. 1780 for which day they are to be on the strength of the 17th Regt. – The
Commanding Officer of the 17th. Regt will give the Usual Certificates to Entitle the 16th. Regimt to
Receive the five pounds for each man drafted.
The under Mentioned corps will send proper persons to the orderly Room at the main Guard, on
Wednesday next at 12 OClock to receive the following Number of Drafts from the Regimts of the
Northern Army they will give the usual cerificates for them
to Lieut [Edward] Willington 71st Regt [Adj. Gen. Office] –
Corps No. of Drafts
17 Dragoons 8
23d Flank Corps 10
37th Regimt 2
42nd Do 12
54th Do 2
80th Do 2
84th Do 20
Total 56 –
The noncommission‟d Officers & Drumr of the Regimts of the northern Army Now under the Command
of Capt. Campbell will Join the corps of British Recruits as soon as the draft. is compleated. each Regimt.
as may have demands for the bounty money for drafts Receiv‟d, are to send them in Immeadiatly –
to the Secratary Office. when they make these demands they are to send a List of the mens Names and
the Regimts they Receive them from, with the Sum of one pound Eleven Shillings & Sixpence opposite
each mans Name –

[1st Lt. Inf. Bn. Orders] Bedford 6th Feby. 1781 –

For the day tomorrow Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Guard Lieut. [John] Graham [54th]
Detail S C P
Guard 4

Bedford 7th Feby. 1781

Bettlion Orders
For the day to morrow Capt [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Guard Lt. [Robert] Potts [42nd] S C P
Detail .. 1 6
Bettlion Orders 8th. Feby 1781
For the day to morrow Cap [Robert] Irving [70th].

For Guard Lt. [James] Stewart [42nd] S C P

.. .. 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. 8th Feby 1781 –
His Excellency the Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions
7th Foot...
[promotions continued]
16th Regt...
22d Regt...
33d Regt...
42d Regt...
Liu Rob Potts [42 Lt. Inf. Co.] to be Capt Lut
t t nd

Vice [John] Rutherford promoted Do [31st Decr 1780]...
43d Regt...
60th. Regt. 3d Bettlion...
60th. Regt. 4th Bettlion...
63d Regt...
[page blurry]...
71st Regt...
80th Regt...
82d Regt...
A pacquet will Sail for Europ on Wensday next the 14th Inst –

Bettn Orders 9th Feby 1781

For the day to Morrow Cap . [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For Guard Lt. [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –

Detail S C P
1 1 6
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. N. York 9th Feby 1781

His Excellency the Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions.
17th. Dragoons...
76th Regt...
Upon Application of L . Col : [William] Crosby Barrack Master Genl., the Diffrent Corps will
t n

Receive thier Utential [utensil] money for the Year 1781

Bedford 10th July 1781 B_ O_

For the Day to Morrow Cap . [Eyre] Coote [37th] For Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]

Detail S C P
.. .. 4
Bittlion Ordrs 11th Feby 1781
For the Day to Morrow Cap [George] Dalrymple [42nd]

For Guard Lt [Thomas] Swimer [70th] – S C P

1 .. 6

Battn Orders 12th Feby 1781

For the Day to morrow Captn [William] Raymond [22nd] –
For Guard Lieut [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] –
{ Serjts Corpls Privats
Details { . 1 3

Bedford 13th Feby 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Captn. [Robert] Irvin [70th] –
For Guard Lieut [James] Rawstren [7th] –
S.. C.. P
Companys Detail . . 7

Bedford 14th Feby 1781

B Orders
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Lt [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Detail { S C P
{ 1 1 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 14th Feby 1781
A Genl Courtmartial Consisting of 3 Fild Officers, 9 Capts and 3 Liuts to Assemble at the City hall in New
York, On Monday next the 10th. Inst. at 10 OClock in the morning for the Tryal of Such prisoners as shall
be Brought before them –
Majr [John Bresse] Breeze 54th Regt: pressidant
Maj . Campbell 70th
Majr Sherador New York Volinters }
Capt [James] Rivers 60th } Members
Capt [Boulter] Johnston 70 }
t st
Cap Lawrance Campbell 71 }
Capt [John] Robertson 71st }
Capt Dougal Campbell 74th }
Capt Cobke Queen‟s Rangers }

Capt Lee 3d Battlion Skinner }
Capt McDonald Orange Rangers }
Capt. Layman P..W..A [Prince of Wales American] } Members
t st
Liu Nairne 71 }
Liut [Benjamin] Craven 63d }
Liut Deen 63d }
Liut [Richard] Porter 22d. Regt. Deputy Judge Advocate, to whome the Dates of the officers
Commissions, the prisoners names & Crimes And the Evidances names, Are to be Sent Immediatly.
All Evidances and others Concerned to Attend – Lt [James Losack] Lossek of the 43d. Regt is
Appointed to Act as Majr of Brigade Untill Further Orders
A Return to be Given in by Each Corps to the Barrack Mr. Genl. for thier Utential [utensil]
Monney on the 21st Inst; Where it will be paid at his Office in Water Street
Bedford 15th Feby 1781
Bettn Orders
It is Expected that no Officer well Lye a Night Out of his Quarters without Acquanting the Commanding
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Guard Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th] –
Detail .. .. 6

Bedford 16th Feby 1781

Battn: Orders
For the Day toMorrow Captn. [George] Dillromple [42nd]
For Guard Lieut [John] Graham [54th] {S C P
Detail {1 1 4
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 16th feby 1781
Capt Chads Royal Navey, being Apointed To Succead Capt Laird, all Applications In that Department are
to be Maid to him –
Befford 17th feby 1781
Battn Orders
For the Day to Morrow Cap [William] Raymond [22nd]

For Guard Lt [Christopher] Leister [63rd] –

A Court Martial to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock At the Offrs Guard Room
Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] Presidant
Lts [John] Graham [54th] { Members { [Hugh] Walllass [22nd]
[Thomas] Sweemer [70 ] { { [James] Rostron [7th]
{ S C P
Detail { 8

Bettlion After Orders 17th Feby 1781

The Bettlion to hold themselves in Readness to Embark at a moments Warning –

Bedford 18th Feby. 1781

Battn. Orders
For the Day to Morrow Cap . [Robert] Irven [70th]

For Guard Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –
{ Serjts Corpls Privats
Detail { 1 1 3

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York 18th Feby. 1781
list of Promotions Receved from the war offices
54th Regiment...
70th Regiment...
71st foot 2d Battn...
16th Foot ...
21st Regiment...
38th Regt...
57th Regt...
70th Regiment ...
To be Colonels in the Army } Lieut Colonels...
To be Lieut Colonels in the Army...} Majors...
To be Majors in the Army... } Captains...
Bedford 19th Feby 1781 –
Battn: Orders
[none shown]
Battn: Orders 22d [sic] feby 1781
For the day to Morrow Cap . [William] Raymond [22nd]

For Guard Lt [Hugh] Wallass [22nd] { S C P

Detail { .. .. 3

Battn O. 23d feby 1781

For the day to Morrow Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th]
For Guard Lt [James] Rostron [7th] { S C P
Detail { 1 1 6

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs. N. York 22d Feby 1781
His Excellency the Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the folowing promotions
17th Dragoons...

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs 23d Feby 1781 –
The Genl. Courtmartial of Which Majr. Genl [William] Philips is presedant, to Meet presesly [precisely] at
11 oClock to Morrow Morning at Rubalit‟s tavron –
The British Light Infantry And British Granars Are to practise fireing Ball When the Weather permits.

Bedford 24th. Feby 1781

Bettn: Orders –

For the Day to morrow Capt. [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Lt. [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Detail .. .. 4

Bettlion Orders 25th Feby 1781

For the day to Morrow Cap . [Eyre] Coote [37th]

For Guard Lt. [Thomas] Dun [63rd]

Detail 1 1 6
Battn Orders 26th Feby 1781
For the Day to morrow Cap [George] Dillrompil [42nd]

For Guard Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th] –

Jas Mc Quare of the 70th. Company Tryed by a Courtmartial were of Captn: [Eyre] Coote [37th] his
Presedant, for making away with his Necessaries; his not found Gilty of the Crime Lade to his Charge, his
there fore to be Relesed
{ Serjts Corpls Privats
Detail { 3

Bettlion Orders 27th Feby 1781
For the day to morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For guard Lt. [John] Graham [54th] S C P
Detail .. 1 6
Turn over
A Courtmartial to Assemble to morrow Morning at 10 OClock.
Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd] presedant –
Liu [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], [Robert] Walker [7th], [Thomas] Dun [63rd], and Ens. [Henry] Overing

[54th] Members.

Bettn Orders Bedford 28th Feby 1781

For the day to Morrow Cap . [Robert] Irving [70th].

For Guard Liut [Christopher] Leaster [63rd]

Detail S C P
1 .. 4

Battn. Orders
2 of March – 1781

For the day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]

For Guard Lt [Stafford] Lightburn [37th
Detail {S C P
{1 .. 4

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Qrs New York 28th of feby 1781
The Com in Chief Orders that the Genl

Court Martial of Which Major General [William] Phillips is Presidant is to Assemble at 10 O Clock on
Fryday Morning Next [Mar. 2] In Order to Revise there Proscedings –

Battn Orders 1st of March – 1781
The Compys to have their Canteens Camp Kettels & Tomayhauks In Redyness to Carry on Board Ship
With them –
A Court Martial to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock At the Offrs Gud. Room Capt. [Robert]
Irvin [70th] Presd Lts [John] Graham [54th], [Christopher] Leister 63rd], [Thomas] Scwimer [70th] & [Hon.
Edwar] Finch [87th/37th] Members
For the Day to Morrow Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Guard Lt [James] Stewt [42nd] S C P
Detail . 1 5
Battlion Orders 3d. March 1781
The prisoners Bowles & [Helton?] of the 37th L. I. Tried by the Courtmartial where of Capt [Robert]
Irving [70th] was president, On Suspicion of plundering, not Suff icient Evidence Appering to the Court
Are not found Guilty, the are therefore to Joyn thier Companey, but thier behaviuer appears So
Saspecious, And ther Exployng so Infamous a Woman Whom they knew to have been Drumed out of the
Bettlion to sell it for them, that the Commanding Officer Orders the presoners to be Confined to thier
Barracks and Receive no Rum tell further Orders.
Infuture any freash provisson found With a Solger that he has not Reported to a non Commissind
Officer he will be punished for it, as for plundering
For the Day to morrow Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Guard Lt [Robert] Walker [7th] S C P
Detail .. 1 6

Bettlion Orders 6th March 1781 –

A Return to be given in Immediatly by each Compy Accounting for the deficency of Amunition

[Lt. Inf. ] Bragade Orders 8th March 1781 –

the Taylors to be kept Constantly at work in Order that the Soldiers may be Completed with Trowsers as
Soon as Possoble –
The Genl: Orders of the 6th Instant Reletive to Setling and Cleiring the mens Accoumpts up to the 23d
Feby Inclusive, Must be Emmediately Comployed with and Report there of made by the Commanding
Officer of Battns. to Lieut Coll. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.]
who will Report the Same to the Commander Inchiff - Lieut Coll. Abercromby takets for Granted that in
hower [our] Present Setueation No Officer or Soldier of the Light infantry Will Go to Town With out
Promition from him Willest the Fleet Remens at Ancor –
the Surgans are to Vizet the Duty of the Transports of there Respective Battns: –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quart: New York 6th March 1781
Orders –
His Majesty has been pleased to direct by Letter from the Secretary at war, dated 5th Decr 1780, that every
Battn now on the Establishment of 70 privates P r
Compy, which had not according to the Latest Returns, so many Effectives as with the Recruits of their
aditional Compys – would complete the ten Companys on Service to 570 Rank & File shall be reduced to
the Establishment of 56 Pr Compy. private
His Majesty has in like manner directed that each Battn on the Establishment of 100 privates Pr
Compy, whose Effectives with the Recruits at Home wou‟d not complete the 10 Compys on Service to 860
Effective rank & File shall be Reduced to the establishment of 85 private Pr. Compy

The Regt. under the Convention of Saratoga, being much Lowered in their Numbers his Majesty
has thought proper for the present to Reduce their Companies from 56 R&F to 30 private
Including two contingent Men; but it is his Majestys Intention, that whenever those Troops shall be
exchanged, to Replace them to their former Establishment of 56 Pr Comp
His Majesty has also been pleased, from a tender Consideration of their Sufferings to order that the
number of Noncommissioned Officers though very large in proportion to the Reduced Establishment of
these Regts. should continue the same as before –
A List of the Regts of foot under the Commad of General Sir Henry Clinton whose Numbers are to be
Reduced from the 25th Decr 1780, inclusive with a state of their Intended Establishment Agreeable to
which the Returns of the Army are to be made up in
future –
{ 12 Companys consisting of 3 Serjts 2 Corpls 2 drummers and 56 privates including
7 Reg Prescotts { 3 Contingent men in Each Compy, with 2 Fifers in the Granadier Compy as also
th t

{ the Unual Commission and Staff Officers

16 Robertsons the Same
17th Moncktons the Same
22d Gages the Same
23d Howes the Same
33d Cornwallis the Same
37th Cootes the Same
38 Pigots the Same
43d Careys the Same
54th Fredericks the Same
57th Campbells the Same
63d Grants the Same
64th Pomereys the Same
70th Troyans the Same
60th Regimt each Battn the Same
84th Regiment, each Battn
Ten Comp , 3 Serj . 3 Corp , 2 Drummers and 56 privates Pr Compy. including 3 Contingent men with the
s ts s

Usual Commissioned & Staff Officers –

71st Regt two Batt:
24 Comp: 4 Serj . 4 Corp: 2 Drum , and 85 private in each Compy including 4 Contingent men with two
t rs

fifers to the 1 Grenadr Compy as also with the Usual Commission and Staff Officers –
74thL: Coll: Campbell Regt
Ten Comp : 5 Serj . 5 Corp , 2 Drum and 85 private in each Compy including
s ts s s

4 Contingent Men with 2 fifers to the granadiers Compy as also the Usual Commission & Staff Officers –
80th Erskines the Same
82d McLeans the Same.
The Six following Regt. vizs 9th.. 20th.. 21st. 24th. 47th. 62d. 12 Compys of 3 Serjt. 3 Corp: 2 Drumrs &.30
private Men in each Comp: including 2 Contingent men with 2 fifers to the Granadier Compy. as also the
Usual Commission & Staff Officers
The Recovered Men of the Guards, 7th. 23d. 33d. 64th . & 71st Regt and Voluntiers of Ireland to
Parade at Seven OClock to Morrow morning at the Albany Wharf in New York where a Sloop will be
ready to take them on Board the Jupiter at Staton Island –

The troops at present embarked on Board the transports will put themselves under the Command of
Majr.Genl. [William] Phillips –
Returns immeadiately to be given in to him from the different Corps & detachments

[Note: According to Capt. Lt. Graham,76th (MacDonald‟s Highland) Regt., Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ 2000-man force
consisted of the 1st and 2nd Lt. Inf. Bns., 76th Regt., Hessian Regt. Prince Hereditaire, and an artillery detachment.]

The Corps that are embarked will upon sending to the Commissary Genl at at Brookling Reciene
a proportion of fresh Provisin for the Officers –

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head QuartersNew York 8th March 1781
Lieut. Coll: [Hon. Henry] Johnston of the 17th Regt of foot tried by the Gen: Court Martial of which Major
Gen: [William] Phillips is president Accused of having suffered the post of Stoney point...to fall into the
hands of the enemy on the night of
the 15th or morning of the 16th: July 1779 when Lt Colll Johnston was Commanding Officer of the said
post –
The court having considered the Evidence for and against L: Coll Johnston, together with what he had to
Offer in his defence is of opinion that he his in Suffering the post of Stoney point to fall into the hands of
the Enemy –
Culpable in the following Instances Vizt: First in a mistaken Disposition of the troops which for the
defence of the post ought to have been Confined to the table of the Hill.
Secondly in not Remonstrating against the frequent absence of the Gun Boat
notwithstanding he knew of hitt which the Court is of opinion are Errors of Judgement and Consequently
think his Conduct Reprehensible –
The Court therefore adjudge that he L: Colll Johnston be informed thereof by such Officer as his
Excellency the Commander in cheif shall be pleased to appoint for that purpose, at the Same time the
Court is of Opinion that in the night of, and during the attack, L: Colll Johnston in command with the
Officers & Soldiers at his post, behav‟d with an alartmess, Activity and Bravery that do them Honour
The Commander in chief Confirms
the above Sentance and takes this opportunity to inform the Officers of the army that he expects when
Officers Commanding posts they will not Confine thenselves alltogether to the defences they find given
to them but that they will draw to their aid, every Collatoral help in their power – He expects of course
Likewise that every Officer Commanding in a post shall when circumstances will admit call for &
Receive froim the Engineers under whose directions it was fortified his ideas of the defence of the place
that he will also request the assistance and advice of the Naval Officers who may command any of the
Kings Ships of warr near whose ready Cooperation can never be
Doubted, and is Assuredly most particularly Required in this Warr –
The above Court martial his Dissolved

[Note: In a letter dated Apr. 5-20, 1781, Gen. Sir Henry Clinton reported to Lord Germain that Maj. Gen Phillips sailed
from New York on Mar. 20th and arrived at Portsmouth on the 26th.]

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade O: Camps Landing [Va.] 2d: Apl 1781

His Excelency the Comander in Chif having Solemly promised Protection the in Habitants of this Part of
Virginia and Having heartoo bee Effectily proctected, Lt Collo; [Robert] Abercromby [37th/LI Brig.] trusts

the Lt. Infantry Will not be the first that will Sett a bad Exampel to the Arme on the Other hand Should
any Iregularuty Or Depradations be Comited the Offender will Most Severly Punished

[Note: Kemps Landing was located about 8 miles east of Norfolk on the Elizabeth River at the current site of

Bettlion Orders Capes landing, 3rd Apl. 1781
For picquet to Morrow morning at 5 OClock Capt. [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]. – Liuts [John
Wheeler Collington] Culangton [33rd], And [Thomas] Dun [63rd]. – A Courtmartial to assemble to
Morrow, Immediatly after parade at the presedants Quarters. Capt. Trench Presedant
Liuts. [John] Graham [54th], [Hugh] Wallace [22nd], [James] Rostron [7th] & Ens. [Henry] Overing
[54th] Members –
Detail S C P
.. .. [blank]

Capes Landing 4th April 1781 –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
The Inhabetance bringing in Provisions And Vegetables to Market, Are on no Account to be Stopped at
the Picquets, but are to be Sent to the Market Place Where those Articlas
turn over
Well be disposed off.
A Serjt Will attend to keep order in the Market.
The Inhabitances having Parols Are to pass and Repass, those that have not, Are to be Sent to the
Commanding Officer

Genl Orders by Majr Genl. [William] Philips

Head Qrs. Portsmouth 3d. Apl
With the Kings troops in Virginia, Will take the Immediat Command of Portsmouth & all dependencys,
the Redoubts Lines & garrison including the 76th Regt At Norfolk.
– The troops Composing th4e garrison Will Report to the Brigr Genl Accordingly Brigr Genl
[Benedict] Arnold Will Have the Goodness to Continue
His Command And Superintending over the navil department attached to the Present Service
The Brigr Will fix the Alarm posts of the 76th. Regt. British and the Hesson Regt being the Corps
last arived in the garrison of portsmouth And the Signal of Alarm as he Shall judge proper
The Majr Genl. Depends on the Several departments for thier aid and exertion for the Publick
Service. – The Depy Commissary Mr. Perkins is not to Isue Furrage but to Such officers as were
Specify‟d in the Embarkation Orders Upon the troops leaving N. York by the Commander in Chief, to the
Cavelry of the Queens Rangers, The Mounted Infantry, The Qr. Mr. Genlsd Department And the artillary
Horses, And the greatest attention is to be paid
that no Corps or Department draws for more than thier Effectives.
Such Neagros [negroes] as Come in and is received as additional pioniers Under the Care of Capt
Frazer are to be formed into Squads, Over Each Squad one Established pionier well Act as Corporal
having two of the Most Active Sober neagros as Lance Corpls. Under him, No Neagros belonging to the
pioniers Are to be Employed, either in the publick Departments And on the publick Works for Which
Capt. Frazer Will be answerable, And all neagros Comming in Are to be first offred to the Kings Service
– The troops are to be Constantly Ready for Immediate Movement And are allways to have two Days
provisions [illegible words]

All publick Departments are to Make Up
accounts for the 31st March Inclusive which to be Submitted to Brigr Genl [Benedict] Arnold –
Brigade Majr [Capt. Edward Brabazon, 22nd Regt.] Brabazoon is to be attached to the Brigr. –
Liut Robertson of the Loyal American Regt attending on Brigr Genl Arnold, diliver Orders from the
Brigader to the Garrison And Depending posts Such orders are to be Obeyed
[Capt. George P.] Valancey [62nd] And Campbell assistant D. Quarters [torn] are appinted to act as
assistant Depy [torn – Qr.?] Masters Genl. And Well Regulate With the Several [torn] publick
Departments All Transactions [torn] Publick Money accordingly
[torn] Valancy in the absence of Lt [William] Collier [RA], Will Act [torn] Secterey to Majr. Genl. Philips

[torn] Excellency the Commander in Chief has been [torn] to promit Maj r [Hon. George Damer] Damar of
the 87th Regt
[torn] And Untill a [illegible words] And Majr Damer being Attached to Majr. Genl. Philips, All Orders
Delivred by him in [torn – the name?] of the Majr. Genl Are to be obeyed in the [torn – same?] manner as
if Comming from his Aid-De-Camp [torn] Channal of Genl Orders Will be by Majr [torn] – Genl Orders
Will be Delivered at 11 OClock [torn] And Brigr Genl Arnold Will Delever his Orders at noon –
[torn] Corps & Departments Are to Sed proper persons to [torn] orders at these hours, except Such as are
[torn – Cantoonments?] And out posts to whome Orders Well [torn] Sent by the Maj r. Genl –
Majr. Genl. Philips Gives it as his express order the Strictest decipling be Observed by all Corps, [torn]
expects that the Commanding And every other Officer [torn] each Respective Corps Well execute thier
[illegible – orders?]
Attend the whole Expedition to the [Chesapeak?]

Bettlion Orders 4th April 1781

For picquet to Morrow Cap [William] Gore [33rd] & Lt [John] Graham [54th] and Ens. [Henry] Overing

[54th] Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 10

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Morning Orders 5th Apl. 81

Camps [Kemps] Landing
Liut Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.], in Qescteing [questioning] the pickets yesterday was
Much astonished at the Ignorance of maney the Centries, it is the duty of every officer Particularly the
officers Commanding Ciompanies to Instruct thier men in every part of thier Business, the solgars Are
very Willing to learn but they Are not taught, there is no time to be lost as we Shall probably be very
Soon Imployed in active Service. – When the picquets are Ordd to load it Must always be with a Running
Ball, the officers on duty Must be answerable for this –
neither officers non Comm‟d officers nor Solgers Can With properity [propriety] go to Norfolk or
Portsmouth Without Special leave from Liut Coln [Rober] Abercromby [37th/Lt Inf. Brig.] –

Bettlion Orders
A Courtmartial to Assemble Immediatly at the presedants Quarters, Capt [William] Gore [33rd] presedant
Liuts [Christopher] Leaster [63rd], [James] Stewart [42nd], [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] & [Hon.
Edward] Finch [87th/37th] Members all Evidances to attend –
an escort to go to Morrow Morning at day break to norfolk One Waggon to go for the Convuncenance
[convienance] of officers. any officers Servants that goes is to carry thier arms –

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Head Quarters Portsmouth 4th. Apl 1781 –
The troops well Cause a Very Strict Exemination to be made of the State of thier Ammanation
[ammunition], Which is to be Compleated to 60 Rounds pr Man –
the Different Corps Are Mad answerable that the Balls of the Damaged Catterages are preserved, And
when they ammount to a Number Which may require a Re-Complition the balls are to be delivred to the
Commissary of the Artillary who will Deliver Cattridges in place of them
The Majr. Genl. Relys Upon the Commanding officers of Corps that the Utmost Care is taken Respecting
the Ammanation.
it is the The Majr. Genls Wish
That the troops Inder his Command may Practice firing from two, to three And to four Deep, And that
they Should be Accoustomed to Charge in all those Orders, in the latter Order of 3 – &4 deep the files
Will of Course be Closer, So as to Render a Charge of the Greatest force.
The The Majr. Genl. also Recomends to Regts. the practice of Devideing the Bettlions by Wings
or otherways, So that one line may Support the other, When an Attack is Supposed; And when a Retreat
is Supposed that the first line may retreat through the Intervals of the Second, the Second Dubling Up its
Divisions for that purpose; And forming them Up again in Ordr to Chak the enemy Who may, be
Supposed to have pressed the first line –
The Majr. Genl. Would aprove also of one division
of a Bettlion Attacking in the Common open Order of 2 Deep, to be Supported by the other division as a
Second line, in the Charging Order of 3 or 4 deep be ganing the flank of a Supposed Enemy by the Quick
Movement of a division in Common open Order, while the Compact division advances to a Charge, And
to Such other evoloutions as may lead the Regts to a Custom of depending on, And mutaly Suporting each
other So that Should one part be pressd or broken it May be accoustomed to form again without
Confution [confusion] Under the protection of a Second line Orany [or any] Reagular formed Division –
The Majr. Genl. is assured that the Captains of Companies Upon whom the mannovers of a Bettlion in so
meterial a Degree depend Will pay the greatest attention to the orders of the Field Officers; in whos
activity and zeal the Majr. Genl. places the greatest Confidence

Camps Landing 5th. Apl 1781 –

Bettn Orders
turn over
For picquet to Morrow Morning at 5 OClock Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th], Liuts [Christopher] Leaster [63rd]
And [James] Stewart [42nd] –
John Mcleaman of the 63d Lt. Compy is appinted to do duty as Corpl in the Room of Budge Reduced 7th
March 1781 Detail S C P
Picquet 1 .. 9
Qr. gd .. 1 ..

Batt: O: Kampts [Kemps] Landing 6th Apl 1781

For Piqiuch [picquet] to morrow morning at 5 oClock Capt [George] Dillrampell [42nd] Liuts [Stafford]
Light bourn [37th] And [Thomas] Swimer [70th] Detail S C P
Piquet .. .. 11
Guard [none shown]

Batt. Orders Kempts Landing 7th Aperl 1781

For the day tomorrow at 6 OClock Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd], Lieuts [Hugh] Wallace [22nd] &
[James] Rostron [7th] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 10

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade O: Kempts Landing 7th Apl 1781

All persons Un arm‟d Untill farther Orders Are to pass & Repass from Sun rise in the morning Untill Sun
Set in the Evening

Hed Quarters 7th: Apl: 1781

Genl: O:
to Siut the Convence of the officers
[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Head Quarters Portsmouth 7th Apl 1781
G: O:
Suitt the Covening [convenience] of the officers in the District Cantoonments head Qrs: Dinner in future
Will be at too oClock All officers who have biussenss with Major Genl: [William] Philips Diserd to be at
head Qurtors betwin the hours of nine and Elevin in the forenoon the heads of dipartmts Will attend Evry
day at 10 oClock –
The Commanding Officers of Corps in Cantoonments Are disired to Give pirtickler Orders Respeicting
the Wills from whence the Soldears draws thir Water that thay Be Examind Carfuley thoriegliy
[thoroughly] Cleand
And keept in that State with the uttmost Care –
the Majr. Genl. disirs Br: Genl: [Benedict] Arnold Will order an additional number of 200 Men to the
Working party for to Morrow And the Next Day –
The Qeens Rangers Will Give the Releef at the Great bridge to Morrow –

Batt orders 8th Apl: 1781 –

For Picquet to morrow morning at 5 Clock Capt. [Robert] Irvin [70th], Liut: [Hon. Edward] Finch

[87th/37th] & [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd] – Detail S C P

1 .. 11
Battn Orders 9th April 1781 –
For Picquet to morrow morning Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] Liut [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] and ensign
[Henry] Overing [54th] –
Compy Details {S C P
{1 1 9

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters N. York 6th. March 1781 –
His Majesty has been pleasd to direct by letter from the Secteratry at War dated 5th Decr 1780 that every
Bettlion now on the Establishment of 70 private pr. Compy which have note according to the Latest
Returns So many Effectives As With the Recruits of their addational Compys Will Compleat the ten
Companies on Service to 570 Rank
and File, Shall be Reduced to the Establishment of 56th [sic] private pr Company –
His Majesty in like manner directed that Each Battlion on the Establishment of 100 provate pr Compy
whose Effectives with their Recruits at Whome will not Compleat the 10 Companies on Service to 866
Rank & File Shall be Reduced to the Establishment of 85 private pr Compy
The Regts Under the Convention of Saratoga Being Much Lowred in their numbers his Majesty
Has thought proper for the present to reduce their Companies from 56 Rank & file to 30 Including 2

Contingent Men, but as it his majestys Intention That when these troops Shall be Exchanged, to Replace
them on their former Establishment of 56 pr Compy
His Majesty has also been pleased from a tender Consideration of their Suffering, to order that the number
of Non Commission‟d officers tho very large in proportion to the reduced Establishment of these Regts
Should Continue the Same as before
List of Regts [list not provided – see same order above previously recorded]

Bettlion Orders Kempts Landing 10th. Apl 1781

For the day to Morrow Cap . [William] Gore [33rd]. – Liuts [John] Graham [54th], and [Christopher]

Leaster [63rd] Detail S C P

Picquet .. 1 11
Qr. Gd 1 .. ..

Kemps Landing 11th. Apl 1781

Bettn. Orders –
When Officers Go Upon duty thier Servants Are to Mount with them.
For picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Liuts [James] Stewart [42nd] &
[Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 9
for the Battuoo .. .. 1

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Head Qr: Portsmouth Wednesday 11 Apl: 1781
the Grete Bridge will be releved to morrow According to Orders wich will be gevin for that purpose this
Evening –
Major Genl. [William] Phillops being Perfectly Sensoble of the Willingness with wich the troops have
Carred on the Works Retorns them his Vere Greatfull thanks upon the Occasion – he Dos assures them he
never will Call for there Leabur but when it is Abesulty eather for there on Sefty of for the Kings Serves,
and he is asured under that
Description the allways will abe [obey] his orders Cherfully –
the Commassary of Artelery as Reported that Som of the Corps have made Demand for Musket Catridges
with out Delevering in any Ball – and the Major Genl. his informed that it is the Costom of Soldiers Som
times to cut up the ball into Shoot [shot], to provent wich it is Derected that Atenchon be pad to the order
Given out on that head the 4th Instant, and he will not Sospect the Commanding Officers Will Neglect to
Give Proper Derictions on the Subject –

Battn. Orders Camps Landing 12th Apl 1781

For Picquet to morrow morning Captn:
[George] Dillromple [42nd] Lieut [Robert] Walker [7th] and [Thomas] Swimer [70th]
Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
1 1 11
The Ceasar Sloop is appinted to carry the Horses

Kemps Landing 13th. Apl 1781 –

Bett Orders. – When the Bettlion Embarks, the Officers Can Only Carry thier Canteens, bear Skins And

What they Usualy Carry on the Campane, Which is to go in the Boats with themselves –

The Baggage which was Left at norfolk is Sent on bord the Andrew Transport.
The Baggage which was Sent Yesterday Remains at Norfolk till the officers may take what They
want Out of it as the Remainder is to be Immediatly Sent on board the Andrew
An Escort will Set off at day break to Morrow
For the Conveniniy [convenience?] of the Officers Sending thier Servants. – The Suttler goes in a Sloop
with the Bettlion So that the officers may be Suplyed With Tea, Wine &c
For Picquet to morrow morning Captain [William] Raymond [22nd]. Liuts. [Hugh] Wallace [22nd],
& [James [Rostrone [7th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 9
Qr Gd` 1 .. ..

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Head Qrs. portsmouth 13th Aprill 1781
General Orders
For the future provisions will be Eshewed at four days at a time, to be delivered on the Morning of Every
fourth day aftet the former Eshew, those Corps who are Not Vituclad [victualled] up to the 18th Inst.
Enclusive will Doo it this Day
Batt: Orders 16th April Kaps: Landing
The Batt: Will in brk [embark] on board 5 boats As follos the Dilleset –
First boat the 33d: and 63d: Companys
The 2d: boat 42d: with A Detachment of the 63d: of a Serjt. & 12 Rank & file –
3d: Boat 37th: and 7th: Companys
4th: Boat the the 70h: With a detachment of Serjt: & 17 Rank & fille the 54th & 22d Companys

[Note: Capt. Lt Samuel Graham, 76th Regt., later described the boats writing “ A number of boats had been constructed,
under the superintendence of General Arnold, for the navigation of the rivers, most of them calculated to hold 100 men.
Each boat was manned by a few sailors, and was fitted with a sail as well as with oars. Some of them also carried a
piece of ordnance in their bows.”

For Piquet to Morrow Morning Capt [William] Gore [33rd] Liuts [Christophe] Lyster [63rd] and [James]
Stewart [42nd]
John Daivson of the 37th: Comapny tryd by a Court Martill whare of Capt: [William] Raymond [22nd] is
Presedant on Sospiton of Stelling fowles is a Quited of the Same the prisnor Therfor to Goines his
Company –
No Dogs on no aCount to be Sufferd on board the boats
Detail S C P
1 .. 11

Batelion Orders Kemps Landing 17th. Apl 1781 –

For picquet to Morrow Morning Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th] Liuts [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], And
[Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 10
Qr. Gd .. 1 ..

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders 18th April 1781 –

the Light Infantry to march Procesly at two OClock

and to form on the parade of the 2d Battn. –
the men are to march in there Trwosers, Carring there Briches and Leggans with them –

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Head Quarts Portsmouth 18th April 81

r l
Maj Gen [William] Phillops flatters himself that during the present expedition he Shall never have cause
to complain of any ill behaviour of the Troops when moveing thro‟ the country, and he hopes he shall not
have any Occasion to enforce the Authority invested in him of punishing with great Severity persons
offending against his possitive orders as well as against the Laws which
Govern Armys – There is not to be any maruding, or Plundering the Inhabitants of the country, and Their
property is to be protected, even those who may have Arms against his Majestys troops are not to Suffer
in their property unless thought necessary, when proper officers will be ordered to see it executed –
Such inhabitants as may be found at their Respecting dwellings are to be suffered to remain quiet and
unmolested –
The Majr Genl colls upon all the Offrs of the sevaral corps to be particularly careful and attentive
that those orders are most strictly And Rigidly Complyd with
When ever the troops land the Sailors are to be Sufferd on no account to come on shore from their boats
Should Any be found disobeying of these Orders they May depend Upon being Severly Punished. The
first troops that land Will Immediatly Send Safe Guards to Such houses & Plantations Close to the place
of disembarkation as the officers See proper, where they will remain tell properly releived, And the Safe
Guard is made Answerable With his Life; that he dos not Suffer plundering or enjery being don to the
persons of property of the Inhabitants, And place, he is Sent to protect.
When Marching thrugh the Country, no Straggulars or Servants are ever to March out of their
Ranks or line of march.
All Officers Servants who are not Mounted Upon Horseback Are to march with the Companey to which
his Master belongs
turn over –
And is never to Quite that Statoon [station?] Place During the March Any more than the rest of the
Solgars of that Companey or Devision
Such Officers Servants as have the care ot thier masters Horses, Are to march with the baggage
Or rear guard of the Army Under the order of the officer of those Guards Who will not Suffer any of them
to remain behind on any pretence whatever.
Should any Solger from Lameness, or any other Cause not be able to keep Up with the line of
March A Non Commission‟d offr is to be left with him Untill he delivers him either to the baggage or rear
guard, Should any Solger be Obliged to Stop for a few Minits, a Non Commissin‟d officer is to be Left
with him also, Who is carefully to bring him to His division or Compy again. –
The Provost Martial will allways be furnished With A Sufficent Number of Saddels & briddles
Shall be mounted as Soon as opportunity will admite, he is to Go on Shore With every detachment of
troops that may Land and During the Line of March of the troops, As well as During Several times in the
night, he will make Constant Patrolls round the line of March or the Encampment, Or Cantoonment. –
he is to apprehend and take into Custody Any Solger, Servants, Or follower of the Army whome he May
find above half a Mile from the Encampment, or Cantoonment, or any Solger, or Servant he may find
plundering Or destroying the property of any Inhabitants whatever, Should he ever be Detacted favouring
any Solger, and not takeing into Custody Every person so detected he may Depend Upon being Punished
as an accomplis. –
The Provost Martial Well at all times Apprehend any Sailor Whom he may find on Shore

Any distance from their boats, Unless Under the order and protection of Some Officer of the Navy, the
Majr. Genl. is assured these orders are no other way nessessary than as a matter of Usual form, He is
Convinced the Good Conduct of the troops will Rander his Report, of them, Such as to Claim the
Approbation of the Commander in Chief
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade orders 18th Apl 1781 –
Ensign [Arthur] Mair of the 63d Regt. his apointed to Do Duty with the 43d Light Infantry until forther
Ensign [Richard] Dowling is apointed to Do Duty in the 22d Lt. Infantry untell forther orders –

Betalion Orders 22d April 1781

Corp . Heague of the 54th. Lt. Compy to do Serjt. duty, And Robt. Gilbart of Sd Compy to do Corpls duty

Untill forther Orders –

[Note: Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ force defeated rebel Maj. Gen. von Steuben‟s troops at the Battle of Petersburg, Va. on
Apr. 25, 1781]

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] After Genl Orders 1st May 1781 –
The troops Will Move this afternoon, those Upon the right Immedeatly Upon the arival of the 76th. Regt.
there, Who Are to March at 3 OClock, the March to be by the left in one collum. The Infantry and half of
the Cavalry of the Queen‟s Rangers leading, then the line follow‟d by
the whole, baggage Escorted by the reserve.
Bregadar Genl. [Benedict] Arnold Well Lead this division of the Collum.
The Light Infantry next in Order of March.
The rearguard to be Composed of 4 Companies of Lt Infy, the division of the Yaggers And the remaining
half of the Cavalry of the Qs Rangers. Should the troops be ordered to form it is to be don According to
the Orders of March, in which case the 4 Companies of Lt Infy And the Qs Rangers will form the Advance
Corps Upon the flanks of the Line, the reserve in the rear of the Center, the Baggage in Rear of the whole,
the greatest Order is to be observed in the March the divisions Keeping thier proper Intervals, thier
officers thier posts.

Hundreads point 1st May 1781 –

Batalion Orders –
For the day this evening Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th], For Picquet Lt. [Stafford] Lightburne [37th], for the
Generals Guard Liut [Thomas] Swimer [70th]
Battn: Orders Camp near Petersburge 10th May 1781
For the Day Captn [George] Dillrample [42nd] –
For Picquet Emmediatey Lieut [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th] –
Detail S C P
1 . 3

[Note: Capt. Lt. Graham, 76th Regt. noted in his memoirs that after dropping down river “...dispatches were received
from Lord Cornwallis, which occasioned our immediate return. After relanding we made a forced march in the night,
and again took possession of Petersburgh (on the 10th May.)”]

[no date shown]

For the Day Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]. For Picquet ½ an hour before day break Lt [Thomas] Dun
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 6
Orderly 1 .. ..

Battn orders Camp near Petersburgh 11th May 1781

For the day tomorrow Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Picquet En: [Henry] Overing [54th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 5
Guard 1
Batalion Order Petersburg 12th May 1781
For the day to Morrow Capt. [William] Gore [33rd]: For picquet to Morrow Morning ½ an hour before
Sun Rise Ens [Richard] Dowling [22nd].
a State of the Sick to be given in every Morning by the Surgen to the Commanding Officer.
Dunkin Henderson 42d. Lt. Compy is appinted to do duty as Corpl in Sd Compy Untill forther Orders Vice
Detail S C P
this Evening .. .. 2
to Morrow .. .. 4

Batalion Orders Petersburg 13th May 1781

For the day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Picquet Lt. [Christopher] Leaster [63rd] – Detail S C P
this Evening .. .. 1
to morrow Morning 1 1 6

[Maj. Gen. Phillips‟ Orders] Genl. Orders May 13th. 4 OClock –

The troops are to have thier baggage loaded & be readdy to March in 2 hours
After Genl. Orders
The Commanding officers of Corps are
Requested to order Such horses on possession of the different officers as can be spared together with thier
Saddles & bridales to be Collected and Delivered to Capt Campbell Depy Q: M: Genl Upon the present

Batn. Orders [out of sequence note] Battn: Orders 27 May

The Horses agreable to the Gen order to be Sent Immediatly to the Qr Master –

[Note: Maj. Gen. William Phillips died of a fever at Petersburg, Va. on May 13, 1781. Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold
(former rebel Maj. General) assumed command of the expedition at that time.]

Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold
[Picture Source: Wikipedia, Engraving after John Trumbell]

[Brig. Gen. Arnold‟ s Orders] Morning Genl Orders 14th May 1781 –
A Subaltern & 20 men and all the Negeros that can be spared from the different Corps with a
noncommissioned Officer fm. each to Assemble immediately in the Rear of head Quars where they will
Receive directions from the Commissary –
Detail Subs Serjts Corps Privats
76th 1 10
80th 1 1 101 [sic]
[Brig. Gen. Arnold‟ s Orders] Genl: Orders 14th May 1781 –
Retourns of Such Men of Each Corps as Cannot March to Given in as Soon as possabell to Capt:
Campbell D: Q: M: G: who will Provide Waggons to carry them to Seitey pint this Evening at 5: OClock

When the Troops ar to form the first line Will be Composd of the British Light Infantry Commanded by
Lt: Coll: [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] furnesh the first and ad Ordemishs [add skirmishers?]
as he finds nessrey
the 2d: Line will be Composed of the 76th & 80th Regiment Commanded by Lt: Coll [Thomas] Dundas
the Reserve as formeliy –
The Chanell of Genl: Orders will by by Majr Brigade [Edward] brabazon [22nd] all orders
Deliverd By the Onarabell [Honorable] Majr. [George] Damer [87th], or Liut [Mungo] Nobell [21st] in the
name of the Bridger Genrl: Are to be obeyd as his –

Batt: Orders for the Day to morrow Capt. [George] Deyrampill [42nd] for Piquet Lieutt [Robert] Walker
[7th] and [Thomas] Swimer [70th] – Detail S C P
.. .. 2

Battn Morning Orders 15th May 1781

A Court Martial to assemble immeadiately at the presidents Quarters – Captn Dalrymple President
Lieuts [James] Stewart [42nd] } Members { [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd]
[Hugh] Wallace [22 ] } { [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] –
After Batt: Orders –
For the day tomorrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]

For Picquet Lieut. [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th] & [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd]

Detail Serjts Corpls Privats
Patroles 2
Picquet 1 1 8
Guard 1
Total 2 1 10

[Brig. Gen. Arnold‟ s Orders] Petersburgh May 16th – 1781

Brag . Gen. [Benedict] Arnold, Congratulates the army On a Signal victory obtained by [Col.] Lord
[Francis] Rawdon [Vols. of Ireand] Over Gen: [Nathaniel] Green, near Camdon [S.C.] in Which the
Latter lost 800 Men killed and Wounded The troops will prade at sun set prepared for a fue de joy on
this Happy Event
Capt [Edward] Fage [RA] with the Artilery will be Placed On the Right, Left, & Center of the army
Which is to be drawn up in one Line –
Returns to be given in to the Comisary to Morrow by the different Corps for 4 Days Salt provisions –

Battalion Orders 16th May 1781

For the Day to Morrow Capt [Robert] Irvin [70th]
For Picquet Lt [Thomas] Dun [63rd] & Engn [Henry] Overing [54th]
{ S C P
Detail { Patrol . . 2
{ Picqt 1 8

[Brig. Gen. Arnold‟ s Orders] After Genl. Orders –

The troops are to hold themselves in Readness to March at a Moments warning And are Immediatly to be
Served with 4 days bread And 1 Day Salt provisions by the Commissary –
Bettn Orders Petersburg 17th May 1781
for the Day to morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th], Liut. [Christopher] Lester [63rd] and Ensign

[Henry] Overing [54th]

Detail { S C P
{ Piquets 1 8
{ Guard
Orderly 1
Total 1 1 8

Battn Orders 18 [May] Peters burg 1781

For the Day to morrow Cap . [William] Gore [33rd] for Piquet Liuts [James] Stewart [42nd] and [Stafford]

Light Burne [37th] –

Detail 2 1 8

[Likely Brig. Gen. Arnold‟ s Orders] Petters Burge 19th May 1781 –
[Lt. Gen. Charles] Lord Cornwales orders an Extra Lawance [allowance] of Rom to be Isued to the troops
this Evening –

Battn: Orders –
When ever the Rolls are Called and any man Absent the Ordrly Non Commissined officer of that
Company is Emmedediately to Report him to the Adjutant who will Emmediatly Inform the Commanding

offr of the Battn:, the Ajutant Will Confine any Non Commissioned Officer he fines Neglecting the Above
Order –
When any man his put Prisoner a Crime in writing at the Same time to be Sent to the Adjutant –
Detail S C P
Padrolling 2
After Batt: Orders – 19th May 1781
For the day Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For Picquet Lieut [Thomas] Swimmer [70th] & [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 8

Lt. Gen. Charles, Earl Cornwallis, 1783 by Thomas Gainsborough

[Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons]

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Pettersburg 20th May 1781 –

the Honourable Major [George Damer] Demar of the 87th Regt. his to be Abead [obeyed] as Edde [aid-de]
Camp to Lord Cornwalles –
an Extry lowance of Rum to be Isued to the Army this Evening –

[Note: On May 20, Lord Cornwallis army, which had been campaigning in the Carolinas since the Siege of Charleston,
linked up with Brig. Gen. Arnold‟s force at Petersburg. Capt. Lt. Graham, 76 th, wrote in his Memoirs that Cornwallis‟
force consisted of the Brig. of Guards 387 men, 23rd Regt. 194, 33rd Regt. 209, 71st Regt. 175, 82nd Lt..Inf. Co. 36,
Hessian Regt von Bose 228, Brit. Legion 173 and N.C. Volunteers 33 for a total of 1435 men. Lord Cornwallis
assumed command of Arnold‟s troops as well on his arrival.]

Battn: Orders 20th May 1781 –

it is Expected that the officer first for Duty will remain Constantly in Camp – as wall as an officer of Each
Company –
For the Day to morrow Capt: [George] Dillrampil [42nd] –
For Picquet Lieuts [James] Rostron [7th] and [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd]
Detail S C P
Patrolling { 1
Picquet { 9

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Genl. Orders 20th May 1781 –

Two days Flower to be Isued this Morning to the Troops by the Commissary Genls Assistant


[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Petersburg 21st May 1781 –

General Orders
r th
Maj . [Richard] England [47 ] to take the direction of the Q: M: Generals Department with the army at
Alexr. Grant Esq. to take the direction of the Hospitals department with the army at Portsmouth.
The Surgens of the different Corps will give in a Return and States of the Sick of thier Respective
Corps Immediatly to Doctor Grant. Reagulations for Horses & Neagros
Fild Officers of Infy 5 Horses & 2 Neagros
Capts. 3 Horses & 1 Neagro. Subs & Staff 2 Horses & 1 Neagro. Qr. Mr, Serjt
turn over
And the Serjt Majr 1 Horse and 1 Neagro each.
the Qr Mr of each Corps to have 8 Neagros to assist in Receiving Provisions & other Regimental
busness. Rice and freash Provision to be allowed to the Above Neagros, but no Rum can be Isued to any
Neagro except by the Order of the person acting ad Q.M: Genl.
The Number and Names of each Corps to be marked in a Cunspciuous manner On the Jacket of each
No Woman or Neagro to possess a Horse, nor any Neagro to be Suffred to Ride on a March, Except those
belonging to Publick departments
Batalion Orders.
For the day to Morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Picquet Lt. [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] and Ens. [Henry] Overing [54th]
Detail S C P
Patrolling .. 2
Picquet & Gd 2 1 9
Total 2 1 11

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qr. Petters Burg 22d May 1781
the officers & Soldiers of the Army have Given Such Repete proffs of there Sile [Zeal] and Atachment to
the Intrest of there King and Contry that Lord Cornwalles Can have no Doubt of there paying the most
exackt atenchan to them in Every instance by wich they Can be Materely afected –
he Desires the officers and Soldiers to reflect at the Great Abject of his Majustes forses in this Contry is to
protecht and Soqure [secure] his Majustes fathfull and Loyal Subjects and to incurage and Asist them in
Arming and aposing the Tryaney and a pression [opression] of the Rebels –
he there fore Recomend it to them in the Strongest manner to tret with kindness all those that have Saught
Protection in the British Army –
it is with Great Consern that
Lord Cornwalles as Observed the Exceses Commited by the British troops in the hors [course] of this
war, he Calls in the most Serouss manner of the officers Commanding Bragades and Corps to put a Stop
to the Licenciousness wich most inevitabely bring Discrese and Rewing on his Majustys Serves, he is
Convensd that it is in there powher to provent it & as Seen Tomany profes [proofs] of there Sele [zeal] for
the Serves of there Contry that he Cannot Doubt of there Utmost
Exartion to detect and punish the Affenders with out wich the blood of the brave and Deserving Soldiers
Will be shed in Vein and it will not even in the powher of Victery to Give Success –

the horses wich have been given by the Different Corps to carrey the Sick are to be Returned
Emmediately to the Qr. M. Genl., and all wich are Brought in by Negros or other Persons from the
Contrey are Liquise to be Sent to the Qr: M: Genl:
Battn orders
For the Day to morrow Captn [Robert] Irven [70th]
for Picquet Lieut [Christopher] Lester [63rd] and Ensign [Richard] Dowlen [22nd] –
Detail Serjts Corpls Privat
Patrolling { 0 1
Picquet { 1 1 10

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Pettersburg 23d May 1781 –

the Army to be in Rediness to march in the folloing order –
the Corps Commended by Lieut Coll [Banister] Tarlton [79th/Brit. Leg.]
Pioneers –
Light Infantry with there 3 pounders
two Six pounders –
Bragadier Genl. [Benedict] Arnolds Bragade –
Tow Six pounders –
Major Genl: [Alexander] Lesles Bragade –
the Regt of Boss [Bose] –
two 3 pounders –
Bragade of Guards –
Queens Rangers –
Batt horses and Waggans –
a Rear Guard from the Bragade of Guards –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Petersburg 23d of May 1781

Inconsequence of the bad Weather Lord Cornwallis Orders an Extry a lowance, to Issued to the Troops at
3 OClock –
Battn. Orders 23d of May 1781
For the Day to Morrow Cap [William] Gore [33rd]

For Picquett Liut. [Stafford] Lightburn [37th] & [Robert] Walker [7th]
{ S C P
Detail { Picquett 1 .. 9

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Petersburg 23d May 1781

After Orders
During the Absence of Major Genl [Alexander Leslie] Lushly his Brogad will be Inspected and Reported
too Brigadear Genl [Charles O‟Hara] Oharah –
the Different Corps will Send will Send o the Commisary to Receive one days flour, the baggage to be
Loaded, and the Troops to be Ready to March at half a past 4 OClock to Morrow Morning
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders Westover 21st May 1781
When the Lt Infy Comes to thier ground a Solger Can be permited to Quite thier Ranks in Search
of [meals?] or Watter Untill Picquets or Centres are posted in front And then the offiocers Commanding
Companies will Send a Non Commission‟d officer With a Sufficient Number of men for the Above

Lt Coln. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] desiers that every Officer who is in health, Or
who has not been latley Ill, willly [will lie] in Camp with his Compy, And Caire Shall be taken to provide
Quarters for the Sick officers.
The greatest [Examety?] And Veglance [vigilance] are Expected from al officers, non
Commission‟d officers and Solgers On duty.

B: O –
For the day this Evening Capt. [William] Gore [33rd]
For Picquet Lieut [Stafford] Lightburne [37th]
For the day to Morrow Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th] For the Genls guard Lt [Thomas] Sweimer [70th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 6

Battn morning Order 25th May 1781

Each Negrow in the Batt : According to the Leat Regalasion to have a Ticquet marked With the Nomber
of the Company and Signed by his master, wich will allso be Signed by the Commanding officer, any
Negro found with out the Above his Emmediately to be Sent to the Quarter Master General
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qr 25th May 1781 –
Lord Cornwales is vere Sorry to find that the Soldiers Stragle from Camp behind the hout posts
[outposts], not withstanding his Repeted orders aganst it, he desires the picquets of the Defrant Corps will
Send frequent patrols to the houses neir there front and take any Soldiers they find Stragling out of Camp
and Send him Prisoner to his regiemant –
Battn: Orders
For the Day to morrow Cap . [George] Dilomple [42nd] –

for picquet Lieut [Hugh] Walles [22nd] –

Details { Serjt Corpls Privat
{ [none shown]

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters 16th. April

The Commander in Chife is Pleased to appoint Brevet Majr [John Breese] Breise of the 54th Regt.
to be Commandant of the Fort at Brookline and its Dependencays
19th Apl 1781 –
The Commander in Chief is much Supreised to find that the Regulation & Order gave out at Charles
Town for Realyeing to the Solgers the Sums Ariseing from Stopages for Captured Provision have not
been Carried into execution, his Excellency is therefore under the necessity of ordfering that all Field
officers British and German, in the District, Who Served on the Expedition to Charles Town do assemble
at Roublek Taveren on Monday next the 13th. [sic] of April to examine into the Reasons why, his
Instructions have not been Complyed with, And to take Such Steps as may ne necessary to Have them put
in Immediate execution
24th. Apl 1781
His Excellency the Commander in Chife has been
turn over
pleased to make the following promotions
33d. Regt.
L . Col [John] York from 22 . Reg . [and 1 Gren. Bn.] to be Lt. Coln Vice [James] Webster Killed
t n d t st

54th. Regt...

West Over 26th. May 1781
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders
Doctor [Charles Kerr] Karr [37th] is appointed to Inspect the Hosptile of the Lt Infantry, till farther Orders
Will Report Weekly the Sick of the Corps to Lt Coln [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.]

[Note: Westover was a plantation on the north bank of the James River about 20 miles from Petersburg.]

Batalion Orders
For the day to morrow Capt [William] Raymond [22nd].
For Picquet Lt [Thomas] Dunn [63rd]. For Lord
Cornwallis‟s Guard, Ens [Henry] Overing [54th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 7
Orderly at H. Qr 1 .. ..

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs. West Over 27th May 1781
the 43 . 76 & 80 Reg are to Report and be Inspected by Lt Coln. [Thomas] Dundass [80th]
d th th ts

[Note: About May 26 Lord Cornwallis dispatched Maj. Gen. Leslie with the 17 th and Ansbach Regts. to Portsmouth,
and reassigned the 43rd to Lt. Col. Dundas‟‟brigade.]

the Army will be in Readiness to march at 3. OClock and in the following Order
Queen‟s Rangers to the Left
Light Infantry
2 6 Pounders
the Regt. of Boes
2 3 Pounders
Bigadier Genl [Charles] OHarras Brigade [Guards]
2 6 Pounders
Lt. Coln. [Thomas] Dundass Brigade
the Batt horses & Wagans will follow the Collum
a Capt. and 50 Men from Lt. Coln. Dundas Brigade will march in the Head of the Wagons
Battn: Orders 27th May 1781
For the Day to morrow Captn. [Richard] Irven [70th] –
For Picquet Ensign [Richard] Dowlen [22nd] –
Detail { Serjts Corpls Privat
Picquet { .. 1 6

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Hoppers Hous 27th May 1781 –
After Orders
the troops will form in line of march Procisly at 4 OClock to morrow morning in the folowing order –
Queens Ringors –
Light Infantry –
two Six pounders –
Lieut Colo. Dundasses Bragade –
two Six pounders –

Rigt. of Boss [Bose] –
two 3 pounders –
Bragdier Genl OHarra Bragade –
Batt horses and Waggans as yousall –
Reir Guard – Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 4

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs. 28th May, 1781 –

Those Regts. who have no waggon Attached to them will apply to the Q. M. Genl. for One to bring thier
meate from the Cattle – pan –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs Bottoms Bridge 28th – May 1781 –
Commanding officers of Corps Are desired to Prevent the Scandalous practice of takeing horses from the
Contry people When the Commanding officers of Cavalry find any Horses Suitable to their Service they
will Report thier Having taken them the next Morning at Head Quarters

[Note: Bottoms Bridge crossed the Chickahominy River 18 miles east of Richmond, Va.]
[Unless?] when they are Dettached, in Which case the report is to be made the morning after their Joyning
the army Receipts are to be given [if possible?] and Certificates to all [illegible] persons (to be hereafter
paid) according to thier [illegible word] in future [Considering?] Who are neither in arms or in publick
Employment, or have abandandant thier Plantations
Commanding officers of Bragades of Infantry will take care that no Horses are taken by Regts from their
Bragades, excepting in cases of Emergency or Particular distress; When that Shall happen they shall
Report it at Head Quarters –
If any officers Should have the Misfortune to Lose thier horses without having means to get others, the
Q. M. Genl. Will assist in getting Some to them –
All Neagros who are not marked Acording to Orders geven at Peterburg will be taken & Sent from the
Army –
When Flags of Truce come to Out Posts they are
to be kept and the letters taken And Sent to Head Quarters, And the Flags Sent back –
Mr. Hector McCalaster is appinted Dy. Commissary of Prisoners –

Batalion Orders –
For the day this Evening Capt [Robert] Irving [70th].
For Picquet Ens [Richard] Dowling [22nd]

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 29th. May 1781 –

the Troops to form in the Line of March on the Roade Leading to Head Quarters Pesisly at 4 OClock in
the following Orders
Queens Rangers
Light Infantry
Two Six Pounders
Lt. Coln Dundasses Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
Two Six Pounders
Regt. of Bose
Two 3 pounders
Brigadier Genl OHarras Brigade [Guards]
Batt. Horses and Wagens, Captn & 50 y. as Usual

– All –
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs Hanover Court house May ye 30th 1781
An Extry Alowance of rum will be Isued to the troops this ^ 6 OClock after Noon

[Note: Hanover Courthouse is located about 20 miles north of Richmond, Va.]

Battn Orders
tn rd
For the day Cap [William] Goar [33 ]
For Picquet Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd] –

For the day to morrow Capt. [Eyre] Coote [37th] –

For Picquet Lt. John Campbell[74th] –
Corpl Andrews of 22d Light Compy is apponyed to do duty as Serjt and [Red?] Wood of Said Compy as
Corpl. Untill farther Orders – Detail S C P
Picquet .. ..
Genl Gd. 1 .. ..
ns o
Col D 1 .. ..
2 .. ..

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Hanover Court House 31st May 1781
The Surgens of the different Corps will give tickets to the Sick of thier Respective Corps
Who are to be Carried in Waggens upon the March Passes granted by Mr. McCalister Dy Commissary
of prisoners Are to be Respected at the Out Posts as Coming from Head Quarters. All passes Are to
be taken [at?] the Out post And to be Returned to Head Quarters
Lost near Mrs. Birds House at West Over a [plain?] Gold Watch With a guilt Chain And a [whe..?]
Carnelian Seal Set in gold, two Swivels and the Keay were broke from the Chain, Whoever will Return
the watch to Majr. [Edward] Brabazon [22nd/MOB] will be Landsomly [handsomely] Rewarded

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders

As Lt Col [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] finds the Battmen of the Lt Infy Straggle in a Most
Unmillitary Manner Over the Country in quest of Forrage, He Orders that when Forrage is wanted One of
the Qr. Master Shall assemble the Battmen & Horses of the Corps

And proceed to Such place or places As Shall be pointed Out to him by the Commanding officers who
take Care to order a sufficient party to Cover them

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] After general Orders

The troops will form in Order of March on the Great road near Head Quarters presisely at 4 OClock to
Morrow Morning in the following Order –
Light Infantry
Two 6 pounders.
Bregr Genl. OHarraw‟s Bregade [Guards]
Two 6 pounders
Regt of Boss [Bose],
Two 6 pounders
Lt Col. Dundasses Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]

Batt Horses & waggens
A Capt. and 50 from Col. Dundass‟s Brigade
–Returns to be given in of the number of horsestaken by the different Corps Since the order of the 28th.

[Note: Brig. Gen Arnold left the army to return to New York where he arrived in early June.]

Batalion Orders Stills Ordenary 1st June 1781

For the day Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd]. – For picquet Lt Coling Campbell [74th] –
For the day to Morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For picquet Lt [Robert] Walker [7th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 8

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] After Genl. Orders 1st June 1781 –

It is hoped that no Solger will distroy or Spoil, the Boalting Cloaths or other things belonging to the Mills
in the Contry, as it is of great Imporatnce to the army Having them prasrvoed [preserved]
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qr. Stills Ornery 2d June 1781
the reson the army Can onley be So ployed [supplied] with Inidan meal in Steed of Flower his howing to
Som Soldiers having Cut the Bolting Cloathes at Prices Mills; any Soldier that Shall be Decacted
[detected] in Cuting or Stiling anething be longing to a Mill Shall be Soverly punished and the Regt: or
Corps he be longs to will onley Erceve Ingin Mael or Flower with the bran in it for the next Fortnight

Batalion Orders 2d. June 1781 –

For the day to Morrow Capt. [Robert] Irving [70th]. For Picquet Lt [Thomas] Swimer [70th]. –
No Neagro to be Suffred to pass the [illegible] with
a Pass in writting from the Commanding officer
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 5

[Lt. Inf.] Bregade Orders 2d. June 1781 –

A Subaltern & 20 men from Each Batan. of Ligt. Infy. to parade in frount of the guns of the 2d. Batan. Lt
Infy at ½ past 5 OClock this Evening
After Batan. Orders
For the Above Duty at ½ past 5. OClock L . [Thomas] Swimmer [70th].

For Picquet to morrow Morning Liut. [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]

At 5 O Clock 2
Picquet 1 5
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] After Orders 2d. June
the Batt Horses to be loaded and the Troops Will [illegible] Ready to March precisly at 4 OClock the
troops? marching in the folloing Order –
Liut Col Dundass‟s Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
Regt of Boss [Bose]
Brigr Genl OHarra‟s Brigade [Guards]
Light Infantry

Batt Horses and Waggons

Batalion Orders 3d. June 1781

For the day to Morrow Capt. [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For picquet Lt [James] Rostron [7th]
Detail S C P
- - -
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Nichiobares Plantation 4th June 1781
This being his Majesty‟s birth day Lord Cornwallis is pleased to Order an Extra Alowance of Rum to the
troops at 6 O Clock this Evening

[Lt. Inf.] Briggade Orddrs

No Neagroes except those that are Marked and Numbered according to Lod Cornwallis‟s Regulation will
be permitted to remain with the Lt Infy
The Solgers of any Compy who shall after having this Order read to them, Harbour a black will have thier
Rum Kept At the discreadtion [discretion] of the Commanding Officer of the Batalion to which they
belong –
Liut. Col. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig] is well Informed that Mush [much] Injustice is don to
the peceable Inhabitance by the Neagros of the Army Who either are, or pretend to be Sent by thier
Masters for horses, provisions &c &c The Lt. Col. Therefore Orders that no Neagro, or other Servants of
the Lt Infy Shall be permited to go beyond the posts Without an Pass Sined by Him, He farther Orders
that No Neagro or Servant Whatever Shall be allowed to pass the Lt Infy Sentry‟s
Without a Permission Sined by the officer Commanding the bregade or Corps to which he belongs.
The Officers on duty are requested yo pay the Strictest Obedience to the above orders –

Batalion Orders Coxs Plantation 5th. June 1781

For the day Cap . [George] Dalyrmple [42nd]

For the Picquet Immediately Lt. [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qurs. Cocks Plantation 5th June 1781
Lord Cornwallis desires the Commanding ooicers of Corps to Examain Strictly what Number of
neagros Are with thier Rispective Corps, and See that no more are kept then those that are allowed by the
Regulations, Adn they will Order all the Above Bodied Neagros which they find Above the Number
allowed to officers to be taken Up and Sent to Capt Brown of the Pinnier s –
as Private [illegible phrase]
out Posts are not to Suffer any forrageing party to pass without a Commissin‟d Offr, Any Servant or
battman who is found Stragling from the forrageing Partey Or Returning to camp before the party Will be
Sevearly punished Detail S C P

Battn. Orders 7th June 1781

Foe the Day to morrow Captn. [William] Gore [33rd] –
For picquet Lieut [Christopher] Laester [63rd]
Detail Serjt Corpls Privat
1 5
Battn. Orders 10th June 1781 –
For the Day to morrow Captn. [Robert] Irven [70th] –

For picquet Lieut. [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
Detail {Serjt Corpls Privat
Serj Campbell orderly { 1 1 7

[out of sequence note] Battn Orders 24th A October

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Elk Hill 11th June 1781 –
All Strengors Coming in to the out posts are to be forwarded with out Dele to Head Qrs.

[Note: Elk Hill was a plantation owned by Thomas Jefferson on the James River, 29 miles southeast of Jefferson‟s
main estate at Monticello.]

[Lt. Inf.] Bragade Orders

when Desarters or Strengors Shall Com to any post of the Light Infantry, the most be Emmediately Sent
to Lt. Coll. [Robert] Abecromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] wo will forrad them to head Quarters
Battn. Orders
for the Day to morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]; for Picquet Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]

Alexander Fraser apointed to Do Duty as Corpl furstest [versus?] [illegible] in 42d Light
Detail { .. .. 6

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] After Genl Orders

Head Qrs Elk hill 11th of June 1781 –
the Wagons to be Loaded and Ready to Move to Night at twelve OClock to Night [sic] under the Escort
of 1 Captn, 2 Subaltern and Sixty Men
The Sick of the Different Corps to be Sent to the Wagons as Soon as possible.
the Batt horses to be Loaded and the Troops Under Arms, Ready to Move at Four OClock to
Morrow Morning in the following Order –
Lt Coln Dundasses Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
A Regt of Boass [Bose]
Brigadier Genl Oharas Brigade [Guards]
Brigade of Light Infantry
the Batt horses will Move in the front of the Column with an Officer and 20 men from Lt Coln Dundasses

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs Elk Hill June 13th 1781
No inhabitants of this Cuntry are to be permited to Pass the Out Post after Sun Sett, unless the are
attended by an Orderly Sergt. from Head Qrs and All the Who attempt to Go out after that time with a
Usual Written Pass, are to be Stoped and Detained at the next Quarter Guard till Morning when the are to
be Sent to head Quarters
Battn Orders 13 June 1781
For the Day Cap . [William] Goar [33 ] for Picquett Lt [Thomas] Swimmer [70th]
tn rd

Detail { S C P
{ 1 1 3
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] General Orders 13 June
the Sick be in Wagons before twelve OClock to Night –
the Batt Horses to Move at 4 OClock and the Army to be in Readinss to Move at ½ After 4 OClock –

} Detail 1 8

Battn Orders 14th June 1781

tn th
for the Day Cap . [Eyre] Coote [37 ]
for Piquet Lt. [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
Detail { S C P
{ - 1 4

Battn Orders 15th June 178 –

For the Day this Evening Cap . [George] Dilremple [42nd]

for Piquett Lt. [James] Roston [7th] –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Westham 15 June 1781

the Sick to be in the Wagons Presisly at 4 OClock
the Batt Horses to be Loaded and to Move ½ after five and the Troops to March at 6 OClock

[Note: Westham was a small town on the James River, seven miles above Richmond.]
Detail } 4

Battn Orders 16th June 1781

for the Day this Evening Cap [William] Ramon [22nd]

for Piquet Lt [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] –

For the Day to Morrow Captn [illegible]
for Piquet Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th]
Detail { S C P
{ - - 6
[Greenhoulth?] Orderly { 1
Subaltern Piquet { 1

Battn Orders 17th June 1781

For the Day to Morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For Piquett Ensign [Richard] Dowlin [22nd]

{S C P
[Rear Guard Patrol?] { 1 7

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs. Richmond 18th June 1781

Majr. Genl [Alexander] Lessleyes Brigade is for the present
to be Under the Inspection of Lt. Col. [John] York [33rd] –
it is Recommendid to the [illegible words] neagros in thier [illegible words]

Battn orders –
For the day to morrow Capt [William] Gore [33rd]
For Picquet Lt [Christopher] Leaster [63rd] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 7

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Richmond 19th June 1781
the troops are to Receve one days Salt meart for to morrow from the Commissary, at 3 OClock to day

Batalion Order
For the day to Morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
For picquet Lt John Campbell [74th] –
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 1 8
[note page – no orders]
Batt orders June [illegible

Hed Qrs Masbr goal

Head Quarters Virginia 24th June 1781

[following lines rotated 90 degeees to left]

On Duty 6
Comming of duty 4
Taylors 2
Mounted 2
absent by leave 2
Sick Absent 2
Do present 5
Servants 3
Waishing [sic] 2
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Richmond Head Qrs. 20th June 1781 –
The Sick of Difernt Corps that are to be Sent a way are to be in the Boats at half Past 2 OClock 2 Days
Provissans Redy Drest The Troops Will Risave 2 Days Salt Pork from the Commesery Genaral A Sistant
[assistant] for the 20th Inclusive –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qr 20 June 1781

Batt horses to be Loded and the Troops in Redness to march at 3 OClock to morrow morning in the
following order
Bragade of Light Infantry –
Lieut Coll. Dondasses Bragade – [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
Rigt. of Boss [Bose] –
Lieut Coll. Yorks Bragade – [17th, 23rd, 33rd and 71st Regts.]
Bragade of Guards –
Batt horses and Waggans –
Queens Rangers –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 21st June 1781

The Marks Men of the 1 Batt . are to Join thier Companes untill further orders –
st n

Batalion Orders 21st June
For the day Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd]. For Picquet Lt Collin Campbell [74th]
Detail S C P

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Frazir Farm 21st June 1781
the troops to fom a Colom of March on the Greate Road at 4 OClock precesily in the following Order –
Brigade of Guards –
Liut. Coll. Yorks Brigade [17th, 23rd, 33rd and 71st Regts.]

Regt of Boss [Bose]

Liut. Col. Dundasses Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
Bragade of Lt Infy
Batt Horses & Waggans

Batalion Orders 21st June

For the day Capt [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Picquet Lt [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –
For the day to Morrow Capt [Robert] Erving [70th]
For Picquet Lt [Robert] Walker [7th]
For the furrageing partey at 6 OClock Lt [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 ? ?
[Bear or Rear?] Gd 1 ? ..

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 23d June 1781

Lt Col. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] is Sorry to find that officers in his Brigade Will Retain a
Number of [Horses Exceeding?] the [illegible words] by Lord Cornwallis he [Understands?] also that
Sevral Women keep Horses which he will by no means permit, he Looks to Majr. [Thomas] Armstrong
[17th/ 1st Lt. Inf.] & Capt [St Lawrence] Boyd [38th/ 2nd Lt. Inf.] as Officers Responsable for [illegible
Under thier Command, no more than one Solger pr Compy Can be Employed as Battmen to attachd
baggade [illegible] [Concis?] &c
Lt. Col. [Robert] Abercromby Again Calls Upon the Officers to be more Attentive to thier
devessons [divisions] Upon the March, Several Solgers have Latley quited thier Ranks in day light
withour the knowledge of thier Officers, And have not Since Made thier Appearance
The Convalanceants on Moveing must be better attended in future –
– Detail S C P
1 .. 3

Batelion Orders 24th June

For the Day Capt [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] For Picquett Leut [Thomas] Swimer [70th]
Battn: Orders 25th June 1781 –
No Non Commissiond officer or Soldeir on any pretence what ever to be Suffered to go To Town with
out a pass in writing, Signed by the Commanding officer –
A Court Martil to assemble at 12 OClock Capt. [William] Gore [33rd] presedant
Lieuts { { [James] Stewart [42nd]
[John] Graham [54 ] { Members {

[Christopher] Leister [63rd] { {

[Note: Capt. Lt. Samuel Graham, 76th Regt., reported the army arrived at Williamsburg on June 25, 1781.]

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 25th June 1781 –

the officers Commanding Brageds
are Immediately to Inspect the Horses of the Different Corps Under their Command and to take the most
Effectual means to put the orders Relative to Horses and Negros in to Execution –
all the Suoernumerary horses to be Delivered to the Qr. Mr Genl and Negros to Capt Brown –
Lord Cornwallis is Convinced that no Officer would Sell a hors that he as taken in the Contry – if there
fore any of the horses wich as bean So taken which apear to the Commanding officers of
Bragades to be in aney Regroe [regard] fit for the Cavltree [cavalry] Serves he will Report them to head
Quarters, and the afterwards be Somited to the inspection of the officer Commanding Coprs of Cavaltree
if the officer wo may be in possision of a hors fit for the Cavaltree Serves as not got his alawance of
horses exclusive of [his?] the Qr. Mr. General will furnish him with a hors Other with a Sadal or Corring
it is Expected that Lieut Colls.
[John Graves] Simco [Queen‟s Rangers] and [Bannister] Talton [Brit. Leg.] will pay the Strictest
Inspection to there Respective Corps and Send there Supernumumary Negros and horses as above
Directed –
the Commanding officers of Artelery to the Commissanry; Commassaratie of Militia and Cattle Drivers
in Spected by the Quarter Master General the Reports to be made Wednesday next –

Battn Orders

For the Day this Evening Capn. [William] Gore [33rd]

For picquet Lieut [Hugh] Walles [22nd]
Detail S C P
- 1 7

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade O 26 June 1781 –

Lt: Colo. [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] Will Inspect the Negrovoes [Negroes] and horses of
the Lt: Infantry to Morrow morning at 7 OClock

[Note: Dr. James Carter of Williamsburg wrote in 1781 to Thomas Wellings in London that “...Colo Abercombie who
commanded the Light Infantry Quartered at my House, and I shall for ever Remember with gratitude the Kind
treatment I received from him.” According to Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series –
1620, Carter's property was listed as Lots 212-217 which was bounded by Scotland, Henry, and Boundary Streets.]

Batt Orders
For the Day to Morrow Capt [George] Dullrampell [42nd]
For Picquet Lt. [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]
Detail S C P
.. 1 4
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Williamsburg 27th June 1781
The Quarter Master for tomorrow Light Infantry

[Note: The Army headquarters was in the President‟s House of the College of William and Mary. Gen. Sir Henry
Clinton wrote in his narrative that on June 26, Lord Cornwallis received his letter dated June 11 th, requesting him to
return a number of regiments to New York as soon as they could be spared. Clinton requested the troops in the
following sequence: the two light infantry battalions, 43 rd, 76th or 80th Regts, two Ansbach battalions, Queen‟s Rangers,
detachment of 17th Dragoons, and a proportion of artillery.]

Battn Orders 27th June 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Captn [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Picquet Lieut [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd] –
Detail {Serjt Corpls Privats
picquet { 3
Guard { 1 2

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Williamsburge 28th June 1781 –

Lod Cornwallis Desires that Lieut Coll [John Graves] Simceo [Queen‟s Rangers] Will Except of his
warmest Acknowlegments for his Sperated and judicious Conduckt in the Acation of the 26th Instant,
when he Repateedd Dafeted So Sopear a fors of the Enemy –
he Likewise Desirys that Lieut. Coll. Simcoe will Communiket his thanks to the officers &C of the
Queens Rangers and to Capt [Johann] Evalt of the Detachment of Yagors –
the yagors have promition to Discharge there Rifels this after noone –
Reterns of officers for purchase, and Vollanteers to be Given in –

Battn Orders 28th June 1781

For the Day to morrow Captn. [Robert] Irven [70th] –
For Picquet Lieut [Thomas] Dunn [63rd] –
Detail Serjt Corpls Privats
Picquet { 1 3
Guard { 1 4
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters Williams Burg 29th June 1781
The Honorabel [George] Lord Chewton Lieut Coln. Comandant of 87th Regt his to be Obead as
Eadycamp [aid-de-camp] to Lord Corn Wallice
Lord Cornwallice his pleased to Order the Usual Returns for 2 hundred Days Batt and forrage Money to
be Sent to the Depiate Quarter Master Genl

[Lt. Inf.] Brigad Orders 29th June 1781 –

the Morning Parade of the Light Infantry Will be at 8 OClock in the Morning and the Evening Parade at
Seven OClock till further Orders

Battn. Orders 28th [sic] June 1781 –

For the Day to Morrow Captn [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]
For Picquett Leutenant John Greame [54th]
Picquett { Serjt Co P
Detail { 0 4
Guard { 1 2
[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 29th June 1781
A Court of Enquirey from the Brigade of Lt. Infy to Sett to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock Consistong of a
Captn and four Subaltans to Examine into a Compliant Made by Lt [Henry ] Jamison of 80th Light
Companey, against Mr. Mack Master Suttlar to the Battn: of Light Infy all Evadance to attend –

Battn Orders 30 June
For the Day to Morrow Cap [Eyre] Coote –

For Piquett Leutenant [Christopher] Lester [63rd]

{Piquett S C P
{ 4
Guard 4

Battn Orders 1st July 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Captn. [George] Dyrompeel [42nd]
For Picqueet Lieut [James] Stewart [42nd]
Detail { Serjt Corpls Privats
Picquett { 1 5
Guard { 2 0 1

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quartr. Williamsburgh 3d July 1781

[remainder of page blank]
Battn Orders 2d June 1781
For the Day to morrow Capt. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For Picquet Lt [illegible] Campbell
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 5
Guard 1 1 4

Battn Orders 3d July 1781

For the day tomorrow Capt [Robert] Irven [70th]
For Picquet Lt [Stafford] Lightburn [37th]
Detail S C P
Picquet 5
Guard 1
orderly at Head Quarts Serjt [Greenbaugh?]

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarts Williamsburgh 3d June 1781

The Baggage to be loaded and the troops to be in Readiness to march precisly at 5 OClock tomorrow
morning in the following order
Brigade of Lt Infany
Lieut. Coll Dundass Brigade – [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
Regimt of Boss [Bose]
Lieut: Coll. Yorks Brigade [17th, 23rd, 33rd and 71st Regts.]
Brigade of Guards –
Batt Horses & Waggons

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quartr 4th July 1781

Lord Cornwallis has been pleased to order an Extra allowance of Rum to be Issued to the troops this
Evening at Six OClock –

Battn Orders 4th July 1781 –

For the day tomorrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th] –

for picquet Lt [Robert] Walker [7th] –

Detail S C P
Picquet 4
Guard 4
[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quartr 5th July 1781
Quartr Mast for the day tomorrow Lt Infany –

Battn Orders 5th July –

For the day tomorrow Capt [William] Gore [33rd], for picquet Lieut [Thomas] Swimmer [70th]

Detail S C P
Picquet 4
Guard 1 2
Orderly Serjt Jones at Head Quartr

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 5th July 1781

The Batt Horses to be loaded at 6 OClock to Morrow morning & to pass Over to James Island with a Qr
Master a [Serjt?] and [words hidden in binding]
The Qr. Master Will Keep the Horses of thier Respective Corps together And report to the Dy. Qr. Master
Genl. at the place of Embarkation what Numbers they have to be Carried over the River not exceeding the
The officers May Keep thier addaional horses

After Battn Orders

For the day Immediatly Capt [William] Goare [33rd]
For the day to morrow Capt [Eyre] Coote [37th]
Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 6
[horse guard?] 1 .. 1
guard 1 .. 1
Batalion Orders 5th July 1781
For the day to Morrow Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Picquet Lt [Hugh] Wallace [22nd]

Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 6
Guard .. .. 3

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 7th July 1781

L . Cornwallice Returns his Best thanks to the Officers & Soldiers of the Artilery, Cavalry and Infantry
for their Zeal and Gallantry in the Affair Yesterday the Spirit and dissapline of the 76th. and 80th.
Regiments on whom the Brount of the Action fell Reflect the Highest Honour on these Corps and Merit
his Particular Admination [approbation?] –
Lord Cornwallice his pleased to Order an Extry Alowance of Rum to the Soldiers

[Note: Lord Cornwallis‟ army strongly repelled an attack by the forces of Marquis de Lafayette at the Battle of
Greensprings in the late afternoon of July 6, 1781 near Jamestown, Va.]

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 8th July 1781 –

Liut Collonel [Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.] his Much Pleased with the Zeal and Spirit of the
Lt Infantry
on the Evening of the 6th. Instant but was Very Sorry to here Shouting from a Part of the Corps, Nothing
Can be More un Military than Such Practice, it his following the Example of Saviges and un Disseplined

Battn. Orders 8th July 1781 –

For the Day to morrow Cap . [Robert] Irven [70th] –

Detail { Serjt Corpls Privats

Guard { 2

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 10th July 1781 –

the Batt Horses to be Loaded and the Troops Ready to March Pesesly at 4 OClock to Morrow Morning in
the following Order
Lt. Collonel Dundasses Brigade [43rd, 76th, and 80th Regts.]
A Regt of Boass [Bose]
Lt. Collonel Yorks Brigade [17th, 23rd, 33rd and 71st Regts.]
Brigade of Guards
Brigade of Light Infantry
Batt Horses and Waggons –
Bettalion Orders 12th July 1781 –
For the day to Morrow Capt. [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Picquet Liuts. [John] Graham [54th] and [Christopher] Leaster [63rd]
Detail S C P
Picquet 1 .. 6

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quartr New York 24th May 1781 –
Major [Oliver] Delancy of 17th Lt. Dragoons is appointed to act as Adjutant Genl untill further orders
7th June –
It is the Commander in Cheif orders that no soldier whose service intitle him to his Majestys Royal
bounty of Chelsia shall for the future be put into the Garrison Battn –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarts Suffolk 13th July 1781

The Brigade of Light Infantry, the 43d & 76th
Regimts will hold thenselves in Readiness to Move to morrow morning under the orders of Lieut Coll.
[Robert] Abercromby [37th/ Lt. Inf. Brig.]. – The Batt Horses of the above corps are to be dilivered up this
evening – to the deputy Quart: Master Genl. who will alott a Sufficient number of Waggons to carry the
baggage of each Corps –

[Note: This order sends Lt. Col. Abercromby to Portsmouth with the troops obligated to return to New York in
accordance with Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s orders to Lord Cornwallis dated June 11. However, Cornwallis wrote to Maj.
Gen. Leslie on July 20 from Suffolk that “...By a letter I have received this instant from the Commander-in-Chief it is
necessary to stop the sailing of the expedition, which you will be pleased to do, and remain with the transports in
Hampton Road until you hear further from me.” Suffolk is located across the James River about 50 miles south of

[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters Portsmouth 15th July 1781 –

All the Horses, those Belonging to Field officers & Staff of the Army Excepted, to be Given in
Immediately to A Person Ordered to Receive them at the Depute Quartermaster Wagon Yard
intiren [in return] the Officers who have Actualy Purchased horses now Ordered to be give in will
Receive What money the gave for them by Aplying to the Qr. Master General
Battn Orders 15th July 1781
For the Day To Morrow Cap : [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For Pt Lt Colling Campbel [74th]

{S C P
Detail Picquet { 4

Battalion Orders 18th. July 1781 –

On board the Andrew – 7th. – 22d – 54 –
On board the Robert – 70 – 42 –
On board the Racehorse 33 – 37 – 83 –
An officer & 50 men of the 74th Compy to go with the 2d. Battalion, the Remainder of that Companey to
go on Board the Robert.
The Baggage belonging to different officers now on board the Andrew to be Immediatly Removed to thier
Own Ships And the Sick to be Sent on board this Evening
[Maj. Gen. Leslie‟s Orders] Head Quarters 16th July 1781
Major Gen [Alexander] Lessley has been Pleased to give the following Regulation for the Embarkation
of Horses
Colonels & other
Lt Collones Commanding Brigades 3
Majors 2
Captns Commanding Corps 2
Majors of Brigade 2
r l
[A Sesnet?] Q Master Gen 2
Captns 1
Adjutants 1
Quartermasters 1

the 76th Regt to Embark to Morrow Morning at 5 OClock

The Light Infy to Embark to Morrow Evening at [9?] OClock
The Alitary [artillery] and waggon Horses to be Embarked Early to Morrow Morning also the Horses
belonging to The Different Corps as all the Transports to Drop Down to Morrow Evening
Battlion Orders 16th July 1781
For the day to morrow Capt [William] Gore [33rd] –
For picquet Lt. [Stafford] Lightburne [37th] –
Detail S C p
Picquet .. 1 4
Guard 1 .. 2

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 17th July 1781.

The Light Infy: to march precisely at ½ past 3 OClock and to Embark at the Qr. M. Generals Warf.
2 boats and 2 Waggens Will be ready to Carry the baggage

[Note: Capt. Lt. Samuel Graham, 76th Regt., noted in his memoirs (p. 55) that “The light infantry and some regiments
embarked about the beginning of August, and sailed for York River.”]

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Richmond Frigate 30 July 1781 –
The Troops will draw three Days Biscuit & Pork immediatly to take on Shore with them When the Signal
is made for Landing – the Brigade of Light Infantry 43d Regt
and Infantry of the Queens Rangers will get in to the Boats and Receve there orders from Lieut. Colo.
[Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig]
the 76th Regt. and two Battalions of Ansbach will be in Readness to Land when the Boats Returns

[Note: Lord Cornwallis wrote Sir Henry Clinton on Aug. 12th from Yorktown that he “...went myself on board the
Richmond very early in the morning of the 29th...” He also had notified Clinton on July 27th that Maj. Gen. Leslie had
sailed on the 25th to take command at Charleston, S.C.]

Battalion Orders 2d. August 1781 –

t th
For this day Cap [Eyre] Coote [37 ].
For picquet Lt [Thomas] Swimer [70th],
For the day to Morrow Capt [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Picquet Lt [Hugh] Wallace [22nd].
Detail S C P
Picquet .. 1 5
Guard .. .. 2

[Note: Lord Cornwallis wrote to Sir Henry Clinton from Yorktown on Aug. 12th that “I embarked the 80th regiment in
boats and went myself on board the Richmond very early in the morning of the 29 th; but we were so unfortunate in
winds as to be four days on our passage. The 80th landed on the night of the 1st at Gloucester, and the troops which
were in transports [including the Lt. Infantry], on the morning of the 2nd, at this place. I have since brought the 71 st and
the [British] Legion hither, and sent the regiment du Prince Hereditaire to Gloucester. The works on the Gloucester
side are in some forwardness, and I hope in a situation to resist a sudden attack. Brigadier-General O’Hara is
hastening as much as possible the evacuation of Portsmouth. As soon as he arrives here, I will send to New York every
man that I can spare consistent with the safety and subsistence of the force in this country.”]
[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] Head Quarters New York June 17th 1781 –
When Ever Regts or Detachments Embark, the officer or Noncommissioned Ofiter Comd on Board Each
Vessel his Imediatly after the Embarkation to Send a Return to the Adjutant Genls. Office of the Number
of Officers, Non Commissioned Oficers Drummers and privates Women and Children Embarked
Distinguish With the Corps to With [which] the Belong; this his to be a Standing order and the
Comdrder En chief [commander in chief] Expects the Strictest Atention Well be Paid to it –
26th June 1781 –
the Commander in Chief has been Pleased to Make the following Promotions
22d. Regt
Lieu . Collonel [William Crosbie] Crossby from the 3 Batt 60th. to be Lieut. Collonel Vice [John] York

Removed to 33d
14 April 1781
3d Battn 60th Regt...
71st Regt...

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders, Head Quarters, New York] 2nd July 1781 –
His Excelincy the Commander in Chief has been Pleased to Appoint Major Generals [Hon. Alexander]
Lesley and [John] Campbell to act as Lieut Genls till His Majestys Pleasure is Known –

His Most Serene Highness the Landgrave of [hesse?] his bein Pleased to Confer the Order [illegible
words] Hilitaire, on the following Officers
Major Genl Knoblach...

[Gen. Sir Henry Clinton‟s Orders] 7th July 81 [New York] Orders
the Commander in Chief has been Pleased to Make the following promotions
22d Regt...
63d Regt...
7th Regt...

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Qrs. [Yorktown] 3d. August 81 –

the Reg are to get thier Heavy Baggage on Shore has Soon has Possible, Capt Campbell [illegible] Qr

Genl Will Point out Straw for the Corps, Who are not Aleady provided. –
no Officers Can be allowed Quarters in Tuown [town?] Except the Genl. Officers, Staffs, and Such
Officers Commanding Officers of Battns. May have a Reson to [Live?] in Cantoonmates thier
Encampments[sic] by A Plying to Captn Campbell

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 3d [sic] August 81

No forraging Party to be Sent Out Without previlous [previous?] Aplication to head Quarters

Battn Orders 3d. August 81

for the Day to Morrow Cap . [William] Reamiond [22nd]

for Picquett Lieut. [Hon. Edward] Finch [87th/37th]

Bettn Orders York [Town] 4th. Augt 1781
the Baggage to be Landed a soon as possible as the Andrew transport Sails at 12 OClock this day – the
Quarter master will show the Stores where it is to be Lodged –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters 5th Augt 1781 –

a Working party with Arms Consisting of a Field Officer 5 Captains 10 Subs and 300 Men with
Noncommissioned officers inproportion to parade at 5 OClock this Evening upon the Right of the Light
Infantry –
Field officer for the above Duty Major [Thomas] Armstrong [17th/1st Lt. Inf. Bn.]
Detail Captn Subs Rank & file
t y
L Inf 3 6 160
43d and 76th Regts 2 4 140
Total 5 10 300

Passes to be taken from persons going out and Sent by the officer Commanding picquets to the deputy
Adjt Genl. Every Morning –

[Lt. Inf.] Brigade Orders 5th Augt 1781

No persons bringing provissions to town is to be Stoped on any Account or the things taken from them by
the Picquet
Battn Orders 5th Aug 1781

For Picquet Emmedtately [10 OClock?] Lieut [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd], Lieut. [Thomas] Dunn
[63rd] –
For the Day to morrow Captn [George] Dalrymple [42nd]
For Picquet Ensign [Henry] Overing [54th] –

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarter York 4th Agust 1781

Liu Col [Robert] Abercromby [37th/Lt. Inf. Brig.] will be pleased to give directions with respect to

posting the picquett of the line

Four days provisions to the 8th Inst. Inclusive Will be Issued to the Troops this Evening by the
Commissary Generals Assistant at the landing
The Commanding Officers of the different Corps are Requested to Send as [many?] Neagros from
their Respective Corps as they can possably Spare; to be Imployed for a while On the publick Service,
They are to be Sent as soon as Collected to the Commissary‟s Store at the landing.

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters York 4th Agust 1781 –

After Orders
A Working Party with Arms Consisting of 1 Field Officer, 4 Capts; 8 Subs and 200 With non
Commissioned officers in proportion, to parade at 5 OClock this evening On the right of the Light
Field Officer for the Above duty Majr [David] Fearguson [43rd]
Capts Subs R&file
Light Inf 2 4 120
43 & 76th. Regts 2 4 80
Total 4 8 200
Battalion Orders York 4th [sic] Agust
For the day to morrow Cap [Eyre Power] Trench [54th]

For picquet Lt [John Wheeler] Collington [33rd]

Detail S C P
Picquet .. .. 5
Guard 1 .. 2

[Lord Cornwallis‟ Orders] Head Quarters York 6th August 1781 –

A Working Party as yeasterday –
Field Officer Major [Francis] Needham [76th] – one Days fresh Meat to be Isued to the troops to morrow
the Regts to Send there buchers to the Cattle Pen at 4 OClock in the Morning
Convalestings to be Sent as Saff [safe] Quards to the Deffirant Houses in the town –

Battn Orders 6th Augts 1781 –

For the Day immediately Captn. [William] Raymond [22nd]
For picquett imeditialy [illegible in binding]

[Note: Lord Cornwallis surrended the posts of Yorktown and Glouscester on Oct. 19, 1781. The troops of the 1 st Light
Infantry Bn. became prisoners of war and were not released until 1783.]
[scribbled note page – no orders. End of Order Book.]


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